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Bibliography: Microfinance in Applied Ethics
  1.  9
    Can Microfinance Work?: How to Improve its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness.Lesley Sherratt - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Microfinance began with the noble aim of alleviating poverty through the extension of small loans to poor borrowers, and has grown to now serve approximately 200,000,000 people-the majority of whom are female. Yet despite claims to the contrary, the practice has not been proven to have succeeded in either enriching or empowering its borrowers. In a thorough-going ethical assessment of the industry, Can Microfinance Work? examines the central microfinance model and whether or not it is effective, the extent to which (...)
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  2.  19
    Microfinance Performance and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis.Luminita Postelnicu & Niels Hermes - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):427-445.
    In recent years, the microfinance industry has received a substantial amount of cross-border funding from both public and private sources. This funding reflects the increasing interest in microfinance as part of a more general trend towards socially responsible investments. In order to be able to secure sustained interest from these investors, it is important that the microfinance industry can show evidence of its contribution to reducing poverty at the bottom of the pyramid. For this, it is crucial to understand under (...)
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    Green Microfinance in Europe.Davide Forcella & Marek Hudon - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (3):445-459.
    Microfinance institutions are alternative financial providers offering financial services to people typically excluded from the standard banking sector. While most MFIs are active in developing countries, there is also a young and developing microfinance sector in Europe; however, very little literature exists on this MFI segment. In this paper, we analyze the environmental performance of 58 European MFIs. Our results suggest that the size of the MFI, investor concern for environmental performance and, to a lesser extent, donor interest, are closely (...)
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  4. Before Microfinance: The Social Value of Microsavings in Vincentian Poverty Reduction. [REVIEW]Marco Tavanti - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):697-706.
    The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the values and limits of microfinance within the context of poverty reduction, international development, and community empowerment. The main thesis is that microfinance requires a more complex strategy than simply the provision of credits. The development of financial capital depends on the increase in human capacity and social capital. Microfinance is revisited under the ethical lenses of global responsibility for alleviating poverty and developing community sustainability. Through a critical review of (...)
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  5. Green Microfinance: Characteristics of Microfinance Institutions Involved in Environmental Management.Marion Allet & Marek Hudon - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):395-414.
    In recent years, development practice has seen that microfinance institutions are starting to consider their environmental bottom line in addition to their financial and social objectives. Yet, little is known about the characteristics of institutions involved in environmental management. This paper empirically identifies the characteristics of these MFIs for the first time using a sample of 160 microfinance institutions worldwide. Basing our analysis on various econometric tests, we find that larger MFIs and MFIs registered as banks tend to perform better (...)
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  6.  26
    Caste-Based Discrimination, Microfinance Credit Scores, and Microfinance Loan Approvals Among Females in India.Vinit Parida, Sambit Lenka & Pankaj C. Patel - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):372-388.
    We draw on the phenomenon of caste-based discrimination in India and signaling theory to assess whether microfinance credit scores improve the odds of female micropreneurs from a lower caste receiving loans and whether visible business characteristics further improve the odds of receiving microfinance loans. In a sample of 3,144 female microfinance loan applicants at a female-focused microloan enterprise in India, females from a lower caste, relative to those from a higher caste, have lower odds of receiving loans when their credit (...)
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    Islamic microfinance; demand and challenges: A case study of district ghotki, sindh.Syed Ghazanfar Ahmed & Muhammad Ismile - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (2):125-142.
    Pakistan is a developing country and it has been showed remarkable development in many areas since its foundation in 1947. However, still some issues have not been handled properly, like poverty, corruption, load shedding, water crises etc. Apart from other issues, poverty is a big issue of the country and it can be observed more or less in every province. In this paper, we have analyzed the ground situation of district Ghotki, through surveys, which is considered last district of Sindh. (...)
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  8. The Ethical Crisis in Microfinance: Issues, Findings, and Implications.Marek Hudon & Joakim Sandberg - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (4):561-589.
    ABSTRACT:Microfinance is often assumed to be an ethically progressive industry, but in recent years it has been the target of much ethical criticism. Microfinance institutions have been accused of using exploitative lending techniques and charging usurious interest rates; and critics even question the ability of microfinance to alleviate poverty. This article reviews recent research on the microfinance sector that addresses these ethical issues. We show how this research is relevant to a number of theoretical issues, such as how to define (...)
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  9.  31
    Microfinance, Mission Drift, and the Impact on the Base of the Pyramid: A Resource‐Based Approach.R. Mitch Casselman & Linda M. Sama - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):437-461.
    This article draws on resource‐based theory and the literature on strategic intent to develop a theoretical model that explains the concept of mission drift in microfinance institutions . We argue that the differential strategic intents of commercially oriented, for‐profit, and socially oriented nonprofit organizations drive the acquisition of disparate resources and capabilities, which in turn drives distinct performance outcomes, including a focus on different markets within the overall base of the pyramid . The article suggests that it is the dynamic (...)
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  10.  20
    Microfinance, Rights, and Global Justice.Tom Sorell & Luis Cabrera (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contributors examine the ethical issues surrounding microfinance, including questions about exploitation, human rights, and efforts to promote global justice.
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    The miracle of microfinance? A 2016 ethical assessment.Eric Palmer - forthcoming - In Robert W. Kolb, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society: 2nd edition. Sage Publications.
    This entry focuses upon the current state of microlending activity, and particularly for-profit activity, with ethical analysis of such lending, particularly as it pertains to prospects for poverty alleviation and development for the global poor. Several specific events have lately altered the characteristics of microlending and the general assessments of its prospects: most notably the collapse of the for-profit microfinance market in Andhra Pradesh late in 2010 and research previously pursued within the same state of India that would greatly reduce (...)
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  12.  19
    Financializing the soul: Christian microfinance and economic missionization in Colombia.Rebecca C. Bartel - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):31-47.
    Microfinance is the vanguard of financialization today. This is especially true in Colombia, where microfinance rivals any other type of formal credit. Entangled with Colombia’s micro-financialization is the phenomenon of microfinance corporations in joint ventures with Christian organizations that broker their microfinance programs. These faith-based corporations temper the surge in microfinance with ascetic discipline and the infusion of an entrepreneurial spirit. Economic discipline, say the microfinanciers, is required for what is referred to as ‘financial literacy’ and ‘financial inclusion’ programs that (...)
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  13.  57
    The Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Crisis and American Payday Lending: Two studies in vulnerability.Eric Palmer - 2013 - Révue Ethique Et Economique / Ethics and Economics 10 (2):44-57.
    Microcredit, a non-profit lending approach that is often championed as a source of women’s inclusion and empowerment, has in the past decade been followed by microfinance, a forprofit sibling of a different temperament. Microfinance in India is now in turmoil, precipitated by legislation in the state of Andhra Pradesh, which has encouraged withholding of payment, which in turn has frozen the market. This paper considers one precipitating condition of the crisis: the remarkable, new, and developing burden of formal economic debt (...)
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  14.  61
    Microfinance and social pressure in India: a study of SKS.Mathew Joseph - 2012 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 6 (3):189.
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  15.  20
    Can Microfinance Work? How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness, Lesley Sherratt , 256 pp., $39.95 cloth.Jonathan Morduch - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (3):408-410.
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  16.  22
    Can Microfinance Work? How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness by Lesley Sherrat: New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.Richard F. Works - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):421-423.
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  17.  27
    Religious Expression and Crowdfunded Microfinance Success: Insights from Role Congruity Theory.Aaron H. Anglin, Hana Milanov & Jeremy C. Short - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):397-426.
    Crowdfunded microfinance provides financial resources to impoverished entrepreneurs across the globe based on online appeals describing the entrepreneur’s values and venture potential and is considered a key player in the ethical finance movement. Despite knowledge that the content of the appeals impacts funding success, little is known regarding the role of religious expression, which is common and consequential in socially-oriented contexts. We leverage role congruity theory to address a theoretical tension concerning the effects of religious expression on crowdfunded microfinance funding (...)
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  18.  98
    Why Do Microfinance Institutions Go Green? An Exploratory Study.Marion Allet - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (3):405-424.
    In recent years, in addition to financial and social objectives, the microfinance industry has started to look at its environmental bottom line. The objective of this paper is to identify why microfinance institutions decide to go green. Data was collected through a quantitative survey of 160 MFIs and qualitative semi-structured interviews of 23 MFIs’ top managers. Basing our analysis on the model of ecological responsiveness developed by Bansal and Roth :717–736, 2000), we discover that MFIs for which legitimation is the (...)
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  19.  77
    Institutionalizing Ethics in Institutional Voids: Building Positive Ethical Strength to Serve Women Microfinance Borrowers in Negative Contexts.Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):529-542.
    This study examines whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve women borrowers at the base of the economic pyramid are likely to adopt a written code of positive organizational ethics (POE). Using econometric analysis of operational and economic data of a sample of MFIs from across the world, we find that two contextual factors—poverty level and lack of women’s empowerment—moderate the influence of an MFI’s percentage of women borrowers on the probability of the MFI having a POE code. MFIs that serve (...)
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  20. Microfinance, USAID, and the UN: Who Microfinance helps, the services it provides and the institutions that promote it.Robert Edgar & Bruce Lusignan - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  21.  42
    The Commercialization of the Microfinance Industry: Is There a ‘Personal Mission Drift’ Among Credit Officers?Leif Atle Beisland, Bert D’Espallier & Roy Mersland - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):119-134.
    Recent research suggests that many microfinance institutions increasingly focus on financial performance at the expense of the social component of their dual objectives. Existing studies typically assume that capital providers and managers mainly drive this so-called mission drift. In this study, we investigate whether ‘personal mission drift’ at the credit officer level can further explain the reduced emphasis on poorer clients among microfinance institutions. We present both qualitative and quantitative evidence that more experienced credit officers tend to serve fewer vulnerable (...)
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  22.  31
    On Ethical Violations in Microfinance Backed Small Businesses: Family and Household Welfare.Rahul Nilakantan, Deepak Iyengar, Samar K. Datta & Shashank Rao - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (4):785-802.
    The microfinance business model focuses largely on lending to the woman in the household, rather than the man. The belief is that women are more trustworthy borrowers than men, and that lending to women may have increased social impact. Yet in several cases, women do not have control over the loan backed business despite being the borrower of record. Such takeover of the business by the man constitutes an ethical violation. We find that high dependency ratios in the family are (...)
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  23.  44
    Factors Influencing Microfinance Engagements by Formal Financial Institutions.Tzu-Kuan Chiu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):565-587.
    The commercialization of microfinance brings formal financial institutions into the microfinance landscape, yet little is known about the forces that lead to this phenomenon. This paper is the first dedicated to this topic using a hand-collected dataset of 112 institutions from 34 countries covering the period from 2008 to 2012. Based on institutional theory and resource-based argument, we empirically assess the effects of institutional environment factors, including regulative, normative, and cognitive elements, as well as resource-based factors, including practice model and (...)
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  24.  46
    Political Stakeholder Theory: The State, Legitimacy, and the Ethics of Microfinance in Emerging Economies.Tricia D. Olsen - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (1):71-98.
    ABSTRACT:How does the state influence stakeholder legitimacy? And how does this process affect an industry’s ethical challenges? Stakeholder theory adopts a forward-looking perspective and seeks to understand how managers can address stakeholders’ claims to improve the firm’s ability to create value. Yet, existing work does not adequately address the role of the state in defining the stakeholder universe nor the implications this may have for subsequent ethical challenges managers face. This article develops a political stakeholder theory (political ST) by weaving (...)
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  25. Microfinance, Poverty Relief, and Political Justice.Miriam Ronzoni & Laura Valentini - 2015 - In Tom Sorell & Luis Cabrera, Is there a Human Right to Microfinance? Cambridge University Press. pp. 84-104.
  26.  2
    Experiences of people with physical disabilities when accessing microfinance services in Bangladesh: A qualitative study.Debashis Sarker - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-3 (16-3):41-55.
    Ce document présente les expériences des personnes handicapées physiques dans l’accès aux prêts de microfinance. La microfinance est apparue comme un outil pour éradiquer la pauvreté et autonomiser les pauvres; cependant, y accéder est difficile pour de nombreuses personnes ayant un handicap physique. Cette étude qualitative a été menée par le biais d’entretiens approfondis semi-structurés avec vingt personnes handicapées physiques au Bangladesh pour explorer leurs points de vue sur les problèmes auxquels elles sont confrontées pour accéder à la microfinance. Les (...)
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  27.  39
    The impact of employee turnover on the financial performance of microfinance institutions: A global evidence.Md Aslam Mia, Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Hasliza Abdul Halim - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):863-889.
    Microfinance is a preferred development tool in many developing countries around the world; however, the industry has been facing many challenges in recent years, including the attainment of financial sustainability. Therefore, this study is aimed at investigating the effect of employee turnover on the financial performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs). The study utilized unbalanced panel data of 1561 unique MFIs from 2010 to 2018. The data were then analyzed by conventional econometric techniques such as the pooled ordinary least squares, random (...)
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  28.  69
    Putting Responsible Finance to Work for Citi Microfinance.Tzu-Kuan Chiu - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (2):1-16.
    This paper develops an ethical framework for responsible finance and then applies it to Citigroup (Citi), a major financial actor in the microfinance sector, to see whether it meets with such obligations. The framework consists of two categories of responsibility. The first category is the special social responsibility of financial institutions; and the second is the fundamental principles of ethical behavior in financial services. From Citigroup’s microfinance model, scope of business, and multiple roles in the market, the company seems to (...)
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  29. Reparations and microfinance schemes aa DE GREIFF, P.Hd Seibel & A. Armstrong - 2006 - In De Greiff Pablo, The handbook of reparations. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  30.  88
    Comparing Virtue, Consequentialist, and Deontological Ethics-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: Mitigating Microfinance Risk in Institutional Voids.Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):487-512.
    Due to the nature of lending practices and support services offered to the poor in developing countries, portfolio risk is a growing concern for the microfinance industry. Though previous research highlights the importance of risk for microfinance organizations, not much is known about how microfinance organizations can mitigate risks incurred from providing loans to the poor in developing countries. Further, though many microfinance organizations practice corporate social responsibility to help create economic and social wealth in developing countries, the impact of (...)
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  31.  86
    The Economics of Microfinance.Beatriz Armendariz & Jonathan Morduch - 2005 - MIT Press.
    An accessible analysis of the global expansion of financial markets in poor communities, incorporating the latest thinking and evidence.
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    Discrimination against people with disabilities in accessing microfinance.Debashis Sarker - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):318-328.
    Le but de cet article est d’analyser l’état actuel de la recherche sur la discrimination des personnes handicapées par rapport à l’accès à la microfinance. Il soutient que la littérature existante suggère que les personnes handicapées font face à une indéniable discrimination dans l’accès à la microfinance (Labie et al., 2015). Les comportements des employés au sein des institutions de micro-finance (IMF) sont une des principales sources de discrimination à l’encontre des personnes handicapées, ce qui compromet leur qualité de vie (...)
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  33.  20
    Is there a Human Right to Microfinance?Tom Sorell & Luis Cabrera - 2015 - In Tom Sorell & Luis Cabrera, Microfinance, Rights, and Global Justice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-46.
    This chapter is divided into three parts. In the first, I ask whether there is a human right to be spared extreme poverty. The answer is ‘Not necessarily’ if a human right is a legal right, and I argue that ‘human right’ either means a right in international law and associated policy, or else the term has an unacceptably wide sense. In the second section I consider microcredit as a poverty-alleviating mechanism, distinguishing between extreme and relative poverty in developing countries. (...)
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  34.  64
    What is a Fair Level of Profit for Social Enterprise? Insights from Microfinance.Marek Hudon, Marc Labie & Patrick Reichert - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):627-644.
    Although microfinance organizations are generally considered as inherently ethical, recent events have challenged the legitimacy of the sector. High interest rates and the excessive profitability of some market leaders have raised the question of how to define a fair profit level for social enterprise. In this article, we construct a fair profit framework based on four dimensions: profitability, social mission, pricing, and surplus distribution. We then apply this framework using an empirical sample of 496 microfinance institutions. Results indicate that satisfying (...)
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  35.  19
    Assessing the CSR information needs of Microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) customers.Abednego Feehi Okoe & Henry Boateng - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (3):272-287.
    Purpose This paper aims to seek to ascertain the corporate social responsibility information needs of customers of microfinance institutions. It also ascertains their media preferences for CSR disclosure. Design/methodology/approach The study adapted Wilson’s concept of information needs as the conceptual basis of this study. Case study research design was used. The respondents consisted of customers of MFIs in Ghana. Semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. Data were analysed using thematic analysis technique. Findings The study found that the CSR (...)
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  36.  13
    Poverty, Exclusion and the Design of Microfinance Institutions.Tom Sorell - 2017 - In J. van der Hoeven, Thomas Pogge & Seumas Miller, Designing In Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 119-140.
    I shall consider the preferred design of micro-lending (microfinance) institutions in the poorest parts of the world, and also in richer jurisdictions where welfare state provision is shrinking. The institutions needed in these different contexts are, unsurprisingly, different, and part of their design involves interacting with institutions that are not primarily designed to reduce poverty. I shall assume that design considerations also extend to exploiting opportunities thrown up by globally significant recent events: the world banking and financial crisis has altered (...)
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  37.  30
    Differential Social Performance of Religiously-Affiliated Microfinance Institutions in Base of Pyramid Markets.R. Mitch Casselman, Linda M. Sama & Abraham Stefanidis - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):539-552.
    As the debate over the value of microfinance institutions intensifies, it remains apparent that microfinance may, at the very least, be considered as one tool in the arsenal of the war against poverty in base of pyramid markets. Given the variety of actors in the microfinance arena, stakeholders have placed a relatively new emphasis on performance reporting for MFIs, allowing comparisons and identifications of performance gaps. One result of this scrutiny is an increased importance placed on MFIs’ social performance, with (...)
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  38.  20
    National Culture and Women Managers: Evidence From Microfinance Institutions Around the World.Godfred Adjapong Afrifa & Ernest Gyapong - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1387-1430.
    We investigate the effect of national culture on women manager appointments. We argue that culture influences women manager appointments through their effects on managerial decision-making. Using firm-level data on 2,456 microfinance institutions (MFIs) across 61 countries, we document that fewer women managers are appointed in societies high on individualism and uncertainty avoidance. On the contrary, high power distance societies are positively associated with the appointment of women managers. We demonstrate that a greater number of women nonmanagers reduces (increases) the appointment (...)
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    Measuring Social Performance in Social Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions.Leif Atle Beisland, Kwame Ohene Djan, Roy Mersland & Trond Randøy - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):51-71.
    Social enterprises in the microfinance industry need to adhere to both financial and social demands. Critics argue that there is a mission drift away from the social mission, and this has motivated the introduction of social rating agencies to strengthen the business ethics of microfinance institutions. Using a global dataset of 204 socially rated MFIs from 58 countries, we assess the factors that drive the social performance ratings of MFIs. Overall our results show that social ratings of MFIs are significantly (...)
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  40.  52
    Women's enterprise development in eritrea through microfinance.Ravinder Rena - 2008 - ICFAI University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development 5 (3):41-58.
    Women play a key role in economic growth and development, yet they are still discriminated against in economic life. Eritrea has extreme poverty and more than 66 percent of people live below poverty line. Eventually, the number of poor households in the country is high. Many are women-headed households, whose husbands died during the conflicts or who are now serving in the National Service. Women-headed households are particularly vulnerable. The Savings and Micro Credit Program (SMCP) provides major microfinance to women (...)
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  41.  9
    The Pledge: Asa, Peasant Politics, and Microfinance in the Development of Bangladesh.Stuart Rutherford - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    ASA of Bangladesh tops Forbes Magazine's list of the world's best microfinance banks. This book tells the story of how ASA's determined but practical-minded founder and leader, Shfiqual Haque Choudhury, steered his organisation through the maze of competing ideas about how best to develop poor countries.
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  42.  44
    A Study of Codes of Ethics for Mexican Microfinance Institutions.Lauren Kleynjans & Marek Hudon - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):397-412.
    Most scholarly interest in codes of ethics or conduct has focused on traditional companies. Little is known about the codes of social enterprises or hybrid organizations such as microfinance institutions. Our paper provides a comparative case study of the codes of a Mexican microfinance network and seven MFIs. Using the corporate integrity model, we analyze the content of MFIs’ codes compared to those of traditional organizations. We then examine to what extent some specific features of MFIs such as their mission, (...)
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  43.  33
    Financial Sustainability of For-Profit Versus Non-Profit Microfinance Organizations Following a Scandal.Arzi Adbi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1):57-74.
    Why do some organizations suffer more than others in the wake of an industry scandal? Although ex-ante greater opportunistic behavior of organizations is one factor, we argue that ex-post greater targeting of organizations is another important factor. Using the context of microfinance organizations (MFOs), we examine why the financial sustainability of for-profit and non-profit organizations may be heterogeneously affected following a scandal. Leveraging the 2010 Indian microfinance scandal as our research setting and analyzing longitudinal data, we find a substantial decline (...)
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  44.  26
    The prospect of islamic microfinance institution in indonesia.Nur Kholis - 2012 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 7 (2).
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    Group Lending, Joint Liability, and Social Capital: Insights From the Indian Microfinance Crisis.Joseph E. Stiglitz & Antara Haldar - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (4):459-497.
    This article grapples with the causes of India’s microfinance crisis. By contrasting Bangladesh’s highly successful Grameen model with the allegedly “universalizable” version of India’s SKS Microfinance, trust or social capital is isolated—not just narrowly interpreted within standard economic theory, but more broadly construed—as the essential element accounting for the early success of microfinance. It is argued that the microfinance experience has been widely misinterpreted, in both analytical and policy terms. This article suggests inherent limits in extending the model to for-profit (...)
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    The Ethical Dilemma in Hybrid Organizations: A Production Function Approach to Credit Expansion in Microfinance.Kjetil Andersson, Bert D’Espallier & Roy Mersland - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    We derive and estimate a production function for microfinance institutions to provide empirical evidence of the ethical dilemma of balancing social and financial logics in hybrid organizations. A worldwide panel dataset of microfinance institutions is utilized and a production function augmented by average loan size is estimated using the control function approach. We show how this framework can be used to quantify the tradeoff between social outreach and financial sustainability in relation to the expansion of microfinance institutions’ credit operations. The (...)
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  47.  29
    Women on Boards and Performance Trade-offs in Social Enterprises: Insights from Microfinance.Moez Bennouri, Anastasia Cozarenco & Samuel Anokye Nyarko - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (1):165-198.
    Social enterprises combine social and financial goals. Previous studies have theorized the existence of a dual objective and maintain that it can lead to conflicts and create trade-offs. While the literature on trade-offs is extensively developed, empirical evidence is lacking on how the intensity of trade-offs might vary among organizations. We fill the void by investigating the moderating effect of female directorship on the relationship between the social and financial goals of social enterprises. Using data on 1193 microfinance organizations (MFOs) (...)
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  48. La fusión bancaria en Venezuela. Importancia de las TIC en la banca universal y microfinanciera nacional/Bank Merger in Venezuela. Importance of ICT in Universal Banking and National Microfinance.Flor Villalobos de Bastidas, Alexis Aguirre & Nelly Manasía - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):414-428.
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    Human Trafficking and Development: The Role of Microfinance.Makonen Getu - 2006 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 23 (3):142-156.
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  50. (1 other version)Credit accessibility and corporate social responsibility in financial institutions: The case of microfinance.Francesc Prior & Antonio Argandoña - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (4):349-363.
    What are financial institutions' social responsibilities in developing countries? On the one hand, these institutions share the generic responsibilities of all human organizations and business enterprises. However, their specific social responsibility is the performance of the social function of financial intermediaries, which, in the case of emerging countries, consists mainly of contributing to economic growth and solving the problem of poverty. This paper describes a number of technical-economic and moral problems that take us to a consideration of the performance of (...)
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