Results for ' gender relations'

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  1.  17
    Exploring gender relations in Paul’s use of salutations to house churches and the ubuntu oral praxis of sereto or isiduko.Abraham M. M. Mzondi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):8.
    Paul usually ends his letters with salutations to believers who meet in someone else’s house. Far from being individualistic, these greetings also include people from different house churches. Considered from a functional angle, these greetings cement relationships between house churches. Within an ubuntu worldview, the oral praxis of sereto (Sepedi) or isiduko (IsiXhosa) (praise-poetry) establishes and confirms relationships between members of the same community (family, clan or tribe). The question is how such praxes affect women who belong to such communities. (...)
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    Nature–gender relations within a social-ecological perspective on European multifunctional agriculture: the case of agrobiodiversity.Tanja Mölders & Annemarie Burandt - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):955-967.
    We view agrobiodiversity as a social-ecological phenomenon and, therefore, an example of nature–gender relations within agrarian change, including social, economic, political and technical changes in agriculture and rural areas. As a result of the industrialization of agriculture, nature–gender relations in the field of agrobiodiversity have become characterized by separation processes such as conservation versus use or subsistence versus commodity production. We argue that the sustainable development paradigm, as currently implemented in European Common Agricultural Policy through the (...)
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    Gender-Related Differences in Ethical and Social Values of Business Students: Implications for Management. [REVIEW]Patricia L. Smith & I. I. I. Oakley - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):37-45.
    This study investigated gender-related differences in ethical attitudes of 318 graduate and undergraduate business students. Significant differences were observed in male and female responses to questions concerning ethics in social and personal relationships. No differences were noted for survey items concerning rules-based obligations. Implications for future management are discussed.
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    Gender relations and social justice in Africa: Toward a duty-based approach to gender-based violence.Abiodun Paul Afolabi & Edwin Etieyibo - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):230-245.
    A large and important part of social relations is gender relations between men and women. Over time, the manifestation of such relations has often been one of violence, particularly violence against women. Different approaches have been deployed to deal with the experience of gender-based violence (GBV). One popular approach is the human rights framework that suggest that GBV can be addressed by granting certain rights to women. We argue that while a human rights framework holds (...)
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    Gender-related differences in ethical and social values of business students: Implications for management. [REVIEW]Patricia L. Smith & Ellwood F. Oakley - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):37-45.
    This study investigated gender-related differences in ethical attitudes of 318 graduate and undergraduate business students. Significant differences were observed in male and female responses to questions concerning ethics in social and personal relationships. No differences were noted for survey items concerning rules-based obligations. Implications for future management are discussed.
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    The Intersection of Gender-Related Facial Appearance and Facial Displays of Emotion.Reginald B. Adams, Ursula Hess & Robert E. Kleck - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):5-13.
    The human face conveys a myriad of social meanings within an overlapping array of features. Herein, we examine such features within the context of gender-emotion stereotypes. First we detail the pervasive set of gender-emotion expectations known to exist. We then review new research revealing that gender cues and emotion expression often share physical properties that represent a confound of overlapping features characteristic of low versus high facial maturity/dominance. As such, gender-related facial appearance and facial expression of (...)
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    Gender-related differences in ethical and social values of business students: Implications for management.Patricia L. Smith & I. I. I. Ellwood F. Oakley - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):37-45.
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    Gendered relations in the mines and the division of labor underground.Suzanne E. Tallichet - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (6):697-711.
    This article focuses on how men's sexualization of work relations and the workplace contributes to job-level gender segregation among coal miners. The findings suggest that sexualization represents men's power to stigmatize women in order to sustain stereotypes about them as inferior workers. In particular, supervisors use stereotypes to justify women's assignments to jobs in support of and in service to men. Once in these jobs, men's positive evaluations of women workers become contingent upon their fulfillment of men's gendered (...)
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  9.  46
    Gender Relations.Frigga Haug - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (2):279-302.
  10.  76
    Recalled Childhood Gender-Related Play Behaviour and Current Gender-Related Occupational Interests in University Students: Examining the Mediating Roles of Gender Compatibility, Goal Endorsement, and Occupational Stereotype Flexibility.Karson T. F. Kung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Substantial average gender differences in childhood play behaviour and occupational interests have been well-documented. Recent research shows that childhood gender-related play behaviour longitudinally predicts gender-related occupational interests in adolescence. The first aim of the present study was to extend this recent finding by examining whether university students’ recalled childhood gender-related play behaviour predicts their current gender-related occupational interests. The second aim of the present study was to investigate whether gender-related socio-cognitive processes mediate the relation (...)
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  11. Gender related differences in science activities.Kenneth Tobin & Pamela Garnett - 1987 - Science Education 71 (1):91-103.
  12. Do Gender-Related Stereotypes Affect Spatial Performance? Exploring When, How and to Whom Using a Chronometric Two-Choice Mental Rotation Task.Carla Sanchis-Segura, Naiara Aguirre, Álvaro J. Cruz-Gómez, Noemí Solozano & Cristina Forn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398111.
    It is a common belief that males have superior visuospatial abilities and that differences in this and other cognitive domains (e.g., math) contribute to the reduced interest and low representation of girls and women in STEM education and professions. However, previous studies show that gender-related implicit associations and explicit beliefs, as well as situational variables, might affect cognitive performance in those gender-stereotyped domains and produce between-gender spurious differences. Therefore, the present study aimed to provide information on when, (...)
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    Gender relations in household grain storage management and marketing: the case of Binga District, Zimbabwe. [REVIEW]Joanne Manda & Brighton M. Mvumi - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (1):85-103.
    This study uses the Locke and Okali gender analysis framework to explore gender relations surrounding grain storage management and marketing in Binga District of Zimbabwe. The study was conducted during one grain storage season and involved multiple visits to selected households, which were used as case studies. The main question that the study sought to address was: “What bargaining goes on between men and women in the area of stored grain management and marketing?” Data were collected from (...)
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  14.  36
    Stability and change in gender relations.Richard F. Curtis & Patricia MacCorquodale - 1990 - Sociological Theory 8 (2):136-152.
    Relationships between men and women can change rapidly, yet simultaneously can resist change. This paradox is addressed by a theory of social organization in the "personality and social structure" tradition, which attempts to explain what aspects of gender relations change most readily and what aspects are most resistant to change, in terms of 1) institutional models of organization and 2) the contrasting ways in which status and role affect identity. Changes in gender relations appear first in (...)
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    4. Social exclusion and gender relations.Mary Daly & Chiara Saraceno - 2002 - In Barbara Meil Hobson, Jane Lewis & Birte Siim (eds.), Contested concepts in gender and social politics. Northampton, MA, USA: E. Elgar. pp. 84.
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    Balancing security and care: Gender relations of nursing staff in forensic psychiatric care.Esa Kumpula, Per Ekstrand & Lena-Karin Gustafsson - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12478.
    This study departs from the built-in tension of the dual goals of forensic psychiatric care in Sweden, which are to protect society as well as to care for patients. The majority of violence that takes place is perpetrated by men. Therefore, the views of nursing staff on violence as a gendered phenomenon have an impact on the care provision. There is a need for further knowledge of how norms of violence are intertwined with the construction of gender. The aim (...)
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  17. Hobbes on Power and Gender Relations.Sandra Leonie Field - 2021 - In Marcus P. Adams (ed.), A Companion to Hobbes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 139–155.
    In this paper, I articulate two Hobbesian models of interpersonal power relations that can be used to understand gender relations in society: what I will call the dominion model and the deference model. The dominion model discerns vertical subjection to another's will, whereas by contrast the deference model places individuals in a complex and shifting webs of favor and disfavor. Hobbes himself analyses gender relations through the dominion model. Indeed, more broadly this is the most (...)
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    Gender related issues in international development assistance for agriculture and rural life.Nancy W. Axinn - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):69-76.
    In this paper, the author points out that although by-passed by international development assistance in many parts of the world, women have been providing skill and labor for agricultural production, as well as subsistence of food, water and firewood for their families. Some of the assumptions which have contributed to the marginal attention to women as agriculturalists in international development assistance programs are reviewed. Factors contributing to these assumptions, examples of achievements in development projects and persistent problems are discussed. Some (...)
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  19.  9
    “Broad” Impact: Perceptions of Sex/Gender-Related Psychology Journals.Elizabeth R. Brown, Jessi L. Smith & Doralyn Rossmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Because men are overrepresented within positions of power, men are perceived as the default in academia. Androcentric bias emerges whereby research by men and/or dominated by men is perceived as higher quality and gains more attention. We examined if these androcentric biases materialize within fields that study bias. How do individuals in close contact with psychology view psychology research outlets with titles including the words women, gender, sex, or feminism or contain the words men or masculinity versus psychology journals (...)
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  20.  26
    Examination of Gender-Related Differential Item Functioning Through Poly-BW Indices.Tsai-Wei Huang, Pei-Chen Wu & Magdalena Mo Ching Mok - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The existing differential item functioning detection approaches relying on item difficulty or item discrimination are limited for understanding the associates of DIF items, and consequently, DIF items were conventionally either deleted or ignored. Given the importance of minimizing DIF items in test construction, teachers or testing practitioners need more information regarding possible associates of DIF items. Using an example of a teacher-made mathematics achievement test, this study aimed to examine how the Poly-BW indices contributed to the properties of gender-related (...)
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    Does climatic crisis in Australia’s food bowl create a basis for change in agricultural gender relations?Margaret Alston & Kerri Whittenbury - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (1):115-128.
    An ongoing crisis in Australian agriculture resulting from climate crises including drought, decreasing irrigation water, more recent catastrophic flooding, and an uncertain policy environment is reshaping gender relations in the intimate sphere of the farm family. Drawing on research conducted in the Murray-Darling Basin area of Australia we ask the question: Does extreme hardship/climate crises change highly inequitable gender relations in agriculture? As farm income declines, Australian farm women are more likely to be working off farm (...)
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  22. Postmodernism and the gender relations in feminist theory.J. Flaxova - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (4):598-608.
  23. Postmodernism and the gender relations in feminist theory-conclusion.J. Flaxova - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (5):745-761.
  24.  11
    Power relationships in gender-related disclosures: exploring language in selected Fortune 500 companies' sustainability reports.Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad & Siti Alawiah Siraj - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (3):262.
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    Power relationships in gender-related disclosures: Exploring language in selected Fortune 500 companies.Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad & Siti Alawiah Siraj - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (1):1.
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    Taking vaccine regret and hesitancy seriously. The role of truth, conspiracy theories, gender relations and trust in the HPV immunisation programmes in Ireland.Elżbieta Drążkiewicz Grodzicka - 2021 - Journal for Cultural Research 25 (1):69-87.
    . Taking vaccine regret and hesitancy seriously. The role of truth, conspiracy theories, gender relations and trust in the HPV immunisation programmes in Ireland. Journal for Cultural Research: Vol. 25, What should academics do about conspiracy theories? Moving beyond debunking to better deal with conspiratorial movements, misinformation and post-truth., pp. 69-87.
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    Equality and the Uniqueness of the Individual. Towards Just Gender Relations.Herta Nagl-Docekal - 2014 - Pro-Fil 15 (2):2.
    The paper addresses the asymmetrical gender relations which have shaped all spheres of life, arguing that in both the public and private domains just relations cannot be accomplished unless the uniqueness of the individual is duly acknowledged. Examining the background for the persistent discrimination of women, Part I discusses the naturalistic fallacy implied in traditional gender norms, the fatal correlation of ‚women‘ and ‚nature‘, and the ‚feminization of poverty‘. Part II focuses on the ways in which (...)
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  28. Critical sociology and gender relations.Kathy Davis - 1991 - In Kathy Davis, Monique Leijenaar & Jantine Oldersma (eds.), The Gender of power. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. pp. 65--86.
  29.  49
    Correlation of gender-related values of independence and relationship and leadership orientation.Clarence E. Butz & Phillip V. Lewis - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (11):1141 - 1149.
    This study compares the relationship between the moral reasoning modes and leadership orientation of males versus females, and managers versus engineers/scientists. A questionnaire developed by Worthley (1987) was used to measure the degree of each participant's respective independence and justice, and relationships and caring moral reasoning modes. Leadership orientation values and attitudes were measured using the Fiedler and Chemers (1984) Least Preferred Coworker Scale.The results suggest that, although males differ from female in their dominant moral reasoning modes, managers are not (...)
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  30.  12
    Modernizing the Sexes: Changing Gender Relations in a Moroccan Town.Douglas A. Davis - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):69-78.
  31. Engaging with Sen on Gender Relations: Cooperative Conflicts, False Perceptions and Relative Capabilities.Bina Agarwal - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    How Far Can a “Radical” Philosopher Go? Thomas Hobbes’s Paradox of Gender Relations, and One Possible Solution.Gianni Paganini - 2020 - Hobbes Studies 33 (1):29-53.
    This article challenges the idea that Hobbes presents a negative anthropology and shows, to the contrary, that there is a thick web of social relations in his state of nature and laws of nature. It considers the contradiction between human natural equality claimed by Hobbes, and female subjection that de facto characterizes most of his passages on gender relations. The key to this puzzle is found in comparison of the notions of conquest and consent, and of acquisition (...)
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  33.  13
    Exploring Topography of Gender-related Courses in Universities after the ‘Feminism Reboot’. 김민정 - 2020 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 33:143-181.
    2015년 본격화된 ‘페미니즘 리부트’가 미투 운동, 불법촬영 반대운동, 낙태죄 폐지 운동으로 이어지며, 2020년 현재까지 지속되고 있다. 20대 여성의 절반이 자신을 페미니스트로 인식하며 페미니즘 대중서 붐을 추동하고 있는 현실에서, 대학 강단은 청년들의 페미니즘 지식에 대한 욕구에 어떻게 응답하고 있는가?BR 본 연구는 ‘성’ 관련 교양 수업을 대학이 일련의 페미니즘 리부트 이후의 사회 변화와 학생들의 수요에 어떻게 대응하고 있는지를 보여주는 하나의 중요한 자료라고 보고, 이를 탐색적으로 분석하고자 한다. ‘페미니즘 리부트’를 전후하여 14개 대학에서 개설된 ‘성(sex, gender, sexuality)’ 관련 교양 교과목명의 변화를 살펴, ‘성’을 (...)
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    Men’s Perceptions of Women’s Rights and Changing Gender Relations in South Africa: Lessons for Working With Men and Boys in HIV and Antiviolence Programs.Dean Peacock, Abbey Hatcher, Christopher Colvin & Shari L. Dworkin - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (1):97-120.
    Emerging out of increased attention to gender equality within violence and HIV prevention efforts in South African society has been an intensified focus on masculinities. Garnering a deeper understanding of how men respond to shifting gender relations and rights on the ground is of urgent importance, particularly since social constructions of gender are implicated in the HIV/aids epidemic. As social scientists collaborating on a rights-based HIV and antiviolence program, we sought to understand masculinities, rights, and (...) norms across six high HIV/aids seroprevalence provinces in South Africa. Drawing on focus group research, we explore the ways that men who are engaged in HIV and antiviolence programming can often be simultaneously resistant to and embracing of changes in masculinities, women’s rights, and gender relations. We use our findings on men’s responses to changing gender relations to make suggestions for how to better engage men in HIV and antiviolence programs. (shrink)
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    The reconfiguration of gender relations in Syrian-American feminist discourse in the diasporic conditions of the late nineteenth century.Dominique Cadinot - 2014 - Clio 37.
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    Overcoming patriarchal constraints:: The reconstruction of gender relations among mexican immigrant women and men.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):393-415.
    This article examines how gender shapes the migration and settlement experiences of Mexican immigrant women and men. The article compares the experiences of families in which the husbands departed prior to 1965 to those in which the husbands departed after 1965 and argues that the lengthy spousal separations altered patterns of patriarchal authority and the traditional gendered household division of labor. This induced a trend toward more egalitarian conjugal relations upon settlement in the United States. Examining the changing (...)
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    Individual strategies and state strategies: the shaping of French Caribbean emigration by gender relations.Stéphanie Condon - 2020 - Clio 51:119-141.
    Les recherches ayant permis de sortir de l’invisibilité l’histoire de la migration antillaise mettent généralement l’accent sur sa place parmi les « migrations de travail » dans la France des années 1950-1970, sur le rôle de l’État dans l’expatriation des migrants, puis des discriminations subies. Relativement absente de la littérature est une vision des stratégies des individus, stratégies façonnées par les motifs du départ des Antilles puis par les attentes et les projets de vie à plus long terme. S’appuyant sur (...)
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    Affordability of health care: A gender-related problem and a gender-responsive solution.Carla Saenz - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (2):144-153.
    Evidence shows that women have greater difficulty than men in affording health care. But what is it to afford health care? According to the reasonable tradeoff account of affordability, individuals can afford health care if paying for it does not require them to make tradeoffs that are not reasonable—that is, if in order to pay for health care they do not have to sacrifice something as important as having one’s health covered. Unlike alternative accounts of affordability, which are empirically based (...)
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    Putting gender into context: An interactive model of gender-related behavior.Kay Deaux & Brenda Major - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (3):369-389.
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    The Fallacy of the Misplaced Self: Gender Relations and the Construction of Multiple Selves among Sri Lankan Muslims.Victor C. De Munck - 1992 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 20 (2):167-190.
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    Lutgarde d’Aywières and her entourage. Gender relations in feminine monasteries of the XIIIth century based on the Life of Lutgarde d’Aywières.Anne-Laure Méril Bellini Delle Stelle - 2009 - Clio 29 (29):225-242.
    A travers la Vie de Lutgarde d’Aywières (1182/1183-1246) rédigée par Thomas de Cantimpré (1200- v. 1270), il s’agit d’analyser le réseau de relations tissées par cette cistercienne du diocèse de Liège – vraisemblablement une ancienne mulier religiosa – en insistant d’une part sur les tensions qui ont pu émerger dans le saeculum et au cloître et, d’autre part sur les cercles d’amitié tracés par la moniale. L’étude de ces deux types de relations permet de mettre en évidence les (...)
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    Feminists Or “Postfeminists”?: Young Women’s Attitudes toward Feminism and Gender Relations.Pamela Aronson - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (6):903-922.
    In contrast to popular presumptions and prior research on women ofthe “postfeminist” generation, this study found anappreciation for recent historicalchanges in women’s opportunities, and an awareness of persisting inequalities and discrimination. The findings reveal support for feminist goals, coupled with ambiguity about the concept offeminism. Although some of the women could be categorized alonga continuum of feminist identification, half were “fence-sitters” or were unable to articulate a position. There were variations in perspectives amongthose with different life experiences, as well as (...)
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    “Women Home and Away”: Transnational Managerial Work and Gender Relations.Jeff Hearn, Marjut Jyrkinen, Rebecca Piekkari & Eeva Oinonen - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1):41-54.
    This article addresses the intersections, even blurrings, of two “homes” and two “aways” – the personal, ‹private’ home and the corporate ‹public’ ‹away’, and the national home country and corporate base and the transnational work away. Drawing on 40 semi-structured interviews with women and men top and middle managers in seven multinational corporations located in Finland, we examine the complex relations among transnational managerial work, corporate careers and personal, marriage and family-type relations, and their differences for women and (...)
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    Physiological and Psychological Responses during Exercise and Recovery in a Cold Environment Is Gender-Related Rather Than Fabric-Related.Margarita Cernych, Neringa Baranauskiene, Nerijus Eimantas, Sigitas Kamandulis, Laura Daniuseviciute & Marius Brazaitis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Book Reviews: Changing Gender Relations, Changing Families: Tracing the Pace of Change over Time. By Oriel Sullivan. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, 141 pp., $19.95. [REVIEW]Shirley A. Hill - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):775-776.
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    Predictions of opposite-sex attitudes concerning gender-related social issues.Ed M. Edmonds, Delwin D. Cahoon & Margaret Shipman - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):295-296.
  47. The Formal and Real Subsumption of Gender Relations.Elizabeth Portella & Larry Alan Busk - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    Attempts to unify Marxist and feminist social critique have been vexed by the fact that ‘patriarchy’ predates the advent of capitalism (its transhistorical status). Feminists within the Marxist, socialist, and materialist traditions have responded to this point by either granting patriarchy a certain autonomy relative to capitalism (the ‘dual/triple systems’ approach), or by suggesting that patriarchal relations have a foundational and necessary status in the history of capitalist development (which we term the ‘origins-subsistence’ approach). This paper offers an alternative (...)
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  48. Envisioning a Politics of Change in Caribbean Gender Relations.Linden Lewis - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
  49. Ph. D. in philosophy, lecturer in the philosophical faculty of the Novosibirsk State University, director of the non-governmental library for human rights and the situation of women (Resursnyj centr gumanitarnogo obrazovanija), author of articles about problems of gender relations[REVIEW]Borin Dubin - 2003 - Studies in East European Thought 55:81-83.
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    Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on African American Women: Gender Relations, Work, and the Political Economy in the Twenty-First Century.Shirley A. Hill & Marlese Durr - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (4):438-441.
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