Results for ' Sociological Marxism'

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  1. Sociology—Marxism—reality.Jerzy J. Wiatr - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    For a Sociological Marxism: The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi.Michael Burawoy - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (2):193-261.
    The postcommunist age calls for a Sociological Marxism that gives pride of place to society alongside but distinct from state and economy. This Sociological Marxism can be traced to the writings of Gramsci and Polanyi. Hailing from different social worlds and following different Marxist traditions, both converged on a similar critique and transcendence of Classical Marxism. For Gramsci advanced capitalism is marked by the expansion of civil society, which, with the state, acts to stabilize class (...)
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    The Limits of Sociological Marxism?Adam David Morton - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (1):129-158.
    Within the agenda of historical-materialist theory and practice Sociological Marxism has delivered a compelling perspective on how to explore and link the analysis of civil society, the state, and the economy within an explicit focus on class exploitation, emancipation, and rich ethnography. This article situates a major analysis of state formation, the rise of the Justice and Development Party, and the growth of a broader Islamist movement in Turkey within the main current of Sociological Marxism. It (...)
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    Marxist axioms as self-contradictory Parsonian statements in sociology.Jan Ajzner - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (2):157-178.
    This paper examines the implicit foundations of several theoretical propositions characteristic of the Marxist tradition in sociology. It argues that these propositions derive from self-contradictory critical premises which are paradoxes of Action Theory. Implicit in these premises is an ideal picture of social reality quite different from the one analytically described by Parsons. I suggest that Action Theory can provide conceptual tools needed to address some specific issues characteristic of the Marxist perspective and, moreover, offers a solution to some epistemological (...)
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  5. Marxism and the Sociology of Civilizations.Anouar Abdel-Malek - 1968 - Diogenes 16 (64):91-117.
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    Sociological knowledge: Winch, marxism, and verstehen revisited.Kai Nielsen - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (4):465-491.
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    Thinking political sociology: beyond the limits of post-Marxism.Kate Nash - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (4):97-114.
    This article is concerned with post-Marxism and materialism in the work of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. As `post-Marxists' these writers use `material' in a variety of ways, all of which indicate limits and constraints. The article focuses on one version of `materialism' in this work, a version that is more implied than elaborated, in which `material' is equivalent to institutionalized performativity or sedimented discourse: to `objective' social structures and institutions. Post-Marxists often use `the social' as equivalent (...)
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  8. Marxist Sociology.T. Bottomore - 1977 - Studies in Soviet Thought 17 (1):95-99.
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    Marxist Sociology and Marxist Ideology.Maxime Rodinson - 1968 - Diogenes 16 (64):57-90.
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    Marxist Sociology.Bernard Cullen - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:282-288.
  11. The Marxist school of Sociology: What is Sociology in a Marxist sense?Oleg Mandić - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Three genres of sociology of knowledge and their Marxist origins.Tamás Demeter - 2015 - Studies in East European Thought 67 (1-2):1-11.
    In the present paper I sketch three genres of sociology of knowledge and trace their roots to Marx and Marxist literature while reconstructing two causal and one hermeneutic strand in this context. While so doing the main focus is set on György Lukács and György Márkus and their interpretation of Marx’s contribution to sociologically minded theories of knowledge. As a conclusion I point out that Marx-inspired sociologies of knowledge are more sensitive to the relation of larger-scale social and historical processes (...)
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  13. The 'Mini-Renaissance' in Marxist Educational Sociology: A critique.Robert Archer - 2001 - British Journal of Sociology of Education 22 (2):203-215.
    This paper argues that the recent 'mini-renaissance' in Marxist educational sociology as propounded in particular by Rikowski (1996, 1997) is fatally flawed, not only denying the sui generis (autonomous) properties of the educational system but also precluding practical social theorising per se . The reason for this centres on the adoption of a universal internal relations social ontology, which results in the reduction of concrete social reality to the narrow abstraction of the omnipresent 'Capital Relation'. At the same time, such (...)
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  14. Marxism versus Sociology. [REVIEW]D. A. Wilson - 1974 - Radical Philosophy 9:39.
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  15. Contemporary Marxist Sociology.Erich Hahn - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  16. Lukacs and the Marxist Critique of Sociology.Ian Craib - 1977 - Radical Philosophy 17:26.
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    Notes on Marxism and sociology in the USA.Michael Hechter - 1979 - Theory and Society 8 (3):377-386.
  18. Historical materialism and marxist-leninist sociology.K. Rychtarik - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (6):883-909.
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    On the Transit from Positivism to Marxism: «Essays of Materialist Sociology» by E. A. Engel.Д. П Мочалов & И. В Невзорова - 2022 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):181-192.
    In the context of philosophical discussions of the 1920s, the authors examine the texts of E. Engel with a view to identifying the relationship between the philosophical views of the author and his methodological principles. The paper traces both the repulsion and interpenetration of the pre-revolutionary positivist attitudes of E. A. Engel with the new Marxist methodology, within the framework of which his works of the Soviet period were written. The key points along which the participants in the controversy and (...)
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  20. Towards A Sociology Of Intellectuals: A Structural Analysis Of Gramsci's Marxist Theory.Leonardo Salamini - 2002 - In Martin James, Antonio Gramsci. New York: Routledge. pp. 63--93.
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  21. Is there a marxist sociology?Lucien Goldmann - 1972 - Radical Philosophy 1:16.
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  22. The development of marxist-leninist philosophy, sociology, and scientific communism in czechoslovakia.L. Hrzal & R. Richta - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (3):367-382.
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    Psychoanalysis and sociology: From freudo-Marxism to Freudo-feminism.John O'Neill - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer, Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 112--124.
  24. Structure of Marxist Sociology.Ljubomir Zivkovic - 1967 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 34 (3):477-506.
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    Historical materialism--the marxist sociology.Fedor Vasilʹevich Konstantinov - 1965 - [Moscow]: Novosti Press Agency Pub. House. Edited by Vladislav Zhanovich Kelle.
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    Marxism and Deconstruction: A Critical Articulation.Michael Ryan - 2019 - Baltimore: JHU Press.
    Originally published in 1982. Aside from Jacques Derrida's own references to the "possible articulation" between deconstruction and Marxism, the relationship between the two has remained largely unexplored. In Marxism and Deconstruction, Michael Ryan examines that multifaceted relationship but not through a mere comparison of two distinct and inviolable entities. Instead, he looks at both with an eye to identifying their common elements and reweaving them into a new theory of political practice. To accomplish his task, Ryan undertakes a (...)
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    Durkheimian sociology and 20th-century politics: the case of Célestin Bouglé.Joshua M. Humphreys - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (3):117-138.
    This article revises received wisdom about the Durkheimian school of sociology and its relationship to Marxism by analyzing the work of Célestin Bouglé, one of the most influential and least examined sociologists of the Durkheimian tradition. Like other better-known Durkheimians of his generation such as Marcel Mauss and Maurice Halbwachs, Bouglé engaged Durkheimian sociology with Marxian and other German traditions of social thought. In the process he also paid an important debt to the French socialists that Marx and so (...)
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    Post-marxism: A Reader.Stuart Sim - 1998
    This is the first source-book for this cross-disciplinary area. It takes students through a wide range of readings from philosophy, politics, and sociology, to human geography, international relations, and feminist studies. Bringing together statements from leading twentieth-century thinkers such as Derrida, Lyotard, Baudrillard, and Laclau and Mouffe, and with the editor's substantial introduction, this is an ideal teaching text, inspiring debate about the future of Marxism as a cultural theory.
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  29. The crisis in Marxist sociology.Norman Birnbaum - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Methodological Problems of Marxist-Leninist Sociology.Vilen N. Ivanov - 1987 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):7-24.
    Important and serious problems are posed by the party today for scholars who study society. In the new edition of the program of the CPSU, it is pointed out in particular that it is necessary to concentrate attention on "the study and comprehensive analysis of the experience amassed in creating a new society in the USSR and in other socialist countries, on the dialectics between the forces and relations of production, on the material and spiritual spheres under conditions of socialism, (...)
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    Social science and Marxist humanism beyond collectivism in Socialist Romania.Adela Hîncu - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):77-100.
    This article brings together the history of the social sciences and the history of social thought in Socialist Romania. It is concerned with the development of ideas about the social beyond collectivism, especially about the relationship between individual and society under socialism, from the early 1960s to the end of the 1970s. The analysis speaks to three major themes in the current historiography of Cold War social science. First, the article investigates the role of disciplinary specialization in the advancement of (...)
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    Sociology, Phenomenology and Marxian Analysis: A Critical Discussion of the Theory and Practice of a Science of Society.Barry Smart - 1976 - London: Routledge.
    Sociology is an established academic discipline but there has been continuing debate over its status as a science and the nature of its subject matter. This led to the emergence of a phenomenological sociology and to critiques of positivist sociology. This critical reappraisal of the relevance of Marxian analysis for a science of society shows how these developments within sociology have had their counterpart in Marxism. The author analyses the status of Marx’s work and the Marxist ‘tradition’ in sociology. (...)
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    Marxism, Religion and Ideology: Themes From David Mclellan.David Bates & Iain MacKenzie - 2015 - Routledge.
    As austerity measures are put into place the world over and global restructuring is acknowledged by all as an attempt to bolster the economic system that lead to the crash, there is a great need to come to grips with the economic, political and philosophical legacy of Marx. Of particular interest are Marx's analyses of alienation and the cycles of boom and bust thought to be integral to the functioning of capitalism. Moreover, as the Cold War drifts into the history (...)
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    Understanding Marxism: Marx Before Marxism ; 2. Classical Marxism ; 3. Hegelian Marxism ; 4. The Frankfurt School ; 5. Structural Marxism ; 6. Analytical Marxism ; 7. Critical Theory ; 8. Post-Marxism.Geoff Boucher - 2012 - Durham: Routledge.
    Marxism as an intellectual movement has been one of the most important and fertile contributions to twentieth-century thought. No social theory or political philosophy today can be taken seriously unless it enters a dialogue, not just with the legacy of Marx, but also with the innovations and questions that spring from the movement that his work sparked, Marxism. Marx provided a revolutionary set of ideas about freedom, politics and society. As social and political conditions changed and new intellectual (...)
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  35. Historical materialism and the further development of marxist-leninist sociology.J. Kohout - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (6):729-738.
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  36. Weiner, Richard R., "Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology". [REVIEW]Allan Janik - 1982 - Ethics 93:634.
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    Marxism, Ethics and Politics: The Work of Alasdair Macintyre.John Gregson - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses Alasdair MacIntyre’s engagement with Marxism from the early 1950s to the present. It begins with his early writings on Marxism and Christianity, moving through his period in the New Left and the Socialist Labour League and International Socialism in the late 1950s and 1960s. It then discusses MacIntyre’s break with Marxism by developing the brief but telling five-point critique he gives of Marxism in his 1981 volume After Virtue. Marxism, Ethics and Politics (...)
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    Confucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global Justice by Chen Weigang. [REVIEW]Wenning Mario - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):291-295.
    Confucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global Justice by Chen Weigang is part of the series “Ideas, History, and Modern China.” As the title suggests, Chen establishes a constructive encounter between Confucianism and Marxism, two schools of thought that are too rarely seated at the same table. By way of laying out a sociologically and philosophically informed framework, Chen develops a challenging and densely argued interpretation of what he aptly refers to as “peripheral liberal deformation”. Western capitalism (...)
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    Law, Marxism and the State.Zia Akhtar - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):661-685.
    The Communist Manifesto’s salient point was set out in Critics of the Gotha Program as “From Each According to Their Abilities, to Each According to Their Needs”. The demise of communism in the former Soviet Union has caused its critics to claim that ‘revolutionary’ political theory has no basis for legal or philosophical development. The contention of those who oppose radical socialism achieved by the levelling of the classes proclaim that this is an unattainable goal. They argue that a ‘withering (...)
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    How Marxism Is Analyzed: An Introduction.Robert Ware - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15:1-26.
    What has come to be called ‘analytical Marxism’ is to be celebrated when properly understood. It is a phenomenon that has engaged some of the best people in philosophy, political science, economics, sociology, and other disciplines. In the last fifteen years there has been a blossoming of anaytic studies on Marx and on Marxism in the mainstreams of academic disciplines, with the first impetus coming from philosophers who had been working in the analytic tradition. During the previous sixty (...)
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    Marxism and the Problem of Values: An Approach.V. V. Mshvenieradze - 1965 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 4 (2):50-55.
    The problem of the development of a Marxist-Leninist theory of value, and the need for a precise and rigorously scientific definition of the subject matter to be investigated, its conceptual apparatus and individual categories, and the determination of the place of these categories in the system of scientific knowledge, are matters which present themselves in connection with a number of pressing problems now engaging the attention of many Marxist philosophers. By no means of least importance in this regard is the (...)
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    Marxism versus Bourdieu on domination, consciousness and resistance: An engagement with Burawoy on Bourdieu.Will Atkinson - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 175 (1):63-80.
    Michael Burawoy’s recent book-length engagement with the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu constitutes, at root, a Marxist critique of its inability to conceive of the dominated as anything other than duped and submissive, despite this sitting uneasily with Bourdieu’s own research and political practice later in life. Burawoy wonders whether Bourdieusians will be able to recognise the limits of their master’s thought, and set about revising and extending it, in the same way as Marxists did of their own master. This article (...)
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    On the Germination and Development Logic, Unique Advantages and Bright Prospects of Contemporary Chinese System—Based on the Perspective of Marxist Sociological Theory.伟安 张 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (1):41-58.
  44. Masaryk on Marx an Abridged Edition of T.G. Masaryk. The Social Question: Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Marxism. Edited and Translated by Erazim V. Kohák.T. G. Masaryk & Erazim V. Kohák - 1972 - Bucknell University Press.
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    Law and Marxism: a general theory.Evgeniĭ Bronislavovich Pashukanis - 1978 - London: Ink Links. Edited by C. J. Arthur.
    "E. B. Pashukanis was the most significant contemporary to develop a fresh, new Marxist perspective in post-revolutionary Russia. In 1924 he wrote what is probably his most influential work, The General Theory of Law and Marxism. In the second edition, 1926, he stated that this work was not to be seen as a final product but more for ""self-clarification"" in hopes of adding ""stimulus and material for further discussion."" A third edition was printed in 1927. Pashukanis's ""commodity-exchange"" theory of (...)
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    Political Sociology: Between Civilizations and Modernities: A Multiple Modernities Perspective.Willfried Spohn - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (1):49-66.
    This article outlines a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective on political sociology. In the context of the major currents within political sociology — modernization approaches, critical and neo-Marxist as well as postmodern and global approaches — it is argued that a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective is defined by several characteristics. First, against functionalist-evolutionist modernization approaches it emphasizes the fragility, contradictions and openness as well as civilizational multiplicity of political modernity and political modernization processes. Second, against critical and neo-Marxist approaches, it insists (...)
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    Existentialism and Sociology: A Study of Jean-Paul Sartre.Ian Craib - 1976 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A study of the work of Jean-Paul Sartre and of its relevance for contemporary sociology. Dr Craib sees Sartre as a central figure in modern European thought - providing links between Husserl and Heidegger on the one hand and Marxists and Structuralists on the other. He is concerned to relate Sartre's apparently abstract and often obscure philosophical work to methodological and other research problems in sociology; in particular he uses Sartrean philsophy to criticize the very influential work of Gouldner, Goffman (...)
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    A Marxist-Humanist perspective on Stuart Hall’s communication theory.Christian Fuchs - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (6):995-1029.
    At the end of his life, Stuart Hall called for the reengagement of Cultural Studies and Marxism. This paper contributes to this task. It analyses Stuart Hall’s works on communication and the media.The goal of the paper is to read Stuart Hall in a manner that can inform the renewal of Marxist Humanism and the development of a Marxist-Humanist theory of communication. This involves reconstructing elements of Hall’s approach, criticising certain aspects of his work, and through this engagement developing (...)
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    Free to lose: an introduction to Marxist economic philosophy.John E. Roemer - 1988 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction Marxism is a set of ideas from which sprang particular approaches to economics, sociology, anthropology, political theory, literature, art, ...
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  50. Working Out Marx: Marxism and the End of the Work Society.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):21-46.
    Reading the Communist Manifesto against the contemporary background of massive unemployment, the author argues that Marx's theory of work is no longer adequate to tackle the problem of `workers without work' and suggests that it has to be reformulated in such a way that its normative intuitions and its critical impulses can be maintained. In the first part, he presents a philosophical critique of Marxism that is inspired by Jürgen Habermas and Hannah Arendt. In the second part, he presents (...)
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