Results for ' affectio iustitiae'

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  1.  47
    And Thy Neighbor as Thyself: The Elastic Self in the Moral Psychology of John Duns Scotus.Joseph Dowd - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):53-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:And Thy Neighbor as Thyself:The Elastic Self in the Moral Psychology of John Duns ScotusJoseph Dowd (bio)1. IntroductionAccording to Anselm of Canterbury, God gave human beings two affectiones: the affectio commodi and the affectio iustitiae. For Anselm, these two affectiones are largely equivalent to egoistic motivation and non-egoistic (specifically, moral) motivation: the affectio commodi motivates one to seek one's own advantage (commodum), while the (...) iustitiae motivates one to seek justice (iustitia) for its own sake. Two centuries after Anselm, John Duns Scotus appropriated the terms affectio commodi and affectio iustitiae but made some changes to Anselm's account of the affectiones. Anselm thinks that human beings lost the affectio iustitiae when Adam sinned1 and can regain it only through divine grace,2 but Scotus regards the affectio iustitiae as innate to human beings.3 Also, [End Page 53] Scotus integrates his account of the affectio commodi into the Aristotelian natural teleology commonly accepted at his time, associating the affectio commodi with one's inclination toward one's natural end.4Although Scotus modifies Anselm's account of the affectiones, many interpreters think that he preserves the affectio commodi's association with egoism and the affectio iustitiae's association with non-egoism. I call this interpretation of Scotus's two affectiones "the Standard Reading." On the Standard Reading, the affectio commodi is one's inclination to will things for one's own benefit.5 The Standard Reading's proponents disagree about what exactly the affectio iustitiae is. Some interpret the affectio iustitiae as one's inclination to will or love things because they are good in themselves.6 Others interpret it as one's inclination to love others for their own sake (as opposed to loving them as means to one's own benefit).7 Despite this disagreement, all versions of the Standard Reading agree that the affectio iustitiae enables one to aim at goals other than one's own good.8 [End Page 54]As I argue in this article, some of Scotus's remarks suggest another reading of the two affectiones, one that I call "the Alternative Reading." On this reading, the affectio iustitiae enables one to love both oneself and other beings, and the affectio commodi inclines one to desire things for the benefit of both oneself and other beings that one loves. To be precise, the affectio commodi is an inclination to will what the mind represents as appealing. This inclination, I argue, inclines one to desire what one regards as beneficial to the beings that one loves. Hints of this reading appear in the work of Cruz González-Ayesta,9 but, to my knowledge, no one has drawn special attention to the reading.As I show in this article, both the Standard Reading and the Alternative Reading have textual support, and I regard the support for each as conclusive.10 Therefore, I believe that Scotus accepts both readings. This does not make Scotus inconsistent; I end the article by offering an interpretation that makes both readings true simultaneously. My interpretation is as follows. The affectio commodi is egoistic in that it inclines one to desire what one perceives as beneficial to oneself. The affectio iustitiae is non-egotistic in that it enables one to love a being, whether oneself or something else, for its own sake, as a response to its own objective goodness. But, by loving the being, one comes to see the being's good as part of one's own. Thus, in inclining one to desire things for one's own benefit (as the Standard Reading claims), the affectio commodi inclines one to desire things for the benefit of the beings that one loves (as the Alternative Reading claims) because one perceives their good as part of one's own.To my knowledge, this interpretation of Scotus has not been proposed before. John Hare and Matthew D. Mendham have attributed to Aristotle the view that the self is "elastic": one's own good "stretches" to include the good of one's loved ones. However, they specifically deny that Scotus holds such a view and, in fact, use Aristotle's view as a foil for... (shrink)
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  2. How Scotus Separates Morality from Happiness.Thomas Williams - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (3):425-445.
    As everyone who discusses Scotus's moral theory points out, Scotus recognized two fundamental inclinations in the will: the affectio commodi and the affectio iustitiae. Everyone agrees that these two affectiones play an important role in his moral theory, and there is virtual unanimity about what that role is. I contend that the standard view is misguided, and that it obscures the true character of Scotus's very un-medieval moral theory. I shall begin by laying out the context in (...)
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    Metafísica y espiritualidad del amor en Duns Escoto.Gloria Silvana Elías - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):68-76.
    Este escrito se inscribe dentro de la teoría extática del amor según Duns Escoto, la que está influenciada por la doctrina de San Anselmo respecto de las dos inclinaciones o afectos de la voluntad: la affectio commodi y la affectio iustitiae. El objetivo del mismo es mostrar cómo Juan Duns Escoto logra superar la aparente contradicción que cabe entre tender por naturaleza a Dios y elegir a Dios a partir de la reflexión sobre los dos afectos que (...)
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  4. Affectio et Affectus: commentaires sur l'unité architectonique de l'Éthique.Lia Levy - 2019 - In La Générosité à l’œuvre. Hommage à Jean-Marie Beyssade. Paris: Classiques Garnier. pp. 101-122.
    L'article vise à placer les rapports entre affectio et affectus au centre de l ’unité architectonique de l'Éthique. La définition d’affectus permet de connaître la vraie nature de l'affection, montrant que ce concept ne peut pas signifier un état mais doit désigner une disposition, ou une variation de la puissance. Ainsi le couple affectio/affectus articule toutes les parties de l'Éthique, en régissant non seulement la construction du problème éthique, mais aussi sa solution chez Spinoza.
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    A affectio em Anselmo de Aosta.Paul Gilbert - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (1):2-18.
    Pensar na graça de Deus e na liberdade do homem, ao mesmo tempo, tem sido sempre essencial, embora difícil para a reflexão cristã. Anselmo considerou com frequência essa dificuldade, que é semelhante à que nasce do uso da sola ragione numa postura de oração. Na sua obra De Concordia, terceira parte, cap. 11, o Doutor Magnígico constrói uma representação da vontade que assume as exigências máximas da reflexão cristã. Este capítulo distingue três aspectos na vontade: instumentum, aptitudo e usus; a (...)
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    Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus: Immanuel Kant, Friedrich gentz, and the possibility of prudential enlightenment – corrigendum.Jonathan Green - 2017 - Modern Intellectual History 14 (1):309.
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    De iustitia et iure =.Domingo de Soto - 1967 - Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos. Edited by Venancio Diego Carro.
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    Fiat iustitia: Recht als Aufgabe der Vernunft: Festschrift für Peter Krause zum 70. Geburtstag.Peter Krause & Maximilian Wallerath (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Iustitia ut caritas sapientis: The Relationship between Love and Justice in G.W. Leibniz’s Philosophy of Right.Aleksandra Horowska - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):185-204.
    The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present and analyse one of the most intriguing and unique elements of Leibniz’s philosophy of right—the relationship between love and justice —mainly based on selected excerpts from the Elementa Iuris Naturalis and the preface to the Codex Iuris Gentium Diplomaticus. The author presents the characteristics of this close connection and she tries to answer the question about the reasons for this relationship referring to the metaphysical assumptions and principles of Leibniz’s philosophy. (...)
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    Voluntas, Affectio and Potestas in the Liber de Voluntate of St. Anselm.Imelda Choquette - 1942 - Mediaeval Studies 4 (1):61-81.
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    Fiat iustitia, ne pereat mundus: Vernunftrecht der Freiheit, Vernunftstaat der Freiheit, Vernunftzweck der Freiheit im kritischen Idealismus.Gerhard Funke - 1979
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  12. L'affectio in Anselmo d'Aosta.S. J. Paul Gilbert - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón, Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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    Charitas, Iustitia und Libertas im dreifachen Auftrag an den Menschen.Norbert S. J. Brieskorn - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 113-132.
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    De iustitia et iure (Sobre el Derecho y la Justicia en Roma).Juan Iglesias-Redondo - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1131-1142.
    Hablar del Derecho en Roma es hablar de la Justicia, pues el Derecho no puede tener otro fin que no sea el de la realización de «lo bueno y de lo justo». Y si el Derecho es norma de convivencia, haciendo posible la vida en común, importa considerar que nada tiene que ver con «mundos vaporosos o etéreos», porque el Derecho es justicia, y ésta se cierne sobre «la realidad viva del suceso humano». Definida la justicia en Roma como «la (...)
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    Kants Beispiele für die iustitia distributiva im Privatrecht.Jan Dirk Harke - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (4):459-483.
    At first glance, the function that Kant ascribes to iustitia distributiva in private law is simply to facilitate the judge’s decision by cutting off disputes on difficult matters of fact. But only one of the four examples that Kant gives in order to illustrate the effects of distributive justice is a case in which there are two equally founded solutions available and Kant declares the easier one to be prevailing on the grounds of iustitia distributiva. In the three other cases (...)
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    Habitus or Affectio: The Will and Its Orientation in Augustine, Anselm, and Duns Scotus.Kristell Trego - 2018 - In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques, The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 87-106.
    The concept of hexis, in Latin habitus, is of great importance in Aristotle’s ethics. In this paper, I ask the question whether habitus has its place, and which one it is, when the will is said to be free. I examine the doctrines of three thinkers in whose thought the idea of the freedom of the will occupies a crucial place. Firstly, Augustine knows the moral sense of habitus, but does not use it to explain freedom; reading the Categories, he (...)
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  17. »Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus« - hegels diskussion fichtescher rechtsphilosophie in methodenkritischer perspektive.Patrick Grüneberg - 2009 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2009 (1):144--148.
  18. " Iustitia est amor": love as Principle of Social and Economic Life?Martin Schlag - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (1):77 - 98.
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    Iustitia mediatrix: Zur Methode einer soziologischen Jurisprudenz.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess, Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Veritas-rectitudo-iustitia.Mechthild Dreyer - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (1):67-85.
    ‘Was ist Wahrheit?’ — diese Frage des Pilatus bezeichnet eines der Grundprobleme menschlicher Existenz. Anders als das Tier ist der Mensch genötigt, sein Leben zu führen. Angesichts der Unwägbarkeiten, die seine Lebensführung bedrohen, hat er ein vitales Interesse daran, seinem Leben Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit zu geben, Gewissheiten zu finden, auf die er bauen kann. Das, was ihm bei seiner Suche nach Sicherheiten als fest und verbindlich aufscheint, das, was ihm Orientierung gibt, pflegt er mit dem Wort ‘wahr’ zu bezeichnen.
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    Menschenrecht auf Schutz: ein Entwurf zur iustitia protectiva.Dieter Witschen - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Die Grundidee der iustitia protectiva besagt: Der verletzliche Mensch hat ein Recht auf Schutz vor Übergriffen auf seine Integrität. Der Mensch ist infolge seiner Verletzlichkeit des Schutzes bedürftig und infolge seiner Würde des Schutzes wert. Wenn er des Schutzes wert ist, hat er dann nicht auch ein Recht auf Schutz? Und wenn die Sicherung eines Rechts Angelegenheit der Gerechtigkeit ist, ist dann nicht die Gewährleistung des Rechts auf Schutz ihre Aufgabe? Ist mithin nicht eine schützende Gerechtigkeit erforderlich? Im Gefüge der (...)
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    Lex iusti, lex iuridica und lex iustitiae in Kants Rechtslehre.Sharon B. Byrd & Joachim Hruschka - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (4):484-500.
    In connection with his discussion of the three Ulpian formulae, Kant introduces three “leges,” namely the “lex iusti,” the “lex iuridica,” and the “lex iustitiae,” which he then defines in § 41 of the Doctrine of Right. The three “leges” correspond to the attributes “right,” “juridical,” and “established as right.” These three attributes in turn relate to the possibility, the reality, and the (material) necessity of our rights and juridical duties. The three “leges” and attributes have certain consequences for (...)
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    Das Herrscherideal des rigor iustitiae und die Kirchenreform im Italien des 11. Jahrhunderts.Hartmut Beyer - 2012 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 46 (1):191-220.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 191-220.
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  24. De Iure Et Iustitia Ii-Ii, Qq. 57-122.Louis Bertrand Gillon, Thomas & Pontificio Ateneo "Angelicum" - 1952 - [Pontificio Ateneo "Angelicum"?].
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  25. Estne obligatio iustitiae subvenire miseris? quaestionis positio et evolutio a Petro Lombardo ad S. Thomam ex tribus S. Augustini textibus.Hermenegildus Lio - 1957 - New York,: Desclée.
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    El giro hermenéutico de Martín Lutero en la concepción de la iustitia Dei.Jorge Schulz - 2021 - Patristica Et Medievalia 42 (1):55-67.
    El hecho de que la doctrina de la justificación llegara a convertirse en el núcleo teológico fundamental de la Reforma y la tradición protestante ha estado estrechamente vinculado al descubrimiento de la justicia de Dios como acontecimiento de salvación. El presente artículo explora los límites de las concepciones clásicas de justicia con las que Martín Lutero se encontró en su tiempo, y el modo en que la lectura de la Epístola a los romanos propició una nueva comprensión de la _iustitia (...)
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  27.  40
    The ‘just war’ - rampazzo iustitia E bellum. Prospettive storiografiche sulla Guerra nella repubblica Romana. Pp. XIV + 133. Naples: Jovene, 2012. Paper, €14. Isbn: 978-88-243-2150-1. [REVIEW]Craige B. Champion - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):223-225.
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    Moral económica en el "De iustitia et iure" (1590) de Pedro de Aragón.José Barrientos García - 1984 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 11:461-480.
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    The Role of Cicero's Letters of Recommendation:: "Iustitia versus Gratia?".Hannah Cotton - 1986 - Hermes 114 (4):443-460.
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    Leibniz’ Mediterranean Ethics: The Graeco-Roman Foundations of Iustitia Caritas Sapientis.Patrick Riley - 2011 - Studia Leibnitiana 43 (1):5-23.
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  31. principio ei limiti della libertà economica, in «Quaderni di Iustitia, 3, Roma, Ed.F. Vito - forthcoming - Studium.
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  32. Die Gerechtigkeitslehre des Jungen Suárez Edition Und Untersuchung Seiner Römischen Vorlesungen de Iustitia Et Iure.Francisco Suárez & Joachim Giers - 1958 - Verlag Herder.
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    Erziehung zur Gerechtigkeit – Pro erudicione ad iusticiam. Zu Entstehung und Tradierung des Bildes der hand- und augenlosen Iustitia im Codex Casanatensis 1404 in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit.Volker Honemann - 2013 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 47 (1):239-272.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 47 Heft: 1 Seiten: 239-272.
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  34. El bien común como finalidad esencial a la ley en" De Iustitia et Iure" de Domingo de Soto.Débora Rainieri - 2007 - In Juan Cruz Cruz, La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurídico en Domingo de Soto. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 241--246.
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  35. Los agustinos y el Tercer Concilio de México (1585):¿ Administración ex iustitia o ex charitate?Isacio Rodríguez Rodríguez - 1992 - Ciudad de Dios 205 (2):617-650.
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  36. Struttura giuridica della riforma fondiaria, in «Libertà economica e proprietà fondiaria», Quaderni di Iustitia, 3, Roma, Ed.A. Segni - forthcoming - Studium.
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  37. Moral económica en el "De iustitia et iure" de Pedro Aragón.J. Barrientos Garcia - 1984 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 11:461.
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  38. R.P.F. Petri de Aragon, Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, Artium, & Sacrætheologiæmagistri, & in Clarissima Salmanticensi Academia Publici Professoris, in Secundam Secundae D. Thomædoct. Angelici Commentaria, de Iustitia Et Iure.Petrus de Aragon, Thomas & Societas Minima - 1595 - Apud Minimam Societatem.
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  39. Originalidad y especificidad de la afirmación paulina" Ex ipso autem vos estis in Christo Iesu, qui factus est nobis sapientia a Deo et iustitia et sanctificatio et redemptio"(1 Cor 1: 30). [REVIEW]Lino Herrero Prieto - 2007 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 31 (63):27-57.
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  40. Proposing a revival of the ontological argument (Reprinted from'Pro fide et iustitia', pp 641-656, 1984).A. Bausola - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 92 (2):349-362.
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  41. El problema del fundamento ontológico de la obligación en la obra De iustitia de Luis de Molina.J. Diez-Alegria - 1951 - Pensamiento 7 (26):147-167.
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  42. La propiedad sobre la vida en" De iustitia et iure"(IV, q. 2, a. 3) El dominio como propiedad en el" Digesto nuevo".Francisco Rizzo Patrón - 2007 - In Juan Cruz Cruz, La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurídico en Domingo de Soto. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    BÁÑEZ, DOMINGO, El derecho y la justicia (Decisiones de iure et iustitia, Salamanca, 1594, Venecia, 1595), introducción, traducción y notas de Juan Cruz Cruz, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2008, 238 pp. [REVIEW]Mª Idoya Zorroza - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico:183-185.
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    La memoria y sus representaciones en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2016 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 10:161-177.
    This paper studies the concept of memory as understood in Spinoza’s body of work, focusing mainly on E 2P18. The main features of memory’s functioning are explained across three conceptual axes: affectio, vestigium and concatenation. These shape Spinoza’s own argumentation in the cited proposition and also recall Aristotle’s theory on memory’s function and functioning. The link between both theories helps transversely to elucidate Spinoza’s position regarding the problem of the identity of the individual.
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  45. (1 other version)Consensus, Compromise, Justice and Legitimacy.Enzo Rossi - 2013 - Critical Review of Social and International Political Philosophy 16 (4):557-572.
    Could the notion of compromise help us overcoming – or at least negotiating – the frequent tension, in normative political theory, between the realistic desideratum of peaceful coexistence and the idealistic desideratum of justice? That is to say, an analysis of compromise may help us moving beyond the contrast between two widespread contrasting attitudes in contemporary political philosophy: ‘fiat iustitia, pereat mundus’ on the one side, ‘salus populi suprema lex’ on the other side. More specifically, compromise may provide the backbone (...)
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    From Business Ethics to Business Education: Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Contribution.Josep M. Lozano - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):135-156.
    This essay begins with a look at the contribution made by Business Ethics and by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Business Education, and how the first two have moved to the last over time. Yet their contributions also reveal limitations that need to be taken into account in the debate on the training provided by Business Schools. This debate cannot be confined to speaking of disciplines and their cross-cutting natures but rather needs to focus directly on the kind of personal (...)
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    Duns Scotus on the Natural Will.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2012 - Vivarium 50 (1):33-52.
    Abstract Does Duns Scotus identify the natural will with the affectio commodi ? This identification has become the standard view. In this paper, I will challenge this view through an analysis of some key texts. The main thesis of the paper is that Scotus allows for two scenarios related to the will's dual affections. The first is the real situation of the created will: the will is a free potency and possesses two affections. The second is a hypothetical case; (...)
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    Organizational Governance and the Production of Academic Quality: Lessons from Two Top U.S. Research Universities.Jean-Claude Thoenig & Catherine Paradeise - 2014 - Minerva 52 (4):381-417.
    Does organizational governance contribute to academic quality? Two top research universities are observed in-depth: Berkeley and the MIT. Three key factors are listed that help generate consistent and lasting high performance. Priority is allocated to self-evaluation and to the development of talent. Values and norms such as community membership, commitment to the affectio societatis, mutual respect and trust strongly regulate the behaviors of the faculty. Complex inner organizational processes are at work making integration and differentiation compatible. Each of these (...)
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  49. Duns Scotus’s Action Theory in the Context of His Angelology.Tobias Hoffmann - 2010 - In Ludger Honnefelder, Johannes Duns Scotus 1308–2008: Die philosophischen Perspektiven seines Werkes / Investigations into his Philosophy. Proceedings of “The Quadruple Congress” on John Duns Scotus, part 3. Franciscan Institute Publications; Aschendorff.
    Angelology gives Duns Scotus the occasion to test his action theory or to expand on it to accommodate the special case of angelic sin: freedom and determinism; synchronic continency; the will as a “comparative power” (assuming quasi-cognitive functions); the distinction between the two affections of the will (commodi and iustitiae).
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    Lost without Words: The Justice That Surpasses Blind Justice.Robert Bernasconi - 2017 - Eco-Ethica 6:47-58.
    Emmanuel Levinas can be read as challenging the legal principle that everybody must be treated in the same way without fear of favor, no matter who they are or what status they hold. He did so by highlighting the private suffering that goes unnoticed if justice is blind, as is suggested by the image of Iustitia wearing a blindfold. What this unspeakable suffering means for justice is explored through a reading of Jean Améry’s At the Mind's Limit and Jill Stauffer’s (...)
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