Results for ' Mechanics'

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    Health & Illness in Technological Societies.David Mechanic - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (3):7.
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    Rationing health care: public policy and the medical marketplace.David Mechanic - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (1):34-37.
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    Effects of orienting task, practice, and incentive on simultaneous incidental and intentional learning.Arnold Mechanic - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (4):393.
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    The Supreme Court and Abortion: 2. Sidestepping Social Realities.David Mechanic - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):17-19.
  5. 16 research on volunteering and health.Mechanisms Linking Volunteering - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post, Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa.
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    Physicians and Patients in Transition.David Mechanic - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (6):9-12.
    Despite growing consumerism and skepticism about authority in the culture as a whole, most patients continue to be pliant. If there is a serious threat to physician autonomy, it is more likely to come from third‐party payers and new forms of medical practice, particularly the rise of for‐profit hospital chains, than from patients. Though physicians are restless, they will learn to adapt to the new conditions of practice.
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  7. Quantum Theory: An Appraisal.Bohmian Mechanics - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 184.
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    Summer Inquiry Workshop.Judith Waters & Jean Mechanic - 1989 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 4 (1):6-7.
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    Email: Unruh@ physics. Ubc. Quantum Mechanics Non-Local - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield, Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    The distribution of recalled items in simultaneous intentional and incidental learning.Arnold Mechanic - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):593.
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    Visual and pronouncing responses, and the relation between orienting task and presentations in incidental learning.Arnold Mechanic & Joanne D'Andrea - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (3):343.
  12. Shrager.Diary of an Insane Cell Mechanic - 2005 - In M. Gorman, R. Tweney, D. Gooding & A. Kincannon, Scientific and Technological Thinking. Erlbaum.
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  13. Physics and Chance: Philosophical Issues in the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics.Lawrence Sklar - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Statistical mechanics is one of the crucial fundamental theories of physics, and in his new book Lawrence Sklar, one of the pre-eminent philosophers of physics, offers a comprehensive, non-technical introduction to that theory and to attempts to understand its foundational elements. Among the topics treated in detail are: probability and statistical explanation, the basic issues in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, the role of cosmology, the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics, and the alleged foundation of (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics. II.Edwin T. Jaynes - 1957 - Physical Review 108 (2):171.
    Information theory and statistical mechanics II.
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  15. Information theory and statistical mechanics.Edwin T. Jaynes - 1957 - Physical Review 106:620–630.
    Information theory and statistical mechanics.
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    The Quantum Mechanics of Minds and Worlds.Jeffrey Alan Barrett - 1999 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jeffrey Barrett presents the most comprehensive study yet of a problem that has puzzled physicists and philosophers since the 1930s.
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  17. The principles of quantum mechanics.Paul Dirac - 1930 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    THE PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION. The need for a quantum theory Classical mechanics has been developed continuously from the time of Newton and applied to an ...
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    Bohmian mechanics and quantum theory: an appraisal.James T. Cushing, Arthur Fine & Sheldon Goldstein - 1996 - Springer.
    We are often told that quantum phenomena demand radical revisions of our scientific world view and that no physical theory describing well defined objects, such as particles described by their positions, evolving in a well defined way, let alone deterministically, can account for such phenomena. The great majority of physicists continue to subscribe to this view, despite the fact that just such a deterministic theory, accounting for all of the phe nomena of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, was proposed by David (...)
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    Mechanics of verbal ability.Earl Hunt - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (2):109-130.
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  20. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1944 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    Written by an internationally renowned philosopher, this volume offers a three-part philosophical interpretation of quantum physics. The first part reviews the basics of quantum mechanics, outlining their philosophical interpretation and summarizing their results; the second outlines the mathematical methods of quantum mechanics; and the third section blends the philosophical ideas of the first part and the mathematical formulations of the second part to develop a variety of interpretations of quantum mechanics. 1944 edition.
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    The Challenge of Quantum Mechanics to the Rationality of Science: Philosophers of Science on Bohr.Marij van Strien - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):219-241.
    Bohr’s work in quantum mechanics posed a challenge to philosophers of science, who struggled with the question of whether and to what degree his theories and methods could be considered rational. This paper focuses on Popper, Feyerabend, Lakatos and Kuhn, all of whom recognized some irrational, dogmatic, paradoxical or even inconsistent features in Bohr’s work. Popper, Feyerabend, and Lakatos expressed strong criticism of Bohr’s approach to quantum physics, while Kuhn argued that such criticism was unlikely to be fruitful: progress (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics: Keeping It Real?Craig Callender - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):837-851.
    This article is an introduction to and advertisement of Erwin Schrödinger’s little-known real-valued wave equation, the first published time dependent Schrödinger equation. I argue that this equation is not merely a historical curiosity. Not only does it show that quantum mechanics need not be viewed as essentially complex-valued, but the real formalism also provides a deep insight into the puzzling nature of time reversal in a quantum world. It is hoped that this observation will stimulate the discovery of other (...)
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  23. On the quantum mechanics of consciousness, with application to anomalous phenomena.Robert G. Jahn & Brenda J. Dunne - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (8):721-772.
    Theoretical explication of a growing body of empirical data on consciousness-related anomalous phenomena is unlikely to be achieved in terms of known physical processes. Rather, it will first be necessary to formulate the basic role of consciousness in the definition of reality before such anomalous experience can adequately be represented. This paper takes the position that reality is constituted only in the interaction of consciousness with its environment, and therefore that any scheme of conceptual organization developed to represent that reality (...)
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  24. (2 other versions)Quantum Mechanics. Historical Contingency and the Copenhagen Hegemony.James T. Cushing - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (2):353-358.
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  25. Classical Mechanics Is Lagrangian; It Is Not Hamiltonian.Erik Curiel - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (2):269-321.
    One can (for the most part) formulate a model of a classical system in either the Lagrangian or the Hamiltonian framework. Though it is often thought that those two formulations are equivalent in all important ways, this is not true: the underlying geometrical structures one uses to formulate each theory are not isomorphic. This raises the question of whether one of the two is a more natural framework for the representation of classical systems. In the event, the answer is yes: (...)
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    Synthetic mechanics.John P. Burgess - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (4):379 - 395.
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    The mechanics of meaning: propositional content and the logical space of Wittgenstein's Tractatus.David Jalal Hyder - 2002 - New York: Walter de Gruyter. Edited by David Jalal Hyder.
    In establishing unexpected cross-connections between physics, the theory of perception, and logic, Hyder also makes a valuable contribution to the history of ...
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  28. Sensible quantum mechanics: Are probabilities only in the mind?Don N. Page - 1996 - International Journal of Modern Physics D 5:583-96.
    Quantum mechanics may be formulated as Sensible Quantum Mechanics (SQM) so that it contains nothing probabilistic except conscious perceptions. Sets of these perceptions can be deterministically realized with measures given by expectation values of positive-operator-valued awareness operators. Ratios of the measures for these sets of perceptions can be interpreted as frequency- type probabilities for many actually existing sets. These probabilities gener- ally cannot be given by the ordinary quantum “probabilities” for a single set of alternatives. Probabilism, or ascribing (...)
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    The Mechanics of Claims and Permissible Killing in War.Alec D. Walen - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    This book develops an alternative account of rights according to which rights forfeiture has a much smaller role to play because rights themselves are more contextually contingent. For example, those who threaten to cause harm without a right to do so have weaker claims not to be killed than innocent bystanders or those who have a right to threaten to cause harm. By framing rights as the output of a balance of competing claims, and by laying out a detailed account (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics Without Indeterminacy.David Glick - 2022 - In Valia Allori, Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer.
    Metaphysical indeterminacy in the context of quantum mechanics is often motivated by the eigenstate-eigenvalue link. However, the sparse view of Glick illustrates why it has no such implications. Other links connecting quantum states and property ascriptions—such as those associated with the GRW theory—may introduce indeterminacy, but such indeterminacy may be viewed as merely representational and is susceptible to familiar treatments of vagueness. Thus, I contend that such links fail to provide a compelling motivation for quantum metaphysical indeterminacy.
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  31. Probabilities in Statistical Mechanics.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2016 - In Alan Hájek & Christopher Hitchcock, The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 573-600.
    This chapter will review selected aspects of the terrain of discussions about probabilities in statistical mechanics (with no pretensions to exhaustiveness, though the major issues will be touched upon), and will argue for a number of claims. None of the claims to be defended is entirely original, but all deserve emphasis. The first, and least controversial, is that probabilistic notions are needed to make sense of statistical mechanics. The reason for this is the same reason that convinced Maxwell, (...)
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    Relational Quantum Mechanics, quantum relativism, and the iteration of relativity.Timotheus Riedel - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):109-118.
    The idea that the dynamical properties of quantum systems are invariably relative to other systems has recently regained currency. Using Relational Quantum Mechanics (RQM) for a case study, this paper calls attention to a question that has been underappreciated in the debate about quantum relativism: the question of whether relativity iterates. Are there absolute facts about the properties one system possesses relative to a specified reference, or is this again a relative matter, and so on? It is argued that (...)
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  33. Derivation of Classical Mechanics in an Energetic Framework via Conservation and Relativity.Philip Goyal - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 1 (11):1426-1479.
    The notions of conservation and relativity lie at the heart of classical mechanics, and were critical to its early development. However, in Newton’s theory of mechanics, these symmetry principles were eclipsed by domain-specific laws. In view of the importance of symmetry principles in elucidating the structure of physical theories, it is natural to ask to what extent conservation and relativity determine the structure of mechanics. In this paper, we address this question by deriving classical mechanics—both nonrelativistic (...)
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  34. How Quantum Mechanics Can Consistently Describe the Use of Itself.Dustin Lazarovici & Mario Hubert - 2019 - Scientific Reports 470 (9):1-8.
    We discuss the no-go theorem of Frauchiger and Renner based on an "extended Wigner's friend" thought experiment which is supposed to show that any single-world interpretation of quantum mechanics leads to inconsistent predictions if it is applicable on all scales. We show that no such inconsistency occurs if one considers a complete description of the physical situation. We then discuss implications of the thought experiment that have not been clearly addressed in the original paper, including a tension between relativity (...)
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  35. Per-Erik Malmnas.Towards A. Mechanization Of Real-Life - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 231.
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  36. The mechanics' philosophy and the mechanical philosophy.James A. Bennett - 1986 - History of Science 24 (1):1-28.
  37. The Role of the Observer in Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.Paul Sonenthal - unknown
    Although quantum mechanics has significantly advanced our understanding of the physical world, it has also been a source of great confusion. Myriad interpretations, and interpretations of interpretations, have been proposed to try and explain away the seeming inconsistencies which lie at the heart of quantum mechanics. All of these attempts at interpretation center on the seemingly intractable measurement problem. In this essay I argue that a number of interpretations of quantum mechanics are plagued by inadequate and misleading (...)
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    Hertz's Mechanics and a Unitary Notion of Force.Joshua Eisenthal - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (90):226-234.
    Heinrich Hertz dedicated the last four years of his life to a systematic reformulation of mechanics. One of the main issues that troubled Hertz in the customary formulation of mechanics was a "logical obscurity" in the notion of force. However, it is unclear what this logical obscurity was, hence it is unclear how Hertz took himself to have avoided it. -/- In this paper, I argue that a subtle ambiguity in Newton's original laws of motion lay at the (...)
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    Two dogmas about quantum mechanics.Jeffrey Bub & Itamar Pitowsky - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace, Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    We argue that the intractable part of the measurement problem -- the 'big' measurement problem -- is a pseudo-problem that depends for its legitimacy on the acceptance of two dogmas. The first dogma is John Bell's assertion that measurement should never be introduced as a primitive process in a fundamental mechanical theory like classical or quantum mechanics, but should always be open to a complete analysis, in principle, of how the individual outcomes come about dynamically. The second dogma is (...)
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  40. Foundations of statistical mechanics—two approaches.Stephen Leeds - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (1):126-144.
    This paper is a discussion of David Albert's approach to the foundations of classical statistical menchanics. I point out a respect in which his account makes a stronger claim about the statistical mechanical probabilities than is usually made, and I suggest what might be motivation for this. I outline a less radical approach, which I attribute to Boltzmann, and I give some reasons for thinking that this approach is all we need, and also the most we are likely to get. (...)
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  41. Fluid Mechanics for Philosophers, or Which Solutions Do You Want for Navier-Stokes?Colin McLarty - 2023 - In Lydia Patton & Erik Curiel, Working Toward Solutions in Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics: What the Equations Don’t Say. Springer Verlag. pp. 31-56.
    Of the seven $1,000,000 Clay Millennium Prize Problems in mathematics, just one would immediately appeal to Leonard Euler. That is “Existence and Smoothness of the Navier-Stokes Equation” (Fefferman 2000). Euler gave the basic equation in the 1750s. The work to this day shows Euler’s intuitive, vividly physical sense of mathematics.
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  42. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory.F. Strocchi - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (3):501-527.
    The problems which arise for a relativistic quantum mechanics are reviewed and critically examined in connection with the foundations of quantum field theory. The conflict between the quantum mechanical Hilbert space structure, the locality property and the gauge invariance encoded in the Gauss' law is discussed in connection with the various quantization choices for gauge fields.
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  43. Descartes, mechanics, and the mechanical philosophy.Daniel Garber - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):185–204.
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    Quantum mechanics and the nature of continuous physical quantities.Paul Teller - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (7):345-361.
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    Time in Quantum Mechanics.Jan Hilgevoord & David Atkinson - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press.
    Time is often said to play in quantum mechanics an essentially different role from position: whereas position is represented by a Hermitian operator, time is represented by a c-number. This discrepancy has been found puzzling and has given rise to a vast literature and many efforts at a solution. In this paper it is argued that the discrepancy is only apparent and that there is nothing in the formalism of quantum mechanics that forces us to treat position and (...)
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  46. Barad, Bohr, and quantum mechanics.Jan Faye & Rasmus Jaksland - 2021 - Synthese 199:8231-8255.
    The last decade has seen an increasing number of references to quantum mechanics in the humanities and social sciences. This development has in particular been driven by Karen Barad’s agential realism: a theoretical framework that, based on Niels Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics, aims to inform social theorizing. In dealing with notions such as agency, power, and embodiment as well as the relation between the material and the discursive level, the influence of agential realism in fields such as (...)
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    The philosophy of quantum mechanics.Max Jammer - 1974 - New York,: Wiley. Edited by Max Jammer.
  48. Reducing thermodynamics to statistical mechanics: The case of entropy.Craig Callender - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy 96 (7):348-373.
    This article argues that most of the approaches to the foundations of statistical mechanics have severed their link with the original foundational project, the project of demonstrating how real mechanical systems can behave thermodynamically.
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  49. II. Mechanics of Fake News. Enquiry and Normative Deviance.Filippo Ferrari & Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann, The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Reality in quantum mechanics.Henry Margenau - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (4):287-302.
    The philosophy of quantum mechanics has often been conceived by physicists as a collection of dogmas concerning what can be measured, observed and known. To this branch of dialectics the present paper does not attempt to contribute, chiefly because it is written from the conviction that no part of science, nor any philosophy, can safely predict what may be feasible or knowable. Rather, this brief essay endeavors to expose the epistemology of quantum physics in a way which allows it (...)
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