Results for ' animal de compagnie'

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  1.  16
    Le chien, animal domestique, animal de compagnie, animal dangereux.Edwige Rude-Antoine - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):429-459.
    L’auteur présente le statut juridique de l’animal, les normes juridiques visant la protection de l’animal domestique, l’animal de compagnie et plus particulièrement les décisions de justice concernant le chien « dangereux ».
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  2. Edited volumes-l'animal de compagnie: Ses roles et leurs motivations au regard de l'histoire.Liliane Bodson - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):381.
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    De l’animal de compagnie et du chien en particulier.Juliette Grange - 2019 - Cités 3:83.
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    Ma fille et mon chat, du droit d’avoir des enfants et un animal de compagnie.Bertrand Cassegrain - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):89-113.
    Bertrand Cassegrain | : Les injustices dont sont victimes aujourd’hui les animaux domestiques ont mené certains partisans des droits des animaux à défendre l’idée selon laquelle la relation entre humains et animaux domestiques était intrinsèquement injuste et qu’il ne fallait pas permettre à ces derniers de se reproduire. Tout en s’inscrivant dans une théorie des droits des animaux « abolitionniste », cet article entend montrer que, sous réserve du respect de certaines conditions, il n’est pas nécessairement condamnable sur le plan (...)
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    Grounding Animal Rights in Mutual Advantage Contractarianism.Matthew Taylor - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):184-207.
    Matthew Taylor | : Contrary to critics and advocates of contractarianism alike, I argue that mutual advantage contractarianism entails rights and protections for animals. In section one I outline the criteria that must be met in order for an individual to qualify for moral rights on the contractarian view. I then introduce an alternative form of ‘rights,’ which I call ‘protectorate status,’ from which an individual can receive protections indirectly. In section two I suggest guidelines for assigning animal rights (...)
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    Antispéciste: réconcilier l'humain, l'animal, la nature.Aymeric Caron - 2016 - Paris: Don Quichotte.
    Certains en possèdent déjà : les animaux de compagnie, les espèces protégées et les animaux d'élevage. Mais les droits que nous leur avons consentis sont minimaux et incohérents. Nous traitons différemment les chiens, que nous considérons comme des membres de la famille, et les cochons, réduits au rang d'objets produits en masse et abattus dans d'indignes conditions. Pourtant cochons et chiens présentent une sensibilité et une intelligence similaires. Comment en sommes-nous venus à les classer dans des catégories si différentes? (...)
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    Le complexe des trois singes: essai sur l'animalité humaine.Étienne Bimbenet - 2017 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Quelque chose a changé dans notre rapport aux animaux. La " cause animale " est à l'ordre du jour, et le vivant humain est désormais plus essentiellement animal qu'humain. Cela s'appelle un zoocentrisme : au centre de notre humanité, l'animalité. En apparence, nous avons tout à gagner à cette nouvelle image de l'homme. Elle nous vient de la biologie de l'évolution, qui nous a situés, quelque part dans l'ordre des primates, en bonne compagnie avec nos cousins les grands (...)
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    Un débat historiographique.Jens Kaibara Amborg - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):209-240.
    This historiographical survey examines the new concept of sex emerging during the Age of Enlightenment and its links to a different type of relationship developing between humans and animals in both metropolitan France and the colonies. For the past thirty years or so, the history of emotions and the history of social science have shed light on the historical circumstances in which the anthropological paradigm of the Enlightenment was constituted. This article will identify a number of themes – domestication, the (...)
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    " Dispersa Intentio." Alchemy, Magic and Scepticism in Agrippa.Vittoria Perrone Compagni - 2000 - Early Science and Medicine 5 (2):160-177.
    The study of Agrippa's works confirms his constant interest in the theory and practice of alchemy. The apparent contradiction between De occulta philosophia, which uses alchemical doctrines, and De vanitate scientiarum, where alchemy is harshly criticized, is to be resolved in the light of a moral and cultural reform founded on a Hermetic-Christian perspective on the relationship between faith and reason. The analysis of the alchemic passages in De occulta philosophia proves that Agrippa's transmutatory operations have no secondary role in (...)
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  10. Lourdes Goupil A. Bacouya & Darwinienne En France de L'animal LitteraireL'ère - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 116:159.
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    La compagnie des ombres: à quoi sert l'histoire?Michel de Jaeghere - 2016 - Paris: Les Belles lettres.
    English summary: Now that it has managed to become a science, history must remain the symposium theatre which allows us to converse with the dead. Our "connected" world delivers us up, defenceless, to the tyranny of every instant. History could be the antidote, inasmuch as it is a depository of people's collective experience. It lifts shadows up from the depth of the ages to make us share what we have learned from being who we are. We have undertaken a boundless (...)
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  12.  20
    Le opere magiche di Giordano Bruno: Note di lettura.Vittoria Compagni - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
    Giordano Bruno’s interest in magic was not a marginal aspect of his philosophy. In the magical works written in 1589 and 1591, Bruno carried out his project of a cultural reform, which he also conceived as a pratical renovatio. In De magia naturali Bruno undertook a careful theoretical reexamination of Renaissance magic in order to ground its "experimental data" on physical foundation. Some traditional notions , which Bruno found in his sources and made use of, are analyzed in his paper (...)
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    Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves by Frans de Waal.Thibault De Meyer - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (1):109-109.
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  14.  34
    Le sophisma « Omnis homo de necessitate est animal » du parisinus latinus 16135, f. 99rb-103vb.Alain de Libéra & Leone Gazziero - 2008 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 75 (1):323-368.
    Édition du troisième sophisma « Omnis homo de necessitate est animal » du ms. Paris, BnF Lat. 16135. Le texte anonyme, contenu aux f. 99rb-103vb, appartient à la seconde collection de sophismata transmis dans ce codex légué à l’Université de Paris par Étienne de Genève socius du Collège de Sorbonne, après avoir été maître ès arts à Paris dans les années 1270. Il offre un panorama des principales positions soutenues au xiiie siècle par les Antiqui et les Moderni sur (...)
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  15. Animal as category : Bayle's "Rorarius".Dennis Des Chene - 2006 - In Justin E. H. Smith (ed.), The Problem of Animal Generation in Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
    A study of the problem of animal souls as treated by Pierre Bayle in his article on Rorarius in the Dictionnaire. Early modern philosophers, if they rejected dualism, tended—as Bayle shows—to be driven either to materialism or to panpsychism.
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    Decolonising animals.Rick De Vos (ed.) - 2023 - Sydney, N.S.W.: Sydney University Press.
    The lives of non-human animals, their ways of being and seeing, their experiences and knowledge, and their relationships with each other, continue to be ignored, discounted, written over and destroyed by anthropocentric practices and endeavours. Within the vestiges of colonialism, this silence and occlusion co-opts and consumes animals, physically and culturally, into the servitude of human interests, and selective narratives of history and progress. Decolonising Animals brings together critical interrogations, case studies and creative explorations that identify and examine how non-human (...)
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  17.  14
    (1 other version)Animal de realidades y animal lógico. Notas sobre Zubiri y Peirce.María Lida Mollo - 2015 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 70 (266):389.
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  18. L'animation de l'embryon humain chez Maxime le Confesseur.M. -H. Congourdeau - 1989 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 111 (5):693-709.
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  19.  99
    Animal Welfare, National Identity and Social Change: Attitudes and Opinions of Spanish Citizens Towards Bullfighting.Genaro C. Miranda de la Lama, Francisco J. Zarza, Beatriz Mazas & Gustavo A. María - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (6):809-826.
    Traditionally, in Spain bullfighting represents an ancient and well-respected tradition and a combined brand of sport, art and national identity. However, bullfighting has received considerable criticism from various segments of society, with the concomitant rise of the animal rights movement. The paper reports a survey of the Spanish citizens using a face-to-face survey during January 2016 with a total sample of 2522 citizens. The survey asked about degree of liking and approving; culture, art and national identity; socio-economic aspects; emotional (...)
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  20.  25
    Médecins conseils de compagnies d'assurances et médecins experts judiciaires.Michel Olivier - 1996 - Médecine et Droit 1996 (16):5-9.
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  21. Rational animals: What the bravest lion won't risk.Ronald de Sousa - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (12):365-386.
    I begin with a rather unpromising dispute that Nozick once had with Ian Hacking in the pages of the London Review of Books, in which both vied with one another in their enthusiasm to repudiate the thesis that some human people or peoples are closer than others to animality. I shall attempt to show that one can build, on the basis of Nozick’s discussion of rationality, a defense of the view that the capacity tor language places human rationality out of (...)
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  22.  61
    A simple value-distinction approach aids transparency in farm animal welfare debate.Karel De Greef, Frans Stafleu & Carolien De Lauwere - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (1):57-66.
    Public debate on acceptable farm animal husbandry suffers from a confusion of tongues. To clarify positions of various stakeholder groups in their joint search for acceptable solutions, the concept of animal welfare was split up into three notions: no suffering, respect for intrinsic value, and non-appalling appearance of animals. This strategy was based on the hypothesis that multi-stakeholder solutions should be based on shared values rather than on compromises. The usefulness of such an artificial value distinction strategy was (...)
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  23.  24
    Animating Clinical Ethics: A Structured Method to Teach Ethical Analysis Through Movies.Diego Real de Asúa, Karmele Olaciregui Dague, Andrés Arriaga & Benjamin Herreros - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (4):325-335.
    Movies can serve valuable didactic purposes teaching clinical ethics to medical students. However, using film sequences as means to develop critical thinking is not a straightforward task. There is a significant gap in the literature regarding how to analyse the ethical content embedded in these clips systematically, in a way that facilitates the students’ transition from anecdotal reflections to abstract thinking. This article offers a pedagogical proposal to approach the ethical analysis of film sequences in a systematic fashion. This structured (...)
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  24.  31
    Animals’ Pleasures.Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek & Peter Singer - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):20-37.
    In this article we argue that it is reasonable to believe that normal vertebrate animals can feel pleasure, and that there is sufficient evidence for a capacity for pleasure in some invertebrates. It follows that the pleasures of animals are morally significant. We argue for that in a few steps. First, we explain why philosophers used to concentrate more on pain rather than pleasure in regard to animals. Second, we define the notion of pleasure and show how it implies to (...)
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  25. The wounded animal. JM Coetzee and the difficulty of reality in literature and philosophy, de Stephen Mulhall.Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):209-216.
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    De que e de quem nós falamos quando falamos dos animais?Thiago Vinicius Rodrigues de Vasconcelos - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):333-341.
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a reflexão de Hans Jonas acerca do estatuto ontológico do animal que está inserida, neste contexto, em uma análise mais geral sobre o fenômeno da vida e se apresenta como um momento importante na ontologia que pretende combater o dualismo e a ruptura entre animais humanos e não humanos. Ao reconhecer graus diferenciados de atividade espiritual entre os seres vivos, o autor, contudo, não partilha a ideia de uma igualdade plena entre os animais, (...)
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  27.  54
    (1 other version)Dualism and animal psychology: A rejoinder.Grace A. de Laguna - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (11):296-300.
  28.  43
    Hamster numbers: biopolitics and animal agency in the dutch fields, circa 1870-present.Raf De Bont - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-25.
    Numbers of European hamsters in the Dutch Province of Limburg have been subject to much scrutiny and controversy. In the late nineteenth century, policymakers who considered them too numerous set up eradication programs. In the second half of the twentieth century, even when its domestic relative increasingly circulated as a pet in urban spaces, the numbers of European hamsters in the rural areas collapsed. Large-scale preservation campaigns and reintroduction programs ensued. According to some media, all this has turned the European (...)
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  29.  48
    Os mártires de Bernard: a sensibilidade do animal experimental como dilema ético do darwinismo na Inglaterra vitoriana.André Luis de Lima Carvalho & Ricardo Waizbort - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (2):355-400.
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    Chimères et paradoxes: comment penser le monde où nous vivons?Loup Verlet - 2007 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    Le progrès scientifique, économique et politique nous fait aujourd'hui rencontrer les limites matérielles du monde où nous vivons. L'urgence de la crise climatique nous pousse à anticiper les contraintes qu'imposent ces limites plutôt que de les subir, à infléchir délibérément la trajectoire du progrès plutôt que de poursuivre aveuglément une voie qui mène à un désastre sans précédent dans l'histoire. En compagnie des trois héros de la modernité que sont Descartes, Newton et Freud, nous cheminerons dans la culture dont (...)
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  31. Animal as concept: Bayle's “rorarius”.Dennis Des Chene - unknown
    Bayle's article on Rorarius, author of a work purporting to demonstrate that animals reason better than humans, describes and rejects all but one of the current opinions concerning the souls of animals. That survivor is Leibniz's theory of monads, but Bayle cannot accept pre-established harmony, and so Leibniz goes by the wayside too. Bayle exhibits clearly the consequences of Cartesianism for attempts to distinguish us from the animals. The alternatives are reduced to two: either we do not have an immortal (...)
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    O animal de rebanho em Nietzsche e o homem de massas em Arendt: paralelos e influências.Matheus Soares Kuskoski - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 19:139-155.
    This article intends to analyze the relations between Nietzsche’s concept of herd animal and Arendt’s concept of mass man. It will be highlighted the parallels between both philosophers concepts in an attempt to answer why Arendt doesn’t mention Nietzsche regarding this specific subject.
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    L'homme et l'animal, qui des deux inventa l'autre?: réflexion philosophique en dix dissertations.Frédéric Grolleau - 2013 - Paris: Les Éditions du littéraire.
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  34.  18
    Affirming a Weak Force: The Pious Vow of an Animal to Come?Giustino De Michele - 2018 - Oxford Literary Review 40 (1):55-75.
    The appearance, in 1967, of the name of Jacques Derrida on the scene of contemporary thought was indeed plural; given the number of books published under his signature in that year, but also, more intrinsically, because this appearance was declined under a contradictory aegis: since the beginning, the problem of writing had to struggle between ‘two interpretations of interpretation’, one affirmative, the other nostalgic, between a Nietzschean affirmation and a Rousseauist reverie. This internal debate carried on its labour, remarking itself (...)
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  35.  43
    Good natured: the origins of right and wrong in humans and other animals.Frans de Waal - 1996 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Waal shows how ethical behavior is as much a matter of evolution as any other trait.
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    Deconstruction’s Animal Promise.Giustino De Michele - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):47-58.
    Based on a reading of the opening of The Animal That Therefore I Am, this essay exposes the genealogy and structure of the articulation of two motifs of Jacques Derrida’s thought: the promise and animality. Following a confrontation between Heidegger’s and Nietzsche’s conceptions of the human, we will show that, for deconstruction, the possibility to promise, or the possibility of having an “avenir,” is characteristic of an “animal” structure of experience. The anthropological specificity is not pertinent in this (...)
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  37.  15
    Le anime dei defunti.Nicholas De Warren - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 57:36-43.
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    Sur l'animation des communautés catholiques: La présidence de l'eucharistie, un débat clos?Paul Tihon - 2008 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 39 (4):492-519.
    La diminution rapide du nombre des prêtres en nos régions pose avec urgence la question du gouvernement des communautés chrétiennes, et en particulier celle de la présidence de l’eucharistie qui en fait normalement partie. Le retour aux sources effectué en ecclésiologie et en théologie des sacrements depuis Vatican II invite à reprendre à nouveaux frais la question d’un élargissement des conditions d’accès au ministère de présidence : ordination d’hommes mariés, délégations à durée déterminée, voire cas-limite d’une présidence «charismatique» dans les (...)
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  39.  16
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Evaluation of the Safety of Animal Clones: A Failure to Recognize the Normativity of Risk Assessment Projects.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Zahra Meghani - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (1):9-17.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced recently that food products derived from some animal clones and their offspring are safe for human consumption. In response to criticism that it had failed to engage with ethical, social, and economic concerns raised by livestock cloning, the FDA argued that addressing normative issues prior to issuing a final ruling on animal cloning is not part of its mission. In this article, the authors reject the FDA's claim that its mission (...)
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  40.  23
    De Darwin ao século XXI: uma breve revisão da jornada histórico-epistemológica das ideias sobre evolução.Aldo Mellender de Araújo - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021004.
    Theories about the changes on the organisms, in the time scale, are know since the 18th century. However, the most famous, as well as the more debated, was the one by Charles Robert Darwin, in his great book On the origin of species. It is interesting to note that while this naturalist was born, in 1809, a book by the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monet, known as Lamarck, was published, Philosophie zoologique, where another theory of the transformations (...)
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    Des animaux et des hommes: la place de l'homme dans la nature: essai.Alain de Benoist - 2010 - Billère: Alexipharmaque.
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  42. Animal Cognition, Species Invariantism, and Mathematical Realism.Helen De Cruz - 2019 - In Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-61.
    What can we infer from numerical cognition about mathematical realism? In this paper, I will consider one aspect of numerical cognition that has received little attention in the literature: the remarkable similarities of numerical cognitive capacities across many animal species. This Invariantism in Numerical Cognition (INC) indicates that mathematics and morality are disanalogous in an important respect: proto-moral beliefs differ substantially between animal species, whereas proto-mathematical beliefs (at least in the animals studied) seem to show more similarities. This (...)
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    Special issue on animals and their welfare.Johan De Tavernier & Stefan Aerts - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (1):3-5.
    Perhaps the commonest reasons for the keeping of pets are companionship and as a conduit for affection. Pets are, therefore, being “used” for human ends in much the same way as laboratory or farm animals. So shouldn’t the same arguments apply to the use of pets as to those used in other ways? In accepting the “rights” of farm animals to fully express their natural behavior, one must also accept the “right” of pets to express their intrinsic natural behavior. Dogs (...)
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  44. Beyond persons: extending the personal/subpersonal distinction to non-rational animals and artificial agents.Manuel de Pinedo-Garcia & Jason Noble - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (1):87-100.
    The distinction between personal level explanations and subpersonal ones has been subject to much debate in philosophy. We understand it as one between explanations that focus on an agent’s interaction with its environment, and explanations that focus on the physical or computational enabling conditions of such an interaction. The distinction, understood this way, is necessary for a complete account of any agent, rational or not, biological or artificial. In particular, we review some recent research in Artificial Life that pretends to (...)
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    La filosofía animal de Nietzsche: Cultura, política y animalidad del ser humano.Rafael Castillo - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (27):169-175.
    El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre el concepto de revuelta popular para precisar su valor heurístico en relación con la comunidad política. Para ello se realiza un recorrido teórico de la idea de revuelta popular en algunos textos de Arendt, Rancière, Blanchot, Nancy, Agamben y Esposito. Propongo que la revuelta debe ser entendida en el marco de una ontología de la comunidad. Se concluye que la revuelta popular supone el rechazo de un orden de desigualdad sostenido en un desacuerdo (...)
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    ‘Ethical concepts regarding the genetic engineering of laboratory animals’: A confrontation with moral beliefs from the practice of biomedical research.R. de Vries - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (2):211-225.
    Intrinsic value and animal integrity are two key concepts in the debate on the ethics of the genetic engineering of laboratory animals. These concepts have, on the one hand, a theoretical origin and are, on the other hand, based on the moral beliefs of people not directly involved in the genetic modification of animals. This ‘external’ origin raises the question whether these concepts need to be adjusted or extended when confronted with the moral experiences and opinions of people directly (...)
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  47. The problem of animal generation in early modern philosophy (review).Sander W. de Boer - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2):253-254.
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    The Suspended Substantive: On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open.Leland De la Durantaye - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):3-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 33.2 (2005) 3-9 [Access article in PDF] The Suspended Substantive On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open Leland de la Durantaye Giorgio Agamben. The Open: Man and Animal. Trans. Kevin Attell. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2004. [O] Trans. of L'aperto: L'uomo e l'animale. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. [A] With a title as enigmatic as The Open, the reader might well wonder, "the open what?" Is the (...)
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    Movement as Efficient Cause in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals.Ignacio De Ribera-Martin - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (2):296-326.
    In this article, I present in a systematic way Aristotle’s understanding of movement (kinêsis) as efficient cause in the Generation of Animals. This aspect of movement is not disclosed in the approach to movement as an incomplete activity in contrast to energeia, which has been extensively discussed in the literature. I explain in which sense movement is the efficient cause of generation and how this movement is related to the other factors, in particular the source of movement, the seminal fluid, (...)
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    L’avènement de la sexualité : des bébés aux ados.Marthe Barraco de Pinto - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 228 (2):61-78.
    La sexualité, force vitale essentielle, anime l’humain en tant qu’individu et membre d’un groupe. Depuis les soins primaires indispensables à l’éveil de la sensualité et à la construction de l’identité sexuée chez le jeune enfant jusqu’au temps des pratiques sexuelles possibles de l’adolescent, l’article scande les moments de transformation portée par les liens intersubjectifs indispensables de cette évolution, de la sexualité infantile à la sexualité génitale.
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