Results for ' democratic accountability'

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  1.  35
    Illinois Project for Democratic Accountability.Sarah M. Stitzlein, Walter Feinberg, Jennifer Greene & Luis Miron - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (2):139-155.
    Education is experiencing a case of misplaced accountability, where an exclusive reliance on high stakes tests overlooks the more subtle judgments of teachers and professional educators and, because of its simplicity, passes as democratic. This article investigates the theoretical underpinnings of current accountability initiatives and draws upon extensive teacher interviews to reveal the practical aspects of accountability pressures in schools today. We provide a discussion of local teacher knowledge that exposes teachers' commitments to a deeper sense (...)
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    Paradoxes of democratic accountability: Polarized parties, hard decisions, and no despot to Veto.Michael H. Murakami - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (1-2):91-113.
    Parties are back, and many are cheering. Party polarization has voters seeing stark differences between Democrats and Republicans and demonstrating more ideological constraint than previous generations. But these signs of a more “responsible” electorate are an illusion, because the public is no more knowledgeable than ever about the type of “information” it needs if it is to exercise effective control over the public‐policy outcomes it cares the most about. Indeed, polarization has produced a political environment where both voters and policy (...)
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    Disorienting Cosmopolitanism: Democratic Accountability and the Politics of Disruption.Craig Borowiak - 2013 - Constellations 20 (3):372-387.
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    Chapter IV. Democratic Accountability and Socratic Dialectic.J. Peter Euben - 1997 - In Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory. Princeton University Press. pp. 91-108.
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    The Buck Stops Here: Reflections on Moral Responsibility, Democratic Accountability and Military Values : a Study.Arthur Schafer & Commission of Inquiry Into the Deployment of Canadian Forces To Somalia - 1997 - Canadian Government Publishing.
    This study analyzes the ideals of responsibility and accountability, asking such questions as when it is legitimate to blame top officials of an organization for mistakes made by personnel below them in the bureaucratic hierarchy; when things go wrong in a large and complex organization like the Canadian Forces, who is responsible and accountable; and whether a plea of ignorance is a good excuse. The study also analyzes the doctrine of ministerial responsibility in both the British and Canadian parliamentary (...)
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    Privatizing Participation? The Impact of Private Welfare Provision on Democratic Accountability.Sara Watson & Jane Gingrich - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (4):573-613.
    For many citizens, public services are the most direct and tangible output of the democratic process, and yet in the past thirty years policymakers have privatized a broad swath of these services. This article asks whether privatization of state services changes citizens’ willingness to use the ballot box to hold governments to account for service performance. It argues that citizens can hold governments to account for privatization, but only if they have genuine political alternatives. Where quality falls with privatization (...)
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    Democratic disenfranchisement: a relational account.Alexandru Volacu - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Standard accounts of democratic disenfranchisement either start from a presumption of universal inclusion and justify electoral exclusions as deviations from the norm, or attempt to draw a demarcation line between justifiable inclusion and exclusion relying on membership in the political community. Even when successfully employed, each strategy only provides a partial view of disenfranchisement, which is usually targeted at just one or two groups of agents. In this article, I develop a generally applicable account of disenfranchisement, grounded in a (...)
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  8. Democratic Secrecy: The Dilemma of Accountability.Dennis F. Thompson - 1999 - Political Science Quarterly 114 (2):181-193.
  9.  7
    Renewed Accountability for Access and Excellence: Applying a Model for Democratic Professional Practice in Education.Penny L. Tenuto (ed.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Renewed Accountability for Access and Excellence provides a forum for contributing scholars and practitioners to advance the discussion of Tenuto’s democratic professional practice in education by sharing additional insights, perspectives, and implications for both policy and practice. Consistent with the model itself, this collective work is intended to encourage meaningful conversations and critical thinking about inclusionary practices, equitable access, excellence, and renewed accountability for teaching and leading.
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    Finessing Foreign Pressure in Education through Deliberate Policy Failure: Soviet Legacy, Foreign Prescriptions, and Democratic Accountability in Estonia.E. Doyle Stevick - 2011 - In John N. Hawkins & W. James Jacob (eds.), Policy Debates in Comparative, International, and Development Education. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 175.
  11.  70
    Democratic Epistemology and Accountability.Russell Hardin - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (1):110.
    Most of the knowledge of an ordinary person has a very messy structure and cannot meet standard epistemological criteria for its justification. Rather, a street-level epistemology makes sense of ordinary knowledge. Street-level epistemology is a subjective account of knowledge, not a public account. It is not about what counts as knowledge in, say, physics, but deals rather, with your knowledge, my knowledge, the ordinary person's knowledge. I wish not to elaborate this view here, but to apply it to the problems (...)
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  12. Animals and democratic theory: Beyond an anthropocentric account.Robert Garner - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):459-477.
    Two distinct approaches to the incorporation of animal interests within democratic theory are identified. The first, anthropocentric, account suggests that animal interests ought to be considered within a democratic polity if and when enough humans desire this to be the case. Within this anthropocentric account, the relationship between democracy and the protection of animal interests remains contingent. An alternative account holds that the interests of animals ought to be taken into account because they have a democratic right (...)
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    Two epistemic accounts of democratic legitimacy.David Hershenov - manuscript
    Offered are two epistemic accounts of deliberative democracy which suggest the reasonable minority has epistemically sound reasons to willingly follow a reasonable majority position. One of these accounts suggests that the truth will be on the side of an overwhelming rational majority. This is because it is less likely that there is a widespread cognitive failure that “contaminates” the moral intuitions of rational majority than a rational minority. The second account suggests that where there is a rational disagreement, instead of (...)
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  14.  53
    A multidimensional account of democratic legitimacy: how to make robust decisions in a non-idealized deliberative context.Enrico Biale & Federica Liveriero - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):580-600.
    This paper analyses the possibility of granting legitimacy to democratic decisionmaking procedures in a context of deep pluralism. We defend a multidimensional account according to which a legitimate system needs to grant, on the one hand, that citizens should be included on an equal footing and acknowledged as reflexive political agents rather than mere beneficiaries of policies, and, on the other hand, that their decisions have an epistemic quality. While Estlund’s account of imperfect epistemic proceduralism might seem to embody (...)
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    Defying democratic despair: A Kantian account of hope in politics.Jakob Huber - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4).
    In times of a prevailing sense of crisis and disorder in modern politics, there is a growing sentiment that anger, despair or resignation are more appropriate attitudes to navigate the world than hope. Political philosophers have long shared this suspicion and shied away from theorising hope more systematically. The aim of this article is to resist this tendency by showing that hope constitutes an integral part of democratic politics in particular. In making this argument I draw on Kant’s conceptualisation (...)
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  16. An Account of the Democratic Status of Constitutional Rights.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (3):241-256.
    The paper makes a twofold contribution. Firstly, it advances a preliminary account of the conditions that need to obtain for constitutional rights to be democratic. Secondly, in so doing, it defends precommitment-based theories from a criticism raised by Jeremy Waldron—namely, that constitutional rights do not become any more democratic when they are democratically adopted, for the people could adopt undemocratic policies without such policies becoming democratic as a result. The paper shows that the reductio applies to political (...)
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    Rethinking accountability in the context of human rights.Eva Erman - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (3):249-275.
    Within liberal democratic theory, ‘democratic accountability’ denotes an aggregative method for linking political decisions to citizens’ preferences through representative institutions. Could such a notion be transferred to the global context of human rights? Various obstacles seem to block such a transfer: there are no ‘world citizens’ as such; many people in need of human rights are not citizens of constitutional democratic states; and the aggregative methods that are supposed to sustain the link are often used in (...)
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  18. Defending the purely instrumental account of democratic legitimacy.Richard J. Arneson - 2003 - Journal of Political Philosophy 11 (1):122–132.
  19.  4
    A post-western account of critical cosmopolitan social theory: being and acting in a democratic world.Michael Murphy - 2021 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this book, Michael Murphy argues that if cosmopolitanism is to remain critical and relevant, what is required is a process of critique and cooperation. At the level of intercultural exchange, this requires understanding the encounter with the Other as a mutual phase of development and holds out the potential to rejuvenate world philosophies. Through this process the cosmopolitan imagination emerges from a dialogue between global traditions of relational sociologies on matters of common concern. The second stage of the book (...)
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  20. Estlund’s Promising Account of Democratic Authority.Henry S. Richardson - 2011 - Ethics 121 (2):301-334.
    David Estlund’s Democratic Authority develops a novel doctrine of “normative consent,” according to which the nonconsent of those with a duty to consent is null. This article suggests that this doctrine can be defended by confining it to contexts involving consent to an authority, which raise distinctive normative challenges, but argues that Estlund’s attempt to deploy the doctrine fails, for it does not provide convincing reasons to think that citizens have any duty to consent. In closing, the article suggests (...)
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    R. Osborne, S. Hornblower : Ritual, Finance, Politics, Athenian Democratic Accounts Presented to D. M. Lewis. Pp. xviii+408; 25 ills. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Cased, £45. [REVIEW]Ian Worthington - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):180-180.
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    Aesthetic freedom and democratic ethical life: A Hegelian account of the relationship between aesthetics and democratic politics.Jörg Schaub - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):75-97.
    This paper presents a novel Hegelian view of the relationship between aesthetics and democratic politics. My account avoids the drawbacks associated with approaches that reconceive all of the political in aesthetic terms or reduce the aesthetic to art. Instead, I maintain that the aesthetic is best understood as a distinct relationship of individual freedom. My argument proceeds by highlighting shortcomings of Honneth’s account of democratic Sittlichkeit and then addressing these impasses by integrating aesthetic freedom into the picture. The (...)
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    Religious Education in Liberal Democratic Societies: The Question of Accountability and Autonomy.Walter Feinberg - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg (eds.), Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    The essays in Part III of the book, on liberal constraints and traditionalist education, argue for a more regulatory conception of liberal education and emphasize the need for some controls over cultural and religious educational authority. Walter Feinberg’s essay, on religious education in liberal–democratic societies in relation to the question of accountability and autonomy, takes up the issue of educational constraints with respect to religious schools in such societies. While he allows that religious education need not be inconsistent (...)
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  24.  9
    Democratic self-determination and the need for deliberation.Minh Ly - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    I offer in this paper a new conception of democratic self-determination. My proposal defends Rafanelli's peaceful reform intervention from the concern that we should not promote justice abroad, because it would interfere with the self-determining choice of other people to select an authoritarian government. I challenge this influential view of authoritarian self-determination. I argue instead that self-determination should be democratic in its input, or the procedure deliberating and voting on the constitution. Self-determination should also be democratic in (...)
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    Democratization of expertise?: exploring novel forms of scientific advice in political decision-making.Sabine Maasen & Peter Weingart (eds.) - 2005 - London: Springer.
    ‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policy makers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the legitimation of research funding. The new significance of ‘participation’ (...)
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  26.  49
    Pragmatism and democratic legitimacy: Beyond minimalist accounts of deliberation.Zach Vanderveen - 2007 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 21 (4):pp. 243-258.
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    Democratic Legitimacy: The Limits of Instrumentalist Accounts. [REVIEW]Richard Buck - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (2):223-236.
  28.  24
    Global Democratic Theory: A Critical Introduction.Daniel Bray & Steven Slaughter - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Steven Slaughter.
    Global Democratic Theory is the first comprehensive introduction to the changing contours of democracy in today’s hyperconnected world. Accessibly written for readers new to the topic, it considers the impact of globalization and global forms of governance and activism on democratic politics and examines how democratic theory has responded to address these challenges, including calls for new forms of democracy to be developed beyond the nation-state and for greater public participation and accountability in existing global institutions. (...)
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    Accountability and global governance: challenging the state-centric conception of human rights.Cristina Lafont - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (3):193-215.
    In this essay I analyze some conceptual difficulties associated with the demand that global institutions be made more democratically accountable. In the absence of a world state, it may seem inconsistent to insist that global institutions be accountable to all those subject to their decisions while also insisting that the members of these institutions, as representatives of states, simultaneously remain accountable to the citizens of their own countries for the special responsibilities they have towards them. This difficulty seems insurmountable in (...)
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  30. What Do Liberal Democratic States Owe the Victims of Disasters? A Rawlsian Account.Paul Voice - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (4):396-410.
    Is there a principled way to understand what liberal democratic states owe, as a matter of justice, to the victims of disasters? This article shows what is normatively special and distinctive about disasters and argues for the view that there are substantial duties of justice for liberal democratic states. The article rejects both a libertarian and a utilitarian approach to this question and, based on broadly Rawlsian principles, argues for a ‘political definition’ of disasters that is concerned with (...)
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  31. A Democratic Conception of Privacy.Annabelle Lever - 2013 - Authorhouse, UK.
    Carol Pateman has said that the public/private distinction is what feminism is all about. I tend to be sceptical about categorical pronouncements of this sort, but this book is a work of feminist political philosophy and the public/private distinction is what it is all about. It is motivated by the belief that we lack a philosophical conception of privacy suitable for a democracy; that feminism has exposed this lack; and that by combining feminist analysis with recent developments in political philosophy, (...)
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  32. Democratic Ethical Consumption and Social Justice.Andreas Albertsen - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (2):130-137.
    Hassoun argues that the poor in the world have a right to health and that the Global Health Impact Index provides consumers in well-off countries with the opportunity to ensure that more people have access to essential medicines. Because of this, these consumers would be ethically obliged to purchase Global Health Impact Index-labeled products in the face of existing global inequalities. In presenting her argument, Hassoun rejects the so-called democratic account of ethical consumption in favor of the positive change (...)
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  33. Democratizing Algorithmic Fairness.Pak-Hang Wong - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (2):225-244.
    Algorithms can now identify patterns and correlations in the (big) datasets, and predict outcomes based on those identified patterns and correlations with the use of machine learning techniques and big data, decisions can then be made by algorithms themselves in accordance with the predicted outcomes. Yet, algorithms can inherit questionable values from the datasets and acquire biases in the course of (machine) learning, and automated algorithmic decision-making makes it more difficult for people to see algorithms as biased. While researchers have (...)
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    Democratic Theory for a Market Democracy: The Problem of Merriment and Diversion When Regulators and the Regulated Meet.Wayne Norman & Aaron Ancell - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):536-563.
    Democratic theorists, especially since the advent of the deliberative democracy paradigm in the 1980s, have focused primarily on relationships involving citizens and their political representatives, and have thus paid scant attention to the bureaucratic agencies within the modern state that are presumed merely to “flesh out,” implement, and enforce the decisions made by elected officials. This undertheorized space between markets and democratic decision making, in brief, is where corporations and other interested parties inter- act with regulatory agencies, their (...)
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    A Democratic Case for Comparative Political Theory.Melissa S. Williams & Mark E. Warren - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (1):26-57.
    Globalization generates new structures of human interdependence and vulnerability while also posing challenges for models of democracy rooted in territorially bounded states. The diverse phenomena of globalization have stimulated two relatively new branches of political theory: theoretical accounts of the possibilities of democracy beyond the state; and comparative political theory, which aims at bringing non-Western political thought into conversation with the Western traditions that remain dominant in the political theory academy. This article links these two theoretical responses to globalization by (...)
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  36.  18
    Democratic Equality as a Work‐in‐Progress.Stuart White - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy (eds.), A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 185–199.
    Democratic equality challenges both utilitarianism and classical liberal and libertarian thought which continues to exert a major influence in the politics of many capitalist countries. This chapter aims to clarify the content of, and motivation for, democratic equality. Section 1 begins with an outline of democratic equality. It introduces and clarifies, in a preliminary way, two key elements of democratic equality: the notion of fair equality of opportunity and the difference principle. Section 2 explains why Rawls (...)
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    Parrhesia and the demos tyrannos: Frank speech, flattery and accountability in democratic athens.Matthew Landauer - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (2):185-208.
    Parrhesia, or frank speech, is usually understood as a practice intimately connected to Athenian democracy. This paper begins by analysing parrhesia in non-democratic regimes. Building on that analysis, I suggest that most accounts of parrhesia overlook the degree to which its practice at Athens implied a comparison of the demos to an unaccountable ruler -- a tyrant. As a practice, parrhesia was paradigmatically undertaken by speakers addressing an audience with the power to sanction them in the event that their (...)
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  38.  23
    Can Democratic “We” Be Thought? The Politics of Negativity in Nihilistic Times.Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):52.
    In this article I attempt to systematically reconstruct Theodor Adorno’s account of the relationship between the processes of authoritarian subject formation and the processes of political formation of the democratic common will. Undertaking a reading that brings Adorno into dialogue with contemporary philosophical perspectives, the paper asks the question of whether it is possible to think of a “democratic We” in nihilistic times. In order to achieve this aim, I will analyze in reverse the modifications that the concept (...)
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  39. Democratic politics and the 'character' of thecity in Thucydides.J. Zumbrunnen - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (4):565-589.
    Scholars have long noticed in Thucydides' account of the Peloponnesian War a concern with the collective 'character' of cities. Thucydides and his Greeks appear to rely in understanding the course of the war on consistent Athenian and Spartan character traits. Focusing on the protagonist of the History, and drawing in part on an Arendtian notion of identity, I offer a re-conceptualization of Athenian character as characteristic action and as the subject of political rhetoric. This view, I suggest, more fully reveals (...)
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  40.  41
    Deliberation and Voting: An Institutional Account of the Legitimacy of Democratic Decision-Making Procedures.Cristina Lafont - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-16.
    In this essay I defend an institutional approach to democratic legitimacy against proceduralist approaches that are commonly endorsed by deliberative democrats. Although deliberative democrats defend a complex view of democratic legitimacy that aims to account for both the procedural and substantive dimensions of legitimacy, most accounts of the relationship between these dimensions currently on offer are too proceduralist to be plausible (I). By contrast, I argue that adopting an institutional approach helps provide a more convincing account of the (...)
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    Democratic Identification.Aletta J. Norval - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (2):229-255.
    This article explores the formation of democratic subjectivity and its connection to change. Drawing on Wittgenstein's account of aspect seeing, it seeks to elucidate the processes through which political grammars change. More specifically, it illuminates two dimensions of the formation of democratic political subjectivity: the initial " identification as" a democratic subject and its repeated renewal, necessary to the maintenance of a democratic ethos. I argue that by drawing a distinction between "aspect dawning" and "aspect change," (...)
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  42.  9
    Measuring Accountability in Public Governance Regimes.Ellen Rock - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Government accountability is generally accepted to be an essential feature of modern democratic society; while others might turn a blind eye to corruption and wrongdoing, those who value accountability would instead shine a bright light on it. In this context, it is common to hear claims of accountability 'deficit' and 'overload'. Despite the frequency of references to these concepts, their precise content remains undeveloped. This book offers an explanation, as well as a framework for future exploration, (...)
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    Democratic Speech in Divided Times.Maxime Lepoutre - 2021 - OUP: Oxford University Press.
    In an ideal democracy, people from all walks of life would come together to talk meaningfully and respectfully about politics. But we do not live in an ideal democracy. In contemporary democracies, which are marked by deep social divisions, different groups for the most part avoid talking to each other. And when they do talk to each other, their speech often seems to be little more than a vehicle for rage, hatred, and deception. -/- Democratic Speech in Divided Times (...)
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    Deliberative Democratic Equality.Travis Holmes - unknown
    In what follows, I consider two influential views about distributive justice: democratic equality and luck egalitarianism. In examining and criticizing these views, I attempt to extract elements from each of them for what I take to be important to building a complete conception of distributive justice. I then present and defend my own view, deliberative democratic equality, a view that can be described as a hybrid account of luck egalitarianism and democratic equality.
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  45. Democratizing civil disobedience.Robin Celikates - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):982-994.
    The goal of this article is to show that mainstream liberal accounts of civil disobedience fail to fully capture the latter’s specific characteristics as a genuinely political and democratic practice of contestation that is not reducible to an ethical or legal understanding either in terms of individual conscience or of fidelity to the rule of law. In developing this account in more detail, I first define civil disobedience with an aim of spelling out why the standard liberal model, while (...)
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    Democratic Enfranchisement Beyond Citizenship: The All-Affected Principle in Theory and Practice.Annette Zimmermann - 2018 - Dissertation, Oxford University
    This is a collection of four papers about the All-Affected Principle (AAP): the view that every person whose morally weighty interests are affected by a democratic decision has the right to participate in that decision. -/- The first paper (“Narrow Possibilism about Democratic Enfranchisement”) examines how we should distribute democratic participation rights: a plausible version of AAP must avoid treating unlike cases alike, which would be procedurally unfair. The solution is to distribute participation rights proportionately to the (...)
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    (1 other version)Democratizing Global ‘Bodies Politic’: Collective Agency, Political Legitimacy, and the Democratic Boundary Problem.Terry Macdonald - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (2).
    This article outlines a new approach to answering the foundational question in democratic theory of how the boundaries of democratic political units should be delineated. Whereas democratic theorists have mostly focused on identifying the appropriate population-group – or demos – for democratic decisionmaking, it is argued here that we should also take account of considerations relating to the appropriate scope of a democratic unit’s institutionalized governance capabilities – or public power. These matter because democratically legitimate (...)
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    Rethinking democratizing potential of digital technology.Luyue Ma - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):140-156.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how the shifting conceptualization of the democratizing potential of digital technology can be more comprehensively understood by bringing in science and technology studies (STS) perspectives to communication scholarship. The synthesis and discussion are aiming at providing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for comprehensively understand the democratizing potential of digital technology, and urging researchers to be conscious of assumptions underpinning epistemological positions they take when examining the issue of democratizing potential of digital technology.,The paper (...)
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    Does democratic deliberation change minds?Gerry Mackie - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (3):279-303.
    Discussion is frequently observed in democratic politics, but change in view is rarely observed. Call this the ‘unchanging minds hypothesis’. I assume that a given belief or desire is not isolated, but, rather, is located in a network structure of attitudes, such that persuasion sufficient to change an attitude in isolation is not sufficient to change the attitude as supported by its network. The network structure of attitudes explains why the unchanging minds hypothesis seems to be true, and why (...)
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    Democratic politics and hope: An Arendtian perspective.Antonin Lacelle-Webster - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):477-498.
    Narratives of hope are omnipresent in democratic life, but what can they tell us about the structure and orientation of politics? While common, they are often reduced to an all-compassing understanding that overlooks hope's various forms and implications. Democratic theory, however, lacks the theoretical language to attend to these distinctions. The aim of this essay is thus to define a collective and political account of hope and recover the normative basis of a democratic theory of hope. Drawing (...)
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