Results for ' Gene Therapy'

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  1.  61
    Gene therapy and editing in the treatment of hereditary blood disorders: Medical and ethical aspects.Paula Cano Alburquerque, Lucía Gómez-Tatay & Justo Aznar - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (3):315-325.
    Gene therapy and gene editing are revolutionising the treatment of genetic diseases, most notably haematological disorders. This paper evaluates the use of both techniques in hereditary blood disorders. Many studies have been conducted in this field, especially with gene therapy, with very promising results in diseases such as haemophilia, certain haemoglobinopathies and Fanconi anaemia. The application of these techniques in clinical practice and the foreseeable development of these approaches in the coming years suggest that it (...)
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  2. Gene therapy: Ethical issues.Isaac Rabino - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (1):31-58.
    To discern the ethical issues involved incurrent gene therapy research, to explore theproblems inherent in possible future genetherapies, and to encourage debate within thescientific community about ethical questionsrelevant to both, we surveyed American Societyof Human Genetics scientists who engage inhuman genetics research. This study of theopinions of U.S. scientific experts about theethical issues discussed in the literature ongene therapy contributes systematic data on theattitudes of those working in the field as wellas elaborative comments. Our survey finds thatrespondents (...)
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    CRISPR Gene-Therapy: A Critical Review of Ethical Concerns and a Proposal for Public Decision-Making.Victor Lange & Klemens Kappel - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (2):78.
    CRISPR is currently viewed as the central tool for future gene therapy. Yet, many prominent scientists and bioethicists have expressed ethical concerns around CRISPR gene therapy. This paper provides a critical review of concerns about CRISPR gene therapy as expressed in the mainstream academic literature, paired with replies also generally found in that literature. The expressed concerns can be categorised into three types depending on whether they stress risk/benefit ratio, autonomy and informed consent, or (...)
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  4. Human Gene therapy: Why draw a line?W. French Anderson - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):681-693.
    Despite widespread agreement that it would be ethical to use somatic cell gene therapy to correct serious diseases, there is still uneasiness on the part of the public about this procedure. The basis for this concern lies less with the procedure's clinical risks than with fear that genetic engineering could lead to changes in human nature. Legitimate concerns about the potential for misuse of gene transfer technology justify drawing a moral line that includes corrective germline therapy (...)
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  5. Human Gene therapy: Scientific and ethical considerations.W. French Anderson - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (3):275-292.
    types of application of genetic engineering for the insertion of genes into humans. The scientific requirements and the ethical issues associated with each type are discussed. Somatic cell gene therapy is technically the simplest and ethically the least controversial. The first clinical trials will probably be undertaken within the next year. Germ line gene therapy will require major advances in our present knowledge and it raises ethical issues that are now being debated. In order to provide (...)
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    High-Priced Sickle Cell Gene Therapies Threaten to Exacerbate US Health Disparities and Establish New Pricing Precedents for Molecular Medicine.Frazer A. Tessema, Ameet Sarpatwari, Leah Z. Rand & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):380-384.
    Gene therapies to treat sickle cell disease are in development and are expected to have high costs. The large eligible population size — by far, the largest for a gene therapy — poses daunting budget challenges and threatens to exacerbate health disparities for Black patients, who make up the vast majority of American sickle cell patients.
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    Gene Therapy.Ruth Chadwick - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 205–215.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Promise and Disappointment Ethical Issues Resource Allocation References.
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    Human gene therapy and slippery slope arguments.T. McGleenan - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (6):350-355.
    Any suggestion of altering the genetic makeup of human beings through gene therapy is quite likely to provoke a response involving some reference to a 'slippery slope'. In this article the author examines the topography of two different types of slippery slope argument, the logical slippery slope and the rhetorical slippery slope argument. The logical form of the argument suggests that if we permit somatic cell gene therapy then we are committed to accepting germ line (...) therapy in the future because there is no logically sustainable distinction between them. The rhetorical form posits that allowing somatic cell therapy now will be taking the first step on a slippery slope which will ultimately lead to the type of genocide perpetrated by the Nazis. The author tests the validity of these lines of argument against the facts of human gene therapy and concludes that because of their dependence on probabilities that cannot be empirically proven they should be largely disregarded in the much more important debate on moral line-drawing in gene therapy. (shrink)
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  9. Disability, gene therapy and eugenics - a challenge to John Harris.S. M. Reindal - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):89 - 94.
    This article challenges the view of disability presented by Harris in his article, “Is gene therapy a form of eugenics?”1 It is argued that his definition of disability rests on an individual model of disability, where disability is regarded as a product of biological determinism or “personal tragedy” in the individual. Within disability theory this view is often called “the medical model” and it has been criticised for not being able to deal with the term “disability”, but only (...)
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    Gene Therapy in Japan: Current Trends.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):367.
    The Japanese government took significant steps in making decisions about a newly developing clinical application of gene therapy when, on April 15, 1993, the Government officially accepted the Guidelines for Clinical Research on Gene Therapy submitted by the Health Science Council of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan to the Minister.
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    Human gene therapy and the slippery slope argument.Veikko Launis - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):169-179.
    The article investigates the validity of two different versions of the slippery slope argument construed in relation to human gene therapy: the empirical and the conceptual argument. The empirical version holds that our accepting somatic cell therapy will eventually cause our accepting eugenic medical goals. The conceptual version holds that we are logically committed to accepting such goals once we have accepted somatic cell therapy. It is argued that neither the empirical nor the conceptual version of (...)
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  12. Down the Slippery Slope.Nils Holtug & Human Gene Therapy - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Primum Non Nocere: Should Gene Therapy Be Used to Prevent Potentially Fatal Disease but Enable Potentially Destructive Behavior?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Ronald G. Crystal - 2021 - Human Gene Therapy 32 (11-12):529-534.
    Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency constitutes one of the most common hereditary enzyme deficiencies, affecting 35% to 40% of East Asians and 8% of the world population. It causes the well-known Asian Alcohol Flush Syndrome, characterized by facial flushing, palpitation, tachycardia, nausea, and other unpleasant feelings when alcohol is consumed. It is also associated with a marked increase in the risk of a variety of serious disorders, including esophageal cancer and osteoporosis. Our recent studies with murine models have demonstrated that (...)
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  14.  41
    Gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors.Lan Chiang, Eric P. Flores, Dennis Y. Wen, Walter A. Hall & Walter C. Low - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):52-53.
    Gene therapy approaches have great promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors. Neuwelt et al. review available viral-mediated gene therapy methods and their blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption delivery technique, briefly mentioning nonviral mediated gene therapy methods. This commentary discussed the BBB disruption delivery technique, viral and nonviral mediated gene therapy approaches to Parkinson's disease, and the potential use of antisense oligo to suppress malignant brain tumors.
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    Human Gene therapy: Down the slippery slope?Nils Holtug - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (5):402-419.
    The strength of a slippery slope argument is a matter of some dispute. Some see it as a reasonable argument pointing out what probably or inevitably follows from adopting some practice, others see it as essentially a fallacious argument. However, there seems to be a tendency emerging to say that in many cases, the argument is not actually fallacious, although it may be unsubstantiated. I shall not try to settle this general discussion, but merely seek to assess the strength of (...)
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  16.  21
    Gene therapy and retinitis pigmentosa: advances and future challenges.Nadine S. Dejneka & Jean Bennett - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (7):662-668.
    It may be possible, one day, to use gene therapy to treat diseases whose genetic defects have been discerned. Because many genes responsible for inherited eye disorders within the retina have been identified, diseases of the eye are prime candidates for this form of therapy. The eye also has the advantage of being highly accessible with altered immunological properties, important considerations for easy delivery of virus and avoidance of systemic immune responses. Currently, adenovirus, adeno‐associated virus and lentivirus (...)
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  17.  72
    Gene Therapy Oversight: Lessons for Nanobiotechnology.Susan M. Wolf, Rishi Gupta & Peter Kohlhepp - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):659-684.
    Oversight of human gene transfer research presents an important model with potential application to oversight of nanobiology research on human participants. Gene therapy oversight adds centralized federal review at the National Institutes of Health's Office of Biotechnology Activities and its Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to standard oversight of human subjects research at the researcher's institution and at the federal level by the Office for Human Research Protections. The Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (...)
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  18. Against gene therapy.N. Holtug - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6:159.
  19. Germ-Line Gene Therapy and the Medical Imperative.Ronald Munson & Lawrence H. Davis - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (2):137-158.
    Somatic cell gene therapy has yielded promising results. If germ cell gene therapy can be developed, the promise is even greater: hundreds of genetic diseases might be virtually eliminated. But some claim the procedure is morally unacceptable. We thoroughly and sympathetically examine several possible reasons for this claim but find them inadequate. There is no moral reason, then, not to develop and employ germ-line gene therapy. Taking the offensive, we argue next that medicine has (...)
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  20. Human Gene Therapy: Scientific Considerations'.W. F. Anderson - forthcoming - Beauchamp, T. And Walters, L.: Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, Belmont, California: Wadsworth.
  21.  17
    Human Gene Therapy.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):63-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Gene TherapyMary Carrington Coutts (bio)On September 14, 1990, researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) performed the first approved gene therapy procedure on a four-year-old girl named Ashanti DeSilva. Born with a rare genetic disease, severe combined immune deficiency (SCID), Ashanti lacked a healthy immune system and was extremely vulnerable to infection. Children with SCID usually develop overwhelming infections and rarely survive to (...)
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  22.  36
    Gene therapy, regulatory mechanisms, and protein function in vision.James F. McGinnis - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):481-482.
    Hereditary retinal degeneration due to mutations in visual genes may be amenable to therapeutic interventions that modulate, either positively or negatively, the amount of protein product. Some of the proteins involved in phototransduction are rapidly moved by a lightdependent mechanism between the inner segment and the outer segment in rod photoreceptor cells, and this phenomenon is important in phototransduction.
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  23. Gene Therapy and Viral Vectors : An Overview on Current Trends.Marites T. Woon & Rajesh L. Thangapazham - 2022 - In William Sietsema & Jocelyn Jennings (eds.), Regulation of regenerative medicines: a global perspective. Rockville: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
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  24. Gene therapy: ethical and social issues.E. Juengst & L. Walters - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Bioethics.
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    (1 other version)A Gene Therapy Death.Joanne Silberner - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (2):6-6.
  26.  33
    Gene therapy and neural grafting: Keeping the message switched on.C. N. Svendsen & S. B. Dunnett - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):73-74.
    A major problem in developing an effective gene therapy for the nervous system lies in understanding the principles that maintain or turn off the expression of genes following their transfer into the CNS.
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    Gene therapy, human nature and the churches.G. R. Dunstan - 1991 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 2 (4):235-240.
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    Religion and Gene Therapy: The End of One Debate, the Beginning of Another.Gerald P. McKenny - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 287–301.
    The prelims comprise: Germline Gene Therapy Genetic Enhancements The Genome and the Normative Status of Human Nature Conclusion Notes.
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    Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders: New Therapies or Human Experimentation?P. R. Lowenstein - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 18–32.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction A (re)Defmition of what Human Gene Therapy is About Neurological Gene Therapy Ethics and Gene Therapy Acknowledgments Notes.
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  30. Is Gene therapy a form of eugenics?John Harris - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (2-3):178-187.
  31. Germ-line Gene therapy and the clinical ethos of medical Genetics.Gregory Fowler, Eric T. Juengst & Burke K. Zimmerman - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (2).
    Although the ability to perform gene therapy in human germ-line cells is still hypothetical, the rate of progress in molecular and cell biology suggests that it will only be a matter of time before reliable clinical techniques will be within reach. Three sets of arguments are commonly advanced against developing those techniques, respectively pointing to the clinical risks, social dangers and better alternatives. In this paper we analyze those arguments from the perspective of the client-centered ethos that traditionally (...)
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  32.  65
    Gene therapy for children with cystic fibrosis--who has the right to choose?A. Jaffe - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):361-364.
    It may be unethical to deny children with cystic fibrosis access to ethically approved clinical trials from which they might benefitDespite advances in nutritional management, aggressive antibiotic usage, and physiotherapy, cystic fibrosis remains a life limiting illness with high morbidity that imposes considerable burdens on children and families.1 Although survival to 40 years is predicted for children born in 1990s, the median age of death in 2003 was 24.2 years .The pathophysiological features of CF are produced by a defective (...) on chromosome 7, resulting in the defective production of a protein that regulates cellular ion transport. Defective ion transport is thought to lead to increased mucus viscosity , with poor airway clearance, recurrent bacterial infection, lung damage, and death.Gene therapy , the insertion of a normally functioning gene into deficient host cells using a suitable vector, is a potential treatment or cure for diseases produced by single gene defects—for example, CF. Gene therapy does, however, have potential or actual risks, leading many to suggest that evidence of efficacy in adults should be demonstrated before trials are conducted in children. Many serious diseases in adults such as CF have their onset in childhood. If early treatment provides greater hopes of benefit, children may be more appropriate targets for GT in CF than adults. It may be unethical to deny them access to properly constructed, ethically approved clinical trials from which they might benefit.Since research in children should be scientifically valid, in the child’s best interests, and the subject of valid consent, this article will consider these parameters in relation to trials of GT in children with CF. Because of the importance of consumer participation in the design of research we present the results of a questionnaire about GT trials delivered …. (shrink)
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    Gene Therapy in the Post-Gelsinger Era.Lynn Smith & Jacqueline Fowler Byers - 2002 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 4 (4):104-110.
  34. Gene Therapies and the Pursuit of a Better Human.Sara Goering - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):330-341.
    As a philosopher interested in biomedical ethics, I find recent advances in genetic technologies both fascinating and frightening. Future technologies for genetic therapies and elimination of clearly deleterious genes offer us the ability to get rid of the cause of much human suffering, seemingly at its physiological root. But memories of past eugenics programs gone horribly awry must make cautious our initial optimism for these generally well-intentioned programs. Most often the scientist proceeds in research with the best of intentions, but (...)
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  35. Ecological Models for Gene Therapy. II. Niche Construction, Nongenetic Inheritance, and Ecosystem Perturbations.Arnaud Pocheville, Maël Montévil & Régis Ferrière - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):414-422.
    In this paper, we apply the perspective of intra-organismal ecology by investigating a family of ecological models suitable to describe a gene therapy to a particular metabolic disorder, the adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID). The gene therapy is modeled as the prospective ecological invasion of an organ (here, bone marrow) by genetically modified stem cells, which then operate niche construction in the cellular environment by releasing an enzyme they synthesize. We show that depending on the chosen order (...)
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  36. Cancer Gene Therapy.Marek Jakobisiak - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (3):83-88.
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    Germ-Line Gene Therapy Could Prove a Two-Edged Tool.A. Sutton - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (2):145-155.
    Germ-line gene therapy, like many other medical technologies, raises questions of special concern to Christians. It not only raises questions about medical effects, actual or possible, of genetic interventions that would be inherited from one generation to another but also, more importantly, raises anthropological questions and so questions about parental attitudes. These are questions about the dignity and value of human life, about inter-human relations and about the God-human relationship.1 For this reason the paper starts with an exploration (...)
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    Is Mitochondrial Donation Germ‐Line Gene Therapy? Classifications and Ethical Implications.Anthony Wrigley & Ainsley J. Newson - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):55-67.
    The classification of techniques used in mitochondrial donation, including their role as purported germ-line gene therapies, is far from clear. These techniques exhibit characteristics typical of a variety of classifications that have been used in both scientific and bioethics scholarship. This raises two connected questions, which we address in this paper: how should we classify mitochondrial donation techniques?; and what ethical implications surround such a classification? First, we outline how methods of genetic intervention, such as germ-line gene (...), are typically defined or classified. We then consider whether techniques of mitochondrial donation fit into these, whether they might do so with some refinement of these categories, or whether they require some other approach to classification. To answer the second question, we discuss the relationship between classification and several key ethical issues arising from mitochondrial donation. We conclude that the properties characteristic of mitochondrial inheritance mean that most mitochondrial donation techniques belong to a new sub-class of genetic modification, which we call ‘conditionally inheritable genomic modification’. (shrink)
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  39.  49
    Gene Therapy and Ethics: Edited by A Nordgren. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1999, 208 SEK, pp 175. ISBN 915544640X. [REVIEW]K. Lippert-Rasmussen - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):58-2.
    Gene therapy research and its clinical application raise a large number of ethical, legal, and social questions. Many of these are discussed in Nordgren's anthology. The contributions come from a number of different disciplines, including bioethics, genetics, social science, and theology. The book is divided into five main sections (following a short introduction): scientific aspects of gene therapy; the history of, and prospects for, gene therapy; conceptual issues; gene therapy in a German (...)
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    Public Expectations of Gene Therapy: Scientific Futures and Their Performative Effects on Scientific Citizenship.Maja Horst - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (2):150-171.
    The article combines a criticism of public understanding of science with the sociology of expectations to examine how particular expectations toward scientific progress have performative effects for the construction of publics as citizens of science. By analyzing a particular controversy about gene therapy in Denmark, the article demonstrates how different sets of expectations can be used to discriminate among three different assemblages: the assemblage of consumption, the assemblage of comportment, and the assemblage of heroic action. Each of these (...)
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  41.  45
    The Bioethics of Gene Therapy.Robert Scott Smith, Bryan A. Piras & Carr J. Smith - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):45-50.
    Gene therapy is the modification of the human genetic code to prevent disease or cure illness. This technology is in its infancy and remains confined to experimental clinical trials. Once the present barriers are overcome, gene therapy will confront humanity with a host of ethical challenges. Therapies targeted to the genes of germ-line cells will introduce permanent changes to the human gene pool. Furthermore, nonmedical gene modifications have the potential to introduce a new form (...)
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  42.  16
    Human somatic cell gene therapy.Arthur Bank - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (12):999-1007.
    The prelude to successful human somatic gene therapy, i.e. the efficient transfer and expression of a variety of human genes into target cells, has already been accomplished in several systems. Safe methods have been devised to do this using non‐viral and viral vectors. Potentially therapeutic genes have been transferred into many accessible cell types, including hematopoietic cells, hepatocytes and cancer cells, in several different approaches to ex vivo gene therapy. Successful in vivo gene therapy (...)
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    Germ-line Gene therapy: Back to basics.Eric T. Juengst - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (6):587-592.
  44. Foreseeable applications of gene therapy into somatic and germinal cells.Luigi D. Notarangelo, Fabio Candotti SilviaGiliani & G. Alberto - 1994 - Primum Non Nocere Today: A Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics, Pavia, 26-28 May 1994 1071:127.
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    Gene Therapy: Proceed with Caution.Clifford Grobstein & Michael Flower - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (2):13-17.
  46. Ecological Models for Gene Therapy. I. Models for Intraorganismal Ecology.Arnaud Pocheville & Maël Montévil - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):401-413.
    In this paper, we discuss the perspective of intra-organismal ecology by investigating a family of ecological models. We consider two types of models. First order models describe the population dynamics as being directly affected by ecological factors (here understood as nutrients, space, etc). They might be thought of as analogous to Aristotelian physics. Second order models describe the population dynamics as being indirectly affected, the ecological factors now affecting the derivative of the growth rate (that is, the population acceleration), possibly (...)
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    Multiple obstacles to gene therapy in the brain.David Avram Sanders - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):67-68.
    Neuwelt et al. have proposed gene-transfer experiments utilizing an animal model that offers many important advantages for investigating the feasibility of gene therapy in the human brain. A variety of tissues concerning the viral vector and mode of delivery of the corrective genes need to be resolved, however, before such therapy is scientifically supportable.
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    Siblings and Discordant Eligibility for Gene Therapy Research: Considering Parental Requests for Non-Trial "Compassionate Use”.Jamie Webb, Lesha D. Shah & Alison Bateman-House - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (4):359-363.
    Deciding whether to grant an expanded access request for a child whose sibling is enrolled in a gene therapy trial involves a number of complex factors: considering the best interests of the child, the psychosocial and economic impact on the family, and the concerns and obligations of researchers. Despite the challenges in coming to a substantively fair outcome in cases of discordant eligibility, creating a procedurally fair decision-making process to adjudicate requests is essential.
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  49. Special Considerations for Gene Therapy.Kristin Van Goor, Snehal Naik & Dylan Bechtle - 2022 - In William Sietsema & Jocelyn Jennings (eds.), Regulation of regenerative medicines: a global perspective. Rockville: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
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    From Frankenstein to gene therapy, a collective responsibility. A glance from (bio)ethics.Elisa Constanza Calleja-Sordo, Jorge Enrique Linares & Elena Arriaga-Arellano - 2020 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 15:7-20.
    Given the recent developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering, the ability to eliminate genetic diseases from the human genome seems more and more possible each day. Being able to do so would mean a better quality of life for those who would otherwise suffer from incurable genetic diseases. However, even though the success of such a procedure would bring benefits that cannot be obtained by other means, the consequences for humans are still unknown. As such, the people involved should be (...)
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