Results for ' herbals'

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  1.  22
    Herbals of Five Centuries. A Contribution to Medical History and Bibliography. Claus Nissen.Glenn Sonnedecker - 1959 - Isis 50 (4):494-495.
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    Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany, 1470-1670. Agnes Arber, William T. Stearn.Karen Reeds - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):288-289.
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    Association of Chinese herbal medicine use with the depression risk among the long-term breast cancer survivors: A longitudinal follow-up study.Shu-Yi Yang, Hanoch Livneh, Jing-Siang Jhang, Shu-Wen Yen, Hua-Lung Huang, Michael W. Y. Chan, Ming-Chi Lu, Chia-Chou Yeh, Chang-Kuo Wei & Tzung-Yi Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundBreast cancer patients are at elevated risk of depression during treatment, thus provoking the chance of poor clinical outcomes. This retrospective cohort study aimed to investigate whether integrating Chinese herbal medicines citation into conventional cancer therapy could decrease the risk of depression in the long-term breast cancer survivors.MethodsA cohort of patients aged 20–70 years and with newly diagnosed breast cancer during 2000–2008 was identified from a nationwide claims database. In this study, we focused solely on survivors of breast cancer at (...)
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  4. Above and beyond superstition — western herbal medicine and the decriminalizing of placebo.Ayo Wahlberg - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):77-101.
    Does it work? This question lies at the very heart of the kinds of controversies that have surrounded complementary and alternative medicines (such as herbal medicine) in recent decades. In this article, I argue that medical anthropology has played a pivotal and largely overlooked role in taking the sham out of the placebo effect with important implications for what it means to say a therapy or drug `works'. If pharmacologists and clinicians have corporeally located the concept of efficacy in terms (...)
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    Herbals and Closely Related Medico-Botanical Works, 1472-1753. Sally Haines Hocker.Alice Stroup - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):257-257.
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    Herbals. Their Origin and Evolution. A Chapter in the History of Botany 1470-1670Agnes Arber.Conway Zirkle - 1939 - Isis 30 (1):131-132.
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    Plant as Object within Herbal Landscape: Different Kinds of Perception. [REVIEW]Renata Sõukand & Raivo Kalle - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (3):299-313.
    This contribution takes the notion of herbal landscape (a mental field associated with plants used to cure or prevent diseases and established within specific cultural and climatic zones) as a starting point. The authors argue that the features by which a person recognises the plant in the natural growing environment is of crucial importance for the classification and the use of plants within the folk tradition. The process of perception of the plant can be divided into analytical categories according to (...)
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  8.  22
    The Greek Herbal of DioscoridesRobert T. Gunther.Jaroslav Levy - 1960 - Isis 51 (4):588-590.
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    Henry of Huntingdon's herbal.A. G. Rigg - 2003 - Mediaeval Studies 65 (1):213-292.
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  10.  29
    The Herbal of Pseudo-Apuleius by F. W. T. Hunger; Joh. Phil. de Lignamine. [REVIEW]K. A. - 1937 - Isis 27:96-98.
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    Herbals, Their Origin And Evolution. A Chapter In The History Of Botany By Agnes Arber; Mrs. E. A. Newell Arber. [REVIEW]S. K. & S. G. - 1913 - Isis 1:281-282.
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    The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides. Robert T. Gunter, John Goodyer.Charles Kofoid - 1935 - Isis 23 (1):261-262.
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    An Ancient Egyptian Herbal.Marie-Francine Moens & Lise Manniche - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):541.
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  14.  53
    Theophrastus on herbals and herbal remedies.John Scarborough - 1978 - Journal of the History of Biology 11 (2):353-385.
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    : Early Modern Herbals and the Book Trade: English Stationers and the Commodification of Botany.Elizabeth Yale - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):195-196.
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    The Herbal in Antiquity by Charles Singer. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1928 - Isis 10:519-521.
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    The Herbal of Rufinus by Lynn Thorndike; Francis S. Benjamin, Jr. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1946 - Isis 36:256-257.
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  18.  8
    An assemblage of everyday technologies in the practice of western herbal medicine - a photo essay.Nina Nissen - 2022 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 23 (1):50-73.
    Small, mundane technologies, such as stethoscopes, medicinal bottles, labels, cleaning and dispensing equipment, are integral to the practice of western herbal medicine in the UK. A focus on such technologies reveals the dynamic character and porousness of medical systems and allows us to identify cultural interactions. In this photo essay, based on long-term anthropological research, I explore an assemblage of everyday technologies used by WHM practitioners and the ways in which these technologies contribute to shaping diagnostic stories, to performing medical (...)
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  19.  14
    The Printed Herbal of 1249 A. D.A. Hummel - 1941 - Isis 33 (4):439-442.
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    The Assyrian Herbal. Reginald Campbell Thompson.George Sarton - 1926 - Isis 8 (3):506-508.
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    Minta Collins. Medieval Herbals: The Illustrative Traditions. 334 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. London: British Library; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. $80. [REVIEW]Alain Touwaide - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):695-697.
  22.  11
    Maize in the Great Herbals by J. J. Finan. [REVIEW]Agnes Arber - 1951 - Isis 42:82-83.
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  23. Long-Term Therapy With Wu-Ling-San, a Popular Antilithic Chinese Herbal Formula, Did Not Prevent Subsequent Stone Surgery.San-Yuan Wu, Huey-Yi Chen, Kao-Sung Tsai, Jen-Huai Chiang, Chih-Hsin Muo, Fung-Chang Sung, Yung-Hsiang Chen & Wen-Chi Chen - 2016 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 53:004695801668114.
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  24.  9
    Traditional Folk Remedies: A Comprehensive Herbal.Michael Howard - 1987
  25.  9
    Wicca for beginners: Wiccan traditions and beliefs, witchcraft philosophy, practical magic, candle, crystals and herbal rituals.Dora McGregor - 2019 - [Wrocław, Poland?],: [Wiccan Tribe?].
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  26.  84
    Medical Authority and Englishwomen's Herbal Texts, 1550–1650. By Rebecca Laroche.Lora Sigler - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (1):116-117.
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    The English Plant Names in "The Grete Herball" : A Contribution to the Historical Study of English Plant-Name Usage. Mats Ryden.Philip Teigen - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):171-171.
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    Signs and signatures: Reading God’s Herbal.Gerard J. van den Broek - 1987 - Semiotica 63 (1-2):109-128.
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    A New Herball: Part 1. William Turner, George T. L. Chapman, Marilyn N. TweedleA New Herball: Parts 2 and 3. William Turner, George T. L. Chapman, Frank McCombie, Anne Wesencraft. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Macgill - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):335-335.
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    The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections: A Descriptive Bibliography of Pre-1830 Works from the Libraries of the Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Medical Library Association, and the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland. Stanley H. Johnston, Jr. [REVIEW]Karen Reeds - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):198-198.
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    The Great Herbal of Leonhart Fuchs: "De historia stirpium commentarii insignes", 1542. Frederick G. Meyer, Emily Emmart Trueblood, John L. Heller. [REVIEW]Jean Givens - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):390-391.
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    An Illustrated History of the Herbals. Frank J. Anderson.Bernadette Callery - 1979 - Isis 70 (1):165-166.
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    Agnus Castus, a Middle English Herbal Reconstructed from Various Manuscripts. Gösta Brodin.Glenn Sonnedecker - 1954 - Isis 45 (4):392-393.
  34. The Impact of Commodification of Herbal Medicine by Pharmaceutical and Drug Development Companies.Andrew Taylor - 2001 - Nexus 15 (1):3.
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  35.  37
    Jerry Stannard. Pristina Medicamenta: Ancient and Medieval Medical Botany. Edited by, Katherine E. Stannard and Richard Kay. xxii + 324 pp., frontis., illus., index. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. $110.95.Jerry Stannard. Herbs and Herbalism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Edited by, Katherine E. Stannard and Richard Kay. xvi + 342 pp., frontis., illus., tables, index. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. $110.95. [REVIEW]Brian Ogilvie - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):362-364.
    Jerry Stannard. Pristina Medicamenta: Ancient and Medieval Medical Botany. Edited by, Katherine E. Stannard and Richard Kay. (Variorum Collected Studies Series.) xxii + 324 pp., frontis., illus., index. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. $110.95. Jerry Stannard. Herbs and Herbalism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Edited by, Katherine E. Stannard and Richard Kay. (Variorum Collected Studies Series.) xvi + 342 pp., frontis., illus., tables, index. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. $110.95.
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  36.  36
    Green Pharmacy: A History of Herbal Medicine. Barbara Griggs.John Scarborough - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):598-599.
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    "Livre des simples medecines," Codex Bruxellensis IV 1024: A 15th-century French Herbal. Enid Roberts, William T. Stearn, Carmelia Opsomer. [REVIEW]Emilie Deluca - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):631-632.
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    Sarah R. Kyle, Medicine and Humanism in Late Medieval Italy: The Carrara Herbal in Padua. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2017. Pp. xiii + 243. ISBN 978-1-4724-4652-7. £110.00. [REVIEW]Vittoria Feola - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (1):157-158.
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    Pol Grymonprez, ed., “Here men may se the vertues off herbes”: A Middle English Herbal . Brussels: OMIREL, 1981. Paper. Pp. 148; many facsimile plates in black-and-white. [REVIEW]Henry Hargreaves - 1982 - Speculum 57 (3):684.
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  40.  12
    Sarah R. Kyle. Medicine and Humanism in Late Medieval Italy: The “Carrara Herbal” in Padua. xiv + 243 pp., figs., illus., app., bibl., index. London: Routledge, 2017. £95 . ISBN 9781472446527. [REVIEW]Raffaella Bruzzone - 2019 - Isis 110 (4):814-815.
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    The effect of a standardised Chinese herbal medicine formula (Sailuotong) on N1, PN, P2, MMN, P3a, and P3b amplitudes: a pilot study. [REVIEW]Steiner Genevieve, Yueng Alan, Camfield David, De Blasio Frances, Pipingas Andrew, Scholey Andrew, Stough Con & Chang Dennis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    F. Jamil Ragep; Faith Wallis . The Herbal of al-Ghāfiqī: A Facsimile Edition with Critical Essays. With Pamela Miller and Adam Gacek. x + 736 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014. £101. [REVIEW]Emilie Savage-Smith - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):157-158.
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    Henry of Huntingdon. Anglicanus ortus: A Verse Herbal of the Twelfth Century. Edited and translated by, Winston Black. xii + 561 pp., app., bibl., index. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2012. $175. [REVIEW]Faith Wallis - 2014 - Isis 105 (3):635-636.
  44.  11
    Intrikate Expertise. Die magische Pharmakognostik des Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn.Tobias Bulang - 2012 - Das Mittelalter 17 (2):118-136.
    Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn (1531–1596) was not only the personal physician of the elector of Brandenburg, but also a notorious alchemist, astrologist, pharmacist, and entrepreneur. As printer of his own works, he published a remarkable number of volumes on various subjects. Praised as a “miracle man” by some of his contemporaries, he was repeatedly accused of being a sorcerer, conjurer, and charlatan. This article focuses on his herbal book, printed in 1578. Taking into account the state of contemporary knowledge, this (...)
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  45. Ancient Egyptian Medicine: A Systematic Review.Samuel Adu-Gyamfi - 2015 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2:9-21.
    Our present day knowledge in the area of medicine in Ancient Egypt has been severally sourced from medical papyri several of which have been deduced and analyzed by different scholars. For educational purposes it is always imperative to consult different literature or sources in the teaching of ancient Egypt and medicine in particular. To avoid subjectivity the author has found the need to re-engage the efforts made by several scholars in adducing evidences from medical papyri. In the quest to re-engage (...)
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  46.  11
    Relationality and Metaphor—Doctrine of Signatures, Ecosemiosis, and Interspecies Communication.Keith Williams & Andrée-Anne Bédard - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):83.
    The Doctrine of Signatures (DoS) figures prominently in both contemporary and historic herbal traditions across a diversity of cultures. DoS—conceptualized beyond its conventional interpretation as “like cures like”, which relies solely on plant morphology—can be viewed as a type of ecosemiotic communication system. This nuanced form of interspecies communication relies on the presence of “signatures”, or signs, corresponding to the therapeutic quality of different plants based on their morphology but also their aroma, taste, texture, and even their context in the (...)
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  47.  22
    Naturmaß, künstlerisches Maß und die Maßlosigkeit ihrer Anwendung. Simplicia in zwei ‚Tractatus de herbis‘-Handschriften des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Theresa Holler - 2018 - Das Mittelalter 23 (1):67-91.
    On the cusp of the 14th century, a new means of visualizing plants arose in the herbal manuscript tradition of South Italy. Unlike the previous medieval tradition’s stylized plant representations or antique manuscripts with their lifelike representations, these new images are characterized by their similarity to nature and pressed herbs. Based on two ‘Tractatus de herbis’ manuscripts, namely the MS lat. 6823 in Paris and the MS Egerton 747 in London, this article examines such a new form of nature as (...)
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  48.  83
    O guia medicinal Primitive Physick de John Wesley de 1747: ciência, charlatania ou medicina social? (John Wesley's medical guide Primitive Physic[k] from 1747: science, charlatanism or social medicine?) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n21p339. [REVIEW]Helmut Renders - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (21):339-353.
    Resumo Em 1747, John Wesley, spiritus rector do movimento metodista, publicou a primeira edição do seu guia medicinal Primitive Physic[k] . Qual era o seu propósito num mundo onde a academia real, herbalistas, curandeiros/as, exorcistas e charlatães competiam pela atenção da população? O artigo apresenta os diferentes grupos que atuaram, ou pretendiam atuar, em prol da saúde na Inglaterra do século 18, e compara o conteúdo do guia Primitive Physic[k] com suas propostas e estratégias terapêuticas. Conclua-se que uma parte significativa (...)
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  49.  48
    Feng Shui: Teaching About Science and Pseudoscience.Michael R. Matthews - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a richly documented account of the historical, cultural, philosophical and practical dimensions of feng shui. It argues that where feng shui is entrenched educational systems have a responsibility to examine its claims, and that this examination provides opportunities for students to better learn about the key features of the nature of science, the demarcation of science and non-science, the characteristics of pseudoscience, and the engagement of science with culture and worldviews. The arguments presented for feng shui being (...)
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  50.  24
    Traditional and Complementary Medicines: Are They Ethical for Humans, Animals and the Environment?Kate Chatfield - 2018 - Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a systematic analysis of the ethical implications of traditional and complementary medicine, focusing on pragmatic solutions. The author uses a bioethical methodology called the “Ethical Matrix,” to consider the impact of T&CM use for animals and the environment as well as for humans. A systematic search of the literature reveals that most published ethical concerns are related to the safety of T&CM use for humans. However, application of the Ethical Matrix demonstrates that the ethical implications for T&CM (...)
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