Results for ' Neo-Nazism'

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  1.  21
    German National Socialist Black Metal: Contemporary Neo‑Nazism and the Ongoing Struggle with Antisemitism.Davjola Ndoja - 2019 - History of Communism in Europe 10:169-189.
    This paper is an exploration of the ideology of National Socialism in the work and activity of the German terrorist group and Black Metal band Absurd. Historians are divided—and many have criticized how postwar Germany dealt with denazification—, but the fact is that Nazi ideology has been part of the political and social spheres in Germany since then. Neo‑Nazism saw a revival especially in the first years after unification, which coincided with the beginning of Absurd’s story and career. Today, (...)
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  2. The parrhesia of neo-fascism.Victor L. Shammas - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (3).
    In his late lectures, Foucault developed the ancient Greek concept of parrhesia, a courage to speak the truth in the face of danger. While not entirely uncritical of the notion, Foucault seemed to find something of an ideal in the political and aesthetic ideal of franc-parler, of speaking freely and courageously. Simultaneously, the post-1968 political valorized the ideal of parrhesia, or “speaking truth to power”: parrhesia seemed inherently progressive, the sole preserve of the left. But a cursory inspection of the (...)
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    The Neo‐Barthian Critique of Reinhold Niebuhr.Edmund N. Santurri - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (3):541-547.
    The author notes an unclarity in David Novak's defense of Reinhold Niebuhr against Stanley Hauerwas's critique and identifies some issues left unsettled in the exchange between Novak and Hauerwas over Niebuhr's ethics. Specifically, the author proposes that the Barthian-Hauerwasian communitarian rejection of Niebuhrian natural theology and natural law ignores the historical abuse of biblical theology in the German Christian response to the Nazis, fails to account for the fact of general moral revulsion against Nazism, and flirts itself with a (...)
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    Where did Nazism come from? Tibet?Mikkel Thorup & Frank Beck Lassen - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (3):373-385.
    The interview revolves around the idea that Al Qaeda is a distinctively modern phenomenon dependent upon modern and Western ideas of transformation of the human condition through mass violence. Meanwhile, the USA and Europe are deeply superstitious about their own unique position in the world. Professor John Gray outlines a clash of modernisms, the one not less ambitious or global in nature than the other. He applies an analysis of modernity upon present phenomena such as the war in Iraq, the (...)
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    Dialectics of Classicism: The birth of Nazism from the spirit of Classicism.Harry Redner - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 152 (1):19-37.
    This article is an attempt to revise and extend two prior conceptions: Adorno and Horkheimer’s dialectic of Enlightenment and Murphy and Robert’s dialectic of Romanticism. It traces a developmental trajectory within German Kultur, starting around the mid-18th century, that goes through three moments or phases: the Grecophilia of Goethe and Schiller, the Grecomania of Hölderlin, Schelling and early Hegel, and the Grecogermania of Wagner, Nietzsche and Heidegger. The latter provided the ideological underpinning of Hitler’s Nazism. Thus the paper aims (...)
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    Common sense as extremism: the multi-semiotics of contemporary national socialism.Gustav Westberg & Henning Årman - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (5):549-568.
    This paper explores how national socialist aesthetics and semiotics are regimented within the Swedish Nazi milieu today. In order to treat fascism as contemporary ideology, the article applies intertextuality and provenance as analytical concepts in the analysis of how Nazism is re-emerging discursively. The analysis contributes unique insights, as the dataset consists of extremist discourse aimed at providing members of the most prominent Swedish Nazi movement with guidance on how to embody and express national socialism in their everyday lives. (...)
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  7. The Lure of the Mob: Contemporary Cinematic Depictions of Skinhead Authenticity.John Marmysz - 2013 - Journal of Popular Culture 46 (3):626-646.
    In this paper I examine the history and style of the real-life skinhead subculture in order to clarify its nature and to highlight its preoccupation with the ideal of "authenticity." I then use the insights thus gained in order to understand why it is that the skinhead characters in such fictional films as Romper Stomper, American History X and The Believer are, despite their neo-Nazism, granted a sympathetic depiction.
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    Political philosophy and Australian far-right media: A critical discourse analysis of The Unshackled and XYZ.Imogen Richards, Maria Rae, Matteo Vergani & Callum Jones - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 163 (1):103-130.
    A 21st-century growth in prevalence of extreme right-wing nationalism and social conservatism in Australia, Europe, and America, in certain respects belies the positive impacts of online, new, and alternative forms of global media. Cross-national forms of ‘far-right activism’ are unconfined to their host nations; individuals and organisations campaign on the basis of ethno-cultural separatism, while capitalising on internet-based affordances for communication and ideological cross-fertilisation. Right-wing revolutionary ideas disseminated in this media, to this end, embody politico-cultural aims that can only be (...)
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    Heidegger y su herencia: los neonazis, el neofascismo europeo y el fundamentalismo islámico.Víctor Farías - 2010 - Madrid: Tecnos.
    Cuando apareció Heidegger y el nazismo el mundo intelectual internacional habló de una «bomba», pese al tono mesurado y exacto del texto. El descubrimiento innegable de su vínculo con el nazi-fascismo, comprometía no sólo a su propio país, sino a toda la cultura del siglo XX. Esta discusión sigue viva. Por eso, Heidegger y su herencia: el neonazismo, el neofascismo y el fundamentalismo islámico compromete de modo sorprendente la proyección del pensamiento heideggeriano en el presente y el futuro. Con su (...)
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  10.  27
    White Extinction: Metaphysical Elements of Contemporary Western Fascism.Chetan Bhatt - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (1):27-52.
    The Euro-American far-right represents a highly diverse political movement comprising numerous ideological tendencies. It includes the European New Right, the US ‘alt-right’ and ‘alt-lite’, far-right accelerationism, traditionalism, and new forms of political misogyny. Despite the diversity in ideas and activities, this article argues that an overarching theme of the ‘fear of white extinction’ travels across and animates each major contemporary far-right tendency. The article explores a variety of older and contemporary metaphysical themes that are deployed in contemporary fascism. These include (...)
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    Діяльність націонал-демократичної партії німеччини та спроби визнати її антиконституційною (1998-2006 рр.).Artem Yovenko - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):88-95.
    The article deals with the place and role NPD in German politics, reaction to NPD activities of public authorities and society, progress and consequences of the proceedings on the Prohibition Party and the development of relations with other right parties.
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    Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy.Peter Eli Gordon - 2003 - University of California Press.
    Franz Rosenzweig is widely regarded today as one of the most original and intellectually challenging figures within the so-called renaissance of German-Jewish thought in the Weimar period. The architect of a unique kind of existential theology, and an important influence upon such philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, and Emmanuel Levinas, Rosenzweig is remembered chiefly as a "Jewish thinker," often to the neglect of his broader philosophical concerns. Cutting across the artificial divide that the traumatic memory of National (...)
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  13.  22
    Pragmatism and Social Theory.Hans Joas - 1993 - University of Chicago Press.
    Rising concerns among scholars about the intellectual and cultural foundations of democracy have led to a revival of interest in the American philosophical tradition of pragmatism. In this book, Hans Joas shows how pragmatism can link divergent intellectual efforts to understand the social contexts of human knowledge, individual freedom, and democratic culture. Along with pragmatism's impact on American sociology and social research from 1895 to the 1940s, Joas traces its reception by French and German traditions during this century. He explores (...)
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  14.  35
    Davos 1929: “¿Qué es el Hombre?” El desencuentro entre Cassirer y Heidegger. Razones filosófica y política.Julio Quesada - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 17:177.
    Mi ensayo ha querido explicar genealógicamente y de forma contextualizada el desencuentro entre Ernst Cassirer y Martin Heidegger en Davos, y la deriva de éste hacia el nazismo desde los presupuestos de su filosofía existencial. ¿Qué papel juega el antisemitismo espiritual en la crítica heideggeriana al neokantismo y la fenomenología trascendental? ¿Por qué la fenomenología de Edmund Husserl es "una monstruosidad"? ¿Por qué Kant se convierte en batalla y campo de batalla de la Kulturkampf? ¿Por qué se lee a Heidegger (...)
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    Heidegger’s Entscheidung: “Decision” Between “Fate” and “Destiny”.Norman K. Swazo - 2020 - London: Routledge India.
    This book critically examines the debate on Martin Heidegger's concept of Entscheidung and his engagement and confrontation with Nazism in terms of his broader philosophical thought. It argues that one cannot explain Heidegger's actions without accounting for his idea of "decision" and its connection to his understanding of individual "fate" and national "destiny." The book looks at the relation of biography to philosophy and the ethical and political implications of appropriating Heidegger's thinking in these domains of inquiry. It highlights (...)
  16. Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism.Clifford F. Porter - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):151-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 151-171 [Access article in PDF] Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism Clifford F. Porter Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) is not as well known among historians as he is among political theorists, yet he has had a continuing influence on both German Social Democrat and Christian Democrat political leaders. His early life is very much a reflection of both the intellectual developments and (...)
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  17.  39
    The Investigation of Social Anxiety Disorder, Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem, and its Effects on Autobiographical Memory Retrieval.Neo Felicia, Ciorciari Joseph & Bates Glen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18. Communism: Evil Twins' in.Alain‘Nazism De Benoist - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 112:178-93.
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  19.  30
    Of Boldness and Badness: Insights into Workplace Malfeasance from a Triarchic Psychopathy Model Perspective.Bryan Neo, Martin Sellbom, Sarah F. Smith & Scott O. Lilienfeld - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):187-205.
    Research has shown that individuals with high levels of psychopathic personality traits are likely to cause harm to others in the workplace. However, there is little academic literature on the potentially adaptive outcomes of corporate psychopathy, particularly because the “boldness” psychopathy domain has largely been under-acknowledged in this literature. This study aimed to elaborate on past findings by examining the associations between psychopathy, as operationalized using scales from the relatively new triarchic model of psychopathy, and both adaptive and maladaptive workplace (...)
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  20.  68
    (1 other version)Feminist fears in ethics.Neo Noddings - 1990 - Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (2-3):25-33.
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    aNd Cassirer.Neo-KaNtiaNism Heidegger - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 143.
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  22. (1 other version)Materiales para un estudio del fenómeno jurídico.Andrés Cúneo Macchiavello - 1974 - [Santiago]: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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  23. State legal pluralism and religious courts : semi-autonomy and jurisdictional allocations in pluri-legal arrangements.Jaclyn L. Neo - 2020 - In Paul Schiff Berman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of global legal pluralism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  24.  19
    Religious Courts and Rights in Plural Societies: Interlegal Gaps and the Need for Complex Concurrency.Jaclyn L. Neo - 2021 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 15 (2):259-285.
    The administration or recognition of religious courts is a form of religious accommodation present in many constitutional states today commonly analysed in legal pluralism terms. This article contributes to the further analysis of the relationship between legal pluralism and rights in religiously diverse societies by examining the status of state religious courts and their interaction with state non-religious courts. In particular, I examine what Cover calls “jurisdictional redundancies” between the courts and conceptualize the allocation of power between religious and non-religious (...)
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  25.  13
    A query theory account of the attraction effect.Neo Poon, Ashley Luckman, Andrea Isoni & Timothy L. Mullett - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105495.
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  26. Analysis of Searle's philosophy of mind and critique from a neo-confucian point of view Chung-Ying Cheng.Critique From A. Neo-Confucian Point - 2008 - In Michael Krausz (ed.), Searle's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement. Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 33.
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    Witnessing injustice: What is the student’s role in advocating for patients?Neo Ramagaga - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (1):52.
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    Task Decomposition Using Pattern Distributor.Sheng-Uei Guan, TseNgee Neo & Chunyu Bao - 2004 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 13 (2):123-150.
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  29. Yong Huang.A. Neo-Confucian Conception Of Wisdom - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (3-4):393.
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    The role of palliative medicine in ICU bed allocation in COVID-19: a joint position statement of the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians.Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna, Han Yee Neo, Elisha Wan Ying Chia, Kuang Teck Tay, Noreen Chan, Patricia Soek Hui Neo, Cynthia Goh, Tan Ying Peh, Min Chiam & James Alvin Yiew Hock Low - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):205-211.
    Facing the possibility of a surge of COVID-19-infected patients requiring ventilatory support in Intensive Care Units, the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians forward its position on the guiding principles that ought to drive the allocation of ICU beds and its role in care of these patients and their families.
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    Bringing the Laboratory Home: PANDABox Telehealth-Based Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Risk in Children.Bridgette L. Kelleher, Taylor Halligan, Nicole Witthuhn, Wei Siong Neo, Lisa Hamrick & Leonard Abbeduto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  32. Der Oikonomikos des Neupythagoreers 'Bryson' und sein Einfluss auf die islamische Wissenschaft.Neo-Pythagorean Brysōn - 1928 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter. Edited by Martin Plessner.
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    School-Based Curriculum Development Towards a Culture of Learning: Nonlinearity in Practice.Der-Thanq Chen, Li-Yi Wang & Wei-Leng Neo - 2015 - British Journal of Educational Studies 63 (2):213-228.
  34.  74
    Basic Psychological Need Profiles and Correlates in Physical Activity Participation: A Person-Centered Approach.Chunxiao Li, Chee Keng John Wang, Koon Teck Koh, Kwang San Steven Tan, Shern Meng Tan, Wee Boon Ang, Liang Han Wong & Huat Neo Connie Yeo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Guided by Basic Psychological Need Theory, we investigated the combined associations between need satisfaction and need frustration and their relations with theoretically relevant correlates including mindfulness, physical literacy, physical activity enjoyment, and physical activity. The participants were Singapore-based school students who completed a cross-sectional survey. The results of the latent profile analysis identified four distinct need profiles: profile 1–average satisfaction and frustration ; profile 2–low satisfaction, above average frustration; profile 3–very high satisfaction, very low frustration ; and profile 4–high satisfaction, (...)
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  35. Grete Hermann as Neo-Kantian Philosopher of Space and Time Representation.Erik C. Banks - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    Grete Hermann’s essay “Die naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik” has received much deserved scholarly attention in recent years. In this paper, I follow the lead of Elise Crull who sees in Hermann’s work the general outlines of a neo-Kantian interpretation of quantum theory. In full support of this view, I focus on Hermann’s central claim that limited spatio-temporal, and even analogically causal, representations of events exist within an overall relational structure of entangled quantum mechanical states that defy any unified spatio-temporal description. (...)
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  36. Minds, Brains, and Capacities: Situated Cognition and Neo-Aristotelianism.Hans-Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article compares situated cognition to contemporary Neo-Aristotelian approaches to the mind. The article distinguishes two components in this paradigm: an Aristotelian essentialism which is alien to situated cognition and a Wittgensteinian “capacity approach” to the mind which is not just congenial to it but provides important conceptual and argumentative resources in defending social cognition against orthodox cognitive science. It focuses on a central tenet of that orthodoxy. According to what I call “encephalocentrism,” cognition is primarily or even exclusively a (...)
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    Why is democracy desirable? Neo-Aristotelian, critical realist, and psychodynamic approaches.Carl Auerbach - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (4):362-379.
    This paper addresses the question of why democracy is desirable in terms of a relational theory of democracy. The theory draws on concepts from Aristotelian, critical realist, and psychoanalytic theory. From Aristotle it takes the concepts of human flourishing and human virtues; from critical realism it takes the concepts of relational subjects and relational goods; from psychoanalysis it takes the concept of mutuality. The relational theory argues that democracy, particularly deliberative democracy, is desirable because it requires and facilitates the development (...)
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  38.  46
    Michael Gazzaniga’s Neuro-cognitive Antireductionism and the Challenge of Neo-mechanistic Reduction.Diego Azevedo Leite - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (2):109-126.
    : Michael Gazzaniga, a prominent cognitive neuroscientist, has argued against reductionist accounts of cognition. Instead, Gazzaniga defends a form of non-reductive physicalism: epistemological neuro-cognitive non-reductionism and ontological monist physicalism. His position is motivated by the theses that: cognitive phenomena can be realized by multiple neural systems; many outcomes of these systems are unpredictable; and multi-level explanations are required. Epistemological neuro-cognitive non-reductionism is presented as the most appropriate stance to account for the way in which phenomena should be explained in cognitive (...)
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    The Architecture of Ideology: Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea.David J. Nemeth - 1913 - University of California Press.
    Cheju Island, Korea's historic island of exile, with a harsh natural environment, early developed a negative image as human habitat. The author challenges this perception and shows how Neo-Confucian state ideology during the Yi dynasty created and conserved the island as a viable habitat by using feng-shui--a powerful medieval science of surveying--to shape the island's built environment and quality of life. The outcome, reflecting sustained political commitment to the philosophical concept of enlightened undervelopment, was a sincere landscape inhabited by a (...)
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  40. The state of the economy: Neo-logicism and inflation.Rov T. Cook - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (1):43-66.
    In this paper I examine the prospects for a successful neo–logicist reconstruction of the real numbers, focusing on Bob Hale's use of a cut-abstraction principle. There is a serious problem plaguing Hale's project. Natural generalizations of this principle imply that there are far more objects than one would expect from a position that stresses its epistemological conservativeness. In other words, the sort of abstraction needed to obtain a theory of the reals is rampantly inflationary. I also indicate briefly why this (...)
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    Reason’s genuine historicity: the establishment of a history of philosophy as a philosophical sub-discipline in Marburg Neo-Kantianism.Ursula Renz - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (4):694-717.
    . Reason’s genuine historicity: the establishment of a history of philosophy as a philosophical sub-discipline in Marburg Neo-Kantianism. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 29, Special Issue: Historical Thought in German Neo-Kantianism, Guest Editors: Katherina Kinzel and Lydia Patton, pp. 694-717.
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    Species Natures: A Critique of Neo-Aristotelian Ethics.Tim Lewens - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (280):480-501.
    This paper examines the neo-Aristotelian account of species natures as ‘life-forms’, which we owe to Philippa Foot, Michael Thompson and their defenders. I begin by developing two problems for their view: a problem of underdetermination and a problem generated by psychological work on ‘folk essentialism’. I move on to consider their important transcendental argument, which suggests that claims about life-forms are presupposed by all efforts to describe the organic world. In response, I sketch a neo-Kantian projectivist position, which agrees that (...)
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    Two Neo-Conservative Myths in Germany 1919-32: The "Third Reich" and the "New State".Werner E. Braatz - 1971 - Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (4):569.
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    ¿Fe neo-religiosa, post-religiosa o inter-religiosa? Sobre nuevas religiosidades en Japón.Juan Masiá - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (37).
  45. El Neo-Naturalismo Norteamericano.Patrick Romanell - 1956
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    Taking Stock: Hale, Heck, and Wright on Neo-Logicism and Higher-Order Logic.Crispin Wright - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (3): 392--416.
    ABSTRACT Four philosophical concerns about higher-order logic in general and the specific demands placed on it by the neo-logicist project are distinguished. The paper critically reviews recent responses to these concerns by, respectively, the late Bob Hale, Richard Kimberly Heck, and myself. It is argued that these score some successes. The main aim of the paper, however, is to argue that the most serious objection to the applications of higher-order logic required by the neo-logicist project has not been properly understood. (...)
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  47.  18
    Grounding and Limiting Political Corporate Social Responsibility (PCSR) Using a Neo-Aristotelian Approach.Daryl Koehn - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (2):341-361.
    This paper offers a neo-Aristotelian approach to PCSR aimed at enabling us to more systematically ascertain which sorts of corporate political activities, if any, might be politically acceptable. Part 1 sketches Aristotle’s account of the “political.” Aristotelian politics have at least four key dimensions. When we speak of PCSR, we should, from this Aristotelian perspective, evaluate how specific behaviors accord with or undermine these four aspects of political life. Part 2 of the paper explores which forms of activity by corporations (...)
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    Ilse Schneider (and Alois Riehl) on the Space-Time Problem in Kant and Einstein: New Perspectives on Neo-Kantianism and Positivism.Rudolf Meer - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (2):508-526.
    In her 1921 book, The Space-Time Problem in Kant and Einstein, Ilse Schneider examines the foundations and consequences of the theory of relativity from an epistemological perspective. Beyond addressing detailed questions of early 1920s physics, it is a programmatic attempt to reconcile Kant’s transcendental idealism with Albert Einstein’s physics. The Kantian background puts the book in direct competition with Ernst Cassirer’s book Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, published in the same year. Schneider’s approach was largely ignored in the research compared with (...)
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    A Dilemma for Neo-Expressivism—And How to Resolve It.Stina Bäckström - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (2):191-205.
    In this paper, I present a dilemma for neo-expressivist accounts of self-consciousness. Such accounts are united by the idea that we can elucidate self-consciousness by appreciating the thought that some self-ascriptions both function as expressions and are truth-evaluable statements. The dilemma, I argue, is that the neo-expressivists either have to accept a circular element into their accounts or else the accounts lose their appeal. I recommend embracing circularity and argue that this is a case where circularity—far from being a failure—is (...)
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    Beyond Self-Representationalism: A Neo-Dignāgian Theory of Consciousness.Zhihua Yao - 2023 - In Saulius Geniusas (ed.), Varieties of Self-Awareness: New Perspectives from Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Comparative Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 213-224.
    In recent years, the self-representational theory of consciousness emerged as a trend that moves beyond the debates between first-order and higher-order theorists, and the HOP (higher-order perception) versus HOT (higher-order thought) debates among higher-order theorists. This theory seems to offer us a model of consciousness that is closer to truth, but it also has limitations. My study will particularly address these limitations and attempt to overcome them by developing a theory of consciousness that is deeply rooted in the Buddhist epistemological (...)
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