Results for ' Negotiating'

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  1. Florida engineering society.Negotiation Act - 1983 - In James Hamilton Schaub, Karl Pavlovic & M. D. Morris, Engineering professionalism and ethics. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 127.
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    Naomi Scheman.Non-Negotiable Demands & Politics Metaphysics - 2001 - In Juliet Floyd & Sanford Shieh, Future pasts: the analytic tradition in twentieth-century philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 315.
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  3. Bekoff, Marc. Minding Animals. Awareness, Emotions, and Heart. Oxford University Press, 2002. 199+ pp. Brouwer, F. and DE Ervi (eds.). Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade. Oxford: CABI Publishing, 2002. 347+ pp. [REVIEW]B. R. Bruns, R. S. Meizen-Dick, Negotiating Water Rights, Marian Deblonde, D. R. Dent, C. Lomer, J. Dunayer, M. D. Derwood, M. W. Fox & R. H. Gardner - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16:99-101.
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    Metalinguistic Negotiation and Matters of Language: A Response to Cappelen.David Plunkett & Tim Sundell - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-25.
    In previous work, we have developed the idea that, in some disputes, speakers appear to use (rather than mention) a term in order to put forward views about how that term should be used. We call such disputes “metalinguistic negotiations”. Herman Cappelen objects that our model of metalinguistic negotiation makes implausible predictions about what speakers really care about, and what kinds of issues they would take to settle their disputes. We highlight a distinction (which we have emphasized in prior work) (...)
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    Metalinguistic Negotiation, Speaker Error, and Charity.Pedro Abreu - 2023 - Topoi 42 (4):1001-1016.
    This paper raises a new form of speaker error objection to the analysis of disputes as metalinguistic negotiations in cases in which disputants reject that analysis. It focuses on an obvious but underexplored form of speaker error: speakers’ misattribution of contents both to others and to themselves. It argues that the analyses of disputes that posit this type of speaker error are uncharitable in three different ways: first, by portraying speakers as mistaken interpreters of their interlocutors; second, by portraying speakers (...)
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    Negotiation and Defeasible Decision Making.Fernando Tohmé - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (4):289-311.
    In economically meaningful interactions negotiations are particularly important because they allow agents to improve their information about the environment and even to change accordingly their own characteristics. In each step of a negotiation an agent has to emit a message. This message conveys information about her preferences and endowments. Given that the information she uses to decide which message to emit comes from beliefs generated in previous stages of the negotiation, she has to cope with the uncertainty associated with them. (...)
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  7. Metalinguistic negotiations in moral disagreement.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (3):352-380.
    The problem of moral disagreement has been presented as an objection to contextualist semantics for ‘ought’, since it is not clear that contextualism can accommodate or give a convincing gloss of such disagreement. I argue that independently of our semantics, disagreements over ‘ought’ in non-cooperative contexts are best understood as indirect metalinguistic disputes, which is easily accommodated by contextualism. If this is correct, then rather than posing a problem for contextualism, the data from moral disagreements provides some reason to adopt (...)
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    Negotiation and Deliberation: Grasping the Difference.Constanza Ihnen Jory - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (2):145-165.
    Negotiation and deliberation are two context types or genres of discourse widely studied in the argumentation literature. Within the pragma-dialectical framework, they have been characterised in terms of the conventions constraining the use of argumentative discourse in each of them. Thanks to these descriptions, it has become possible to analyse the arguers’ strategic manoeuvres and carry out more systematic, context-sensitive evaluations of argumentative discussions. However, one issue that still must be addressed in the pragma-dialectical theory—and other contextual approaches to argumentation—is (...)
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    Negotiating the World: Some philosophical considerations on dealing with differential academic language proficiency in schools.Roel Van Goor & Frieda Heyting - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (5):652-665.
    Differential academic language proficiency is an issue of major educational concern, bearing on problems varying from pupil performance, to social prospects, and citizenship. In this paper we develop a conception of the language‐acquiring subject, and we discuss the consequences for understanding differential language proficiency in schools. Starting from Wittgenstein's meaning‐as‐use theory we show that learning a language requires an activity that relates the subject both to the community of language users, and to the things language is about. In opposition to (...)
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    Metalinguistic Negotiations and Two Senses of Taste.David Bordonaba-Plou - 2020 - Diametros 18 (67):1-20.
    This paper defends the claim that the traditional Kantian division between two different types of judgments, judgments of personal preference and judgments of taste, does not apply to some contexts in which metalinguistic negotiations take place. To begin, I first highlight some significant similarities between predicates of personal taste and aesthetic predicates. I sustain that aesthetic predicates are gradable and multidimensional, and that they often produce metalinguistic negotiations, characteristics that have motivated an individual treatment for predicates of personal taste. Secondly, (...)
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    Narrative negotiation of personal identity.Maria Cristina Contrino - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-18.
    I develop a framework for a narrative approach to personal identity as a practical notion that focuses on the role of narratives employed in common, ordinary contexts and everyday interactions (henceforth ‘ordinary everyday narratives’). However, such narratives can be erroneous and contain factual errors and distortions, including delusions about one’s identity. I review three narrative approaches arguing that they do not account convincingly for the role of erroneous narratives for one’s practical identity. I argue that a practical identity is negotiated (...)
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    Negotiation of entitlement in proposal sequences.Sae Oshima & Birte Asmuß - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (1):67-86.
    Meetings are complex institutional events at which participants recurrently negotiate institutional roles, which are oriented to, renegotiated, and sometimes challenged. With a view to gaining further understanding of the ongoing negotiation of roles at meetings, this article examines one specific recurring feature of meetings: the act of proposing future action. Based on microanalysis of video recordings of two-party strategy meetings, the study shows that participants orient to at least two aspects when making proposals: 1) the acceptance or rejection of the (...)
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    Negotiating Capability and Diaspora: A Philosophical Politics.Ashmita Khasnabish - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Negotiating Capability and Diaspora examines Amartya Sen’s theory of capability in dialogue with the American philosopher John Rawls. Sen’s theory arose to show an oriental dimension of the critique of utilitarianism that valorizes will power and honor diversity. Indian philosopher Aurobindo also enters the discourse to complement the theory of capability with supra-rational theory of emotional purification. In addition, feminist philosopher Martha Nussbaum plays a major role in the book as do the literary writers of diaspora.
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  14. Negotiating Domains of Trust.Elizabeth Stewart - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):62-86.
    When trust is broken, how should we determine who is at fault? Previous discus- sions of broken trust typically attribute the fault to trusters who place trust foolishly or trustees who act in an untrustworthy manner. These discussions take for granted the ability of the truster and trustee to communicate and understand the boundaries of what is being entrusted, that is, the domain of trust. However, the boundaries of entrusted domains are not always clear to either party which can result (...)
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    Negotiating clinical knowledge: a field study of psychiatric nurses’ everyday communication.Niels Buus - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):189-198.
    Negotiating clinical knowledge: a field study of psychiatric nurses’ everyday communication Nursing practices at psychiatric hospitals have changed significantly over the last decades. In this paper, everyday nursing practices were interpreted in light of these institutional changes. The objective was to examine how mental health nurses’ production of clinical knowledge was influenced by the particular social relations on hospital wards. Empirical data stemming from an extended fieldwork at two Danish psychiatric hospital wards were interpreted using interactionistic theory and the (...)
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    Negotiating agricultural change in the Midwestern US: seeking compatibility between farmer narratives of efficiency and legacy.Nathan J. Shipley, William P. Stewart & Carena J. van Riper - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1465-1476.
    AbstractAgroecosystems in the Midwestern United States are undergoing changes that pressure farmers to adapt their farming practices. Because farmers decide what practices to implement on their land, there are needs to understand how they adapt to competing demands of changes in global markets, technology, farm sizes, and decreasing rural populations. Increased understanding of farmer decision-making can also inform agricultural policy in ways that encourage farmer adoption of sustainable practices. In this research we adopt a grounded view of farmers by interpreting (...)
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    Negotiating the authenticity of AI: how the discourse on AI rejects human indeterminacy.Siri Beerends & Ciano Aydin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    In this paper, we demonstrate how the language and reasonings that academics, developers, consumers, marketers, and journalists deploy to accept or reject AI as authentic intelligence has far-reaching bearing on how we understand our human intelligence and condition. The discourse on AI is part of what we call the “authenticity negotiation process” through which AI’s “intelligence” is given a particular meaning and value. This has implications for scientific theory, research directions, ethical guidelines, design principles, funding, media attention, and the way (...)
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    Negotiating Moral Value: A Story of Danish Research Monkeys and Their Humans.Mette N. Svendsen & Lene Koch - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):368-388.
    In 2004, twelve capuchin monkeys were moved from the labs of the Danish psychiatric hospital of Sankt Hans to a small private-owned zoo in another part of Denmark in order to be rehabilitated. These monkeys were the last nonhuman primates to be used as research animals in Danish biomedical laboratories. The normal procedure would be to kill research animals after the termination of an experiment; in this case, however, a decision was reached to close down the lab. The moral landscape (...)
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    Negotiating power, identity, family, and community: Women's community participation.Naomi Abrahams - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (6):768-796.
    Women's community participation re community and identity. In this article, the author explores the collective identities that are built around motherhood, rape-crisis work, Latino empowerment, and political activism for 39 Anglo and 11 Latina women. The reflexive relationship between communities and identities in relation to class background, gender, age, generation, and race-ethnicity are examined. It is argued that women embrace—as well as negotiate—cultural expectations of mothers, homemakers, and elders through their community participation. The author explores work in the community as (...)
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    Negotiating Patriarchy: South Korean Evangelical Women and the Politics of Gender.Kelly H. Chong - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):697-724.
    Based on ethnographic research, this study investigates the meaning and impact of women’s involvement in South Korean evangelicalism. While recent works addressing the “paradox” of women’s participation in conservative religions have highlighted the significance of these religions as unexpected vehicles of gender empowerment and contestation, this study finds that the experiences and consequences of Korean evangelical women’s religiosity are highly contradictory; although crucial in women’s efforts to negotiate the injuries of the modern Confucian-patriarchal family, conversion, for many women, also signifies (...)
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  21. Negotiation and Aristotle's Rhetoric: Truth over interests?Alexios Arvanitis & Antonis Karampatzos - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (6):845 - 860.
    Negotiation research primarily focuses on negotiators? interests in order to understand negotiation and offer advice about the prospective outcome. Win-win outcomes, i.e., outcomes that serve the interests of all negotiating parties, have been established and promoted as the ultimate goal for any negotiation situation. We offer a perspective that draws on Aristotle's philosophical program and discuss how the outcome is not defined by the parties? interests, but by the intersubjective validity of claims, which can essentially be treated as representative (...)
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    Negotiation as Practical Argumentation.Diego Castro - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (4):497-527.
    This paper defends negotiation as a way of rationally overcoming disagreements. Negotiation is a type of dialogue where the parties begin with a conflict and a need for cooperation, and their main goal is to make a deal as reported (Walton and Krabbe 1995, p 72). It has been discussed whether differences of opinion can be shifted from persuasion to negotiation dialogue. If two parties disagree, is it reasonable to overcome their disagreement by employing negotiation? Van Laar and Krabbe (2018a) (...)
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    Negotiating independent motherhood: Working-class african american women talk about marriage and motherhood.Theresa Deussen & Linda M. Blum - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (2):199-211.
    The authors examine the experiences and ideals of African American working-class mothers through 20 intensive interviews. They focus on the women's negotiations with racialized norms of motherhood, represented in the assumptions that legal marriage and an exclusively bonded dyadic relationship with one's children are requisite to good mothering. The authors find, as did earlier phenomenological studies, that the mothers draw from distinct ideals of community-based independence to resist each of these assumptions and carve out alternative scripts based on nonmarital relationships (...)
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  24. Negotiating “women”: metalinguistic negotiations across languages.Knoll Viktoria - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-20.
    The metalinguistic approach to conceptual engineering construes disputes between linguistic reformers and linguistic conservatives as metalinguistic disagreements on how best to use particular expressions. As the present paper argues, this approach has various merits. However, it was recently criticised in Cappelen’s seminal Fixing Language. Cappelen raises an important objection against the metalinguistic picture. According to this objection – the Babel objection, as I shall call it – the metalinguistic account cannot accommodate the intuition of disagreement between linguistic conservatives and reformers (...)
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    Negotiating Conception: Lesbians' Hybrid-Technological Practices.Laura Mamo - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (3):369-393.
    Drawing on in-depth interviews with thirty-six lesbians, this article offers a feminist qualitative analysis of lesbian conception practices. The article examines the ways lesbian actors negotiate biomedical discourse in ways that reveal the co-constitutiveness of nature and culture, bodies and technologies, and biomedical and subjective knowledge. The article offers the concept of hybrid technologies, which are described as lesbian pragmatic negotiations of shifting control loci of technoscience. The author argues that lesbians' pathways to pregnancy are characterized by a negotiation of (...)
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  26. Metalinguistic Negotiation and Speaker Error.David Plunkett & Tim Sundell - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (1-2):142-167.
    In recent work, we have argued that a number of disputes of interest to philosophers – including some disputes amongst philosophers themselves – are metalinguistic negotiations. Prima facie, many of these disputes seem to concern worldly, non-linguistic issues directly. However, on our view, they in fact concern, in the first instance, normative questions about the use of linguistic expressions. This will strike many ordinary speakers as counterintuitive. In many of the disputes that we analyze as metalinguistic negotiations, speakers might quite (...)
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    The Negotiable Constitution: On the Limitation of Rights.Grégoire C. N. Webber - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    In matters of rights, constitutions tend to avoid settling controversies. With few exceptions, rights are formulated in open-ended language, seeking consensus on an abstraction without purporting to resolve the many moral-political questions implicated by rights. The resulting view has been that rights extend everywhere but are everywhere infringed by legislation seeking to resolve the very moral-political questions the constitution seeks to avoid. The Negotiable Constitution challenges this view. Arguing that underspecified rights call for greater specification, Grégoire C. N. Webber draws (...)
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    Evaluating Negotiators Who Deceptively Communicate Anger or Happiness: On the Importance of Morality, Sociability, and Competence.Zi Ye, Gert-Jan Lelieveld & Eric van Dijk - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Research has shown that negotiators sometimes misrepresent their emotions, and communicate a different emotion to opponents than they actually experience. Less is known about how people evaluate such negotiation tactics. Building on person perception literature, we investigated in three preregistered studies (N = 853) how participants evaluate negotiators who deceptively (vs. genuinely) communicate anger or happiness, on the dimensions of morality, sociability, and competence. Study 1 employed a buyer/seller setting, Studies 2 and 3 employed an Ultimatum Bargaining Game (UBG). In (...)
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    Negotiating Authorship in Chinese Universities: How Organizations Shape Cycles of Credit in Science.Subrina Xirong Shen - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (4):660-685.
    Authorship, as a form of professional recognition, is an important topic in the study of reward systems in science. Empirical studies have shown that reward systems in science vary by historical periods and institutional contexts. Yet existing theoretical perspectives prove inadequate in explaining these variations. This study extends existing literature by investigating organizational mechanisms that shape “cycles of credit” in science and local institutional logics of authorship practices. Qualitative analysis is primarily based on in-depth interviews with thirty-one life scientists from (...)
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  30. Negotiation of Identities: The Case of Aeta Ambala’s Media Engagement.Joseph Reylan Viray - 2024 - Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 40 (1):513-525.
    This research explores the impact of media engagement on the identity perceptions of the Aeta Ambala, an indigenous group in the Philippines, particularly after the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption. This catastrophic event led to significant displacement and cultural shifts for the Aeta, who were forced to adapt to urban lifestyles. The study focuses on the differences in identity perceptions between the older and younger generations, with the former holding onto pre-eruption cultural norms and the latter aligning more with urban and (...)
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    Negotiating conservation and competition: national parks and ‘victory-over-communism’ diplomacy in South Korea.Jaehwan Hyun - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (2):239-255.
    Focusing on South Korean biologists and their efforts to establish national parks in the 1960s and 1970s, I illuminate the ways in which they negotiated their relationship with the ecological diplomacy of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the anti-communist and developmentalist diplomacy of the South Korean government. To justify their activities, these South Korean biologists emphasized the importance of nature conservation activities in the competition for international recognition and economic development with their northern counterparts. The national-park (...)
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  32. Negotiating What Is Said in the Face of Miscommunication.Chi-Hé Elder - 2019 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Philosophical Insights Into Pragmatics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 107-126.
    In post-Gricean pragmatics, communication is said to be successful when a hearer recovers a speaker’s intended message. On this assumption, proposals for ‘what is said’ – the semantic, propositional meaning of a speaker’s utterance – are typically centred around the content the speaker aimed to communicate. However, these proposals tend not to account for the fact that speakers can be deliberately vague, leaving no clear proposition to be recovered, or that a speaker can accept a hearer’s misconstrual even though the (...)
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    Negotiated contextualism and disagreement data.Martín Abreu Zavaleta - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (5):749-777.
    Suppose I assert “Jim is rich”. According to negotiated contextualism, my assertion should be understood as a proposal to adopt a standard of wealth such that Jim counts as “rich” by that standard. Furthermore, according to negotiated contextualism, this is so in virtue of the semantic properties of the word “rich”. Defenders of negotiated contextualism (Khoo & Knobe in Noûs 52(1):109–143, 2016; Khoo in Philos. Phenomenol. Res. 100(1):26–53, 2020) claim that this view is uniquely well-placed to account for certain disagreement (...)
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    Negotiating Actors.Luca M. Possati - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):1-21.
    This paper intends to address social robotics from the Actor-network theory (ANT) perspective. Starting from the critique of Seibt’s approach and the distinction between anthropomorphing and sociomorphing, the paper proposes a new methodological approach based on ANT and negotiation concepts. This approach allows us to: a) assume a more symmetrical ontology in which robots are considered as social agents, like humans; b) consider all the interactional elements as of equal importance; and c) overcome the dualistic limit that is often imposed (...)
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    Chinese Negotiators’ Subjective Variations in Intercultural Negotiations.Clyde A. Warden & Judy F. Chen - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3):529-537.
    Chinese negotiators are known to have a negotiation emphasis that differs from their Western counterparts, especially in issues of face and conflict. These values, however, are not monolithic, and can change depending on the negotiation circumstance. This research examines how negotiation tactics changes when Chinese negotiators are faced with counterparts from near and distant cultures. An online conjoint simulation drew 351 respondents in Taiwan to test subjective perceptions of counterparts from the USA and Japan. Chinese respondents exhibited increased cultural accommodation (...)
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    Negotiating cultural boundaries: Confucianism and trans/national identity in Korea 1.William A. Callahan - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (3):329-364.
    This essay looks to the complex intercultural relations of China and Korea to highlight two important issues in political theory and international relations: the transnational nature of world politics and the limits of analytical binaries such as East‐West and tradition‐modernity. Discussions of international politics in East Asia characteristically address issues of security and development studies. More recently, Confucianism has been mobilized as part of the clash of civilizations of Asia with the West. This essay will consider how cultural boundaries are (...)
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    Negotiating as Emotion Management.Willem Mastenbroek - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):49-73.
    Negotiating proves a precarious ability. The development of the arts of compromise and negotiating is not self-evident. Confrontation, flight and direct physical attack prove much more tempting in human history. How did these skills develop? The typical power and dependency network that evolved in western Europe in particular, is a significant factor. Different patterns of emotion management emerged in interaction with changing power balances. These patterns bred the skills of negotiating and compromise.
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    Negotiating ‘outer Europe’: the Trades Union Congress (TUC), transnational trade unionism and European integration in the 1950s.Matthew Broad - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (1):59-78.
    The 1950s were a frenetic moment in the European integration process during which the European Economic Community (EEC), the ultimately abortive Free Trade Area (FTA), and subsequently the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) were all negotiated. Trade unions showed keen interest in these schemes; moreover, their own highly institutionalised cooperation suggested they might come to play a key role in shaping them. And yet scholars have argued how divergent traditions and domestic pressures precluded the emergence of a coherent trade union (...)
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    Re-Negotiating Reproductive Technologies: The ‘Public Foetus’ Revisited.Georgina Firth - 2009 - Feminist Review 92 (1):54-71.
    In debates over abortion, the foetus and the woman have been continually positioned as antagonists. Given the stakes involved in such debates about personal integrity, individual responsibility, life and death, it is no wonder that many radical feminist authors have concentrated on refocusing the attention on women and away from the disembodied foetus. Such writers have worked hard to decode and deconstruct the public foetus in our midst and have mobilized interpretative tools such as cultural criticism to contextualize the production (...)
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    Negotiating Beliefs.Robert E. Goodin - 2003 - In Reflective Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first of four chapters on belief democracy, and discusses democratic bargaining in relation to beliefs. Disputes over beliefs sometimes get resolved through persuasion, but in the real world of democratic politics, more are resolved through negotiation; each person still believes the truth of the proposition they originally advocated, but each sees the need to ‘get on with it’, so all agree to treat certain propositions ‘as if true’, for the particular purposes at hand. The latter process is (...)
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    Negotiating Courtship: Reconciling Egalitarian Ideals with Traditional Gender Norms.Ellen Lamont - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (2):189-211.
    Traditional courtship norms delineate distinct gendered behaviors for men and women based on the model of a dominant, breadwinning male and a passive, dependent female. Previous research shows, however, that as women have increased their access to earned income, there has been a rising ideological and behavioral commitment to egalitarian relationships. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 38 college-educated women, this article explores how women negotiate these seemingly contradictory beliefs in order to understand how and why gendered courtship conventions persist even (...)
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    Negotiating Motherhood: Variations of Maternal Identities among Women in the Illegal Drug Economy.Heidi Grundetjern - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):395-416.
    This study examines negotiations of motherhood among women in the illegal hard drug economy in Norway. Based on interviews with mothers who are users and dealers, this study analyzes four predominant maternal identities: grieving mothers, detached mothers, motherly dealers, and working mothers. Particularly relevant factors explaining variations in maternal identities include the timing of pregnancy, time spent with children, control over drug use, and place in the drug market hierarchy. By revealing patterns of intra-group variations by gender performances and work (...)
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    Negotiating national identities in conflict situations: The discursive reproduction of the Sino-US trade war in China’s news reports.Yunfeng Ge & Hong Wang - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (1):65-83.
    The force of globalization has greatly challenged people’s conceptualization of national identity. The traditional definition of national identity as being distinct, stable and generated by such internal factors as ethnic, religion, citizenship and so on, has been replaced by the understanding that national identity is invested with more dynamic and complex features and is actually constructed differently in different situations. By following Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive perspective in critical discourse analysis and drawing on the 47 news reports collected on the websites (...)
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    Negotiating local and global: Developing Social Science research ethics policy in a Central Asian context.Roza Sagitova, Zarena Syrgak Kyzy & Lynne Parmenter - 2025 - Research Ethics 21 (1):161-179.
    This paper addresses the issue of how local and global norms and requirements are negotiated in the early stages of development of Social Science research ethics policy in a Global South context. A review of relevant literature followed by analysis of relevant national and institutional policies highlights both tensions and creative potential for ongoing research ethics initiatives. It was found that safety, trust and confidentiality issues are common problems reported by social science researchers in Kyrgyzstan. National level documents do not (...)
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    Negotiating Commercial Interests in Biospecimens.Jessica L. Roberts - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):138-141.
    Proposed changes to the Common Rule would require publicly funded researchers to disclose whether a subject's biospecimens could be used for commercial profit and whether the subject will share in those proceeds. Disclosing commercial interests will inform research participants that their tissue may have commercial value, a possibility that those individuals might not have previously considered. The proposed changes may then provide people with an opportunity to negotiate commercial rights in their biospecimens despite the well-accepted legal precedent that individuals maintain (...)
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    Interactional Negotiation.Maciej Witek - 2023 - In Laura Caponetto & Paolo Labinaz, Sbisà on Speech as Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    My aim in this chapter is to use Marina Sbisà’s idea of interactional negotiation to consider what it is for conversing agents to follow illocutionary conventions or, as John L. Austin would put it, what it is for an illocutionary act to be done as conforming to a convention. The chapter is organized into two parts. In the first one, I use the Austinian notions of uptake and response as well as the Lewisian concept of accommodation to discuss a few (...)
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    Alternative negotiating conditions and the choice of negotiation tactics: A cross-cultural comparison. [REVIEW]Roger J. Volkema & Maria Tereza Leme Fleury - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (4):381 - 398.
    The growth in international trade in recent years necessitates a better understanding of customs and expectations in cross-cultural negotiations. While several researchers have sought to examine and detail the similarities and differences between select countries, their data have generally been obtained under neutral or unspecified negotiating conditions. However, issue importance, opponent (prowess, ethical reputation), and context (location, confederate awareness, urgency) can play a significant role in the use of negotiating tactics. This paper describes a study comparing the perceptions (...)
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    Negotiating consensus in simulated decision-making meetings without designated chairs: A study of participants’ discourse roles.Angela C. K. Chan & Bertha Du-Babcock - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (5):497-516.
    Decision-making is an integral part of business meetings in an organization. Research has suggested that a participant’s engagement in the decision-making process has direct relevance to his or her role in the team or organization. This study extends the investigation of communicative behavior in decision-making to a special meeting setting where all participants assume similar organizational roles and where there is no designated chair. In particular, it draws on conversation analytic methods and a recently developed framework of participant roles to (...)
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    E-Negotiations in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Importance of Cultural Familiarity in the Western and Arabic Contexts.Iman Najafi & Peter Boltuc - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (2):19-31.
    This paper focuses on the influence of cultural familiarity on getting the most out of an e-negotiation for merger or acquisition based on subjective and objective negotiation behaviors. We examined if cultural awareness could increase the rate of negotiation self-efficacy, shorten the length of negotiation and optimize deal closure results. To do so, firstly we investigate the concept of e-negotiation and its development in the last two decades. Then a series of systematic reviews is performed on the parameters influencing the (...)
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    Negotiated Precarity in the Global South: A Case Study of Migration and Domestic Work in South Africa.Zaheera Jinnah - 2020 - Studies in Social Justice 2020 (14):210-227.
    This article explores precarity as a conceptual framework to understand the intersection of migration and low-waged work in the global south. Using a case study of cross-border migrant domestic workers in South Africa, I discuss current debates on framing and understanding precarity, especially in the global south, and test its use as a conceptual framework to understand the everyday lived experiences and strategies of a group that face multiple forms of exclusion and vulnerability. I argue that a form of negotiated (...)
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