Results for ' algebraic compactness'

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  1.  15
    Σ‐algebraically compact modules and ‐compact cardinals.Jan Šaroch - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (3):196-201.
    We prove that the property characterizes Σ‐algebraically compact modules if is not ω‐measurable. Moreover, under a large cardinal assumption, we show that over any ring R where is not ω‐measurable, any free module M of ω‐measurable rank satisfies, hence the assumption on cannot be dropped in general (e.g., over small non‐right perfect rings). In this way, we extend results from a recent paper by Simion Breaz.
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  2. Compact cylindric set algebras.György Serény - 1985 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 14 (2):57-63.
    N´emeti remarked that the notion of compactness of cylindric of algebras corresponds to the notion of universality of models in logic [5]. The purpose of this paper is to formulate this correspondence in a purely algebraic setting.
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  3.  39
    Compact representations of BL-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Laurentiu Leustean - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):737-761.
    In this paper we define sheaf spaces of BL-algebras (or BL-sheaf spaces), we study completely regular and compact BL-sheaf spaces and compact representations of BL-algebras and, finally, we prove that the category of non-trivial BL-algebras is equivalent with the category of compact local BL-sheaf spaces.
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  4.  24
    The finiteness of compact Boolean algebras.Paul Howard - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (1):14-18.
    We show that it consistent with Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory that there is an infinite, compact Boolean algebra.
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    An Algebraic Proof of the Barwise Compactness Theorem.Carol Karp & Jon Barwise - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):335-335.
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    Partition Complete Boolean Algebras and Almost Compact Cardinals.Peter Jipsen & Henry Rose - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):241-255.
    For an infinite cardinal K a stronger version of K-distributivity for Boolean algebras, called k-partition completeness, is defined and investigated . It is shown that every k-partition complete Boolean algebra is K-weakly representable, and for strongly inaccessible K these concepts coincide. For regular K ≥ u, it is proved that an atomless K-partition complete Boolean algebra is an updirected union of basic K-tree algebras. Using K-partition completeness, the concept of γ-almost compactness is introduced for γ ≥ K. For strongly (...)
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    An algebraic treatment of the Barwise compactness theory.Isidore Fleischer & Philip Scott - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (2):217 - 223.
    A theorem on the extendability of certain subsets of a Boolean algebra to ultrafilters which preserve countably many infinite meets (generalizing Rasiowa-Sikorski) is used to pinpoint the mechanism of the Barwise proof in a way which bypasses the set theoretical elaborations.
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    Compactness in abstractions of Post algebras.R. Beazer - 1975 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 16 (3):389-396.
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    On factoring by compact congruences in algebras of certain varieties related to the intuitionistic logic.Andrzej Wronski - 1986 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 15 (2):48-51.
    This is a summary of a talk delivered at the Winter School of Logic held in Rabka, 24.02 – 04.03.1986 by the Department of Logic of the Jagiellonian University. We wish to announce here several results on embeddability of quotient algebras of certain kind into algebras of some varieties related to the class of Heyting algebras. A “by product” is the deduction theorem for a large family of intermediate consequence operations.
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  10.  30
    Strongly compact cardinals and ordinal definability.Gabriel Goldberg - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (1).
    This paper explores several topics related to Woodin’s HOD conjecture. We improve the large cardinal hypothesis of Woodin’s HOD dichotomy theorem from an extendible cardinal to a strongly compact cardinal. We show that assuming there is a strongly compact cardinal and the HOD hypothesis holds, there is no elementary embedding from HOD to HOD, settling a question of Woodin. We show that the HOD hypothesis is equivalent to a uniqueness property of elementary embeddings of levels of the cumulative hierarchy. We (...)
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  11. Dividing in the algebra of compact operators.Alexander Berenstein - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):817-829.
    We interpret the algebra of finite rank operators as imaginaries inside a Hilbert space. We prove that the Hilbert space enlarged with these imaginaries has built-in canonical bases.
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  12.  30
    On the elementary equivalence of automorphism groups of Boolean algebras; downward Skolem löwenheim theorems and compactness of related quantifiers.Matatyahu Rubin & Saharon Shelah - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):265-283.
    THEOREM 1. (⋄ ℵ 1 ) If B is an infinite Boolean algebra (BA), then there is B 1 such that $|\operatorname{Aut} (B_1)| \leq B_1| = \aleph_1$ and $\langle B_1, \operatorname{Aut} (B_1)\rangle \equiv \langle B, \operatorname{Aut}(B)\rangle$ . THEOREM 2. (⋄ ℵ 1 ) There is a countably compact logic stronger than first-order logic even on finite models. This partially answers a question of H. Friedman. These theorems appear in §§ 1 and 2. THEOREM 3. (a) (⋄ ℵ 1 ) If (...)
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  13.  13
    Compact Metrizable Structures and Classification Problems.Christian Rosendal & Joseph Zielinski - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):165-186.
    We introduce and study the framework of compact metric structures and their associated notions of isomorphisms such as homeomorphic and bi-Lipschitz isomorphism. This is subsequently applied to model various classification problems in analysis such as isomorphism ofC*-algebras and affine homeomorphism of Choquet simplices, where among other things we provide a simple proof of the completeness of the isomorphism relation of separable, simple, nuclearC*-algebras recently established by M. Sabok.
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  14.  36
    On the compactness of some Boolean algebras.Jacek Cichoń - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):63-67.
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  15.  50
    Compactness Theorem.A. C. Paseau & Robert Leek - 2022 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Compactness Theorem The compactness theorem is a fundamental theorem for the model theory of classical propositional and first-order logic. As well as having importance in several areas of mathematics, such as algebra and combinatorics, it also helps to pinpoint the strength of these logics, which are the standard ones used in mathematics and arguably … Continue reading Compactness Theorem →.
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    Compactness in MV-topologies: Tychonoff theorem and Stone–Čech compactification.Luz Victoria De La Pava & Ciro Russo - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (1-2):57-79.
    In this paper, we discuss some questions about compactness in MV-topological spaces. More precisely, we first present a Tychonoff theorem for such a class of fuzzy topological spaces and some consequence of this result, among which, for example, the existence of products in the category of Stone MV-spaces and, consequently, of coproducts in the one of limit cut complete MV-algebras. Then we show that our Tychonoff theorem is equivalent, in ZF, to the Axiom of Choice, classical Tychonoff theorem, and (...)
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  17.  61
    Compactness notions for an apartness space.Douglas S. Bridges - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (5-6):517-534.
    Two new notions of compactness, each classically equivalent to the standard classical one of sequential compactness, for apartness spaces are examined within Bishop-style constructive mathematics.
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  18.  64
    Compact quantum systems and the Pauli data problem.A. J. Bracken & R. J. B. Fawcett - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):277-289.
    Compact quantum systems have underlying compact kinematical Lie algebras, in contrast to familiar noncompact quantum systems built on the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra. Pauli asked in the latter case: to what extent does knowledge of the probability distributions in coordinate and momentum space determine the state vector? The analogous question for compact quantum systems is raised, and some preliminary results are obtained.
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  19.  43
    Definably compact Abelian groups.Mário J. Edmundo & Margarita Otero - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (02):163-180.
    Let M be an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field. Let G be a definably compact definably connected abelian n-dimensional group definable in M. We show the following: the o-minimal fundamental group of G is isomorphic to ℤn; for each k>0, the k-torsion subgroup of G is isomorphic to n, and the o-minimal cohomology algebra over ℚ of G is isomorphic to the exterior algebra over ℚ with n generators of degree one.
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  20.  45
    On ultracoproducts of compact hausdorff spaces.R. Gurevič - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):294-300.
    I present solutions to several questions of Paul Bankston [2] by means of another version of the ultracoproduct construction, and explain the relation of ultracoproduct of compact Hausdorff spaces to other constructions combining topology, algebra and logic.
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  21.  85
    Algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic via choice-free duality.Nick Bezhanishvili, Gianluca Grilletti & Wesley H. Holliday - 2019 - In Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat & Ruy de Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11541. Springer. pp. 35-52.
    We introduce new algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic. The algebraic semantics is based on special Heyting algebras, which we call inquisitive algebras, with propositional valuations ranging over only the ¬¬-fixpoints of the algebra. We show how inquisitive algebras arise from Boolean algebras: for a given Boolean algebra B, we define its inquisitive extension H(B) and prove that H(B) is the unique inquisitive algebra having B as its algebra of ¬¬-fixpoints. We also show that inquisitive algebras determine (...)
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  22.  39
    A variety of algebras closely related to subordination algebras.Sergio Celani & Ramon Jansana - 2022 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 32 (2):200-238.
    We introduce a variety of algebras in the language of Boolean algebras with an extra implication, namely the variety of pseudo-subordination algebras, which is closely related to subordination algebras. We believe it provides a minimal general algebraic framework where to place and systematise the research on classes of algebras related to several kinds of subordination algebras. We also consider the subvariety of pseudo-contact algebras, related to contact algebras, and the subvariety of the strict implication algebras introduced in Bezhanishvili et (...)
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  23.  33
    Compactness.A. C. Paseau, and & Robert Leek - 2023 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Compactness Theorem The compactness theorem is a fundamental theorem for the model theory of classical propositional and first-order logic. As well as having importance in several areas of mathematics, such as algebra and combinatorics, it also helps to pinpoint the strength of these logics, which are the standard ones used in mathematics and arguably … Continue reading Compactness →.
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    Reduced coproducts of compact hausdorff spaces.Paul Bankston - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):404-424.
    By analyzing how one obtains the Stone space of the reduced product of an indexed collection of Boolean algebras from the Stone spaces of those algebras, we derive a topological construction, the "reduced coproduct", which makes sense for indexed collections of arbitrary Tichonov spaces. When the filter in question is an ultrafilter, we show how the "ultracoproduct" can be obtained from the usual topological ultraproduct via a compactification process in the style of Wallman and Frink. We prove theorems dealing with (...)
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  25.  35
    Compact spaces, elementary submodels, and the countable chain condition.Lúcia R. Junqueira, Paul Larson & Franklin D. Tall - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):107-116.
    Given a space in an elementary submodel M of H, define XM to be X∩M with the topology generated by . It is established, using anti-large-cardinals assumptions, that if XM is compact and its regular open algebra is isomorphic to that of a continuous image of some power of the two-point discrete space, then X=XM. Assuming in addition, the result holds for any compact XM satisfying the countable chain condition.
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  26.  74
    Karp Carol. An algebraic proof of the Barwise compactness theorem. The syntax and semantics of infinitary languages, edited by Barwise Jon, Lecture notes in mathematics, no. 72, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1968, pp. 80–95. [REVIEW]N. J. Cutland - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):335-335.
  27.  42
    An algebraic result about soft model theoretical equivalence relations with an application to H. Friedman's fourth problem.Daniele Mundici - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):523-530.
    We prove the following algebraic characterization of elementary equivalence: $\equiv$ restricted to countable structures of finite type is minimal among the equivalence relations, other than isomorphism, which are preserved under reduct and renaming and which have the Robinson property; the latter is a faithful adaptation for equivalence relations of the familiar model theoretical notion. We apply this result to Friedman's fourth problem by proving that if L = L ωω (Q i ) i ∈ ω 1 is an (ω (...)
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  28.  20
    Square compactness and Lindelöf trees.Pedro E. Marun - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (5):741-757.
    We prove that every weakly square compact cardinal is a strong limit cardinal, and therefore weakly compact. We also study Aronszajn trees with no uncountable finitely splitting subtrees, characterizing them in terms of being Lindelöf with respect to a particular topology. We prove that the class of such trees is consistently non-empty and lies between the classes of Suslin and Aronszajn trees.
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    On relationships between algebraic properties of groups and rings in some model-theoretic contexts.Krzysztof Krupiński - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1403-1417.
    We study relationships between certain algebraic properties of groups and rings definable in a first order structure or *-closed in a compact G-space. As a consequence, we obtain a few structural results about ω-categorical rings as well as about small, nm-stable compact G-rings, and we also obtain surprising relationships between some conjectures concerning small profinite groups.
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  30.  16
    Representability and compactness for pseudopowers.Todd Eisworth - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (1):55-80.
    We prove a compactness theorem for pseudopower operations of the form \}\) where \\le {{\,\mathrm{cf}\,}}\). Our main tool is a result that has Shelah’s cov versus pp Theorem as a consequence. We also show that the failure of compactness in other situations has significant consequences for pcf theory, in particular, implying the existence of a progressive set A of regular cardinals for which \\) has an inaccessible accumulation point.
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  31. Algebraic and Kripke Semantics for Substructural Logics.Chrysafis Hartonas - 1994 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    A systematic approach to the algebraic and Kripke semantics for logics with restricted structural rules, notably for logics on an underlying non-distributive lattice, is developed. We provide a new topological representation theorem for general lattices, using the filter space X. Our representation involves a galois connection on subsets of X, hence a closure operator $\Gamma$, and the image of the representation map is characterized as the collection of $\Gamma$-stable, compact-open subsets of the filter space . The original lattice ${\cal (...)
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  32.  78
    Alexander Abian. On the solvability of infinite systems of Boolean polynomial equations. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 21 , pp. 27–30. - Alexander Abian. Generalized completeness theorem and solvability of systems of Boolean polynomial equations. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 16 , pp. 263–264. - Paul D. Bacsich. Injectivity in model theory. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 25 , pp. 165–176. - S. Bulman-Fleming. On equationally compact semilattices. Algebra universalis , vol. 2 no. 2 , pp. 146–151. - G. Grätzer and H. Lakser. Equationally compact semilattices. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 20 , pp. 27–30. - David K. Haley. On compact commutative Noetherian rings. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 189 , pp. 272–274. - Ralph McKenzie. ℵ1-incompactness of Z. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 23 , pp. 199–202. - Jan Mycielski. Some compactifications of general algebras. Colloquium mathematicum, vol. 13 no. 1 , pp. 1–9. See Errata on page 281 of next paper. - Jan. [REVIEW]Walter Taylor - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (1):88-92.
  33.  23
    (1 other version)A. I. Omarov. O kompaktnyh klassah modéléj (On compact classes of models). Algébra i logika, Séminar, vol. 6 no. 2 (1967), pp. 49–60. [REVIEW]Mihály Makkai - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):652-652.
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    Unitary Representations of Locally Compact Groups as Metric Structures.Itaï Ben Yaacov & Isaac Goldbring - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):159-172.
    For a locally compact group G, we show that it is possible to present the class of continuous unitary representations of G as an elementary class of metric structures, in the sense of continuous logic. More precisely, we show how nondegenerate ∗-representations of a general ∗-algebra A (with some mild assumptions) can be viewed as an elementary class, in a many-sorted language, and use the correspondence between continuous unitary representations of G and nondegenerate ∗-representations of L1(G). We relate the notion (...)
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  35.  38
    Walter Taylor. Some constructions of compact algebras. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 3 no. 4 , pp. 395–437. - Walter Taylor. Residually small varieties. Algebra universalis , vol. 2 no. 1 , pp. 33–52. [REVIEW]G. H. Wenzel - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):455-456.
  36.  64
    Saharon Shelah. Infinite abelian groups, Whitehead problem and some constructions. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 18 , pp. 243–256. - Saharon Shelah. A compactness theorem for singular cardinals, free algebras, Whitehead problem and transversals. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 21 , pp. 319–349. - Sharaon Shelah. Whitehead groups may be not free, even assuming CH, I. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 28 , pp. 193–204. - Saharon Shelah. Whitehead groups may not be free even assuming CH, II. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 35 , pp. 257–285. - Saharon Shelah. On uncountable abelian groups. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 32 , pp. 311–330. - Shai Ben-David. On Shelah's compactness of cardinals. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 31 , pp. 34–56 and p. 394. - Howard L. Hiller and Saharon Shelah. Singular cohomology in L. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 26 , pp. 313–319. - Howard L. Hiller, Martin Huber, and Saharon Shelah. The structure of Ext and V = L. Mathematische. [REVIEW]Ulrich Felgner - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1068-1070.
  37.  62
    Information algebras and consequence operators.Jürg Kohlas & Robert F. Stärk - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):139-165.
    . We explore a connection between different ways of representing information in computer science. We show that relational databases, modules, algebraic specifications and constraint systems all satisfy the same ten axioms. A commutative semigroup together with a lattice satisfying these axioms is then called an “information algebra”. We show that any compact consequence operator satisfying the interpolation and the deduction property induces an information algebra. Conversely, each finitary information algebra can be obtained from a consequence operator in this way. (...)
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  38.  43
    Superatomic Boolean algebras constructed from strongly unbounded functions.Juan Carlos Martínez & Lajos Soukup - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (5):456-469.
    Using Koszmider's strongly unbounded functions, we show the following consistency result: Suppose that κ, λ are infinite cardinals such that κ++ + ≤ λ, κ<κ = κ and 2κ = κ+, and η is an ordinal with κ+ ≤ η < κ++ and cf = κ+. Then, in some cardinal-preserving generic extension there is a superatomic Boolean algebra equation image such that equation image, equation image for every α < η and equation image. Especially, equation image and equation image can (...)
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  39.  27
    Chain conditions of products, and weakly compact cardinals.Assaf Rinot - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):293-314,.
    The history of productivity of the κ-chain condition in partial orders, topological spaces, or Boolean algebras is surveyed, and its connection to the set-theoretic notion of a weakly compact cardinal is highlighted. Then, it is proved that for every regular cardinal κ > א1, the principle □ is equivalent to the existence of a certain strong coloring c : [κ]2 → κ for which the family of fibers T is a nonspecial κ-Aronszajn tree. The theorem follows from an analysis of (...)
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  40.  21
    Representation theory of MV-algebras.Eduardo J. Dubuc & Yuri A. Poveda - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (8):1024-1046.
    In this paper we develop a general representation theory for MV-algebras. We furnish the appropriate categorical background to study this problem. Our guide line is the theory of classifying topoi of coherent extensions of universal algebra theories. Our main result corresponds, in the case of MV-algebras and MV-chains, to the representation of commutative rings with unit as rings of global sections of sheaves of local rings. We prove that any MV-algebra is isomorphic to the MV-algebra of all global sections of (...)
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    Representations of MV-algebras by sheaves.Anna R. Ferraioli & Ada Lettieri - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (1):27-43.
    In this paper, inspired by methods of Bigard, Keimel, and Wolfenstein , we develop an approach to sheaf representations of MV-algebras which combines two techniques for the representation of MV-algebras devised by Filipoiu and Georgescu and by Dubuc and Poveda . Following Davey approach , we use a subdirect representation of MV-algebras that is based on local MV-algebras. This allowed us to obtain: a representation of any MV-algebras as MV-algebra of all global sections of a sheaf of local MV-algebras on (...)
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  42. Álgebras booleanas, órdenes parciales y axioma de elección.Franklin Galindo - 2017 - Divulgaciones Matematicas 18 ( 1):34-54.
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una demostración de un teorema clásico sobre álgebras booleanas y ordenes parciales de relevancia actual en teoría de conjuntos, como por ejemplo, para aplicaciones del método de construcción de modelos llamado “forcing” (con álgebras booleanas completas o con órdenes parciales). El teorema que se prueba es el siguiente: “Todo orden parcial se puede extender a una única álgebra booleana completa (salvo isomorfismo)”. Donde extender significa “sumergir densamente”. Tal demostración se realiza utilizando cortaduras de (...)
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  43.  18
    Finiteness conditions and distributive laws for Boolean algebras.Marcel Erné - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (6):572-586.
    We compare diverse degrees of compactness and finiteness in Boolean algebras with each other and investigate the influence of weak choice principles. Our arguments rely on a discussion of infinitary distributive laws and generalized prime elements in Boolean algebras. In ZF set theory without choice, a Boolean algebra is Dedekind finite if and only if it satisfies the ascending chain condition. The Denumerable Subset Axiom implies finiteness of Boolean algebras with compact top, whereas the converse fails in ZF. Moreover, (...)
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    Duality for lattice-ordered algebras and for normal algebraizable logics.Chrysafis Hartonas - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (3):403-450.
    Part I of this paper is developed in the tradition of Stone-type dualities, where we present a new topological representation for general lattices (influenced by and abstracting over both Goldblatt's [17] and Urquhart's [46]), identifying them as the lattices of stable compact-opens of their dual Stone spaces (stability refering to a closure operator on subsets). The representation is functorial and is extended to a full duality.In part II, we consider lattice-ordered algebras (lattices with additional operators), extending the Jónsson and Tarski (...)
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    Model existence in non-compact modal logic.Yoshihito Tanaka - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):61-73.
    Predicate modal logics based on Kwith non-compact extra axioms are discussed and a sufficient condition for the model existence theorem is presented. We deal with various axioms in a general way by an algebraic method, instead of discussing concrete non-compact axioms one by one.
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    Property {(hbar)} and cellularity of complete Boolean algebras.Miloš S. Kurilić & Stevo Todorčević - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):705-718.
    A complete Boolean algebra ${\mathbb{B}}$ satisfies property ${(\hbar)}$ iff each sequence x in ${\mathbb{B}}$ has a subsequence y such that the equality lim sup z n = lim sup y n holds for each subsequence z of y. This property, providing an explicit definition of the a posteriori convergence in complete Boolean algebras with the sequential topology and a characterization of sequential compactness of such spaces, is closely related to the cellularity of Boolean algebras. Here we determine the position (...)
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  47.  14
    On the Axiomatisability of the Dual of Compact Ordered Spaces.Marco Abbadini - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):526-526.
    We prove that the category of Nachbin’s compact ordered spaces and order-preserving continuous maps between them is dually equivalent to a variety of algebras, with operations of at most countable arity. Furthermore, we observe that the countable bound on the arity is the best possible: the category of compact ordered spaces is not dually equivalent to any variety of finitary algebras. Indeed, the following stronger results hold: the category of compact ordered spaces is not dually equivalent to any finitely accessible (...)
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  48.  83
    (1 other version)Boolean universes above Boolean models.Friedrich Wehrung - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1219-1250.
    We establish several first- or second-order properties of models of first-order theories by considering their elements as atoms of a new universe of set theory and by extending naturally any structure of Boolean model on the atoms to the whole universe. For example, complete f-rings are "boundedly algebraically compact" in the language $(+,-,\cdot,\wedge,\vee,\leq)$ , and the positive cone of a complete l-group with infinity adjoined is algebraically compact in the language (+, ∨, ≤). We also give an example with any (...)
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  49.  44
    Expansions of algebraically closed fields II: Functions of several variables.Ya'acov Peterzil & Sergei Starchenko - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (01):1-35.
    Let ℛ be an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field R. We continue here the investigation we began in [11] of differentiability with respect to the algebraically closed field [Formula: see text]. We develop the basic theory of such K-differentiability for definable functions of several variables, proving theorems on removable singularities as well as analogues of the Weierstrass preparation and division theorems for definable functions. We consider also definably meromorphic functions and prove that every definable function which is meromorphic (...)
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  50.  72
    Induction–recursion and initial algebras.Peter Dybjer & Anton Setzer - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 124 (1-3):1-47.
    Induction–recursion is a powerful definition method in intuitionistic type theory. It extends inductive definitions and allows us to define all standard sets of Martin-Löf type theory as well as a large collection of commonly occurring inductive data structures. It also includes a variety of universes which are constructive analogues of inaccessibles and other large cardinals below the first Mahlo cardinal. In this article we give a new compact formalization of inductive–recursive definitions by modeling them as initial algebras in slice categories. (...)
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