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  1. Aesthetic values in science.Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (10):e12433.
    Scientists often use aesthetic values in the evaluation and choice of theories. Aesthetic values are not only regarded as leading to practically more useful theories but are often taken to stand in a special epistemic relation to the truth of a theory such that the aesthetic merit of a theory is evidence of its truth. This paper explores what aesthetic considerations influence scientists' reasoning, how such aesthetic values relate to the utility of a scientific theory, and how one can justify (...)
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  2. What is a Beautiful Experiment?Milena Ivanova - 2022 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3419-3437.
    This article starts an engagement on the aesthetics of experiments and offers an account for analysing how aesthetics features in the design, evaluation and reception of experiments. I identify two dimensions of aesthetic evaluation of experiments: design and significance. When it comes to design, a number of qualities, such as simplicity, economy and aptness, are analysed and illustrated with the famous Meselson-Stahl experiment. Beautiful experiments are also regarded to make significant discoveries, but I argue against a narrow construal of experimental (...)
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  3.  23
    The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments.Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The relationship between aesthetics and science has begun to generate substantial interest. However, for the most part, the focus has been on the beauty of theories, and other aspects of scientific practice have been neglected. This book offers a novel perspective on aesthetics in experimentation via ten original essays from an interdisciplinary group comprised of philosophers, historians of science and art, and artists. -/- The collection provides an analysis of the concept of beauty in the evaluation of experiments. What properties (...)
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  4.  62
    The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding.Milena Ivanova & Steven French (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume builds on two recent developments in philosophy on the relationship between art and science: the notion of representation and the role of values in theory choice and the development of scientific theories. Its aim is to address questions regarding scientific creativity and imagination, the status of scientific performances--such as thought experiments and visual aids--and the role of aesthetic considerations in the context of discovery and justification of scientific theories. Several contributions focus on the concept of beauty as employed (...)
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  5. Pierre Duhem’s Good Sense as a guide to Theory Choice.Milena Ivanova - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (1):58-64.
    This paper examines Duhem’s concept of good sense as an attempt to support a non rule-governed account of rationality in theory choice. Faced with the underdetermination of theory by evidence thesis and the continuity thesis, Duhem tried to account for the ability of scientists to choose theories that continuously grow to a natural classification. I will examine the concept of good sense and the problems that stem from it. I will also present a recent attempt by David Stump to link (...)
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  6. Virtues and vices in scientific practice.Cedric Paternotte & Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    The role intellectual virtues play in scientific inquiry has raised significant discussions in the recent literature. A number of authors have recently explored the link between virtue epistemology and philosophy of science with the aim to show whether epistemic virtues can contribute to the resolution of the problem of theory choice. This paper analyses how intellectual virtues can be beneficial for successful resolution of theory choice. We explore the role of virtues as well as vices in scientific inquiry and their (...)
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  7. The aesthetic value of scientific experiments.Milena Ivanova - 2023 - In Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy, The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Can experiments be appreciated for their aesthetic value and what would this appreciation be focused on? This chapter identifies a number of categories that are the focus on our aesthetic appreciation of experiments and shows how these categories are rather stable across different experimental traditions. It is argued that we can find aesthetic value in the phenomena unveiled in the experimental set up, the instruments and tolls used, the results that are obtained, the process of conceptualisation of the experimental set (...)
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  8.  34
    Duhem and Holism.Milena Ivanova - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The holistic thesis developed by Pierre Duhem challenges the idea that our evidence can conclusively falsify a theory. Given that no scientific theory is tested in isolation, a negative experiment can always be attributed to components other than the theory we test – to the auxiliary hypotheses and background assumptions. How do scientists decide whether the experimental result undermines the theory or points at an error in the underlying assumptions? Duhem argues that we cannot offer a rule that directs when (...)
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  9. Poincaré’s aesthetics of science.Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2581-2594.
    This paper offers a systematic analysis of Poincaré’s understanding of beauty in science. In particular, the paper examines the epistemic significance Poincaré attributes to aesthetic judgement by reconstructing and analysing his arguments on simplicity and unity in science. I offer a consistent reconstruction of Poincaré’s account and show that for Poincaré simplicity and unity are regulative principles, linked to the aim of science—that of achieving understanding of how phenomena relate. I show how Poincaré’s account of beauty in science can be (...)
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  10. Beauty, truth and understanding.Milena Ivanova - 2020 - In Milena Ivanova & Steven French, The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. New York: Routledge.
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  11.  52
    The aesthetics of scientific experiments.Milena Ivanova - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (3):e12730.
    This article explores the aesthetic dimensions of scientific experimentation, addressing specifically how aesthetic features enter the construction, evaluation and reception of an experiment. I highlight the relationship between experiments and artistic acts in the early years of the Royal Society where experiments do not serve only epistemic aims but also aim to generate feelings of awe and pleasure. I turn to analysing which aspects of experiments are appreciated aesthetically, identifying several contenders, from the ability of an experiment to uncover nature’s (...)
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  12. Conventionalism, structuralism and neo-Kantianism in Poincaré’s philosophy of science.Milena Ivanova - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):114-122.
    Poincaré is well known for his conventionalism and structuralism. However, the relationship between these two theses and their place in Poincaré׳s epistemology of science remain puzzling. In this paper I show the scope of Poincaré׳s conventionalism and its position in Poincaré׳s hierarchical approach to scientific theories. I argue that for Poincaré scientific knowledge is relational and made possible by synthetic a priori, empirical and conventional elements, which, however, are not chosen arbitrarily. By examining his geometric conventionalism, his hierarchical account of (...)
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  13. Aesthetic Values in Scientific Practice: Contemporary Debates.Milena Ivanova - manuscript
    Scientists often refer to their experiments, theories, images and instruments as beautiful and report that their scientific work is a source of aesthetic experiences. How do such aesthetic values affect scientific activities, and can aesthetic values play a cognitive role in science? In this chapter, I identify the different levels at which aesthetic values shape scientific products and processes, reflect on how philosophers have justified the cognitive role of such aesthetic values, and draw insights from recent discussions on the aesthetics (...)
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  14.  28
    Beauty in experiment: A qualitative analysis of aesthetic experiences in scientific practice.Milena Ivanova, Bridget Ritz, Marcela Duque & Brandon Vaidyanathan - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):3-11.
  15. Conventionalism about what? Where Duhem and Poincaré part ways.Milena Ivanova - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:80-89.
    This paper examines whether, and in what contexts, Duhem’s and Poincaré’s views can be regarded as conventionalist or structural realist. After analysing the three different contexts in which conventionalism is attributed to them – in the context of the aim of science, the underdetermination problem and the epistemological status of certain principles – I show that neither Duhem’s nor Poincaré’s arguments can be regarded as conventionalist. I argue that Duhem and Poincaré offer different solutions to the problem of theory choice, (...)
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  16. Theory Choice, Good Sense and Social Consensus.Milena Ivanova & Cedric Paternotte - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1109-1132.
    There has been a significant interest in the recent literature in developing a solution to the problem of theory choice which is both normative and descriptive, but agent-based rather than rule-based, originating from Pierre Duhem’s notion of ‘good sense’. In this paper we present the properties Duhem attributes to good sense in different contexts, before examining its current reconstructions advanced in the literature and their limitations. We propose an alternative account of good sense, seen as promoting social consensus in science, (...)
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  17.  22
    Contact Join-semilattices.Tatyana Ivanova - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (5):1219-1241.
    Contact algebra is one of the main tools in region-based theory of space. In it is generalized by dropping the operation Boolean complement. Furthermore we can generalize contact algebra by dropping also the operation meet. Thus we obtain structures, called contact join-semilattices and structures, called distributive contact join-semilattices. We obtain a set-theoretical representation theorem for CJS and a relational representation theorem for DCJS. As corollaries we get also topological representation theorems. We prove that the universal theory of CJS and of (...)
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  18. ‘Good Sense’ in context: A response to Kidd.Milena Ivanova - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):610-612.
    In his response to my, Ian Kidd claims that my argument against Stump’s interpretation of Duhem’s concept of ‘good sense’ is unsound because it ignores an important distinction within virtue epistemology. In light of the distinction between reliabilist and responsibilist virtue epistemology, Kidd argues that Duhem can be seen as supporting the latter, which he further illustrates with a discussion of Duhem’s argument against ‘perfect theory’. I argue that no substantive argument is offered to show that the distinction is relevant (...)
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  19.  39
    Event Knowledge in Large Language Models: The Gap Between the Impossible and the Unlikely.Carina Kauf, Anna A. Ivanova, Giulia Rambelli, Emmanuele Chersoni, Jingyuan Selena She, Zawad Chowdhury, Evelina Fedorenko & Alessandro Lenci - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13386.
    Word co‐occurrence patterns in language corpora contain a surprising amount of conceptual knowledge. Large language models (LLMs), trained to predict words in context, leverage these patterns to achieve impressive performance on diverse semantic tasks requiring world knowledge. An important but understudied question about LLMs’ semantic abilities is whether they acquire generalized knowledge of common events. Here, we test whether five pretrained LLMs (from 2018's BERT to 2023's MPT) assign a higher likelihood to plausible descriptions of agent−patient interactions than to minimally (...)
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  20.  52
    Is There a Place for Epistemic Virtues in Theory Choice?Milena Ivanova - 2014 - In Abrol Fairweather & Owen Flanagan, Virtue Epistemology Naturalized: Bridges between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Cham: Synthese Library. pp. 207-226.
    This paper challenges the appeal to theory virtues in theory choice as well as the appeal to the intellectual and moral virtues of an agent as determining unique choices between empirically equivalent theories. After arguing that theoretical virtues do not determine the choice of one theory at the expense of another theory, I argue that nor does the appeal to intellectual and moral virtues single out one agent, who defends a particular theory, and exclude another agent defending an alternative theory. (...)
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  21.  45
    Extended Contact Algebras and Internal Connectedness.Tatyana Ivanova - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):239-254.
    The notion of contact algebra is one of the main tools in the region-based theory of space. It is an extension of Boolean algebra with an additional relation C, called contact. Standard models of contact algebras are topological and are the contact algebras of regular closed sets in a given topological space. In such a contact algebra we add the predicate of internal connectedness with the following meaning—a regular closed set is internally connected if and only if its interior is (...)
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  22.  36
    Violation of ethical principles in institutional care for older people.Radka Bužgová & Kateřina Ivanová - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (1):64-78.
    This study focuses on issues of elder abuse in residential settings. Violation of ethical principles is shown in the results of this quantitative study aimed at defining the extent, nature and causes of such abuse by employees’ unethical conduct towards clients in senior homes (i.e. residential nursing homes) in the Moravian-Silesian region of the Czech Republic. The research sample comprised 454 employees and 488 clients from 12 residential homes for older people. The data were collected from interviews with clients, who (...)
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    The comprehension of anomalous sentences: Evidence from structural priming.Iva Ivanova, Martin J. Pickering, Holly P. Branigan, Janet F. McLean & Albert Costa - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):193-209.
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    Three-year-olds' comprehension of contrastive and descriptive adjectives: Evidence for contrastive inference.Catherine Davies, Jamie Lingwood, Bissera Ivanova & Sudha Arunachalam - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104707.
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    Institutional investors as stewards of the corporation: Exploring the challenges to the monitoring hypothesis.Mila R. Ivanova - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):175-188.
    The study explores the challenges UK-based institutional investors face when trying to monitor investee companies and influence their social, environmental, and governance practices. Consistent with previous research, I find that misalignment of interests within the investment chain and dispersed ownership are factors which inhibit investor activism. However, other underexplored challenges include lack of investee company transparency and investor experience in activism, as well as low client demand for engagement and internal conflicts of interest. The results contribute to the literature on (...)
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    Elder Abuse and Mistreatment in Residential Settings.Radka Bužgová & Kateřina Ivanová - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):110-126.
    Older people living in a residential setting have the right to respectful care based on professional ethics. The aim of this study was to describe employees' and clients' lived experiences of elder abuse. A qualitative phenomenological method was used with 26 employees and 20 residents from four homes for elderly people in the town of Ostrava, Czech Republic, and two managers from outside these institutions. All complaints about elder abuse (n 5 11) received by Ostrava Municipal Authority during the period (...)
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  27.  37
    Relational Representation Theorems for Extended Contact Algebras.Philippe Balbiani & Tatyana Ivanova - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (4):701-723.
    In topological spaces, the relation of extended contact is a ternary relation that holds between regular closed subsets A, B and D if the intersection of A and B is included in D. The algebraic counterpart of this mereotopological relation is the notion of extended contact algebra which is a Boolean algebra extended with a ternary relation. In this paper, we are interested in the relational representation theory for extended contact algebras. In this respect, we study the correspondences between point-free (...)
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  28. Did Perrin’s Experiments Convert Poincaré to Scientific Realism?Milena Ivanova - 2013 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 3 (1):1-19.
    In this paper I argue that Poincaré’s acceptance of the atom does not indicate a shift from instrumentalism to scientific realism. I examine the implications of Poincaré’s acceptance of the existence of the atom for our current understanding of his philosophy of science. Specifically, how can we understand Poincaré’s acceptance of the atom in structural realist terms? I examine his 1912 paper carefully and suggest that it does not entail scientific realism in the sense of acceptance of the fundamental existence (...)
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  29. Scientific progress and aesthetic values.Milena Ivanova - 2022 - In Yafeng Shan, New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge.
  30. Friedman’s Relativised A Priori and Structural Realism: In Search of Compatibility.Milena Ivanova - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (1):23-37.
    In this article I discuss a recent argument due to Dan McArthur, who suggests that the charge that Michael Friedman’s relativised a priori leads to irrationality in theory change can be avoided by adopting structural realism. I provide several arguments to show that the conjunction of Friedman’s relativised a priori with structural realism cannot make the former avoid the charge of irrationality. I also explore the extent to which Friedman’s view and structural realism are compatible, a presupposition of McArthur’s argument. (...)
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    Lessons from aphantasia: A new framework for investigating the function of mental imagery.Andrea Blomkvist, Anna Ivanova, Raquel Krempel, Douglas Wadle & Em Walsh - unknown
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    The relationship between religion and psychological resilience against COVID-19.Lubov K. Ilyashenko, Tatyana N. Ivanova & Leisan N. Khasimova - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    The coronavirus disease 2019 not only will have negative impacts on religious beliefs, but will also deepen them. Attention to Islamic teachings is significantly important in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the increased outbreak of COVID-19 in the world shows the need for humanity to pay more attention to religion and theology. Islam prevents diseases and motivates people to adhere to hygiene principles, and Islamic teachings bring about purity and health to people. However, paying attention to God, chanting prayers (...)
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  33.  19
    Ideology as a normative - regulatory mechanism in the history of the society.Maria Vladimirovna Ivanova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):119-126.
    The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of ideology in the context of its normative and regulatory function. The author's contribution to the further knowledge of the ideology was the following main conclusions. The emergence of ideology as a regulatory mechanism was primarily due to the transition from a traditional society to a modern one. Ideology is an attribute of modern society, since it acts as an intermediary between a person and social reality, determining and regulating the (...)
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  34. Applicability of Use-Case Modeling for Virtual Learning Environments.Galina Ivanova - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (3/4):233.
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    Introduction: first principles in science—their status and justification.Catherine Herfeld & Milena Ivanova - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 14):3297-3308.
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  36. A Framework of Software Process for Interactive training Simulators.Anelia Ivanova - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (3):173.
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    Surprise in Science: A qualitative study.Milena Ivanova & Brandon Vaidyanathan - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    A growing literature in philosophy of science focuses on the role of surprise in scientific practice. The aesthetic dimension of science is also gaining momentum in very recent discussions. While surprising results have been recognised as playing an important epistemic role in science, the literature so far has primarily focused on establishing the power of simulations and thought experiments as compared to experiments and the epistemic superiority of novel predictions over accommodations. In this paper we offer the first empirical analysis (...)
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    Aesthetic Virtues and Theory Acceptance.Milena Ivanova - 2024 - In Claus Beisbart & Michael Frauchiger, Scientific Theories and Philosophical Stances: Themes from van Fraassen. De Gruyter. pp. 147-164.
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  39. DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL CAPITAL IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS.Anna Shutaleva, Evgeniya Putilova, Evgeniya Ivanova, Elena Melnikova & Evgeny Knysh - 2021 - European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences 118:860-868.
    The article is devoted to educational opportunities for the formation of social capital. Social capital is manifested in the ability of people to communicate and work together. Analysis of the concept of social capital allows understanding the foundations of social interaction, the need for trust, and the relationship between the formation and distribution of the social trust, norms, and social capital itself. Social capital does not exist outside people. Social capital cannot be characterized as an attribute of a separate individual. (...)
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  40. URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE PREFERENCES OF TOWNSFOLK: AN EMPIRICAL SURVEY WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL MODEL OF THE CITY.Vitalii Shymko, Daria Vystavkina & Ievgeniia Ivanova - 2020 - Technologies of Intellect Development 4 (2(27)).
    The article presents the results of an interdisciplinary (psychological, behavioral, sociological, urban) survey of residents of elite residential complexes of Odessa regarding theirs urban infrastructure preferences, as well as the degree of satisfaction with their place of residence. It was found that respondents are characterized by a high level of satisfaction with their place of residence. It was also revealed that the security criterion of the district is the main one for choosing a place of residence, which indicates the unmet (...)
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  41. Motivational and value preferences of townspeople in the field of fitness.Vitalii Shymko, Daria Vystavkina & Ievgeniia Ivanova - 2020 - Technologies of Intellect Development 4 (1(26)).
    The article presents the results of a survey of Odessa residents as part of a study of the motivational and value preferences of townsfolk in the field of fitness. It has been established that the determining motives for choosing a place for fitness are the individual trainer's approach to the client, personal comfort and convenient location of the fitness club. It was revealed that respondents have an interest in innovative training, but it has not yet acquired the character of a (...)
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    Logics for extended distributive contact lattices.T. Ivanova - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (1):140-162.
    The notion of contact algebra is one of the main tools in the region-based theory of space. It is an extension of Boolean algebra with an additional relation C called contact. There are some problems related to the motivation of the operation of Boolean complementation. Because of this operation is dropped and the language of distributive lattices is extended by considering as non-definable primitives the relations of contact, nontangential inclusion and dual contact. It is obtained an axiomatization of the theory (...)
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    Teaching and learning guide for aesthetics of science.Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (10):e12443.
    Scientists often use aesthetic values in the evaluation and choice of theories. Aesthetic values are not only regarded as leading to practically more useful theories but are often taken to stand in a special epistemic relation to the truth of a theory such that the aesthetic merit of a theory is evidence of its truth. This paper explores what aesthetic considerations influence scientists' reasoning, how such aesthetic values relate to the utility of a scientific theory, and how one can justify (...)
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  44. Conventional Principles in Science: On the Foundations and Development of the Relativized A Priori.Milena Ivanova & Matt Farr - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):111-113.
  45. More worries for Structural Realism: a dilemma from the relativized a priori.Milena Ivanova - manuscript
    I examine implications for structural realism of Michael Friedman’s view about relativized a priori principles. Friedman's argument implies that there is structural preservation of constitutive principles in theory change, which suggests that the structural realist should be committed to these principles, given that they satisfy her criterion of ontological commitment. Since these principles are not regarded as representing physical structure, I argue that a dilemma arises for the structural realist. Either a distinction between mathematical structures that represent and mathematical structures (...)
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  46. Methods in Science and Metaphysics.Matt Farr & Milena Ivanova - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller, The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    While science is taken to differ from non-scientific activities in virtue of its methodology, metaphysics is usually defined in terms of its subject matter. However, many traditional questions of metaphysics are addressed in a variety of ways by science, making it difficult to demarcate metaphysics from science solely in terms of their subject matter. Are the methodologies of science and metaphysics sufficiently distinct to act as criteria of demarcation between the two? In this chapter we focus on several important overlaps (...)
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  47.  14
    Morality in Motion: An Exploration of Evolving Ethical Paradigms.Dr Natalia Ivanova - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (1):50-65.
    _This article delves into the dynamic nature of ethical frameworks, arguing that moral paradigms are not static but rather evolve in response to societal shifts, technological advancements, and evolving understandings of ourselves and the world around us. Through a historical lens, we examine major transitions in ethical thought, highlighting how societal changes such as the rise of democracy, the Industrial Revolution, and globalization have reshaped our understanding of right and wrong. We then explore the impact of emerging technologies, such as (...)
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    Clashes of Temporality in AI and Artistic Creativity.Nevena Ivanova - 2023 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):61-68.
    Art creates a specific relation to time and especially to the present moment. It opens the experience of the present towards its indeterminacy and emergence. On the contrary, AI does not know the present. It recognizes only the past and future. We could even say that artificial neural networks do not “know” time at all. Instead, they know only logical functions which process patterns of information. Yet, what makes time “time” is genuine transformation, which happens outside of the abstract realm (...)
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  49.  12
    The Role of Philosophy in Shaping Cultural Identity: A Comparative Analysis.Dr Natalia Ivanova - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (1):44-56.
    _This scholarly article explores the significant influence of philosophy in shaping cultural identity through a comparative analysis of various philosophical traditions. By examining the impact of philosophical thought on the development of cultural norms, values, and perspectives, this article aims to provide insights into how different philosophical paradigms contribute to the formation and evolution of cultural identities across societies. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on philosophy, anthropology, and cultural studies to unravel the intricate connections between philosophical ideas and (...)
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    Coherentist Justification and Perceptual Beliefs.Anna Ivanova - 2015 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):107-114.
    A common objection to coherence theories of justification comes from belief revision processes: in a system of knowledge, perceptual beliefs seem to bear more importance than other members of the coherent set do. They are more stable in the face of confronting evidence, and may be preserved despite their degrading effect on the coherence properties of the system. This appears to be inconsistent with coherentism, according to which beliefs cannot possess independent credibility. In order to abide by the coherence theory, (...)
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