Results for ' Social responsibility'

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  1.  26
    Voluntary codes of conduct for multinational corporations: Promises and challenges.Socially Responsible Investing & Barbara Krumsiek - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):583-593.
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    The Evolving Idea of Social Responsibility in Bioethics.Johanna Ahola-Launonen - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (2):204-213.
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  3. The Causal Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility.Hoje Jo & Maretno A. Harjoto - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (1):53-72.
    In this article, we examine the empirical association between corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement by investigating their causal effects. Employing a large and extensive US sample, we first find that while the lag of CSR does not affect CG variables, the lag of CG variables positively affects firms’ CSR engagement, after controlling for various firm characteristics. In addition, to examine the relative importance of stakeholder theory and agency theory regarding the associations among CSR, CG, (...)
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    Business ethics and corporate social responsibility.Jose Mario B. Maximiano - 2014 - Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil Publishing.
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  5. An empirical test of a cross-national model of corporate social responsibility.Ali M. Quazi & Dennis O'Brien - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (1):33-51.
    Most models of corporate social responsibility revolve around the controversy as to whether business is a single dimensional entity of profit maximization or a multi-dimensional entity serving greater societal interests. Furthermore, the models are mostly descriptive in nature and are based on the experiences of western countries. There has been little attempt to develop a model that accounts for corporate social responsibility in diverse environments with differing socio-cultural and market settings. In this paper an attempt has (...)
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  6. A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fresh Perspective into Theory and Practice.Dima Jamali - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):213-231.
    Stakeholder theory has gained currency in the business and society literature in recent years in light␣of its practicality from the perspective of managers and scholars. In accounting for the recent ascendancy of␣stakeholder theory, this article presents an overview of␣two traditional conceptualizations of corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) (Carroll: 1979, ‹A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance', The Academy of Management Review 4(4), 497–505 and Wood: 1991, ‹Corporate Social Performance Revisited', The Academy of Management Review 16(4), 691–717), highlighting their predominant (...)
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  7. The Impact of Board Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation.Stephen Bear, Noushi Rahman & Corinne Post - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):207 - 221.
    This article explores how the diversity of board resources and the number of women on boards affect firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings, and how, in turn, CSR influences corporate reputation. In addition, this article examines whether CSR ratings mediate the relationships among board resource diversity, gender composition, and corporate reputation. The OLS regression results using lagged data for independent and control variables were statistically significant for the gender composition hypotheses, but not for the resource diversitybased hypotheses. CSR (...)
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  8. Contextualizing Individual Competencies for Managing the Corporate Social Responsibility Adaptation Process: The Apparent Influence of the Business Case Logic.Martin Mulder, Vincent Blok, Renate Wesselink & Eghe R. Osagie - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (2):369-403.
    Companies committed to corporate social responsibility should ensure that their managers possess the appropriate competencies to effectively manage the CSR adaptation process. The literature provides insights into the individual competencies these managers need but fails to prioritize them and adequately contextualize them in a manner that makes them meaningful in practice. In this study, we contextualized the competencies within the different job roles CSR managers have in the CSR adaptation process. We interviewed 28 CSR managers, followed by a (...)
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  9. Whistleblowing and organizational social responsibility: a global assessment.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2006 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Developing research questions -- Developing the framework for an ethical assessment -- Possible legitimation of whistleblowing policies -- Screening whistleblowing policies -- Towards what legitimation of whistleblowing?
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    Is the Perception of 'Goodness' Good Enough? Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Organizational Identification.Ante Glavas & Lindsey N. Godwin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):15-27.
    Drawing on social identity theory and organizational identification theory, we develop a model of the impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees’ organizational identification. We argue that employees’ perceptions of their company’s social responsibility behaviors are more important than organizational reality in determining organizational identification. After defining perceived corporate social responsibility (PCSR), we postulate how PCSR affects organizational identification when perception and reality are aligned or misaligned. Implications for organizational practice and further (...)
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  11. Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):439-457.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility performance is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Employing a matched sample of 434 firm-year observations from the Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini database over the period 2003–2009, our logit regression results show that the higher the level of CSR performance of a firm, the lower the likelihood of tax avoidance. Our results indicate that more socially responsible firms are likely to display less tax avoidance. Finally, the results from our additional analysis show (...)
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  12. To Thine Own Self Be True? Employees’ Judgments of the Authenticity of Their Organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program.Lindsay McShane & Peggy Cunningham - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (1):81-100.
    Despite recognizing the importance of developing authentic corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, noticeably absent from the literature is consideration for how employees distinguish between authentic and inauthentic CSR programs. This is somewhat surprising given that employees are essentially the face of their organization and are largely expected to act as ambassadors for the organization’s CSR program (Collier and Esteban in Bus Ethics 16:19–33, 2007 ). The current research, by conducting depth interviews with employees, builds a better understanding of (...)
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  13. Small Business Champions for Corporate Social Responsibility.Heledd Jenkins - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (3):241-256.
    While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has traditionally been the domain of the corporate sector, recognition of the growing significance of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) sector has led to an emphasis on their social and environmental impact, illustrated by an increasing number of initiatives aimed at engaging SMEs in the CSR agenda. CSR has been well researched in large companies, but SMEs have received less attention in this area. This paper presents the findings from a (...)
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  14. The Role of Identity Salience in the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior.Longinos Marin, Salvador Ruiz & Alicia Rubio - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):65-78.
    Based on the assumption that consumers will reward firms for their support of social programs, many organizations have adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. Drawing on social identity theory, a model of influence of CSR on loyalty is developed and tested using a sample of real consumers. Results demonstrate that CSR initiatives are linked to stronger loyalty both because the consumer develops a more positive company evaluation, and because one identifies more strongly with the company. Moreover, (...)
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  15. Religion and Attitudes to Corporate Social Responsibility in a Large Cross-Country Sample.S. Brammer, Geoffrey Williams & John Zinkin - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (3):229-243.
    This paper explores the relationship between religious denomination and individual attitudes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the context of a large sample of over 17,000 individuals drawn from 20 countries. We address two general questions: do members of religious denominations have different attitudes concerning CSR than people of no denomination? And: do members of different religions have different attitudes to CSR that conform to general priors about the teachings of different religions? Our evidence suggests that, broadly, religious (...)
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    The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critique and an Indirect Path Forward.Michael L. Barnett - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (1):167-190.
    Do firms benefit from their voluntary efforts to alleviate the many problems confronting society? A vast literature establishing a “business case” for corporate social responsibility appears to find that usually they do. However, as argued herein, the business case literature has established only that firms usually benefit from responding to the demands of their primary stakeholders. The nature of the relationship between the interests of business and those of broader society, beyond a subset of powerful primary stakeholders, remains (...)
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  17.  50
    Board Characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analytic Investigation.Edeltraud M. Guenther, Thomas W. Guenther, Charl de Villiers & Jan Endrikat - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2099-2135.
    Boards of directors affect corporate strategy and decision-making through monitoring of management and resource provision. Recently, an increasing number of studies have examined the relationships between board characteristics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These studies have yielded inconsistent findings. This article therefore reports the results of a study applying meta-analytical techniques to a sample of 82 empirical studies to help clarify the relationships between board characteristics and CSR. Although prior research has tended to apply relatively simplistic models investigating (...)
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  18. Investigating the Impact of Firm Size on Small Business Social Responsibility: A Critical Review.Jan Lepoutre & Aimé Heene - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (3):257-273.
    The impact of smaller firm size on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is ambiguous. Some contend that small businesses are socially responsible by nature, while others argue that a smaller firm size imposes barriers on small firms that constrain their ability to take responsible action. This paper critically analyses recent theoretical and empirical contributions on the size–social responsibility relationship among small businesses. More specifically, it reviews the impact of firm size on four antecedents of business behaviour: issue (...)
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  19. A Responsibility to Whom? Populism and Its Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility.Christopher A. Hartwell & Timothy M. Devinney - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):300-340.
    Although populism is an ideologically fluid political vehicle, it is not one that is intrinsically anti-business. Indeed, different varieties of populist parties may encourage business activity for utilitarian ends, but with their own ideas on what businesses should be doing. This reality implies that initiatives not related to national greatness or priorities as defined by the populist leadership may be viewed as redundant. Key among such initiatives would be corporate social responsibility (CSR). In a populist environment, it is (...)
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    Corporate Board and Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance: Evidence from China.Lin Liao, Teng Lin & Yuyu Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):211-225.
    This paper investigates the association between board characteristics and the company’s corporate social responsibility assurance decision in China. By examining 2054 firm-years of Chinese listed companies with CSR reports from 2008 to 2012, we find that firms with a large board size, more female directors, and separation of CEO and chairman positions are more likely to engage in CSR assurance. Gender diversity also influences the CSR assurance provider choice. However, board independence and overseas background of the CEO do (...)
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  21. Personal characteristics in college students' evaluations of business ethics and corporate social responsibility.Peter Arlow - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):63 - 69.
    A survey of 138 college students reveals an undergraduate major has a greater influence on corporate social responsibility than business ethics. Business students are no less ethical than nonbusiness students. Females are more ethical and socially responsible than males. Age is negatively related to one's Machiavellian orientation and positively related to negative attitudes about corporate efforts at social responsibility. The results suggest a greater need to focus busines ethics instruction based on student characteristics.
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  22. A Meta-Analytic Review of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: The Moderating Effect of Contextual Factors.Shenghua Jia, Junsheng Dou & Qian Wang - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (8):1083-1121.
    The relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance has long been a central and contentious debate in the literature. However, prior empirical studies provide indefinite conclusions. The purpose of this study is to review systematically and quantify the CSR–CFP link in a meta-analytic framework. Based on 119 effect sizes from 42 studies, this study estimates that the overall effect size of the CSR–CFP relationship is positive and significant, thus endorsing the argument that CSR does enhance financial (...)
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    Social Status and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Chinese Privately Owned Firms.Yang Liu, Weiqi Dai, Mingqing Liao & Jiang Wei - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):651-672.
    In countries such as China, where Confucianism is the backbone of national culture, high-social-status entrepreneurs are inclined to engage in corporate social responsibility activities due to the perceived high stress from stakeholders and high ability of doing CSR. Based on a large-scale survey of private enterprises in China, our paper finds that Chinese entrepreneurs at private firms who have high social status are prone to engage in social responsibility efforts. In addition, high-social-status Chinese (...)
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  24. Transnational Norm-Building Networks and the Legitimacy of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards.Ulrich Mueckenberger & Sarah Jastram - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):223-239.
    In the following article, we propose an analytical framework for the analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Standards based on the paradigmatic nexus of voice and entitlement. We follow the theory of decentration and present the concept of Transnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs), which — as we argue — comprise a new nexus of voice and entitlement beyond the nation—state level. Furthermore, we apply the analytical framework to the ISO 26000 initiative and the Global Compact. We conclude the article (...)
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  25. The Nature and Management of Ethical Corporate Identity: A Commentary on Corporate Identity, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.John M. T. Balmer, Kyoko Fukukawa & Edmund R. Gray - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):7-15.
    In this paper we open up the topic of ethical corporate identity: what we believe to be a new, as well as highly salient, field of inquiry for scholarship in ethics and corporate social responsibility. Taking as our starting point Balmer’s (in Balmer and Greyser, 2002) AC2ID test model of corporate identity – a pragmatic tool of identity management – we explore the specificities of an ethical form of corporate identity. We draw key insights from conceptualizations of corporate (...)
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    Objectivity, trust and social responsibility.Kristina H. Rolin - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):513-533.
    I examine ramifications of the widespread view that scientific objectivity gives us a permission to trust scientific knowledge claims. According to a widely accepted account of trust and trustworthiness, trust in scientific knowledge claims involves both reliance on the claims and trust in scientists who present the claims, and trustworthiness depends on expertise, honesty, and social responsibility. Given this account, scientific objectivity turns out to be a hybrid concept with both an epistemic and a moral-political dimension. The epistemic (...)
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    Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility and Corporate Hypocrisy: Warmth, Motive and the Protective Value of Corporate Social Responsibility.Zhifeng Chen, Haiming Hang, Stephen Pavelin & Lynda Porter - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (4):486-524.
    ABSTRACTThis article examines how a firm’s prior record on corporate social responsibility influences individual stakeholders’ perceptions of corporate hypocrisy in the wake of a corporate social irresponsibility event. Our research extends extant corporate hypocrisy literature by highlighting the role of individual stakeholders’ inferences about a genuine CSR motive in their judgments of corporate hypocrisy. This can serve to differentiate perceived corporate hypocrisy from inconsistency that arises because of a lack of ability and/or resources. Our research further identifies (...)
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  28.  87
    Going to Haven? Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance.Burcin Col & Saurin Patel - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1033-1050.
    This study examines the endogenous relation between corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance by focusing on a common strategy of corporate tax avoidance, i.e., establishing entities in offshore tax havens. Using hand-collected data on a sample of U.S. firms, we find that firms’ CSR ratings increase substantially in the two years after they first open tax haven affiliates. We provide evidence by using the controlled foreign corporations look-through rule enacted by Congress in 2006 that facilitates offshore profit shifting. (...)
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  29. Engineering design research and social responsibility.C. Mitcham - 1997 - In Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette & Laura Westra, Technology and Values. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 261--278.
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    Editors' Overview Perspectives on Teaching Social Responsibility to Students in Science and Engineering.Henk Zandvoort, Tom Børsen, Michael Deneke & Stephanie J. Bird - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1413-1438.
    Global society is facing formidable current and future problems that threaten the prospects for justice and peace, sustainability, and the well-being of humanity both now and in the future. Many of these problems are related to science and technology and to how they function in the world. If the social responsibility of scientists and engineers implies a duty to safeguard or promote a peaceful, just and sustainable world society, then science and engineering education should empower students to fulfil (...)
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    The Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility.Scott J. Vitell, Joseph G. P. Paolillo & James L. Thomas - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (1):63-86.
    This study examined the effect of various antecedent variables on marketers’ perceptions of the role of ethics and socialresponsibility in the overall success of the firm. Variables examined included Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (i.e., power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and Confucian dynamism), as well as corporate ethical values and enforcement ofan ethics code. Additionally, individual variables such as ethical idealism and relativism were included. Results indicated that most ofthese variables impacted marketers’ perceptions of the importance of ethics and social (...)
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  32.  65
    How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Influence Word of Mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the Airline Industry.Tam Thien Vo, Xinning Xiao & Shuk Ying Ho - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):525-542.
    Our study examines how a company’s engagement in corporate social responsibility influences word of mouth about the company on Twitter, particularly during a service delay. We use the airline industry as the study context. On the popular social medium Twitter, people post tweets about airline services and raise concerns about service delays when flights are delayed, canceled, or diverted. Drawing on the literature on legitimacy and the halo effect, we argue that a company’s CSR engagement enhances its (...)
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  33. Scientific freedom and social responsibility.Heather Douglas - 2021 - In Péter Hartl & Adam Tamas Tuboly, Science, Freedom, Democracy. New York, Egyesült Államok: Routledge.
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  34. On the Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility: International Evidence on the Financial Industry.Hsiang-Lin Chih, Hsiang-Hsuan Chih & Tzu-Yin Chen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):115-135.
    This article sets out to undertake a thorough, point-by-point examination of the theory postulated by Campbell (2007), in which an attempt is made to specify the conditions under which corporations may or may not act in socially responsible ways. In order to ensure the overall reliability of our study, and to attempt to provide a new understanding of, and greater insights into, whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) is affected by financial and institutional variables, we empirically investigate a total (...)
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  35. Cross-Sector Alliance Learning and Effectiveness of Voluntary Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility.Jane E. Salk - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):211-234.
    Firms and industries increasingly subscribe to voluntary codes of conduct. These self-regulatory governance systems can be effective in establishing a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. However, these codes can also be largely symbolic, reactive measures to quell public criticism. Cross-sector alliances (between for-profit and nonprofit actors) present a learning platform for infusing participants with greater incentives to be socially responsible. They can provide multinationals new capabilities that allow them to more closely ally social responsibility with economic performance. (...)
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    Business Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility.Yuan Yuan, Louise Yi Lu, Gaoliang Tian & Yangxin Yu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):359-377.
    This study examines the relation between a firm’s business strategy and its corporate social responsibility performance. Using a comprehensive measure of business strategy based on the Miles and Snow theoretical framework, we find that firms following an innovation-oriented strategy are associated with better CSR performance than those following an efficiency-oriented strategy. Specifically, compared with defenders, prospectors engage in more socially responsible activities, fewer socially irresponsible activities, and perform better in both stakeholder- and third-party-related CSR areas. Taken together, our (...)
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    Individual Personality Factors That Affect Normative Beliefs About the Rightness of Corporate Social Responsibility.Peter Mudrack - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):33-62.
    What types of persons are likely to believe in a narrow view of corporate social responsibility—that is, that managers should seek only to maximize profits in the interests of shareholders? Prior research suggested that such persons seemed likely to defer unquestioningly to organizational authority and thus to approve of unethical activities performed for organizational benefit. This article examined additional implications of such deferential tendencies among high social traditionalism scorers. In three samples of employed respondents ( N = (...)
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    Rethinking corporate social responsibility under contemporary capitalism: Five ways to reinvent CSR.Rebecca Chunghee Kim - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):346-362.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 346-362, April 2022.
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    Cross-Sector Alliance Learning and Effectiveness of Voluntary Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility.Bindu Arya & Jane E. Salk - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):211-234.
    Firms and industries increasingly subscribe to voluntary codes of conduct. These self-regulatory governance systems can be effective in establishing a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. However, these codes can also be largely symbolic, reactive measures to quell public criticism. Cross-sector alliances (between for-profit and nonprofit actors) present a learning platform for infusing participants with greater incentives to be socially responsible. They can provide multinationals new capabilities that allow them to more closely ally social responsibility with economic performance. (...)
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  40. Consumer Perceptions of the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility.Andrea J. S. Stanaland, May O. Lwin & Patrick E. Murphy - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):47-55.
    Perceptions of a firm’s stance on corporate social responsibility (CSR) are influenced by its corporate marketing efforts including branding, reputation building, and communications. The current research examines CSR from the consumer’s perspective, focusing on antecedents and consequences of perceived CSR. The findings strongly support the fact that particular cues, namely perceived financial performance and perceived quality of ethics statements, influence perceived CSR which in turn impacts perceptions of corporate reputation, consumer trust, and loyalty. Both consumer trust and loyalty (...)
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  41. Indigenous Characteristics of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Paradigm.Shangkun Xu & Rudai Yang - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):321-333.
    The purpose of this study is to identify China’s indigenous conceptual dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to increase the knowledge and comprehension about CSR in specific context. We conducted an inductive analysis of CSR in China based on an open-ended survey of 630 CEOs and business owners in 12 provinces (municipalities) in China. In the survey, we collected CSR sample responses. After examining the qualitative data, we identified nine dimensions of CSR, among which six dimensions are (...)
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  42. A Study of Management Perceptions of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organisational Performance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Dubai.Belaid Rettab, Anis Ben Brik & Kamel Mellahi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):371-390.
    Although a number of studies have shown that corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities often lead to greater organisational performance in western developed economies, researchers are yet to examine the strategic value of CSR in emerging economies. Using survey data from 280 firms operating in Dubai, this study examines the link between CSR activities and organisational performance. The results show that CSR has a positive relationship with all three measures of organisational performance: financial performance, employee commitment, and corporate reputation. (...)
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    Comparing Virtue, Consequentialist, and Deontological Ethics-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: Mitigating Microfinance Risk in Institutional Voids.Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):487-512.
    Due to the nature of lending practices and support services offered to the poor in developing countries, portfolio risk is a growing concern for the microfinance industry. Though previous research highlights the importance of risk for microfinance organizations, not much is known about how microfinance organizations can mitigate risks incurred from providing loans to the poor in developing countries. Further, though many microfinance organizations practice corporate social responsibility to help create economic and social wealth in developing countries, (...)
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    (1 other version)Realism or idealism? Corporate social responsibility and the employee stakeholder in the global fast-food industry.Tony Royle - 2005 - Business Ethics: A European Review 14 (1):42-55.
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    The moderating effect of environmental munificence and dynamism on the relationship between discretionary social responsibility and firm performance.Irene Goll & Abdul A. Rasheed - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (1):41-54.
    This study examines the relationships between a company''s emphasis on discretionary social responsibility, environment, and firm performance. It tests the proposition that environmental munificence and dynamism moderate the relationship between discretionary social responsibility and financial performance. Social responsibility was measured with a three-item scale in a sample of 62 firms using a questionnaire. Environmental munificence and dynamism were measured using archival sources as was financial performance (return on assets and return on sales). The results (...)
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  46. Determinants of Managerial Values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China.Liangrong Zu & Lina Song - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):105 - 117.
    This article empirically investigates how Chinese executives and managers perceive and interpret corporate social responsibility (CSR), to what extent firms' productive characteristics influence managers' attitudes towards their CSR rating, and whether their values in favour of CSR are positively correlated to firms' economic performance. Although a large proportion of respondents express a favourable view of CSR and a willingness to participate in socially responsible activities, we find that the true nature of their assertion is linked to entrepreneurs' instincts (...)
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  47. Vocabularies of Motive for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Emergence of the Business Case in Germany, 1970–2014.Nora Lohmeyer & Gregory Jackson - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2):231-270.
    The business case constitutes an important instrumental motive for corporate social responsibility (CSR), but its relationship with other moral and relational motives remains controversial. In this article, we examine the articulation of motives for CSR among different stakeholders in Germany historically. On the basis of reports of German business associations, state agencies, unions, and nongovernmental organizations from 1970 to 2014, we show how the business case came to be a dominant motive for CSR by acting as a coalition (...)
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    Which firms opt for corporate social responsibility assurance? A machine learning prediction.Ephraim Kwashie Thompson & Samuel Buertey - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):599-611.
    On the background of voluntary assurances made by corporations in line with the assertions in their corporate social responsibility disclosures, we investigate which types of firms will obtain an independent certification of their corporate social responsibility disclosures. The study is based on firms listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) from 2015 to 2019. Deviating from traditional regression approaches, we employ machine learning techniques and show that machine learning techniques obtain superior performance compared to traditional logistic (...)
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    Social Issues in Management as a Distinct Field: Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1334-1357.
    This article focuses on the question of whether Social Issues in Management (SIM) is a “field” and, if so, what kind, emphasizing specifically the recent literature on corporate social responsibility and performance (CSR/csp). Fields are defined in part by coherent bodies of knowledge that serve as guideposts for current research, and so the authors construct a simple model of CSR/csp scholarship, illustrating the relevant categories with representative publications. The authors conclude that SIM is a “low-paradigm” field but (...)
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    Being Responsible: How Managers Aim to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility.Anne Galander, Simon Oertel & Michael Hunoldt - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1441-1482.
    Focusing on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation process, we analyze how institutional complexity that arises from tensions between social and environmental elements and economic and technical concerns is managed by CSR managers. We further question how these micro-level processes interact with organizational-level processes over time. Our research is a 24-month qualitative process study in which we followed CSR managers. The study’s results allow us to distinguish between four strategies that CSR managers use to promote CSR implementation (...)
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