Results for ' abbey of Saint-Denis'

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  1. Production and circulation in a monastic domain during the Carolingian period: records from the abbey of Saint-Denis.S. Tange - 1997 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 75 (4).
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    The twelfth-century crusading window of the Abbey of saint-Denis: Praeteritorum enim recordatio futurorum est exhibitio.Elizabeth A. R. Brown & Michael W. Cothren - 1986 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 49 (1):1-40.
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    Cathwulf, Kingship, and the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis.Joanna Story - 1999 - Speculum 74 (1):1-21.
    “Domino regi piissimo, gratia Dei celsissimo, Carlo vere carissimo, regno Christi rectissimo, ultimus namque Cathuulfus, tamen vester servulus, intimo corde puro in spiritu salutem sancto.” In a flurry of flattery, humility, and sycophantic superlatives the Insular scholar and Carolingian courtier known to us as Cathwulf commenced his famous letter to Charlemagne. Composed almost certainly early in the year 775, Cathwulf's letter to the youthful Frankish king is a unique work. His name is associated with no other text, and indeed the (...)
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    Sumner Mcknight Crosby, The Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis from Its Beginnings to the Death of Suger, 475–1151. Ed. Pamela Z. Blum.(Yale Publications in the History of Art, 37.) New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1987. Pp. xxv, 525; black-and-white frontispiece, numerous black-and-white illustrations, 3 plans. $55. [REVIEW]Michael Davis - 1991 - Speculum 66 (1):139-143.
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    Blindfolded.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):66-142.
    In a monograph-length contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on contextualism, the journal's editor decontextualizes and then recontextualizes the medieval iconographic trope of Ecclesia and Synagoga in an effort to make plausible a news story about Pope Francis that received little coverage in the press. During 2015, the fiftieth anniversary of the Vatican II declaration Nostra Aetate, Francis paid a surprise visit to a new statue in the United States, “Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time” by Joshua Koffman, as a (...)
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    Retour sur l'affaire Gouguenheim.Max Lejbowicz - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Une invitation, reçue au début de l’automne 2011, à intervenir dans la séance du 7 mars 2012 d’un séminaire tenu à l’EHESS sur l’islamophobie, a été l’occasion de traiter de « l’affaire Gouguenheim » plus de trois ans après son irruption dans la sphère médiatique. Cette nouvelle lecture d’Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance que Sylvain Gouguenheim attribue à un texte du haut Moyen Age pour suivre la diffusion de l’hellénisme dans l’Europe latine. Il (...)
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    The Gouguenheim Affair Revisited.Max Lejbowicz - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Une invitation, reçue au début de l’automne 2011, à intervenir dans la séance du 7 mars 2012 d’un séminaire tenu à l’EHESS sur l’islamophobie, a été l’occasion de traiter de « l’affaire Gouguenheim » plus de trois ans après son irruption dans la sphère médiatique. Cette nouvelle lecture d’Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance que Sylvain Gouguenheim attribue à un texte du haut Moyen Age pour suivre la diffusion de l’hellénisme dans l’Europe latine. Il (...)
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    The Chapels and Cult of Saint Louis at Saint-Denis.Elizabeth A. R. Brown - 1984 - Mediaevalia 10:279-331.
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    A Companion to the Study of Saint Augustine. [REVIEW]Denis Meehan - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:174-175.
    This volume of essays, contributed for the most part by professional Episcopalian theologians who are members of Duodecim society, may be taken I suppose as the official commemoration by American Protestants of the fifteenth Augustinian centenary, which had so much notice in the learned world. It would be idle to pretend that it represents any major contribution in the field of Augustinian philosophy, and the essays are naturally uneven in quality and attitude; but the book fulfils very well indeed its (...)
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    The Philosophical Computer: Exploratory Essays in Philosophical Computer Modeling.Patrick Grim, Horace Paul St, Gary Mar, Paul St Denis & Paul Saint Denis - 1998 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    This book is an introduction, entirely by example, to the possibilities of using computer models as tools in phosophical research in general and in philosophical logic in particular. Topics include chaos, fractals, and the semantics of paradox; epistemic dynamics; fractal images of formal systems; the evolution of generosity; real-valued game theory; and computation and undecidability in the spatialized Prisoner's Dilemma.
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    The Abbey of Werden on the Frankish-Saxon Frontier. The Depictions of Landscapes and Emotions in the vita Gregorii and the vitae Liudgeri.Bart Peters - 2021 - Millennium 18 (1):313-388.
    This study explores the depictions of landscapes and emotions in the ninthcentury hagiographies associated with Liudger: the three vitae Liudgeri and Liudger’s own vita Gregorii. The Frisian missionary founded the monastery of Werden, situated near the Frankish-Saxon frontier. It will be argued that previous historiography on early medieval frontiers has predominantly focused on the military nature of frontiers. Here, more cultural or symbolic natures of the Frankish-Saxon frontier will be discussed. The hagiographical narratives will be examined in conjunction with the (...)
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    Arnauld, Les idées et Les vérités éternelLes.Denis Moreau - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    Deux des derniers textes philosophiques d'Antoine Arnauld (Dissertatio bipartita…, 1692; Règles du bon sens…, 1693) sont dirigés contre les défenseurs de la « vision en Dieu » des idées ou vérités éternelles. En commentant les textes de Thomas d'Aquin consacrés à la notion de vérité, Arnauld critique Platon, saint Augustin et Jansénius, puis semble adopter une position proche de Descartes sur le statut des vérités éternelles. D'autres textes confirment qu'Arnauld est sans doute le seul des grands post-cartésiens à avoir (...)
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    The Pursuit of Laziness: An Idle Interpretation of the Enlightenment.Pierre Saint-Amand - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    We think of the Enlightenment as an era dominated by ideas of progress, production, and industry--not an era that favored the lax and indolent individual. But was the Enlightenment only about the unceasing improvement of self and society? The Pursuit of Laziness examines moral, political, and economic treatises of the period, and reveals that crucial eighteenth-century texts did find value in idleness and nonproductivity. Fleshing out Enlightenment thinking in the works of Denis Diderot, Joseph Joubert, Pierre de Marivaux, Jean-Jacques (...)
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    Defending Gaita’s Example of Saintly Behaviour.Elizabeth Drummond Young - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (2):191 - 202.
    Raimond Gaita's example of saintly love, in which the visit of a nun to psychiatric patients has profound effects on him, has been criticised for being an odd and unconvincing example of saintliness. I defend Gaita against four specific criticisms; firstly, that the nun achieves nothing spectacular, but merely adopts a certain attitude towards people; secondly, that Gaita must already have certain beliefs for the example to work; thirdly, that to be acclaimed a saint requires a saintly biography, not (...)
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    The Revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden: Volume I: Liber Caelestis, Books I-Iii: Volume I: Liber Caelestis, Books I-Iii.Denis Searby - 2005 - Oxford University Press USA.
    St. Birgitta of Sweden was one of the most charismatic and influential female visionaries of the later Middle Ages. Altogether, she received some 700 revelations, dealing with subjects ranging from meditations on the human condition, domestic affairs in Sweden, and ecclesiastical matters in Rome, to revelations in praise of the Incarnation and devotion to the Virgin. Her Revelations, collected and ordered by her confessors, circulated widely throughout Europe and long after her death. Many eminent individuals, including Cardinal Juan Torquemada, Jean (...)
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  16.  27
    A Tale of Two Monasteries: Westminster and Saint-Denis in the Thirteenth Century. By William Chester Jordan.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):481-482.
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    Corso Vincennes – Saint Denis.Gilles Deleuze & Claudio Rozzoni - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:177-178.
    L’espace esthétiqueLe « renversement du cartésianisme » chez Deleuze et Merleau-PontyCet essai se propose de développer le rapport entre Deleuze et Merleau-Ponty à partir de la tentative des deux philosophes français d’aller au-delà du courantde pensée qu’on pourrait qualifi er, comme le fait Merleau-Ponty lui-même, de « cartésianisme ».Nous commençons notre itinéraire avec la critique que les deux philosophes adressent à la notion cartésienne de « ligne » – passage obligé pour penser, à travers Leibniz et sa notion de « (...)
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  18. Denis F. Sullivan, ed. and trans., The Life of Saint Nikon.(The Archbishop Iakovos Library of Ecclesiastical and Historical Sources, 14.) Brookline, Mass.: Hellenic College Press, 1987. Pp. 314. $23.95 (cloth); $16.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Dorothy de F. Abrahamse - 1990 - Speculum 65 (4):1060-1061.
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    Thomas Aquinas: A Portrait.Denys Turner - 2013 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    _A concise and illuminating introduction to the elusive Thomas Aquinas, the man and the saint_ Leaving so few traces of himself behind, Thomas Aquinas seems to defy the efforts of the biographer. Highly visible as a public teacher, preacher, and theologian, he nevertheless has remained nearly invisible as man and saint. What can be discovered about Thomas Aquinas as a whole? In this short, compelling portrait, Denys Turner clears away the haze of time and brings Thomas vividly to life (...)
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    A Communion of Saints...Maybe.C. B. Stoneking - 1996 - Christian Bioethics 2 (3):346-354.
    Descriptively many Protestant perspectives on access to health care share much in common with secular accounts…perhaps too much. A normative account of a Protestant perspective on access to health care must be perceptively qualified by the Christ story. A genuinely theocratic approach may not lead one to the conclusion that the faith commits us to the notion of equality; rather the faith commits us to the notion of care. What counts as care may not be the same in every instance (...)
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  21.  16
    Downton Abbey and Philosophy: The Truth is Neither Here nor There.William Irwin & Mark D. White (eds.) - 2012 - Wiley.
    _A unique philosophical look at the hit television series _Downton Abbey_ _ Who can resist the lure of _Downton Abbey_ and the triumphs and travails of the Crawley family and its servants? We admire Bates's sense of honor, envy Carson's steadfastness, and thrill to Violet's caustic wit. _Downton Abbey and Philosophy_ draws on some of history's most profound philosophical minds to delve deeply into the dilemmas that confront our favorite characters. Was Matthew right to push Mary away after his (...)
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  22. Denying Mary's real presence in apparitions and icons: Divine impersonation in the tenth-century life of Constantine the ex-jew.Dirk Krausmüller - 2008 - Byzantion 78:288-303.
    L'auteur s'intéresse à la Vie de Constantin le Juif et plus particulièrement à un phénomène qui avait échappé jusqu'alors à ses commentateurs: celui de "l'imitation divine" . Quand Constantin est sauvé d'un meurtre par une apparition de la Vierge, l'auteur de la Vie affirme qu'il ne s'agit pas de Marie elle-même, mais d'une grâce divine qui a pris son apparence. Ce concept se retrouve dans différentes vies de saints. Selon l'auteur, ce procédé semble vouloir rappeler au lecteur que l'influence de (...)
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  23. Giordano Bruno nella "libraria" di Saint Victor.Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (10):84-88.
    Quando la biblioteca diventa un confessionale. Nel 1585, Giordano Bruno ritorna a Parigi dopo il soggiorno londinese, e comincia a frequentare l’abbazia di Saint Victor, famosa per la sua ” libraria “, immortalata da Rabelais. Il bibliotecario, Guillaume Cotin, trasforma lo “scriptorium” in un confessionale, dove il filosofo dà libero sfogo ai suoi ricordi e al suo impetuoso carattere. -/- When the library becomes a confessional. In 1585, Giordano Bruno, returns to Paris after his stay in London, and begins (...)
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  24. Le mal a-t-il une réalité ontologique: Approche comparative chez Saint Thomas et le Pseudo-Denys.O. Perru - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (2):169-200.
    Le regard théologique sur la question du mal a progressé en Occident grâce à la lecture des Noms divins de Denys, et à l'analyse scientifique de Thomas d'Aquin. Il est cependant intéressant de souligner le nouvel ordre et les rectifications que Thomas d'Aquin apporte à la pensée de Denys dont il est tributaire. Imprégné de la philosophie néoplatonicienne, Denys apparaît dans son ouvrage comme faisant une théologie de l'amour et du Bien. Le Bien y est non seulement objet d'amour, mais (...)
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    Margot H. King and Wesley M. Stevens, eds., Saints, Scholars and Heroes: Studies in Medieval Culture in Honour of Charles W. Jones, 1: The Anglo-Saxon Heritage, 2: Carolingian Studies, Collegeville, Minn.: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Saint John's Abbey and University, 1979. Paper. 1: pp. 300; frontispiece portrait. 2: pp. 417. $39 North America; $44.75 elsewhere. May be ordered from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. [REVIEW]M. P. - 1980 - Speculum 55 (4):868-869.
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    Agonistes: Essays in Honour of Denis o’Brien.John Dillon & Monique Dixsaut - 2005 - Routledge.
    "Agonistes comprises a collection of essays presented by his friends and colleagues to Denis O'Brien, former Directeur de recherché at the Centre Nationale de Recherché Scientifique, representing the full range of his scholarly interests in the field of ancient philosophy, from the Presocratics, through Plato, Aristotle and Hellenistic philosophy, to Plotinus and later Neoplatonism. The honorand himself leads off with a stimulating Apologia, sketching the development of his scholarly interests and dwelling on the issues that have chiefly concerned him. (...)
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    The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith Lemna.Aaron Williams - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1353-1359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith LemnaAaron WilliamsThe Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith Lemna (Brooklyn, NY: Angelico, 2019), xxx + 488 pp.Keith Lemna has done the theological world a great service. In The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos, he offers the English-speaking world for the first time a monograph (...)
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    Did Bayle Read Saint-Evremond?Thomas M. Lennon - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (2):225-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.2 (2002) 225-237 [Access article in PDF] Did Bayle Read Saint-Evremond? Thomas M. Lennon Of course Bayle read Saint-Evremond—he quotes him. Moreover, he published one of Saint-Evremond's texts. But there is reading, and then there is reading. There is selective, inattentive perusal of excerpts or even secondary sources, with no attempt to penetrate beyond a superficial understanding; and then there (...)
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    Pierre Perrier's 1699 Vie de sainte Isabelle de France : Precious Evidence from an Unpublished Preface.Sean L. Field - 2015 - Franciscan Studies 73:215-247.
    In her own lifetime Isabelle of France was a crucial figure in the formation of female Franciscan identity and the crystallization of Capetian sanctity.2 Rejecting several proposed marriages and dedicating herself to a life of saintly virginity in the world, she was founder of the abbey of Longchamp 3 and co-author of the rule for the Order of Sorores minores, adopted by communities throughout France, England and elsewhere.4 Her life and miracles were recorded in the Vie d’Isabelle written by (...)
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    Enlightenment Thought: An Anthology of Sources.Margaret L. King - 2019 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Margaret L. King has put together a highly representative selection of readings from most of the more significant—but by no means the most obvious—texts by the authors who made up the movement we have come to call the 'Enlightenment.' They range across much of Europe and the Americas, and from the early seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth. In the originality of the choice of texts, in its range and depth, this collection offers both wide coverage and striking (...)
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  31. Nietzsche, Cosmodicy, and the Saintly Ideal.David McPherson - 2016 - Philosophy 91 (1):39-67.
    In this essay I examine Nietzsche’s shifting understanding of the saintly ideal with an aim to bringing out its philosophical importance, particularly with respect to what I call the problem of ‘cosmodicy’, i.e., the problem of justifying life in the world as worthwhile in light of the prevalent reality of suffering. In his early account Nietzsche understood the saint as embodying the supreme achievement of a self-transcending ‘feeling of oneness and identity with all living things’, while in his later (...)
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  32. The need for faith in a scientific age.Hailsham of Saint Marylebone & Quintin McGarel Hogg - 1961 - Jackson,: Jackson.
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    The Papal Bulls for the Chapter of St. Antonin in Rouergue in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries.Giles Constable & Robert Somerville - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):828-864.
    The ancient abbey of St. Antonin in Rouergue was located in the valley of the Aveyron, from which came the name Nobilis Vallis, or Noble Val, by which the site has been known since at least the thirteenth century. During the thousand years or more from its reputed foundation in the eighth century until its dissolution at the time of the French Revolution, the abbey went through two major crises. The first, with which this article is largely concerned, (...)
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  34. Skilled Guidance.Denis Buehler - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (3):641-667.
    Skilled action typically requires that individuals guide their activities toward some goal. In skilled action, individuals do so excellently. We do not understand well what this capacity to guide consists in. In this paper I provide a case study of how individuals shift visual attention. Their capacity to guide visual attention toward some goal (partly) consists in an empirically discovered sub-system – the executive system. I argue that we can explain how individuals guide by appealing to the operation of this (...)
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  35. Matter, motion, and Humean supervenience.Denis Robinson - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):394 – 409.
    This paper examines a doctrine which David Lewis has called 'Humean Supervenience' (hereafter 'HS'), and a problem which certain imaginary cases seem to generate for HS. They include rotating perfect spheres or discs, and flowing rivers, imagined as composed of matter which is perfectly homogeneous right down to the individual points. Before considering these examples, I shall introduce the doctrine they seem to challenge.
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  36. Agential capacities: a capacity to guide.Denis Buehler - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (1):21-47.
    In paradigm exercises of agency, individuals guide their activities toward some goal. A central challenge for action theory is to explain how individuals guide. This challenge is an instance of the more general problem of how to accommodate individuals and their actions in the natural world, as explained by natural science. Two dominant traditions–primitivism and the causal theory–fail to address the challenge in a satisfying way. Causal theorists appeal to causation by an intention, through a feedback mechanism, in explaining guidance. (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Sweatshops and Respect for Persons.Denis G. Arnold & Norman E. Bowie - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (2):221-242.
    This article applies the Kantian doctrine of respect for persons to the problem of sweatshops. We argue that multinational enterprises are properly regarded as responsible for the practices of their subcontractors and suppliers. We then argue that multinationalenterprises have the following duties in their off-shore manufacturing facilities: to ensure that local labor laws are followed; to refrain from coercion; to meet minimum safety standards; and to provide a living wage for employees. Finally, we consider and reply to the objection that (...)
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    Time reconsidered.Denis Corish - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (1):81-106.
    Following observations of Aristotle, Kant, Newton, Leibniz and Einstein (on space), we can devise a means of showing how the ontology of time supports the precedes-succeeds logic, which the temporal series shares with those of space and number, and how the past-present-future account is consistent with that. Time, by a relativist, not absolutist, account, turns out to be the existence and nonexistence of exactly the same thing in exactly the same respect. Both A and not-A can be the case, but (...)
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  39. Not a sure thing: Fitness, probability, and causation.Denis M. Walsh - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):147-171.
    In evolutionary biology changes in population structure are explained by citing trait fitness distribution. I distinguish three interpretations of fitness explanations—the Two‐Factor Model, the Single‐Factor Model, and the Statistical Interpretation—and argue for the last of these. These interpretations differ in their degrees of causal commitment. The first two hold that trait fitness distribution causes population change. Trait fitness explanations, according to these interpretations, are causal explanations. The last maintains that trait fitness distribution correlates with population change but does not cause (...)
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  40. Can amoebae divide without multiplying?Denis Robinson - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (3):299 – 319.
  41. Embodied Episodic Memory: a New Case for Causalism?Denis Perrin - 2021 - Intellectica 74:229-252.
    Is an appropriate causal connection to the past experience it represents a necessary condition for a mental state to qualify as an episodic memory? For some years this issue has been the subject of an intense debate between the causalist theory of episodic memory (CTM) and the simulationist theory of episodic memory (STM). This paper aims at exploring the prospects for an embodied approach to episodic memory and assessing the potential case for causalism that could be founded on it. In (...)
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  42. Wide content individualism.Denis M. Walsh - 1998 - Mind 107 (427):625-652.
    Wide content and individualist approaches to the individuation of thoughts appear to be incompatible; I think they are not. I propose a criterion for the classification of thoughts which captures both. Thoughts, I claim, should be individuated by their teleological functions. Where teleological function is construed in the standard way - according to the aetiological theory - individuating thoughts by their function cannot produce a classification which is both individualistic and consistent with the principle that sameness of wide content is (...)
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  43. Boghossian, Miller and Lewis on dispositional theories of meaning.Denis McManus - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (4):393-399.
    Paul Boghossian has pointed out a ’circularity problem’ for dispositionalist theories of meaning: as a result of the holistic character of belief fixation, one cannot identify someone’s meaning such and such with facts of the form S is disposed to utter P under conditions C, without C involving the semantic and intentional notions that such a theory was to explain. Alex Miller has recently suggested an ’ultra‐sophisticated dispositionalism’ (modelled on David Lewis’s well known version of functionlism) and has argued that (...)
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    Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel Racault (review).Andrew Cremer - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):168-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel RacaultAndrew CremerJean-Michel Racault, ed. Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens. Saint-Denis (La Réunion): Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques. 2020. 539 pp., illus. Paperback, €16. ISBN: (...)
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  45. Kant and the conditions of artistic beauty.Denis Dutton - 1994 - British Journal of Aesthetics 34 (3):226-239.
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    Tribal art and artifact.Denis Dutton - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (1):13-21.
    Europeans seeking to understand tribal arts face obvious problems of comprehending the histories, values, and ideas of vastly remote cultures. In this respect the issues faced in understanding tribal art (or folk art, primitive art, traditional art, third or fourth-world art — none of these designations is ideal) are not much different from those encountered in trying to comprehend the distant art of “our own” culture, for instance, the art of medieval Europe. But in the case of tribal or so-called (...)
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  47. Freud & Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation.Paul Ricoeur & Denis Savage - 1972 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):56-58.
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  48. (1 other version)Hermann Lotze and the Genesis of Husserl's early philosophy (1886-1901).Denis Fisette - forthcoming - In N. De Warren (ed.), From Lotze to Husserl: Psychology, Mathematics and Philosophy in Göttingen. Springer.
    The purpose of this study is to assess Husserl’s debt to Lotze’s philosophy during the Halle period (1886-1901). I shall first track the sources of Husserl’s knowledge of Lotze’s philosophy during his studies with Brentano in Vienna and then with Stumpf in Halle. I shall then briefly comment on Husserl’s references to Lotze in his early work and research manuscripts for the second volume of his Philosophy of Arithmetic. In the third section, I examine Lotze’s influence on Husserl’s antipsychologistic turn (...)
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    Adomnán's Life of Columba.Alan Orr and Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson - 1991 - Oxford University Press UK.
    BL With revised Latin text and English translationBL New historical notes and rewritten Introduction Columba is one of the best-known saints of the early Celtic church; through his foundation of the abbey of Iona he had a far-reaching influence on medieval Christianity. In about 700, a century after his death, the Life of Columba was written by Adomnán, ninth abbot of Iona. It has long been valued as the major primary source on the subject, for the light it throws (...)
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  50. Logicality and Invariance.Denis Bonnay - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):29-68.
    What is a logical constant? The question is addressed in the tradition of Tarski's definition of logical operations as operations which are invariant under permutation. The paper introduces a general setting in which invariance criteria for logical operations can be compared and argues for invariance under potential isomorphism as the most natural characterization of logical operations.
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