Results for ' genesis'

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  1.  18
    Creation.Read Genesis - 1946 - Hibbert Journal: A Quarterly Review of Religion, Theology, and Philosophy 44:22.
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    Social norms and webcam use in online meetings.Sarah Zabel, Genesis Thais Vinan Navas & Siegmar Otto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Face-to-face meetings are often preferred over other forms of communication because meeting in person provides the “richest” way to communicate. Face-to-face meetings are so rich because many ways of communicating are available to support mutual understanding. With the progress of digitization and driven by the need to reduce personal contact during the global pandemic, many face-to-face work meetings have been shifted to videoconferences. With webcams turned on, video calls come closest to the richness of face-to-face meetings. However, webcam use often (...)
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    The Color of Noise and Weak Stationarity at the NREM to REM Sleep Transition in Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Erika E. Rodriguez-Torres, Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz, Pedro Miramontes, Génesis Vázquez-Tagle, Julio C. Enciso-Alva, Valeria García-Muñoz, Lourdes Cubero-Rego, José E. Pineda-Sánchez, Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá & Jose S. Lopez-Noguerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361371.
    In Older Adults (OAs), Electroencephalogram (EEG) slowing in frontal lobes and a diminished muscle atonia during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM) have each been effective tracers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), but this relationship remains to be explored by non-linear analysis. Likewise, data provided by EEG, EMG (Electromyogram) and EOG (Electrooculogram)—the three required sleep indicators—during the transition from REM to Non-REM (NREM) sleep have not been related jointly to MCI. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to explore, with (...)
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    Nurses’ values on medical aid in dying: A qualitative analysis.Judy E. Davidson, Liz Stokes, Marcia S. DeWolf Bosek, Martha Turner, Genesis Bojorquez, Youn-Shin Lee & Michele Upvall - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):636-650.
    Aim: Explore nurses’ values and perceptions regarding the practice of medical aid in dying. Background: Medical aid in dying is becoming increasing legal in the United States. The laws and American Nurses Association documents limit nursing involvement in this practice. Nurses’ values regarding this controversial topic are poorly understood. Methodology: Cross-sectional electronic survey design sent to nurse members of the American Nurses Association. Inductive thematic content analysis was applied to open-ended comments. Ethical Considerations: Approved by the institutional review board (#191046). (...)
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    Genezis i struktura na istoricheskoto sŭbitie = Genesis and structure of the historical event.Ivaĭlo Znepolski (ed.) - 2015 - Sofii︠a︡: Dom na naukite za choveka i obshtestvoto.
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    Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern German Political Thought, 1790–1800.Frederick C. Beiser - 1992 - Harvard University Press.
  7.  10
    Bi-Valenz der Erfahrung: Assoziation, Imaginäres und Trieb in der Genesis der Subjektivität bei Husserl und Freud.Jagna Brudzińska - 2019 - Cham: Springer.
    Edmund Husserls Phänomenologie und Sigmund Freuds Psychoanalyse sind zwei große Denktraditionen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erstmals wird in diesem Buch die lebendige problemgebundene Beziehung zwischen beiden untersucht, und zwar ausgehend von Husserls genetischer Phänomenologie. Im Fokus stehen drei große Erfahrungsbereiche des Menschen: die Assoziation, die Phantasie und der Trieb. Wie sich zeigt, spielen alle drei eine Schlüsselrolle, sowohl für Husserls als auch für Freuds Denken. Die Autorin hat für ihre Studie veröffentlichte wie auch unveröffentlichte Texte aus dem Werk Husserls berücksichtigt und (...)
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    Genesis, Structure, and Ideas: Genetic Epistemology in Early Modern Philosophy.Gregor Kroupa - 2022 - In Jure Simoniti & Gregor Kroupa (eds.), Ideas and Idealism in Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 69-92.
    Although the idiom “genesis and structure” is usually associated with the rise of structuralism in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the two notions are arguably among the most persistent methods in the history of modern philosophy. This article outlines the emergence of “genetic epistemology” in the seventeenth century, when the seemingly antithetical character of the conceptual pair was reworked into a productive epistemological theory, especially in Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, who increasingly used diachronic (genetic) narratives to explain (...)
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    Minificción centroamericana: una primera mirada a la génesis y los rasgos propios del formato narrativo breve de la región.Alberto Sánchez Argüello - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (31):85-118.
    Este artículo explora el panorama de la minificción en seis países hispanoparlantes del istmo centroamericano: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá, con el objetivo de contar con una primera mirada a la génesis comparada de la minificción regional, su estado actual y los rasgos propios de la creación minificcional en Centroamérica.
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    AT Annual Lecture: "Sin and Desire in Analytic Theology: A Return to Genesis 3".Sarah Coakley - 2017 - Journal of Analytic Theology 5.
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    Gênese do complexo da arte: um estudo fundamentado na estética Lukacsiana / Genesis of the art complex: a study based on lukacsian aesthetics.Adele Cristina Braga Araujo & Josefa Jackline Rabelo - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020006.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como se estabelecem os estudos do filósofo húngaro Georg Lukács sobre a origem do complexo da arte a partir das formas abstratas do reflexo estético da realidade, a saber: ritmo, simetria e proporção e ornamentística. Tais categorias configuram-se, conforme os estudos de Lukács, em princípios; em elementos estruturais da produção artística, os quais são diversos, orientados por funções as mais variadas e já bastante evoluídas e que, de forma excepcional, no caso da ornamentística, mantiveram (...)
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  12. Man and God in Philo: Philo's Interpretation of Genesis 1:26.James Arieti - 1992 - Lyceum 4 (1):1-18.
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  13. Beets, M. G. J. - The Road To Larissa. A Companion To Plntos Menon, 95 Pp.Beets , M. G. J. -anatomv Of Love. A Companion To Pintos Symposion, 174 Pp.Beets , M. G. J. - Genesis. A Companion To Pintos Parmenides , 203 Pp. [REVIEW]António Martins - 1996 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 5 (9):236-237.
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    Genesis: The Evolution of Biology.Jan Sapp - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Genesis: The Evolution of Biology presents a history of the past two centuries of biology, suitable for use in courses, but of interest more broadly to evolutionary biologists, geneticists, and biomedical scientists, as well as general readers interested in the history of science. The book covers the early evolutionary biologists-Lamarck, Cuvier, Darwin and Wallace through Mayr and the neodarwinian synthesis, in much the same way as other histories of evolution have done, bringing in also the social implications, the struggles (...)
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    The Emergence of Logical Formalization in the Philosophy of Religion: Genesis, Crisis, and Rehabilitation.Anders Kraal - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (4):351 - 366.
    The paper offers a historical survey of the emergence of logical formalization in twentieth-century analytically oriented philosophy of religion. This development is taken to have passed through three main ?stages?: a pioneering stage in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (led by Frege and Russell), a stage of crisis in the 1920s and early 1930s (occasioned by Wittgenstein, logical positivists such as Carnap, and neo-Thomists such as Maritain), and a stage of rehabilitation in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s (led (...)
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  16.  24
    Biblical Gardens in Word Culture: Genesis and History.Zofia Włodarczyk & Anna Kapczyńska - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):835-854.
    For nearly 80 years Biblical gardens have been present in the natural and cultural landscape. The first gardens came into existence in the US. The idea to create such gardens spread from the US mainly across Europe, Australia and Israel. These gardens are being made all the time; recently we have observed their dynamic development. This study is to show the effects of the 20 years long scientific work to formulate the original genesis of the Biblical garden idea. The (...)
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    For a Reading of Lordship and Bondage: The Genesis of Practical Reason as a Way to Hegel's First Philosophy.Alberto Arruda - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-28.
    In the following essay I shall propose a reading of Lordship and Bondage that follows what Robert Pippin termed a ‘practical turn’ (Pippin 2011: 28). I shall further argue that this turn ought to be qualified as Hegel's first philosophy. Starting with a reading that evinces the connection between the practical achievement of Self-Consciousness and the notion of Spirit as exhibiting a concentric relation, Spirit will be revealed to have its centre in the practical achievement of Self-Consciousness. I will then (...)
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  18.  12
    ‘And Sarah Heard It in the Tent Door’ (Genesis 18, 10): Uncovering Sarah’s Covenant.Dvora Lederman Daniely - 2018 - Feminist Theology 27 (1):26-42.
    The hypothesis of this article is that Sarah was the equal of Abraham in establishing the faith of the Hebrew nation, and therefore, she was also a party to a constitutive covenant that was most likely concealed and omitted from the canonical version of the Bible. First, this article introduces research claims regarding Sarah’s central role as a formative leading matriarch. The article then goes on to examine the significance of the tradition of the covenant with Abraham in terms of (...)
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    The Platonism of Marsilio Ficino: A Study of His Phaedrus Commentary, Its Sources and Genesis.Michael J. B. Allen - 1984
  20. Justice, change, and knowledge : Aristotle, Parmenides, and Melissus on genesis and natural science.Rose Cherubin - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
  21.  11
    Thomas J. J. Altizer., The Genesis of God: A Theological Genealogy.John B. Cobb - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):106-107.
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  22.  16
    Ockham's right reason and the genesis of the political as ‘absolutist’.J. Coleman - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (1):35-64.
    My aim is to explain the relation of ‘right reason’ to Ockham's voluntarism by analysing what Ockham takes individual liberty to mean and how men come to know of it. The Christian law of liberty reveals what individuals come to know by other means — from their own experiences and reason, about certain rights which can never be alienated either to Church or ‘state’. It is argued that his distinctive and later political positions can be supported by positions maintained in (...)
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  23.  8
    The intelligent mind: on the genesis and constitution of discursive thought.Richard Dien Winfield - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Intelligent Mind conceives the psychological reality of thought and language, explaining how intelligence develops from intuition to representation and then to linguistic interaction and thinking. Overcoming the prevailing dogmas regarding how discursive reason emerges, this book secures the psychological possibility of the philosophy of mind.
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  24. Chapter 7. Rousseau's Reading of the Book of Genesis and the Theology of Commercial Society.RobertHG Wokler - 2012 - In Rousseau, the Age of Enlightenment, and Their Legacies. Princeton University Press. pp. 113-120.
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    German occultism escapes the shadow of Nazism: Corinna Treitel, A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern.Heather Wolffram - 2005 - Metascience 14 (3):493-496.
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    Ideal objects in philosophy and science: genesis and concept.Vadim Markovich Rozin - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The author discusses the concept of an ideal object. The statement of O.I. Genisaretsky is quoted and problematized, stating that the obligatory feature that has been preserved for the object and the terms "object" and "ideal object" is, apparently, its representability or visibility. The author shows that ideal objects began to be created during the formation of ancient philosophy and thinking. Faced with contradictions, ancient thinkers dealt with this situation in different ways. If Protogoras recognized the right of the reasoners (...)
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  27. Lo propio y lo ajeno: génesis de los Ensayos de Montaigne.Jesús Navarro Reyes - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):272.
    Es preciso practicar una cierta arqueología para encontrar, tras el texto de los Ensayos , los vestigios de un poderoso esfuerzo: aquel que realizó su autor para transformar los textos de otros en lenguaje acerca de sí. La obra de Montaigne surge así a partir de lo ajeno, atraviesa los caminos del yo, y vuelve a encontrar al otro en la figura del lector.It's necessary to practice some kind of archeology in the text of the Essays, to find the signs (...)
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    Martin Heidegger’s Metaphysical Question of 1929-1930: Genesis and Consequences.Юрій Андрійович МАРИНЧУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):31-42.
    The article examines the foundations that constitute the formulation of the metaphysical question in Martin Heidegger’s philosophy. The article focuses in detail on the period of 1929-1930, which includes the report “Was ist Metaphysik?” and the lecture course “Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik. Welt–Endlichkeit–Einsamkeit”. The introduction to the article and the main problem are three prejudices from Being and Time that make it impossible to ask a clear question about being. The main material is presented on the basis of primary sources: (...)
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  29.  5
    The Ethos of the Cosmos: The Genesis of Moral Imagination in the Bible.William P. Brown (ed.) - 1999 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    This groundbreaking work investigates how the various pictures of creation found in Scripture helped shape the ancient faith community's moral character. Bringing together the fields of biblical studies and ethics, William Brown demonstrates how certain creation traditions of the Old and New Testaments were developed from the community's moral imagination for the purpose of forming and preserving both Israel's and the early church's identity in the world.
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  30. Heredity and environment: studies in the genesis of psychological characteristics.B. S. Bosanquet - 1934 - The Eugenics Review 26 (1):63.
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    The basics of consequentialism: with an introduction to physical philosophy, and featuring the genesis model of vecton theory.David Lee Cale - 1980 - Parsons, W. Va.: McClain Print. Co..
  32.  22
    ¿En qué sentido es la Lógica de Hegel el dinero del espíritu? Interpretación del sistema hegeliano desde la génesis del dinero en El capital de Marx.Germán D. Castiglioni - 2016 - Tópicos 31:22-41.
    Es sabido que las obras de Marx, en sus distintas épocas, guardan siempre una relación conflictiva con Hegel. Pero, al mismo tiempo, esta relación se ve afectada continuamente por el propio desarrollo del pensamiento de Marx. Teniendo en cuenta este desarrollo, en el presente trabajo intentaremos brindar una interpretación marxiana del sistema hegeliano, tomando como punto de partida la frase juvenil de Marx que afirma que la Ciencia de la lógica de Hegel es "el dinero del espíritu". Sin embargo, bajo (...)
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    La figura de Abraham en el Midrás Génesis Rabbah.Luis Vegas Montaner - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    Counting on the weather: Kristine C. Harper: Weather by the numbers: The genesis of modern meteorology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008, ix+308pp, US$42.00 HB.Ruth Morgan - 2011 - Metascience 20 (3):585-588.
    Counting on the weather Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9503-3 Authors Ruth Morgan, History Discipline, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Fromfiatto ‘thou shalt not’: Reflections on Genesis, romanticism, and language.Angela Esterhammer - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):699-705.
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    El nacimiento en la biopolítica: la génesis de la vida en Hegel y Deleuze.Julián Ferreyra - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61.
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    Rabelais and «The Theleme Abbey», genesis of anti-utopia in Modern Age.M. Simões Ferreira - 2006 - Cultura:339-369.
    Este artigo refere-se ao conhecido episódio da famosa novela "Gargantua", de Rabelais, e a sua intenção é mostrar que naquelas singulares sociedade e arquitectura se apresentam ou prefigu­ram, em larga medida, as questões que mais tarde foram exploradas no pensamento utópico oci­dental sobre o tema de "Antiutopia". Em particular, há a intenção de mostrar as relações entre as "Sociedades Ideais" e as "Arquitecturas Ideais"... Como se mutuamente se implicassem. – E, claro, os hilariantes equívocos relacionados com tal...
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    An Old Babylonian Herding Contract and Genesis 31:38 f.J. J. Finkelstein - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1):30.
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  39. The Old Testament, Newly translated from the Vulgate Latin, Vol. I, Genesis to Esther.Ronald Knox - 1948
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    Literary Aesthetics and Bible Translation with special reference to Translation of the Book of Genesis into the Sango Language.David Koudougueret - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (3):197-198.
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    The Journal of Clinical Ethics: Genesis, Purposes, and Scope.Edmund G. Howe - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):3-4.
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    A Basis for Understanding the Genesis and Evolution of Culture Differences Between Divergent Communities of Interest.Frank Jamison - 2010 - Synesis: A Journal of Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy 1 (1):G4 - G9.
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    The radial network of a grammatical category — its genesis and dynamic structure.Laura A. Janda - 1990 - Cognitive Linguistics 1 (3):269-288.
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  44. Filosofía y Sociología, ¿saberes entrelazados en la obra bourdieuna?: apuntes para el estudio de la crítica bourdieuna a la filosofía y a los filósofos: su lugar en la génesis de la obra de Pierre Bourdieu.Isabel Jiménez - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (130):23-42.
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  45. Poesía y otredad: de la crítica a la modernidad como génesis de las teorías decoloniales.Xavier Rodríguez Ledesma - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    La crítica de Octavio Paz sobre el significado de la modernidad para los países latinoamericanos, sustentada en una visión poética y en una perspectiva otorgada por ser un autor proveniente de la otredad que postulaba la necesidad de que la Razón recuperará su espíritu crítico abandonado a raíz del intento de imponerla como forma hegemónica de pensar el presente, pasado y futuro de toda la humanidad, sentó las bases para lo que hoy en día conocemos como teorías de la decolonialidad. (...)
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  46. Plotin VI 7, 16-18: Die Entstehung oder das Ins-Sein-Treten (genesis eis ousian) des Geistes.Thomas Leinkauf - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  47. Revisions of the Night: Politics and Promises in the Patriarchal Dreams of Genesis.Diana Lipton - 1999
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    The Role of Structural Reasoning in the Genesis of Graph Theory.Michael Arndt - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (3):266-297.
    The seminal book on graph theory by Dénes Kőnig, published in the year 1936, collected notions and results from precursory works from the mid to late nineteenth century by Hamilton, Cayley, Sylvester and others. More importantly, Kőnig himself contributed many of his own results that he had obtained in the more than twenty years that he had been working on this subject matter. What is noteworthy is the fact that the fundamentals of what he calls directed graphs are taken almost (...)
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    From moral to political economy: The Genesis of social sciences.Leonard Bauer & Herbert Matis - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (2):125-143.
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    Haunted by the specter of creole genesis.Derek Bickerton - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):364-366.
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