Results for ' bioethics, and ‘practical ethics’'

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  1.  43
    Bioethics and practical justice in the post‐COVID‐19 era.Ubaka Ogbogu & Lorian Hardcastle - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):31-35.
    The ethical concept of justice, as it relates to the development and deployment of innovative health technologies, commands the fair and equitable distribution of burdens and benefits. In bioethics, specific guidance on practical strategies for achieving what this concept of justice demands are somewhat elusive. Drawing on issues of justice arising or likely to arise in the context of the search for a vaccine or cure for COVID‐19, this paper argues for a focus on the concept of “practical justice” in (...)
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    Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen.Frank Sobiech - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen. It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the “Ductus Stenonis”: the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the beginning of life (...)
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    Law, bioethics and practice in France: forging a new legislative pact. [REVIEW]Denis Berthiau - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (1):105-113.
    In France, bioethics norms have emerged in close interaction with medical practices. The first bioethics laws were adopted in 1994, with provisions for updates in 2004 and most recently, in 2011. As in other countries, bioethics laws indirectly refer to certain fundamental values. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, I shall briefly describe the construction of the French bioethics laws and the values they are meant to protect. Secondly, I will show that the practice of clinical ethics, as (...)
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    Still, this is an excellent book that may be read both for its substantive contributions to a variety of bioethical issues and for its account and illustration of method in medical and practical ethics.Martin Benjamin - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686): Circulation of Love.Frank Sobiech - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen (1638-1686). It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the "Ductus Stenonis": the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the beginning of (...)
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    Theory and practice of clinical ethics support services: Narrative and hermeneutical perspectives.Rouven Porz, Elleke Landeweer & Guy Widdershoven - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):354-360.
    In this paper we introduce narrative and hermeneutical perspectives to clinical ethics support services (CESS). We propose a threefold consideration of ‘theory’ and show how it is interwoven with ‘practice’ as we go along. First, we look at theory in its foundational role: in our case ‘narrative ethics’ and ‘philosophical hermeneutics’ provide a theoretical base for clinical ethics by focusing on human identities entangled in stories and on moral understanding as a dialogical process. Second, we consider the role of theoretical (...)
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  7.  52
    Bioethics Consultation Practices and Procedures: A Survey of a Large Canadian Community of Practice.R. A. Greenberg, K. W. Anstey, R. Macri, A. Heesters, S. Bean & R. Zlotnik Shaul - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (2):135-146.
    The literature fails to reflect general agreement over the nature of the services and procedures provided by bioethicists, and the training and core competencies this work requires. If bioethicists are to define their activities in a consistent way, it makes sense to look for common ground in shared communities of practice. We report results of a survey of the services and procedures among bioethicists affiliated with the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB). This is the largest group of (...)
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    Bioethics education in clinical settings: theory and practice of the dilemma method of moral case deliberation.Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):45.
    BackgroundMoral Case Deliberation is a specific form of bioethics education fostering professionals’ moral competence in order to deal with their moral questions. So far, few studies focus in detail on Moral Case Deliberation methodologies and their didactic principles. The dilemma method is a structured and frequently used method in Moral Case Deliberation that stimulates methodological reflection and reasoning through a systematic dialogue on an ethical issue experienced in practice.MethodsIn this paper we present a case-study of a Moral Case Deliberation with (...)
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    Bioethics: theory and practice.Erick Valdés - 2014 - [San Diego, California?]: Cognella Academic Publishing.
    Bioethics introduces students to the most relevant historical, epistemological, methodological, and practical aspects of bioethics. The book presents readers with some of the most thought-provoking writing in the field, along with an original introduction to each reading. Selections range from the work of great philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and John Stuart Mill, to contemporary writings and reports. Readers explore various ideologies and philosophies including the seminal work of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress on principles of biomedical ethics and the (...)
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    Principle and Practice in Psychiatric Ethics Consultation: An Opening for Interdisciplinary Dialogue.Paul Brodwin - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):207-210.
    The essay by Potter and El-Mallakh proposes "on the ground" consultations in psychiatric ethics as a novel style of bioethics deliberation. The continual dialogue between a moral philosopher and clinician creates the opportunity for informal real-time ethical thinking as cases unfold, instead of formal ethics committee reviews and instead of the artificially simple scenarios found in much bioethics literature. The essay has important practical implications for ethics pedagogy during psychiatric training and in mental health settings more generally. It also has (...)
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  11.  18
    Religion, Bioethics and Nursing Practice.Marsha D. Fowler - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (4):393-405.
    This article calls nursing to engage in the study of religions and identifies six considerations that arise in religious studies and the ways in which religious faith is expressed. It argues that whole-person care cannot be realized, neither can there be a complete understanding of bioethics theory and decision making, without a rigorous understanding of religious-ethical systems. Because religious traditions differ in their cosmology, ontology, epistemology, aesthetic, and ethical methods, and because religious subtraditions interact with specific cultures, each religion and (...)
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    The practical ethics of repurposing health data: how to acknowledge invisible data work and the need for prioritization.Sara Green, Line Hillersdal, Jette Holt, Klaus Hoeyer & Sarah Wadmann - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1):119-132.
    Throughout the Global North, policymakers invest in large-scale integration of health-data infrastructures to facilitate the reuse of clinical data for administration, research, and innovation. Debates about the ethical implications of data repurposing have focused extensively on issues of patient autonomy and privacy. We suggest that it is time to scrutinize also how the everyday work of healthcare staff is affected by political ambitions of data reuse for an increasing number of purposes, and how different purposes are prioritized. Our analysis builds (...)
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    Frameworks and Practices in Bioethics.James Dwyer - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (1):84-94.
    Je commence cet essai par une introduction autobiographique pour expliquer pourquoi j’ai étudié la philosophie et comment j’en suis venue à travailler en bioéthique. Je considère ensuite trois cadres et pratiques éthiques que j’ai adoptés dans mon travail en bioéthique. Je commence par le cadre explicité par John Rawls, où le but de la théorie éthique est de définir des buts et des objectifs pour guider nos réponses au monde. Comme cette approche ne fournissait pas l’orientation que je recherchais, j’ai (...)
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    Bioethics and history.Robert Baker - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (4):447 – 474.
    Standard bioethics textbooks present the field to students and non-experts as a form of "applied ethics." This ahistoric and rationalistic presentation is similar to that used in philosophy of science textbooks until three decades ago. Thomas Kuhn famously critiqued this self-conception of the philosophy of science, persuading the field that it would become deeper, richer, and more philosophical, if it integrated the history of science, especially the history of scientific change, into its self-conception. This essay urges a similar reconceptualization for (...)
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  15. Practical Ethics and the Principle of Merit: Implications to Disability Rights.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2019 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (1):14-17.
    The merit system is based on a person’s ability to achieve. The concept of merit hence rejects a process that awards any particular entitlement explicitly based on disability. Brian Barry says that under the merit principle, people can compete for positions or advantage. This paper argues that the idea of merit, as explained by Barry, is unjust. Iris Marion Young points out that a person with cognitive disability faces a different situation compared to other people. Under normal circumstances, persons can (...)
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    Clinical Ethics: Theory and Practice.C. Barry Hoffmaster, Benjamin Freedman & Gwen Fraser - 1989 - Humana Press.
    There is the world of ideas and the world of practice; the French are often for sup pressing the one and the English the other; but neither is to be suppressed. -Matthew Arnold The Function of Criticism at the Present Time From its inception, bioethics has confronted the need to reconcile theory and practice. At first the confrontation was purely intellectual, as writers on ethical theory (within phi losophy, theology, or other humanistic disciplines) turned their attention to topics from the (...)
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  17. Bioethics and large-scale biobanking: individualistic ethics and collective projects.Garrath Williams - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (2):1-17.
    Like most bioethical discussion, examination of human biobanks has been largely framed in terms of research subjects’ rights, principally informed consent, with some gestures toward public benefits. However, informed consent is for the competent, rights-bearing individual: focussing on the individual, it thus neglects social, economic and even political matters; focussing on the competent rights-bearer, it does not serve situations where consent is plainly inappropriate (eg, the young child) or where coercion can obviously be justified (the criminal). Using the British experience (...)
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  18.  28
    Bioethics Casebook 2.0: Using Web‐Based Design and Tools to Promote Ethical Reflection and Practice in Health Care.Jacob Moses, Nancy Berlinger, Michael C. Dunn, Michael K. Gusmano & Jacqueline J. Chin - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):19-25.
    The idea of the Internet as Gutenberg 2.0—a true revolution in disseminating information—is now a routine part of how bioethics education works. The Internet has become indispensable as a channel for sharing teaching materials and connecting learners with a central platform that houses materials to support an online or hybrid curriculum or a traditional course. A newer idea in bioethics education reflects developments in web-based medical education more broadly and draws on design principles developed for the Internet. This approach to (...)
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  19. Can Neuroscience Contribute to Practical Ethics? A Critical Review and Discussion of the Methodological and Translational Challenges of the Neuroscience of Ethics.Eric Racine, Veljko Dubljević, Ralf J. Jox, Bernard Baertschi, Julia F. Christensen, Michele Farisco, Fabrice Jotterand, Guy Kahane & Sabine Müller - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (5):328-337.
    Neuroethics is an interdisciplinary field that arose in response to novel ethical challenges posed by advances in neuroscience. Historically, neuroethics has provided an opportunity to synergize different disciplines, notably proposing a two-way dialogue between an ‘ethics of neuroscience’ and a ‘neuroscience of ethics’. However, questions surface as to whether a ‘neuroscience of ethics’ is a useful and unified branch of research and whether it can actually inform or lead to theoretical insights and transferable practical knowledge to help resolve ethical questions. (...)
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  20.  30
    Practical Ethics in Search of a Toolbox: Discourse ethics and ethical committees.Matthias Kaiser - 2004 - Global Bioethics 17 (1):137-148.
    In this paper the claim is made that the new turn to ethics brings about a need to develop a toolbox for practical ethics that makes ethical advice amenable to quality assurance and democratic transparency. This is of great importance when ethical advice is given to policy-making bodies. The mechanism of providing ethical advice through the establishment of an ethics committee is discussed. An analysis of what would follow from conceiving of the work of such a committee as an exercise (...)
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  21.  21
    The philosophy and practice of medicine and bioethics: a naturalistic-humanistic approach.Warren A. Shibles - 2010 - London: Springer. Edited by Barbara Maier.
    This book completes medical care by adding the comprehensive humanistic perspectives and philosophy of medicine.
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  22.  35
    Ethical and practical considerations arising from community consultation on implementing controlled human infection studies using Schistosoma mansoni in Uganda.Moses Egesa, Agnes Ssali, Edward Tumwesige, Moses Kizza, Emmanuella Driciru, Fiona Luboga, Meta Roestenberg, Janet Seeley & Alison M. Elliott - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):78-102.
    Issues related to controlled human infection studies using Schistosoma mansoni (CHI-S) were explored to ensure the ethical and voluntary participation of potential CHI-S volunteers in an endemic setting in Uganda. We invited volunteers from a fishing community and a tertiary education community to guide the development of informed consent procedures. Consultative group discussions were held to modify educational materials on schistosomiasis, vaccines and the CHI-S model and similar discussions were held with a test group. With both groups, a mock consent (...)
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    Application of Confucian and Western ethical theories in developing HIV/AIDS policies in China--an essay in cross-cultural bioethics.Yonghui Ma - unknown
    This study is a contribution to Chinese-Western dialogue of bioethics but perhaps the first one of its kind. From a Chinese-Western comparative ethical perspective, this work brings Chinese ethical theories, especially Confucian ethics, into a contemporary context of the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, and to see how the deeply-rooted thoughts of Confucius interact, compete, or integrate with concepts from Western ethical traditions. An underlying belief is that some ideas in Confucian ethics are important and insightful beyond their cultural and historical origins (...)
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    Bioethical theory and practice in genetic screening for type 1 diabetes.U. Gustafsson Stolt, J. Ludvigsson, P. -E. Liss & T. Svensson - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (1):45-50.
    Due to the potential ethical and psychological implications of screening, and especially inregard of screening on children without available and acceptable therapeutic measures, there is a common view that such procedures are not advisable. As part of an independent research- and bioethical case study, our aim was therefore to explore and describe bioethical issues among a representative sample of participant families (n = 17,055 children) in the ABIS (All Babies In South-east Sweden) research screening for Type 1 diabetes (IDDM).The primary (...)
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    Clinical and Organizational Ethics: Challenges to Methodology and Practice.Mark J. Cherry - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):191-197.
    The day-to-day work of clinical ethics consultants and healthcare ethics committees can easily become overly routine. Too much routine, however, comes with a risk that morally important practices will be reduced to mere bureaucratic formalities, while practitioners become desensitized to ethically significant distinctions between cases. Clinical ethics consultation and organizational ethics must be set within the broader social and cultural context of the healthcare environment. This practice requires looking beyond mere legal compliance and the routinely false assumption that there are (...)
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    Bioethics' Contradiction: Everyday Ethics and the Morality System.Arthur W. Frank - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (2):283-292.
    In one of Richard Zaner’s tales of ethics consultation practice, a moment occurs that might be comic, except for the gravity of the situation. Zaner goes to visit the parents of an infant with multiple problems who has been admitted to neonatal intensive care. He introduces himself awkwardly, and the child’s father responds: “‘Why,’ he bluntly asked, ‘are you here now?’ And with, again, exemplary frankness, he pointedly demanded, eyes narrowing in that knowing way, full of suspicion: ‘Has someone been (...)
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    Attending to scalar ethical issues in emerging approaches to environmental health research and practice.Diego S. Silva, Maxwell Smith & Chris G. Buse - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (1-2):4-21.
    Accelerated changes to the planet have created novel spaces to re-imagine the boundaries and foci of environmental health research. Climate change, mass species extinction, ocean acidification, biogeochemical disturbance, and other emergent environmental issues have precipitated new population health perspectives, including, but not limited to, one health, ecohealth, and planetary health. These perspectives, while nuanced, all attempt to reconcile broad global challenges with localized health impacts by attending to the reciprocal relationships between the health of ecosystems, animals, and humans. While such (...)
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    Bioethics and the humanities: attitudes and perceptions.R. S. Downie - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish. Edited by Jane Macnaughton.
    Critiquing many areas of medical practice and research whilst making constructive suggestions about medical education, this book extends the scope of medical ethics beyond sole concern with regulation. Illustrating some humanistic ways of understanding patients, this volume explores the connections between medical ethics, healthcare and subjects, such as philosophy, literature, creative writing and medical history and how they can affect the attitudes of doctors towards patients and the perceptions of medicine, health and disease which have become part of contemporary culture. (...)
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    Understanding, being, and doing of bioethics; a state-level cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitude, and practice among healthcare professionals.Poovishnu Devi Thangavelu, Balamurugan Janakiraman, Renuka Pawar, Pravin H. Shingare, Suresh Bhosale, Russel D. Souza, Ivone Duarte & Rui Nunes - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Background The field of bioethics examines the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise in the biological sciences, healthcare, and medical practices. There has been a rise in medical negligence cases, complaints against healthcare workers, and public dissatisfaction with healthcare professionals, according to reports from the Indian Medical Council and other healthcare associations. We intend to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of bioethics among the registered healthcare professionals (HCPs) of Maharashtra, India. Methods A State-level online survey was conducted (...)
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    Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice.Hilde Lindemann, Marian Verkerk & Margaret Urban Walker (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Naturalized bioethics represents a revolutionary change in how health care ethics is practised. It calls for bioethicists to give up their dependence on utilitarianism and other ideal moral theories and instead to move toward a self-reflexive, socially inquisitive, politically critical, and inclusive ethics. Wary of idealisations that bypass social realities, the naturalism in ethics that is developed in this volume is empirically nourished and acutely aware that ethical theory is the practice of particular people in particular times, places, cultures, and (...)
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    Bioethics and activism: A natural fit?Wendy Rogers - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):881-889.
    Bioethics is a practically oriented discipline that developed to address pressing ethical issues arising from developments in the life sciences. Given this inherent practical bent, some form of advocacy or activism seems inherent to the nature of bioethics. However, there are potential tensions between being a bioethics activist, and academic ideals. In academic bioethics, scholarship involves reflection, rigour and the embrace of complexity and uncertainty. These values of scholarship seem to be in tension with being an activist, which requires pragmatism, (...)
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    Bioethics and humanities: What makes us one field?Loretta M. Kopelman - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (4):356 – 368.
    Bioethics and humanities (inclusive of medical ethics, health care ethics, environmental ethics, research ethics, philosophy and medicine, literature and medicine, and so on) seems like one field; yet colleagues come from different academic disciplines with distinct languages, methods, traditions, core curriculum and competency examinations. The author marks six related "framework" features that unite and make it one distinct field. It is a commitment to (1) work systematically on some of the momentous and well-defined sets of problems about the human condition (...)
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  33.  52
    The Theory and Practice of Applied Ethics.Barry Hoffmaster - 1991 - Dialogue 30 (3):213-.
    Applied ethics is at a watershed. In all its domains a gulf between the theory of applied ethics and the practice of applied ethics is now being recognized. In medical ethics, for example, it has been observed that “practicing clinicians often feel let down by bioethics.” The disappointment of clinicians is attributed in part to their own unrealistic expectations but is also said to be a function ofthe extent to which bioethics as a discipline doesn't seem to be in possession (...)
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    Using the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah to Furnish an Islamic Bioethics: Conceptual and Practical Issues.Aasim I. Padela - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):347-352.
    The field of Islamic bioethics is currently in development as thinkers delineate its normative content, ethical scope and research methods. Some scholars have offered Islamic bioethical frameworks based on the maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah, the higher objectives of Islamic law, to help advance the field. Accordingly, a recent JBI paper by Ibrahim and colleagues describes a method for using the maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah to provide moral end-goals and deliberative mechanisms for an Islamic bioethics. Herein I highlight critical conceptual and practical gaps in the (...)
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  35. Bioethics and the challenges to its growth in Africa.Cletus T. Andoh - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):67.
    Bioethics has now become a burgeoning interdisciplinary field of scholarly investigation which has in the past decades migrated from bedside consultations to public policy debates and wider cultural and social consultations that privilege all discourse about everyday life issues. It has made exponential progress in addressing moral issues in science, technology and medicine in the world. In spite of this progress, core bioethics issues, approaches and values are still exclusively Western dominated and largely foreign to most African societies. Although medical (...)
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    Viewpoint discrimination and contestation of ideas on its merits, leadership and organizational ethics: expanding the African bioethics agenda.Sylvester C. Chima, Takafira Mduluza & Julius Kipkemboi - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (S1):S1.
    The 3rd Pan-African Ethics Human Rights and Medical Law (3rd EHRML) conference was held in Johannesburg on July 7, 2013, as part of the Africa Health Congress. The conference brought together bioethicists, researchers and scholars from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Nigeria working in the field of bioethics as well as students and healthcare workers interested in learning about ethical issues confronting the African continent. The conference which ran with a theme of "Bioethical and legal perspectives in biomedical research and (...)
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    Unique Ethical and Practical Considerations in the Use of Behavior Contracts for Families of Minors and Minoritized Populations in Pediatric Settings.Erin Talati Paquette, Lori Mendelsohn & Aleksandra E. Olszewski - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):82-85.
    Fiester and Yuan discuss important ethical concerns regarding the use of behavior contracts in addressing conflict with patients and families labeled as “difficult” (Fiester and Yuan 2023). We agre...
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    Knowledge, Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices towards Research Ethics and Research Ethics Committees among Myanmar Post-graduate Students.Mo Mo Than, Hein Htike & Henry J. Silverman - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):379-398.
    Health research has increased during the last decade, which has enhanced the importance of research ethics. However, little is known regarding the knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and practices of investigators in Myanmar. To assess awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of post-graduates regarding research ethics and research ethics committees (RECs) and their informed consent practices and to determine the association between their responses and certain independent factors. We conducted a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire that was distributed to a convenience sample of post-graduates (...)
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    Bioethics and War.Henk ten Have - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (3):2-2.
    War has major health consequences and poses significant ethical dilemmas for health professionals. In caring for victims of armed conflicts, health providers are obliged to put medical ethics before military aims. While the normative framework of warfare is clear and accepted by almost all countries, in practice, restrictions on violence are continuously broken, and the safety and independence of health professionals are not ensured. In bioethics, the issue of war has not been treated as a major concern. The field can (...)
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    Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical ethics among medical intern students in a Medical College in Kathmandu.Ramesh P. Aacharya & Yagya L. Shakya - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):1-9.
    This baseline study was conducted to find out the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical ethics among the undergraduate medical interns who did not have structured ethics curriculum in their course. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out using a self-administered structured questionnaire among the medical undergraduate interns of Maharajgunj Medical Campus, the pioneer medical college of Nepal which enrols 60 students in a year. A total of 46 interns participated in the study. The most common source of knowledge on (...)
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  41. Conceptual and Practical Problems of Moral Enhancement.Birgit Beck - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):233-240.
    Recently, the debate on human enhancement has shifted from familiar topics like cognitive enhancement and mood enhancement to a new and – to no one's surprise – controversial subject, namely moral enhancement. Some proponents from the transhumanist camp allude to the ‘urgent need’ of improving the moral conduct of humankind in the face of ever growing technological progress and the substantial dangers entailed in this enterprise. Other thinkers express more sceptical views about this proposal. As the debate has revealed so (...)
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    Spirituality in Nursing Theory and Practice: Dilemmas for Christian Bioethics.S. A. Salladay & J. A. Shelly - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (1):20-38.
    Moral strangerhood is due in part to competing worldviews. The profession of nursing is experiencing a paradigm shift which creates ethical dilemmas for both Christian nurses and Christian patients. Nursing's new focus on spirituality and spiritual care presents itself as broadly defining a desired state or patient outcome — spiritual integrity — supposed to be applicable to all patients of all faiths. Analysis of nursing's definition of spirituality reveals assumptions and values consistent with an Eastern/New Age worldview which may cause (...)
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    Catholic bioethics and social justice: the praxis of US health care in a globalized world.M. Therese Lysaught, Michael P. McCarthy & Lisa Sowle Cahill (eds.) - 2018 - Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press Academic.
    Catholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues (...)
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  44. Avoiding a jekyll-and-Hyde approach to the ethics of clinical research and practice.Trudo Lemmens & Paul B. Miller - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):14 – 17.
    (2002). Avoiding a Jekyll-And-Hyde Approach to the Ethics of Clinical Research and Practice. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 14-17.
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  45.  27
    Bioethics and the argumentative legacy of atrocities in medical history: Reflections on a complex relationship.Silke Schicktanz, Susanne Michl & Heiko Stoff - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):499-507.
    Slippery slope‐, taboo‐breaking‐ or Nazi‐analogy‐arguments are common, but not uncontroversial examples of the complex relationship between bioethics and the various ways of using historical arguments in these debates. In our analysis we examine first the relationship between bioethics and medical history both as separate disciplines and as argumentative practices. Secondly, we then analyse six common types of historical arguments in bioethics (slippery slope‐, analogy‐, continuity‐, knockout/taboo‐, ethical progress‐ and accomplice‐arguments), some as arguments within the academic debate of bioethics, others as (...)
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  46. Religious Accommodation in Bioethics and the Practice of Medicine.William R. Smith & Robert Audi - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):188-218.
    Debates about the ethics of health care and medical research in contemporary pluralistic democracies often arise partly from competing religious and secular values. Such disagreements raise challenges of balancing claims of religious liberty with claims to equal treatment in health care. This paper proposes several mid-level principles to help in framing sound policies for resolving such disputes. We develop and illustrate these principles, exploring their application to conscientious objection by religious providers and religious institutions, accommodation of religious priorities in biomedical (...)
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    From Research to Clinical Practice: Ethical Issues with Neurotechnology and Industry Relationships.Tristan McIntosh & James M. DuBois - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):210-212.
    The seven articles included in the AJOB Neuroscience special issue map important ethical issues that have and will continue to emerge with advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology. A critical c...
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    Moral realities: medicine, bioethics, and Mormonism.Courtney S. Campbell - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Books have their origins in conversations and seek to extend and expand those conversations over time and with different audiences. The conversations that have culminated in this book were initially stimulated through a research project at The Hastings Center on the role of religious voices in the professional fields of bioethical inquiry. Those professional conversations have continued throughout my academic career as a member of various institutional ethics committees, organizational ethics task forces, and in local, state, and national public policy (...)
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    Ethical Diversity and Practical Uncertainty: A Qualitative Interview Study of Clinicians’ Experiences in the Implementation Period Prior to Voluntary Assisted Dying Becoming Available in their Hospital in Victoria, Australia.Rosalind McDougall, Bridget Pratt & Marcus Sellars - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):71-88.
    In the Australian state of Victoria, legislation allowing voluntary assisted dying (VAD) passed through parliament in November 2017. There was then an eighteen-month period before the start date for patient access to VAD, referred to as the “implementation period.” The implementation period was intended to allow time for the relevant government department and affected organizations to develop processes before the Act came into effect in June 2019. This qualitative interview study investigates the perspectives of a multidisciplinary sample of twelve clinicians (...)
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    The Routledge Companion to Indian Ethics: Women, Justice Bioethics and Ecology.Purusottama Bilimoria & Amy Rayner (eds.) - 2024 - London: Taylor & Francis.
    This companion volume focuses on the application and practical ramifications of Indian ethics. Here Indian dharma ethics is moved from its preeminent religious origins and classical metaethical proclivity to, what Kant would call, practical reason–or in Aristotle’s poignant terms, ēhikos and phronēis–and in more modern parlance normative ethics. Our study examines a wide range of social and normative challenges facing people in such diverse areas as women’s rights, infant ethics, politics, law, justice, bioethics and ecology. As a contemporary volume, it (...)
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