Results for ' blood doping'

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  1.  49
    Blood Doping and Athletic Competition.Clifton Perry - 1983 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (3):39-45.
  2.  98
    Neuro-Doping – a Serious Threat to the Integrity of Sport?Verner Møller & Ask Vest Christiansen - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (2):159-168.
    The formation of the World Anti-Doping Agency in 1999 was spurred by the 1998 revelation of widespread use in professional cycling of erythropoietin. The drug was supposedly a real danger. The long-term consequences were unknown, but rumor said it made athletes’ blood thick as jam with clots and other circulatory fatalities likely consequences. Today the fear of EPO has dampened. However, new scientific avenues such as ‘neuro-doping’ have replaced EPO as emergent and imagined threats to athletes and (...)
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    Making Visible the Invisible Act of Doping.Martin Hardie - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (1):85-119.
    This paper describes the construction of the visual space of surveillance by the global anti-doping apparatus, it is a space inhabited daily by professional cyclists. Two principal mechanisms of this apparatus will be discussed—the Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport; in order to illustrate how this space is constructed and how it visualises the invisible act of doping. These mechanisms act to supervise and govern the professional cyclist and work to classify them as either clean or dirty in (...)
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    Le Tour and Failure of Zero Tolerance.Julian Savulescu & Bennett Foddy - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 304–312.
    2007 will be remembered as the year in which the Tour de France died. Race leader and likely eventual winner, Michael Rasmussen, was eliminated near the end on an allegation of doping. Since the 1960s, the idealistic drug crusaders have been on a mission to reverse the course of history, and eliminate drugs from the sport. But this “zero tolerance” strategy to drugs has failed, as 2007's Tour spectacularly showed. Only around 10–15% of professional athletes are drug tested. Currently, (...)
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    Physical Enhancement.Hidde J. Haisma - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 257–265.
    Doping can be both of chemical and protein nature or may involve prohibited methods, such as illegal blood transfusions. The rapidly increasing number of genetic therapies as a promising new branch of regular medicine, has raised the issue whether these techniques might be abused in the field of sports. The risks involved in gene doping are several, and are related both to the vector protein used (DNA, chemical, viral) and to the encoded transgene. A concern in the (...)
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    Commentary.T. Tannsjo - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):113-113.
    To resort to hypoxic air machines—would that be to cheat? This clearly depends on whether such machines are prohibited or not. So the important question is this: Should sport authorities prohibit them or not?One way of approaching this question may be to argue casuistically. Erythropoietin is prohibited. Blood doping is prohibited. Training at high altitude is allowed. Does the hypoxic air machine bear more resemblance to training at high altitude than to the use of EPO? If that is (...)
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    Bigger, Faster, Stronger, More Ethical.Brendan Parent - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (4):46-47.
    Consider four elite female runners who trained hard for a 1500‐meter race. Runner 1 took extra‐strength aspirin before the race. Runner 2 has a genetic condition that results in greater levels of testosterone in her body than the typical range for a woman. Runner 3 has been on a carefully scheduled regimen of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which has increased her red blood cell count. Runner 4 has a team of diet, sleep, and exercise experts who ensured that she (...)
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    Commentary.C. Tamburrini - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):114-114.
    Many elite athletes try to imitate the effects of high altitude training by using hypoxic air machines. These training devices are thought to boost the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and the production of red blood cells which are believed to yield an important competitive advantage in endurance sports. Hypoxic air machines do not contravene current antidoping regulations. However, many sports practitioners and some officials have expressed a feeling of uneasiness towards this new training technique, comparing it (...)
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    Pluriverse : An Essay in the Philosophy of Pluralism.Benjamin Paul Blood - 1920 - New York: Routledge.
    _Pluriverse_, the final work of the American poet and philosopher Benjamin Paul Blood, was published posthumously in 1920. After an experience of the anaesthetic nitrous oxide during a dental operation, Blood came to the conclusion that his mind had been opened, that he had undergone a mystical experience, and that he had come to a realisation of the true nature of reality. This title is the fullest exposition of Blood’s esoteric Christian philosophy-cum-theology, which, though deemed wildly eccentric (...)
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    To correct the record: the continuing, troubling, inaccurate accounts of my case.D. Blood - 2003 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 10 (1):2-4.
  11. The Life We Prize.Elton True-Blood - 1951
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    Pluriverse: an essay in the philosophy of pluralism.Benjamin Paul Blood - 1976 - New York: Arno Press.
    INTRODUCTION WHEN, in As You Like it, Shakespeare makes Touchstone ask William, "Hast any philosophy in thee, Shepherd?" the thing that Touchstone means is ...
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    Veterinary law: ethics, etiquette, and convention.Douglas Charles Blood - 1985 - North Ryde, N.S.W.: Law Book Co..
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  14. George Letsas, University College London.Law'S. Full-Blooded Normativity - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    To Report or Not to Report: The Ethical Complexity Facing Researchers When Responding to Disclosures of Harm or Illegal Activities During Fieldwork with Adults with Intellectual Disabilities.Francesca Ribenfors & Lauren Blood - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):175-190.
    This article draws attention to the ethical complexity researchers may be confronted with during fieldwork should an adult participant with intellectual disabilities disclose that harm or an illegal activity is occurring or has occurred in the past. The need to gain ethical approval and the positioning of people with intellectual disabilities as vulnerable within ethics review procedures can result in the adoption of paternalistic approaches as researchers are encouraged to break confidentiality to report concerns to other professionals. Whilst this may (...)
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    Cation self-diffusion in fast neutron-irradiated beryllium oxide.H. J. De Bruin, G. M. Watson, C. M. Blood & D. Roman - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (140):427-430.
  17.  27
    A Quantitative Relationship between Signal Detection in Attention and Approach/Avoidance Behavior.Vijay Viswanathan, John P. Sheppard, Byoung W. Kim, Christopher L. Plantz, Hao Ying, Myung J. Lee, Kalyan Raman, Frank J. Mulhern, Martin P. Block, Bobby Calder, Sang Lee, Dale T. Mortensen, Anne J. Blood & Hans C. Breiter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Redefining neuromarketing as an integrated science of influence.Hans C. Breiter, Martin Block, Anne J. Blood, Bobby Calder, Laura Chamberlain, Nick Lee, Sherri Livengood, Frank J. Mulhern, Kalyan Raman, Don Schultz, Daniel B. Stern, Vijay Viswanathan & Fengqing Zhang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  19.  86
    Age-related striatal BOLD changes without changes in behavioral loss aversion.Vijay Viswanathan, Sang Lee, Jodi M. Gilman, Byoung Woo Kim, Nick Lee, Laura Chamberlain, Sherri L. Livengood, Kalyan Raman, Myung Joo Lee, Jake Kuster, Daniel B. Stern, Bobby Calder, Frank J. Mulhern, Anne J. Blood & Hans C. Breiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. Robert L. Van Citters, Orville A. Smith, Nolan W. Watson, Dean L. Franklin and Robert W. Elsner Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washing-ton, andScripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, California The cardiovascular adaptations to water immersion of the ele. [REVIEW]Cardiovascular Responses of Elephant Seals During & Diving Studied by Blood Flow Telemetry - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 46.
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    Doping und die Grenzen des Leistungssports.Dr Alexander Bagattini - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):207-219.
    Ob eine sportliche Leistung anerkannt wird, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob sie im Einklang mit Werten steht, die wir für wesentlich für den Sport halten. Die philosophischen Standardargumente gegen Doping im Sport behaupten eine Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit Werten wie Fairness, Gesundheit oder Natürlichkeit. Ich möchte im Gegensatz zu diesen Argumenten eine grundsätzliche Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit dem Wert eines nachhaltigen Umgangs einer Person mit sich selbst behaupten. Wer dopt, so meine These, folgt einem verabsolutierten Leistungsdenken, was (...)
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  22. Rethinking Doping.Alex Wolf-Root - 2020 - FairPlay 18:1-42.
    Despite the important role doping plays in the world of sport, insufficient attention has been given to understanding the concept of doping. In this paper, I argue that we should understand doping as a means of gaining a competitive advantage through the use of exogenous substances entering an athlete’s body, where such means undermine the relevant sporting institution. By focusing on sport as socially constructed institution, not merely as competition, we can have a unified explanation for many (...)
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  23. Anti-doping, purported rights to privacy and WADA's whereabouts requirements: A legal analysis.Oskar MacGregor, Richard Griffith, Daniele Ruggiu & Mike McNamee - 2013 - Fair Play 1 (2):13-38.
    Recent discussions among lawyers, philosophers, policy researchers and athletes have focused on the potential threat to privacy posed by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) whereabouts requirements. These requirements demand, among other things, that all elite athletes file their whereabouts information for the subsequent quarter on a quarterly basis and comprise data for one hour of each day when the athlete will be available and accessible for no advance notice testing at a specified location of their choosing. Failure to file (...)
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    Doping as a Manifestation of a Narcissistic Civilization.Konstantinos Dedousis - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):88-102.
    Over every and each sport event, a dark veil spreads and obfuscates the celebration: doping. Although anti-doping policies have been widely applied, controlling and diminishing this phenomenon has not been achieved yet and the use of doping is commonplace. In this article, I propose the concept of narcissistic civilization as a tool to interpret this phenomenon. I seek for a parallel reading between the Freudian idea of narcissism and its extension to social narcissism by Fromm, together with (...)
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  25. Ideology, Doping and the Spirit of Sport.Vincent Geeraets - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (3):255-271.
    The current World Anti-doping Code can be characterised as a tough approach to doping. In this paper we investigate how the World Anti-Doping Agency justifies this tough approach. To this end, WADA advances two justificatory arguments. It maintains, first, that protection of the spirit of sport warrants tough measures and, second, that athletes have voluntarily consented to the Code. We argue that in the way they are presented by WADA, neither of these arguments can withstand scrutiny. In (...)
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    Neurostimulation, doping, and the spirit of sport.Jonathan Pugh & Christopher Pugh - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (2):141-158.
    There is increasing interest in using neuro-stimulation devices to achieve an ergogenic effect in elite athletes. Although the World Anti-Doping Authority does not currently prohibit neuro-stimulation techniques, a number of researchers have called on WADA to consider its position on this issue. Focusing on trans-cranial direct current stimulation as a case study of an imminent so-called ‘neuro-doping’ intervention, we argue that the emerging evidence suggests that tDCS may meet WADA’s own criteria for a method’s inclusion on its list (...)
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  27.  47
    Anti-doping policies and the Gay Games; Morgan’s treatment–enhancement distinction in action.Michael Burke & Caroline Symons - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 43 (2):267-280.
    The anti-doping policy of the Gay Games offers an interesting exemplification of the treatment–enhancement distinction. Some Gay Games athletes require steroids to deal with the effects of HIV or for sexual reassignment, and the practice community had to negotiate coordinating conventions with regard to steroid use that remained committed to the deeper conventions of Gay Games sport. This paper will investigate the way that this policy emanated from the type of participatory social practice community that would be necessary for (...)
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  28. Neuro-Doping and the Value of Effort in Endurance Sports.Alexandre Erler - 2020 - Neuroethics (Suppl 2):1-13.
    The enhancement of athletic performance using procedures that increase physical ability, such as anabolic steroids, is a familiar phenomenon. Yet recent years have also witnessed the rise of direct interventions into the brain, referred to as “neuro-doping”, that promise to also enhance sports performance. This paper discusses one potential objection to neuro-doping, based on the contribution to athletic achievement, particularly within endurance sports, of effortfully overcoming inner challenges. After introducing the practice of neuro-doping, and the controversies surrounding (...)
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    Doping im Radsport – zivilisationstheoretische Anmerkungen zu einer langen Geschichte / Doping in Cycling – Comments from the Theory of Civilization Point of View to a Long History.Michael Krüger - 2006 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 3 (3):324-352.
    Zusammenfassung Doping im Radsport wird in der Regel als eine Geschichte des moralischen Verfalls gesehen. Zu diesem Bild tragen wesentlich die Medien bei. Ein zivilisationstheoretischer Blick auf die Geschichte des Radsports zeigt dagegen ein anderes Bild: Die öffentliche Sensibilität gegenüber Dopingverstößen im Radsport hat erheblich zugenommen; ebenso die moralische Bewertung der Einnahme von Medikamenten zum Zweck der Leistungssteigerung. Diese These wird auf der Grundlage einer Analyse der Entwicklung der Dopingbestimmungen im Radsport zu belegen versucht. Sie ist zugleich Ausdruck des (...)
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  30.  55
    Doping and Ethics in Sports.O. Oral, F. Zampeli, R. Varol, Y. Umit, R. Cabuk, George Nomikos, Panayiotis D. Megaloikonomos, Vasilios Igoumenou, Christos Vottis & Andreas F. Mavrogenis - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (4):271-278.
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    (1 other version)Doping and Moral Disapprovals.Mika Hämäläinen, Andrew Bloodworth & Suvi Heikkinen - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (3):331-348.
    This paper explores variance in how people morally disapprove wrongs related to doping. The variance may pertain to what type of moral disapproval a person uses or to what they disapprove of. Our e...
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  32. Doping under medical control - conceptually possible but impossible in the world of professional sports?Søren Holm - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (2):135 – 145.
    This paper considers the argument that if the ban on doping in sports was abolished it would be possible to have doping under medical control, i.e. open doping, prescribed by doctors with collection of reliable information about effects and side-effects. A game-theoretic argument is developed showing that this positive scenario is very unlikely to be instantiated given reasonable assumptions about the motivation of sportspersons and sports doctors. It is furthermore shown that the standard arguments against the current (...)
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  33.  5
    Blood Groups and their Correlation with Physical Traits Affecting 100-Meter Performance.Zahraa Saad Azzawi, Harith Abdelelah Alshukri, Hayder N. Jawoosh, Abdul Amir H. Kahum & Ruqaya Jameel Saad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:192-201.
    Background. Sport training has an impact on other sciences. Among these sciences is physiology, in which emerged to form what is called sports physiology. The recent development in the science of physical education is one of the important factors in measuring and determining the nature of athletes' physical, physiological and biochemical adaptations and responses. The blood circulatory system is important as manifested in finding the relationship between some blood groups and the basic physical characteristics and the completion of (...)
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    Il doping è un vizio?Alex Grossini - 2007 - Esercizi Filosofici 2 (2):240-255.
    Lo sport è un'attività che coinvolge miliardi di persone, quindi è un settore interessante per l'eticista. I problemi etici che si rinvengono in questa pratica spesso sono ridotti al solo doping degli atleti/e; ciò nonostante, le usuali analisi morali della questione sembrano insufficienti a contrastare la diffusione di questo comportamento. Il breve paper è un interrogarsi sui motivi dell'insufficienza delle tradizionali critiche morali al doping, e propone in alternativa una sintetica posizione da virtue ethics fondata sull'idea che chi (...)
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    Doping in Sport: A Defence.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2020 - London and New York; UK and USA: Routledge.
    It has become a mantra, that doping is immorally and therefore should be punished with exclusion, fines and stigmatization. In most parts of the world, the doping debate is characterised by an extreme tunnel vision since all athletes, politicians and sports managers who have public airtime express that doping is bad or the invention of the devil. -/- The purpose of 'Doping in Sport: A Defence' is to identify, clarify and challenge some of the central arguments (...)
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  36.  58
    Neuro-Doping and Fairness.Thomas Søbirk Petersen & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (2):179-190.
    In this article, we critically discuss different versions of the fairness objection to the legalisation of neuro-doping. According to this objection, legalising neuro-doping will result in some enjoying an unfair advantage over others. Basically, we assess four versions. These focus on: 1) the unequal opportunities of winning for athletes who use neuro-doping and for those who do not; 2) the unfair advantages specifically for wealthy athletes; 3) the unfairness of athletic advantages not derived from athletes’ own training (...)
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  37.  79
    Gene Doping and the Responsibility of Bioethicists.Ashkan Atry, Mats G. Hansson & Ulrik Kihlbom - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (2):149 - 160.
    In this paper we will argue: (1) that scholars, regardless of their normative stand against or for genetic enhancement indeed have a moral/professional obligation to hold on to a realistic and up-to-date conception of genetic enhancement; (2) that there is an unwarranted hype surrounding the issue of genetic enhancement in general, and gene doping in particular; and (3) that this hype is, at least partly, created due to a simplistic and reductionist conception of genetics often adopted by bioethicists.
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    Anti-Doping Policy, Health, and Harm.Jo Morrison - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-14.
    The anti-doping policies of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) aim to promote a level playing field and protect the health of the athlete. Anti-doping policy discourages research using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) or methods and prohibits athlete support personnel, including healthcare providers, from providing advice, assistance, or aid to an athlete or others seeking to use, or using PEDs until harm has occurred. Athletes are individually responsible for the presence of a prohibited substance in their bodies and (...)
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  39. When Public Reason Fails Us: Convergence Discourse as Blood Oath.Brian Kogelmann & Stephen G. W. Stich - 2016 - American Political Science Review 110:717-730.
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    Doping and Cheating.Jan Vorstenbosch - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):166-181.
    A familiar move that philosophers of sport make in the debate on the doping-issue is to reject from the start the argument that doping comes down to cheating. The claim that doping is cheating is often rebutted with the argument that doping is only cheating when one accepts that the use of doping is unjustified in itself. In this paper I want to argue that putting aside the cheating-argument in this way comes, first, too easy, (...)
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  41.  44
    Doping, fairness, and unequal responsiveness: A response to Lavazza.Thomas Søbirk Petersen & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (7):714-717.
    Bioethics, Volume 35, Issue 7, Page 714-717, September 2021.
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    The blood coagulation system as a molecular machine.Henri M. H. Spronk, José W. P. Govers-Riemslag & Hugo ten Cate - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (12):1220-1228.
    The human blood coagulation system comprises a series of linked glycoproteins that upon activation induce the generation of downstream enzymes ultimately forming fibrin. This process is primarily important to arrest bleeding (hemostasis). Hemostasis is a typical example of a molecular machine, where the assembly of substrates, enzymes, protein cofactors and calcium ions on a phospholipid surface markedly accelerates the rate of coagulation. Excess, pathological, coagulation activity occurs in “thrombosis”, the formation of an intravascular clot, which in the most dramatic (...)
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    High blood pressure: Hunting the genes.Brenda J. Leckie - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (1):37-41.
    High blood pressure is a disease of unknown cause. Family history of the disease indicates higher risk, but it is not known which genes are involved or how they interact with environmental influences to produce the disorder. Molecular biology offers an approach to problems that have not so far been solved by classical physiology or biochemistry. By analysing polymorphic variation in chromosome markers such as minisatellite sequences, or by restriction fragment polymorphism analysis of candidate genes, attempts are being made (...)
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    Mistake-making: a theoretical framework for generating research questions in biology, with illustrative application to blood clotting.Jonathan Hill, David Oderberg, Jon Gibbins & Ingo Bojak - 2022 - Quarterly Review of Biology 97 (1):1-13.
    It is a matter of contention whether or not a general explanatory framework for the biological sciences would be of scientific value, or whether it is even achievable. In this paper we suggest that both are the case, and we outline proposals for a framework capable of generating new scientific questions. Starting with one clear characteristic of biological systems – that they all have the potential to make mistakes - we aim to describe the nature of this potential and the (...)
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  45. Marinella and her interlocutors: hot blood, hot words, hot deeds.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2525-2537.
    In the treatise called La nobiltà et l’eccellenza delle donne co’ diffetti et mancamenti de gli uomini Lucrezia Marinella claims that women are superior to men. She argues that men are excessively hot, and that heat in a high degree is detrimental to the intellectual and moral capacities of a person. The aim of this paper is to set out Marinella’s views on temperature differences in the bodies of men and women and the effects of bodily constitution on the capacities (...)
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  46. The Ethics of Doping: Between Paternalism and Duty.Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2020 - Pannoniana: Journal of Humanities 4 (1):35-49.
    The most plausible line of anti-doping argumentation starts with the fact that performance enhancing substances are harmful and put at considerable risk the health and the life of those who indulge in the overwhelming promises these substances hold. From a liberal point of view, however, this is not a strong reason neither to morally reject doping altogether, nor to put a blanket ban on it; on the contrary, allowing adult, competent and informed athletes to have access to performance (...)
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  47. Gene-doping: Sport, values & bioethics.Andy Miah - unknown
    This paper problematises the ethics of genetic modification (GM) in sport by outlining the perspectives of four organisations which have recently spent time considering the subject: the International Olympic Committee, the World Anti-Doping Agency, the United States President’s Council on Bioethics, and the Australian Law Reforms Commission. The paper outlines scientific developments in genetic research, which might make realisable the genetic engineering of athletes. Subsequently, an overview of the varied perspectives of the four organisations is given, by articulating the (...)
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    Neuro-Doping as a Means to Avert Fascistoid Ideology in Elite Sport.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (Suppl 2):1-10.
    Assume that neuro-doping is safe and efficient. This means that the use of it, and similar future safe methods of enhancement in sport, may help those who are naturally weak to catch up with those who are naturally strong and sometimes even defeat them. The rationale behind anti-doping measures seem to presuppose that this is unfair. But the idea that those who are naturally strong should defeat those who are naturally weak rests on a fascistoid ideology that sport (...)
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    Unfolding epidemiological stories: How the WHO made frozen blood into a flexible resource for the future.Joanna Radin - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47 (PA):62-73.
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    From blood donation to kidney sales: the gift relationship and transplant commercialism.Julian J. Koplin - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (2-3):102-122.
    In The Gift Relationship, Richard Titmuss argued that the practice of altruistic blood donation fosters social solidarity while markets in blood erode it. This paper considers the implications of this line of argument for the organ market debate. I defend Titmuss’ arguments against a number of criticisms and respond to claims that Titmuss’ work is not relevant to the context of live donor organ transplantation. I conclude that Titmuss’ arguments are more resilient than many advocates of organ markets (...)
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