Xi Zhu [47]Xiaoqin Zhu [9]Xiongzhao Zhu [8]Xiaojin Zhu [6]
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  1. Twenty years of experimental philosophy research.Jincai Li & Xiaozhen Zhu - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (1):29-53.
    This paper reports the first study in the literature that adopts a bibliometric approach to systematically explore the scholarship in the young and fast‐growing research field of experimental philosophy. Based on a corpus of 1,248 publications in experimental philosophy from the past two decades retrieved from the PhilPapers website, the study examined the publication trend, the influential experimental philosophers, the impactful works, the popular publication venues, and the major research themes in this subarea of philosophy. It found, first, an overall (...)
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  2.  31
    The Influence of Parental Control and Parent-Child Relational Qualities on Adolescent Internet Addiction: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong.Daniel T. L. Shek, Xiaoqin Zhu & Cecilia M. S. Ma - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355298.
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  3. Action Video Game Training for Healthy Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study.Ping Wang, Han-Hui Liu, Xing-Ting Zhu, Tian Meng, Hui-Jie Li & Xi-Nian Zuo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:187309.
    Action video game (AVG) has attracted increasing attention from both the public and from researchers. More and more studies found video game training improved a variety of cognitive functions. However, it remains controversial whether healthy adults can benefit from AVG training, and whether young and older adults benefit similarly from AVG training. In the present study, we aimed to quantitatively assess the AVG training effect on the cognitive ability of adults and to compare the training effects on young and older (...)
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  4.  27
    Self-Reported Risk and Delinquent Behavior and Problem Behavioral Intention in Hong Kong Adolescents: The Role of Moral Competence and Spirituality.Daniel T. L. Shek & Xiaoqin Zhu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  5.  27
    The Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (TEPS): Measurement Invariance Across Gender in Chinese University Students.Huan Zhou, Wanting Liu, Jie Fan, Jie Xia, Jiang Zhu & Xiongzhao Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (TEPS) is a self-report instrument assessing pleasure experience. The present study aimed to confirm the factor model of the Chinese version of TEPS and test measurement invariance of the scale across gender in Chinese university students. Participants were 2977 (51% female) undergraduates aged from 16 to 27 years (Mean age = 18.9 years). Results indicated that the revised four-factor structure of the TEPS had acceptable fit in the total sample and in gender groups. Furthermore, (...)
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  6.  53
    Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection in Scalp EEG Based on Spatial-Temporal Complexity.Xinzhong Zhu, Huiying Xu, Jianmin Zhao & Jie Tian - 2017 - Complexity:1-8.
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  7.  93
    Inclusive Leadership Promotes Challenge-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through the Mediation of Work Engagement and Moderation of Organizational Innovative Atmosphere.Lu Chen, Fan Luo, Xiaomei Zhu, Xinjian Huang & Yanhong Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:560594.
    Challenge-oriented organizational citizenship behavior or the organization-improving tasks employees perform beyond their job description is important for high organizational performance, but the organizational factors influencing it are poorly understood. In this study, we explored how inclusive leadership influences employees’ challenge-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in the Chinese context, drawing on data from 558 employees in high-tech industries. Multivariate correlation analysis showed that inclusive leadership promotes employees’ challenge-oriented organizational citizenship behavior and that this influence is partly mediated by work engagement. Further, it (...)
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  8.  41
    Examining Brain Structures Associated With Emotional Intelligence and the Mediated Effect on Trait Creativity in Young Adults.Li He, Yu Mao, Jiangzhou Sun, Kaixiang Zhuang, Xingxing Zhu, Jiang Qiu & Xiaoyi Chen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  9.  36
    The Influence of Personal Well-Being on Learning Achievement in University Students Over Time: Mediating or Moderating Effects of Internal and External University Engagement.Lu Yu, Daniel T. L. Shek & Xiaoqin Zhu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  10.  82
    Effects of Gaze Fixation on the Performance of a Motor Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface.Jianjun Meng, Zehan Wu, Songwei Li & Xiangyang Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces have been studied without controlling subjects’ gaze fixation position previously. The effect of gaze fixation and covert attention on the behavioral performance of BCI is still unknown. This study designed a gaze fixation controlled experiment. Subjects were required to conduct a secondary task of gaze fixation when performing the primary task of motor imagination. Subjects’ performance was analyzed according to the relationship between motor imagery target and the gaze fixation position, resulting in three BCI control conditions, (...)
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  11.  15
    How CEO Ethical Leadership Influences Top Management Team Creativity: Evidence From China.Jinguo Zhao, Wei Sun, Shujie Zhang & Xiaohong Zhu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The creative thinking and ability of top management team members is important in coping with rapid changes in the external environment and improving the competitive advantage of an organization. This research focuses on the CEO–TMT interface to explain how CEOs influence TMT characteristics, which in turn affects TMT outcomes. Based on social learning theory, this study examines the associations among CEO ethical leadership, TMT cohesion and TMT creativity in a Chinese context using a total of 91 top management teams. To (...)
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  12.  14
    The Importance of Positive Youth Development Attributes to Life Satisfaction and Hopelessness in Mainland Chinese Adolescents.Zheng Zhou, Daniel T. L. Shek & Xiaoqin Zhu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:553313.
    In contrast to mainstream theories focusing on adolescent developmental deficits, the positive youth development (PYD) approach highlights adolescent developmental plasticity and potentials. There are rich empirical research and review studies showing that PYD attributes promote adolescent well-being. However, the existing literature shows several limitations. First, while there are many Western studies, Chinese studies are sparse, particularly studies in mainland China. Second, most PYD studies are cross-sectional studies with data collected at one single time point. Third, researchers in different Chinese contexts (...)
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  13.  44
    The Janus Face of Grandiose Narcissism in the Service Industry: Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection.Ran Li, Fan Yang & Xiji Zhu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):909-927.
    Narcissism is considered a generally undesirable trait in the workplace, but is this the whole story? In grandiose narcissism, two dimensions (narcissistic rivalry and narcissistic admiration) are recognized corresponding to self-protecting and self-enhancing regulatory processes separately. Applying the self-regulation theory and the conservation of resources theory, we investigated the distinct outcomes and influencing mechanisms of the two dimensions in an organizational context using multilevel structural equation modeling. Whereas previous literature has found narcissism to be mainly related to negative outcomes in (...)
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  14.  57
    Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Chinese version.Xiongzhao Zhu, Randy P. Auerbach, Shuqiao Yao, John R. Z. Abela, Jing Xiao & Xi Tong - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (2):288-307.
  15.  23
    Family Supportive Leadership and Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Work-Family Conflict, Moral Disengagement and Personal Life Attribution.Shan Jin, Xiji Zhu, Xiaoxia Fu & Jian Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Counterproductive work behavior is one of the most common behavioral decisions of employees in the workplace that negatively impacts the sustainable development of enterprises. Previous studies have shown that individuals make CWB decisions for different reasons. Some individuals engage in CWB due to cognitive factors, whereas others engage in CWB in response to leadership behaviors. The conservation of resources theory holds that individuals have the tendency to preserve, protect and acquire resources. When experiencing the loss of resources, individuals will show (...)
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  16.  40
    Motivational Hierarchy in the Chinese Brain: Primacy of the Individual Self, Relational Self, or Collective Self?Xiangru Zhu, Haiyan Wu, Suyong Yang & Ruolei Gu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:194476.
    According to the three-tier hierarchy of motivational potency in the self system, the self can be divided into individual self, relational self, and collective self, and individual self is at the top of the motivational hierarchy in Western culture. However, the motivational primacy of the individual self is challenged in Chinese culture, which raises the question about whether the three-tier hierarchy of motivational potency in the self system can be differentiated in the collectivist brain. The present study recorded the event-related (...)
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  17.  17
    The Influence of System Dynamics Resource Sharing on Collaborative Manufacturing Efficiency—Based on the Multiagent System and System Dynamics Method.Xiaoxia Zhu, Xu Guo, Hao Liu, Shuang Li & Xiaohong Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To improve the problems of inconvenient communication in the manufacturing industry, the ineffective use of resources, and the inability to efficiently complete manufacturing tasks, resource sharing has become an important model to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. We used multiagent modeling to construct a resource-sharing model and take Baosteel as the micro background and the manufacturing industry as the macro background. Under this model, we discovered the effect of resource sharing on the efficiency of intelligent manufacturing (...)
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  18.  72
    Can semi-supervised learning explain incorrect beliefs about categories?Charles W. Kalish, Timothy T. Rogers, Jonathan Lang & Xiaojin Zhu - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):106-118.
    Three experiments with 88 college-aged participants explored how unlabeled experiences—learning episodes in which people encounter objects without information about their category membership—influence beliefs about category structure. Participants performed a simple one-dimensional categorization task in a brief supervised learning phase, then made a large number of unsupervised categorization decisions about new items. In all three experiments, the unsupervised experience altered participants’ implicit and explicit mental category boundaries, their explicit beliefs about the most representative members of each category, and even their memory (...)
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  19.  36
    Children’s Non-symbolic and Symbolic Numerical Representations and Their Associations With Mathematical Ability.Yanjun Li, Meng Zhang, Yinghe Chen, Zhijun Deng, Xiaoshuang Zhu & Shijia Yan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  20.  5
    Utilization and professionalism toward social media among undergraduate nursing students.Xinhong Zhu, Hui Hu, Zhenfang Xiong, Taoyun Zheng, Lin Li, Liuyi Zhang & Fen Yang - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):297-310.
    Background: Social media has become an integrated part of nursing profession, requiring nursing students to develop confidentiality and professional fitness to practice. The aim of this study was to investigate nursing students’ usage, professionalism and attitudes toward social media. Methods: A cross-section study was conducted online among undergraduate nursing students (n = 654). Questionnaires of self-directed learning, self-efficacy and usage and views toward social media were administered. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval was obtained from the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. Results: (...)
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  21. Human Semi-Supervised Learning.Bryan R. Gibson, Timothy T. Rogers & Xiaojin Zhu - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):132-172.
    Most empirical work in human categorization has studied learning in either fully supervised or fully unsupervised scenarios. Most real-world learning scenarios, however, are semi-supervised: Learners receive a great deal of unlabeled information from the world, coupled with occasional experiences in which items are directly labeled by a knowledgeable source. A large body of work in machine learning has investigated how learning can exploit both labeled and unlabeled data provided to a learner. Using equivalences between models found in human categorization and (...)
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  22.  44
    Unexpected Acceptance? Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder Manifest their Social Expectancy in ERPs During Social Feedback Processing.Jianqin Cao, Ruolei Gu, Xuejing Bi, Xiangru Zhu & Haiyan Wu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  23.  21
    Attentional Blink in Pilots and Its Relationship With Flight Performance.Fengzhan Li, Quanhui Liu, Huijie Lu & Xia Zhu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24.  16
    The Positive Effect of Workplace Accommodation on Creative Performance of Employees With and Without Disabilities.Xiangyu Man, Xiji Zhu & Cong Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Aberrant Topological Patterns of Structural Cortical Networks in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction.Lu Zhao, Min Guan, Xiaobo Zhu, Sherif Karama, Budhachandra Khundrakpam, Meiyun Wang, Minghao Dong, Wei Qin, Jie Tian, Alan C. Evans & Dapeng Shi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:166843.
    Male sexual arousal (SA) has been known as a multidimensional experience involving closely interrelated and coordinated neurobehavioral components that rely on widespread brain regions. Recent functional neuroimaging studies have shown relation between abnormal/altered dynamics in these circuits and male sexual dysfunction. However, alterations in the topological1 organization of structural brain networks in male sexual dysfunction are still unclear. Here, we used graph theory2 to investigate the topological properties of large-scale structural brain networks, which were constructed using inter-regional correlations of cortical (...)
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  26.  16
    Predictive Effect of Positive Youth Development Attributes on Delinquency Among Adolescents in Mainland China.Xiaoqin Zhu & Daniel T. L. Shek - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The general proposition of the positive youth development approach is that developmental assets such as psychosocial competence can promote healthy adolescent development and reduce problem behavior. Despite that many Western studies have shown that PYD attributes are negatively related to adolescent delinquency, not all empirical findings support the negative associations. Although different dimensions of PYD attributes may bear differential relationships with delinquency, this possibility has not been properly examined so far. In addition, related studies in mainland China do not exist. (...)
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  27. A bibliometric study of the research field of experimental philosophy of language.Jincai Li & Xiaozhen Zhu - 2022 - Forum for Linguistic Studies 4 (1):18-35.
    The past eighteen years witnessed the rapid development of experimental philosophy of language. Adopting a bibliometric approach, this study examines the research trends and status quo of this burgeoning field based on a corpus of 237 publications retrieved from PhilPapers. It is observed that experimental philosophy of language has undergone three stages, the initiation stage, the development stage, and the extension stage, across which there is a clear upward trend in the annual number of publications. Michael Devitt, Edouard Machery, John (...)
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  28. Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Exhibit Deficits in Consummatory but Not Anticipatory Pleasure.Sihui Li, Yi Zhang, Jie Fan, Wanting Liu, Jun Gan, Jing He, Jinyao Yi, Changliang Tan & Xiongzhao Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  29.  34
    Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance for the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Among Women Newly Diagnosed With Breast Cancer.Lingyan Li, Shichen Li, Yuping Wang, Yanjie Yang & Xiongzhao Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30.  20
    Reciprocal Relationships Between Moral Competence and Externalizing Behavior in Junior Secondary Students: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong.Daniel T. L. Shek & Xiaoqin Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428801.
    Defining moral competence using a virtue approach, this longitudinal study examined the prospective relationships between moral competence and externalizing behavior indexed by delinquency and intention to engage in problem behavior in a large and representative sample of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Starting from the 2009–2010 academic year, Grade 7 students in 28 randomly selected secondary schools in Hong Kong were invited to join a longitudinal study, which surveyed participating students annually during the high school years. The current study used data (...)
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  31.  19
    Sensor Fault Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Neural Petri Net.Jiming Li, Xiaolin Zhu & Xuezhen Cheng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  32.  37
    Some Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Muirhead Means with Their Application to Multiattribute Group Decision-Making.Jun Wang, Runtong Zhang, Xiaomin Zhu, Yuping Xing & Borut Buchmeister - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    The proposed hesitant fuzzy linguistic set is a powerful tool for expressing fuzziness and uncertainty in multiattribute group decision-making. This paper aims to propose novel aggregation operators to fuse hesitant fuzzy linguistic information. First, we briefly recall the notion of HFLS and propose new operations for hesitant fuzzy linguistic elements. Second, considering the Muirhead mean is a useful aggregation technology that can consider the interrelationship among all aggregated arguments, we extend it to hesitant fuzzy linguistic environment and propose new hesitant (...)
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  33. Semi-supervised learning is observed in a speeded but not an unspeeded 2D categorization task.Timothy T. Rogers, Charles Kalish, Bryan R. Gibson, Joseph Harrison & Xiaojin Zhu - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
  34.  40
    Enhanced Motor Imagery-Based BCI Performance via Tactile Stimulation on Unilateral Hand.Xiaokang Shu, Lin Yao, Xinjun Sheng, Dingguo Zhang & Xiangyang Zhu - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  35.  33
    Hierarchical beam search for solving most relevant explanation in Bayesian networks.Xiaoyuan Zhu & Changhe Yuan - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 22 (C):3-13.
  36. The Predictive Role of Chinese English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Psychological Capital in Their Job Commitment and Academic Optimism.Lihua Xu & Xiaowen Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Positive psychology has received increasing attention in the field of education. Therefore, it would be of utmost importance to analyze the relationship between the constructs falling under the category of positive psychology and other constructs to pave the way for both educational authorities and teachers themselves. Reviewing the previous studies, it turned out that there have been no studies to discuss the interplay between teachers’ psychological capital and their job commitment and academic optimism particularly in the context of China. To (...)
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  37.  12
    Constructing cultural identities through new media: a multimodal appraisal analysis of Chinese web-based ink and wash cartoons.Lei Zeng & Xinyu Zhu - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (259):217-253.
    As an intercultural modern art form, web-based ink and wash cartoons are significant tools to communicate cultural identities in the Chinese context because of their entertaining form, thought-provoking content, and profound cultural connotation. Against this background, the present study investigates the multimodal appraisal systems of 96 web-based ink and wash cartoons, focusing on attitudinal meanings and explicating how the attitudinal resources contribute to the communication of Chinese cultural identities. The analysis of 96 web-based ink and wash cartoons shows that the (...)
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  38.  16
    Almost proportional allocations of indivisible chores: Computation, approximation and efficiency.Haris Aziz, Bo Li, Hervé Moulin, Xiaowei Wu & Xinran Zhu - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 331 (C):104118.
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  39. Effect of Repeated Anodal HD-tDCS on Executive Functions: Evidence From a Pilot and Single-Blinded fNIRS Study.Hongliang Lu, Yue Gong, Peng Huang, Yajuan Zhang, Zhihua Guo, Xia Zhu & Xuqun You - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Executive functions are of vital importance in the process of active cognition, which is thought to be associated with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. As a valid brain stimulation technology, high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation has been used to optimize cognitive function in healthy adults. Substantial evidence indicates that short-term or single anodal tDCS sessions over the left DLPFC will enhance the performance of executive functions. However, the changes in performance and cortical activation of executive functions after modulation by repeated anodal (...)
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    Default mode network alterations during implicit emotional faces processing in first-episode, treatment-naive major depression patients.Huqing Shi, Xiang Wang, Jinyao Yi, Xiongzhao Zhu, Xiaocui Zhang, Juan Yang & Shuqiao Yao - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  41.  35
    The functional connectivity of the basal ganglia subregions changed in mid-aged and young males with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.Xi Lan, Xuan Niu, Wei-Xian Bai, Hai-Ning Li, Xin-Yi Zhu, Wen-Jun Ma, Jian-Long Li, Wang-Huan Dun, Ming Zhang & Juan He - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1013425.
    BackgroundThe Basal ganglia (BG) played a crucial role in the brain-level mechanisms of chronic pain disorders. However, the functional changes of BG in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) are still poorly understood. This study investigated the BG subregions’ resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) in CP/CPPS patients compared with healthy controls.MethodsTwenty eight patients with CP/CPPS and 28 age- and education-matched healthy males underwent clinical measurements and 3T brain MR imaging, including T1-weighted structural images and resting-state functional imaging. The data were analyzed (...)
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  42.  34
    The altered functional connectivity density related to cognitive impairment in alcoholics.Ranran Duan, Yanfei Li, Lijun Jing, Tian Zhang, Yaobing Yao, Zhe Gong, Yingzhe Shao, Yajun Song, Weijian Wang, Yong Zhang, Jingliang Cheng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Ying Peng & Yanjie Jia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Alcohol use disorder is one of the most common substance use disorders contributing to both behavioral and cognitive impairments in patients with AUD. Recent neuroimaging studies point out that AUD is a typical disorder featured by altered functional connectivity. However, the details about how voxel-wise functional coordination remain unknown. Here, we adopted a newly proposed method named functional connectivity density to depict altered voxel-wise functional coordination in AUD. The novel functional imaging technique, FCD, provides a comprehensive analytical method for brain's (...)
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  43.  39
    Lattice dynamics study of the structural transition in IrTe2.Lei Zhang, Xiangde Zhu, Langsheng Ling, Changjin Zhang, Li Pi & Yuheng Zhang - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (5):439-446.
  44.  30
    The depoliticization of law in the news: BBC reporting on US use of extraterritorial or ‘long-arm’ law against China. Le Cheng, Xiaobin Zhu & David Machin - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (3):306-319.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we explore how a public national media outlet, the British BBC, represents an international legal case which has a highly political nature. The case is US versus Huawei/meng Wanzhou, which took place between 2018 and 2021. Accusations were that the Chinese technology company committed fraud, leading the global HSBC bank to breach US sanctions against Iran. The charges were made by the US using what is called an ‘extraterritorial law’, which, while rejected as law by governments (...)
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  45. The Delusional Hedge Algorithm as a Model of Human Learning From Diverse Opinions.Yun-Shiuan Chuang, Xiaojin Zhu & Timothy T. Rogers - 2025 - Topics in Cognitive Science 17 (1):73-87.
    Whereas cognitive models of learning often assume direct experience with both the features of an event and with a true label or outcome, much of everyday learning arises from hearing the opinions of others, without direct access to either the experience or the ground-truth outcome. We consider how people can learn which opinions to trust in such scenarios by extending the hedge algorithm: a classic solution for learning from diverse information sources. We first introduce a semi-supervised variant we call the (...)
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  46.  52
    The Temporal Dynamics of Perceiving Other’s Painful Actions.Fang Cui, Ruolei Gu, Xiangru Zhu & Yue-jia Luo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  47.  26
    The Association of Number and Space Under Different Tasks: Insight From a Process Perspective.Zhijun Deng, Yinghe Chen, Meng Zhang, Yanjun Li & Xiaoshuang Zhu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48.  22
    Mechanistic insights and implications of FOXO‐SNAI interplay.Xiaowei Guo, Chenxi Wu, Yu Pan, Xiaojie Zhu, Kai Peng, Xianjue Ma & Lei Xue - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (9):2200070.
    Autophagy promotes both health and disease, depending on tissue types and genetic contexts, yet the regulatory mechanism remain incompletely understood. Our recent publication has uncovered a coherent FOXO‐SNAI feed‐forward loop in autophagy, which is evolutionarily conserved from Drosophila to human. In addition, it's revealed that DNA binding plays a critical role in intracellular localization of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling proteins. Based on these findings, herein we further integrate mechanistic insights of FOXO‐SNAI regulatory interplay in autophagy and unravel the potential link of FOXO‐induced (...)
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  49.  25
    Factor Structure and Gender Invariance of Chinese Version State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y) in University Students.Yan Han, Jie Fan, Xiang Wang, Jie Xia, Xingze Liu, Huan Zhou, Yi Zhang & Xiongzhao Zhu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50.  7
    Wen Kong.Shi Hu & Xiao Zhu (eds.) - 2012 - Haikou Shi: Hainan chu ban she.
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