Results for ' béatitude, connaissance adéquate, Suarez Francisco, Descartes, théologie chrétienne'

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  1.  14
    Apories et origines de la théorie spinoziste de l’idée adéquate.Jean-Luc Marion - 1998 - Philosophique 1:207-239.
    La raison pour laquelle il y a inadéquation de notre connaissance à la nature des corps extérieurs, mais aussi à celle de notre corps propre ainsi qu'à celle notre esprit, et donc à la nature de notre ego, c'est que nous sommes des êtres finis. Pour Descartes comme pour Spinoza la finitude de notre entendement rend impossible l'adéquation de la connaissance. À la connaissance adéquate, Descartes substitue la connaissance complète : certaine, mais non-absolue, vérifiée, mais seulement (...)
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  2.  18
    On Efficient Causality: Metaphysical Disputations 17, 18, and 19.Francisco Suarez (ed.) - 1994 - Yale University Press.
    The Spanish Jesuit Francisco Suarez was an eminent philosopher and theologian whose _Disputationes Metaphysicae_ was first published in Spain in 1597 and was widely studied throughout Europe during the seventeenth century. The _Disputationes Metaphysicae_ had a great influence on the development of early modern philosophy and on such well-known figures as Descartes and Leibniz. This is the first time that Disputations 17, 18, and 19 have been translated into English. The _Metaphysical Disputations_ provide an excellent philosophical introduction to the (...)
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    Disputaciones metafísicas.Francisco Suárez & Sergio Rábade Romeo - 1935 - Madrid,: Revista de occidente. Edited by Xavier Zubiri.
    Las Disputaciones metafísicas de Francisco Suárez se presentan como una reconstrucción de la filosofía fundamental que se organiza no ya según el esquema de la metafísica aristotélica, ni problemáticamente, al estilo del comentario escolástico, sino como un edificio ordenado que expone la noción de la realidad misma. Es la elaboración de un sistema que no sólo respete el orden tradicional de las cuestiones filosóficas, sino que configure una nueva estructura mediante la cual la metafísica, lejos de ser un freno para (...)
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  4. Disputes Métaphysiques: I – Nature de la Philosophie Première Ou Métaphysique Ii – la Raison Essentielle Ou le Concept de L’Étant Iii – des Propriétés Et des Principes de L’Étant En Général.Francisco Suarez - 1998 - Vrin.
    Les Disputationes Metaphysicae de Suarez, publiées en 1597, constituent le moment culminant de la pensée scolastique au siècle d’or espagnol. Mais elles traduisent également l’avènement d’un point de rupture dans le déploiement de l’histoire de la métaphysique. La notion de Disputatio s’inscrit, d’une part, dans le prolongement de la terminologie conceptuelle médiévale. D’autre part, que la Disputatio se dise métaphysique, laisse présupposer que sa finalité ne saurait se limiter au domaine logico-théologique. Il convient, certes, d’articuler les principes métaphysiques aux (...)
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  5.  15
    On Beings of Reason: Metaphysical Disputation LIV (trans. John P. Doyle).Francisco Suárez - 1995 - Marquette, WI: Marquette University Press.
    This translation of Suarez's 54th Disputation documents the ancient Greek and Medieval sources of his discussion. It also considers Suarez's influence upon hitherto unknown late scholastic writers and the relevance of his intentionality theory to figures such as Descartes and Kant.
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  6.  8
    De voluntario et involuntario =.Francisco Suárez - 2016 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. Edited by Stefan Schweighöfer, M. André & Francisco Suárez.
    In seiner Vorlesung "Uber das Willentliche und das Unwillentliche" unternimmt Suarez, der als Autor der Fruhen Neuzeit in seinem Werk wie nur wenige andere Autoren seiner Zeit die mittelalterliche Philosophie und Theologie systematisch aufnimmt und neu verarbeitet, den Versuch, die Willenstheorien der Patristik, der Hochscholastik und der fruhneuzeitlichen Aristotelesrezeption miteinander zu verknupfen. Das Werk entstammt einer Vorlesungsreihe, die Suarez zwischen 1578 und 1585 am Collegium Romanum auf Einladung von Papst Gregor XIII. abhielt. In der Diskussion der Willensfreiheit, der (...)
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  7.  16
    Suárez et la refondation de la métaphysique comme ontologie: étude et traduction de l'Index détaillé de la Métaphysique d'Aristote de F. Suárez.Jean-Paul Coujou & Francisco Suárez - 1999 - Louvain: Editions Peeters. Edited by Francisco Suárez.
    L'index detaille de la Metaphysique d'Aristote publie en 1597 par Suarez, constitue une introduction aux Disputes metaphysiques. Il a pour objectif de produire les conditions d'un renouvellement de l'heritage de la Metaphysique d'Aristote en redefinissant le contenu et les limites d'une science de l'etant.Le projet de refondation de la metaphysique comme ontologie s'effectue dans cet ouvrage de presentation en quatre moments:1) L'exposition du probleme de la nature de la connaissance qui implique le depassement de l'equivocite de la notion (...)
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  8.  8
    Attentio infima. Prière et attention virtuelle chez Thomas d’Aquin et Francisco Suárez.Olivier Dubouclez - 2024 - ThéoRèmes 20 (20).
    This article focuses on the problem of oratorical attention as it was formulated and transmitted by medieval theologians. Since a continuous attention is humanly impossible and the degradation of attention inevitable, how can one ensure the moral and religious value of prayer? The notion of virtual attention is an answer to that problem, allowing a certain persistence of attention within distraction itself. The article focuses on the building of this notion in Thomas Aquinas and on its more systematic development in (...)
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  9. The evil genius of Suarez: Suarez and Descartes (Francisco Suarez).Francisco T. Baciero Ruiz - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (236):303-320.
  10.  27
    Descartes' Meditations: Background Source Materials (review).Richard A. Watson - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):366-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes’ Meditations: Background Source Materials ed. by Roger Ariew, John Cottingham, and Tom SorellRichard A. WatsonRoger Ariew, John Cottingham, and Tom Sorell, editors. Descartes’ Meditations: Background Source Materials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xviii + 170. Cloth, $54.95. Paper, $18.95.This volume includes primarily source materials from authors who were contemporary to Descartes’s composition of the Meditations. Thus there are no selections from Augustine, Aquinas, and Montaigne, for (...)
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  11.  5
    Philosophische Gotteserkenntnis bei Suárez und Descartes: im Zusammenhang mit der niederländischen reformierten Theologie und Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts.Aza Goudriaan - 1999 - Boston: BRILL.
    This study examines the answers of Suarez and Descartes to basic questions regarding the philosophical knowledge of God. It is placed against the background of the reactions to both by Dutch Reformed theologians and philosophers in the seventeenth Century.
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  12.  30
    Actualización contingente en la ontología de Leibniz.Francisco Javier Higuero - 2011 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 24:59-72.
    Cualquier estudio focalizado en la ontología propuesta por Leibniz debería prestar atención a conceptos claves, tales como esencias o posibilidades, existencia o actualización, contingencia, necesidad y libertad, entre otros. Al aproximarse a estas nociones, Leibniz reconoció abierta y explícitamente que los temas por los cuales él se interesaba habían sido tratados por Francisco Suárez, René Descartes y Baruch Spinoza. No obstante, se detecta una falta de coincidencia entre las posiciones adoptadas por estos pensadores y las tesis defendidas por Leibniz. Tal (...)
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  13.  58
    The Metaphysics of Surfaces in Suárez and Descartes.Tad M. Schmaltz - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    In his discussions of the Eucharist, Descartes gives prominent place to the notion of the “surfaces” of bodies. Given this context, it may seem that his account of surfaces is of limited interest. However, I hope to show that such an account is in fact linked to a philosophically significant medieval debate over whether certain mathematical “indivisibles”, including surfaces, really exist in nature. Moreover, the particular emphasis in Descartes on the fact that surfaces are modes rather than parts of bodies (...)
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  14.  4
    Entretien avec Burman: manuscrit de Göttingen.René Descartes - 1975 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Frans Burman & Ch Adam.
    A Egmond, le 16 avril 1648, un peu moins de deux ans avant sa mort, Descartes s'entretient avec un étudiant hollandais en théologie, Frans Burman. Le jeune homme de vingt ans présente au philosophe de courts extraits de ses principales oeuvres publiées (Méditations métaphysiques, Principes de la philosophie, Discours de la méthode) que l'auteur en personne se charge d'expliquer, répondant aussi aux objections de son interlocuteur. Ce texte possède donc un statut décisif dans le corpus cartésien car il s'agit (...)
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  15.  43
    Quantity and Extension in Suárez and Descartes.Tad M. Schmaltz - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):168-190.
    This paper compares the development of the notion of continuous quantity in the work of Francisco Suárez and René Descartes. The discussion begins with a consideration of Suárez’s rejection of the view – common to ‘realists’ such as Thomas Aquinas and ‘nominalists’ such as William of Ockham – that quantity is inseparable from the extension of material integral parts. Crucial here is Suárez’s view that quantified extension exhibits a kind of impenetrability that distinguishes it from other kinds of extension. This (...)
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  16.  49
    Objective being in Descartes and in Suarez.Timothy J. Cronin - 1966 - New York: Garland.
  17.  10
    L'herméneutique de la démythologisation chez Hans Jonas: de la mythologie gnostique à la théologie spéculative.Francisco Quesada-Rodríguez - 2022 - [Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique]: PUL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
    La «démythologisation» est une herméneutique philosophique forgée par Hans Jonas au début de son itinéraire intellectuel, afin d'interpréter existentiellement les récits mythologiques ainsi que les textes théologiques et philosophiques de l’Antiquité tardive. Il s’agissait d’abord d’une méthodologie d’objectivation et subjectivation pour comprendre l’expérience existentielle de l’homme gnostique face à la divinité et l’être dans le monde. Dans la suite, Jonas a développé l’herméneutique de la démythologisation par l’objectivation et la subjectivation par rapport aux textes néotestamentaires. Le mot démythologisation (Entmythologisierung) est (...)
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  18. Descartes and Leibniz as Readers of Suárez: Theory of Distinctions and Principle of Individuation.Roger Ariew - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This essay explores the reception and used of Suárez’s philosophy by two canonical early modern philosophers, René Descartes and Gottfried Leibniz. It is argued that Descartes’ theory of distinctions does not betray any indications of being Suárezian, despite many claims to the contrary. Leibniz, however, was a very different reader of Suárez’s works, it is argued, and his thinking about individuation was clearly influenced by Suárez even if he did not adopt the Suárezian position in the end.
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  19.  16
    Suarez precursor de Descartes? A doutrina suareziana sobre a causa final revista.Cesar Ribas Cezar - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (68):989-1022.
    Suarez precursor de Descartes? A doutrina suazeriana sobre a causa final revista Resumo: Stephan Schmid busca mostrar que Francisco Suárez é um precursor da crítica que Descartes fez à causalidade final na explicação da natureza. Suárez teria reduzido a noção de causa à causa eficiente, teria eliminado a presença da causa final nas ações dos agentes naturais, isto é, daqueles entes que não possuem intelecto, e teria eliminado a presença da causa final nas ações divinas. Deste modo, ele seria (...)
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  20.  29
    Transformação da noção de Beatitude em Descartes.Franklin Leopoldo E. Silva - 1994 - Discurso 24:31-46.
    Este texto pretende indicar alguns aspectos da trajetória da noção de beatitude, de Agostinho a Descartes. Através da transformação semântico-conceitual da expressão homo capax Dei, podemos observar que, de Agostinho a Tomás de Aquino e deste a Suarez e a Descartes, a beatitude vai progressivamente deixando de ser entendida como capacidade de “conter” Deus e torna-se cada vez mais a capacidade racional - “natural” - de “pensar” Deus.
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  21. Descartes and Leibniz as readers of Suárez: theory of distinctions and principle of individuation.Roger Ariew - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  22. Die Gerechtigkeitslehre des Jungen Suárez Edition Und Untersuchung Seiner Römischen Vorlesungen de Iustitia Et Iure.Francisco Suárez & Joachim Giers - 1958 - Verlag Herder.
  23.  42
    Francisco Suárez, Metaphysical Disputation II: On the Essential Concept or Concept of Being.Shane Duarte & Francisco Suárez - 2023 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America Press.
  24. Quantity Matters. Suárez’s Theory of Continuous Quantity and its Reception Until Descartes.Simone Guidi - 2020 - In Simone Guidi, Mario Santiago Carvalho & Manuel Lázaro Pulido (eds.), Francisco Suárez: Metaphysics, Politics and Ethics. Coimbra, Portogallo: Coimbra University Press.
    This paper deals with Suárez's theory of extension and continuous quantity, as it is discussed in the Metaphysical Disputations and as a possible source for Descartes's concept of res extensa. In a first part of the paper, I analyse Suárez' account of divisibility and extension in a comparison with the Dominicans', Scotus and Fonseca's, and Ockham's. In the light of this analysis, Suárez's most original contribution seems being the claim that material composites have integral parts 'entitatively' extended (partem extra partem) (...)
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  25.  6
    Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem divi Thomae tomus tertius: qui est primus de Sacramentis : in quo ea continentur, quae post praefatione indicantur.Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Thomas, Arnold Lipp & Mylius - 1619 - Ex Officina Typographica Balthasari Lippij Sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij.
  26. R. Patris, Francisci Suarez, E Societate Iesu, Metaphysicarum Disputationum, in Quibus Et Vniversa Naturalis Theologia Ordinate Traditur, Et Quætiones Ad Omnes Duodecis Aristotelis Libros Pertinentes, Accuratè Disputantur. Tomi Duo.Francisco Suárez, Hermann Mylius Birckmann, Hermannus Meresius & Aristotle - 1630 - Suptibus Hermanni Mylii Biarckmanni, Excudebat Hermannus Meresius.
  27. R. Patris, Francisci Suarez, E Societate Iesu, Metaphysicarum Disputationum in Quibus Et Vniuersa Naturalis Theologia Ordinate Traditur, Et Quætiones Ad Omnes Duodecim Aristotelis Libros Pertinentes, Accuratè Disputantur.Francisco Suárez & Franciscus Heluidius - 1614 - Excudebat Franciscus Heluidius.
  28. Disputaciones Metafisicas.Francisco Suárez - 1963 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 19 (2):210-210.
  29. Disputaciones metafísicas.Francisco Suárez - 1962 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 18 (1):101-102.
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    Aspectos éticos relacionados con la ecocardiografía transesofágica en pacientes de edad pediátrica.Francisco Javier Ozores Suárez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):241-251.
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  31. De Anima, tomo 2.Francisco Suarez, Carlos Bacieros, Luis Baciero & Salvador Castellote - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):99-100.
  32.  17
    La distinction de l'étant fini et de son être: dispute métaphysique XXXI.Francisco Suarez - 1999 - Vrin.
    La dispute metaphysique XXXI condense a travers la distinction scolastique de l'essence et de l'existence ce que Heidegger a pu appeler la these de l'ontologie medievale. La determination de la distinction de l'essentia et de l'existencia au coeur de l'etant fini comme distinction de raison, s'inscrit dans un processus de constitution de la metaphysique comme ontologie de l'essence. L'essence sera conceptuellement determinee et assimilee au possible et l'existence en tant que fait brut sera identifiee a un etat de facticite et (...)
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  33. Über Die Individualität Und Das Individuationsprinzip Ii: Anmerkungen. Fünfte Methaphysische Disputation.Francisco Suárez - 2013 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    In der Fünften metaphysischen Disputation behandelt Suárez die Definition der Individualität, das metaphysische Individuationsprinzip und das physische Individuationsprinzip der Substanzen und Akzidentien. Die Darlegung berücksichtigt einen großen Teil der damals maßgeblichen Literatur und gibt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Schulphysik des späten 16. Jahrhunderts.
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    Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip. 5. methaphysische Disputation: Text und Übersetzung.Francisco Suarez - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    In der Fünften metaphysischen Disputation behandelt Suárez (1548-1617) die Definition der Individualität, das metaphysische Individuationsprinzip (Individualdifferenz) und das physische Individuationsprinzip der Substanzen und Akzidentien. Die Darlegung berücksichtigt einen großen Teil der damals maßgeblichen Literatur und gibt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Schulphysik des späten 16. Jahrhunderts.
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  35. The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suárez Metaphysical Disputations X and Xi and Selected Passages From Disputation Xxiii and Other Works.Francisco Suárez, Douglas Paul Davis & Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1989
  36. Objective reality of ideas in Descartes, caterus, and suárez.Norman J. Wells - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):33-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Objective Reality of Ideas in Descartes, Caterus, and Su irez NORMAN j. WELLS IT HAS LONG BEEN ACKNOWLEDGEDthat Francisco Sufirez's distinction between a formal and an objective concept exercised some influence upon Descartes's teaching on 'idea'.' It would appear, however, that not enough attention has been given to that distinction of Sufirez (and especially to another to be mentioned shordy) to aid in dispelling what I take to be (...)
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  37. Metaphysical Disputation V: Individual Unity and its Principle.Francisco Suárez & Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1982
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    On the Formal Cause of Substance: Metaphysical Disputation XV.Francisco Suárez - 2000 - Marquette University Press.
    Annotation A central piece of Suarez's (1584-1617) metaphysics, which is considered important because it was not a commentary on Aristotle, and was used in universities and by both his fellow Jesuits and Protestant scholars and theologians for centuries. He deals with the formal principles of the nature of material substances, that is, their substantial form, which is central to his interpretation of Aristotelian realism. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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  39.  41
    Life's Form: Late Aristotelian Conceptions of the Soul (review).Jorge Secada - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1):127-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.1 (2003) 127-128 [Access article in PDF] Dennis Des Chene. Life's Form: Late Aristotelian Conceptions of the Soul. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. viii + 220. Cloth, $45.00. The history of philosophy aims at the recovery and interpretation of past thought, and its reconstructions seek to avoid anachronism. Dennis Des Chene's book is exemplary in this respect. It offers a sophisticated (...)
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  40.  1
    Conselhos e pareceres.Francisco Suárez - 1948 - [Coimbra]: Por ordem da Universidade.
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  41. De juramento fidelitatis, 2 vol.Francisco Suarez - 1981 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 171 (3):348-349.
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    On the Laws, Book III, Chapter 4: Concerning Civil Power.Francisco Suarez - 1997 - In Jill Kraye (ed.), Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--36.
  43. Les êtres de raison, Dispute métaphysique LIV, coll. « Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques ».Francisco Suarez, Jean-Paul Coujou, F. Suarez & François Suarez - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):213-215.
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    Trattato delle leggi e di dio legislatore: libro quinto.Francisco Suárez - 2019 - [Padova]: CEDAM. Edited by Alberto Micaglio.
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  45. (1 other version)Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip.Francisco Suárez & Rainer Specht - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (3):448-452.
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    Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem divi Thomae tomus tertius: qui est primus de Sacramentis : in quo ea continentur, quae post praefatione indicantur.Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Thomas, Hermann Lipp & Mylius - 1619 - Ex Officina Typographica Balthasari Lippij Sumptibus Hermanni Mylij.
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    Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem diui Thomae: tomi quinque..Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Lipp & Hermann Mylius - 1617 - Ex Officina Typographica Balthasari Lippii, Sumptibus Hermanni Mylij.
  48.  1
    Commentariorum, ac disputationum in tertiam partem divi Thomæ, Tomus primus [-quartus]: Priorum viginti sex quætionum eius partis accuratam, & valdè elaboratam expositionem complectens.Francisco Suárez, Jean Baptiste Thomas, Jacques Buysson, Roussin & Giunta - 1592 - Sumptibus Ioannis Baptistae Buysson.
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    Commentaria ac disputationes in primam partem Diui Thomae: de Deo Vno & Trino.Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Lipp & Hermann Mylius - 1620 - Sumptibus Hermanni Mylij Birckmanni, Excudebat Balthasar Lippius.
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    Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem divi Thomae tomus primus [... quintus].Francisco Suárez & Jean Pillehotte - 1615 - Sumptibus Ioannis Pillehotte, ..
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