Results for ' harmful misrepresentation'

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  1.  80
    Ethical Issues in Accounting and Economics Experimental Research: Inducing Strategic Misrepresentation.David T. Dearman - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (1):51-59.
    Numerous accounting and economics research studies employ an experimental research method requiring student participants to make representations about an individual characteristic (e.g., ability, cost) that provides a basis for payment of cash rewards. In response, many participants intentionally misrepresent the nature of that characteristic to receive a greater reward. Typically, such studies are deemed to be either exempt from review by institutional review boards (IRBs) or subject only to an expedited review. Moreover, investigators seldom debrief participants, purportedly to avoid contamination (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Accounting and Economics Experimental Research: Inducing Strategic Misrepresentation.Dr David T. Dearman & James E. Beard - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (1):51-59.
    Numerous accounting and economics research studies employ an experimental research method requiring student participants to make representations about an individual characteristic (e.g., ability, cost) that provides a basis for payment of cash rewards. In response, many participants intentionally misrepresent the nature of that characteristic to receive a greater reward. Typically, such studies are deemed to be either exempt from review by institutional review boards (IRBs) or subject only to an expedited review. Moreover, investigators seldom debrief participants, purportedly to avoid contamination (...)
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    Cultural Appropriation as Assault.James O. Young - 2008 - In Cultural Appropriation and the Arts. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 106–128.
    This chapter contains section titled: Other Forms of Harm Cultural Appropriation and Harmful Misrepresentation Harm and Accurate Representation Cultural Appropriation and Economic Opportunity Cultural Appropriation and Assimilation Art, Insignia, and Cultural Identity Cultural Appropriation and Privacy.
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  4. ‘Nothing Comes from Nowhere’: Reflections on Cultural Appropriation as the Representation of Other Cultures.James O. Young & Susan Haley - 2009 - In James O. Young & Conrad G. Brunk (eds.), The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 268–289.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Is ‘subject appropriation’ a misnomer? Subject appropriation and misrepresentation Cultural Appropriation and Assimilation Harm and Accurate Representation Privacy Authenticity and Subject Appropriation Envoy Conclusion References.
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  5. An error about the doctrine of double effect: A response to Kaufman's reply to Botros.Sophie Botros - 2001 - Philosophy 76 (2):304-311.
    In replying to my article ‘An Error about the Doctrine of Double Effect’, Kaufman claims that the permission given by the four-condition Doctrine for certain mixed actions is merely complementary to an absolute prohibition—which he claims is the DDE's primary function. I point out again that in many cases this makes an appeal to the DDE's fourth condition not merely redundant but incoherent. Furthermore, his claim that I am a utilitarian maximizer, frustrated by a doctrine prohibiting intentional harms, however great (...)
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  6. Insults, Free Speech and Offensiveness.David Archard - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):127-141.
    This article examines what is wrong with some expressive acts, ‘insults’. Their putative wrongfulness is distinguished from the causing of indirect harms, aggregated harms, contextual harms, and damaging misrepresentations. The article clarifies what insults are, making use of work by Neu and Austin, and argues that their wrongfulness cannot lie in the hurt that is caused to those at whom such acts are directed. Rather it must lie in what they seek to do, namely to denigrate the other. The causing (...)
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    (1 other version)Regulatory and policy tools to address unproven stem cell interventions in Canada: the need for action.Timothy Caulfield & Blake Murdoch - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    The marketing of unproven direct-to-consumer stem cell interventions is becoming widespread in Canada. There is little evidence supporting their use and they have been associated with a range of harms. Canada has been slower to act against clinics offering these interventions than other jurisdictions, including the United States. Here, we outline the regulatory and policy tools available in Canada to address this growing problem. Health Canada’s regulations governing cell therapies are complex, but recent statements make it clear that Health Canada (...)
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    Guiding Principles of Jewish Business Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):21-30.
    This discussion develops six of the most important guiding principles of classical Jewish business ethics and illustrates their application to a complex recent case of product liability. These principles are: (1) the legitimacy of business activity and profit; (2) the divine origin and ordination of wealth (and hence the limits and obligations of human ownership); (3) the preeminent position in decision making given to the protection and preservation (sanctity) of human life; (4) the protection of consumers from commercial harm; (5) (...)
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    DAKO on Trial.Kimberly Bonia, Fern Brunger, Laura Fullerton, Chad Griffiths, Chris Kaposy & Barbara Mason - 2012 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 16 (3):275-295.
    This paper tells the story of a recent laboratory medicine controversy in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. During the controversy, a DAKOAutostainer machine was blamed for inaccurate breast cancer test results that led to the suboptimal treatment of many patients. In truth, the machine was not at fault. Using concepts developed by Bruno Latour and Pierre Bourdieu, we document the changing nature of the DAKO machine’s agency before, during, and after the controversy, and we make the ethical argument (...)
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    Embedded Ethics in Practice: A Toolbox for Integrating the Analysis of Ethical and Social Issues into Healthcare AI Research.Theresa Willem, Marie-Christine Fritzsche, Bettina M. Zimmermann, Anna Sierawska, Svenja Breuer, Maximilian Braun, Anja K. Ruess, Marieke Bak, Franziska B. Schönweitz, Lukas J. Meier, Amelia Fiske, Daniel Tigard, Ruth Müller, Stuart McLennan & Alena Buyx - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 31 (1):1-22.
    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into critical domains such as healthcare holds immense promise. Nevertheless, significant challenges must be addressed to avoid harm, promote the well-being of individuals and societies, and ensure ethically sound and socially just technology development. Innovative approaches like Embedded Ethics, which refers to integrating ethics and social science into technology development based on interdisciplinary collaboration, are emerging to address issues of bias, transparency, misrepresentation, and more. This paper aims to develop this approach further to enable future (...)
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  11. On Reproduction: Rights, Responsibilities and Males.Barbara Jean Hall - 1997 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    In this dissertation, I have analyzed some of the problems associated with male reproduction. I discuss basic notions regarding the origin of parental rights concluding that whatever rights parents have regarding their children arise because of the biological connection between the parents and child. A biological parent has prima facie rights to his child because that parent has property-type rights to his own body. ;I suggest that parental responsibilities automatically incur whenever the conception of a child is intentional or voluntary, (...)
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    |N| cheers for democracy.I. D. A. MacIntyre - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):259 - 274.
    The paper examines representative cases of ``dishonest'''' voting. In all but one case the claim that ``strategic voting'''' is ``dishonest'''' is refuted. In all cases the effects of ``misrepresentation'''' need never harm any majority. Indeed majorities may benefit from ``strategy'''' (in non-cycle cases too). In fact democracy demands ``strategy''''. Although the universal value of the choice set is disputed even in the one recalcitrant case, the result is, after all, an element in the ``honest'''' choice set.
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    Daños morales e injusticias sociales en las cadenas mundiales de cuidados.Francisco Javier Gil Martín & Tamara Palacio Ricondo - 2012 - Dilemata 10:151-171.
    In this article, we identify various kinds of injustice at work in the global care chains by looking at the damages they entail and at some of their ties. Taking as our point of reference an invidious privileges dilemma that poses a real challenge to feminist theories, we analyze first the moral harm that, as Eva Kittay maintains, follows the fracturing of central, interpersonal and affective relationships of the women migrant workers. This specific moral harm of care relationships is not (...)
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    Guiding Principles of Jewish Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:367-380.
    This discussion develops six of the most important guiding principles of classical Jewish business ethics and illustrates their application to a complex recent case of product liability. These principles are: (1) the legitimacy of business activity and profit; (2) the divine origin and ordination of wealth (and hence the limits and obligations of human ownership); (3) the preeminent position in decision making given to the protection and preservation (sanctity) of human life; (4) the protection of consumers from commercial harm; (5) (...)
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  15. Newsgathering and Privacy: Expanding Ethics Codes to Reflect Change in the Digital Media Age.Ginny Whitehouse - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (4):310-327.
    Media ethics codes concerning privacy must be updated considering the ease with which information now can be gathered from social networks and disseminated widely. Existing codes allow for deception and privacy invasion in cases of overriding public need when no alternate means are available but do not adequately define what constitutes need or alternate means, or weigh in the harm such acts do to the public trust and the profession. Building on the ethics theories of Sissela Bok and Helen Nissenbaum, (...)
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  16. Cultural Appropriation Without Cultural Essentialism?Erich Hatala Matthes - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (2):343-366.
    Is there something morally wrong with cultural appropriation in the arts? I argue that the little philosophical work on this topic has been overly dismissive of moral objections to cultural appropriation. Nevertheless, I argue that philosophers working on epistemic injustice have developed powerful conceptual tools that can aid in our understanding of objections that have been levied by other scholars and artists. I then consider the relationship between these objections and the harms of cultural essentialism. I argue that focusing on (...)
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  17.  21
    Doing impact work while female: Hate tweets, ‘hot potatoes’ and having ‘enough of experts’.Laura Clancy & Hannah Yelin - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):175-193.
    Drawing upon lived experiences, this article explores challenges facing feminist academics sharing work in the media, and the gendered, raced intersections of ‘being visible’ in digital cultures which enable direct, public response. We examine online backlash following publication of an article about representations of Meghan Markle’s feminism being co-opted by the patriarchal monarchy. While in it we argued against vilification of Markle, we encountered what we term distortions of research remediation as news outlets reported our work under headlines such as (...)
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  18.  39
    Ethical issues in the development and application of business and management knowledge.W. Jack Duncan - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (5):391 - 400.
    This paper deals with four ethical issues in the development and application of business and management knowledge. The issues examined are: (1) failure to adopt or disclose knowledge with proven value that could benefit individuals, organizations, and society; (2) inappropriate implementation or incomplete disclosure of knowledge with proven potential; (3) use of knowledge for the exclusive benefit of a selected interest group even if harm is done to others; and (4) intentional falsification or misrepresentation of knowledge as something other (...)
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  19.  51
    Cross-Examining Socrates: A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues. [REVIEW]Mark L. McPherran - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):583-584.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cross-Examining Socrates. A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato’s Early DialoguesMark L. McPherranJohn Beversluis. Cross-Examining Socrates. A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato’s Early Dialogues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 416. Cloth, $69.95.This book is a valuable and thoroughly-researched contribution to the study of Plato's Socratic dialogues. Its fine qualities stem in part from its cathartic motivations: for years Beversluis suppressed his ever-growing reservations concerning (...)
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  20. Idealismus, Jahrbuch für die idealistische Philosophie. Ernst Harms. Vol. I.Ernst Harms - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):102-103.
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  21.  58
    Information and Meaning in Evolutionary Processes.William F. Harms - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is intended to help transform epistemology - the traditional study of knowledge - into a rigorous discipline by removing conceptual roadblocks and developing formal tools required for a fully naturalized epistemology. The evolutionary approach which Harms favours begins with the common observation that if our senses and reasoning were not reliable, then natural selection would have eliminated them long ago. The challenge for some time has been how to transform these informal musings about evolutionary epistemology into a rigorous (...)
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  22.  36
    Computing the Meanings of Words in Reading: Cooperative Division of Labor Between Visual and Phonological Processes.Michael W. Harm & Mark S. Seidenberg - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):662-720.
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    On the Proper Treatment of the N400 and P600 in Language Comprehension.Brouwer Harm & W. Crocker Matthew - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  24.  30
    Devaluation of distracting stimuli.Harm Veling, Rob W. Holland & Ad van Knippenberg - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):442-448.
  25.  34
    Phonology, reading acquisition, and dyslexia: Insights from connectionist models.Michael W. Harm & Mark S. Seidenberg - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (3):491-528.
  26. (3 other versions)Der VIII. Internationale Philosophenkongress.E. Harms - 1931 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36:364.
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    Cultural evolution and the variable phenotype.William Harms - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (3):357-375.
    It is common in attempts to extend the theory of evolution to culture to generalize from the causal basis of biological evolution, so that evolutionary theory becomes the theory of copying processes. Generalizing from the formal dynamics of evolution allows greater leeway in what kinds of things cultural entities can be, if they are to evolve. By understanding the phenomenon of cultural transmission in terms of coordinated phenotypic variability, we can have a theory of cultural evolution which allows us to (...)
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  28.  23
    The evolution of cooperation in hostile environments.William Harms - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    Skyrms describes how evolutionary models are helping us understand unselfish or cooperative behaviour in humans and animals. Mechanisms which can stabilize cooperative behaviour are sensitive to population densities, however. This creates the need for agent-based evolutionary models which depict individual interactions, spatial locations, and stochastic effects. One such model suggests that hostile environments may provide conditions conducive to the emergence and stabilization of cooperative behaviour. In particular, simulations show that random extinctions can keep population densities low, provide ongoing colonization opportunities, (...)
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  29. Edith Stein and John of the Cross: An Intellectual and Spiritual Relation from Husserl's Lecture in 1918 to the Gas Chamber of Auschwitz in 1942.Harm Klueting - 2015 - In Mette Lebech & John Haydn Gurmin (eds.), Intersubjectivity, humanity, being: Edith Stein's phenomenology and Christian philosophy. Oxford: Peter Lang.
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    Unintentional preparation of motor impulses after incidental perception of need-rewarding objects.Harm Veling & Henk Aarts - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (6):1131-1138.
    Using a new method, we examined whether incidental perception of need-rewarding (positive) objects unintentionally prepares motor action. Participants who varied in their level of need for water were presented with glasses of water (and control objects) that were accompanied by go and no-go cues that required a response (key-press) or withholding a response. Importantly, if need-rewarding objects unintentionally prepare action, presentation of no-go cues should lead to motor inhibition of these prepared motor impulses. Consistent with this hypothesis, results showed that (...)
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  31. Techniques to introduce historical computers into the computer science curriculum.Douglas Harms - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (1):57-66.
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  32. Le procès de Madame Bovary: Quelques réflexions sur l'evolution dela morale publique.Harm Boukema - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:661-678.
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  33.  75
    Evolution and ultimatum bargaining.William Harms - 1997 - Theory and Decision 42 (2):147-175.
    Empirical research has discovered that experimental subjects in ultimatum bargaining situations generally fail to play the decision-theoretic optimum strategy, and instead play something between that strategy and a fair split. In evolutionary dynamics, fair division and nearly fair division strategies often go to fixation and weakly dominated strategies can do quite well. Computer simulations were done using three different ultimatum bargaining games as determinates of fitness. (1) No tendency toward the elimination of weakly dominated strategies was observed, with or without (...)
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  34.  91
    Tense logic in 13th-century theology.Harm Goris - 2001 - Vivarium 39 (2):161-184.
  35. (2 other versions)The Angelic Doctor and Angelic Speech: The Development of Thomas Aquinas's Thought on How Angels Communicate.Harm Goris - 1988 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 11 (1):87-105.
    This paper shows how Aquinas gradually developed his view on angelic speech. His major texts are summarized and compared to those of contemporaries (sections II-III). Next the texts are analyzed, focusing on three issues: the notion of ‘word’ (section IV), the role of the will (section V), and the need of signification (section VI). With regard to each of these topics, Aquinas’ thought evolved, first by juxtaposing and later by integrating Augustinian and Aristotelian viewpoints. Aquinas reaches his mature position in (...)
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  36. Stability of executive function and predictions to adaptive behavior from middle childhood to pre-adolescence.Madeline B. Harms, Vivian Zayas, Andrew N. Meltzoff & Stephanie M. Carlson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  37. Determining truth conditions in signaling games.William F. Harms - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 147 (1):23 - 35.
    Evolving signaling systems can be said to induce partitions on the space of world states as they approach equilibrium. Formalizing this claim provides a general framework for understanding what it means for language to “cut nature at its seams”. In order to avoid taking our current best science as providing the adaptive target for all evolving systems, the state space of the world must be characterized exclusively in terms of the coincidence of stimuli and payoffs that drives the evolution of (...)
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  38.  14
    Current periodical articles.Causing Harm & Bringing Aid - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (4).
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  39.  10
    Naturphilosophie.F. Harms - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:99.
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    Psychologie und Psychiatrie der Conversion.Ernest Harms - 1939 - Leiden,: A. W. Sijthoff.
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  41.  8
    Reinhart Fuchs als Papst und Antichrist auf dem Rad der Fortuna.Wolfgang Harms - 1972 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 6 (1):418-440.
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  42.  22
    Separating the why from the what: Reply to Jonas and Markon(2015).P. D. Harms, Dustin Wood & Seth M. Spain - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):84-89.
  43.  18
    Sein und Zeit bei Cartesius.Julius Harms - 1976 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 18 (3):277-294.
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  44. Traktat bolee ili menee po konspektu Emersena.D. Harms - 1993 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4:120-122.
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  45. The evolution of normative systems.William Harms - manuscript
    Philosophers spend a lot of time worrying about rules. We worry about how one ought to live, about the rules of justification for beliefs and actions, about what it would be like if the rules of reason were rigorously followed, about what the rules are for scientific enquiry, about which rules govern the meaning of signs and the intentions of agents, and so on. Sometimes, we argue that there are no such rules as most of us want to believe there (...)
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  46.  24
    Take your seats: leftward asymmetry in classroom seating choice.Victoria L. Harms, Lisa J. O. Poon, Austen K. Smith & Lorin J. Elias - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  47.  21
    Walking Without Awareness.Ilse M. Harms, Joke H. van Dijken, Karel A. Brookhuis & Dick de Waard - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Apriorität des rechts und materielle rechtswidrigkeit auf der grundlage der erkenntniskritischen lehre Kants und des Rickertschen erkenntnisbegriffes.Wolf Harms - 1933 - Breslau-Neukirch,: A. Kurtze.
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    Computational bases of two types of developmental dyslexia.Michael W. Harm & Mark S. Seidenberg - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--364.
  50.  22
    Das kantische »pro me« und das theologische »pro nobis«.J. Harms - 1971 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 13 (3):351-362.
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