Results for ' evolution'

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  1. Editorial offices: The eugenics society■ 69 eccleston square■ london• swi• Victoria 2091.Society'S. Evolution - 1964 - The Eugenics Review 56:1.
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  2. Population, Des maladies dites «de civilisation», etc. Ne pourront PAS.Tendances Êvolutives des Systèmes Éducatifs - 1975 - Paideia 4:31.
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    If we are all cultural Darwinians what’s the fuss about? Clarifying recent disagreements in the field of cultural evolution.Alberto Acerbi & Alex Mesoudi - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):481-503.
    Cultural evolution studies are characterized by the notion that culture evolves accordingly to broadly Darwinian principles. Yet how far the analogy between cultural and genetic evolution should be pushed is open to debate. Here, we examine a recent disagreement that concerns the extent to which cultural transmission should be considered a preservative mechanism allowing selection among different variants, or a transformative process in which individuals recreate variants each time they are transmitted. The latter is associated with the notion (...)
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    Organisms, Agency, and Evolution.D. M. Walsh - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The central insight of Darwin's Origin of Species is that evolution is an ecological phenomenon, arising from the activities of organisms in the 'struggle for life'. By contrast, the Modern Synthesis theory of evolution, which rose to prominence in the twentieth century, presents evolution as a fundamentally molecular phenomenon, occurring in populations of sub-organismal entities - genes. After nearly a century of success, the Modern Synthesis theory is now being challenged by empirical advances in the study of (...)
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    Cultural evolution may influence heritability by shaping assortative mating.Tian Chen Zeng & Joseph Henrich - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e181.
    Uchiyama et al. productively discuss how culture can influence genetic heritability and, by modifying environmental conditions, limit the generalizability of genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Here, we supplement their account by highlighting how recent changes in culture and institutions in industrialized, westernized societies – such as increased female workforce participation – may have increased assortative mating. This alters the distribution of genotypes themselves, increasing heritability and phenotypic variance, and may be detectable using the latest methods.
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    Are viruses a source of new protein folds for organisms? – Virosphere structure space and evolution.Aare Abroi & Julian Gough - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):626-635.
    A crucially important part of the biosphere – the virosphere – is too often overlooked. Inclusion of the virosphere into the global picture of protein structure space reveals that 63 protein domain superfamilies in viruses do not have any structural and evolutionary relatives in modern cellular organisms. More than half of these have functions which are not virus‐specific and thus might be a source of new folds and functions for cellular life. The number of viruses on the planet exceeds that (...)
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    Language evolution: Body of evidence?Chen Yu & Dana H. Ballard - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):148-149.
    Our computational studies of infant language learning estimate the inherent difficulty of Arbib's proposal. We show that body language provides a strikingly helpful scaffold for learning language that may be necessary but not sufficient, given the absence of sophisticated language in other species. The extraordinary language abilities of Homo sapiens must have evolved from other pressures, such as sexual selection.
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    Evolution is not rational banking.Michael D. Zeiler - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):696-697.
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    The evolution of Australian publishing.Michael Zifcak - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3):18-25.
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    Determinism beyond time evolution.Emily Adlam - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-36.
    Physicists are increasingly beginning to take seriously the possibility of laws outside the traditional time-evolution paradigm; yet many popular definitions of determinism are still predicated on a time-evolution picture, making them manifestly unsuited to the diverse range of research programmes in modern physics. In this article, we use a constraint-based framework to set out a generalization of determinism which does not presuppose temporal evolution, distinguishing between strong, weak and delocalised holistic determinism. We discuss some interesting consequences of (...)
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  11. Music and the Evolution of Embodied Cognition.Stephen Asma - forthcoming - In M. Clasen J. Carroll, Evolutionary Perspectives on Imaginative Culture. pp. pp 163-181.
    Music is a universal human activity. Its evolution and its value as a cognitive resource are starting to come into focus. This chapter endeavors to give readers a clearer sense of the adaptive aspects of music, as well as the underlying cognitive and neural structures. Special attention is given to the important emotional dimensions of music, and an evolutionary argument is made for thinking of music as a prelinguistic embodied form of cognition—a form that is still available to us (...)
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    The evolution of technology within a simple computer model.W. Brian Arthur & Wolfgang Polak - 2006 - Complexity 11 (5):23-31.
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    Trends in the Dynamic Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility and Leadership: A Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis.Liming Zhao, Miles M. Yang, Zhenyuan Wang & Grant Michelson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):135-157.
    The relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and leadership has received considerable research attention in recent decades. While there have been several qualitative reviews, quantitative and systematic reviews of CSR–leadership links remain absent. The current paper seeks to address this gap by using a bibliometric method to analyze and visualize the evolution and research trends within the CSR–leadership domain. Drawing from a sample of 1432 peer-reviewed articles, we map the landscape of the CSR–leadership research domain and identify key developments (...)
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  14. Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies.Scott Atran, Douglas Medin & Norbert Ross - unknown
    Anthropological inquiry suggests that all societies classify animals and plants in similar ways. Paradoxically, in the same cultures that have seen large advances in biological science, citizenry's practical knowledge of nature has dramatically diminished. Here we describe historical, cross-cultural and developmental research on how people ordinarily conceptualize organic nature, concentrating on cognitive consequences associated with knowledge devolution. We show that results on psychological studies of categorization and reasoning from “standard populations” fail to generalize to humanity at large. Usual populations have (...)
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    The Evolution of Humanitarian Aid in Disasters: Ethical Implications and Future Challenges.Pedro Arcos González & Rick Kye Gan - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):62.
    Ethical dilemmas affect several essential elements of humanitarian aid, such as the adequate selection of crises to which to provide aid and a selection of beneficiaries based on needs and not political or geostrategic criteria. Other challenges encompass maintaining neutrality against aggressors, deciding whether to collaborate with governments that violate human rights, and managing the allocation and prioritization of limited resources. Additionally, issues arise concerning the safety and protection of aid recipients, the need for cultural and political sensitivity, and recognition (...)
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  16. The evolution of morality.Douglas Allchin - 2009 - Evolution 2 (4):590-601.
    Here, in textbook style, is a concise biological account of the evolution of morality. It addresses morality on three levels: moral outcomes (behavioral genetics), moral motivation or intent (psychology and neurology), and moral systems (sociality). The rationale for teaching this material is addressed in Allchin (2009). Classroom resources (including accompanying images and video links) and a discussion of teaching strategies are provided online at:
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  17. (1 other version)Evolution as a Religion: Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears.Mary Midgley - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (2):300-302.
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    The evolution of magnanimity.James L. Boone - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (1):1-21.
    Conspicuous consumption associated with status reinforcement behavior can be explained in terms of costly signaling, or strategic handicap theory, first articulated by Zahavi and later formalized by Grafen. A theory is introduced which suggests that the evolutionary raison d’être of status reinforcement behavior lies not only in its effects on lifetime reproductive success, but in its positive effects on the probability of survival through infrequent, unpredictable demographic bottlenecks. Under some circumstances, such “wasteful” displays may take the form of displays of (...)
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  19. Evolution and Aesthetics.Evental Aesthetics - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):1-170.
    Is aesthetics a product of evolution? Are human aesthetic behaviors in fact evolutionary adaptations? The creation of artistic objects and experiences is an important aesthetic behavior. But so is the perception of aesthetic phenomena qua aesthetic. The question of evolutionary aesthetics is whether humans have evolved the capacity not only to make beautiful things but also to appreciate the aesthetic qualities in things. Are our near-universal love of music and cute baby animals essential to our species’ evolutionary development, which (...)
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    Evolution of adrenal and sex steroid action in vertebrates: a ligand‐based mechanism for complexity.Michael E. Baker - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):396-400.
    Various explanations have been proposed to account for complex differentiation and development in humans, despite the human genome containing only two to three times the number of genes in invertebrates. Ignored are the actions of adrenal and sex steroids—androgens, estrogens, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and progestins—which act through receptors that arose from an ancestral nuclear receptor in a protochordate. This ligand‐based mechanism is unique to vertebrates and was integrated into the already robust network of transcription factors in invertebrates. Adrenal and sex steroids (...)
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    The Evolution of Philip Melanchthon's Views: from Humanistic Religiosity to Reformation.Nikolai Adrianovich Bagrovnikov & Marina Fedorova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of research in this article is some aspects of the life path of a prominent figure of the Reformation in Germany, Philip Melanchthon, which influenced the evolution of his worldview. Special attention is paid to the facts of his biography, the characteristics of his early works, as well as his assessments of the confessional struggle and calls for the active involvement of administrative resources to crack down on dissidents. The methodological basis of this article is the dialectical (...)
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    Evolution of Annular Self-controlled Electron–Nucleus Collapse in Condensed Targets.S. V. Adamenko & V. I. Vysotskii - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1801-1831.
    We considered peculiarities of the evolution of a region with sharp boundaries that is filled with a partially ionized plasma and is a part of the volume of a condensed target. The creation of such a region in the near-surface layer of the target can be related to the action of an external impulse symmetric ionizator or to the action of an intense small-extension shock wave on the target surface. We defined the conditions such that their fulfilment during the (...)
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    Evolution is important but it is not simple: Defining cultural traits and incorporating complex evolutionary theory.Fuentes Agustin - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):355.
    Examining homology in biological and cultural evolution is of great importance in investigations of humanity. The proposal presented in the target article retains substantial methodological weaknesses in the identification and use of “cultural traits.” However, with refined toolkits and the incorporation of recent advances in evolutionary theory, this overall endeavor can result in substantial payoffs for biological and social scientists.
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    The Evolution of E-learning Management Systems.Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Gonçalo Jorge Morais da Costa, Mary Prior & Simon Rogerson - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (3):12-24.
    The development of educational technologies is enhancing a distinctive feature of learning environments: the learner’s personalized environment. However, the current literature in e-learning seems to neglect an important discussion: will individuals and organizations face an enhancement concerning ethical dilemmas due to this evolution? To promote this discussion, this paper builds on a consideration of e-learning definition and its ethical dilemmas, and human-centred learning concept and its dimensions, to examine the implications of integrating social and cultural contexts. By examining the (...)
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    Institutional evolution in the holocene: The rise of complex societies.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    Summary: The evolution of complex societies began when agricultural subsistence systems raised human population densities to levels that would support large scale cooperation, and division of labor. All agricultural origins sequences postdate 11,500 years ago probably because late Pleistocene climates we extremely variable, dry, and the atmosphere was low in carbon dioxide. Under such conditions, agriculture was likely impossible. However, the tribal scale societies of the Pleistocene did acquire, by geneculture coevolution, tribal social instincts that simultaneously enable and constrain (...)
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    Ontogeny, Genetics, and Evolution: A Perspective from Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (1):44-51.
    The study of genetic developmental disorders originally seemed to hold the promise for those of a nativist persuasion of demonstrating pure dissociations between different cognitive functions, as well as the existence of innately specified modules in the brain and the direct mapping of mutated genes to specific cognitive-level outcomes. However, more recent research within a neuroconstructivist perspective has challenged this promise, arguing that earlier researchers lost sight of one fundamental explanatory factor in both the typical and atypical case: the actual (...)
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  27. Did God Guide Our Evolution? It from Bit?Moorad Alexanian - 2021 - Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 73 (3):190-191.
    The study of man on Earth is a historical science akin to forensic science and is best conducted with the truth of scripture in mind. Surely, this approach is quite consistent with Bussey’s argument since the presence of God is needed in our spacetime to create not only life and mind but also human beings in God’s image.
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    Glory and the Evolution of Hobbes’s Disagreement Theory of War: From Elements to Leviathan.Arash Abizadeh - 2020 - History of Political Thought 41 (2):265-298.
    The centrality of glory, contempt, and revengefulness to Leviathan’s account of war is highlighted by three contextual features: Hobbes’s displacement of the traditional conception of glory as intrinsically intersubjective and comparative; his incorporation of the Aristotelian view that revengefulness is provoked by expressions of mere contempt; and the evolution of his account between 1640 and 1651. An archeology of Leviathan’s famous chapter thirteen confirms that Hobbes’s thesis throughout his career was that disagreement is the universal cause of war because (...)
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    Evolution of the gelsolin family of actin-binding proteins as novel transcriptional coactivators.Stuart K. Archer, Charles Claudianos & Hugh D. Campbell - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):388-396.
    The gelsolin gene family encodes a number of higher eukaryotic actin-binding proteins that are thought to function in the cytoplasm by severing, capping, nucleating or bundling actin filaments. Recent evidence, however, suggests that several members of the gelsolin family may have adopted unexpected nuclear functions including a role in regulating transcription. In particular, flightless I, supervillin and gelsolin itself have roles as coactivators for nuclear receptors, despite the fact that their divergence appears to predate the evolutionary appearance of nuclear receptors. (...)
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    Evolution pattern of collision cascades in bcc V with different grain boundary structures: an atomic scale study.Afshin Arjhangmehr & Seyed Amir Hossein Feghhi - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-21.
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    Cultural Evolution, Sperber, Memes and Religion.Robin Attfield - 2011 - Philosophical Inquiry 35 (3-4):36-55.
    Cultural transmission in non-literate societies (including that of Homer) is first discussed, partly to test some theories of Dan Sperber, and partly to consider thetheory of memes, which is sometimes held applicable to Homeric formulae, and is considered next. After discussing Sperber's criticism of memeticism, I turn toSperber's susceptibility theory of culture, and his discussions of religion and of music. Further examples drawn from Homeric religion are found to be in tension with aspects of this theory. Two diverse interpretations of (...)
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  32. L'évolution future de l'humanité.Sri Aurobindo - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (1):77-78.
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    Systems evolution, structures of long-waves, and systems management.Changgen Bahg & Haojie Zou - 1991 - World Futures 30 (4):239-245.
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    The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. Edward Caird.J. B. Baillie - 1904 - International Journal of Ethics 15 (1):117-121.
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    Evolution of estrogen binding in rat and mouse alpha‐fetoprotein.Michael E. Baker - 1989 - Bioessays 11 (4):112-114.
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    Evolution in morals or the evolution of morals?Albert G. A. Balz - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (13):337-348.
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    The Evolution of Corporate Social Reporting Practices in Mexico.Moriah Meyskens & Karen Paul - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):211 - 227.
    This study analyzes corporate social reporting in Mexico as it has evolved in recent years, expanding and updating a previous study. Two sets of Mexican companies were identified, each of whom had expressed a commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) through social responsibility reports and practices on their websites. One set (" first generation") were identified as early adopters of CSR reporting in Mexico by a previous study published in 2006. The second set ("second generation") has adopted CSR reporting practices (...)
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  38. Charles SUSANNE.Religions Et Rationalite & de L'évolution Humaine L'exemple - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 110:139.
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    The evolution of clinical audit as a tool for quality improvement.Berk Michael, Callaly Thomas & Hyland Mary - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):251-257.
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    Evolution by Natural Selection. Charles Darwin, Alfred Russell WallaceDarwin's Century. Loren EiseleyA Century of Darwin. S. A. Barnett. [REVIEW]Conway Zirkle - 1959 - Isis 50 (3):282-285.
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    Co-evolution of phylogeny and glossogeny: There is no “logical problem of language evolution”.W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):521-522.
    Historical language change (), like evolution itself, is a fact; and its implications for the biological evolution of the human capacity for language acquisition () have been ably explored by many contemporary theorists. However, Christiansen & Chater's (C&C's) revolutionary call for a replacement of phylogenetic models with glossogenetic cultural models is based on an inadequate understanding of either. The solution to their lies before their eyes, but they mistakenly reject it due to a supposed Gene/;culture co-evolution poses (...)
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  42. Evolution of religion.Joseph A. Bulbulia - 2009 - In Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett, Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Development and Evolution.Ron Amundson - 2008 - In Sahorta Sarkar & Anya Plutynski, Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell. pp. 248–268.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction The Nineteenth Century: Evolution Intertwined with Development The Twentieth Century: A New Heredity Gives Rise to a New Evolution The Nature of Developmentalist Explanation: 1920–80 Adaptationism and the Synthesis Direct Debates A Torrent of Homologous Genes What Now? Acknowledgements References Further Reading.
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    About the evolution of Chinese costumes and their reflection in the "new Chinese style".Чжао С Хан В. - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 12:57-64.
    The subject of the study is traditional Chinese costumes, their origin and forms of inheritance in the "new Chinese style". The object of the study is national clothing, the existence of which is a cultural epic spanning thousands of years and including the epochs of the reign of the largest Chinese dynasties. Turning to the past allows the author to demonstrate the depth and unique charm of oriental culture, to show the reasons for its relevance in the world of modern (...)
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    Dialectical Contradiction in the Evolution of Knowledge.A. N. Aver'ianov & Z. M. Orudzhaev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (3):63-82.
    The problem considered in the article that follows has a long and complicated history. The many different solutions proposed reflect the process of development, deepening, and broadening of knowledge as a whole. They correspond to particular levels of knowledge, determining the character of thought both of the times and of particular individuals. Specifically, it is the understanding of the essence of contradiction that governs the entire theoretical exposition that follows, its substance and approximation to truth. Here we shall consider for (...)
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    Artistic Creativity and Human Evolution – Art Theory and the Work of André Leroi-Gourhan.Konstantinos Vassiliou - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 58 (2):107-121.
    This article relates the work of André Leroi-Gourhan and mostly his two-volume ok Le geste et la parole to art theory. More specifically, it is concerned with central debates on artistic creativity and examines how Leroi-Gourhan can contribute to them. After presenting some general premises of Leroi-Gourhan’s work (I), its second part (II) argues that his theory on ›rhythms‹ supplies valuable insights to the debate of Kunstwollen and materialism. The third part (III) discusses his work within the debate of industrialization (...)
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    The metaphysics of evolution.Thomas Whittaker - 1926 - London,: Williams & Norgate.
    What conclusions do the facts of cosmic and organic evolution require or permit on the origin and destiny of the world and the individual? From 1881 to 1925 Thomas Whittaker, an Oxford-trained scientist turned philosopher, grappled with this question, which he tried to answer by metaphysical interpretation of the sciences. The majority of the essays in this volume first appeared in Mind, and a few in other journals, while three had not been previously published. Whittaker ranges widely over some (...)
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    Evolution and normativity.Michael Bradie - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen, Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 201.
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    The evolution of dosage-compensation mechanisms.Ignacio Marín, Mark L. Siegal & Bruce S. Baker - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1106-1114.
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    Évolution, corps, langage : le cas Paul Alsberg et l’anthropologie philosophique.Mario Marino - 2015 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 23:116-131.
    Dans l’histoire et le débat autour de l’anthropologie philosophique allemande du XXe siècle, l’œuvre et le destin du médecin juif-allemand Paul Alsberg (1883-1965) constituent un véritable cas qui permit d’interroger la genèse et la validité de l’anthropologie philosophique même. En suivant Joachim Fischer, on entend ici par « Philosophische Anthropologie » une orientation de la pensée du XXe siècle, dont le fil rouge offre une réponse originale à la « destruction de l’idéalisme pendant le XI...
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