Results for ' Tertullian'

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  1. Dr. Paul Кese In der Einleitung zu der montanistischen Streitschrift de pudicitia gibt Tertullian zu daß diese von ihm mit den höchsten Lob-sprüchen bedachte Tugend bis ru einem gewissen Grade auch in der.Aristoteles bei Tertullian - 1971 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:256.
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    Introductory remarks on “apologists” and “apologies”.Tertullian Quadratus Aristides - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    Tertullian's Christian Chameleon.David Woods - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):488-493.
    It is argued that Tertullian's relatively lengthy description of a chameleon in his De pallio serves as a metaphor not so much for the convert to a philosophical way of life in general but for the convert to Christianity in particular. The argument rests on the unusual emphases within this description which recall different features of Christianity or popular beliefs about the same.
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  4. Tertullian the Unitarian.Dale Tuggy - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (3):179-199.
    Tertullian is often celebrated as an early trinitarian, or at least a near- trinitarian, proto-trinitarian, or trinitarian with unfortunate ‘subordinationist’ tendencies. In this paper I shall show that Tertullian was a unitarian, and not at all a trinitarian.
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    Tertullian on the Trinity.Bryan M. Litfin - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (1):81-98.
    Tertullian is often portrayed as a prescient figure who accurately anticipated the Nicene consensus about the Trinity. But when he is examined against the background of his immediate predecessors, he falls into place as a typical second-century Logos theologian. He drew especially from Theophilus of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons. At the same time, Tertullian did introduce some important innovations. His trinitarian language of ‘substance’ and ‘person’, rooted in Stoic metaphysics, offered the church a new way (...)
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  6. Tertullian und das Vergnügen in De Spectaculis.A. Kessler - 1994 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 41 (3):313-353.
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    Tertullian on ‘The Freedom of Religion’.Jed W. Atkins - 2020 - Polis 37 (1):145-175.
    Tertullian first coined the phrase ‘the freedom of religion’. This article considers what this entails. I argue that Tertullian’s discussion of religious liberty derives its theoretical significance from his creative repurposing of the Roman idea of liberty as non-domination. Tertullian contends that the Roman magistrates’ treatment of Christian citizens and loyal subjects amounts to tyrannical domination characterized by the absence of the traditional conditions for non-domination: the rule of law, rule in and responsive to the interests of (...)
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    Tertullian’in vafti̇z anlayişi.Nuh Yilmaz - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31):121-121.
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  9. Tertullian's paradox.Bernard Williams - 1964 - In Antony Flew (ed.), New essays in philosophical theology. New York,: Macmillan.
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    Tertullian, De anima 27,6 and Ierome, Epist. 54,10,5.Neil Adkin - 2002 - Hermes 130 (1):126-130.
  11. Tertullian, From Logos to the Trinity: The Understanding of the Trinity and the Flesh of the Resurrection in the Early Modern Culture of Thomas Browne's Religio Medici (1643).Jack Robert June Edmunds-Coopey - manuscript
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  12. Tertullian's Treatise on the Incarnation.Ernest Evans - 1956
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    Tertullian and Augustine on Titus 3, 10-11.L. J. van der Lof - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):511-525.
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  14. Tertullian on Divine Sovereignty and Free Will.David Clark - 2019 - Philosophy and Theology 31 (1-2):3-19.
    Christian thinkers in the patristic era were not reluctant to integrate classical philosophy with biblical theology as they addressed the seeming incompatibility of free will and determinism (fate). This paper compares and contrasts Tertullian and the Stoics as they explain three issues relating to freedom and fate: 1) The operation of the Logos, 2) Theological Anthropology, and 3) Teleology. While in agreement with the Stoics on several key points, Tertullian crucially departs from them as he argues it is (...)
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    Tertullian’s Use of Substantia in de Carne Christi.Petr Kitzler - 2014 - Hermes 142 (4):505-511.
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    Tertullian, De anima 4.1 and the sequence of tenses.Jarosław Jakielaszek - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (1):47-60.
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    Tertullian and the Sensus Argument.Christiaan T. Lievestro - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (2):264.
  18. The Daughters of Men and the Sons of God: The Fall of the Angels and the (Non)Veiling of the Women According to Tertullian.Marija Todorovska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):43-73.
    Тhe text outlines Tertullian’s stances on the catastrophic unification (by way ofmarriage) of the daughters of men with the sons of God from the story about the fallenangels. The offspring produced by this merger is horrifically dangerous to the humanrace on earth, and therefore, Tertullian’s aim is to prevent any sort of reactualizationof such a disastrous event. He communicates this through his positions on the primordialsinfulness of the woman, and the blame cast onto the beautiful daughters of men,who, (...)
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    Religious Freedom in Tertullian Political Thought: Sources and Coordinates for a Contemporary Rethinking.Eugen Tănăsescu & Daniel Dăneci-Pătrău - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (1):156-167.
    The article intends to argue that the roots of religious freedom in the West can be found many centuries before the time of the Reformation, namely in the writings of Christian apologists who wrote in defense of the right to practice the Christian faith in the Roman Empire, in the political context of the time, which was otherwise tolerant of the religious pluralism present in its space. Moreover, we talk about Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, known as Tertullian (160-225): "the (...)
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    Tertullian’s De idololatria and Jerome.Neil Adkin - 1993 - Augustinianum 33 (1-2):11-30.
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    Tertullian’s De spectaculis and Jerome.Neil Adkin - 2006 - Augustinianum 46 (1):89-94.
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    Tertullian. A Historical and Literary Study.Robert D. Sider & Timothy David Barnes - 1974 - American Journal of Philology 95 (3):302.
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    Tertullian und der gegenwärtige Kopftuchstreit. Eine Relektüre.Thomas Elssner - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 56 (4):317-331.
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    Tertullian de Bapt. 5.S. Eltrem - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (3-4):69-.
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  25. The Relation of Tertullian's Christology to Pagan Philosophy.Dk House - 1988 - Dionysius 12:29-36.
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    Der specielle Gottesbegriff Tertullians.Johann Stier - 1899 - Göttingen: Univ.-Buchdruckerei von E.A. Huth.
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    The Early Reception of Apuleius: An Echo in Tertullian.Luca Grillo - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):799-804.
    Apuleius tells us of his own popularity as a writer, and yet both the literary and the material records are silent about his works for almost one hundred and fifty years after his death. Various attempts to identify allusions to his works before Lactantius and other fourth-century authors have proven unconvincing. This article suggests that there is a clear allusion to theMetamorphosesin Tertullian's treatiseAduersus Valentinianos(beginning of the third century). Tertullian uses Apuleius to denigrate the Valentinians and to assimilate (...)
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  28. Aristoteles bei Tertullian?P. Keseling - 1947 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:256-257.
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    10. Zum neuen Wiener Tertullian.Eb Nestle - 1908 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 67 (1-4):477-479.
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  30. When mortals become sinners: Tertullian grappling with the Delphic maxim.Karl Olav Sandnes - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter (eds.), Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Formation of Pedobaptism in the Third century: Origen, Hippolytus of Rome, Tertullian and Cyprian.Serhii Sannikov - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:20-42.
    . In the article of Sannikov S. "Formation of Pedobaptism in the Third century: Origen, Hippolytus of Rome, Tertullian and Cyprian the texts of pre-Nicaea Church fathers are analyzed in order to present their conception of water baptism. The works of four prominent theologians of the 3rd century " are examined particularly. Based on their texts, reflecting the conception of water baptism in various regions of the Roman Empire, the process of formation of children baptism is studied in its (...)
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    Tertullian’s New Words. [REVIEW]Neil Adkin - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (01):55-.
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    Tertullian's Apology - Tertullien, Apologétique. Texte établi et traduit par J.P. Waltzing, avec la collaboration de A. Severyns. Paris: Société d'Edition‘Les Belles Lettres.’ 20 francs. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (02):82-.
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    Tertullian De Pallio- Aloïs Gerlo: Q. S. Fl. Tertullianus De Pallio. Kritische Uitgave met Vertaling en Commentaar. 2 vols. Pp. x + 108; 226. Wetteren: De Meester, 1940. Paper. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (01):26-27.
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    Loosening the Grip of Certainty: A Case-Study Critique of Tertullian, Stanley Hauerwas, and Christian Identity.Aaron D. Conley - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):21-44.
    Highlighting the importance of historical methods for Christian ethics, this essay begins with a general overview of recent trends in historiography that culminate in the ideologically attuned and textually based work of Elizabeth Clark. Clark's work provides the basis in the second part of the essay that identifies Constantinianism as a dominant master narrative in the work of Stanley Hauerwas through which he rereads Tertullian's concept of patience and undergirds his call for pacifism. The final section explores the dangers (...)
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    The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea.James Corke-Webster - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1).
    In 1967 Alan Cameron published a landmark article in this journal, ‘The fate of Pliny'sLettersin the late Empire’. Opposing the traditional thesis that the letters of Pliny the Younger were only rediscovered in the mid to late fifth century by Sidonius Apollinaris, Cameron proposed that closer attention be paid to the faint but clear traces of the letters in the third and fourth centuries. On the basis of well-observed intertextual correspondences, Cameron proposed that Pliny's letters were being read by the (...)
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    In Sachen Tertullian-Minucius Felix.Hans Diller - 1935 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 90 (1-2).
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    Tertullian: Apologeticum. [REVIEW] E. Evans - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (2):175-177.
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    Tertullian's Apology Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus. The Text of Oehler Annotated, with an Introduction, by John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge, with a Translation by Alex. Souter, B.A., Regius Professor of Humanity in the University of Aberdeen. Pp. xx + 496. Cambridge: University Press. 12s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]C. H. Evelyn-White - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (5-6):127-129.
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    5. Minucius Felix und Tertullian.Alfred Gudeman - 1927 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 82 (1-4):358-364.
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    Das Verhältnis Tertullians zur antiken Paideia.Heinrich Steiner - 1989 - St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
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    Proofs of God: classical arguments from Tertullian to Barth.Matthew Levering - 2016 - Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
    Leading theologian Matthew Levering presents a thoroughgoing critical survey of the proofs of God's existence for readers interested in traditional Christian responses to the problem of atheism. Beginning with Tertullian and ending with Karl Barth, Levering covers twenty-one theologians and philosophers from the early church to the modern period, examining how they answered the critics of their day. He also shows the relevance of the classical arguments to contemporary debates and challenges to Christianity. In addition to students, this book (...)
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    Vincenz Bulhart: Tertullian-Studien. Pp. 56. Vienna: Rohrer, 1957. Paper.E. Evans - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (01):81-.
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    Hans-Veit Friedrich : Tertullian. De exhortatione castitatis: Ermahnung zur Keuschheit. Pp. viii + 99. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1990. DM 32. [REVIEW]C. P. Bammel - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):433-433.
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    Tertullian's De Anima. [REVIEW]G. W. H. Lampe - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):123-124.
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    Soranus 4 books'sullAnima'and tertullian'de Anima'.Roberto Polito - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (3):423-468.
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    Tertullian's Treatise against Praxeas. [REVIEW]T. W. Manson - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (1):35-35.
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  48. The reception of Socrates in Tertullian.Juraj Franek - 2019 - In Christopher Moore (ed.), Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    The Conflict of Opposites in the Theology of Tertullian.Eric Osborn - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):623-639.
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    From Logos to Trinity: The Evolution of Religious Beliefs From Pythagoras to Tertullian.Marian Hillar - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a critical evaluation of the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing its development and investigating the intellectual, philosophical and theological background that shaped this influential doctrine of Christianity. Despite the centrality of Trinitarian thought to Christianity and its importance as one of the fundamental tenets that differentiates Christianity from Judaism and Islam, the doctrine is not fully formulated in the canon of Christian scriptural texts. Instead, it evolved through the conflation of selective pieces of scripture with the philosophical (...)
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