Results for ' Magalhães-Vilhena'

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  1. António Sérgio. O idealismo crítico e a crise da ideologia burguesa.V. de Magalhães-Vilhena - 1969 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 25 (2):239-240.
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  2. Le problème de Socrate; le Socrate historique et le Socrate de Platon.V. de Magalhaes-Vilhena - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (3):316-318.
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    Notes bibliographiques. [REVIEW]P. M.-O., P. -M. S., E. B., J. M., Magalhães-Vilhena & M.-O. - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141 (96):135-143.
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    Le probléme de Socrate.Vasco Manuel de Magalhães Vilhena - 1952 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
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  5. Socrate et la légende platonicienne.Vasco Manuel de Magalhães Vilhena - 1952 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  6. António Sergio.Vasco Manuel de Magalhães Vilhena - 1964 - Lisboa,: Seara Nova.
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  7. V. de Magalhães-Vilhena, Le Problème de Socrate / Socrate et la légende platonicienne.Philip Merlan - 1956 - Philosophische Rundschau 4 (3/4):212.
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  8. Armstrong on the spatio-temporality of universals.Ernâni Magalhães - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):301 – 308.
    Provocatively, David Armstrong's properties are supposed to be both universals and spatio-temporal. What does this amount to? I consider four of Armstrong's views, in order of ascending plausibility: (1) the exemplification account, on which universals are exemplified by space-times; (2) the location account, on which universals are located at space-times; (3) the first constituent account, on which spatio-temporal relations are elements of what I call the form of time; and, the true view, (4) the second constituent account, on which universals (...)
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    Ciência psicológica: objetividade ou exorcismo da incerteza; Psychological science: objectivity or exorcism of uncertainty.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:83-87.
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    Introduction: McTaggart’s Paradox at One Hundred.Ernâni Magalhães - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):225-227.
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    Presentism: Essential Readings.Ernâni Magalhães & Nathan L. Oaklander (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Presentism: Essential Readings contains writings—classic and contemporary—that acquaint the reader with different versions of presentism, standard philosophical and scientific objections to presentism, and their attempted solutions. Detailed introductions to each part of the book make the discussions accessible to students and those unfamiliar with this fascinating and controversial philosophy.
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  12. Do bem e do belo.Henrique Vilhena - 1935 - Lisboa,:
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  13. Les colorants rouges de l'habitat rupestre de Santa Elina, Mato Grosso (Brésil).Agueda Vilhena Vialou, Helena Badu, Francesco D'Errico & Denis Vialou - 1996 - Techne 3:91-97.
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    A Contingent Affinity: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and the Challenge of Modern Politics.Pedro T. Magalhães - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2):283-304.
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    Does Meditation Alter Brain Responses to Negative Stimuli? A Systematic Review.Andressa A. Magalhaes, Leticia Oliveira, Mirtes G. Pereira & Carolina B. Menezes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Spelling Performance of Portuguese Children: Comparison Between Grade Level, Misspelling Type, and Assessment Task.Sofia Magalhães, Ana Mesquita, Marisa Filipe, Andreia Veloso, São Luís Castro & Teresa Limpo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Comentários e pensamentos.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães - 2001 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    A arena discursiva das ruas e a condição pós-moderna: da manifestação à metacarnavalização.Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães & Maria Elizabeth da Silva Queijo - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):166-185.
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    Reseña de "Hannah Arendt e os limites do Novo" de Maria Aparecida Abreu.Simone Maria Magalhaes - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (31):125-126.
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    Ruth Katz and Ruth HaCohen, Tuning the Mind: Connecting Aesthetics to Cognitive Science.Marcos Magalhães - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (2):387-392.
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  21. Formação do Estado, Cidadania e Identidade Nacional: comentários sobre a formação do Estado moderno ea construção da Europa.Carlos Augusto Teixeira Magalhães - 2002 - Enfoques 1 (1).
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    Should rare diseases get special treatment?Monica Magalhaes - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):86-92.
    Orphan drug policy often gives ‘special treatment’ to rare diseases, by giving additional priority or making exceptions to specific drugs, based on the rarity of the conditions they aim to treat. This essay argues that the goal of orphan drug policy should be to make prevalence irrelevant to funding decisions. It aims to demonstrate that it is severity, not prevalence, which drives our judgments that important claims are being overlooked when treatments for severe rare diseases are not funded. It shows (...)
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    Intervention Research in a Public Elementary School: A Critical-Collaborative Teacher Education Project on Reading and Writing.Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):39-61.
    This Teacher Education Project is an intervention research aimed at creating new school roles for educating students as readers and writers as well as citizens. The methodological framework was based on Vygotsky’s discussions of method as praxis, as well as on both the Marxist practical–materialistic–revolutionary activity and Engeström’s extensions of Cultural Historical Activity Theory. The work at school was motivated by students’ limited awareness of reading and writing. The goal was to involve the school as a community in understanding and (...)
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  24. Presentism, persistence and composition.Ernâni Magalhães - 2011 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):509-523.
    Pace Benovsky's ‘Presentism and Persistence,’ presentism is compatible with perdurantism, tropes and bundle-of-universals theories of persisting objects. I demonstrate how the resemblance, causation and precedence relations that tie stages together can be accommodated within an ersatzer presentist framework. The presentist account of these relations is then used to delineate a presentist-friendly account of the inter-temporal composition required for making worms out of stages. The defense of presentist trope theory shows how properties with indexes other than t may be said to (...)
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    Fatos do espírito humano.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães - 2004 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Academia Brasileira de Letras. Edited by Luiz Alberto Cerqueira.
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    Market and regulation in American urban sprawl: a different view.C. de Magalhães - 2007 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 9:11-12.
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    O ícone não é um primeiro.Theresa Calvet de Magalhães - 1983 - Discurso 14:91-100.
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    A din'mica discursiva na formação de professores: discurso autoritário ou internamente persuasivo?Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães, Maria Otilia Guimarães Ninin & Ângela Brambilla Cavenaghi Themudo Lessa - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):129-147.
    Este artigo, apoiado na perspectiva teórica sócio-histórico-cultural, discute a atividade na qual sujeitos se envolvem como constitutiva dos papeis sociais que exercem. Objetiva desencadear discussão acerca da dinâmica discursiva em contextos de formação crítico-colaborativa de professores, focalizando os discursos de autoridade e internamente persuasivo (BAKHTIN, 2010) e sua coocorrência nas situações de negociação de significados. Tal distinção constitui-se relevante por permitir compreender diferentes enunciados argumentativos ou não, proferidos por educadores em formação, que se proximam ou se distanciam daqueles proferidos por (...)
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  29. O problema do licenciamento de grandes empreendimentos privados em face do direito urbanístico: Análise de um Caso emblemático na periferia da região metropolitana do Rio de janeiro.Alex Ferreira Magalhães, Laura Marques dos Santos Fernandes Alves, Angel Costa Soares & Juliana Leite de Araújo - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Uma introdução ao BBT: um método projetivo para a clarificação da inclinação profissional; An introduction to BBT: a projective method for clarification of professional preferences.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 15:103-110.
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  31. What Is It Like To Be Past?Ernani Magalhaes - manuscript
    The Growing Block Theory of time asserts that temporal reality encompasses all present and past things. The world grows as things come to be present. When something becomes past it does not cease to be, it simply moves away from the growing edge of reality. Thus past things are just like present ones, except not present. But if past things are just as real as present ones, and qualitatively just like them, how can I tell if what is happening is (...)
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    Ethics and Integrity in Research: Why Bridging the Gap Between Ethics and Integrity Matters.Susana Magalhães - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):137-147.
    Ethics and integrity should be intertwined within the concept of Responsible Research. Integrity Officers should also be Ethics Officers, enforcing compliance with rules and norms, but also raising awareness on the meaning of ethics in researchers’ daily work. Paul Ricoeur’s definition of Ethics – “the aim of living a good life with and for others in just institutions” (Ricoeur in Oneself as Another. University of Chicago Press, 1994 ) –, points out the relational dimension of Ethics that matters to all (...)
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    A estética de Georg Lukács: pressupostos para a prática escolar.Carlos Henrique Ferreira Magalhães - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:142-154.
    Este ensaio teórico tem a finalidade de caracterizar os pressupostos antropomorfização e realismo na Estética de Lukács. A tensão que a objetividade promove na subjetividade do ser social, proporcionada pela arte realista, possibilita ao homem se aproximar dos ritmos das contradições da realidade. Isso permite ao homem aguçar sua crítica e buscar sua emancipação. Acreditamos que uma prática escolar sustentada pela necessidade de se apropriar da cultura clássica com as múltiplas contradições da realidade constitui-se numa alternativa para proporcionar uma Educação (...)
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    Multi‐source research designs on ethical leadership: A literature review.Anabela Magalhães, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos & Leonor Pais - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):345-364.
    The aim of this article is to undertake a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical research that uses multi‐source methods for collecting data about Ethical Leadership (EL). Research on this sensitive subject benefits from the inclusion of data from more than one source, in order to be better supported, and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of leadership and business ethics issues. The search strategy retrieved a total of 50 multi‐source empirical studies on the topic of EL, published until December (...)
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  35. A Relacion de la Vitoria qve alcanzaron las Armas Catolicas en la Baia de Todos Santos, do Bispo D. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza.Pablo Antonio Iglesias Magalhães - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (23):43-65.
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    A Dimensão Ontológica do Antropoceno: Pensamento Ameríndio e Algumas Ideias para Adiar o Fim do Mundo.Juliana Neuenschwander-Magalhães - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:57-76.
    This article observes the imagination of the end of the world in the Anthropocene era and, at the same time, intends, from an anthropological turn that considers other possibilities of human existence on Earth, to imagine how Amerindian cosmovision can promote not only an ontological but also an epistemological turn in the field of contemporary law and politics. A conflicted but not impossible dialogue between the naturalistic matrix of Western thought and Amerindian multinaturalism, in search of “ideas to postpone the (...)
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    Autopoiesis in organization theory and practice.Rodrigo Magalhaes & Ron Sanchez (eds.) - 2009 - United Kingdom: Emerald.
    Considers the potential of autopoiesis theory to provide an alternate unifying framework for the study of organizations as systems and of organizational phenomena as emergent phenomena. This title includes papers that integrate open systems theory with the pioneering work of Maturana and Varela (1980, 1992) on autopoiesis in biological systems.
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    Jesuítas, culturas nativas e colonos: relações interculturais na América Ibérica.Magda Lima Magalhães & Cleber Cristiano Prodanov - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (1).
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    O contributo Das congregações religiosas para a educação tradicional da mulher em portugal.Justino Pereira de Magalhães - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):151-157.
    O fator religioso foi uma componente fundamental da educação tradicional. Nas sociedades tradicionais, a mulher assumiu a delicada função de preservar as memórias e as práticas tradicionais de educação das gerações jovens. Assim, a vigilância do comportamento religioso da mulher foi muito rigorosa. As congregações religiosas, designadamente a Congregação das Ursulinas, assumiram a partir do Concilio de Trento a principal função de ensinar e educar as mulheres. Com efeito, quando se instalaram em Portugal no século XVIII, as Ursulinas tinham já (...)
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    O tilintar dos cálices de Cristo, Chico/Gil e Criolo: a questão da ética num brinde dialógico.Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães & Daniel Eduardo Candido - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):46-75.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, the aim is to demonstrate the ethical-semantic impact of great time in the reaccentuation of two reformulations of the expression “let this cup pass from me.” Theoretically, we describe great time as semantic sectors of existence which frame the possibilities of meaning actualized in speech genres and concrete utterances. Methodologically, the song Cálice by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and the RAP Cálice by Criolo are dialogically disposed in relation to their context of production, to one (...)
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  41. Searching for Otherness: The View of a Novel.Susana Magalhães & Ana Carvalho - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):139-164.
    The ethical issues concerning the use of PGD to select embryos of a particular HLA type are numerous. They arise from the potentially conflicting interests between those of the pre-existing child, the subject of a treatment which may be curative, and those of the sibling to be created, who cannot give consent to the donation, together with the problem of the destruction of potentially healthy embryos. This essay focuses on the web of vulnerabilities affecting the parents, the sick child and (...)
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    (1 other version)O poeta-filósofo Teixeira de Pascoaes.António Dias De Magalhães - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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    Megaeventos desportivos e culturais e suas consequências.Fernando Magalhães - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-15.
    Este texto visa analisar o desenvolvimento do turismo em Lisboa, nos últimos 25 anos, a partir de vários eixos centrais. Por um lado, investigaremos a realização dos megaeventos como fatores indutores do crescimento turístico. Por outro lado, ocrescimento exponencial de visitantes da cidade de Lisboa, que se deu a partirda realização da Exposição Mundial, em 1998, assim como da organização doCampeonato Europeu de Futebol, em 2004, atingiu o seu máximo no ano de 2019. Um elevado número de turistas, concentrado num (...)
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    Pensar o Cone Sul num mundo globalizado.Fernando Magalhães - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (1):45-59.
    The article recasts the problem of globalization from a Marxist standpoint, so as to stress the concrete process of hegemonic economic domination, as opposed to reflections and speculations on universal solutions, with particular emphasis on the Latin American situation. KEY WORDS – Globalization. Latin America. Marxism. Universalism.
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    Designing organization design: a human-centric approach.Rodrigo Magalhães - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    As a topic, organization design is poorly understood. While it is featured in most management books as a chapter dedicated to organizational structures, it is unclear whether organization design is a one-off event or an ongoing process. Thus, it has traditionally been understood to be the same as an organizational configuration, with neat lines of communication and distribution of responsibilities following pre-set typologies. Yet what can be said to constitute organizational structure in this first half of the 21st century? The (...)
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    Teorias e Modelos em Genética de Populações: Um exemplo do uso do Método Axiomático em Biologia.João Carlos Marques Magalhães & Décio Krause - 2006 - Episteme 11 (24):269-291.
    A investigação de um domínio amplo da realidade, como a evolução dosseres vivos, pode dar origem a diferentes “teorias”, cada uma consoantecom uma particular perspectiva que se considere. Para que se proceda auma análise detalhada dos pressupostos e conceitos que baseiam umadeterminada visão, o método axiomático parece ser a melhor das opções.Neste artigo, são discutidas algumas teorias da biologia evolutiva de umponto de vista axiomático, mostrando-se de que forma se pode apresentarum “predicado de Suppes” para a teoria sintética da evolução, (...)
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  47. Temporal Passage Demystified.Ernani Magalhaes - manuscript
    Time passes iff: P and then Q, for any tensed P and Q. Mary sits; and then she stands. The view—dynamic succession—accommodates the intuition that time passes when events change their A-characteristics: my next birthday is 11 months future and then 10 months future and so on. The view implies an intimate connection between passage, persistence, and change. Persistence and change both presuppose passage. The view charts a path between A-theories (invoking past, present, future) and B-theories (invoking succession). A-theories of (...)
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  48. The Surprise Quiz Paradox: A Dialogue.Ernani Magalhaes - manuscript
    Despite having been solved numerous times, the surprise quiz paradox persists in the intellectual imagination as a riddle. This dialogue aims to dispel the fallacies of the paradox in an intuitive way through the causal format of a dialogue. Along the way, two contributions are made to the literature. Even if the student knew there would be a quiz at the end of a quizless Thursday, the fact that the quiz will be a surprise Friday would provide a Gettier-style defeater (...)
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    Liebe zu uns, Liebe zum Vaterland.Jens Carlesson Magalhães - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (1):58-64.
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    “Love Is What Love Does” - Stories of Representation and Belonging in Hair Love, by Matthew A. Cherry.Milena Magalhães & Rosana Nunes Alencar - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64231p.
    RESUMO Este texto reflete sobre a representatividade do cabelo crespo como elemento de pertencimento racial na literatura infantil, ancorando-se no livro Amor de cabelo, do diretor, produtor e escritor negro norte-americano Matthew A. Cherry. Para tanto, investiga como as imagens da ilustradora Vashti Harrison, também uma norte-americana negra, comungam com o texto para expressarem uma visão da pessoa negra e de seu núcleo familiar sem os estereótipos usuais. Cotejando a noção de amor de bell hooks, esta análise empreende uma leitura (...)
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