Results for ' Institutional discourse'

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  1.  20
    The Ahmadiyya, Blasphemy and Religious Freedom: The Institutional Discourse Analysis of Religious Discrimination in Indonesia.Zifirdaus Adnan & Andi Muhammad Irawan - 2021 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 18 (1):79-102.
    The article investigates the development of discourses related to freedom of religion and discrimination against religious minority in current Indonesia by identifying the discourse constructions of Ahmadiyya in various texts and talks produced and disseminated by government institution and the Indonesian Council of Ulama (the MUI). This study aims to reveal these institutions’ views and perspectives on Ahmadiyya issue using various discourse strategies. The data analysed are some legal proclamations issued and personal views delivered by the officials of (...)
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  2. ‘Why Do You Ask?’: The Functions of Questions in Institutional Discourse.[author unknown] - 2010
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    Study Abroad: Tourism or education? A multimodal social semiotic analysis of institutional discourses of a promotional website.José Aldemar Álvarez Valencia & Kristen Michelson - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (3):235-256.
    The rise in Study Abroad participation among college students has increased interest among educationalists wondering about the impact of SA on students, particularly when students return home without evidence of deep engagement and understanding of other cultures and people. The purpose of this case study was to locate one potential source of the meanings ascribed to the SA experience, through analysis of multimodal representations on the institutional website of a popular SA program provider. In this study, Kress’ model of (...)
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    Deliberative institutional economics, or does homo oeconomicus argue?: A proposal for combining new institutional economics with discourse theory.Anne van Aaken - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (4):361-394.
    Institutional economics and discourse theory stand unconnected next to each other, in spite of the fact that they both ask for the legitimacy of institutions (normative) and the functioning and effectiveness of institutions (positive). Both use as theoretical constructions rational individuals and the concept of consensus for legitimacy. Whereas discourse theory emphasizes the conditions of a legitimate consensus and could thus enable institutional economics to escape the infinite regress of judging a consensus legitimate, institutional economics (...)
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    Violent Extremism, National Security and Prevention. Institutional Discourses and their Implications for Schooling.Christer Mattsson & Roger Säljö - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (1):109-125.
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    Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria . . Spanish at work. Analysing institutional discourse across the Spanish-speaking world.Frances D. Erlich - 2013 - Pragmática Sociocultural 1 (1):169-174.
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    Book review: Hao sun and dániel Z. kádár (eds), it's the dragon's turn — chinese institutional discourses. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. 262 pp. [REVIEW]Citing Li - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (1):111-114.
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    Navigating contextual constraints in discourse: Design explications in institutional talk.Hlw Pander Maat & Mlc Herijgers - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (3):272-290.
    Although institutional discourse is subject to a vast ensemble of constraints, its design is not fixed beforehand. On the contrary, optimizing the satisfaction of these constraints requires considerable discourse design skills from institutional agents. In this article, we analyze how Dutch banks’ mortgage advisors navigate their way through the consultations context. We focus on what we call discourse design explications, that is, stretches of talk in which participants refer to conflicting constraints in the discourse (...)
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    Book review: Alice F Freed and Susan Ehrlich (eds) ‘Why Do You Ask?’: The Functions of Questions in Institutional Discourse[REVIEW]Liping Zhang - 2012 - Discourse and Communication 6 (4):478-480.
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    The Discourses of Identity in Hellenistic Erythrai: Institutions, Rhetoric, Honour and Reciprocity.Peter Liddel - 2021 - Polis 38 (1):74-107.
    Recent research in the field of New Institutionalist analysis has developed the view that institutions are grounded not only upon authoritative rules but also upon accepted practices and narratives. In this paper I am interested in the ways in which honorific practices and accounts of identity set out in ancient Greek inscriptions contribute towards the persistence of polis institutions in the Hellenistic period. A diachronic survey of Erythraian inscriptions of the classical and Hellenistic periods gives an impression of the adaptation (...)
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    Book review: Alice Freed and Susan Ehrlich (eds), Why Do You Ask? The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse[REVIEW]Helen de Silva Joyce - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (4):520-522.
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    Deliberative institutional economics, or DoesHomo oeconomicus argue?: A proposal for combining new institutional economics with discourse theory.Anne Aaken - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (4):361-394.
    Institutional economics and discourse theory stand unconnected next to each other, in spite of the fact that they both ask for the legitimacy of institutions (normative) and the functioning and effectiveness of institutions (positive). Both use as theoretical constructions rational individuals and the concept of consensus for legitimacy. Whereas discourse theory emphasizes the conditions of a legitimate consensus and could thus enable institutional economics to escape the infinite regress of judging a consensus legitimate, institutional economics (...)
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    Advancing Post-Structural Institutionalism: Discourses, Subjects, Power Asymmetries, and Institutional Change.Oscar Larsson - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (3):325-346.
    Colin Hay’s and Vivien Schmidt’s responses to my previous critical engagement with their respective versions of neo-institutionalism raise the issue of how scholars may account for the ideational power of political processes and how ideas may generate both stability and change. Even though Hay, Schmidt, and I share a common philosophical ground in many respects, we nevertheless diverge in our views about how to account for ideational power and for actors’ ability to navigate a social reality that is saturated with (...)
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    Poststructuralist discourse theory as an independent paradigm for studying institutions: Towards a new definition of ‘discursive construction’ in institutional analysis.Thomas Jacobs - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (3):379-401.
    Poststructuralist discourse theory is enjoying increasing recognition for its potential to contribute to the study of institutional change and continuity. Yet the most fruitful approach to realizing this potential has hitherto not been found. The main proposition so far has been to operationalize DT’s insights and concepts by adopting them into the framework of discursive institutionalism. However, an ongoing debate about the compatibility of the ontologies underlying DT and DI has cast doubts over whether such a combination is (...)
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  15. Discourse and Identity in the Professions: Legal, Corporate and Institutional Citizenship.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Moral Discourse: Categorical or Institutional?Calvin H. Warner - unknown
    Error theory turns on a particular presupposition about the conceptual commitments of moral realism, namely that the moral facts posited by realists need to be categorical. True moral propositions are said to have an absolute authority in their prescriptions in the sense that an agent, regardless of her own ends, needs or desires, is categorically obligated and has reason to act in accordance with their prescriptions. But, nothing in the world has such a queer property as categoricity, and therefore we (...)
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    Between Institutional and Moral Discourse: On Alexy's Legal Philosophy.John Adenitire - 2013 - Jurisprudence 4 (2):358-364.
    Between Institutional and Moral Discourse: On Alexy's Legal Philosophy. A review of Matthias Klatt, Institutionalized Reason: The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy.
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  18. Institutional aspects of the materiality of discourse.A. Kremermarietti - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44 (173):241-261.
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    Human Rights and Democracy: Discourse Theory and Human Rights Institutions.Eva Erman - 2005 - London: Routledge.
    This volume explores the relationship between human rights and democracy within both the theoretical and empirical field. It is an innovative study that offers tools for democratizing existing global political institutions.
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    Interfaces university - society in the transdisciplinary prospective: Social Communication and Institutional-web Discourse associated with the organization of knowledge in Universities in Chile.Paulo Contreras, Javiera Jiménez, Rodrigo Browne & Iván Oliva-Figueroa - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:215-230.
    Resumen: La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar los usos del discurso institucional de universidades chilenas autodefinidas como complejas en relación con la organización del conocimiento e iniciativas intertransdisciplinarias relevantes informadas a nivel de estructuras estáticas y noticias en sitios web oficiales de cada una de ellas. En este contexto y mediante un Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se indaga en el despliegue de estrategias comunicativas, la producción y difusión del discurso institucional, como asimismo, su exposición y disposición en las páginas (...)
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  21.  24
    Psyche's Task. A discourse concerning the influence of superstition on the grouth of institutions.T. Whittaker - 1909 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 17 (5):24-25.
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    The National Ecological Accounting and Auditing Scheme as an Instrument of Institutional Reform in China: A Discourse Analysis.Xiaorui Wang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):587-603.
    Having been recognised as a “resource-intensive” economy, the People’s Republic of China has been experiencing major implications in terms of ecological environment degradation, which continuously harms the health of the Chinese people and the productivity of China’s economy. Among the political efforts set forth by the Chinese central authorities, the claim of promoting a “National Ecological Accounting and Auditing Scheme” has been drawing nationwide attention. Through a series of critical discourse analysis on relevant written texts produced by the central (...)
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  23.  29
    Anti-corruption discourse and institutional change in Serbia: The money in Cyprus scandal.Marija Zurnić - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):119-134.
    Tema ovog rada je afera iz 2001. godine u vezi sa finansijskim transakcijama izmedju Srbije i Kipra tokom devedesetih. U radu se analiziraju strategije koje politicari, drzavni sluzbenici i strucnjaci u oblasti borbe protiv korupcije primenjuju kako bi kroz javne debate odbranili svoje interese. Rezultati ukazuju da se vecina ucesnika opredeljuje za jedno od sledeca dva nacina: javno objavljivanje informacija o aferi kako bi se stekla legitimnost za anti-korupcijsko delovanje, ili koordinisano izbegavanje rasprava o aferi kako bi se umanjila moguca (...)
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    Institutional Argumentation and Institutional Rules: Effects of Interactive Asymmetry on Argumentation in Institutional Contexts.Mark Andrew Thompson - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (1):1-21.
    Recent approaches to studying argumentation in institutions have pointed out the role of institutional rules in constraining argumentation that takes place in institutional contexts. However, few studies explain how these rules concretely affect actual argumentation. In particular, little work has been done as to the consequences of interactional asymmetry which often exists between participants in institutional contexts. While previous studies have suggested that this asymmetry exists as an aberration in the deliberative process, this paper argues that asymmetry (...)
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    ‘Social Skills’: Following a Travelling Concept from American Academic Discourse to Contemporary Danish Welfare Institutions.Annick Prieur, Sune Qvotrup Jensen, Julie Laursen & Oline Pedersen - 2016 - Minerva 54 (4):423-443.
    The article traces the origin and development of the concept of social skills in first and foremost American academic discourse. As soon as the concept of social skills was coined, the concern for people lacking such skills started and has been on the increase ever since. After the analysis of the academic history of the concept follows an examination of the implementation of a range of assessment instruments and training programmes related to social skills in contemporary Danish welfare institutions. (...)
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    Journalistic discourse from the perspective of pragmalinguistics.O. I. Tayupova - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (2):212.
    The article is devoted to the review and analysis of journalistic discourse from the perspective of its pragmatic characteristics. It has been suggested that any written text published on the pages of periodicals is a dialectical unity of language and media features, formed by three levels of mediaspeech: verbal text, the level of funds and the level of iconic graphic image is a part of a journalistic discourse. This type of discourse is related to the institutional (...)
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  27.  14
    Institutional interaction in traffic law enforcement in China: Resistance and obedience.Ning Ye - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):451-477.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 216 Seiten: 451-477.
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  28. Rebooting discourse ethics.Joseph Heath - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (9):829-866.
    In this article I argue that the conception of discourse ethics that Jürgen Habermas advances in his seminar paper, ‘Discourse Ethics: Notes on a Program of Philosophical Justification’, is subject to significant revision in later work. The central difference has to do with the status of the universalization principle and its relationship to the ‘rightness’ validity claim. The earlier view is structured by a desire to provide a weak-transcendental defense of the universalization principle. The later revision, however, essentially (...)
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    Legal discourse: studies in linguistics, rhetoric, and legal analysis.Peter Goodrich - 1987 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    "Lawyers and the law have long been the object of popular criticism and satire for the obscurity and incomprehensibility of their language. Legal Discourse provides a novel historical and systematic account of the language of the legal institution together with a sustained criticism of legal exegesis and `legalese' more generally. In the first part of the work the doctrinal history of the legal discipline and its concepts of language, text and sign are examined and assessed. In the second part (...)
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    Educational Institutions and Indoctrination.Christopher Martin - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (2):204-222.
    The concept of indoctrination is typically used to characterize the actions of individual educators. However, it has become increasingly common for citizens to raise concerns about the indoctrinatory effects of institutions such as schools and universities. Are such worries fundamentally misconceived, or might some state of affairs obtain under which it can be rightly said that an educational institution is engaged in indoctrination? In this paper Christopher Martin outlines what the concept of institutional indoctrination could mean. He then uses (...)
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    Social Entitlements in Habermas’s Discourse Theory of Law: Welfare State Regulations as Legitimizing Institutions.Stefan Späth - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (3):273-289.
    In Habermas’s discourse theory of law, the guarantee of citizens’ private and public autonomy is a prerequisite of legitimate law. This includes social entitlements. They provide the living conditions necessary for equal opportunities in the use of private and public freedoms. A proceduralist paradigm of the welfare state ensures private and public autonomy in shaping social rights. This makes welfare state regulations a legitimizing institution. This legal theoretical approach is outlined and defended against objections. The focus falls on examining (...)
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    The Spanish Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility.Natàlia Cantó-Milà & Josep M. Lozano - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):157 - 171.
    The discourse on CRS began late in Spain. Its permeation into political institutions also began later than in many Western countries. The Spanish government neither contributed nor reacted to the green paper Corporate social responsibility. A business contribution sustainable development, published by the European Commission in 2002. However, the publication of this document gave the definitive impulse for the start of the Spanish debate on CSR. After this initial impulse, the debate rapidly developed into a consolidated field of (...). This field is the object of the present paper. Here, we seek to elaborate on a concept of corporate social citizenship viewed as a "field of discourse", which is being produced by an epistemic community, at Spanish yet also at a global level. Thus, we seek to depict the contours of the Spanish discourse on CSR, researching its evolution over the last 5 years. We focus on its main actors, the central topics on its agendas, the conflicts that are appearing, and how they are being dealt with. In order to in to achieve these objectives, we focus primarily on the transcription of 61 speeches made by different stakeholders at the Spanish Parliament during 2005. This initiative of the Spanish Parliament is unique of its kind. A special sub-commission was created to discuss the role that Spanish public institutions should play regarding corporate social responsibility. Sixty-one experts from different areas (academia, business, trade unions, and NGOs) were invited to present their views on CSR. Members of the sub-commission had the opportunity to discuss with these experts the nature, limits, results and evolution of CSR, seeking with special interest their opinions on the role that the Spanish Government should play in the consolidation of CSR in Spain. The thesis of this paper is that through an exhaustive analysis of the transcriptions of these interventions at the Spanish Parliament, we can identify who constitutes the Spanish epistemic community on CSR. We can also trace the main contours of this field of discourse, to identify the main actors in its development (particularly, of course, on the binding point between CRS and government) and the main issues discussed, as well as the "hot topics". The presentation will also locate the uniqueness of this debate generated in parliament within the context of the wider Spanish debate on CSR. (shrink)
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  33. A Discourse-Theoretical Conception of Practical Reason.Robert Alexy - 1992 - Ratio Juris 5 (3):231-251.
    Contemporary discussions about practical reason or practical rationality invoke four competing views which can be named as follows by reference to their historical models: Aristotelian, Hobbesian, Kantian and Nietzschean. The subject-matter of this article is a defence of the Kantian conception of practical rationality in the interpretation of discourse theory. At the heart, lies the justification and the application of the rules of discourse. An argument consisting of three parts is pre sented to justify the rules of (...). The three parts are as follows: a transcen dental-pragmatic argument; an argument which takes account of the maximisation of individual utility and an empirical premise about an interest in correctness. Within the framework of the problem of application, the article outlines a justification of human rights and of the basic institutions of the democratic constitutional state on the basis of discourse theory. (shrink)
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    Psyche's Task: A Discourse Concerning the Influence of Superstition on the Growth of Institutions. J. G. Frazer.T. Whittaker - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (3):353-355.
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    Discursive dimension of institutions.Viktoria Shamrai - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:83-95.
    The article considers the leading and indisputable role of discursive practices in the existence of social institutions, especially in democratic governance. The necessity of searching for heuristi- cally effective approaches in the analysis of social reality in general, and especially modern soci- ality, is substantiated. In this context, the theoretical modernization of the institutional approach in the analysis of social phenomena by involving the concept of discourse in the structure of this approach is proposed. Emphasis is placed on (...)
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    Discourse, Interaction and Communication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (ICCS-95).Xabier Arrazola, Kepa Korta & Francis Jeffrey Pelletier (eds.) - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    DISCOURSE, INTERACTION, AND COMMUNICATION Co-organized by the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science and the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language, and Infonnation (ILCLI) both from the University of the Basque Country, tlle Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (ICCS-95) gathered at Donostia - San Sebastian ti'om May 3 to 6, 1995, with the following as its main topics: 1. Social Action and Cooperation. 2. Cognitive Approaches in Discourse Processing: Grammatical and Semantical Aspects. 3. Models of Infonnation in (...)
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    Evidence – competence – discourse: The theoretical framework of the multi-centre clinical ethics support project metap.Stella Reiter-Theil, Marcel Mertz, Jan Schürmann, Nicola Stingelin Giles & Barbara Meyer-Zehnder - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):403-412.
    In this paper we assume that ‘theory’ is important for Clinical Ethics Support Services (CESS). We will argue that the underlying implicit theory should be reflected. Moreover, we suggest that the theoretical components on which any clinical ethics support (CES) relies should be explicitly articulated in order to enhance the quality of CES.A theoretical framework appropriate for CES will be necessarily complex and should include ethical (both descriptive and normative), metaethical and organizational components. The various forms of CES that exist (...)
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    The epistemological turn in semiotic strategy: From signs in the natural/cultural world to the semantic institutions of academic discourses.You-Zheng Li - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (162):175-193.
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    Cultural biodiversity unpacked, separating discourse from practice.Mariagiulia Mariani, Claire Cerdan & Iuri Peri - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):773-789.
    In this article, we question to what extent origin-food labels, namely Geographical Indications and Slow Food Presidia, may effectively account for cultural biodiversity. Building on Foucault’s discourse theory, we question how the Slow Food movement and GI promoters have developed their own discourse and practice on CB, how these discourses contrast, and how they inform projects. Focusing on the practices to cultivate the microbiological life of three origin labeled cheeses, we have revealed the gap between these institutional (...)
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    Discourse, intersectionality, critique: theory, methods and practice.Eleonora Esposito - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (5):505-521.
    For the past thirty years, Critical Discourse Studies has been consolidating as a form of linguistically-oriented, critical social research which is characterized by a deep interest in actual social issues and forms of inequality, such as racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and sexism, both in terms of the asymmetries between participants in discourse events and their unequal capacity to control how texts are produced, distributed and consumed. In parallel, since its coinage in Kimberlé Crenshaw's African American feminist critique of race (...)
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    The Discourse of Pious Science.Rivka Feldhay & Michael Heyd - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (1):109-142.
    The ArgumentThis paper, an attempt at an institutional history of ideas, compares patterns of reproduction of scientific knowledge in Catholic and Protestant educational institutions. Franciscus Eschinardus'Cursus Physico-Mathematicusand Jean-Robert Chouet'sSyntagma Physicumare examined for the strategies which allow for accommodation of new contents and new practices within traditional institutional frameworks. The texts manifest two different styles of inquiry about nature, each adapted to the peculiar constraints implied by its environment. The interpretative drive of Eschinardus and a whole group of “modern (...)
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    A Moral Methode of Ciuile Policie, Contayninge a Learned and Fruictful Discourse of the Institution, State and Gouernment of a Common Weale: Abridged Oute of the Commentaries of the Reuerende and Famous Clerke, Franciscus Patricius, Byshop of Caieta in Italye.Francesco Patrizi & Richard Robinson - 1576 - Imprinted at London ... By Thomas Marsh.
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    The discourse on the intersectionality of religion and HIV and AIDS with specific reference to Thulamela municipality, Limpopo province.Tshifhiwa S. Netshapapame, Azwihangwisi Mavhandu-Mudzusi & Anza Ndou - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    The human immunodeficiency virus since its genesis has continued to affect a large number of the population in the African region and has caused exponential deaths. At the same time, new infections have been reported in South Africa. However, religion as a vehicle of change through the institution of the church has been acting on the contrary, since it discourages the use of condoms and moralising the pelvic area in its characterisation against the commandment of God. Such a perspective has (...)
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    THE INSTITUTIONAL and PERSONAL NEED for PHILOSOPHY.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses,‭ ‬most likely the ground of all.‭ ‬In the West she was introduced around C.570‭ ‬and since then many individuals have searched for her,‭ ‬tried to become familiar with her and created all sorts of,‭ ‬frequently ridiculous,‭ ‬things in her name. Once someone has a passion for her it cannot be extinguished but increases.‭ ‬Objectively this need for her is referred to as‭ ‘‬love of wisdom‭’‬,‭ ‬the need for wisdom,‭ (...)
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  45. Discourse ethics and the political conception of human rights.Kenneth Baynes - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (1).
    This article examines two recent alternatives to the traditional conception of human rights as natural rights: the account of human rights found in discourse ethics and the ‘political conception’ of human rights influenced by the work of Rawls. I argue that both accounts have distinct merits and that they are not as opposed to one another as is sometimes supposed. At the same time, the discourse ethics account must confront a deep ambiguity in its own approach: are rights (...)
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    Discourse ethics for computer ethics: a heuristic for engaged dialogical reflection.William Rehg - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (1):27-39.
    Attempts to employ discourse ethics for assessing communication and information technologies have tended to focus on managerial and policy-oriented contexts. These initiatives presuppose institutional resources for organizing sophisticated consultation processes that elicit stakeholder input. Drawing on Jürgen Habermas’s discourse ethics, this paper supplements those initiatives by developing a more widely usable framework for moral inquiry and reflection on problematic cyberpractices. Given the highly idealized character of discourse ethics, a usable framework must answer two questions: How should (...)
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  47. “Organize and Defend Yourself”. The Invention of the Middle Class Before Fascism: Actors, Discourse and Institutions.Andrea Rapini - 2018 - In Pierre-Edouard Weill & Lorenzo Barrault-Stella (eds.), Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies: A Comparative and Multi-Level Approach. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Discourse on climate and energy justice: a comparative study of Do It Yourself and Bootstrapped corpora.Camille Biros, Caroline Rossi & Inesa Sahakyan - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon future in the aim of limiting climate change. It can be divided into six sub-corpora, according to types of discourse communities, and methods of constitution. (...)
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    Bilingual Discourse and Cross-Cultural Fertilisation: Sanskrit and Tamil in Medieval India. Edited by Whitney Cox and Vincenzo Vergiani with an introduction by Dominic Goodall.Blake Wentworth - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2).
    Bilingual Discourse and Cross-Cultural Fertilisation: Sanskrit and Tamil in Medieval India. Edited by Whitney Cox and Vincenzo Vergiani with an introduction by Dominic Goodall. Collection Indologie, vol. 121. Pondicherry: Institut Français de Pondichéry / École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 2013. Pp. x + 466. Rs. 900, €38.
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    Seeking Mutual Understanding. A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement System.Emanuela Ceva & Andrea Fracasso - 2010 - World Trade Review 9 (3):457-485.
    The WTO Dispute Settlement System (DSS) has been the object of many studies in politics, law, and economics focusing on institutional design problems. This paper contributes to such studies by accounting for the argumentative nature and sophisticated features of the DSS through a philosophical analysis of the procedures through which it is articulated. Jürgen Habermas's discourse theory is used as a hermeneutic device to disentangle the types of ‘orientations’ (compromise, consensus, and mutual understanding) pertaining to DSS procedures. We (...)
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