Results for ' Religion, Libéralisme, Laïcité, Tolérance'

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  1.  13
    Quelques doutes sur la possibilité d’un libéralisme non sécularisé.Jean Fabien Spitz - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    Taking into account the fact that, in trying to define secularism, the question of the border separating state and religon is intractable, Cecile Laborde proposes to bypass this difficulty by defining only what the liberal state must abstain from when it justifies the constraints it imposes : ideas which are inaccessible, and representations which are exclusive, discriminatory or referring to conceptions of the good life. So, if ideas and representations are free from those caracteristics, they may – whther they are (...)
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    Droits collectifs, libéralisme et tolérance.Soumaya Mestiri - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 92 (4):753-771.
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    From Toleration to Laïcité.Gerhardt Stenger - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (2):145-161.
    This paper traces the history of the philosophical and political justification of religious tolerance from the late 17th century to modern times. In the Anglo-Saxon world, John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) gave birth to the doctrine of the separation of Church and State and to what is now called secularization. In France, Pierre Bayle refuted, in his Philosophical Commentary (1685), the justification of intolerance taken from Saint Augustine. Following him, Voltaire campaigned for tolerance following the Calas affair (1763), and (...)
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  4. Religion, Faith and Toleration.Aloyse Raymond Ndiaye - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (4):17-27.
    The religious intolerance that nowadays feeds a number of current conflicts leads us to rethink our modern conception of toleration, which emerged from the theological and philosophical debates accompanying or thrown up by the doctrinal controversies and politico-religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries. It is defined by respect for distinct orders: that of conscience and that of the law, private and public, faith and reason. It bears the mark of religion and theology and relates to the idea of (...)
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    (1 other version)Religion, foi et tolérance.Aloyse-Raymond Ndiaye - 2009 - Diogène 4:21-34.
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    Religion, foi et tolérance.Aloyse Raymond Ndiaye - 2008 - Diogène 224 (4):21.
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    Against moralized secularism.Sebastián Rudas - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):37-59.
    SEBASTIÁN RUDAS | : Moralized secularism is the view that “secularism” is defined in relation to certain moral values. Jocelyn Maclure and Charles Taylor’s “liberal pluralism” is an influential version of moralized secularism, for it states that freedom of conscience and equal respect are the fundamental moral values of secularism. I present the objection that secularism is a redundant category because it carries no distinctive normative content that cannot be found in the more general, and less divisive, terminology of liberalism (...)
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    La nation pluraliste : Repenser la diversité religieuse au Québec.Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp & Michel Seymour - 2018 - Montréal, QC, Canada: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Depuis 2006, le Québec débat âprement des règles gouvernant la laïcité de ses institutions et se trouve confronté à deux modèles apparemment irréconciliables : le républicanisme « jacobin » et le libéralisme individualiste, issus respectivement de la France et du Canada. En s’inspirant de la pensée du philosophe politique John Rawls, les auteurs proposent ici d’explorer une voie médiane mieux adap­tée à l’expérience québécoise. Dans ses travaux tardifs, Rawls met en avant une forme de libéralisme républicain affranchi de l’indi­vidualisme normatif (...)
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    Intolerant Religion in a Tolerant-Liberal Democracy by Yossi Nehushtan: Portland: Hart Publishing, 2015.Alex H. Chung - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (4):523-525.
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    Bruno Demers, Mathieu Lavigne, dir., Religions et laïcité. Pour un nécessaire dialogue. Anjou, Fides, 2014, 240 p.Bruno Demers, Mathieu Lavigne, dir., Religions et laïcité. Pour un nécessaire dialogue. Anjou, Fides, 2014, 240 p. [REVIEW]Jean-François Lapierre - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):334-336.
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    François de La Noue, les Guerres de religion et la tolérance religieuse.Ian R. Morrison - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (1):71-84.
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    Penser le sécularisme.Talal Asad & Mohamed Amer Meziane - 2015 - Multitudes 59 (2):69-82.
    Ce texte, écrit à la suite des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, tente de redéfinir les notions de laïcité et de sécularisme en marge des grands récits de sécularisation. La modernité laïque n’est ni la simple séparation du politique et du religieux, ni ce qui reste lorsque la religion décline ou s’efface. Dès lors que le concept de « religion » renvoie lui-même à une construction historique qui diffère selon les espaces politiques, l’on doit affirmer que la modernité laïque est (...)
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  13. Le libéralisme politique et le pluralisme des conceptions du juste. Jusqu'où peut aller la tolérance politique ?Frédéric Côté-Boudreau - 2013 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 8 (2):4-27.
    Cet article explore les conséquences pour le libéralisme politique de considérer l’existence d’un pluralisme raisonnable au sujet des différentes conceptions du juste. Comment une conception publique de la justice peut se développer malgré un désaccord raisonnable et profond sur les termes mêmes de cette justice ? En comparant le libertarisme, la justice comme équité et l’égalitarisme strict, il sera montré que les concepts fondamentaux de ces conceptions du juste sont essentiellement contestés. En guise de solution, deux conditions seront suggérées afin (...)
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    Laïcité éclairée et laïcité aveugle : la tolérance, entre fraternité et indifférence.Philippe Larralde - 2017 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 67 (4):9-26.
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  15. Laïcité in reverse: Mono-religious democracies and the issue of religion in the public sphere.Nadia Urbinati - 2010 - Constellations 17 (1):4-21.
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    Beyond Tolerance: Schleiermacher on Friendship, Sociability, and Lived Religion.Matthew Ryan Robinson & Kevin Vander Schel (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Boston.
    The rise of populism and nationalism in the West have raised concerns about the fragility of liberal political values, chief among them tolerance. But what alternative social resources exist for cultivating the interpersonal relationships and mutual goodwill necessary for sustainable peace? And how might the lived practices of religious communities carry potential to reinterpret or re-circuit these interpersonal tensions and transform the relationship with the cultural "other" (Fremde) from "foe" (Feind) to "friend" (Freund)? This volume contributes a unique analysis of (...)
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  17. Why Tolerate Religion?Brian Leiter - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Christopher L. Eisgruber, Princeton University "This is a provocative and bracing essay, one that is bound to stimulate much discussion.
  18. Tolerance versus freedom of religion: the importance of amoral arguments in the history of tolerance.Patrick Loobuyck - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (4):358-376.
    In this contribution we examine the various amoral types of reasoning that have long predominated in the history of tolerance. In doing this we also hope to show that these amoral notions of tolerance are always far removed from, and in conflict with, the idea of freedom of religion as a moral and political right. In conclusion we show that when the liberal notion of freedom as a personal and moral right predominates, then the notion of tolerance loses some of (...)
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    Monotheism and Tolerance: Recovering a Religion of Reason.Robert Erlewine - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Why are religious tolerance and pluralism so difficult to achieve? Why is the often violent fundamentalist backlash against them so potent? Robert Erlewine looks to a new religion of reason for answers to these questions. Drawing on Enlightenment writers Moses Mendelssohn, Immanuel Kant, and Hermann Cohen, who placed Christianity and Judaism in tension with tolerance and pluralism, Erlewine finds a way to break the impasse, soften hostilities, and establish equal relationships with the Other. Erlewine’s recovery of a religion of reason (...)
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    Religion, toleration, and religious liberty in republican empire.Clifford Ando - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (6):743-755.
    ABSTRACTThe essay considers the nature and extent of toleration extended by Roman authorities to the religious pluralism of the empire. Roman legal instruments and works of law and political theory identify religion not as a concern of individuals but communities, and above all of juridically-constituted communities. As a related matter, classical and Christian Latin employs the language of political belonging, most notably that of republican citizenship, as its dominant apparatus for discussing religious affiliation. These related conceptual apparatus placed considerable limits (...)
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    La religion du libéralisme. Débats avec Cécile Laborde.François Boucher & Ophélie Desmons - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    Cécile Laborde, philosophe française établie au Royaume-Uni, est déjà l'auteure d'une œuvre fournie et essentielle. Elle s'est, dans un premier temps, inscrite au sein de la philosophie républicaine, en publiant notamment Français, encore un effort pour être républicains! (2010), ouvrage en français adapté d'un livre précédemment publié en anglais, Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy (2008). En partant des controverses liées à la loi de 2004 interdisant le...
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    Laïcité et sécularisation aux pays-bas et en Belgique ou la fin de la pilarisation de la société civile: Partis politiques, religion, sécularisation, pays-bas, Belgique.André Mommen - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (2):115-136.
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    Religion in a Secular State and State Religion in Practice: Assessing Religious Influence, Tolerance, and National Stability in Nigeria and Malaysia.Chuwunenye Clifford Njoku & Hamidin Abd Hamid - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):203-235.
    Some recent state formations are offshoots of religious societies where the elite clothed the state with religious apparel. Diverse communities and their beliefs compel many modern nations to adopt a secular state ideology in order to avoid religious domination of time. Constitutionally, Islam is the official religion in Malaysia, while the state has maintained peaceful co-existence among its religious groups with an emphasis on religious tolerance and improved wealth distribution. Conversely, Nigeria, constitutionally a secular state with shared populations of mainly (...)
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  24. Toleration, Religion and Accommodation.Peter Jones - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):542-563.
    Issues of religious toleration might be thought dead and advocacy of religious toleration a pointless exercise in preaching to the converted, at least in most contemporary European societies. This paper challenges that view. It does so principally by focusing on issues of religious accommodation as these arise in contemporary multi-faith societies. Drawing on the cases of exemption, Article 9 of the ECHR, and law governing indirect religious discrimination, it argues that issues and instances of accommodation are issues and instances of (...)
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    Religion naturelle, droit naturel et tolérance dans la « Profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard ».Gabriella Silvestrini - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (1):31-54.
    S’interrogeant sur le statut de la profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard, cet article veut mettre en lumière l’articulation entre religion naturelle, droit naturel et droit politique qui se trouve à la base du « système » de Rousseau. Cette articulation permet également de montrer que cette doctrine de la tolérance ne lie pas la tolérance théologique universelle à l’égard des croyances individuelles à l’idée d’un culte national uniforme au niveau politique, à savoir un seul modèle de religion (...)
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  26. Religion, 'Religion', and Tolerance.Joshua C. Thurow - 2013 - In Steve Clark Russell Powell & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation. Oxford University Press. pp. 146-162.
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    Correction to: Laïcité Unveiled: A Case Study in Human Rights, Religion, and Culture in France.Melanie Adrian - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (2):251-251.
    A Correction to this paper has been published:
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    La Religion dans le Domaine de la Tolérance.Marco M. Olivetti - 2000 - Philosophica 66 (2).
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    Reply to Five Critics of Why Tolerate Religion?Brian Leiter - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (3):547-558.
    This is my contribution to a symposium on my book Why Tolerate Religion?, in which I respond to essays by François Boucher and Cécile Laborde, Frederick Schauer, Corey Brettschneider, and Peter Jones. I clarify and revise my view of the sense in which some religious beliefs are “insulated from reasons and evidence” in response to the criticisms of Boucher and Laborde, but take issue with other aspects of their critique. I defend most of my original argument against utilitarian and egalitarian (...)
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    Rousseau and "L'Infame": Religion, Toleration, and Fanaticism in the Age of Enlightenment.Ourida Mostefai & John T. Scott - 2009 - Rodopi.
    Ecrasez l'infâme! Voltaire's rallying cry against fanaticism resonates with new force today. Nothing suggests the complex legacy of the Enlightenment more than the struggle of superstition, prejudice, and intolerance advocated by most of the Enlightenment philosophers, regardless of their ideological differences. The aim of this book is to undertake a reconsideration of the controversies surrounding the questions of religion, toleration, and fanaticism in the eighteenth century through an examination of Rousseau's dialogue with Voltaire. What come to light from this confrontation (...)
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  31. State, religion and toleration.Jørgen Huggler - 2009 - In Barend Christoffel Labuschagne & Ari Marcelo Solon (eds.), Religion and State - from separation to cooperation?: legal-philosophical reflections for a de-secularized world (IVR Cracow Special Workshop). [Baden-Baden]: Nomos.
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    Science demands explanation, religion tolerates mystery.Emily G. Liquin, S. Emlen Metz & Tania Lombrozo - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104398.
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    La laïcité répressive.Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc & Laëtitia Boqui-Queni - 2015 - Multitudes 59 (2):104-113.
    Cet article interroge les conditions du renversement actuel des principes libéraux et anti-discriminatoires de la laïcité en leur application répressive : un « méta-laïcisme », au sens où l’on a pu parler d’un métaracisme, avec lequel il a partie liée. Plutôt que dans les instrumentalisations tactiques hétéroclites faites du discours de la laïcité – qui sont une dimension du problème plutôt que son explication –, on interroge ce renversement à partir des conditions historico-politiques d’une constitution matérielle laïque, du développement inégal (...)
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    Reflections on reason, religion, and tolerance: engaging with Fethullah Gülen's ideas.Klas Grinell - 2015 - New York: Blue Dome.
    This is an attempt to reflect on Islam as it appears in the context of Fethullah Gulen's teachings, an influential Turkish-Muslim scholar who inspired a movement of education and interfaith dialogue. Grinell's extensive study of Islam and of Gulen allows him to pinpoint a unique expression of values and beliefs that could alter the typical understanding of Islam and Muslims in the West. He draws upon his previous studies of the Gulen Movement and comparatively places Gulen in a wider context (...)
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    La laïcité est-elle intolérante?Gourbin Gilles - 2016 - le Portique. Revue de Philosophie Et de Sciences Humaines 37.
    Tolérance et laïcité sont des notions sans cesse convoquées dans le débat public. Sans grand souci de leur genèse, de leur histoire, de leur complexité théorique ou de la plurivocité de leur signification, ces notions sont, le plus souvent, soit confondues l’une avec l’autre, soit opposées de manière antinomique. La mécompréhension conceptuelle a resurgi, il y a peu, sous la forme d’une polémique sous-tendue d’arrière-pensées politiques : la laïcité elle-même serait devenue, dit-on, le masque de l’exclusion intolérante des confessions (...)
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    La laïcité suppose-t-elle une théologie politique?Jean-Yves Pranchère - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 111 (4):531-546.
    Certains contre-révolutionnaires ont combattu la laïcité comme une contre-religion à laquelle il fallait opposer une théologie politique de l’autorité. Cette position impossible signale une tension réelle : dès la « religion laïque » de Renouvier et Buisson, la laïcité a été exposée à la tentation de sa propre sacralisation. Une réflexion théologico-politique pourrait servir ici à appuyer l’effort laïque pour échapper à toute « religion civile ».
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    Religion, tolerance and national development: The Nigerian experience.F. Etim - 2006 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (1).
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    Intergroup tolerance leads to subjective morality, which in turn is associated with (but does not lead to) reduced religiosity.Onurcan Yilmaz, Hasan G. Bahçekapili, Mehmet Harma & Barış Sevi - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (2):232-243.
    Although the effect of religious belief on morally relevant behavior is well demonstrated, the reverse influence is less known. In this research, we examined the influence of morality on religious belief. In the first study, we used two samples from Turkey and the United States, and specifically tested the hypothesis that intergroup tolerance predicts a shift in meta-ethical views toward subjective morality, which in turn predicts decreased religious belief. To examine the relationship between intergroup tolerance and religiosity via subjective morality, (...)
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    Why Tolerate Religion?Samuel C. Rickless - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (2):238-241.
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    Florence Rochefort (dir.), Le pouvoir du genre. Laïcités et religions 1905-2005.Denis Pelletier - 2010 - Clio 31:13-13.
    Lors des débats qui ont accompagné en 2005 la commémoration du centenaire de la loi de séparation des Églises et de l’État, la question du genre a occupé une place particulière. Quelques années auparavant, une partie des polémiques sur le foulard islamique s’était cristallisée autour de l’obligation faite à la République d’œuvrer en faveur de l’égalité des sexes au nom de la laïcité. Il en est allé de même des combats pour l’homoparentalité ou la reconnaissance des identités sexuelles minorit...
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    Indigenous African Religions (IARs) and the Relational Value of Tolerance: Addressing the evil of violent conflicts in Africa.Jonathan O. Chimakonam - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 11 (1):97-114.
    This essay argues that the inherent value of Indigenous African Religions, which ensures that the belief in different gods does not eclipse the fact of common humanity might be of importance to contemporary Africa plagued by ceaseless conflicts. The IAR ideology contrasts, for example, with that of Christianity which views the Christian God as the one true God and regards those who worship a different God as pagans and gentiles. It also contrasts with the ideology of Islam, which views Allah (...)
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  42. Why Tolerate Religion?By Brian Leiter.Philip Devine - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):595-597.
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    Konsep Liberalisme Politik John Rawls sebagai Jawaban terhadap Tantangan Masyarakat Plural dan Kritik atasnya.Otto Gusti Ndegong Madung - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (2):218-237.
    This article aims to explore critically John Rawls’ concept of political liberalism which is meant to be a response to the conflict and contestation of ideologies, religions, and other comprehensive doctrines in contemporary plural society. The key question is how the universalized principles of justice can be formulated in the conditionof radical pluralism characterized by contestation of different comprehensive doctrines. In answering this question, John Rawls suggests the concept of overlapping consensus and public reason. While taking accountof the fundamental contribution (...)
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  44. The Jewish religion: tolerance and the possibility of pluralism.A. Sagi - 1995 - Iyyun 44:175-200.
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    Why tolerate religion?Brian Leiter princeton: Princeton university press, 2013; 192 pp; $24.95. [REVIEW]George Williamson - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (2):397-400.
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    Communauté politique et laïcité.Christophe Miqueu - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:57-73.
    Si la laïcité est un terme qui plaît au débat public ordinaire depuis près de cent cinquante ans, elle n’est pas pour autant devenue un des grands concepts de la philosophie morale et politique, à la différence par exemple d’autres notions comme celles de justice, de devoir ou de tolérance. Or s’il est bien un concept qui structure spécifiquement la communauté politique républicaine française depuis près d’un siècle et demi, c’est celui de laïcité. Au point que la définition la (...)
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  47. Laïcité: Ousting Some Religious Elements while Introducing Others.Jasper Doomen - 2022 - Democracy and Security 19 (3):274-290.
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    Les signes religieux, la laïcité et la mentalité médiévale : du débat public sur la Charte des valeurs.Arash Abizadeh - 2016 - In Alain-G. Gagnon & Jean-Charles St-Louis (eds.), Les Conditions du dialogue au Québec : Laïcité, réciprocité, pluralisme. Québec Amérique. pp. 29-41.
    Our public debate over secularism has suffered from a kind of amnesia about the historical genesis of the modern, secular, and tolerant state. The transition away from the highly intolerant and persecutory regimes of late-medieval and early-modern Europe was greatly facilitated by four important developments. First, Europeans learned that social order and cohesion are threatened less by diversity than by intolerance of diversity. Second, the traditionally paternalist vision of the state’s role was called into question by a new valuation of (...)
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    Religious Tolerance as the Basic Component of Inter-Religious Dialogue.Marina V. Vorobjova - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):19-26.
    The problem of religious tolerance is of supreme importance in the contemporary world. Just as, a few centuries ago, many wars were provoked by religious motifs, so today clashes on religious grounds provoke military conflicts that have long overgrown the walls of churches and mosques and keep growing in spite of the sacred traditions of the religions themselves. Orientation to love fails to work, and the ìneighborî becomes an enemy if he does not confess the same religion. Where shall we (...)
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    Arguing for Freedom of Religion.Paul Guyer - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (4):365-394.
    My title is “Arguing for Freedom of Religion,” not for “Toleration,” because I follow the eighteenth-century writer Christoph Martin Wieland in taking “toleration" to connote a gift or indulgence from a majority to a minority, whereas true freedom of religion would put everybody on the same plane to believe and practice religion as they see fit, or not at all. I consider three historically distinct ways of arguing for freedom of religion: from a premise held by one religion that requires (...)
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