Results for ' historical self-overcoming'

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  1.  37
    Nietzsche and the Self-Overcoming of Historical Consciousness.Jason Kemp Winfree - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (3):333-351.
    This paper addresses the self-overcoming of historical consciousness in Nietzsche’s “The Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life” and contemporaneous texts. I argue that Nietzsche’s particular historical awareness, which conditions his treatment of historiography [Historie], is indebted to the lineage of German Idealism it also overtly contests. That contestation reaches its apex in Nietzsche’s valorization of appearance and the redirection of poietic power, which enables him to affirm an art of history rather than a science thereof, (...)
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    The Self-Overcoming of (Western) Postmodern Aesthetics.Gerald Cipriani - 2020 - Espes 9 (1):16-25.
    This essay explores the nihilistic nature of the idea of postmodern aesthetics in the Western world by highlighting its historical and cultural specificity in contrast with non-Western postmodernities, in particular in East Asia, and this in spite of their formal similarities. We then have to question the nature, possibility and implication of Western postmodern aesthetics overcoming itself within the context of globalisation.
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  3.  17
    Nihilistic Thinking as the Self-Will of the Mind and the Projects of Its Overcoming.Irina N. Sidorenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):74-87.
    The author analyzes the conceptions of ontological nihilism in the works of S. Kierkegaard, F. Nietzsche, M. Heidegger, E. Jünger. On the basis of this analysis, violence is defined as a manifestation of nihilism, of the “will to nothingness” and hypertrophy of the self-will of man. The article demonstrates the importance of the problem of nihilism. The nihilistic thinking of modern man is expressed in the attitude toward a radical transformation of the world from the position of his “absolute” (...)
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    Enlightenment, Historicity, and the Teleological Overcoming of Skepticism.Ezequiel L. Posesorski - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:223-233.
    One recently discovered aspect of Reinhold’s early Elementarphilosophie is that it constitutes the last historical step of a teleological activity of reason that ends the history of philosophy. The historical emergence of Reinhold’s system first enables the recognition of the ever-existing laws of the human spirit, and hence, the definitive grounding of philosophy on an unquestionable Grundsatz. According to Reinhold, this also meant that all pre-critical or non-enlightened, partisan assertions, including those of skepticism, lose their raison-d’être. One failure (...)
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    Overcoming Dichotomies.Elmar Holenstein - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):313-316.
    A symposium with the title “Tradition, Modernity and Postmodernity: Eastern and Western Perspectives” is in need of a subtitle auch as “Overcoming Dichotomies.” Societies, as well as historical epochs, are complex and overlapping phenomena. A clash between complex civilizations will naturally be a complex encounter. The conflicting parties will always find kindred souls on the other side, motivated by converging interests and values. Modernity and secularism are not inseparable, and tradionality and secularism are not incompatible (see Confucian politology). (...)
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  6. Overcoming "the Present Limits of the Necessary": Foucault's Conception of a Critique.Tuomo Tiisala - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (S1):7-24.
    This essay offers a novel interpretation of Michel Foucault’s original and often misunderstood conception of philosophy as a critical activity. While it is well known that Foucault’s critique undertakes to disclose contingent limits of thought that appear necessary in the present, the nature of the obstacle whose overcoming critique is meant to facilitate remains poorly understood. I argue that this obstacle, “the present limits of the necessary,” resides on the unconscious level of thought Foucault identified as the object of (...)
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  7. Reason, Self, and the Good in the Philosophies of Charles Taylor and Juergen Habermas.David K. Wood - 2000 - Dissertation, Drew University
    The debate between Jurgen Habermas and Charles Taylor is reflective of the enduring conflict between liberal philosophy with its emphasis upon freedom, equality, and legal rights, and Aristotelianism with its accent upon the cultivation of virtue, personal responsibility and shared notions of the Good. Though grounded in opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum, both men remain critical of the burgeoning effects of instrumental rationality and the social atomization and anomie it continues to generate; both understand the extent to which the (...)
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    On the way to overcoming the gaps: national philosophical heritage in the modern context.В. В Сидорин - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (3):34-40.
    The frequent opposition of “philosophy in Russia” and “Russian philosophy” is consid­ered by the author as a counterproductive dilemma that prevents the natural interaction of the cultural and historical originality of national philosophizing and world philosophi­cal culture. The most important point in this regard is the need of depoliticization and dei­deologization of discussions about the Russian philosophical heritage. One of the key problems in this regard is the circumstance that the contemporary history of Russian phi­losophy continues to use the (...)
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    Modeling habits as self-sustaining patterns of sensorimotor behavior.Matthew D. Egbert & Xabier E. Barandiaran - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:96572.
    In the recent history of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, the notion of habit has been reduced to a stimulus-triggered response probability correlation. In this paper we use a computational model to present an alternative theoretical view (with some philosophical implications), where habits are seen as self-maintaining patterns of behavior that share properties in common with self-maintaining biological processes, and that inhabit a complex ecological context, including the presence and influence of other habits. Far from mechanical automatisms, this organismic (...)
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  10.  10
    Rethinking Rights: Historical, Political, and Philosophical Perspectives.Bruce P. Frohnen & Kenneth L. Grasso (eds.) - 2008 - University of Missouri.
    As reports of genocide, terrorism, and political violence fill today’s newscasts, more attention has been given to issues of human rights—but all too often the sound bites seem overly simplistic. Many Westerners presume that non-Western peoples yearn for democratic rights, while liberal values of toleration give way to xenophobia. This book shows that the identification of rights with contemporary liberal democracy is inaccurate and questions the assumptions of many politicians and scholars that rights are self-evident in all circumstances and (...)
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  11. Contemporary Chinese Neo-Scholasticism and the Overcoming of the Malaise of Modernity.Vincent Shen - 2010 - Philosophy and Culture 37 (11):5-22.
    This paper from the dilemma of the modern super-g to re-read and judge the angle of the Chinese New Scholasticism. Western modern legislation based on human subjectivity, emphasizing human reason, and who constructed the appearance of culture. In which, with the appearance of the main building through rational, manipulation of power, domination of others and otherness, creating a solid all embarrassed, defects clusters. Neo-Confucian emphasis on human subjectivity and for the reconstruction of Chinese philosophy and laid a priori basis for (...)
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  12.  17
    Crisis of sciences and phenomenology: Overcoming or radicalization?Mikhail Belousov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):40-72.
    In his late works Husserl interprets the crisis of European sciences as the loss of their meaning for life. The diagnosis seems to suggest therapeutic strategy: to overcome the crisis, phenomenology must return to the evidences of the life-world. The article argues that the husserlian strategy of overcoming the crisis consists not in the elimination of the break with the prescientific evidences of the natural attitude, but, on the contrary, in the radicalization of the breach. Thus, I want to (...)
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  13.  31
    Italians, the “Good People”: Reflections on National Self-Representation in Contemporary Italian Debates on Xenophobia and War.Paolo Favero - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):138-153.
    Normal 0 0 1 91 520 .. 4 1 638 11.1280 0 14 0 0 Moving among historical material and contemporary debates on xenophobia and war, this paper is an exploration of the self-representation “ Italiani Brava Gente ”, an image claiming the intrinsic goodness of the Italian people. Originated during the first Italian colonial enterprises, it has been used also for overcoming the horrors of Fascism and is evoked in contemporary Italy too for justifying traumatic and (...)
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  14.  8
    Historical Injustice, Rawlsian Egalitarianism, and Political Contestation.Burke A. Hendrix - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 27 (1):73-98.
    Jeremy Waldron has plausibly argued that historical injustices can be superseded by serious efforts to achieve justice in the present and future. This essay considers what it might mean to arrange things justly in the relevant way, focusing on the work of John Rawls as our best existing template for conceptualizing justice of this kind. The essay outlines ways in which a Rawlsian system of social justice seems unable to meet its own normative aspirations and unable to provide a (...)
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  15.  19
    New Directions in Historical Studies in the German Democratic Republic.Georg G. Iggers - 1989 - History and Theory 28 (1):59-77.
    The sharp separation of Eastern, and particularly Soviet and GDR, scholarship from the West is in part owing to ideological self-isolation, and part due to lack of interest or unwillingness to accept this scholarship in the West - The institutional framework within which historical studies take place in the GDR has placed severe limits on diversity within the historical profession. The official theoretical basis of historiography is represented by dialectical materialism, as a theory of reality, and (...) materialism, as the conception of historical development intertwined with it. The political historian is subject to much closer direction than in social or cultural history, while social history deals primarily with local or regional history, and has begun conducting empirical case studies. Interestingly, biographies have acquired a new significance as historical works in both the GDR and the Federal Republic. In dealing with the German past, there is a conscious attempt in the GDR, as there has been recently in the Federal Republic, to overcome the fixation on 1933 and to reestablish a sense of pride in the past. There has been a greater openness and commitment to understanding historical phenomena with the reevaluation of the course of German history. (shrink)
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    Buddhist Meditation for the Recovery of the Womanist Self, or Sitting on the Mat Self-Love Realized.Melanie L. Harris - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:67-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist Meditation for the Recovery of the Womanist Self, or Sitting on the Mat Self-Love RealizedMelanie L. HarrisIn this essay, I will argue that Womanist-Buddhist dialogue is beneficial not only for advancing theory in our respective disciplines, but for the practice of social justice. In the dialogues for which we gathered, we followed a process of learning inspired by chavruse, the method of Torah and Talmudic study (...)
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  17.  32
    Psyche as Agent: Overcoming the "Free/Unfree" Dichotomy.Jessica Wahman - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (2):79-96.
    I argue that the dichotomous treatment of agency and free will is problematic because it rests on a Cartesian interpretation of self and world that many present-day thinkers take themselves to be denying. I do so in order to reconstruct the concept of human agency using the psychologies of American philosophers John Dewey and George Santayana. Identifying the self with the entire organism, as these thinkers do, allows for an importantly different sense of agency. In embracing an organismic (...)
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  18.  21
    Bildung as Cultural Participation: The Prereflective and Reflective Self in Hegel’s Phenomenology.Nisar Alungal Chungath - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (1):117-138.
    Contemporary poststructural and hermeneutical theories emphasize the prereflective opacity of the self and the consequent inarticulateness concerning the deep prereflective layers (‘prejudices’) of self-understanding. Some of such ontologically significant prejudices, some hermeneutical views hold, are inescapable and so the self cannot reflectively refuse or overcome them. This paper proposes the Hegelian notion of self-consciousness in the Phenomenology as the restless, unreflective–reflective negation of its own nothingness or contingent, open givenness as an alternative that both accepts the (...)
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  19.  13
    Undermining Moral Self-deception with the Help of Puritan Pastoral Theology.Jonathan P. Badgett - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (1):23-38.
    Modernist philosophy and psychology have pursued a variety of methods and models for understanding the universal inclination of human persons toward moral self-deception. We tend, as the Scriptures reveal and as recent empirical studies have confirmed, to think more highly of ourselves and our personal moral caliber than we ought. Whereas, Freud, Sartre, and others have offered solutions to the “paradox” of self-deception—that is, how one can be both deceiver and deceived—their solutions ultimately fall short in terms of (...)
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  20.  70
    Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self (review). [REVIEW]Steven Heine - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (4):569-571.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond Personal Identity: Dōgen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-SelfSteven HeineGereon Kopf. Beyond Personal Identity: Dōgen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xx + 298.Beyond Personal Identity by Gereon Kopf is in many ways a brilliant work of comparative philosophy that does an outstanding job in taking on the challenge of relating the complex thought of Japanese giants Dōgen and (...)
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  21.  53
    Four Mīmāṃsā Views Concerning the Self’s Perception of Itself.Alex Watson - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (5):889-914.
    The article concerns a mediaeval Indian debate over whether, and if so how, we can know that a self exists, understood here as a subject of cognition that outlives individual cognitions, being their common substrate. A passage that has not yet been translated from Sanskrit into a European language, from Jayanta Bhaṭṭa’s Nyāyamañjarī, ‘Blossoms of Reasoning’, is examined. This rich passage reveals something not yet noted in secondary literature, namely that Mīmāṃsakas advanced four different models of what happens when (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Dionysische Perspektiven. Eine philosophische Interpretation der Dionysos-Dithyramben.Michael Skowron - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:296-315.
    Ausgehend von der methodischen Leitfrage, warum Nietzsche in den Dionysos-Dithyramben gerade diese besonderen Dithyramben ausgewählt und in dieser Folge zu einem Zyklus zusammengestellt hat, werden die DD nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern von ihrer Komposition und ihrem narrativem Zusammenhang her. Die Komposition der neuen Dithyramben gliesdert sie einerseits symmetrisch in zwei 'gerechte' Teile, andererseits asymmetrisch in drei Triaden, die eine narrativ nachvollzichbare Verwandlung in den Dionysos-Dithyramben angzien. Sie führt von dem in der ersten Triade zur Sprache kommenden historischen Erbe Zarathustras über (...)
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  23.  13
    Амбівалентна природа оптимізму у контексті концепції нового гуманізму.Pavel Vodop'yanov & Irina Sidorenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:13-22.
    The purpose of this study is to discover the ambivalent nature of the idea of optiman in the concept of the problem of new humanism. The essence of ecological and anthropological crises is the subject of analysis by the authors of this article. The given problematics is revealed through the reference to the analysis of the idea of optiman. Methodology of research are general lofical research methods, method of historical and philosophical reconstruction, method of comparative analysis, method of system (...)
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  24.  30
    Dialectics and Drama: Nietzsche as a Young Hegelian and Maître à Penser.José Crisóstomo de Souza - 2022 - The European Legacy 28 (1):1-24.
    In this article I argue that Nietzsche resorts to a typical, ambitious Young Hegelian dialectical grand narrative to dramatically frame Modernity, elevate his own critical theory to unmatchable heights and find for himself a superior, unique position as Critic and Destiny, having as his main enemy the philistines (common human beings), and that which politically corresponds to them: civil society and democracy. Nietzsche’s epochal narrative exhibits a classical dialectical progression from Error/Negation, through Escalation, to Crisis, then Negation of Negation (Inversion), (...)
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  25. Art as a political act: Expression of cultural identity, self-identity, and gender by Suk Nam yun and Yong soon Min.Hwa Young Choi Caruso - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):71-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art as a Political Act:Expression of Cultural Identity, Self-Identity, and Gender by Suk Nam Yun and Yong Soon MinHwa Young Choi Caruso (bio)IntroductionA number of artists of color, including Asian American women, are creating art from the basis of their lived experiences. Within minority groups searching for their cultural identity, establishing self-identity is an important process. For various psychological and sociological reasons, artists seem inspired to seek (...)
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  26.  87
    José Ortega y Gasset's Metaphysical Innovation: A Critique and Overcoming of Idealism, by Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar. [REVIEW]Stacey Ake - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):677-678.
    Traditionally, Ortega y Gasset has fallen between the cracks of philosophical categorization. He is not an existentialist; neither is he a phenomenologist nor a pragmatist. Yet his major claim, "I am I and my circum-stance" both bridges and transcends these categories. It is the intent of Rodríguez Huéscar's book to show that this particular claim, and the metaphysical system Ortega developed from it, is Ortega's chief innovation in addressing what was once perceived as the central crisis of modern philosophy: the (...)
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  27. Three Essays in Philosophy and Law.Martin Jay Stone - 1996 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    These essays take up contemporary debates concerning the rationality of legal and political institutions. Roberto Unger proposes a "politics of modernism"--a politics appropriate to the historical experience that Nietzsche calls "nihilism" and identifies as the re-grounding of all values in human will. Unger's aim is to heighten the artificiality, plasticity or revisability of all social arrangements, so that the self may perpetually overcome its context. But such an attempt to give the idea of self-overcoming a political (...)
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  28.  50
    The Self-Overcoming Subject: Freud's Challenge to the Cartesian Ontology.Steven Fowler - 2004 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 35 (1):97-109.
    Two strands of enlightenment rationality—the mechanistic/deterministic and the self-overcoming—are distinguished, and the presence of the later in the work of Sigmund Freud is delineated. Beginning with Freud's investigations of hysteria, Freud's view of the person as a self-overcoming entity is spelled out in his theory of the unconscious and his theory of sexuality. It is argued that Freud provides, in the realm of empirical science, evidence that converges with the ontological conception of the person as a (...)
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  29.  31
    The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism. [REVIEW]Glen T. Martin - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (3):613-615.
    Nishitani was a Japanese student attending Heidegger's Freiburg lectures on Nietzsche's nihilism in the late 1930s. As a young thinker he absorbed western philosophy and literature, focusing especially on the growing tide of nineteenth- and twentieth-century voices expressing the collapse of traditional Western values and the advent of nihilism. Recognizing that the phenomenon of nihilism encompasses our human situation in a way that transcends any particular cultural tradition, the self-overcoming of nihilism became fundamental to his lifetime philosophical project. (...)
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  30.  52
    Some Theoretical Approaches to Intercultural Comparative Historiography.Jorn Rusen - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (4):5-22.
    Intercultural comparative historiography raises fundamental methodological problems: Is there any ground for comparison beyond the peculiarities and differences of cultures to be compared? One must avoid taking the Western cultural tradition of historical thinking as the basis for the comparison. Therefore one has to conceptualize the theoretical grounds for comparison and explicate elements of historical thinking which operate in every culture. Then cultural differences in historiography can be analyzed as peculiar constellations of these elements. In order to develop (...)
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  31.  8
    The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism.Graham Parkes & Setsuko Aihara (eds.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    The first English translation of a forty-year-old Japanese classic--Nishitani's treatment of the problem of nihilism, with particular reference to Nietzsche's philosophical ideas, and from a perspective influenced by Buddhist thought. Paper edition, $14.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  32. On the Night of the Elemental Imaginary.Susanna Lindberg - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (2):157-180.
    This essay is a comparison between Schelling's and Blanchot's conceptions of the night of the imaginary. Schelling is the most romantic of the German idealist philosophers and Blanchot the most extreme of the French “deconstructionists.“ Their historical link is actually indirect, but they offer two complementary views on the “same“ impersonal nocturnal experience of the imaginary, the approach of which requires a certain self-overcoming of philosophy towards literature.
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  33. Toward a New Conception of Socially-Just Peace.Joshua M. Hall - 2018 - In Fuat Gursozlu, Peace, Culture, and Violence. Brill. pp. 248-272.
    In this chapter, I approach the subject of peace by way of Andrew Fiala’s pioneering, synthetic work on “practical pacifism.” One of Fiala’s articles on the subject of peace is entitled “Radical Forgiveness and Human Justice”—and if one were to replace “Radical Forgiveness” with “Peace,” this would be a fair title for my chapter. In fact, Fiala himself explicitly makes a connection in the article between radical forgiveness and peace. Also in support of my project, Fiala’s article names four of (...)
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  34. Nietzschean Self-Overcoming.Jonathan Mitchell - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (3):323-350.
    Nietzsche often writes in praise of self-overcoming. He tells us that his humanity consists in “constant self-overcoming” 1 and that if someone wanted to give a name to his lifelong self-discipline against “Wagnerianism,” Schopenhauer, and “the whole modern ‘humaneness,’” then one might call it self-overcoming. He says that his writings “speak only” of his overcomings, later claiming that “the development of states that are increasingly high, rare, distant, tautly drawn and comprehensive … are (...)
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    Life and SelfOvercoming.Daniel W. Conway - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson, A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 532–547.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Life as Will to Power Nietzsche contra “English Darwinism” Life as SelfOvercoming The Case of Nietzsche The Law of Life Concluding Critical Remarks.
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    The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism.Whalen Lai - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (3):542-546.
  37.  18
    The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism.Keiji Nishitani - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Translation of an important work by the contemporary Japanese philosopher Keiji Nishitani.
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    Nietzsche and Zen: Self Overcoming Without a Self.André van der Braak - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    In Nietzsche and Zen: Self-Overcoming without a Self, André van der Braak juxtaposes Nietzsche with four influential representatives of the Buddhist Zen tradition: Nagarjuna, Linji, Dogen, and Nishitani. In doing so, he reveals Nietzschean philosophy as a philosophy of continuous self-overcoming, in which even the notion of "self" is overcome, and allows a greater understanding of Nietzsche through the lens of Zen and vice versa. This treatment will be useful to Nietzsche scholars, continental philosophers, (...)
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  39. Finitude and Self Overcoming (On Hegel and Nietzsche).Mitchell Aboulafia - 1982 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 17 (39):53.
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    Zen and Zarathustra: Self-Overcoming without a Self.André van der Braak - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (1):2-11.
    ABSTRACT A confrontation with the Zen Buddhist tradition can help to open up new perspectives on Nietzsche's thought that take us beyond the “familiar” Nietzsche. There are some gaps in most Nietzsche interpretations that could be fruitfully addressed by means of a comparison with East Asian thought. This article argues that Nietzsche's philosophy and Zen philosophy can both be considered philosophies of self-overcoming in four different respects: theoretical, performative, self-referential, and expressive. In a theoretical sense, both stress (...)
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    Historical self-understanding in the social sciences: The use of Thomas Kuhn in psychology.Gerald L. Peterson - 1981 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 11 (1):1–30.
    Thomas Kuhn's thesis concerning the structure of scientific change was critically examined in relation to the historical problems of social science. The use and interpretation of Kuhn's ideas by psychologists was reviewed and found to center around the proliferation of theoretical views as paradigms, the viewing of theoretical differences as paradigm clashes, and efforts to affirm particular conceptions of psychology's past or future. Such use was seen as curbing discussion of fundamental issues, and to reflect a continuing neglect of (...)
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    Features of the historical self-identification of the “Philosophy of Liberation”: the role of the intellectual personality.Alexey Basmanov - 2022 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 8 (31):149-161.
    This article examines the views of Latin American philosophers on the process of formation of the Latin American subject of history, its characteristic features, as well as the role of the intellectual in this process. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the position of the prominent Argentine philosopher A. A. Roig, and to compare his position with the position of another well-known representative of the philosophy of liberation (E. Dussel). In this paper therefore, Roig's works devoted to (...)
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    Historical Self-Awareness.David Carr - 2023 - In Saulius Geniusas, Varieties of Self-Awareness: New Perspectives from Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Comparative Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 121-134.
    This paper looks at the historical aspect of self-awareness. It claims that we relate to ourselves as members of historical communities to which we belong as members. It examines the narrative character of selfhood and self-awareness, intersubjectivity and we-intentionality, and historical temporality. Historical self-awareness means that I am aware of myself as a member of a social entity that has a history. The latter is composed of other persons with whom I share a (...)
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    Facing the Lively Unity of Difference: Heidegger’s Thoughts on Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Eternal Return and the Self-Overcoming Power of Thinking.SangWon Lee - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (2):223-241.
    This article examines Heidegger’s thoughts on Nietzsche’s philosophy of eternal return and the self-overcoming power of thinking. Scholarly commentators argue that Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche reduces the open possibilities of thinking about temporality, becoming and difference into a rigid metaphysical framework of being as a whole. However, a close reading of Heidegger’s thoughts on the eternal recurrence shows that his interpretive attempt to disclose the metaphysical ground of Nietzsche’s thinking reveals a deeper, dynamic dimension of Nietzsche’s recurrent efforts (...)
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  45. The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism. By Nishitani Keiji. Trans. by.Heidegger Nietzsche & Max Stirner - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 22 (1):117-118.
  46.  26
    Self-overcoming – East and West.Michael Skowron - 2014 - Nietzscheforschung 21 (1):335-348.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 21 Heft: 1 Seiten: 335-348.
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  47. A (R)evaluation of Nietzsche’s Anti-democratic Pedagogy: The Overman, Perspectivism, and Self-overcoming.Mark E. Jonas - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (2):153-169.
    In this paper, I argue that Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of self-overcoming has been largely misinterpreted in the philosophy of education journals. The misinterpretation partially stems from a misconstruction of Nietzsche’s perspectivism, and leads to a conception of self-overcoming that is inconsistent with Nietzsche’s educational ideals. To show this, I examine some of the prominent features of the so-called “debate” of the 1980s surrounding Nietzsche’s conception of self-overcoming. I then offer an alternative conception that is (...)
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  48. Bergson’s Philosophy of Self-Overcoming: Thinking without Negativity or Time as Striving.Messay Kebede - 2019 - Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book proposes a new reading of Bergsonism based on the admission that time, conceived as duration, stretches instead of passes. This swelling time is full and so excludes the negative. Yet, swelling requires some resistance, but such that it is more of a stimulant than a contrariety. The notion of élan vital fulfills this requirement: it states the immanence of life to matter, thereby deriving the swelling from an internal effort and allowing its conceptualization as self-overcoming. With (...)
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    Мова в релевантному культурному просторі: Компаративістський аналіз концепцій л. вітгенштейна та ж. дерріди.Ganna Stoyatska - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):103-108.
    The executed study focuses its attention on the phenomenon of the language as the legitimation factor of cultural narratives and the space of metaphysics bases creation as the Western way of thinking grandnarrative. It scrutinizes the language role and status in the works by L. Wittgenstein and J. Derrida whose worldview systems differ greatly from the preceding metaphysic tradition and simultaneously preserve and inherit the classical principles of philosophizing. It has been proved that both philosophers have closeness of views in (...)
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    The Practice of Self-Overcoming: Nietzschean Reflections on the Martial Arts.Michael Monahan - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 34 (1):39-51.
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