Results for ' democracy, public opinion, change of paradigm, confidence, political implication'

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  1.  13
    Le modèle du « journalisme public ».Thierry Watine - 2003 - Hermes 35:231.
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    Political theory and public opinion: Against democratic restraint.Alice Baderin - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (3):209-233.
    How should political theorists go about their work if they are democrats? Given their democratic commitments, should they develop theories that are responsive to the views and concerns of their fellow citizens at large? Is there a balance to be struck, within political theory, between truth seeking and democratic responsiveness? The article addresses this question about the relationship between political theory, public opinion and democracy. I criticize the way in which some political theorists have appealed (...)
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    Deliberative public opinion.Kieran C. O’Doherty - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (4):124-145.
    Generally, public opinion is measured via polls or survey instruments, with a majority of responses in a particular direction taken to indicate the presence of a given ‘public opinion’. However, discursive psychological and related scholarship has shown that the ontological status of both individual opinion and public opinion is highly suspect. In the first part of this article I draw on this body of work to demonstrate that there is currently no meaningful theoretical foundation for the construct (...)
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    L'opinion et le Roi : 1940-1944.José Gotovitch - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (1):55-98.
    This present study tries to encircle the image of King Leopold III as it was fashioned by public opinion during the occupation. It excludes the collaborationist movements and the exiled Belgians in London. Different sources have been interrogated : reports on public opinion destinated to the Cabinet-in-exile in London, available diaries and most of all underground leafl,ets and newspapers.The public opinion underwent a strong evolution from 1940 till 1944 and changed according to social classes. The author particularly (...)
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    Europe at a Crossroads and the Political Relevance of Intellectual Dialogue.Patrice Canivez - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):459-470.
    Europe is in the midst of a double crisis: the rise of illiberal democracies and the reshaping of the so-called “world order.” Illiberal and autocratic regimes are on the rise and the “illiberal temptation” is present even in countries with strong democratic traditions, such as in Europe. The conflict between constitutional democracies and autocratic regimes is at the heart of the current struggle for a new international order. In this context, the confidence we have in our shared democratic and humanist (...)
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    Public Opinion, Democratic Legitimacy, and Epistemic Compromise.Dustin Olson - 2021 - In Péter Hartl & Adam Tamas Tuboly, Science, Freedom, Democracy. New York, Egyesült Államok: Routledge. pp. 158 - 177.
    Using a recent example from US politics as representative of contemporary liberal democracies, this chapter highlights how public opinion is shaped through the exploitation of our epistemic interdependence and partisan bias. Climate change was an important issue leading into the 2010 US mid-term elections. Public opinion on climate change was subject to a number of willfully disseminated distorting influences, having a significant impact on the election’s outcome and subsequent political discourse surrounding climate change policies. (...)
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  7. The Rationality of Voting and Duties of Elected Officials.Marcus Arvan - 2016 - In Emily Crookston, David Killoren & Jonathan Trerise, Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents. New York: Routledge. pp. 239-253.
    In his recent article in Philosophy and Public Affairs, 'The Paradox of Voting and Ethics of Political Representation', Alexander A. Guerrero argues it is rational to vote because each voter should want candidates they support to have the strongest public mandate possible if elected to office, and because every vote contributes to that mandate. The present paper argues that two of Guerrero's premises require correction, and that when those premises are corrected several provocative but compelling conclusions follow (...)
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    Parties, Democracy, and the Ideal of Anti-factionalism: Past Anxieties and Present Challenges.David Ragazzoni - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):475-485.
    This essay weaves together the history of political and legal thought, contemporary democratic theory, and recent debates in legal scholarship to examine the ambivalent relationship between political parties and democracy. Celebrated as a structural necessity for the mechanics of democratic government, political parties are also handled with suspicion for their hybrid nature—neither entirely public nor completely private—and for their always-possible regression into factions. Anti-factionalism, I show, has been a powerful ideal driving constitutional imagination and practice over (...)
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    Towards a Political Theory of the University: Public Reason, Democracy and Higher Education.Morgan White - 2016 - Routledge.
    At a basic level, the university is regarded in instrumental and economic terms, conflating ethical-political considerations into the economic and diminishing the function of the university in developing and sustaining culture. The political role that higher education plays has been insufficiently addressed by academics in recent decades while the development of social media means the ways in which ‘public opinion’ is formed have changed. By applying Habermas’ theory of communicative action, this book seeks to reconnect educational and (...)
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    “Science in a Democracy”: The Contested Status of Vaccination in the Progressive Era and the 1920s.James Colgrove - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):167-191.
    In the first decades of the twentieth century, a heterogeneous assortment of groups and individuals articulated scientific, political, and philosophical objections to vaccination. They engaged in an ongoing battle for public opinion with medical and scientific elites, who responded with their own counterpropaganda. These ideological struggles reflected fear that scientific advances were being put to coercive uses and that institutions of the state and civil society were increasingly expanding into previously private realms of decision making, especially child rearing. (...)
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  11. Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy.Jurgen Habermas (ed.) - 1996 - Polity.
    In Between Facts and Norms, Jürgen Habermas works out the legal and political implications of his Theory of Communicative Action (1981), bringing to fruition the project announced with his publication of The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere in 1962. This new work is a major contribution to recent debates on the rule of law and the possibilities of democracy in postindustrial societies, but it is much more. The introduction by William Rehg succinctly captures the special nature of (...)
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    Caring with the Public: An Integration of Feminist Moral, Environmental, and Political Philosophy in Journalism Ethics.Joseph Jones - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (2):74-84.
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to “contaminate” an ethics of care with three different but interrelated theoretical interventions: the expansion of the care ethic beyond interpersonal relations, ecofeminism, and feminist political theory. This makes care theoretically resilient: durable enough to have grounded meaning but flexible enough for situational application. This also makes care a primary concept capable of subsuming some aspects of the traditional ethical theories of deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. This holds vast implications for journalists as they seek (...)
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  13.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  14.  14
    Bringing Public Opinion and Electoral Politics Back In: Explaining the Fate of “Clintonomics” and Its Contemporary Relevance.James Shoch - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (1):89-130.
    In 1992, Bill Clinton won the presidency committed to an ambitious program of “public investment.” Yet the plan Clinton submitted to the Democrat-controlled Congress in early 1993 was sharply scaled back in favor of an emphasis on reducing the federal budget deficit. Congress then made further deep cuts in Clinton's plan. This Democratic retreat from public investment would continue throughout the remainder of Clinton's presidency. In this article, I argue that the fate of “Clintonomics” was due mainly to (...)
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    Public opinion, elites, and democracy.Robert Y. Shapiro - 1998 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 12 (4):501-528.
    Abstract Building on Philip Converse's understanding of public opinion, John Zaller sees the evidence for the public's ?nonattitudes? as reflecting individuals? ambivalence concerning political issues. Because neither individuals nor the public collectively have what Zaller would call real attitudes, he concludes that the effectiveness of democracy rests on competition among intellectual and political elites. In truth, however, the public has many real attitudes that depend heavily on elite leadership, in ways that Converse did not (...)
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    Post-Truth, the Future of Democracy and the Public Sphere.Silke van Dyk - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):37-50.
    The rise of authoritarian and nationalist forces is currently accompanied by a change in the way public opinion is formed and in the culture of debate, a phenomenon that has been described as a crisis of facticity. There is an urgent need to clarify the (factual) foundations and benchmarks for democratic negotiation, even if lies are nothing new in politics. The article analyses this shift and discusses to what extent the liberal problematization of post-factual politics is becoming a (...)
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    When Citizens Don’t Know Whom to Believe: Failures in the Testimonial Exchange of Political Information and Its Implications for Epistemic Democracy.Carline Klijnman - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Genoa
    This cumulative dissertation comprises four articles addressing questions related to the socalled ‘epistemic crisis of democracy’, in particular regarding widespread contestation of expertise and denial of scientific consensus. These phenomena are worrisome for (deliberative) epistemic democrats, as they can undermine the epistemic merits of democracy. These worries are typically only understood in veristic consequentialist terms, or as instrumental concerns for democracy, leading to suboptimal outcomes. But this picture, I argue, is incomplete. This dissertation utilizes tools from the social epistemology of (...)
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  18. Political polarization: Radicalism and immune beliefs.Manuel Almagro - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (3):309-331.
    When public opinion gets polarized, the population’s beliefs can experience two different changes: they can become more extreme in their contents or they can be held with greater confidence. These two possibilities point to two different understandings of the rupture that characterizes political polarization: extremism and radicalism. In this article, I show that from the close examination of the best available evidence regarding how we get polarized, it follows that the pernicious type of political polarization has more (...)
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  19.  4
    Revitalizing democracy through civil disobedience.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2016 - Filosofia Unisinos 17 (2).
    Civil disobedience is a widespread form of political protest used by minorities to make their voices heard in democratic societies. It is a mechanism of participation in the process of shaping public opinion, and of intervention, by via negativa, in the legislative process. In exercising it, citizens can assert their public autonomy when faced with serious decisions that, from their perspective, undermine the values on which society is based. This form of political dissidence is thus a (...)
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    From secrecy to transparency: Reason of state and democracy.Remo Bodei - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (8):889-898.
    From Machiavelli and Guicciardini to Gracián and Richelieu, secrecy is a defining element in the politics of reasons of state, in the art of simulation and dissimulation. These techniques were considered instrumental in order to procure the very survival of the state in situations of permanent emergency. From politics as a secret art centered on the prince’s cabinet, we move gradually along an historical and theoretical path. From English liberalism that places the parliament at the center of politics and the (...)
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    Hegemonic listening and doing memory on right-wing violence: Negotiating German political culture in public spheres.Tanja Thomas & Fabian Virchow - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):102-124.
    The first section of this chapter illustrates that the pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen in 1992 has not been categorized sufficiently as a substantial milestone of right-wing violence in postwar Germany. This pogrom led to historically significant limitations in the right to asylum, ultimately resulting in a change to the German constitution. We propose to look at Rostock-Lichtenhagen as an example to explain that practices of remembering right-wing violence, a process that we describe with the term ‘Doing Memory on right-wing violence’, (...)
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  22.  62
    Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy.William Rehg (ed.) - 1998 - MIT Press.
    In Between Facts and Norms Jürgen Habermas works out the legal and political implications of his Theory of Communicative Action, bringing to fruition the project announced with his publication of The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere in 1962. This new work is a major contribution to recent debates on the rule of law and the possibilities of democracy in postindustrial societies, but it is much more.The introduction by William Rehg succinctly captures the special nature of the work, (...)
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  23. Democracy, Public Policy, and Lay Assessments of Scientific Testimony.Elizabeth Anderson - 2011 - Episteme 8 (2):144-164.
    Responsible public policy making in a technological society must rely on complex scientific reasoning. Given that ordinary citizens cannot directly assess such reasoning, does this call the democratic legitimacy of technical public policies in question? It does not, provided citizens can make reliable second-order assessments of the consensus of trustworthy scientific experts. I develop criteria for lay assessment of scientific testimony and demonstrate, in the case of claims about anthropogenic global warming, that applying such criteria is easy for (...)
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    Social Justice and Political Change: Public Opinion in Capitalist and Post-Communist States.James R. Kluegel - 1995 - Aldinetransaction. Edited by David S. Mason & Bernd Wegener.
    Social Justice and Political Change, involves the collaboration of thirty social scientists in twelve countries, and represents broad-ranging comparative ...
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  25.  40
    Introduction: Public opinion and democracy.Jeffrey Friedman - 1996 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 10 (1):1-12.
  26.  28
    LLMs, Truth, and Democracy: An Overview of Risks.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2025 - Science and Engineering Ethics 31 (1):1-13.
    While there are many public concerns about the impact of AI on truth and knowledge, especially when it comes to the widespread use of LLMs, there is not much systematic philosophical analysis of these problems and their political implications. This paper aims to assist this effort by providing an overview of some truth-related risks in which LLMs may play a role, including risks concerning hallucination and misinformation, epistemic agency and epistemic bubbles, bullshit and relativism, and epistemic anachronism and (...)
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    Dissent on Japan's Northern Periphery: Nemuro, the Northern Territories and the Limits of Change in a 'Bureaucrat's Movement'.Brad Williams - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 11 (2):221-244.
    This article sheds light on a relatively unexplored aspect of the Northern Territories dispute by examining the views of residents in Nemuro -- the symbolic frontline in Japan’s Northern Territories Reversion Movement (NTRM). The NTRM began in this northern periphery as a movement of divergent attitudes but was soon coopted by the Japanese government for political reasons. Local opposition to the government’s four island en bloc policy existed in some quarters but was largely kept in check by state largesse. (...)
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    Empowering Citizens, Engaging the Public: Political Science for the 21st Century.Rainer Eisfeld - 2019 - Singapore: Springer Singapore.
    This book is the first comprehensive study to respond to the ongoing debates on political sciences’ fragmentation, doubtful relevance, and disconnect with the larger public. It explores the implications of the argument that political science ought to become more topic-driven, more relevant and more comprehensible for "lay" audiences. Consequences would include evolving a culture of public engagement, challenging tendencies toward liars’ rule, and emphasizing the role of “large” themes in academic education and research, the latter being (...)
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    The Epistemic Value of Public Opinion: Theoretical and Practical Considerations.Marcos Engelken-Jorge - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (3):264-279.
    This paper discusses the claim that citizens lack sufficient political knowledge to make sound judgements on public matters. It is contended that practical judgements raise essentially two types of claims, namely a claim to empirical truth and a claim to normative rightness, and that there are good reasons to believe that people's insufficient political knowledge undermines both of them. Yet, an examination of the dynamics of public opinion formation reveals that there is an epistemic potential in (...)
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  30. Social Media Filters and Resonances: Democracy and the Contemporary Public Sphere.Hartmut Rosa - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):17-35.
    Democratic conceptions of politics are tacitly or explicitly predicated upon a functioning arena for the formation of public opinion in an associated media-space. Policy-making thus requires a reliable connection to processes of ‘public’ will formation. These processes formed the focus for Habermas’s influential study on the public sphere. This contribution presents a look at more recent ‘structural transformation’, the causes of which are by no means limited to social media communication, and examines its consequences. It proceeds in (...)
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    New Social and Political Movements and the Democratic Ideals.Katarzyna Anna Klimowicz - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1):117-122.
    In response to the political and economic crises, new political and social movements appearing in mature liberal democratic countries (such as United States, Italy or Spain) call for “real democracy” and create strategies for more participatory politics. Groups of academics together with the third sector activists around the world elaborate, test and introduce new forms of participatory mechanisms which allow bottom-up, direct decision-making. Recent massive social movements try to change the dominant, but clearly obsolete model of democracy (...)
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  32. The Digital Transformation of the Democratic Public Sphere: Opportunities and Challenges.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2024 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy (2):484-513.
    The liberal democratic regimes rest on a well-developed public sphere accessible to all citizens that favors free discussions based on reason and critical debate and serves as a space where public opinion is formed through reasoned dialogue. The new digital technologies disrupted many parts of contemporary democratic societies and transformed their public sphere. Digital transformation alters industries and markets, changing the perceived subjective value, satisfaction, and usefulness of goods or services and displacing established companies and products. Within (...)
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    Government Speech and Public Opinion: Democracy by the Bootstraps.Jacob Rowbottom - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (1):22-47.
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    Political Representation of Future Generations and Collective Responsibility.Ludvig Beckman - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (3):516-534.
    The political representation of future generations would change the relationship between public decisions and the members of democratic political systems. In this paper we examine the implication of these changes on the responsibility of the living members for the future effects of current polices with special reference to climate change. The claim defended is that the collective responsibility of the living members for future outcomes diminishes when public decisions are made less responsive to (...)
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    Becoming More Realistic in the Post-Cold War: Japan's Changing Media and Public Opinion on National Security.Tomohito Shinoda - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 8 (2):171-190.
    After the collapse of the Cold War system, Japan became more active in contributing to international peace and security. Especially under the Koizumi administration, Japan successfully passed major pieces of national security legislation, such as the 2001 Anti-Terrorism and the 2003 Iraq Special Measure Laws, in a timely manner. A changing international security environment in the Cold War transformed Japan's media and public opinion to a more realistic one, which supported Koizumi's active national security policy and changed the dynamics (...)
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    Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime: The Changing Views of Russians.Richard Rose, William Mishler & Neil Munro - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    To survive, all forms of government require popular support, whether voluntary or involuntary. Following the collapse of the Soviet system, Russia's rulers took steps toward democracy, yet under Vladimir Putin Russia has become increasingly undemocratic. This book uses a unique source of evidence, eighteen surveys of Russian public opinion from the first month of the new regime in 1992 up to 2009, to track the changing views of Russians. Clearly presented and sophisticated figures and tables show how political (...)
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  37. Reflections and Hypotheses on a Further Structural Transformation of the Political Public Sphere.Jürgen Habermas - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):145-171.
    This article contains reflections on the further structural transformation of the public sphere, building on the author’s widely-discussed social-historical study, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, which originally appeared in German in 1962 (English translation 1989). The first three sections contain preliminary theoretical reflections on the relationship between normative and empirical theory, the deliberative understanding of democracy, and the demanding preconditions of the stability of democratic societies under conditions of capitalism. The fourth section turns to the implications (...)
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    The theory of the public sphere as a cognitive theory of modern society.Hans-Jörg Trenz - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):125-140.
    The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere is a key contribution to political philosophy, media history, democratic theory and political economy – published almost 60 years ago – that left a deep imprint on the process of democratic consolidation of the Federal Republic of Germany. At the same time, the Habermasian model of the public sphere was used to test out the possibilities of democratisation beyond the nation-state. The theory of the public sphere was, however, (...)
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  39. Politesse and Public Opinion in Stendhal’s Red and Black.Richard Boyd - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (4):367-392.
    Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America is one of the most celebrated 19th-century explorations of the rise of democracy as a social condition. However, Tocqueville is not the only political thinker of his immediate era to raise questions about the costs and benefits of democracy. This article will consider Stendhal’s novel The Red and the Black as an immediate precursor to Tocqueville’s criticisms of tyrannical public opinion and other ambivalent features of democracy. Like Tocqueville, Stendhal ponders the breakdown (...)
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    Public Opinion and International Policy Choices: Global Commitments for Japan and Its Peers?Davis B. Bobrow & Mark A. Boyer - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 2 (1):67-95.
    To understand the prospects for global order and progress in the coming years, we explore the joint implications of three premises: (1) states advantaged by the current international order have stakes in its regularity and predictability, and thus in moving to counter or prevent threats to those stakes; (2) along impure public and club goods lines, they are more likely to make efforts to do so when some private or club benefits result; and (3) public opinion provides a (...)
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    An Evolutionary Paradigm For International Law: Philosophical Method, David Hume And The Essence Of Sovereignty.John Martin Gillroy - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Preface The status of sovereignty as a highly ambiguous concept is well established. Pointing out or deploring, the ambiguity of the idea has itself become a recurring motif in the literature on sovereignty. As the legal theorist and international lawyer Alf Ross put it, “there is hardly any domain in which the obscurity and confusion is as great as here.” 1 The concept of sovereignty is often seen as a downright obstacle to fruitful conceptual analysis, carried over from its proper (...)
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    Rethinking Public Opinion in the Digital Era: Towards a Post-representational Theory.Matheus Lock - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (3):350-375.
    The quasi-ubiquity of ICT is transforming contemporary politics and seems to deteriorate democracy, for the technologies undermine debates, contest the grounds of reason and truth, and influence people’s votes. Donald Trump’s election and Brexit are good examples of their effects on public opinion. More fundamentally, these technologies cause theoretical problems to the way we traditionally conceive public opinion. Thus, I seek to rethink public opinion beyond conventional approaches. Departing from Deleuze and Guattari’s work, I develop the first (...)
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    Introduction: Political Implications of Moral Enhancement.Norbert Paulo & Christoph Bublitz - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):1-3.
    What should we do if climate change or global injustice require radical policy changes not supported by the majority of citizens? And what if science shows that the lacking support is largely due to shortcomings in citizens’ individual psychology such as cognitive biases that lead to temporal and geographical parochialism? Could then a plausible case for enhancing the morality of the electorate—even against their will –be made? But can a democratic government manipulate the will of the people without losing (...)
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    Between Public Opinion and Public Policy: Human Embryonic Stem-Cell Research and Path-Dependency.Stephen R. Latham - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):800-806.
    My aim in this paper is simply to show that, in bioethics no less than in other areas of health care, policy in democracies is shaped not only by principles and values, but also — and to some extent independently — by the shape and history of particular political institutions and past policies. “Path dependency,” or what one scholar has called the “accidental logics” of already-existing institutions, condition and guide national policy choices. These institutional and historical pressures can even (...)
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    Rational Public Opinion or its Manufacture? Reply to Page.George F. Bishop - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (1-2):141-157.
    ABSTRACT Benjamin Page's thoughtful critique of my book, The Illusion of Public Opinion, strives to reassure readers that all is well—despite the book's extensive documentation of measurement‐error artifacts in numerous public opinion surveys. Page's own careful polling practices are not followed outside of elite academic survey centers. Moreover, even in such well‐run surveys, the respondents are often ignorant of the issues being probed. The fact that nonrandom reasons of some sort must be determining on‐the‐spot survey responses may allow (...)
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    Reappraising Walter Bagehot's Liberalism: Discussion, Public Opinion, and the Meaning of Parliamentary Government.William Selinger & Greg Conti - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):264-291.
    SummaryThis article offers a novel and comprehensive account of Walter Bagehot's political thought. It ties together an interpretation of Bagehot's liberal commitment to norms of discussion and deliberation, with an analysis of Bagehot's extensive arguments about the institutions of representative government. We show how Bagehot's opposition to American-style presidentialism, to parliamentary democracy, and to proportional representation were profoundly shaped by his conceptions of government by discussion, and the rule of public opinion. Bagehot's criticisms of English parliamentarianism, both of (...)
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  47. John Dewey's Aesthetic Ecology of Public Intelligence and the Grounding of Civic Environmentalism.Herbert G. Reid & Betsy Taylor - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):74-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 74-92 [Access article in PDF] John Dewey's Aesthetic Ecology of Public Intelligence and the Grounding of Civic Environmentalism Herbert Reid and Betsy Taylor "[The problem is] that of recovering the continuity of esthetic experience with normal processes of living." John Dewey, Art as Experience "This is not a protest. Repeat. This is not a protest. This is some kind of artistic expression. (...)
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    Democratic Consolidation in Korea: A Trend Analysis of Public Opinion Surveys, 1997–2001.Doh Chull Shin - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 2 (2):177-209.
    The Republic of Korea (Korea hereinafter) has been widely regarded as one of the most vigorous and analytically interesting third-wave democracies (Diamond and Shin, 2000: 1). During the first decade of democratic rule, Korea has successfully carried out a large number of electoral and other reforms to transform the institutions and procedures of military-authoritarian rule into those of a representative democracy. Unlike many of its counterparts in Latin America and elsewhere, Korea has fully restored civilian rule by extricating the military (...)
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    Who Should Pay for Climate Adaptation? Public Attitudes and the Financing of Flood Protection in Florida.Samuel Merrill, Jack Kartez, Karen Langbehn, Frank Muller-Karger & Catherine J. Reynolds - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):535-557.
    An investigation of public support for coastal adaptation options and public finance options in Florida evaluated stakeholder judgments and how they changed through a participatory engagement process. The study found that public finance mechanisms that imposed fiscal burdens on those who directly benefit from hazard reduction were rated as more acceptable than others. Significantly, visualisations and data on local economic damage and return on investment of potential adaptation options further increased acceptability ratings. The question of whether a (...)
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    A Neutrosophic Approach to Study Agnotology: A Case Study on Climate Change Beliefs.Maikel Leyva & Florentin Smarandache - 2024 - Hypersoft Set Methods in Engineering 2 (1).
    Misinformation and biased information significantly impact public perception and political decisions, especially on critical issues such as climate change and environmental conservation. This study aims to understand how indeterminacy and contradiction influence public perception and policy formulation by applying neutrosophic theory to model the complexity and multi-dimensionality of ignorance. Using neutrosophic Likert scales, we capture a nuanced spectrum of opinions on the scientific certainty of human impact on climate change. The results are analyzed through a (...)
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