Results for ' Invention '

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  1. Nicholas Rescher.Who Invented Fiction - 1996 - In Calin Andrei Mihailescu & Walid Hamarneh, Fiction updated: theories of fictionality, narratology, and poetics. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
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  2. John young.Inventing Memory - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan, Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press. pp. 314.
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    The Sleeping Sovereign: The Invention of Modern Democracy.Richard Tuck - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Richard Tuck traces the history of the distinction between sovereignty and government and its relevance to the development of democratic thought. Tuck shows that this was a central issue in the political debates of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and provides a new interpretation of the political thought of Bodin, Hobbes and Rousseau. Integrating legal theory and the history of political thought, he also provides one of the first modern histories of the constitutional referendum, and shows the importance of the (...)
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    Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.Alan G. Gross & William M. Keith - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines the nature of rhetorical theory and criticism, the rhetoric of science, and the impact of poststructuralism and postmodernism on contemporary accounts of rhetoric.
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  5. Herbert Spencer and the Invention of Modern Life.Mark Francis - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (3):599-604.
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    The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field.Productive Thinking.Edward S. Jones - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (2):298-301.
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    The “Aesthetics of Existence” in the Last Foucault: Art as a Model of Self-Invention.Dan Eugen Ratiu - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (2):51-77.
    This article discusses the “aesthetics of existence” developed by Foucault in the late “ethical” stage of his work, aiming to clarify its complex significance through its relationships with ethics, critique, and, in particular, art as a model of self-invention. The main claims are that aesthetics of existence is a new type of self-formation molded by technologies inspired not only by the ancient ethical self-formation but also by modern art understood as creative self-production; thus, aesthetics of existence is an active (...)
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  8. La démocratie des autres. Pourquoi la liberté n'est pas une invention de l'Occident.Amartya Sen - 2005 - Cités 24:177-180.
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    How Computational Tools Can Help Rhetoric and Informal Logic with Argument Invention.Douglas Walton & Thomas F. Gordon - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):269-295.
    This paper compares the features and methods of the two leading implemented systems that offer a tool for helping a user to find or invent arguments to support or attack a designated conclusion, the Carneades Argumentation System and the IBM Watson Debater tool. The central aim is to contribute to the understanding of scholars in informal logic, rhetoric and argumentation on how these two software systems can be useful for them. One contribution of the paper is to explain to these (...)
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    ‘Birth, life, and death of infectious diseases’: Charles Nicolle (1866–1936) and the invention of medical ecology in France.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (1):2.
    In teasing out the diverse origins of our “modern, ecological understanding of epidemic disease” Greater than the parts: holism in biomedicine, 1920–1950, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998), historians have downplayed the importance of parasitology in the development of a natural history perspective on disease. The present article reassesses the significance of parasitology for the “invention” of medical ecology in post-war France. Focussing on the works of microbiologist Charles Nicolle and on that of physician and zoologist Hervé Harant, I argue (...)
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    Heidegger and the invention of the western philosophical tradition.Robert Bernasconi - 1995 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 26 (3):240-254.
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    The mathematician's mind: the psychology of invention in the mathematical field.Jacques Hadamard - 1945 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Fifty years ago when Jacques Hadamard set out to explore how mathematicians invent new ideas, he considered the creative experiences of some of the greatest thinkers of his generation, such as George Polya, Claude Le;vi-Strauss, and Albert Einstein. It appeared that inspiration could strike anytime, particularly after an individual had worked hard on a problem for days and then turned attention to another activity. In exploring this phenomenon, Hadamard produced one of the most famous and cogent cases for the existence (...)
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    Normative inertia, historical momentum and moral invention.Matthew Ally - 2000 - Sartre Studies International 6 (1):105-115.
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  14. Archival profusion, archival silence, and analytic invention: antebellum Charleston's African American debaters.Angela G. Ray - 2023 - In Robert Mason Hauser & Adrianna Link, Evidence: the use and misuse of data. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press.
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    Philosophy as political technē: The tradition of invention in Simondon’s political thought.Andrea Bardin - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):417-436.
    Gilbert Simondon has recently attracted the interest of political philosophers and theorists, despite the fact that he is renowned as a philosopher of technics – author of Of the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects – who also elaborated a general theory of complex systems in Individuation in the Light of the Notions of Form and Information. A group of scholars has developed Gilles Deleuze’s early suggestion that Simondon’s social ontology might offer the basis for a re-theorisation of radical democracy. (...)
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  16. Mathematics: Discovery or Invention?Kit Fine - 2012 - Think 11 (32):11-27.
    Mathematics has been the most successful and is the most mature of the sciences. Its first great master work – Euclid's ‘Elements’ – which helped to establish the field and demonstrate the power of its methods, was written about 2400 years ago; and it served as a standard text in the mathematics curriculum well into the twentieth century. By contrast, the first comparable master work of physics – Newton's Principia – was written 300 odd years ago. And the juvenile science (...)
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    Rencontre avec les contradictions: ou, Une métaphysique de l'invention.Alain Casalonga - 1977 - Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
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    Turning Good into Gold: A Comparative Study of Two Environmental Invention Networks.Matthew M. Mehalik & Michael E. Gorman - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (4):499-529.
    This article proposes three states in an actor-network and a global/local distinction among actants. This theoretical framework is applied to two invention networks: one created by an inventor of solar heating systems and another created by a designer who wanted to create an environmentally sustainable furniture fabric. Both solar inventor and fabric designer wanted to develop technologies that would improve the environment and also make money. The article concludes by considering whether invention networks that intend to turn “good (...)
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    Galton on Examinations: An Unpublished Step in the Invention of Correlation.Raymond Fancher - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):446-455.
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    Science and Civilisation in China. Volume V: Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 3: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Historical Survey, from Cinnabar Elixirs to Synthetic Insulin.L. Carrington Goodrich & Joseph Needham - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):536.
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    Gauß‘ Method for Measuring the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Absolute Measure: Its Invention and Introduction in Geomagnetic Research.James G. O'Hara - 1984 - Centaurus 27 (2):121-147.
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    The Years of High Theory: Invention and Tradition in Economic Thought 1926–1939.G. L. S. Shackle - 1967 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Even a decade after the end of the 1914–1918 war, economic theory assumed that the world was tranquil and orderly. By 1939 an economic slump without parallel, allied to the re-emergence of military ambition in Europe, had brought economic theorists face to face with reality. In this classic book, first published in 1967, Professor Shackle provides a study, in exact and professional language, of the precise nature, structure, presuppositions, language and inter-relations of the theories which were formulated in these fourteen (...)
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    The Statistical Style of Reasoning and the Invention of Bose‐Einstein Statistics.Daniela Monaldi - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (4):307-337.
    This paper is a preliminary exploration of the connections between the statistical style of reasoning and the research practices of statistical mechanics in the early period of the long quantum revolution. It suggests that before 1925 the instantiations of the statistical style in physics went through two phases. The first phase consisted of the formulation of the Maxwell‐Boltzmann statistics on the basis of the population‐gas analogy. The second phase was characterized by the generalization of the Maxwell‐Boltzmann statistics through analogies between (...)
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    The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope.Catherine Wilson - 1995 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    In the seventeenth century the microscope opened up a new world of observation, and, according to Catherine Wilson, profoundly revised the thinking of scientists and philosophers alike. The interior of nature, once closed off to both sympathetic intuition and direct perception, was now accessible with the help of optical instruments. The microscope led to a conception of science as an objective, procedure-driven mode of inquiry and renewed interest in atomism and mechanism. Focusing on the earliest forays into microscopical research, from (...)
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    Simondon’s Heterodox Naturalism: Form, Information and Self-Organization in Imagination and Invention.Giovanni Menegalle - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (3):341-358.
    This article presents Simondon’s psycho-biological thinking as a type of heterodox naturalism centring on the self-organizing activity of vital forms. Despite his critique of classic notions of form, notably Aristotelian hylomorphism, Simondon revises this concept through a critical expansion and synthesis of information theory and Gestalt psychology. In his lecture series Imagination and Invention (1965–6) in particular, he develops an account of psycho-biological activity as governed by what he calls ‘images’: relatively autonomous informational sub-systems that serve to regulate the (...)
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    Bernard Stiegler’s Philosophy of Technology: Invention, decision, and education in times of digitization.Anna Kouppanou - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1110-1123.
    Bernard Stiegler’s concept of individuation suggests that the human being is co-constituted with technology. Technology precedes the individual in the respect that the latter is thrown in a technological world that always already contains externally inscribed memories—what he calls tertiary memories—that selectively form the individual and the collective space of the community. Revisiting Husserlian phenomenology, Stiegler renews the critique of culture industries asserting that imagination and differance have always been technologically mediated, and echoing the Heideggerian anxiety concerning thinking’s over-determination, Stiegler (...)
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    A nohowish untalkaboutable all-likeness: Mark Francis: Herbert spencer and the invention of modern life. Acumen Publishing, Stocksfield, 2007, 464 pp, US$45.00 HB.Jim Endersby - 2010 - Metascience 19 (2):251-254.
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    Shopping for Identities: Gender and Consumer CultureCarried Away: The Invention of Modern ShoppingShopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London's West EndLifebuoy Men, Lux Women: Commodification, Consumption, and Cleanliness in Modern ZimbabweMeasured Excess: Status, Gender, and Consumer Nationalism in South Korea.Anne Herrmann, Rachel Bowlby, Erika Diane Rappaport, Timothy Burke & Laura C. Nelson - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (3):539.
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    Sir Matthew Hale and the 'Method' of Invention.Margaret Hodgen - 1943 - Isis 34 (4):313-318.
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    “Superreal images for superreal people”. Black self-representation as self-invention in poetry and visual art of the black arts movement: the wall of respect.Jerzy Kamionowski - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (2):210-232.
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    On the Art of Finding Arguments: What Ancient and Modern Masters of Invention Have to Tell Us About the "Ars Inveniendi".Manfred Kienpointner - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (2):225-236.
    This paper deals with what has been called "ars inveniendi" (’art of finding‘) in antiquity, medieval and early modern times. A survey of different techniques of finding tenable and relevant arguments is presented (among them, the Topical tradition, Status theory, Debate theory, Encyclopedic systems, Creativity techniques). Their advantages and disadvantages are critically compared. It is suggested that a mixture of strategies of finding arguments should be used. Finally, a few remarks showing the relationship beween the strategies of finding arguments and (...)
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    Latent Heat and the Invention of the Watt Engine.Donald Fleming - 1952 - Isis 43 (1):3-5.
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    Science and Invention. Mitchell Wilson.Donald Fleming - 1956 - Isis 47 (2):188-190.
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    Early Industrial Roots of Green Chemistry and the history of the BHC Ibuprofen process invention and its Quality connection.Mark A. Murphy - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (2):121-165.
    Conventional wisdom and many published histories of “Green Chemistry” describe its start as being a result of governmental and/or regulatory actions at the US Environmental Protection Agency during the early 1990’s. But there were many Real World industrial examples of environmentally friendly commercial processes in the oil and commodity chemicals industries for decades prior to the 1990s. Some early examples of commercial “Green Chemistry” are briefly described in this article. The Boots/Hoechst Celanese Ibuprofen process was one of the earliest multiple-award-winning (...)
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  35. Searching for Asses, Finding a Kingdom: The Story of the Invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM).Galina Granek & Giora Hon - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (1):101-125.
    Summary We offer a novel historical-philosophical framework for discussing experimental practice which we call ‘Generating Experimental Knowledge’. It combines three different perspectives: experimental systems, concept formation, and the pivotal role of error. We then present an historical account of the invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM), or Raster-Tunnelmikroskop, and interpret it within the proposed framework. We show that at the outset of the STM project, Binnig and Rohrer—the inventors of the machine—filed two patent disclosures; the first is dated (...)
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    Steven Johnson: The Invention of Air: A Story of Science, Faith, Revolution, and the Birth of America.Michael R. Matthews - 2011 - Science & Education 20 (3-4):373-380.
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    À propos d'invention : reconfiguration d'un sujet philosophique saisi dans ses pratiques.Hélène Mialet - 2001 - Rue Descartes 31 (1):87-103.
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  38. “Out of disegno invention is born” — Drawing a convincing figure in Renaissance Italian Art.Paul van den Akker - 1993 - Argumentation 7 (1):45-66.
    An important artistic topic of Italian Renaissance painting was the rendering of the human figure. As leading actors in a painted narrative, figures had to convince beholders of the reality of the matter depicted with appropriated attitudes and gestures. This article is about two ways of drawing or rather constructing the human figure artists developed to achieve this goal. The first was only an adaptation to an old method: because of the rather simple and coarse elements used, constructions often resulted (...)
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    1. A Scholar’s Life: Duty, Scepticism, and Invention.Reid Barbour - 2003 - In John Selden: Measures of the Holy Commonwealth in Seventeenth-Century England. University of Toronto Press. pp. 23-58.
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    D'Archimède à Einstein: Les faces cachées de l'invention scientifiquePierre ThuillierLes passions du savoir: Essais sur les dimensions culturelles de la sciencePierre Thuillier.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1989 - Isis 80 (4):673-674.
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    (1 other version)Replication or Monopoly? The Economies of Invention and Discovery in Galileo's Observations of 1610.Mario Biagioli - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (3-4):547-590.
    The ArgumentI propose a revisionist account of the production and reception of Galileo's telescopic observations of 1609–10, an account that focuses on the relationship between credit and disclosure. Galileo, I argue, acted as though the corroboration of his observations were easy, not difficult. His primary worry was not that some people might reject his claims, but rather that those able to replicate them could too easily proceed to make further discoveries on their own and deprive him of credit. Consequently, he (...)
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    The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art by Stefanie Buchenau.Timothy M. Costelloe - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (3):615-616.
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  43. Part one, Contrasting faces / Kathleen Coessens. Down with the experiment! long live the process! or, Dance doesn't exist / Efva Lilja. The art of risk taking : experimentation, invention, and discovery.Chaya Czernowin - 2017 - In Kathleen Coessens, Experimental encounters in music and beyond. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    Théologie de l’Écriture et écriture théologique : l’invention de l’Autre.Raymond Lemieux - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (2):221-241.
    Résumé Au point de départ, l’acte théologique se constitue par la lecture des Écritures. Mais cette lecture, par laquelle se produit un sujet théologien, ne peut elle-même se résoudre que dans une écriture par laquelle ce sujet fait trace, à son tour, de son expérience. Le présent article investigue ces rapports complexes de la théologie aux Écritures et à l’écriture pour tenter d’en définir l’acte théologique comme traversée des textes et production d’un sens. La théologie, argumente-t-il, suppose que le lecteur-écrivain (...)
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  45. Jacques BOUVERESSE, "La force de la règle. Wittgenstein et l'invention de la nécessité".Roger Schmit - 1988 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 42 (1=164):105.
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    Care of the Self and the Invention of Legitimate Government.Miguel Vatter - 2021 - In Jeffrey Alan Bernstein & Jade Schiff, Leo Strauss and contemporary thought: reading Strauss outside the lines. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 135-159.
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    Le gender est-il une invention américaine?Karen Offen - 2006 - Clio 24:291-304.
    Certaines ont affirmé que le concept de gender était une invention américaine, intraduisible par le mot français « genre ». Pourtant, au-delà des distinctions grammaticales, il existe depuis longtemps - bien avant Beauvoir, Oakley, et l'usage postmoderniste construit par Joan Scott et Judith Butler - un usage français du terme « genre », qui spécifie dans le vocabulaire sociopolitique - notamment féministe - la construction sociale et culturelle des sexes. L’objet de cet article est d’en rétablir les trajectoires historiques (...)
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    Salomon Maimon's Theory of Invention. Scientific Genius, Analysis and Euclidian Geometry by Idit Chikurel.Peter Thielke - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (4):689-691.
    What role does genius play in scientific invention and discovery? This was a question at the fore of many discussions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, especially as the Romantic movement came to a head. It also serves as a frame for Idit Chikurel's focused and fascinating account of Salomon Maimon's views about mathematical invention and discovery. As with many of his positions, Maimon adopted a rather iconoclastic theory of genius and invention, and Chikurel does an excellent (...)
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  49. Project of a New Encyclopedia to be Written Following the Method of Invention.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1679 - In Marcelo Dascal, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Art of Controversies. Springer. pp. 129-41.
  50. “Organize and Defend Yourself”. The Invention of the Middle Class Before Fascism: Actors, Discourse and Institutions.Andrea Rapini - 2018 - In Pierre-Edouard Weill & Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies: A Comparative and Multi-Level Approach. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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