Results for ' hermeneutics, ontology, animality, pothumanity'

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  1.  29
    Il postumano e la ciabatta: ermeneutica e antropocentrismo.Leonardo Caffo - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:36-42.
    In questo articolo, a partire dal pensiero filosofico di Maurizio Ferraris considerato nelle sue tre linee argomentative principali (ermeneutica, estetica, ontologia), analizzo i presupposti e le implicazioni teoriche del postumano e del pensiero dell’animalità (di matrice continentale) per una metafisica radicalmente realista. La mia tesi è che tutta la produzione di Ferraris, come del resto quella del suo riferimento filosofico principale (che qui individuo in Jacques Derrida), sia descrivibile alla luce dell’animalità come entità teorica privilegiata per dimostrare l’esistenza di un (...)
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    Maurizio.Leonardo Caffo & Pietro Kobau - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:3-6.
    Essere è resistere, secondo Maurizio Ferraris: e di resistenza, effettivamente, l’uomo Ferraris ne ha mostrata parecchia. Dal 1978, anno del suo primo articolo pubblicato in francese su Littérature, la sua produzione si è fatta sterminata e si fatica, senza retorica alcuna, a pensare che un uomo di sessant’anni possa davvero aver scritto così tanto, su così tanti argomenti e con tanta continuità. Ma, d’altronde, per Maurizio la scrittura è un’attività filosofica fondamentale – tanto come prat...
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  3. Ethics and Ontology in French Hermeneutics: The Case of Ricœur.Gaëlle Fiasse - 2024 - In Daniel Whistler & Mark Sinclair, The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 284-299.
    The first part of this article presents Ricœur's hermeneutics as a method, a style of writing and a particular philosophy. As a method, Ricœur revisits the notion of traditions and interpretations, in order to keep them open to debts from the past, to unexplored sources, to creative imagination and to the critical search for meaning. It is a style of writing, constantly put in dialogue with the history of philosophy which aims at unpacking a diversity of meanings. It is also (...)
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    “Lizard-things”: Semantical and ontological issues in Heidegger's hermeneutic of living nature.Róbson Ramos dos Reis - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):225-243.
    In this paper I approach the hermeneutic of living nature as suggested by Martin Heidegger in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. On the basis of complex hermeneutic procedures, Heidegger held the well-known thesis about the animal’s poverty of world. My hypothesis is that the relevance of this thesis should be minimized for the sake of the acknowledgment of a poverty in the world proper to human beings. Poverty in the world refers to the main result of a comparison between the (...)
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  5. Hermeneutics as a Metaphilosophy and a Philosophy of Work.Nicholas H. Smith - 2023 - In Michiel Meijer, Updating the interpretive turn: new arguments in hermeneutics. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. pp. 117-136.
    The ‘interpretive turn’ in twentieth-century hermeneutics rests on the general ontological claim that human reality is the reality of self-interpreting animals. But under the circumstances of advanced modernity, there are aspects of human life, or spheres of human thought and action, that appear to contradict this general thesis, in that they do not present themselves as the doings of self-interpreting animals at all. Of these, the predominant one is the sphere of work or 'productive' action. In face of historical circumstances (...)
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  6. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He wanted to become a systematic hermeneutics, (...)
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  7. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding and (...)
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  8. Some Thoughts on Two Early Qing Readings of the Great Learning (Da Xue) in Light of Gadamerian Hermeneutics.On-cho Ng - 2000 - Humanitas Taiwanica 53:37-67.
    This essay has two related contentions. First, by examining two early Qing exegetical works on the Great Learning, one by Chen Que (陳確 1604-77) and another by Li Guangdi (李光地 1642-1718), the essay reveals that Confucian hermeneutics was essentially moral philosophy. Exegesis of the classics was an occasion for speculative thinking on the normative, the axiological, and the anthropological. The embedding of moral philosophy in hermeneutics meant that it was animated by the search for and affirmation of truths, rather than (...)
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  9. Towards a Post-Modern Hermeneutic Ontology of Art: Nietzschean Style and Heideggerian Truth.Babette E. Babich - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 32:195.
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  10. Metaphor, Poiesis and Hermeneutical Ontology: Paul Ricoeur and the Turn to Language.Kenneth Masong - 2012 - Pan Pacific Journal of Philosophy, Education and Management 1 (1).
    Reacting against the turn to transcendence that heavily characterized the medieval worldview, the modern worldview is fundamentally exemplified by a threefold turn to immanence, consisting of a subjective turn, a linguistic turn and an experiential turn. Language plays a pivotal role here since it mediates between the subjective and the experiential. Ricoeur’s treatment of metaphor, significantly laid out in his The Rule of Metaphor, is crucial in bringing about this linguistic turn that mediates the subject and its experience of the (...)
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  11. The Notion of Tradition in Gadamer’s Hermeneutic Ontology.Elena Tatievskaya - 2012 - Philosophical News 5.
    One of the aims of Gadamer’s hermeneutic ontology is the definition of the specific character of the human sciences. Gadamer maintains that their method is based upon the acknowledgement of the authority of tradition. Hence the main problem that faces his theory is the question of what makes the investigation in the humanities scientific and innovative. In my paper I try to reconstruct Gadamer’s solution of this problem. I consider his notion of tradition and its role in the definition of (...)
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  12.  45
    Hermeneutic Ontology.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 395--415.
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    Gadamer, Levinas, and the Hermeneutic Ontology of Ethics.Christopher King - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (3):48.
    Much debate has been held over the question of whether Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutic approach to ethics and the other can do justice to the alterity of the other, as exemplified in Emmanuel Levinas’s approach to ethics as first philosophy. The challenge to Gadamer and to hermeneutics more generally, comes obliquely from Levinas and more directly, from Robert Bernasconi, who argues that Gadamer cannot account for an otherness that ends in incomprehensibility as one finds in encounters between persons of asymmetrical power (...)
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  14.  26
    The language of science: a study of the relationship between literature and science in the perspective of a hermeneutical ontology, with a case study of Darwin's The origin of species.Ilse Nina Bulhof - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    The hermeneutical ontology proposed in this book steers away from the rocks of realism and anti-realism.
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    The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology After Metaphysics.Santiago Zabala - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Basic Concepts_, Heidegger claims that "Being is the most worn-out" and yet also that Being "remains constantly available." Santiago Zabala radicalizes the consequences of these little known but significant affirmations. Revisiting the work of Jacques Derrida, Reiner Schürmann, Jean-Luc Nancy, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ernst Tugendhat, and Gianni Vattimo, he finds these remains of Being within which ontological thought can still operate. Being is an event, Zabala argues, a kind of generosity and gift that generates astonishment in those who experience it. (...)
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    Cultural Techniques: Or the End of the Intellectual Postwar Era in German Media Theory.Bernhard Siegert - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):48-65.
    This paper seeks to introduce cultural techniques to an Anglophone readership. Specifically geared towards an Anglophone readership, the paper relates the re-emergence of cultural techniques (a concept first employed in the 19th century in an agricultural context) to the changing intellectual constellation of postwar Germany. More specifically, it traces how the concept evolved from – and reacted against – so-called German media theory, a decidedly anti-hermeneutic and anti-humanist current of thought frequently associated with the work of Friedrich Kittler. Post-hermeneutic rather (...)
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  17.  69
    Nietzsche's rhetorical model of language and the revision of hermeneutic ontology.Jeff Mitscherling - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):382-387.
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    The Implication of Tradition and Understanding in the Hermeneutic Ontology of HG Gadamer.T. K. Badrihath - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh & Raghunath Ghosh, Language and interpretation: hermeneutics from East-West perspective. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre. pp. 11--207.
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  19.  42
    Beyond Being: Gadamer's Post-Platonic Hermeneutic Ontology.Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1999 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Hans Georg-Gadamer is best known in the English-speaking world for his major work on philosophical hermeneutics, _Truth and Method;_ he has also written extensively on the subject of Plato. Most commentators on Gadamer's work therefore view Gadamer either as a historian of philosophy or as a philosopher in his own right, critically engaged in the philosophical issues of our time. In _Beyond Being,_ Brice R. Wachterhauser contends that this perceived bifurcation in Gadamer's work oversimplifies and distorts important parts of Gadamer's (...)
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  20.  39
    The doing of the thing itself: Gadamer's hermeneutic ontology of language.Günter Figal - 2002 - In Robert J. Dostal, The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 102--125.
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  21.  15
    Jakob von Uexküll and Philosophy: Life, Environments, Anthropology.Thibault De Meyer - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):455-456.
    Jakob von Uexküll (1864–1944) was a biologist, but the impact of his work has been perhaps stronger and more persistent in philosophy and the humanities than in the natural sciences. As one of the contributors to this book observes, Uexküll's conception of biology is “more at home among the disciplines composing the Geisteswissenschaften [humanities] than those included in the Naturwissenschaften [sciences], insofar as Uexküll's biology put Verstehen [understanding] before Erklären [explaining].” Uexküll began his career as an experimentalist of a “proto-behaviorist” (...)
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  22.  19
    De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur.Luco J. Van den Brom - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-10.
    This article presents the importance of Buitendag's stance in the so-called 'theology of nature'. His theological statements endeavour to understand reality in conversation with other academic disciplines to see things in a wider and holistic perspective. Following a suggestion of Moltmann, theology must not restrict itself to internal ecclesiastical and personal faith topics but search for 'the truth of the whole'. It is argued that Buitendag's concept of holism is different from Moltmann's 'the truth of the whole'. Moltmann's holism is (...)
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  23.  36
    The Language of Science: A Study of the Relationship between Literature and Science in the Perspective of a Hermeneutical Ontology, with a Case Study of Darwin's The Origin of Species. Ilse N. Bulhof.Robert Richards - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):346-347.
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    Santiago Zabala. The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology After Metaphysics.Paul Ennis - 2011 - Analecta Hermeneutica 3.
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    Animal Welfare, the Earth, and Embodiment: Transforming the Task of Hermeneutic Phenomenology.Frank Schlalow - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:83-100.
    The attempt to appropriate Heidegger’s thinking in order to found environmental ethics continues to pose challenges both for understanding the premise of an ethic, and, conversely, for unfolding the importance of his thought in the effort to displace the anthropocentric focus of modern philosophy. These challenges must be taken up on a methodological as well as a thematic level, in order to show how a claim of being can implicate a reciprocal guidance pertaining to our treatment of the earth, nature, (...)
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  26.  36
    Recognizing Children as Agents: Taylor’s Hermeneutical Ontology and the Philosophy of Childhood.Franco A. Carnevale - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (5):791-808.
    Within his earliest contributions to the human sciences, Charles Taylor challenged dominant behavioral views by advancing a hermeneutical conception of human agency. For Taylor, persons continually...
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    Animal faith and ontology.John Lachs - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (4):pp. 484-490.
    In Scepticism and Animal Faith, Santayana pursues two projects: the development of a philosophy of animal faith and the presentation of an ontology. The two projects are not easily reconciled and Santayana appears not to have distinguished them or recognized that they pull in different directions. The hypothesis that he has two projects explains a variety of the anomalous features of Santayana's philosophy, including the account of matter concerning which Kerr-Lawson and I have long disagreed.
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  28.  34
    Review of Santiago zabala, The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology After Metaphysics[REVIEW]Iain Thomson - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (10).
    Postmodernism isn't what it used to be. As a meaningful philosophical movement (rather than a vague term of disparagement), "postmodernism" primarily designated a diverse series of Heidegger inspired attempts to situate and guide our late modern historical age by uncovering and transcending its most destructive metaphysical presuppositions. Ironically, however, the only major contemporary philosophers still willing to call themselves "postmodernists" have renounced that "utopian" quest for a philosophical passage beyond modernity. From their perspective, the definitive Heideggerian hope for a "postmodern" (...)
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    Hermeneutic Perspectives on Ontology, After Metaphysics has Been Overcome: From Levinas to Merleau-Ponty.Shane Mackinlay - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):115-124.
    One of the ways in which Heidegger characterised his philosophical project was as ‘overcoming metaphysics.’ This was a way of expressing the task of destruction—or, in Derrida’s version, deconstruction—of the tradition of western philosophy. One of the consequences of Heidegger’s critique of traditional western metaphysics is that, in the decades since, there has been a reluctance to engage in anything that might be called ‘metaphysics’. This is somewhat ironic, given that one of the branches of metaphysics is ontology, and that (...)
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  30.  36
    Book Reviews : Ilse N. Bulhof, The Language of Science. A Study of the Relationship between Literature and Science in the Perspective of a Hermeneutical Ontology with a Case Study of Darwin's The Origin of Species. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1992. Pp. 207. $57.14. [REVIEW]Ronald Curtis - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (4):510-516.
  31. Plant Philosophy and Interpretation: Making Sense of Contemporary Plant Intelligence Debates.Yogi H. Hendlin - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):253-276.
    Plant biologists widely accept plants demonstrate capacities for intelligence. However, they disagree over the interpretive, ethical and nomenclatural questions arising from these findings: how to frame the issue and how to signify the implications. Through the trope of ‘plant neurobiology’ describing plant root systems as analogous to animal brains and nervous systems, plant intelligence is mobilised to raise the status of plants. In doing so, however, plant neurobiology accepts an anthropocentric moral extensionist framework requiring plants to anthropomorphically meet animal standards (...)
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  32.  17
    Heidegger’s concepts of phenomenological-hermeneutical ontology. 권준태 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 103:1-27.
    이 글은 하이데거의 존재론 개념이 무엇을 의미하는지를 드러내는 것을 그 목적으로 한 다. 왜냐하면 하이데거의 초기-전기 철학은 존재론이라는 이름 안에서 움직이고 있기 때 문이다. 이를 위해 하이데거 존재론이 가지고 있는 두 가지 측면을 살펴본다. 우선 하이데 거의 존재론은 현상학이다. 그의 고유한 현상학은 후설의 현상학을 비판하면서 정립된다. 후설의 현상학은 엄밀한 학문으로서의 철학으로 대표되는 의식 철학 이론인데, 하이데거 의 현상학은 후설의 현상학에서 이론적인 측면과 의식 철학적 측면을 비판한다. 이 때 하 이데거가 경험에서 일차적이고 가장 근원적이면서 환원 불가능한 것으로 생각하게 되는 것은 현존재의 (...)
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    Introduction.Ullrich Melle - 2007 - Ethical Perspectives 14 (4):361-370.
    IntroductionIn May 2006, the small group of doctoral students working on ecophilosophy at the Higher Institute of Philosophy at K.U.Leuven invited the Dutch environmental philosopher Martin Drenthen to a workshop to discuss his writings on the concept of wilderness, its metaphysical and moral meaning, and the challenge social constructivism poses for ecophilosophy and environmental protection. Drenthen’s publications on these topics had already been the subject of intense discussions in the months preceding the workshop. His presentation on the workshop and the (...)
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  34.  7
    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life.Tom Regan - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores questions concerning animals from a continental perspective.
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  35.  6
    Ask the animals: developing a biblical animal hermeneutic.Arthur Walker-Jones & Suzanna R. Millar (eds.) - 2024 - Atlanta, GA: SBL Press.
    Birds, beasts, and creeping things swarm throughout the Bible's pages. Despite their prevalence, most biblical scholars have viewed them merely as metaphors, passive objects, or background embellishment to the human experience. This collection seeks to move beyond this traditional view of biblical animals by engaging the growing interdisciplinary field of animal studies. Contributors Peter Joshua Atkins, Jared Beverly, William P. Brown, Margaret Cohen, Jacob R. Evers, Michael J. Gilmour, William "Chip" Gruen, Dong Hyeon Jeong, Brian Fiu Kolia, Anne Létourneau, Robert (...)
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  36.  10
    An ontology of understanding: Karl Rahner's metaphysics of knowledge in the context of modern German hermeneutics.Vincent P. Branick - 1974 - Saint Louis,: Marianist Communications Center.
  37. Hermeneutical Injustice and Animal Ethics: Can Nonhuman Animals Suffer from Hermeneutical Injustice?Paul-Mikhail Podosky - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (2):216-228.
    Miranda Fricker explains that hermeneutical injustice occurs when an area of one’s social experience is obscured from collective understanding. However, Fricker focuses only on the injustice suffered by those who cannot render intelligible their own oppression. I argue that there is another side to hermeneutical injustice that is other-oriented; an injustice that occurs when one cannot understand, to a basic extent, the oppression of others. Specifically, I discuss the hermeneutical injustice suffered by nonhuman animals made possible by objectifying concepts available (...)
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  38.  12
    Hermeneutics and Ontology.István M. Fehér - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 162–171.
    The connections between hermeneutics and ontology cannot be restricted to the ontological (re)conception of understanding and interpretation. The ontological thematization of understanding and interpretation provided by Heidegger in Being and Time, is preceded by another, more original, and more comprehensive interrelation between hermeneutics and ontology. The former, the ontological thematization of understanding and interpretation may be seen to be, as it were, but a “derivative” case of this more primordial interdependence or fusion of ontology and hermeneutics which has always already (...)
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  39.  15
    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life.H. Peter Steeves (ed.) - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    _Explores questions concerning animals from a continental perspective._.
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  40. Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life by H. Peter Steeves (ed.).D. A. Dobrowski - 2003 - Society and Animals 11 (1):113-115.
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    Hermeneutics of Human-Animal Relations in the Wake of Rewilding: The Ethical Guide to Ecological Discomforts.Mateusz Tokarski - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    In consequence of significant social, political, economic, and demographic changes several wildlife species are currently growing in numbers and recolonizing Europe. While this is rightly hailed as a success of the environmental movement, the return of wildlife brings its own issues. As the animals arrive in the places we inhabit, we are learning anew that life with wild nature is not easy, especially when the accumulated cultural knowledge and experience pertaining to such coexistence have been all but lost. This book (...)
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    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life (review).Elaine P. Miller - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (3):232-235.
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    Ontological Hermeneutics.Richard L. Brougham - 1993 - Process Studies 22 (1):37-41.
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    Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Conflict of Ontologies.Jerald Wallulis - 1984 - International Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):283-301.
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    Ontological Groundwork for Hermeneutics: Heidegger and Gadamer.Zehragül Aşkın - 2015 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):01.
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  46. Animal others: On ethics, ontology and animal life.Elizabeth A. Behnke - 1999 - In H. Peter Steeves, [no title]. State University of New York Press. pp. 93-116.
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  47. Hermeneutics, Practical Philosophy and the Ontology of Community: Wittgenstein, Gadamer and Bernstein.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2015 - In Ramón del Castillo, Ángel M. Faerna & Larry A. Hickman, [no title]. Brill Rodopi. pp. 125-134.
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    Whitehead and Continental Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: Dislocations.Tom James - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):141-144.
    Among the reasons that Whitehead is such an interesting philosopher is that his work resonates across philosophical traditions. This collection develops connections between Whiteheadian concepts and recent European thinkers. The purpose is not simply to compare, however, but, as editor Jeremy Fackenthal suggests, to develop a Whiteheadian thinking “in tandem” with European philosophers in order to create disruptions or “dislocations” in thought that can engender creative approaches to contemporary problems.One general feature of the book deserves mention at the outset, though (...)
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  49. "Overcoming Ontological Transcendence: The Hermeneutic Significance of Heidegger's 'On the Essence of Ground'" (unpublished 2009).Matthew C. Halteman - manuscript
    Though commentators have paid little thematic attention to Heidegger’s 1928 treatise “On the Essence of Ground” (OEG), recently available subsequent writings suggest that Heidegger himself saw OEG as a pivotal step on the way to “overcoming” his analysis of fundamental ontological transcendence. Among these writings is a set of rarely discussed lettered notes originally scribbled into his personal copy of OEG in which Heidegger offers a point-for-point deconstruction of the treatise’s fundamental ontological interpretation of transcendence. I argue that examining the (...)
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    Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics between Epistemology and Ontology.Cătălin Bobb - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (3):335-345.
    The aim of our text is to explore the ties of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics with ontology and epistemology. We have to admit that (1) for Ricoeur, at the beginning of hiswork, hermeneutics (as one can find it in Le conflit des interprétations) was never a main topic (hermeneutics, as hermeneutic intelligence, was always a solution to a certain problem and never a problem in itself), and (2) that when hermeneutics becomes a main topic (as one can find it in Du texte (...)
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