Results for ' behavioral criteria'

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  1.  74
    Behavioral criteria of radical translation.Jaakko Hintikka - 1968 - Synthese 19 (1-2):69 - 81.
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    "Attitudes towards objects as predictors of single and multiple behavioral criteria": Erratum.Martin Fishbein & Icek Ajzen - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (2):164-164.
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  3. Attitudes towards objects as predictors of single and multiple behavioral criteria.Martin Fishbein & Icek Ajzen - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (1):59-74.
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  4. Yoked criteria shifts in decision system adaptation: Computational and behavioral investigations.Blair C. Armstrong, Steve Joordens & David C. Plaut - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Behavioral Assessment of Aquatic Pollutants.Craig Steele - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (2):177 - 187.
    Animal behavior is the link between organisms and their environment and is critical for biological adaptation. Despite many studies demonstrating the sensitivity and utility of behavioral endpoints in bioassays assessing potential pollutant effects in aquatic ecosystems, behavioral toxicity testing has not, historically, been included routinely in assessments of aquatic toxicity and subsequent environmental policy formulation. The results of behavioral risk assessments may allow behavioral toxicologists to demonstrate that a chemical is not merely a potential hazard, but (...)
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    Ethical Criteria for Health-Promoting Nudges: A Case-by-Case Analysis.Bart Engelen - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):48-59.
    Health-promoting nudges have been put into practice by different agents, in different contexts and with different aims. This article formulates a set of criteria that enables a thorough ethical evaluation of such nudges. As such, it bridges the gap between the abstract, theoretical debates among academics and the actual behavioral interventions being implemented in practice. The criteria are derived from arguments against nudges, which allegedly disrespect nudgees, as these would impose values on nudgees and/or violate their rationality (...)
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  7.  50
    Behavioral Economics, Federalism, and the Triumph of Stakeholder Theory.Allen Kaufman & Ernie Englander - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):421-438.
    Stakeholder theorists distinguish between normative stakeholders, those who gain moral standing by making contributions to the firm, and derivative stakeholders, those who can constrain the corporate association even though they make no contribution. The board of directors has the legal authority to distinguish among these stakeholder groups and to distribute rights and obligations among these stakeholder groups. To be sure, this stakeholder formulation appropriately seizes on the firm’s voluntary, associative character. Yet, the firm’s constituents contribute assets and incur risks to (...)
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    Criteria for basic tastes and other sensory primaries.James E. Cutting - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):77-78.
    Primary, or basic, colors have been discussed for centuries. Over time, three criteria have emerged on their behalf: (a) their physical mixture yielding all other spectral colors, (b) the physiological attunement of receptors or pathways to particular wavelengths, and (c) the etymological history of the color term. These criteria can be applied usefully to taste to clarify issues.
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    Criteria and evaluation of cognitive theories.Petros A. M. Gelepithis - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):607-609.
    I have three types of interrelated comments. First, on the choice of the proposed criteria, I argue against any list and for a system of criteria. Second, on grading, I suggest modifications with respect to consciousness and development. Finally, on the choice of “theories” for evaluation, I argue for Edelman's theory of neuronal group selection instead of connectionism (classical or not).
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    Meeting counterfactual causality criteria is not the problem.Kristian E. Markon - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e195.
    Counterfactual causal interpretations of family genetic effects are appropriate, but neglect an important feature: Provision of unique information about expected outcomes following an independent decision, such as a decision to intervene. Counterfactual causality criteria are unlikely to resolve controversies about behavioral genetic findings; such controversies are likely to continue until counterfactual inferences are translated into interventional hypotheses and designs.
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    Ethics and Aesthetics Criteria as Valid Support to Research.Darlei De Paula - 2019 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 5 (2):159-168.
    This article aim to show the aesthetics and ethics values whose relation traces could be found in theological text studies. We use bibliographic review as methodology to this research. Considering these elements and how it was found we ask: how can we validate such elements to understand the theological text? When we are analyzing ethics behaviors can we consider the found results as intrinsic values in such discoveries and can it be compared in different times, in other words, it is (...)
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  12. Criteria for consciousness in humans and other mammals.Anil K. Seth, Bernard J. Baars & David B. Edelman - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (1):119-39.
    The standard behavioral index for human consciousness is the ability to report events with accuracy. While this method is routinely used for scientific and medical applications in humans, it is not easy to generalize to other species. Brain evidence may lend itself more easily to comparative testing. Human consciousness involves widespread, relatively fast low-amplitude interactions in the thalamocortical core of the brain, driven by current tasks and conditions. These features have also been found in other mammals, which suggests that (...)
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  13.  56
    The Problematic Welfare Standards of Behavioral Paternalism.Douglas Glen Whitman & Mario J. Rizzo - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):409-425.
    Behavioral paternalism raises deep concerns that do not arise in traditional welfare economics. These concerns stem from behavioral paternalism’s acceptance of the defining axioms of neoclassical rationality for normative purposes, despite having rejected them as positive descriptions of reality. We argue that behavioral paternalists have indeed accepted neoclassical rationality axioms as a welfare standard; that economists historically adopted these axioms not for their normative plausibility, but for their usefulness in formal and theoretical modeling; that broadly rational individuals (...)
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  14.  11
    Selected Behaviors and Addiction Risk Among Users of Urban Multimedia Games.Mateusz Grajek, Łukasz Olszewski, Karolina Krupa-Kotara, Agnieszka Białek-Dratwa & Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe rapid development of technology has led to the transfer of entertainment to the virtual world. Many games and multimedia applications use the so-called augmented reality. With the development of a new technological branch, a new health problem has emerged, which is infoholic addiction, attracting people with the specific functionality that is cyberspace and the virtual world.ObjectiveThe study aimed to assess health behaviors and the risk of addiction among users of urban multimedia games. Research methodology. The study was conducted among (...)
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  15.  42
    Descriptions of behavior and behavioral concepts in private law.Maksymilian T. Madelr - manuscript
    Every description contains within it a qualifier that allows us to avoid the problem of descriptive regress, and thus allows us to use the description for various purposes. Descriptive regress occurs because no one description can be understood without referring to further descriptions, which themselves require unpacking by reference to further descriptions ad infinitum. There are no fundamental descriptions no descriptions that attain and keep some privileged ontological status. The qualifier works by invoking the normal circumstances in which the description (...)
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  16.  54
    Modelling criteria: Not just for robots.George N. Reeke - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1074-1075.
    Webb's scheme for classifying behavioral models is applicable to a wide range of theories and simulations, nonrobotic as well as robotic. It is suggested that a meta-analysis of existing models, characterized according to the proposed scheme, could identify regions of the seven-dimensional modelling space that are particularly likely to lead to new insights in understanding behavior.
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  17.  26
    Inadequate criteria for hypothesis testing in cerebral asymmetry research.Lizbeth J. Martin - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):243-243.
  18. Identifying Behavioral Novelty.Rachael L. Brown - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (2):135-148.
    Although there is no in-principle impediment to an EvoDevo of behavior, such an endeavor is not as straightforward as one might think; many of the key terms and concepts used in EvoDevo are tailored to suit its traditional focus on morphology, and are consequently difficult to apply to behavior. In this light, the application of the EvoDevo conceptual toolkit to the behavioral domain requires the establishment of a set of tractable concepts that are readily applicable to behavioral characters. (...)
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  19. Evidential Criteria of Homology for Comparative Psychology.Isaac Wiegman - manuscript
    While the homology concept has taken on importance in thinking about the nature of psychological kinds, no one has shown how comparative psychological and behavioral evidence can distinguish between competing homology claims. I adapt the operational criteria of homology to accomplish this. I consider two competing homology claims that compare human anger with putative aggression systems of nonhuman animals, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these criteria in adjudicating between these claims.
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    Criteria for optimality.Michel Cabanac - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):218-218.
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    Meta-criteria to formulate criteria of consciousness.Boris Kotchoubey - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Any neurobiological model claiming explanation of a complex human phenomenon should start with an explicit definition of the explanandum. If a classical intensional definition is impossible, we can use a descriptive definition by listing necessary criteria. This commentary suggests four meta-criteria that different proposed criteria of consciousness should fulfill: phenomenological consensus, empirical evidence, domain specificity, and non-circularity.
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  22.  40
    Behavioral patterns and reduction of sub-optimality: an experimental choice analysis.Daniela Di Cagno, Arianna Galliera, Werner Güth & Noemi Pace - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (2):151-177.
    This paper attempts to identify behavioral patterns and compare their average success considering several criteria of bounded rationality. Experimentally observed choice behavior in various decision tasks is used to assess heterogeneity in how individual participants respond to 15 randomly ordered portfolio choices, each of which is experienced twice. Treatments differ in granting probability information and in eliciting aspirations. Since in our setting neither other regarding concerns nor risk attitude matter and probability of the binary chance move is choice (...)
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  23. The lived, living, and behavioral sense of perception.Thomas Netland - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (2):409-433.
    With Jan Degenaar and Kevin O’Regan’s (D&O) critique of (what they call) ‘autopoietic enactivism’ as point of departure, this article seeks to revisit, refine, and develop phenomenology’s significance for the enactive view. Arguing that D&O’s ‘sensorimotor theory’ fails to do justice to perceptual meaning, the article unfolds by (1) connecting this meaning to the notion of enaction as a meaningful co-definition of perceiver and perceived, (2) recounting phenomenological reasons for conceiving of the perceiving subject as a living body, and (3) (...)
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  24. The Incoherence of Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: A Commentary on Controversies in the Determination of Death, A White Paper by the President's Council on Bioethics.Franklin G. Miller & Robert D. Truog - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2):185-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Incoherence of Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: A Commentary on Controversies in the Determination of Death, A White Paper by the President’s Council on Bioethics*Franklin G. Miller** (bio) and Robert D. Truog (bio)Traditionally the cessation of breathing and heart beat has marked the passage from life to death. Shortly after death was determined, the body became a cold corpse, suitable for burial or cremation. Two technological changes (...)
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  25.  20
    Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Reported Symptoms, Behavioral Measures, and Event-Related Potential Components of a Cued Go/NoGo Task in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Controls.Marionna Münger, Silvano Sele, Gian Candrian, Johannes Kasper, Hossam Abdel-Rehim, Dominique Eich-Höchli, Andreas Müller & Lutz Jäncke - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study characterizes a large sample of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and healthy controls regarding their task performance and neurophysiology; cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Self-reported symptoms, behavioral measures, and event-related potentials from a classical cued Go/NoGo task were used to outline the symptom burden, executive function deficits and neurophysiological features, and the associations between these domains. The study participants were assessed five or three times over two years. We describe cross-sectional and longitudinal group differences, and associations between symptom burden, and (...)
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  26.  29
    Criteria of cognitive impenetrability.Robert C. Moore - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):146-147.
  27.  47
    Indicators and Criteria of Consciousness in Animals and Intelligent Machines : An Inside-Out Approach.Cyriel Pennartz, Michele Farisco & Kathinka Evers - 2019 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13.
    In today’s society, it becomes increasingly important to assess which non-human and non-verbal beings possess consciousness. This review article aims to delineate criteria for consciousness especially in animals, while also taking into account intelligent artifacts. First, we circumscribe what we mean with “consciousness” and describe key features of subjective experience: qualitative richness, situatedness, intentionality and interpretation, integration and the combination of dynamic and stabilizing properties. We argue that consciousness has a biological function, which is to present the subject with (...)
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  28.  57
    Developing Valid Behavioral Indicators of Animal Pain.Elizabeth Irvine - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (1):129-153.
    Identifying which nonhuman animal species are capable of feeling pain is important both for understanding pain mechanisms more generally and for informing animal welfare regulations, particularly in genera that are not yet widely protected. A common way to try to provide evidence of pain experiences is through behavioral indicators. In this paper I use a very simple interventionist approach to experimentation, and the contrast case provided by C. elegans, to argue that behavioral indicators commonly used for identifying pain (...)
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  29.  68
    Lack of evidentiary criteria for exaptations?James L. Dannemiller - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):512-513.
    Andrews et al. criticize Gould and colleagues for (1) failing to provide evidentiary criteria for accepting exaptationist alternatives to adaptationist explanations, and (2) seeing exaptations and spandrels as being far more frequent than adaptations in the evolutionary history of modern humans. I argue that the first of these criticisms is wrong, and the second reflects a bias for the classical version of Darwinian evolutionary theory, which Gould was trying to expand by proposing concepts like exaptation and spandrels.
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    What is the purpose of a new behaviorally based dynamic developmental theory of ADHD? The perspective of the educational psychologist.Paolo Moderato & Giovambattista Presti - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):435-436.
    In Sagvolden et al.'s conceptualization of how a poor behavioral, social, and academic repertoire arises from an impaired interaction with the environment of an individual with a neurological disorder, we see a convergence between the medical diagnosis and the functional assessment on which the behavioral educational approach is based. If children with such a disorder do show delay-of-reinforcement steepened gradients, it is possible to predict their behavior under given circumstances. This could bring us to more precise diagnostic (...) and better intervention techniques. (shrink)
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    Structure, genesis, and criteria.Carol A. Miller & Ulrich Müller - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):116-117.
    We agree that social interaction is crucial for understanding the development of theory of mind, but suggest that further elaboration of certain issues is needed. Detailed description of the knowledge structure of a developing theory of mind is necessary, and the notion of criteria for the use of mental state terms requires consideration of the sentence structures in which such terms appear.
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    Criteria for evaluating hypotheses regarding information processing and schizophrenia.Thomas F. Oltmanns - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):610-611.
  33.  20
    Individual and Regional Christian Religion and the Consideration of Sustainable Criteria in Consumption and Investment Decisions: An Exploratory Econometric Analysis.Gunnar Gutsche - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1155-1182.
    This study aims to shed light on the relationship between individual and regional Christian religion and individual sustainable behaviors in an exploratory manner, with a special focus on sustainable consumption and investment decisions. To this end, we econometrically analyze online representative survey data that contains information on the self-reported importance of the consideration of ecological and social/ethical criteria in the context of a large variety of individual behaviors. The target group are financial decisions makers in German households, i.e., important (...)
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    Smartphone addiction risk, technology-related behaviors and attitudes, and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.Alexandrina-Mihaela Popescu, Raluca-Ștefania Balica, Emil Lazăr, Valentin Oprea Bușu & Janina-Elena Vașcu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    COVID-19 pandemic-related perceived risk of infection, illness fears, acute stress, emotional anxiety, exhaustion, and fatigue, psychological trauma and depressive symptoms, and sustained psychological distress can cause smartphone addiction risk and lead to technology-related cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disorders, thus impacting psychological well-being. Behavioral addiction of smartphone users can result in anxiety symptom severity, psychiatric symptoms, and depressive stress. We carried out a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest throughout June 2022, with search terms (...)
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    Criteria for ruling out sedation as an interpretation of neuroleptic effects.William J. Freed & Ronald F. Zec - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):57-59.
  36.  25
    Obtaining and applying objective criteria in animal welfare.Anne E. Magurran - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):26-27.
  37.  29
    Effects and Moderators of Triple P on the Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems of Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Na Li, Jin Peng & Yi Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Social, emotional, and behavioral problems in childhood are key predictors of persistent problem behaviors throughout the life courses of individuals. Early parental intervention training, as an important preventive measure, plays a critical role in improving the social, emotional, and behavioral development of children.Method: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to analyze the intervention effects of the latest literature on Triple P, which is a multilevel system that provides treatment and prevention for children at risk of social, (...)
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  38.  21
    The ecological rationality of decision criteria.Paolo Galeazzi & Alessandro Galeazzi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11241-11264.
    Standard evolutionary game theory investigates the evolutionary fitness of alternative behaviors in a fixed and single decision problem. This paper instead focuses on decision criteria, rather than on simple behaviors, as the general behavioral rules under selection in the population: the evolutionary fitness of classic decision criteria for rational choice is analyzed through Monte Carlo simulations over various classes of decision problems. Overall, quantifying the uncertainty in a probabilistic way and maximizing expected utility turns out to be (...)
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    The challenges of ethical behaviors for drug supply in pharmacies in Iran by a principle-based approach.Mahla Iranmanesh, Vahid Yazdi-Feyzabadi & Mohammad Hossein Mehrolhassani - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundPharmacists as the trustee of pharmacy services must adhere to ethical principles and evaluate their professionalism. Pharmacists may sometimes show different unethical behaviors in their interactions, so it is essential to understand these behaviors. The present study aimed to determine the challenges of ethical behaviors based on a principles-based approach in the area of drug supply in pharmacies.MethodsThis qualitative content analysis was conducted in Kerman in 2018. A number of key players in the field of medication supply were selected using (...)
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  40.  23
    Criteria of test bias: do the statistical models fit reality?Gordon M. Harrington - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):345-345.
  41.  36
    Criteria and explanations.Jonathan Baron - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):287-288.
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    Empirical criteria for evaluating rape as an evolutionary phenomenon.Travis Langley - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):393-394.
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    Sympathetically maintained pain: Confusing classification, ill-defined diagnostic criteria, and puzzling pathophysiology.Srinivasa N. Raja & Ursula Wesselmann - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):462-462.
    Recent studies indicate a role of the sympathetic nervous system in acute and chronic pain. However, the terminology of the clinical sympathetically maintained pain (SMP) syndromes continues to be confusing and the criteria for diagnosis of SMP are being refined. (blumberg et al.) Despite significant progress in recent years, the mechanisms of the interaction between the sympathetic and sensory systems in SMP remain puzzling.
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    Complex regional pain syndromes: Taxonomy, diagnostic criteria, mechanisms of vascular abnormalites, edema, and pain.Ralf Baron & Wilfrid Jänig - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):437-439.
    Complex regional pain syndromes (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia) are often characterized by pain and autonomic and motor abnormalities. Pathophysiological mechanisms are in the central and peripheral nervous system. Differences in skin temperature and may be used as diagnostic criteria. Sympathetic blocks relieve pain and other symptoms in a subgroup of patients (sympathetically maintained pain, SMP).[blumberg et al.].
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    Determinants of a Variety of Deviant Behaviors: An Analysis of Family Satisfaction, Personality Traits, and Their Relationship to Deviant Behaviors Among Filipino Adolescents.Angelo Reyes Dullas, Kristine Danielle Yncierto, Mariel A. Labiano & Jerome C. Marcelo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In previous decades, numerous involvements of adolescents in deviant behavior have been increasing, and previous researchers examined different variables that may influence these phenomena. This study was designed to look for the possible predictors of deviant behavior, as well as its association with family satisfaction and personality traits. The study was conducted on 1500 participants ages 12–19 years old from selected schools in Nueva Ecija. The researchers used the Deviant Behavior Variety Scale by Sanches et al.. It consists of 19 (...)
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    Individual selection criteria for optimal team composition.Lu Hong & Scott E. Page - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-20.
    In this paper, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions on team based tasks in order for a selection criterion applied to individuals to produce optimal teams. We assume only that individuals have types and that a team’s performance depends on its size and the type composition of its members. We first derive the selection principle which states that if a selection criterion exists, it must rank types by homogeneous team performance, the performance of a team consisting only of that type. (...)
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    Systematic Review of Psychological and Behavioral Correlates of Recreational Running.Hugo Vieira Pereira, António Labisa Palmeira, Jorge Encantado, Marta Moreira Marques, Inês Santos, Eliana Veiga Carraça & Pedro J. Teixeira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The aim of this review was to systematically synthesize the published literature describing the psychological and behavioral correlates of recreational running in adults, defined as running for leisure, with or without a competitive component.Methods: Quantitative research published in peer-reviewed journals until January 2021 were included. Studies were identified through MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science and were included in this review if they were aimed at recreational running, included general adult samples, and assessed psychological or behavioral (...)
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    Criteria for implicit learning: Deemphasize conscious access, emphasize amnesia.Carol Augart Seger - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):421-422.
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    PsyCuraDat: Designing a User-Oriented Curation Standard for Behavioral Psychological Research Data.Katarina Blask, Lea Gerhards & Maria Jalynskij - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Starting from the observation that data sharing in general and sharing of reusable behavioral data in particular is still scarce in psychology, we set out to develop a curation standard for behavioral psychological research data rendering data reuse more effective and efficient. Specifically, we propose a standard that is oriented toward the requirements of the psychological research process, thus considering the needs of researchers in their role as data providers and data users. To this end, we suggest that (...)
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    Meta-analysis of psychothrapy: Criteria for selecting investigations.Alan E. Kazdin - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):296-296.
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