Results for ' Professional identification'

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  1. Organizational Justice, Professional Identification, Empathy, and Meaningful Work During COVID-19 Pandemic: Are They Burnout Protectors in Physicians and Nurses?Isabel Correia & Andreia E. Almeida - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Burnout has been recognized as a serious health problem. In Portugal, before COVID-19 Pandemic, there were strong indicators of high prevalence of burnout in physicians and nurses. However, the Portuguese Health Care Service was able to efficiently respond to the increased demands. This study intends to understand how psychosocial variables might have been protective factors for burnout in physicians and nurses in Portugal. Specifically, we considered several psychosocial variables that have been found to be protective factors for burnout in previous (...)
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    Organizational and Professional Identification in Audit Firms: An Affective Approach.Alice Garcia-Falières & Olivier Herrbach - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):753-763.
    The literature has long noted the ethical challenges related to auditors’ dual affiliations with both a profession and an organization that practices the profession. The notion of organizational/professional conflict, in particular, was introduced to capture the potential problems involved in this situation, such as when an auditor engages in behaviors aimed at pleasing the client rather than safeguarding the public interest. However, inconsistent findings leave open the debate about how auditors manage their dual affiliation and question the underlying mechanisms (...)
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    Discipline Identification in Chemistry and Physics.Erwin N. Hiebert - 1996 - Science in Context 9 (2):93-119.
    The ArgumentDuring the nineteenth century, physicists and chemists, using different linguistic modes of expression, sought to describe the world for different purposes; thus, both disciplines gradually were nudged toward demarcation and self-image identification. In the course of doing so the rich complexity of the empire of chemistry was born. The essential challenge was closely connected with analysis, synthesis, and chemical process: learning the art ofwatchingsubstances change andmakingsubstances change. Pursued in theory-poor and phenomenology-rich contexts chemistry nevertheless made itself intellectually, professionally, (...)
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    Professionelles Sehen. Sichtungspraktiken im Tanzsport / Professional Seeing. Talent Identification Practices in Dance.Alexandra Janetzko - 2015 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 12 (2):105-132.
    Zusammenfassung Zur Beurteilung von Talent empfiehlt die sportwissenschaftliche Forschung in der Regel standardi­sierte Messverfahren und Testbatterien. Dieser Zugang impliziert, dass Talent etwas objektiv Über­prüfbares sei. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine davon abweichende Perspektive auf Talent und Sichtungsverfahren eingenommen. In einer praxeografischen Untersuchung wird das professionelle Sichten von Trainer_innen als kulturelle Praxis beobachtet, die einer praxisgeschulten Sehfertigkeit bedarf. Die gemeinsam sichtenden Trainer_innen werden als ‚Denkkollektiv‘ begriffen, deren ‚Seh­kompetenz‘ sich erst in spezifischen ‚sozio-materiellen Arrangements‘ entfaltet. Eine praxeografi­sche Analyse der genauen Seh- und (...)
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    Healthcare professionals' perspectives on environmental sustainability.Jillian L. Dunphy - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):414-425.
    Background: Human health is dependent upon environmental sustainability. Many have argued that environmental sustainability advocacy and environmentally responsible healthcare practice are imperative healthcare actions. Research questions: What are the key obstacles to healthcare professionals supporting environmental sustainability? How may these obstacles be overcome? Research design: Data-driven thematic qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews identified common and pertinent themes, and differences between specific healthcare disciplines. Participants: A total of 64 healthcare professionals and academics from all states and territories of Australia, and multiple (...)
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    Core professional nursing values of baccalaureate nursing students who are men.Bonnie J. Schmidt - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):674-684.
    Background: The perceptions of core professional nursing values of men in baccalaureate nursing programs are poorly understood. Objective: The study purpose was to understand and interpret the meaning of core professional nursing values to male baccalaureate nursing students. Research design and context: One-to-one interviews were conducted with male nursing students from a public university in the Midwest, following interpretive phenomenology. Ethical considerations: Measures to protect participants included obtaining Institutional Review Board approval, obtaining signed informed consent, and maintaining confidentiality. (...)
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    Roma pupils' identification with school in Slovenia and Serbia: case studies.Sunčica Macura-Milovanović, Milanka Munda & Mojca Peček - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):483-502.
    The research presented in this paper aims to challenge the belief held by some education professionals that Roma pupils do not value education. The research sample included groups of Roma pupils from two countries (Slovenia and Serbia) and from different socio-economic backgrounds. The results suggest that the majority of the pupils are aware of the importance of education. However, there are significant differences in their sense of identification with school. Roma pupils from families whose socio-economic background is comparable to (...)
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  8. The Identification and Categorization of Auditors’ Virtues.Theresa Libby & Linda Thorne - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):479-498.
    In this paper, we develop a typology of auditors’ virtues through in-depth interviews with nine exemplars of the audit community.We compare this typology with prescribed auditors’ virtues as represented in the applicable Code of Professional Conduct. Ourcomparison shows that the Code places a primary emphasis on mandatory virtues including the virtues of “independent,” “objective,”and “principled.” While the non-mandatory virtues, which involve “going beyond the minimum” and “putting the public interest foremost,” were identified by our exemplars as essential to the (...)
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    Methodological strategies for the identification and synthesis of ‘evidence’ to support decision‐making in relation to complex healthcare systems and practices.Angus Forbes & Peter Griffiths - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):141-155.
    Methodological strategies for the identification and synthesis of ‘evidence’ to support decision‐making in relation to complex healthcare systems and practices This paper addresses the limitations of current methods supporting ‘evidence‐based health‐care’ in relation to complex aspects of care, including those questions that are best supported by descriptive or non‐empirical evidence. The paper identifies some new methods, which may be useful in aiding the synthesis of data in these areas. The methods detailed are broadly divided into those that facilitate the (...)
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  10.  58
    Identification of shareholder ethics and responsibilities in online reverse auctions for construction projects.Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu & James H. Gill - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):283-288.
    The increasing number of companies providing internet services and auction tools helped popularize the online reverse auction trend for purchasing commodities and services in the last decade. As a result, a number of owners, both public and private, accepted the online reverse auctions as the bidding technique for their construction projects. Owners, while trying to minimize their costs for construction projects, are also required to address their ethical responsibilities to the shareholders. In the case of online reverse auctions for construction (...)
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    Identification and Alienation in the Anthropocene.Sigurd Hverven - 2022 - Environmental Ethics 44 (4):331-346.
    This article examines the concepts of alienation and identification in the context of the Anthropocene. It is a common claim in environmental thinking that alienation from nature drives ecological destruction and that a part of the cure for such an unhealthy relationship to nature is to recover a sense of identification with nature. The article challenges this view, by arguing that in the Anthropocene identification with nature may not be solely good, alienation from nature may not be (...)
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    Education as Resistance in Literary Criticism and Journalism: Between Professionalization and Democratization of Literature.Nathalia Jabur - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):148-161.
    Professionalization and political engagement are usually placed as incompatible in the case of journalism and the mainstream press, resulting in an identification of cultural resistance exclusively with alternative/amateur vehicles. I will use the concept of journalistic field as introduced by Pierre Bourdieu to review these assumptions and to discuss a form of political resistance that acts in one’s own area of knowledge, is not overtly political and whose effects are not immediately accountable for.Drawing examples from my research on two (...)
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    The significance of ethics reflection groups in mental health care: a focus group study among health care professionals.Marit Helene Hem, Bert Molewijk, Elisabeth Gjerberg, Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):54.
    Professionals within the mental health services face many ethical dilemmas and challenging situations regarding the use of coercion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance of participating in systematic ethics reflection groups focusing on ethical challenges related to coercion. In 2013 and 2014, 20 focus group interviews with 127 participants were conducted. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The analysis is inspired by the concept of ‘bricolage’ which means our approach was inductive. Most participants report (...)
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  14. Compassion and professional care: exploring the domain.Margreet Van Der Cingel - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (2):124-136.
    Compassion unites people during times of suffering and distress. Unfortunately, compassion cannot take away suffering. Why then, is compassion important for people who suffer? Nurses work in a domain where human suffering is evidently present. In order to give meaning to compassion in the domain of professional care, it is necessary to describe what compassion is. The purpose of this paper is to explore questions and contradictions in the debate on compassion related to nursing care. The paper reviews classical (...)
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  15.  32
    Ethical Reasoning in Action: Validity Evidence for the Ethical Reasoning Identification Test.Kristen Smith, Keston Fulcher & Elizabeth Hawk Sanchez - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):417-436.
    Professionals in business and law, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, consumers, and higher education practitioners value ethical reasoning skills. Because of this, we concentrated campus-wide reaccreditation efforts to help students actively engage in ER. In doing so, we re-conceptualized the ER process, implemented campus-wide ER interventions designed to be experienced by all undergraduate students, and created the ethical reasoning identification test to measure students’ ability to engage in a foundational step in the ER process. Using factor analysis, we demonstrated internal (...)
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    Nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perceptions of professional values: A comparative study.Mostafa Bijani, Banafsheh Tehranineshat & Camellia Torabizadeh - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):870-883.
    Background: In order to prove their commitment to the nursing profession, nurses need to base their professional activities on certain acknowledged values. Although a large number of studies have addressed professional values in nursing, only a few studies are available on the identification and comparison of nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ understanding of such values. Objective: The study aims to compare nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perception of nursing professional values. Research design: In this (...)
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  17. Communities of Quantum Technologies: Stakeholder Identification, Legitimation, and Interaction.Steven Umbrello, Zeki Seskir & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2024 - International Journal of Quantum Information 22 (07):2450012.
    This paper focuses on stakeholder identification as per the value sensitive design (VSD) approach applied to the context of quantum technologies (QT). We provide two comprehensive lists of stakeholders as starting points for VSD researchers and practitioners. These lists encompass a diverse range of organizations, including private companies, government agencies, NGOs, partnerships, and professional/trade organizations. Our aim is to facilitate the recognition, legitimation, and understanding of stakeholder interactions in the development of QT. These stakeholder lists can serve as (...)
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  18. Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee–Company Identification.Hae-Ryong Kim, Moonkyu Lee, Hyoung-Tark Lee & Na-Min Kim - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):557-569.
    This study proposes two identification cuing factors to understand how corporate social responsibility relates to employees’ identification with their firm. The results reveal that a firm’s CSR initiatives increase employee–company identification. E–C identification, in turn, influences employees’ commitment to their company. However, CSR associations do not directly influence employees’ identification with a firm, but rather influence their identification through perceived external prestige. Compared to CSR associations, CSR participation has a direct influence on E–C (...). On the basis of these findings, it is argued that CSR performance can be an effective way for companies to maintain a positive relationship with their employees. (shrink)
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    Negotiating Public and Professional Interests: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Debate Concerning the Regulation of Midwifery in Ontario, Canada. [REVIEW]Philippa Spoel & Susan James - 2006 - Journal of Medical Humanities 27 (3):167-186.
    This article investigates the uneasy process of integrating midwifery’s alternative, women-centered model of childbirth care within the medically-dominated healthcare system in Canada. It analyses the impure processes of rhetorical identification and differentiation that characterized the debate about how to regulate midwifery in Ontario by examining a selection of submissions from diverse health care groups with vested interest in the debate’s outcome. In divergent ways, these groups strategically appeal to the value of the “public interest” in order to advance (...) concerns. The study considers the implications of this rhetorical process for re-defining midwifery’s distinctive professional identity in relation to other health professions, to the state, and to the women for whom midwives care. Likewise, it suggests the relevance of rhetorical analysis for understanding the discursive formation and re-formation of health models, values, and professions in Western culture. (shrink)
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    Two Lighthouses to Navigate: Effects of Ideal and Counter-Ideal Values on Follower Identification and Satisfaction with Their Leaders.Niels Quaquebeke, Rudolf Kerschreiter, Alice Buxton & Rolf Dick - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):293-305.
    Ideals (or ideal values) help people to navigate in social life. They indicate at a very fundamental level what people are concerned about, what they strive for, and what they want to be affiliated with. Transferring this to a leader–follower analysis, our first study (n = 306) confirms that followers’ identification and satisfaction with their leaders are stronger, the more leaders match followers’ ideal leader values. Study 2 (n = 244) extends the perspective by introducing the novel concept of (...)
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    Spiritual Culture and National Self-Identification as Major Factors in Overcoming Crisis in Russia.Olga Afanasyeva - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:233-241.
    Liberal-Democratic changes in the Russian Society have brought a number of acute problems threatening national security and leading to converting Russia into a peripheral socio-cultural system («national self-identification crisis»). Scientific research shows that the main indicator of the said crisis is not only the critical economic differentiation of people into the «poor» and «rich» Russia (with the different ways of life, needs, mentality) but also spiritual degradation, spread of aggressive – depressive syndrome (growth of hatred, feeling of injustice, loss (...)
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    The ASBH code of ethics and the limits of professional healthcare ethics consultations.Abraham Schwab - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (8):504-509.
    From the beginning, a code of ethics for bioethicists has been conceived of as part of a movement to professionalise the field. In advocating for such a code, Baker repeatedly identifies ‘having a code of ethics’ with ‘professionalization’. The American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) echoes this view in their code of ethics for healthcare ethics consultants (HCECs)1 and the subsequent publication in the American Journal of Bioethics.2 Taking for granted that a code of ethics could be a valuable (...)
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    Two Lighthouses to Navigate: Effects of Ideal and Counter-Ideal Values on Follower Identification and Satisfaction with Their Leaders.Niels van Quaquebeke, Rudolf Kerschreiter, Alice E. Buxton & Rolf van Dick - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):293 - 305.
    Ideals (or ideal values) help people to navigate in social life. They indicate at a very fundamental level what people are concerned about, what they strive for, and what they want to be affiliated with. Transferring this to a leader-follower analysis, our first study (n = 306) confirms that followers' identification and satisfaction with their leaders are stronger, the more leaders match followers' ideal leader values. Study 2 (n = 244) extends the perspective by introducing the novel concept of (...)
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    A vignette study to examine health care professionals' attitudes towards patient involvement in error prevention.David L. B. Schwappach, Olga Frank & Rachel E. Davis - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):840-848.
    Background Various authorities recommend the participation of patients in promoting patient safety, but little is known about health care professionals' (HCPs') attitudes towards patients' involvement in safety-related behaviours. Objective To investigate how HCPs evaluate patients' behaviours and HCP responses to patient involvement in the behaviour, relative to different aspects of the patient, the involved HCP and the potential error. Design Cross-sectional fractional factorial survey with seven factors embedded in two error scenarios (missed hand hygiene, medication error). Each survey included two (...)
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    L’insertion professionnelle d’enseignants novices : identification des facteurs dans leurs récits autobiographiques.Gregory Voz - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (1):80-96.
    This study focuses on 22 former students looking for a job or newly entered into the teaching profession. Based on their autobiographical writings, this longitudinal research identifies nine variables influencing their integration. Their weights differ as well as the polarity of their influences. For example, while the steps to get a stable job are often seen as an obstacle, relational skills are an asset for integration into the profession. Moreover, this research suggests, in order to understand these integration processes, that (...)
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  26. Assessing Gender Differences in Computer Professionals’ Self-Regulatory Efficacy Concerning Information Privacy Practices.Feng-Yang Kuo, Cathy S. Lin & Meng-Hsiang Hsu - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):145-160.
    Concerns with improper collection and usage of personal information by businesses or governments have been seen as critical to the success of the emerging electronic commerce. In this regard, computer professionals have the oversight responsibility for information privacy because they have the most extensive knowledge of their organization's systems and programs, as well as an intimate understanding of the data. Thus, the competence of these professionals in ensuring sound practice of information privacy is of great importance to both researchers and (...)
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    A Principle-Based Approach to Visual Identification Systems for Hospitalized People with Dementia.T. V. Brigden, C. Mitchell, K. Kuberska & A. Hall - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):331-344.
    A large proportion of hospital inpatients are affected by cognitive impairment, posing challenges in the provision of their care in busy, fast-paced acute wards. Signs and symbols, known as visual identifiers, are employed in many U.K. hospitals with the intention of helping healthcare professionals identify and respond to the needs of these patients. Although widely considered useful, these tools are used inconsistently, have not been subject to full evaluation, and attract criticism for acting as a shorthand for a routinized response. (...)
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    Criminal Liability for Unlawful Engagement in Economic, Commercial, Financial or Professional Activities: In Search of Optimal Criteria.Oleg Fedosiuk - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):301-317.
    This article focuses on the problem of criminal liability for unlawful engagement in economic activities, analyses the emergence and development of this norm in criminal law and the ways of its optimal explanation. Special attention is paid to the problem of identification of illegality of activities, based on specific tax and economic regulation. The study concludes that criminal liability must be limited to a violation of fundamental requirements for the legality of business, and does not include particular abuses occurring (...)
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    It is possible to develop the professional values of nurses.Ayla Kaya & Ayşegül Işler Dalgiç - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (4):515-528.
    Background: The awareness and development of professional values affect the quality of nursing care. This study is the first interventional study conducted to develop the professional values of nurses in a clinical setting. Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a structured Professional Values Development Programme on the development of the professional values of nurses. Research design: This study was a non-randomised controlled trial that measured with pre-test and post-test. Data were (...)
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    A Tale of Two Conferences: Professional Discourse, Music Education, and Justice.Eric Shieh - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (2):203-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Tale of Two ConferencesProfessional Discourse, Music Education, and JusticeEric ShiehThis is an exploration of misunderstandings. Beginning with my own.It is 3:15pm at the Pearson International Airport, Toronto. I am leaving the musica ficta/Lived Realities conference on "Engagements and Exclusions in Music, Education, and the Arts" held at the University of Toronto, January 2008, and this is what I write: "I am thinking about what I am going to (...)
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    Medical-Legal Partnerships and Prevention: Caring for Unrepresented Patients Through Early Identification and Intervention.Cathy L. Purvis Lively - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (4):527-539.
    Caring for unrepresented patients encompasses legal, ethical, and moral challenges regarding decision-making, consent, the patient’s values, wishes, best interest, and the healthcare team’s professional integrity and autonomy. In this article, I consider the impact of the aging population and the effects of the social determinants of health and suggest that without preventive intervention, the number of unrepresented patients will continue to increase. The health, social, and legal risk factors for becoming unrepresented require a multidisciplinary response. Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) bring (...)
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    Toward Improved Triadic Functioning: Exploring the Interactions and Adaptations of Coaches, Parents and Athletes in Professional Academy Soccer Through the Adversity of COVID-19.James Maurice, Tracey J. Devonport & Camilla J. Knight - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    On March 23rd, 2020, elite soccer academies in the UK closed in compliance with the government enforced lockdown intended to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. This forced parents, players, and coaches to reconsider how they interacted with, and supported, one another. The aims of the present study were to explore the perceptions of players, parents, and coaches regarding how they interacted and collaborated with one another during the COVID-19 pandemic to support wellbeing and performance, and; to identify opportunities to enhance workings (...)
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    Social Identity Complexity, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Love of Multiple Leagues in Professional Sport.Chanwook Do, Natasha T. Brison, Juho Park & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can corporate social responsibility initiatives influence brand love? Based on the theory of social identity complexity, we examined whether greater complexity of a sport fan’s multiple identifications with sport leagues led to higher multicultural tolerance and more positive perceptions of leagues’ corporate social responsibility activities. Further, brand authenticity was tested as a variable intervening between perceived corporate social responsibility and brand love. We analyzed this serial mediation effect impacting sport fans’ brand love for their multiple, favored and less favored, (...)
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    Greenwashing and Machinewashing: An Ethical Account and Criteria for Identification.Peter Seele - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1023-1027.
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    Finnish Nurses' Interpretations of Patient Autonomy in the Context of End-of-Life Decision Making.Hanna-Mari Hildén & Marja-Liisa Honkasalo - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (1):41-51.
    Our aim was to study how nurses interpret patient autonomy in end-of-life decision making. This study built on our previous quantitative study, which evaluated the experiences of and views on end-of-life decision making of a representative sample of Finnish nurses taken from the whole country. We performed qualitative interviews with 17 nurses and analysed these using discourse analysis. In their talk, the nurses demonstrated three different discourses, namely, the ‘supporter’, the ‘analyst’ and the ‘practical’ discourses, each of which outlined a (...)
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    Moral Obligations of Nurses Based on the ICN, UK, Irish and Polish Codes of Ethics for Nurses.Beata Dobrowolska, Irena Wrońska, Wiestlaw Fidecki & Mariusz Wysokiński - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):171-180.
    A code of professional conduct is a collection of norms appropriate for the nursing profession and should be the point of reference for all decisions made during the care process. Codes of ethics for nurses are formulated by members of national nurses’ organizations. These codes can be considered to specify general norms that function in the relevant society, adjusting them to the character of the profession and enriching them with rules signifying the essence of nursing professionalism. The aim of (...)
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    Human rights education in patient care: A literature review and critical discussion.Roger Newham, Alistair Hewison, Jacqueline Graves & Amunpreet Boyal - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):190-209.
    The identification of human rights issues has become more prominent in statements from national and international nursing organisations such as the American Nurses Association and the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Nursing with the International Council of Nursing asserting that human rights are fundamental to and inherent in nursing and that nurses have an obligation to promote people’s health rights at all times in all places. However, concern has been expressed about this development. Human rights may be seen as (...)
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    Teaching Ethics to Engineers: Ethical Decision Making Parallels the Engineering Design Process.Bridget Bero & Alana Kuhlman - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):597-605.
    In order to fulfill ABET requirements, Northern Arizona University’s Civil and Environmental engineering programs incorporate professional ethics in several of its engineering courses. This paper discusses an ethics module in a 3rd year engineering design course that focuses on the design process and technical writing. Engineering students early in their student careers generally possess good black/white critical thinking skills on technical issues. Engineering design is the first time students are exposed to “grey” or multiple possible solution technical problems. To (...)
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    Nurses’ contributions to the resolution of ethical dilemmas in practice.Nichola Ann Barlow, Janet Hargreaves & Warren P. Gillibrand - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (2):230-242.
    Background: Complex and expensive treatment options have increased the frequency and emphasis of ethical decision-making in healthcare. In order to meet these challenges effectively, we need to identify how nurses contribute the resolution of these dilemmas. Aims: To identify the values, beliefs and contextual influences that inform decision-making. To identify the contribution made by nurses in achieving the resolution of ethical dilemmas in practice. Design: An interpretive exploratory study was undertaken, 11 registered acute care nurses working in a district general (...)
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    Causality-inspired legal provision selection with large language model-based explanation.Zheng Wang, Yuanzhi Ding, Caiyuan Wu, Yuzhen Guo & Wei Zhou - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-25.
    Accurate identification of legal provisions is crucial for adjudicating criminal cases, but the complexity and volume of legal texts pose significant challenges for legal professionals. This paper addresses these challenges by introducing a novel legal provision selection framework that transforms the task from a simple classification problem into a sophisticated system combining semantic matching with causal relationship learning. Leveraging large language models, our approach enhances the understanding and interpretation of legal language, by extracting nuanced features from legal texts for (...)
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  41. Understanding Purchase Intention During Product-Harm Crises: Moderating Effects of Perceived Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility. [REVIEW]Chieh-Peng Lin, Shwu-Chuan Chen, Chou-Kang Chiu & Wan-Yu Lee - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):455-471.
    A company’s product-harm crises often lead to negative publicity which substantially affects purchase intention. This study attempts to examine the purchase intention and its antecedents (e.g., perceived negative publicity) during product-harm crises by simultaneously including perceived corporate ability (CA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as moderators. In the study’s proposed model, purchase intention is indirectly affected by perceived CA, negative publicity, and CSR via the mediation of trust and affective identification. At the same time, the influences of perceived negative (...)
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    A Systemic Analysis of Cheating in an Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics Course.Tricia Bertram Gallant, Lelli Van Den Einde, Scott Ouellette & Sam Lee - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):277-298.
    Cheating in the undergraduate classroom is not a new problem, and it is recognized as one that is endemic to the education system. This paper examines the highly normative behavior of using unauthorized assistance (e.g., a solutions manual or a friend) on an individual assignment within the context of an upper division undergraduate course in engineering mechanics. The findings indicate that there are varying levels of accepting responsibility among the students (from denial to tempered to full) and that acceptance of (...)
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    An Ethical Analysis of Hierarchical Relations in Organizations.Dennis J. Moberg - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):205-220.
    Ethical analyses of the relations between managers and subordinates have traditionally focused on the employment contract. The inequality and requisite mutual trust between managers and subordinates makes the sub-disciplines of professional ethics and feminist ethics more applicable than the contractarian perspective. When professional ethics is applied to hierarchic relationships, specific obligations emerge for managers and subordinates alike. The application of feminist ethics results in the identification of an entirely different, though not contradictory, set of obligations. In toto, (...)
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    Gelehrte als Identifikationsfiguren? Vom Umgang mit fachkultureller Erinnerung in medizinischen Fächern.Matthis Krischel, Julia Nebe & Timo Baumann - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (1-2):77-105.
    In this article, the authors examine the circumstances under which scholars can become effective figures of identification in medicine, after whom prizes or institutions are named – and under which circumstances scholars cannot or can no longer fulfill such a role. Trends and changes in professional cultural memory are examined, illustrated by the biographies and receptions of the human geneticist Hans Nachtsheim, the circulatory researcher Rudolf Thauer, the urologist Dora Teleky as well as the dentists Karl Häupl and (...)
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    On (scientific) integrity: conceptual clarification.Maria do Céu Patrão Neves - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):181-187.
    The notion of “integrity” is currently quite common and broadly recognized as complex, mostly due to its recurring and diverse application in various distinct domains such as the physical, psychic or moral, the personal or professional, that of the human being or of the totality of beings. Nevertheless, its adjectivation imprints a specific meaning, as happens in the case of “scientific integrity”. This concept has been defined mostly by via negativa, by pointing out what goes against integrity, that is, (...)
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    The Morality of Refusing to Treat HIV‐positive Patients.Mitchell Silver - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):149-158.
    ABSTRACT Do physicians and nurses have an obligation to treat patients who are HIV‐positive? Although an initial review of the possible sources of such an obligation yields equivocal results, a closer examination reveals a clear obligation to treat. The current risk of job‐caused HIV‐infection is not sufficient to warrant a refusal to treat. This is so because there exist rationally justified, general social, as well as specific peer expectations, that health care professionals treat HIV‐positive patients. These expectations impose moral obligations (...)
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    The Changing Educators’ Work Environment in Contemporary Society.Monica Pedrazza, Sabrina Berlanda, Federica De Cordova & Marta Fraizzoli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:401839.
    In this paper, we are going to address job satisfaction and perceived self-efficacy within the context of residential child-care. A joint report from the European Foundation for the Improvement on Living and Working Conditions and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work revealed that managers in the field of health and education were the most concerned about the psychosocial risk of their employees, although concern is not automatically translated into tools to face the risk and to manage it. (...)
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    Friction, snake oil, and weird countries: Cybersecurity systems could deepen global inequality through regional blocking.Jenna Burrell & Anne Jonas - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    In this moment of rising nationalism worldwide, governments, civil society groups, transnational companies, and web users all complain of increasing regional fragmentation online. While prior work in this area has primarily focused on issues of government censorship and regulatory compliance, we use an inductive and qualitative approach to examine targeted blocking by corporate entities of entire regions motivated by concerns about fraud, abuse, and theft. Through participant-observation at relevant events and intensive interviews with experts, we document the quest by professionals (...)
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    An Eye-Movement Analysis of Overt Visual Attention During Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting Modes in a Remotely Interpreted Investigative Interview.Stephen Doherty, Natalie Martschuk, Jane Goodman-Delahunty & Sandra Hale - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Remote interpreting via video-link is increasingly being employed in investigative interviews chiefly due to its apparent increased accessibility and efficiency. However, risks of miscommunication have been shown to be magnified in remote interpreting and empirical research specifically on video-link remote interpreting is in its infancy which greatly limits the evidence base available to inform and direct evidence-based policy and best practice, particularly in the identification of the optimal mode of interpreting to be used, namely consecutive and simultaneous. Consecutive interpreting (...)
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  50. Теоретичні основи аналізу вдосконалення механізму управління державною власністю в сучасних умовах.Mykhailo Shkilniak - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):57-61.
    The paper examines the role of public property in economic development of the country. It looks into economic scientists' views of the 'property' category. There are innovative approaches to improvement of the efficiency of public property administration outlined, specifically: 1) identification of priority branches for privatization and branches to be left in the state ownership; 2) development of individual programs for preparation of branches for privatization and implementation of the latter; adoption of a new State Program for Privatization for (...)
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