Results for ' corpus of root bases'

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  1.  19
    Semantic Representation of Context for Description of Named Rivers in a Terminological Knowledge Base.Juan Rojas-Garcia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The description of named entities in terminological knowledge bases has never been addressed in any depth in terminology. Firm preconceptions, rooted in philosophy, about the only referential function of proper names have presumably led to disparage their inclusion in terminology resources, despite the relevance of named entities having been highlighted by prominent figures in the discipline of terminology. Scholars from different branches of linguistics depart from the conservative stance on proper names and have foregrounded the need for a novel (...)
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    Description et analyse d’un corpus de mots-valises portugais.Alina Villalva & Rafael Dias Minussi - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Multi-word formation processes in Portuguese comprise root-compounding (e.g., toxicodependente ‘drug addict’, agridoce ‘sour sweet’), word-compounding (e.g., barco-casa ‘houseboat’, guarda-roupa ‘wardrobe’, cantora-atriz ‘singer/actress’), and blending (e.g., cartomente ‘lying fortune teller’ < cartomante ‘fortune teller’ + mente ‘he/she lies’, tristemunho ‘sad testimony’ < triste ‘sad’ + testemunho ‘testimony’, cantautor ‘singer and composer’ < cantor singer + autor ‘composer’). Compound structures have been quite thoroughly described by several authors (e.g., Villalva & Gonçalves 2015), whereas blending has garnered some controversial and even contradictory (...)
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    The Dilemma of ʿAmal and Ḥadīth in the Change of Aḥkām: Changing a Reprehensible Practice to a Recommended One with the Ḥadīth Narrations on the Topic of Shawwāl Fasting.Ahmet Temel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1369-1399.
    This article aims at examining the limits of change in the field of worship through a study on the origins of the ḥukm[religious ruling] of Shawwāl fasting that is widely practiced in the different parts of Muslim world. The study, firstly, deals with the evolution of the ḥukm of Shawwāl fasting chronologically among four sunnī schools of law, then analyzes the solitary reports on the topic. It concludes that in Mālikīand Ḥanefīschools, the ḥukm of this specific worship changed within the (...)
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    The Importance of Verses and Hadiths in Explaining Political Concepts: Reflec-tions From Mirrors for Princes.Nurullah Yazar - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):891-909.
    Mirrors for princes, in general, give advices to the rulers about the subtleties of political art. Another aim of these books is to define and explain the administration of the state and the duties of rulers based on experience. In consequence of this they reflect the practical ethics of the period in which they were written. As such, they resemble practical handbooks written for rulers. Another point regarding the mirrors for princes works in which the political understanding of the era (...)
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    The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France (review).Donna Bohanan - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):221-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 221-223 [Access article in PDF] John J. Conley. The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002. Pp. xi + 222. Cloth, $39.95. The rediscovery of forgotten women philosophers began in the 1970s and has yielded important results by broadening substantially the intellectual history of early modern Europe. In The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers (...)
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    Dignaga's Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet.Douglas Duckworth, Malcolm David Eckel, Jay L. Garfield, John Powers, Yeshes Thabkhas & Sonam Thakchoe (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Investigation of the Percept is a short work that focuses on issues of perception and epistemology. Its author, Dignaga, was one of the most influential figures in the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition, and his ideas had a profound and wide-ranging impact in India, Tibet, and China. The work inspired more than twenty commentaries throughout East Asia and three in Tibet, the most recent in 2014.This book is the first of its kind in Buddhist studies: a comprehensive history of a text (...)
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    Building a corpus of legal argumentation in Japanese judgement documents: towards structure-based summarisation.Hiroaki Yamada, Simone Teufel & Takenobu Tokunaga - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):141-170.
    We present an annotation scheme describing the argument structure of judgement documents, a central construct in Japanese law. To support the final goal of this work, namely summarisation aimed at the legal professions, we have designed blueprint models of summaries of various granularities, and our annotation model in turn is fitted around the information needed for the summaries. In this paper we report results of a manual annotation study, showing that the annotation is stable. The annotated corpus we created (...)
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  8. “Interest-based Open-Mindedness: Advocating the Role of Interests in the Formation of Human Character” [in Hebrew]. [REVIEW]Nadav Berman, S. - 2018 - Katharsis 30:146-165.
    Ayalon Eidelstein’s Openness and Faith focuses on the centrality of the idea of openness, or open-mindedness, to the educational sphere. The first half presents the challenges in modern ‘divided-consciousness’ and its consequences of egoism, materialism, and hedonism on the one hand, and religious fanatism on the other. Eidelstein’s main audience is the Israeli secular public, to which he proposes an educational and philosophical middle-way rooted in sincere human and inter-human openness. This openness is inspired by the idea of disinterestedness that (...)
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    Representations of Confucius in Apocrypha of the First Century CE.Zhao Lu - 2017 - In Paul Rakita Goldin (ed.), A Concise Companion to Confucius. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 75–92.
    This chapter will pin down the most outlandish image of Confucius in Chinese history, which comes from a corpus particular to the intellectual and political context of the first two centuries CE China, the apocrypha (chenwei 讖緯). The corpus developed the image of Confucius from earlier ones, such as a thinker, a sage, and an unsuccessful politician. Moreover, apocrypha reflect the intellectual and political changes of the time, especially a growing enthusiasm for an ideal society based on the (...)
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    Epistemologies of evidence-based medicine: a plea for corpus-based conceptual research in the medical humanities.Jan Buts, Mona Baker, Saturnino Luz & Eivind Engebretsen - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):621-632.
    Evidence-based medicine has been the subject of much controversy within and outside the field of medicine, with its detractors characterizing it as reductionist and authoritarian, and its proponents rejecting such characterization as a caricature of the actual practice. At the heart of this controversy is a complex linguistic and social process that cannot be illuminated by appealing to the semantics of the modifier evidence-based. The complexity lies in the nature of evidence as a basic concept that circulates in both expert (...)
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  11.  82
    Thermal roots of correlation‐based complexity.Philip Fraundorf - 2008 - Complexity 13 (3):18-26.
  12.  9
    The Theory and Practice of Discomfort: Richard Rorty and Pragmatism.Timothy P. Jackson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):270-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF DISCOMFORT: RICHARD RORTY AND PRAGMATISM 0 VER THE LAST twenty years, one of the most consistently incisive critics of traditional Anglo-American philosophy has been Richard Rorty. Few contemporary writers can match the vigor, breadth, and intelligence of his books and articles, even as few readers can accept the radicality of the views they express. Rorty disturbs and astonishes like spring weather. His pages mount (...)
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    Exploring Orthographic Representation in Chinese Handwriting: A Mega-Study Based on a Pedagogical Corpus of CFL Learners.Jun Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:782345.
    Writing and reading are closely related and are thus likely to have a common orthographic representation. A fundamental question in the literature on the production of written Chinese characters concerns the structure of orthographic representations. We report on a Chinese character handwriting pedagogical corpus involving a class of 22 persons, 232 composite character types, 1,913 tokens, and 13,057 stroke records, together with the inter-stroke interval (ISI), which reflects the parallel processing of multilevel orthographic representation during the writing execution, and (...)
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  14.  40
    On the nature of roots.Phoevos Panagiotidis - 2020 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (1):56-83.
    This paper offers a review of a current understanding of the content and the form of linguistic roots. It first updates and buttresses the case against semantic content of uncategorised roots and for Late Insertion of roots; then it investigates how native speakers identify roots. More specifically, the idea that roots may be polysemous or may encode the shadow of a denotation, namely the common denominator of the denotations of words derived from it, is refuted on the basis of conceptual (...)
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  15. Paradigmatic analysis of a corpus of proverbs with the help of concept matrices.Paul Franceschi - 2007 - Semiotica 167 (1-4):271-282.
    In Franceschi (2002), I described a theory based on matrices of concepts that aims at constituting an alternative to the classification proposed by Greimas, in the field of paradigmatic analysis. I proceed here to apply the matrices of concepts to the study of a corpus of Corsican proverbs. I recall briefly first the framework of matrices of concepts. I further describe the structure of proverbial theses, and I expose then the results of the corresponding analysis.
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  16.  13
    Corpus of Elementary School Manuals for the Creation of a Transdisciplinary Vocabulary List.Ophélie Drouin Tremblay - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    Pour soutenir les élèves du primaire dans leur apprentissage de la langue et des disciplines scolaires, tant en contexte de français langue d’enseignement que de français langue seconde, l’élaboration d’une liste de vocabulaire dit « transdisciplinaire » (Hiebert et Lubliner 2008) s’avère nécessaire. Il n’existe en effet pas de liste de référence pour l’enseignement ciblé des mots qui apparaissent fréquemment dans les matières scolaires au primaire en français et qui ont comme caractéristiques : soit d’être utilisés dans un même sens (...)
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    Mining legal arguments in court decisions.Ivan Habernal, Daniel Faber, Nicola Recchia, Sebastian Bretthauer, Iryna Gurevych, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Christoph Burchard - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):1-38.
    Identifying, classifying, and analyzing arguments in legal discourse has been a prominent area of research since the inception of the argument mining field. However, there has been a major discrepancy between the way natural language processing (NLP) researchers model and annotate arguments in court decisions and the way legal experts understand and analyze legal argumentation. While computational approaches typically simplify arguments into generic premises and claims, arguments in legal research usually exhibit a rich typology that is important for gaining insights (...)
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  18.  19
    Autoimmunity and the microbiome: T‐cell receptor mimicry of “self” and microbial antigens mediates self tolerance in holobionts.Robert Root-Bernstein - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (11):1068-1083.
    I propose a T‐cell receptor (TcR)‐based mechanism by which immunity mediates both “genetic self” and “microbial self” thereby, connecting microbiome disease with autoimmunity. The hypothesis is based on simple principles. First, TcR are selected to avoid strong cross‐reactivity with “self,” resulting in selection for a TcR repertoire mimicking “genetic self.” Second, evolution has selected for a “microbial self” that mimics “genetic self” so as to share tolerance. In consequence, our TcR repertoire also mimics microbiome antigenicity, providing a novel mechanism for (...)
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  19.  38
    Forgetting of Foreign‐Language Skills: A Corpus‐Based Analysis of Online Tutoring Software.Ridgeway Karl, C. Mozer Michael & R. Bowles Anita - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):924-949.
    We explore the nature of forgetting in a corpus of 125,000 students learning Spanish using the Rosetta Stone® foreign-language instruction software across 48 lessons. Students are tested on a lesson after its initial study and are then retested after a variable time lag. We observe forgetting consistent with power function decay at a rate that varies across lessons but not across students. We find that lessons which are better learned initially are forgotten more slowly, a correlation which likely reflects (...)
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  20.  21
    Simultaneous origin of homochirality, the genetic code and its directionality.Robert Root-Bernstein - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (7):689-698.
    The origin of homochirality in molecules characterizing living systems has remained a mystery since Pasteur's recognition of the problem some 150 years ago.2-5 Most theories also assume that homochirality emerged in one class of molecules (e.g. ribose) from which it was enriched in other molecules (e.g. amino acids) as well.2-5 I propose a novel, experimentally testable hypothesis describing a process by which selective chirality in amino acids and ribonucleotides emerged simultaneously and hand-in-hand with the origin and directionality of the genetic (...)
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  21.  4
    Signs of Legal and Pseudolegal Authority: A Corpus-Based Comparison of Contemporary Courtroom Filings.David Griffin & Dana Roemling - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-36.
    Legal language exists in a peculiar state of tension. It is theoretically expected to meet the specific technical needs of a range of professions while simultaneously remaining entirely accessible to the public at large. Its success at that latter aim is at best limited, with laypeople generally more able to recognize that a given text is legal in character than they are to grasp its technical content. For such readers, the primary semiotic function of legal language is an indexical one, (...)
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    Impact of Religion-Based Caste System on the Dynamics of Indian Trade Unions: Evidence From Two State-Owned Organizations in North India.Biju Varkkey & Jatin Pandey - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):995-1034.
    Religion and its envisaged structures have both macro- and micro-level implications for business. Of the many stratification schemas prevalent in India, two macro-social stratification schemas are important at the workplace: caste, which has been an age-old, religion-mandated, closed social stratification prevalent in Hinduism that had led to inequality in the society, and trade union, which is a relatively new and optional open workplace stratification that empowers workers and fosters equality. This study tries to decipher whether these two structures influence each (...)
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  23. A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of language ideologies in parliamentary debates about the recognition of Irish sign language.Robyn Cunneen & Maria Rieder - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Irish Sign Language (ISL) became an officially recognised language in Ireland by means of the ISL Act 2017, which commenced in December 2020 after more than 30 years of campaigning by the Deaf community. While some work has investigated language ideologies behind the ISL recognition campaign, this study explores language ideologies in parliamentary discourse, specifically perspectives of languageness of ISL. This is crucial to the study of sign language recognition and policymaking, as previous research has identified a link between differing (...)
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    The 'Freedom of the Sea' and the 'Modern Cosmopolis' in Alberico Gentili's De Iure Belli.Diego Panizza - 2009 - Grotiana 30 (1):88-106.
    The purpose of the present study is the understanding of Gentili's position on the law of the sea as expressed in his classic De iure belli . The key constitutive elements turn out to be: 1) the idea of the sea as 'res communis' to all mankind, which amounts to the concept of 'freedom of the sea'; 2) 'jurisdiction' of the coastal state on the adjacent sea, even on the high seas, in order to police crime and prevent/punish piracy. As (...)
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    A corpus-based contrastive study of the appraisal systems in English and Chinese scientific research articles.Xu Yuchen - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Yan Xuan, Su Rui & Kou Ying.
    Appraisal is the way language users express their attitude towards things, people, behaviour or ideas. In the last few decades, significant achievements have been made in Appraisal Theory research, yet little attention has been paid to appraisal in scientific texts, especially in relation to the contrast to how it is applied in English and Chinese. This title examines the similarities and differences of Appraisal systems in English and Chinese scientific research articles. Using a self-constructed corpus of scientific research articles, (...)
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    Individual corpus data predict variation in judgments: testing the usage-based nature of mental representations in a language transfer setting.Maria Mos, Ad Backus & Marie Barking - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (3):481-519.
    This study puts the usage-based assumption that our linguistic knowledge is based on usage to the test. To do so, we explore individual variation in speakers’ language use as established based on corpus data – both in terms of frequency of use and productivity of use – and link this variation to the same participants’ responses in an experimental judgment task. The empirical focus is on transfer by native German speakers living in the Netherlands, who oftentimes experience transfer from (...)
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    Discourses of tragedy: a comparative corpus-based study of newspaper reportage of the Berkeley balcony collapse and Carrickmines fire.Fergal Quinn & Elaine Vaughan - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (3):330-346.
    ABSTRACTHierarchies of information –inclusion, omission and presentation of society and its citizenry – is a critical aspect of news presentation. This paper looks at newspaper reportage of two tragic events in 2015: a balcony collapse in Berkeley, USA, in which six Irish students died; and a fire at a halting site in Carrickmines, Ireland, which claimed the lives of four adults and six children who were members of the Irish Traveller community. This latter group are an officially recognised indigenous ethnic (...)
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    A Corpus-Based Study of Public Attitudes towards Coronavirus Vaccines.Ganlin Xia, Yiting Chen & Lijing Lu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 has been sweeping the world on an unprecedented scale. As an important means of fighting the virus, vaccines have provoked heated discussions. Motivated by this practical concern, the present study aims at contributing to the understanding of public opinions about vaccines, which may provide implications for the government in their making and implementation of related policies. This research adopts a corpus-based approach in conjunction with a Critical Discourse Analysis. Data for this study drawn (...)
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    A corpus-based insight into genre: The case of WIPO domain name arbitration decisions.Laura Martínez Escudero - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (4):375-392.
    To prevent domains from cyber-piracy, the WIPO offers private and confidential procedures tasked to address the legitimate use of a domain name. WIPO domain name arbitration consists of an alternative dispute resolution process in which one or more panelists make a binding decision over the legitimacy of a domain. This article investigates the structure of the discourse of this professional genre. Following Maley, this study focuses, first, on spotting the generic moves of WIPO domain name arbitration decisions. Second, the analysis (...)
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  30.  95
    A corpus-based study of modal verbs in Chinese–English governmental press conference interpreting.Yifan Zhang & Andrew K. F. Cheung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the use of modal verbs in Chinese–English government press conference interpretation. Modal verbs mark the speaker’s opinion of or attitude toward the event described in a sentence. Interpreters also use modal verbs to indicate the stances of the source language speakers. The use of modal verbs has been examined in such contexts as research papers, textbooks, and second language learners’ output; however, studies that compare differences in modal verbs between source and target languages in the context of (...)
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  31.  48
    Compositional complementarity and prebiotic ecology in the origin of life.Axel Hunding, Francois Kepes, Doron Lancet, Abraham Minsky, Vic Norris, Derek Raine, K. Sriram & Robert Root-Bernstein - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):399-412.
    We hypothesize that life began not with the first self‐reproducing molecule or metabolic network, but as a prebiotic ecology of co‐evolving populations of macromolecular aggregates (composomes). Each composome species had a particular molecular composition resulting from molecular complementarity among environmentally available prebiotic compounds. Natural selection acted on composomal species that varied in properties and functions such as stability, catalysis, fission, fusion and selective accumulation of molecules from solution. Fission permitted molecular replication based on composition rather than linear structure, while fusion (...)
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  32.  17
    Pedagogies of place: conserving forms of place-based environmental education during a pandemic.Jeff Stickney - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):67-85.
    Can on-line ‘place-based learning’ be more than a facsimile or ritual? Using a phenomenology of my pandemic practice, I investigate the meaning of ‘place-based learning:’ entertaining Aristotle’s seminal thought on place as a container to venture into contemporary phenomenological inquiries where places and things are not only conceptually implicated by each other, but immanent and potentially powerful elements in learning experiences. Bonnett’s (2021) ecologizing of education shows that authentic forms must be embodied and emplaced in order to open learners to (...)
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  33. When the Longest Jump Doesn’t Win the Long Jump: Against World Athletics' Final 3.Alex Wolf-Root & Kelsey C. Cody - 2022 - FairPlay 22:75-88.
    Part of the draw of athletics is its straightforwardness. There are nuances to competitions to make them more sporting contests, but at the end of a long jump competition whomever records the longest jump should win. Unfortunately, a recent rule-change at the highest level of the sport – the “Final 3” format – undermined this simplicity for the horizontal jumps and the throws for some of the 2020 and much of the 2021 seasons. While fortunately this rule was largely reverted (...)
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    Sulfur is in the Air: Cyanolichen Marriages and Pollution.Chandrani Wijeyaratne, Meththika Vithanage, Jayani J. Wewalwela, Rasika P. Wanigatunge & Dilantha Gunawardana - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (3).
    Cyanolichens are symbiotic organisms involving cyanobacteria and fungi (bipartite) or with the addition of an algal partner (tripartite). Cyanolichens are known for their heightened susceptibility to environmental pollution. We focus here on the impacts on cyanolichens due to rising air pollution; we are especially interested in the role of sulfur dioxide on cyanolichen biology. Cyanolichens due to air pollution including sulfur dioxide exposure, show symptomatic changes including degradation of chlorophyll, lipid membrane peroxidation, decrease in ATP production, changes in respiration rate, (...)
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    Analysis of Argumentation in the Discussion Sections of Published Articles in ESP Journal: A Diachronic Corpus-Based Approach.Saleh Arizavi, Alireza Jalilifar & A. Mehdi Riazi - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (1):119-146.
    Argumentation has remained under-researched in studies analyzing academic journal publications despite its importance in academic writing. This paper reports a study in which we investigated stereotypical argumentative trends, lexico-grammatical features, and interactional metadiscourse markers in 354 research article free-standing discussion sections from the journal of ESP over forty years. The field of ESP was chosen because of its maturity, which has given substance to a dynamic ground for arguments. We drew on the pragma-dialectical approach to analyzing argumentations in the (...). Findings indicated that due to the argumentative nature of the discussion section, certain argumentative trends recurred more often. The analysis of the lexico-grammatical features and metadiscourse markers of the standpoints also showed patterns of variability over time. The study concludes that it is imperative to incorporate relevant facets from various argumentation models to construct a comprehensive argumentation theory and gain deeper insights into argumentation in academic writing. (shrink)
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    Collocational semiosis in the academic discourse of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): The case of AFRICA.Amir H. Y. Salama - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):185-227.
    The present study investigates the collocation-induced semiosis of the linguistic sign AFRICA as being used in the academic section of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (known as COCA) (Davies, Mark. 2008. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): one billion words, 1990-present. Available online at Drawing on a hybrid theoretical framework, the study utilizes Charles Peirce’s (1931–58) semiotic model of the sign and Roman Jakobson’s theory of “markedness” (Jakobson, Roman. 1972. Verbal communication. Scientific American (Special (...)
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    A Corpus-Based Study on the Pragmatic Use of the ba Construction in Early Childhood Mandarin Chinese.Linda Tsung & Yang Frank Gong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article reports on an inquiry that investigated the development of ba constructions in early childhood Mandarin. All cases of ba construction were extracted from the Early Childhood Mandarin Corpus collected from 168 preschoolers aged 2;6, 3;6, 4;6, and 5;6. Early Childhood Mandarin Corpus, University of Hong Kong. Data analysis indicated that: Mandarin-speaking children produced a repertoire of 11 types of ba construction, and the children in the youngest age group were able to produce six types of them; (...)
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    Searching for Statesmanship: a Corpus-Based Analysis of a Translated Political Discourse.Henry Jones - 2019 - Polis 36 (2):216-241.
    With its connotations of superior moral integrity, exceptional leadership qualities and expertise in the science of government, the modern ideal of statesmanship is most commonly traced back to the ancient Greek concept of πολιτικός and the work of Plato and Aristotle in particular. Through an analysis of a large corpus of modern English translations of political works, built as part of the AHRC Genealogies of Knowledge project, this case-study aims to explore patterns that are specific to this translated discourse, (...)
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    A Corpus-Based Study of Modal Verbs in the Uniform Commercial Code of the USA.Xinyu Wu & Jian Li - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):463-483.
    Since the bilateral commerce between the USA and China changes greatly and Chinese government continues to reform and delegate power in the economic field, it is of importance to study the Uniform Commercial Code of the USA. The study specifically studies the features of modal verbs in the UCC through the comparison with the United States Code and Frown. With the help of Antconc, the distribution of modal verbs, the modal value of the three sets of corpora are examined and (...)
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    A corpus-based investigation of techno-optimism and propositional certainty in the National Intelligence Council’s ‘Future Global Trends Reports’.Jamie McKeown - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (1):39-57.
    This article reports the findings from a study of discursive representations of the future role of technology in the work of the US National Intelligence Council. Specifically, it investigates the interplay of ‘techno-optimism’ and propositional certainty in the NIC’s ‘Future Global Trends Reports’. In doing so, it answers the following questions: To what extent was techno-optimism present in the discourse? What level of propositional certainty was expressed in the discourse? How did the discourse deal with the inherent uncertainty of the (...)
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    Nouns in the Be of N-Construction: A Corpus-Based Investigation.Jarosław Wiliński - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (3):747-768.
    This paper employs a usage-based approach to grammar, the theory of frame semantics, and the corpus-based method referred to as the attraction-reliance measure, for the purpose of examining the mutual association between a noun and the be of N-pattern: in other words, to determine nouns that are strongly associated with this construction. On the basis of the data gleaned from the Corpus of Contemporary American English, the paper aims to indicate that there are specific categories of nouns occurring (...)
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  42. Connections of Conversation-Based Conferences to the Foundations of Radical Constructivism.R. J. Martin - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):88-90.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Designing Academic Conferences in the Light of Second-Order Cybernetics” by Laurence D. Richards. Upshot: The aim of this commentary is to emphasize connections between conversation-based conferences and the foundations of radical constructivism. The Richards article needs no defense - everything said here is already implied within his text. Nevertheless, drawing out the context may be helpful in showing how his suggestions are rooted in the constructivist project.
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  43.  23
    The Corpus de français parlé au Québec (CFPQ) and the Language of Informal Conversation. An Example of Data Mining Based on a Lexical-Semantic Examination of the Sequence je sais pas.Gaétane Dostie - 2016 - Corpus 15.
    Cet article présente le contexte général ayant conduit à l’élaboration du Corpus de français parlé au Québec (CFPQ) et les principes méthodologiques ayant présidé à sa confection. Il illustre ensuite l’intérêt que représente cette ressource documentaire pour l’étude de la langue parlée en contexte informel par le biais d’un examen lexico-sémantique de la séquence je sais pas. L’intérêt pour cette séquence vient d’abord d’un constat : celle-ci est particulièrement fréquente dans le corpus pris comme cible. En effet, elle (...)
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    What corpus-based Cognitive Linguistics can and cannot expect from neurolinguistics.Alice Blumenthal-Dramé - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):493-505.
    This paper argues that neurolinguistics has the potential to yield insights that can feed back into corpus-based Cognitive Linguistics. It starts by discussing how far the cognitive realism of probabilistic statements derived from corpus data currently goes. Against this background, it argues that the cognitive realism of usage-based models could be further enhanced through deeper engagement with neurolinguistics, but also highlights a number of common misconceptions about what neurolinguistics can and cannot do for linguistic theorizing.
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    Structure and Grammaticalization of Serial Verb Constructions in Sign Language of the Netherlands—A Corpus-Based Study.Sascha Couvee & Roland Pfau - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355519.
    In serial verb constructions (SVCs), multiple independent lexical verbs are combined in a mono-clausal construction. SVCs express a range of grammatical meanings and are attested in numerous spoken languages all around the world. Yet, to date only few studies have investigated the existence and functions of SVCs in sign languages. For the most part, these studies—including a previous study on Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT)—relied on elicited data. In this article, we offer a cross-modal typological contribution to the study (...)
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    Images of the Lisbon Treaty Debate in the British Press: A Corpus-Based Approach to Metaphor Analysis by Chiara Nasti.Christina Schäffner - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (1):47-49.
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    Corpus-Based Metaphorical Framing Analysis: WAR Metaphors in Hong Kong Public Discourse.Winnie Huiheng Zeng & Kathleen Ahrens - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (3):254-274.
    This study proposes an operational approach to a metaphorical framing analysis using large-scale data. We conducted a case analysis of how war metaphors are framed to address various societal issues in a corpus of public speeches by Hong Kong government officials. By investigating patterns of lexical choices under the source domain of WAR and the underlying reasons for the source-target domain mappings (i.e. Mapping Principles), we found that the target domain of social issues in Hong Kong is primarily conceptualized (...)
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  48.  4
    One meaning and the other: a corpus-based study of the polysemy of "altro" ('other') in Italian.Fabio Del Prete & Fabio Montermini - forthcoming - In Patricia Amaral (ed.), 'Other’: Ambiguity, constraints, and change (Brill, Series Syntax and Semantics). Leiden: Brill.
    This chapter proposes a corpus-based investigation and a semantic analysis of the Italian word "altro" ‘other’, focusing on two values of "altro" identified in the previous literature: difference (D-interpretation) and increment along a scale (M-interpretation). In syntax-based studies, focused on cardinal noun phrases, the two values have been related to distinct syntactic positions occupied by "altro" within the NP’s extended projection (Cinque 2015, Kayne 2021): a lower position, associated with the D-interpretation (altro N = ‘other kind of N’), and (...)
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    Transcultural political communication from the perspective of proximization theory: A comparative analysis on the corpuses of the Sino–US trade war.Guoliang Zhang, Yingfei He, Danyang Zhang & Lijuan Chen - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (4):341-361.
    Previous studies have shown the operational potential in political discourse analysis from the proximization perspective. This study adopts a cross-disciplinary approach to analyze political communication across transcultural contexts, especially in the cyber discourse space. Based on the spatial–temporal–axiological model, we compare the journalistic discourses on two social media platforms by China Xinhua News Agency, an official speaker for China worldwide. The corpuses are constructed with microblogs on Weibo in Chinese and Twitter in English containing key words of Sino–US trade war. (...)
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    Lexical Profile of Newspapers Revisited: A Corpus-Based Analysis.Hung Tan Ha - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study analyzed the vocabulary profile of the News on the Web corpus, which contained 12 billion words from online newspapers and magazines in 20 countries to determine the vocabulary knowledge needed to reasonably understand online newspaper and magazine articles. The results showed that, in general, knowledge of the most frequent 4,000 word families in the British National Corpus/Corpus of Contemporary American English wordlist plus proper nouns, marginal words, transparent compounds and acronyms was necessary to gain (...)
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