Bruce Kuklick [53]Henrika Kuklick [22]B. Kuklick [2] Kuklick [1]
Catherine Kuklick [1]Brace Kuklick [1]
  1.  56
    The rise of American philosophy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860-1930.Bruce Kuklick - 1977 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Concentrating on the era when American academic philosophy was nearly equated with Harvard, the ideas, lives, and social milieu of Pierce, James, Royce, Whitehead, and others are critically analyzed.
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  2. (2 other versions)The Rise of American Philosophy: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860-1930.Bruce Kuklick - 1978 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 14 (1):53-72.
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    After Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature.Bruce Kuklick - 2019 - Analyse & Kritik 41 (1):3-22.
    Rorty’s Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature hoped that the profession of philosophy would collapse, that philosophy’s style of reasoning would be transformed, and that analytic philosophy would be overturned. This essay looks at the 40 years since the book’s publication, and argues that the discipline has become more professionalized, that its style of reasoning is the same, and that analysis still flourishes.
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  4. (1 other version)A History of Philosophy in America, 1720-2000.Bruce Kuklick - 2003 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 39 (2):297-304.
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  5. A History of Philosophy in America: 1720-2000.Bruce Kuklick - 2001 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Here at last is an American counterpart to Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy. The eminent historian Bruce Kuklick tells the fascinating story of the growth of philosophical thinking in the USA, in the context of the intellectual and social changes of the times. Kuklick sketches the genesis of these intellectual practices in New England Calvinism and the writing of Jonathan Edwards. He discusses theology in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the origins of collegiate philosophy in the early part (...)
  6.  34
    Who owns pragmatism?Bruce Kuklick - 2017 - Modern Intellectual History 14 (2):565-583.
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  7. A thoughtful profession: The early years of the American Philosophical Association.James Campbell, Michael Eldridge, Bruce Kuklick, John Ryder, John Lachs & Erin Mckenna - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (2):373-410.
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  8.  66
    Personal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology.Henrika Kuklick - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):1-33.
    In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. (...)
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  9. Josiah Royce: An Intellectual Biography.Bruce Kuklick - 1976 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 12 (1):77-88.
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    Black Philosopher, White Academy: The Career of William Fontaine.Bruce Kuklick - 2008 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    At a time when almost all African American college students attended black colleges, philosopher William Fontaine was the only black member of the University of Pennsylvania faculty—and quite possibly the only black member of any faculty in the Ivy League. Little is known about Fontaine, but his predicament was common to African American professionals and intellectuals at a critical time in the history of civil rights and race relations in the United States. Black Philosopher, White Academy is at once a (...)
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  11.  30
    The development of Royce's later philosophy.Bruce Kuklick - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (3):349-367.
  12. Neil Gross's Deweyan Account of Rorty's Intellectual Development.Peter Hare, Joseph M. Bryant, Alan Sica, Bruce Kuklick, James A. Good, Neil Gross & Elizabeth F. Cooke - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (1):3-27.
    Writing about the intellectual development of a philosopher is a delicate business. My own endeavor to reinterpret the influence of Hegel on Dewey troubles some scholars because, they believe, I make Dewey seem less original.1 But if, like Dewey, we overcome Cartesian dualism, placing the development of the self firmly within a complex matrix of social processes, we are forced to reexamine, without necessarily surrendering, the notion of individual originality, or what Neil Gross calls “discourse[s] of creative genius.”2 To use (...)
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  13.  39
    Philosophy at Yale in the Century after Darwin.Bruce Kuklick - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (3):313 - 336.
  14.  44
    Modern anglophone philosophy: Between the seminar room and the cold war.Bruce Kuklick - 2006 - Modern Intellectual History 3 (3):547-557.
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  15. Josiah Royce: an intellectual biography.Bruce Kuklick - 1972 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
  16. (1 other version)Churchmen and Philosophers: From Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey.Bruce Kuklick - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (3):175-175.
  17. William James: Writings 1902-1910.Bruce Kuklick - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (1):78-79.
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  18.  17
    Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health. Nancy Elizabeth Gallagher.Catherine Kuklick - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):357-358.
  19.  28
    Between Literature and Science: The Rise of SociologyWolf Lepenies.Henrika Kuklick - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):512-513.
  20.  34
    Before Social Anthropology: Essays on the History of British AnthropologyJames Urry.Henrika Kuklick - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):721-722.
  21.  65
    Comment on Campbell.Bruce Kuklick - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (2):382-385.
    : This comment on Campbell argues that a good book could be made better if more critical judgment was displayed. Attempts to recover the complete past must be abandoned, and especially in the history of ideas, evaluative judgments about the worth of ideas must be made and the presuppositions of thought must be explored.
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  22.  55
    Chicago sociology and urban planning policy.Henrika Kuklick - 1980 - Theory and Society 9 (6):821-845.
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    (1 other version)Does American Philosophy Rest on a Mistake?Bruce Kuklick - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 19:177-189.
    When I write about ‘American philosophy’ in this paper, I refer not to the practice of philosophizing in a certain geographic area during a certain time. Rather I mean a scholarly field defined by certain conventions, standard arguments, and major works. I hope primarily to show that that area of inquiry is befuddled. I also want to suggest, however, that it may be unhelpful to try to write about the practice of philosophizing in a certain geographic area—the continental United States—in (...)
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  24.  34
    Family Feud?Henrika Kuklick - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):574-577.
  25.  33
    French letters.Bruce Kuklick - 2004 - Modern Intellectual History 1 (2):283-292.
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    John Rawls and R. M. Hare: A Study of Canonization.Bruce Kuklick - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (1):87-110.
    Why is someone enduringly prized as a philosopher? To answer this question, this historical case study examines the intersecting careers of John Rawls and R. M. Hare. It looks at their writings, a complex chain of disagreements, the argumentative dimension. The essay moreover explores the clash of differing temperaments. Finally, themes in addition to ratiocination and personality are factored in: the leanings of the institutions that control access to intellectual endeavor; the public square—politics widely conceived—into which the two men were (...)
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  27.  48
    Malinowski's Kiriwina: Fieldwork Photography, 1915-1918. Michael W. Young.Henrika Kuklick - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):823-824.
  28. Neil Gross, Richard Rorty : The making of an american philosopher. Kuklick - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (1):33-37.
    This is an extremely frustrating study. At a basic level it is a competent intellectual biography of Rorty. The writing in the biographical parts of the book is fluent and clear. The historical research in the papers of Rorty and his family is impressive. Although Gross is a sociologist, he has used to his advantage interviews with many people, including Rorty himself before he died. The reader interested in Rorty will find the biography a mine of information, and will in (...)
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  29.  16
    Narratives of Human Evolution. Misia Landau.Henrika Kuklick - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):304-304.
  30.  14
    Pragmatism.Bruce Kuklick (ed.) - 1981 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Contents:_ Introduction, Bibliography and Textual Note Lecture I: The Present Dilemma in Philosophy Lecture II: What Pragmatism Means Lecture III: Some Metaphysical Problems Pragmatically Considered Lecture IV: The One and the Many Lecture V: Pragmatism and Common Sense Lecture VI: Pragmatism's Conception of Truth Lecture VII: Pragmatism and Humanism Lecture VIII: Pragmatism and Religion.
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  31.  40
    Philosophy, Dissent, and Nonconformity, 1689-1920 (review).Bruce Kuklick - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophy, Dissent, and Nonconformity, 1689–1920Bruce KuklickAlan P. F. Sell. Philosophy, Dissent, and Nonconformity, 1689–1920. Cambridge: James Clark & Co., 2004. Pp. 296. Cloth, £50.00This is a competent, clearly written, and authoritative exploration of its topic, in some respects a labor of love, for the author is both a pastor and a student of theology. Sell comprehensively examines the proliferation of dissenting academies and nonconformist colleges of England and (...)
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  32.  21
    Professional Powers: A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal Knowledge. Eliot Freidson.Henrika Kuklick - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):265-266.
  33.  15
    Sociology and Scientism: The American Quest for Objectivity, 1880-1940Robert C. Bannister.Henrika Kuklick - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):713-714.
  34.  21
    Steven C. Rockefeller., John Dewey: Religious Faith and Democratic Humanism.Bruce Kuklick - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):144-145.
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    Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Twenty-First Century.Bruce Kuklick - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (2):309-329.
    This essay first traces change in, roughly, the epistemology of the humanities from the 1950s to the 21st century. The second section looks at how the meaning and options in moral philosophy altered in more or less the same period. The last and easily most speculative section examines how these changes permeated American culture, and how professional philosophers responded to the challenges of the new political world they inhabited.
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    Stuart Macintyre, The Poor Relation. A History of Social Sciences in Australia.Henrika Kuklick - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):355-358.
    Stuart Macintyre, The Poor Relation. A History of Social Sciences in Australia Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 355-358 DOI 10.1007/s11024-011-9173-3 Authors Henrika Kuklick, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, 303 Cohen Hall, 249 South 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304, USA Journal Minerva Online ISSN 1573-1871 Print ISSN 0026-4695 Journal Volume Volume 49 Journal Issue Volume 49, Number 3.
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  37.  35
    Social Science Research and the Government: Comparative Essays on Britain and the United States. Martin Bulmer.Henrika Kuklick - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):498-499.
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    Studying the History of American Philosophy.Bruce Kuklick - 1982 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 18 (1):18 - 33.
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    The analytic-synthetic and the descriptive-evaluative distinctions.Bruce Kuklick - 1969 - Journal of Value Inquiry 3 (2):91-99.
  40. The Changing Character of Philosophizing in America.Bruce Kuklick - 1978 - Philosophical Forum 10 (1):4.
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    The French Encounter with Africans: White Response to Blacks, 1530-1880. William B. Cohen.Henrika Kuklick - 1981 - Isis 72 (2):308-309.
  42.  23
    The Impossible Science: An Institutional Analysis of American Sociology. Stephen Park Turner, Jonathan H. Turner.Henrika Kuklick - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):174-175.
  43.  34
    The Mind of the Historian.Bruce Kuklick - 1969 - History and Theory 8 (3):313-331.
    A model constructed from the "ideal observer" ethical theory accounts for many pervasive peculiarities of the craft of history and reflects central elements of the mind of the practicing historian. Both the ideal historian and the ideal observer can be characterized by the same adjec tives: omniscient, disinterested, dispassionate, consistent, objective, and empirical. In discussions of human conduct historians try to make evaluations from the point of view of an ideal observer. The historian's ideal of objectivity, his faith in a (...)
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  44. The Rise of American Philosophy: Cambridge, 1860-1930.B. Kuklick - 1977
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    Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. Volume I: 1857-1866. Charles S. Peirce, Max H. Fisch.Bruce Kuklick - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):293-294.
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    Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition Volume III:1872-1878. Charles S. Peirce, Christian J. W. Kloesel.Bruce Kuklick - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):683-683.
  47.  4
    Wilsonianism, Realism, and the Ukrainian War.Bruce Kuklick - 2024 - In Anton Leist & Rolf Zimmermann (eds.), After the War?: How the Ukraine War Challenges Political Theories. De Gruyter. pp. 195-214.
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  48.  17
    Review. [REVIEW]Bruce Kuklick - 1972 - History and Theory 11 (3):352-359.
  49. (1 other version)Review: David S. Brown. Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Bruce Kuklick - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (4):574-577.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual BiographyBruce KuklickDavid S. Brown, Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual BiographyChicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006. xxiv+291 pp. Notes, Bibliographic Essay, Sources, Students of Richard Hofstadter, Index. $27.50.In the mid-twentieth century Richard Hofstadter was one the finest historians of the United States. Uncommitted to work in primary sources, he was perhaps not at the level of Perry Miller, Vann Woodward, and Edmund Morgan. But Hofstadter had (...)
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  50.  28
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Robert N. Beck, Bruce Kuklick, Cyril Welch, Raymond M. Herbenick & Arnold Berleant - 1971 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (3):226-237.
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