Results for ' Wittgenstein, limits of language, gesture'

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  1.  91
    The Limits of Language: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching.Paul C. L. Tang & Robert David Schwartz - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (1):9-33.
  2. (1 other version)The limits of language: Wittgenstein's later philosophy and Skinner's radical behaviorism.Alan Costall - 1980 - Behaviorism 8 (2):123-131.
  3. Wittgenstein’s Limits of Language and Normative Theories of Assertion: Some Comparisons.Leila Haaparanta - 2021 - Disputatio 10 (18).
    In his classic work on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Erik Stenius described Wittgenstein’s study as a critique of pure language, thus pointing to a connection between Wittgenstein’s philosophy and Kant’s critique of pure reason. Besides similarities, there also seems be important differences between the two philosophers. In Kant’s critique, one discerns a subject who does something, namely, constructs the world of experience, while Wittgenstein draws a picture in which neither an agent nor an act is visible. Like Kant and Wittgenstein, contemporary normative (...)
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    Wittgenstein and the Limits of Language.Hanne Appelqvist (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The limit of language is one of the most pervasive notions found in Wittgenstein's work, both in his early Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and his later writings. Moreover, the idea of a limit of language is intimately related to important scholarly debates on Wittgenstein's philosophy, such as the debate between the so-called traditional and resolute interpretations, Wittgenstein's stance on transcendental idealism, and the philosophical import of Wittgenstein's latest work On Certainty. This collection includes thirteen original essays that provide a comprehensive overview of (...)
  5.  83
    Wittgenstein on the Limits of Language.Hans Sluga - 2023 - In Jens Pier, Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    The paper interprets Wittgenstein’s famous call to silence at the end of his Tractatus – that “whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent” – as a critique of philosophy itself. Wittgenstein was concerned throughout his philosophical life with finding a way to delineate the limits of language. These limits, once we have them clearly in view, rob our attempts to put forth philosophical theories of their legitimacy. In order to give a critical assessment of this Wittgensteinian (...)
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    The Limits of Language as the Limits of the World: Cormac McCarthy’s and David Markson’s Post-Apocalyptic Novels.Paulina Ambroży - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):62-78.
    The article examines the correlation between the world and the word in two novels which engage with a post-apocalyptic scenario: David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Shifting the focus from the very event of catastrophe to the notion of survival through memory and storytelling, both novels problematize the strained relationship between language and reality in an increasingly diminished and dehumanized world. My aim is to investigate the limits of language as well as its capacity to withstand (...)
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    Encountering the Limits of Language: Wang Bi, Wittgenstein, and the Mystical.Alex T. Hitchens - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):596-617.
    Abstract:The commentaries of Wang Bi (226–249 c.e.), who coined a substantial part of the xuanxue 玄學 tradition, represent one of the most systematic attempts in early China to explore language as limited in its capabilities of expression and how language can be used to deal with issues beyond the reach of language itself. However, few studies on Wang Bi explore his philosophy of language. Therefore, the relationship between what can and cannot be expressed through language, and what lies beyond these (...)
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  8.  15
    The Limits of Language.Hans Sluga - 1989 - In Dayton Z. Phillips & Peter G. Winch, Wittgenstein. Blackwell. pp. 39–56.
    This chapter contains sections titled: How to Read the Tractatus Recognizing Metaphysics as Senseless Logic as Mirror of the World The Self, the Subject, the I Ethics.
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    Dal nonsenso al gesto: Wittgenstein e il giudizio di valore.Stefano Oliva - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:143-154.
    L’obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di esaminare le riflessioni dedicate da Wittgenstein al tema del giudizio di valore, al fine di rintracciare una linea di continuità tra le ricerche riguardanti i criteri per determinare la sensatezza degli enunciati – principale impegno del “primo” Wittgenstein – e la successiva filosofia dei giochi linguistici, presentata nelle Ricerche filosofiche. Secondo la teoria raffigurativa del linguaggio, così come viene formulata nel Tractatus logico-philosophicus, i giudizi di valore non rappresentano fatti del mondo e pertanto (...)
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  10.  63
    Ethics and the Limits of Language in Wittgenstein’s ‘Tractatus’.B. A. Worthington - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (4):481-496.
  11. On Transcending the Limits of Language.Graham Priest - 2023 - In Jens Pier, Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    The first half of this article is critical: it develops an interpretation of Kant as trying, and failing, to limit our judgments to phenomena and abstain from making claims about noumena, and an interpretation of Wittgenstein as trying, and failing, to develop a theory of meaning that abstains from attempting to say the unsayable. On the reading offered, both Kant and Wittgenstein find themselves saying things that by their own lights cannot be said: in Kant’s case, claims about noumena, and (...)
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  12. Religion Within the Limits of Language Alone: Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion, by Felicity McCutcheon. [REVIEW]Michael Scott - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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    Logic and Sin: Wittgenstein's Philosophical Education at the Limits of Language.Al Neiman - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (5):339-349.
    Unfortunately, Wittgenstein has entered the philosophical canon , an entrance that has served to reify interpretations of his work. In this essay I refer to recent books by Richard Eldridge (1997) and Phillip Shields (1998) which allow us again to see The Philosophical Investigations as something more than a stultifying relic. Specifically, these authors, by reading Wittgenstein's work not merely as text but also as performance, allow us to enact our own liberating performances of that work. To engage in such (...)
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  14. Wittgenstein and Maimonides on God and the Limits of Language.N. Verbin - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):323 - 345.
    The purpose of this paper is to bring together two thinkers that are concerned with the limits of what can be said, Wittgenstein and Maimonides, and to explore the sense of the good life and of the mystical to which their therapeutic linguistic work gives rise. I argue that despite the similarities, two different senses of the "mystical" are brought to light and two different "forms of life" are explicated and recommended. The paper has three parts. In the first (...)
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  15. Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein.Jens Pier (ed.) - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    The essays in this volume investigate the question of where, and in what sense, the bounds of intelligible thought, knowledge, and speech are to be drawn. Is there a way in which we are limited in what we think, know, and say? And if so, does this mean that we are constrained—that there is something beyond the ken of human intelligibility of which we fall short? Or is there another way to think about these limits of intelligibility—namely, as conditions (...)
  16.  14
    6. Alternative Grammars? The Limits of Language.Michael N. Forster - 2004 - In Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar. Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press. pp. 129-152.
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  17. Wittgenstein's "Private Language Argument" and the Limits of Language.Richard McDonough - forthcoming - Humanities Bulletin 1 (1).
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    Cultivating the Philosophical Imagination: Experiencing the Limits of Language with Wittgenstein, Foucault, and Habermas.Kristopher Holland & David Phelps - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:343-353.
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    The Limits of Relativism in the Late Wittgenstein.Patricia Hanna & Bernard Harrison - 2010 - In Steven D. Hales, A Companion to Relativism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 179–197.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Abstract Introduction Anti ‐ Realism and Meaning Two Types of Anti ‐ Realism What Functions Are “Language ‐ Games” Supposed to Serve? Realism and (Dummett's) Anti ‐ Realism Resisting Transcendentalism Wittgensteinian Realism References.
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  20. “‘We Can Go No Further’: Meaning, Use, and the Limits of Language”.William Child - 2019 - In Hanne Appelqvist, Wittgenstein and the Limits of Language. New York: Routledge. pp. 93-114.
    A central theme in Wittgenstein’s post-Tractatus remarks on the limits of language is that we ‘cannot use language to get outside language’. One illustration of that idea is his comment that, once we have described the procedure of teaching and learning a rule, we have ‘said everything that can be said about acting correctly according to the rule’; ‘we can go no further’. That, it is argued, is an expression of anti-reductionism about meaning and rules. A framework is presented (...)
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  21.  80
    The Unnameable: Limits of Language in Early Analytic Philosophy.Michael Price - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    It is a remarkable fact about the early history of the analytic tradition that its three most important protagonists all held, at least during significant intervals of their respective careers, that there are entities that cannot be named. This shared commitment on the part of Frege, Russell and the early Wittgenstein is the topic of this thesis. I first clarify the particular form this commitment takes in the work of these three authors. I also illustrate a distinctive cluster of philosophical (...)
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  22.  25
    Wittgenstein’s language and Beckett: The limits of language and the absurd.Marialena Avgerinou - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (2):365-376.
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  23. The Limits of Silence: Descartes, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Ordinary Language.Narve Strand - 2005 - In Nathan Smith & Jason Taylor, Descartes and Cartesianism. Cambridge Scholars Press.
  24.  21
    O brilho no rosto do outro: significado e espírito no Wittgenstein tardio / The Light on the Face of the Other: Meaning and Spirit in the Later Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - forthcoming - Salvador, Brazil: Federal University of Bahia Press.
    PORTUGUESE: A experiência conceptualizada colhe os seus critérios de dizibilidade pública no contexto da experiência sentida de pessoas, e a noção de prática marca o âmbito desses limites, em conexão tensa com a autonomia do simbolismo linguístico. Tal é a hipótese deste livro, que se junta assim a um debate sobre o sentido da objetividade. O livro articula uma leitura das Investigações filosóficas (1953) como uma expansão do espaço lógico de possibilidades de sentido ou do significado proposicional do Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (...)
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  25. Gesturing in Language: Merleau-Ponty and Mukařovský at the Phenomenological Limits of Structuralism.Jan Halák - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):415-439.
    This study aims to corroborate Merleau-Ponty’s interpretations of fundamental ideas from Saussure’s linguistics by linking them to works that were independently elaborated by Jan Mukařovský, Czech structuralist aesthetician and literary theorist. I provide a comparative analysis of the two authors’ theories of language and their interpretations of thought as fundamentally determined by language. On this basis, I investigate how they conceive linguistic innovation and its translation into changes in the constituted language and other social codes and institutions. I explain how (...)
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  26. Speaking of the given : the structure of visual space and the limits of language.Jasmin Trächtler - 2023 - In Florian Franken Figueiredo, Wittgenstein's philosophy in 1929. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  27.  29
    Language, Ethics and "The Merits of Being Involved in Meaning". Review of Maria Balaska: Wittgenstein and Lacan at the Limit: Meaning and Astonishment.Paul Livingston - 2020 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9.
    Working through Balaska’s deeply perceptive, elegantly written, and profoundly honest book, Wittgenstein and Lacan at the Limit, a reader steeped in the recent academic literature about either or both of its main figures may come to feel herself placed at what is, itself, a certain kind of limit. The limit I mean is the limit of a familiar type of theoretical discourse about the constitution and structure of language and subjectivity as Wittgenstein and Lacan treat them: it includes the discourses (...)
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  28.  75
    On "The Limits of My Language Mean the Limits of My World".T. R. Martland - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):19 - 26.
    The two insights which Wittgenstein’s assertion provides and which I wish to suggest can make a fruitful contribution toward understanding art are, first, the world of art is an imposed world, and, second, artistic activity is related intrinsically or essentially to the world it imposes. If the limits of the language which I use does mean the limits of the world which I know, that language must impose itself upon this world. If the language which I use imposes (...)
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  29.  29
    From Solipsism to the Limits of Experience: A Reflection in the Light of Wittgenstein’s TLP.Rajakishore Nath & Mamata Manjari Panda - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (1):17-36.
    In this paper, we will discuss solipsism and the limits of experience in the light of Wittgenstein’s TLP. One cannot draw the limits of experience without bringing in the notion of the experiencer. That is to say, the notion of self is very relevant to the discussion on the limits of experience. Solipsism means that ‘I’ is the only reality, and what I experience is all that I could know. We will focus on solipsism from two points (...)
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  30. The Possibility of Language: Internal Tensions in Wittgenstein's Tractatus (review).James Bogen - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (1):167-169.
    James Bogen - The Possibility of Language: Internal Tensions in Wittgenstein's Tractatus - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.1 167-169 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by James Bogen University of Pittsburgh María Cerezo. The Possibility of Language: Internal Tensions in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. CSLI Lecture Notes, 147. Stanford: CSLI, 2005. Pp. xiv + 321. Paper, $30.00. The Possibility of Language is a difficult, painstakingly detailed interpretation and evaluation of central doctrines of (...)
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  31.  61
    Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language ed. by Sebastian Sunday Grève and Jakub Mácha.Elinor Hållén - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):257-259.
    What is creativity? It is clearly something we know by seeing it manifested in a multitude of different ways and contexts. It could perhaps stand as an emblematic example of the limitations of a general explanative account. In this anthology the editors have orchestrated an exceptionally inspiring collection of essays that explore the vast examples of creative language used in Wittgenstein's philosophical practice and the creative potentiality of language overall. The anthology consists of eleven essays divided into introduction, overture, and (...)
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  32.  38
    Language, World, and Limits: Essays in the Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics.A. W. Moore - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    A.W. Moore presents eighteen of his philosophical essays, written since 1986, on representing how things are. He sketches out the nature, scope, and limits of representation through language, and pays particular attention to linguistic representation, states of knowledge, the character of what is represented, and objective facts or truths.
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  33. Morality, human understanding, and the limits of language.Benjamin R. Tilghman - 2001 - In Timothy McCarthy & Sean C. Stidd, Wittgenstein in America. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 237--249.
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    Language, Limits, and Beyond: Early Wittgenstein and Rabindranath Tagore by Priyambada Sarkar (review).Nirmalangshu Mukherji - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Language, Limits, and Beyond: Early Wittgenstein and Rabindranath Tagore by Priyambada SarkarNirmalangshu Mukherji (bio)Language, Limits, and Beyond: Early Wittgenstein and Rabindranath Tagore. By Priyambada Sarkar. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. xxiii + 182. Hardcover $68.45, ISBN 978-0-19-012397-0.This intriguing and original work may be viewed as something like a conjoined study of certain obscure issues in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and some ideas and images in (...)
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  35. Wittgenstein on mind and language.David G. Stern - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Drawing on ten years of research on the unpublished Wittgenstein papers, Stern investigates what motivated Wittgenstein's philosophical writing and casts new light on the Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations. The book is an exposition of Wittgenstein's early conception of the nature of representation and how his later revision and criticism of that work led to a radically different way of looking at mind and language. It also explains how the unpublished manuscripts and typescripts were put together and why they often provide (...)
  36.  6
    All's well that ends: Wittgenstein on language and the limits of philosophy.Robert De Gaynesford - unknown
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  37. Movement IV/Intervals. Listening in : Cavell, Krenek, Cage, Reich at the limits of musical meaning / Kevin C. Karnes and John T. Lysaker ; Cavell's odd couple : Schoenberg and Wittgenstein / Eran Guter ; Words sing : Wittgenstein, Cage, and Cavell on the poetics of language and music. [REVIEW]Gordon C. F. Bearn - 2024 - In David LaRocca, Music with Stanley Cavell in mind. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  38. Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein.Nikolay Milkov - 2019 - In Newton Da Costa & Shyam Wuppuluri, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 506-18.
    Gottlob Frege’s conception of works of art has received scant notice in the literature. This is a pity since, as this paper undertakes to reveal, his innovative philosophy of language motivated a theoretically and historically consequential, yet unaccountably marginalized Wittgenstinian line of inquiry in the domain of aesthetics. The element of Frege’s approach that most clearly inspired this development is the idea that only complete sentences articulate thoughts and that what sentences in works of drama and literary art express are (...)
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  39.  15
    Language, limits, and beyond: early Wittgenstein and Rabindranath Tagore.Priyambada Sarkar - 2021 - New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's interest in the writings of Rabindranath Tagore, is recognized among scholars worldwide though little has been written on his fascination with Tagore's poetry and symbolic plays. In Language, Limits, and Beyond, Priyambada Sarkar explores Tagore and Wittgenstein's philosophical arguments on the concept of 'threshold of language and meaning', highlighting the systematic connections between Tagore's canon and Wittgenstein's early works. Situatingher study in the early 1900s, when Tagore's poetry had just become available in Europe, Sarkar finds similarities between (...)
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  40. Where Languages End: Ludwig Wittgenstein at the Crossroads of Music, Language, and the World.Eran Guter - 2004 - Dissertation, Boston University
    Most commentators have underplayed the philosophical importance of Wittgenstein's multifarious remarks on music, which are scattered throughout his Nachlass. In this dissertation I spell out the extent and depth of Wittgenstein's engagement with certain problems that are regarded today as central to the field of the aesthetics of music, such as musical temporality, expression and understanding. By considering musical expression in its relation to aspect-perception, I argue that Wittgenstein understands music in terms of a highly evolved, vertically complex physiognomic language-game, (...)
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  41.  24
    (1 other version)Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein.Nikolay Milkov - 2019 - In A. C. Grayling, Shyam Wuppuluri, Christopher Norris, Nikolay Milkov, Oskari Kuusela, Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Beth Savickey, Jonathan Beale, Duncan Pritchard, Annalisa Coliva, Jakub Mácha, David R. Cerbone, Paul Horwich, Michael Nedo, Gregory Landini, Pascal Zambito, Yoshihiro Maruyama, Chon Tejedor, Susan G. Sterrett, Carlo Penco, Susan Edwards-Mckie, Lars Hertzberg, Edward Witherspoon, Michel ter Hark, Paul F. Snowdon, Rupert Read, Nana Last, Ilse Somavilla & Freeman Dyson, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 505-518.
    Gottlob Frege’s conception of works of art has received scant notice in the literature. This is a pity since, as this paper undertakes to reveal, his innovative philosophy of language motivated a theoretically and historically consequential, yet unaccountably marginalized Wittgenstinian line of inquiry in the domain of aesthetics. The element of Frege’s approach that most clearly inspired this development is the idea that only complete sentences articulate thoughts and that what sentences in works of drama and literary art express are (...)
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  42. Beyond the Limits of Thought.Graham Priest - 1995 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a philosophical investigation of the nature of the limits of thought. Drawing on recent developments in the field of logic, Graham Priest shows that the description of such limits leads to contradiction, and argues that these contradictions are in fact veridical. Beginning with an analysis of the way in which these limits arise in pre-Kantian philosophy, Priest goes on to illustrate how the nature of these limits was theorised by Kant and Hegel. He offers (...)
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  43.  19
    Wittgenstein and literary language.Jon Cook & Rupert Read - 2007 - In Garry Hagberg & Walter Jost, A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 465–490.
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar.Michael N. Forster - 2004 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.
    What is the nature of a conceptual scheme? Are there alternative conceptual schemes? If so, are some more justifiable or correct than others? The later Wittgenstein already addresses these fundamental philosophical questions under the general rubric of "grammar" and the question of its "arbitrariness"--and does so with great subtlety. This book explores Wittgenstein's views on these questions. Part I interprets his conception of grammar as a generalized version of Kant's transcendental idealist solution to a puzzle about necessity. It also seeks (...)
  45. Quantum indeterminacy and Wittgenstein's private language argument.Dale Jacquette - 1999 - Philosophical Explorations 2 (2):79 – 95.
    The demand for 'criteria of correctness' to identify recurring particulars in Wittgenstein's private language argument favors an idealist interpretation of quantum phenomena.The indeterminacy principle in quantum physics and the logic of the private language argument share a common concern with the limitations by which microphysical or sensation particulars can be reidentified. Wittgenstein's criteria for reidentifying particular recurrent private sensations are so general as to apply with equal force to quantum particulars, and to support the idealist thesis that quantum phenomena are (...)
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    The Limits of Heroism: Homer and the Ethics of Reading (review).Victoria Pedrick - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (2):309-312.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 127.2 (2006) 309-312 [Access article in PDF] Mark Buchan. The Limits of Heroism: Homer and the Ethics of Reading. The Body, In Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004. x + 282 pp. Cloth, $65. Buchan's introduction challenges the critical consensus on the Odyssey as both "too teleological" and "not teleological enough." The epic's partisan perspective on its hero, (...)
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    Solipsism and the Limits of Sense in the Tractatus.Jônadas Techio - 2014 - Philosophical Topics 42 (2):339-369.
    In the Preface of the Tractatus Wittgenstein presents his proposal of “drawing limits” separating sense from nonsense as a way to get rid of philosophical problems caused by “misunderstandings of the logic of our language.” Such limits, we will later discover, will be drawn by means of a method which allows one to determine whether a given projection of a strings of signs was made in accordance with the rules of logical syntax, or else violated them, thus generating (...)
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  48. "Their intention was shown by their bodily movements": The baṣran mu'tazilites on the institution of language.Sophia Vasalou - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):pp. 201-221.
    Following the initiative of Abū Hāshim al-Jubbā'ī, the Baṣran Mu'tazilites rejected the view of language, dominant till then in the Islamic milieu, according to which humanity had received it by way of divine revelation, and defended the position that language had arisen by means of a human convention. On the Baṣran understanding of this convention, the connection between words and things was effected by means of a momentous act of intention to assign a name, which was revealed to another through (...)
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein, Ordinary Language, and Poeticity.David Hommen - 2020 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy (AO):313-334.
    The later Wittgenstein famously holds that an understanding which tries to run up against the limits of language bumps itself and results in nothing but plain nonsense. Therefore, the task of philosophy cannot be to create an ‘ideal’ language so as to produce a ‘real’ understanding in the first place; its aim must be to remove particular misunderstandings by clarifying the use of our ordinary language. Accordingly, Wittgenstein opposes both the sublime terms of traditional philosophy and the formal frameworks (...)
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  50. Cosmic Pessimism.Eugene Thacker - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):66-75.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 66–75 ~*~ We’re Doomed. Pessimism is the night-side of thought, a melodrama of the futility of the brain, a poetry written in the graveyard of philosophy. Pessimism is a lyrical failure of philosophical thinking, each attempt at clear and coherent thought, sullen and submerged in the hidden joy of its own futility. The closest pessimism comes to philosophical argument is the droll and laconic “We’ll never make it,” or simply: “We’re doomed.” Every effort doomed to failure, every (...)
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