Results for ' Prohairesis'

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  1.  8
    La « prohairesis » chez Épictète :décision, volonté, ou « personne morale »?Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):93-134.
    The notion of prohairesis is one of the key notions of Epictetus’ Stoicism. While this notion was of minor importance in ancient Stoicism, being a kind of impulse consis­ting of a « choice before a choice » and was rarely associated with a broader meaning (to the noteworthy exception of Diogenes of Seleucia), Epictetus borrowed from Aristotelian philosophy a notion of prohairesis as a preferential choice strictly bound to the notion of eph’ hemin (« what depends on us (...)
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    Aristotle on Prohairesis.Liu Wei - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (2):50-74.
    Prohairesis plays a central role in Aristotle's moral psychology. It is prohairesis that determines an action to be rational, that provides the proximate efficient or moving cause of rational action, and that better reveals one's character than the action itself. This paper will discuss Aristotle's shifted emphases when speaking of prohairesis in different ethical treatises; Aristotle's pursuit of the nature of prohairesis and his special argumentative strategy in dealing with prohairesis; the structure, i.e., the desiderative (...)
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    Prohairesis and a Stoic-Inspired Feminist Autonomy.Emily McGill - 2022 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 9 (1):83-104.
    The idea that the ancient Stoics are feminists is relatively common. Even those critical of this position acknowledge that certain features of Stoicism render the philosophical program appropriate for a feminist reimagining. Yet less attention has been paid to developing a positive theory of Stoic feminism. I begin this task by outlining Stoic insights for a feminist conception of personal autonomy. I argue that, present in the Stoic doctrine of prohairesis, we find a dual conception of personal autonomy according (...)
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  4. The usage and the development of the term prohairesis from Aristotle to Maximus the Confessor.Aleksandar Djakovac - 2015 - Theoria 58 (3):69-86.
    The term prohairesis has a long history; its usage is crucial for the development and understanding of basic ethical and anthropological assumptions in ancient Hellenic philosophy. In this article the author analyses the most important moments for the semantic transformation of this term, with particular reference to the implications of its usage in Byzantine theological and philosophical heritage, with the ultimate expression in work of St Maximus the Confessor and his christological synthesis. The equation between the terms prohairesis (...)
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    A brief account of Epictetus prohairesis on human dignity.Janyne Sattler - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:113-119.
    Fazendo parte de uma pesquisa mais abrangente e mais ambiciosa sobre a possibilidade de uma releitura do conceito wittgensteiniano de ‘sujeito da vontade’ a partir do complexo conceito de ‘prohairesis’ em Epiteto, o presente trabalho visa proceder a uma análise preliminar de ‘pessoa moral’ e de ‘dignidade humana’ tal como dados por algumas das observações dos Discursos. Para além de uma leitura do próprio Epiteto, nos serviremos igualmente dos paralelos traçados por Dragona- -Monachou entre o filósofo estoico e Wittgenstein (...)
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    Philosophy of Desire 3: Aristotle and Prohairesis.Leonardo Ramos-Umaña - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 39:38-73.
    RESUMEN Una de las tesis fundamentales de la ética aristotélica es que la virtud y, por tanto, la felicidad, dependen de nosotros mismos. Para explicar esto, Aristóteles desarrolla una teoría de la voluntariedad, en donde el concepto protagonista es el deproaíresis. Sin embargo, cuando el Estagirita intenta explicar la acción humana (aunque no menos el movimiento animal) a través del llamado "silogismo práctico" omite decirnos, de modo claro y distinto, qué rol juega allí la proaíresis, una oscuridad reprochable dada la (...)
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  7. The Sense of Self in Epictetus: Prohairesis and Prosopon.Robert Francis Dobbin - 1989 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    The thesis concerns the sense of self in Epictetus, with special reference to two key terms in his philosophy: prohairesis and prosopon. ;The first chapter explores the range of meaning behind the word prohairesis as Epictetus employs it. I begin by reviewing the background of the word, particularly in Aristotle. A discussion of the problem of free will and determinism in Stoic ethics follows, with reference to prohairesis in Epictetus. The implications of equating prohairesis with "the (...)
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    Philosopher, choisir sa vie. Du mythe d’Er à la prohairesis d’Épictète.Marion Bourbon - 2022 - Méthexis 34 (1):91-108.
    This paper aims to shed light on Plato’s myth of Er contribution to the emergence of a conception of choice as a principle of identity. Our hypothesis is that this myth brings out what is a real choice and that only philosophy enable us to make it. Philosophy as a way of life is that according to it our choice of life become a free choice and a principle of identity — because this first choice determines all the others in (...)
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    La sophistique, une manière de vivre?Michel Narcy - 2008 - Philosophie Antique 8:115-155.
    Le point de départ de cet article est la question de savoir quel con­tenu donner à la prohairesis tou biou qui distingue, selon Aristote (Metaph. Γ, 2, 1004b24-25), la philosophie de la sophistique. Après avoir montré qu’il s’agit du stéréotype conjuguant la définition platonicienne du sophiste comme fabricant de simulacres et la pratique censée être propre aux sophistes, de faire payer leurs leçons, on se demande si, pourquoi et à quelles conditions la pratique et l’ensei­gnement de la philosophie par (...)
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  10. Vice and reason.Terence Irwin - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (1):73-97.
    Aristotle''s account of vice presents a puzzle: (1) Viciouspeople must be guided by reason, since they act on decision(prohairesis), not on their non-rational desires. (2) And yet theycannot be guided by reason, since they are said to pay attention totheir non-rational part and not to live in accordance with reason. Wecan understand the conception of vice the reconciles these two claims,once we examine Aristotle''s account of (a) the pursuit of the fine andof the expedient; (b) the connexion between vice (...)
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  11. The Life-world as Moral World: Vindicating the Life-world en route to a Phenomenology of the Virtues.Mark W. Brown - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6:1-25.
    Clarifying the essential experiential structures at work in our everyday moral engagements promises both (1) to provide a perspicacious self-understanding, and (2) to significantly contribute to theoretical and practical matters of moral philosophy. Since the phenomenological enterprise is concerned with revealing the a priori structures of experience in general, it is then well positioned to discern the essential structures of moral experience specifically. Phenomenology can therefore significantly contribute to matters pertaining to moral philosophy. In this paper I would like to (...)
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  12. Choice and Virtue in the Nicomachean Ethics.Alfred R. Mele - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (4):405-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Choice and Virtue in the Nicomachean Ethics ALFRED R. MELE COM~rNTATORS ON THr Nicomachean Ethics (NE) have long been laboring under the influence of a serious misunderstanding of one of the key terms in Aristotle's moral philosophy and theory of action. This term is prohairesis (choice), the importance of which is indicated by Aristotle's assertions that choice is the proximate efficient cause of action (NE 6. 1139a31--32) (...)
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  13.  36
    Why is Deliberation Necessary for Choice?Duane Long - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (2):195-217.
    In the ethical texts, Aristotle claims that all instances of choice (prohairesis) must be preceded by deliberation, but it is not clear why he believes this. This paper offers an explanation of that commitment, drawing heavily from the De Anima and showing that the account emerging from there complements that of the ethical texts. The view is that the deliberative faculty has the capacity to manipulate reasons combinatorially, while the perceptual/desiderative faculty does not, and choice requires the combinatorial manipulation (...)
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  14. Aristotelian influences in gassendi's moral philosophy.Veronica Gventsadze - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):223-242.
    The accepted view that Gassendi's ethics is a Christianized form of Epicureanism is incomplete: there is extensive and direct influence of Aristotle's works on the key concepts of Gassendi's ethics, while Epicurean ethics is itself largely informed by Aristotle's views. In the first part of this paper, the notion of freedom as choice informed by rational judgment is examined, and the foundation of Gassendi's intellectualist view of freedom is established in Aristotle's notion of prohairesis. In the second part, the (...)
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    Virtues and Parts of the Soul.Sarah Broadie - 1991 - In Ethics with Aristotle. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Discusses the virtue of character: the definition of it in terms of prohairesis and the orthos logos; in what sense it is a mean; how it involves conformity of desire to reason; how it develops in the soul; and how the conditions of upbringing explain why justice is a human virtue.
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    Neoplatonic Political Subjectivity?Tim Riggs - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 18 (2):152-177.
    I argue that in his commentary on Epictetus’ Encheiridion, Simplicius derives a method by which his students can enter into the process of self-constitution, which is only achieved through completion of the study of Plato’s dialogues. The result of following the method is the attainment of a perspective consonant with the level of political virtue, which I call ‘political subjectivity’. This is a speculative interpretation of the effect the student would. experience in following the method, accomplished through analyses of Simplicius’ (...)
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  17. Delimiting a Self by God in Epictetus.Jula Wildberger - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke & Greg Woolf (eds.), Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 23-45.
    Epictetus' thought is defined by an antithesis of mine and not-mine, which is an antithesis of externals and self. From this arise a number of questions for Epictetus‘ theology, which are addressed in this paper: How is the self delimited from God, given that God is all-pervading? Is God inside or outside the self? In which way is God the cause, creator and shaper of the self? And how does human agency and self-shaping through prohairesis spell out within this (...)
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  18. "The Psychology of Compassion: A Reading of City of God 9.5".Sarah Byers - 2012 - In James Wetzel (ed.), Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide. Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-148.
    Writing to the young emperor Nero, Seneca elaborates a sophisticated distinction between compassion and mercy for use in forensic contexts, agreeing with earlier Stoics that compassion is a vice, but adding that there is a virtue called mercy or 'clemency.' This Stoic repudiation of compassion has won the attention of Nussbaum, who argues that it was motivated by a respect for persons as dignified agents, and was of a piece with the Stoics' cosmopolitanism. This chapter engages Nussbaum's presentation of the (...)
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  19. The question of the Freedom of Will in Epictetus.Marina Christodoulou - 2009 - Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh
    Stoic philosophers had to face the accusation of incoherence, self-contradiction and Paradoxes since ancient times. Plutarch in his Moralia writes against them; Cicero devotes a separate work on stoic paradoxes. Even in contemporary Literature there are still discussions on the possibility of such an incoherence and existence of paradoxes in the stoic theory. At first glance, stoic Cosmology gives the impression to both accept a kind of Determinism, and at the same time it undoubtedly argues for the moral agent’s freedom (...)
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    Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula Gottlieb (review).Corinne Gartner - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):703-705.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Paula GottliebCorinne GartnerPaula Gottlieb. Aristotle on Thought and Feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 173. Hardback, $99.99.Paula Gottlieb's recent book is an illuminating, synoptic study of Aristotle's theory of human motivation, according to which his innovative notion of prohairesis (choice)—specifically, the virtuous agent's prohairesis—is the cornerstone. She argues against both Kantian-flavored readings, which prioritize reason's role in motivating ethical (...)
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  21. Discovering will:From Aristotle to Augustine.Charles H. Kahn - 1988 - In John M. Dillon & A. A. Long (eds.), The Question of "Eclecticism": Studies in Later Greek Philosophy. University of California Press. pp. 235-260.
  22. Choice and Moral Responsibility in Nichomachean Ethics III 1–5.Susanne Bobzien - 2014 - In Ronald M. Polansky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 81-109.
    ABSTRACT: This paper serves two purposes: (i) it can be used by students as an introduction to chapters 1-5 of book iii of the NE; (ii) it suggests an answer to the unresolved question what overall objective this section of the NE has. The paper focuses primarily on Aristotle’s theory of what makes us responsible for our actions and character. After some preliminary observations about praise, blame and responsibility (Section 2), it sets out in detail how all the key notions (...)
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  23. Aristotle on the Structure of Akratic Action.Elena Giovanna Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (3):229-256.
    _ Source: _Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 229 - 256 I argue that, for Aristotle, akratic actions are against one’s general commitment to act in accordance with one’s correct conception of one’s ends overall. Only some akratic actions are also against one’s correct decision to perform a particular action. This thesis explains Aristotle’s views on impetuous _akrasia_, weak _akrasia_, stubborn opinionated action and inverse _akrasia_. In addition, it sheds light on Aristotle’s account of practical rationality. Rational actions are coherent primarily (...)
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  24.  8
    A Study on the Concept of Stoic-style Spiritual Discipline : Focused on the Dichotomy of Control. 이기흥 - 2024 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 107:79-110.
    고대 그리스와 로마 시대를 풍미했던 스토아 사상이 오늘날 심리치료, 상담이론, 행복 론, 윤리론, 사회이론, 인성교육, 자기 계발 등 여러 방면에서 활용되고 있다. 필자도 이런 흐름에 발맞추어 ‘스토아식 영혼 훈련법’이라는 마음공부 개념을 이 글에서 제시한다. 이 글은 필자가 스토아 영혼 훈련법의 개념을 파악하기 위한 차원에서 필자 스스로 개발한 작업 가설의 일종에다가 스토아 사상가, 특히 에픽테토스와 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스의 사상 의 일면들을 실어서 스토아 스타일의 영혼 훈련법 개념을 제시하는 시도다. 즉 필자가 스토아 영혼 훈련법을 체계적으로 파악하기 위해서 설정한 청사진의 일종을 그 기초적 수준 (...)
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  25.  25
    How to Be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life. Epictetus - 2018 - Princeton University Press.
    A superb new edition of Epictetus’s famed handbook on Stoicism—translated by one of the world’s leading authorities on Stoic philosophy Born a slave, the Roman Stoic philosopher Epictetus taught that mental freedom is supreme, since it can liberate one anywhere, even in a prison. In How to Be Free, A. A. Long—one of the world’s leading authorities on Stoicism and a pioneer in its remarkable contemporary revival—provides a superb new edition of Epictetus’s celebrated guide to the Stoic philosophy of life (...)
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    A. A. Long, Epictetus : a Stoic and Socratic guide to life (review).William Stephens - 2002 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
    Up to now scholars have not approached E[pictetus] as author, stylist, educator, and thinker, according to the eminent scholar of Stoicism Tony L[ong]. The aim of this book is to fill precisely this gap. L wants "to provide an accessible guide to reading E, both as a remarkable historical figure and as a thinker whose recipe for a free and satisfying life can engage our modern selves, in spite of our cultural distance from him" (2). This goal is met admirably. (...)
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