Results for ' Galileo’s clock'

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  1. Galileo Galilei, Holland and the pendulum clock.Filip A. A. Buyse - 2017 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar 26 (41):9-43.
    The pendulum clock was one of the most important metaphors for early modern philosophers. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered his pendulum clock in 1656 based on the principle of isochronism discovered by Galileo (1564-1642). This paper aims at exploring the broad historical context of this invention, showing the role of some key figures such as Andreas Colvius (1594-1671), Elia Diodati (1576-1661), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Constantijn Huygens, the father of Christiaan Huygens. Secondly, it suggests - based on this context (...)
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    ‘Made in the Galleries of His Most Serene Highness, Florence’. Conflicts in instrument invention at the Medici court: the pendulum clock, and the Accademia del Cimento.Cristiano Zanetti - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    This essay proposes that the only publication of the Accademia del Cimento, referred to as Saggi,Footnote11 Accademia del Cimento, Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell’ Accademia del Cimento sotto la protezione del serenissimo principe Leopoldo di Toscana e descritte dal segretario di essa Accademia (Firenze: Per Giuseppe Cocchini, 1667). had as one of its main goals the celebration of the House of Medici’s paternity of cutting-edge experiments and instruments during the reign of Grand Duke Ferdinando II. These included Ferdinando II’s (...)
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  3. University of pittsburgh center for philosophy of science.Roman Agenda Galileo’S.. - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (419).
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    Part II Values Revealed in the Work of Scientists.Bertolt Brecht’S. Galileo - 2005 - In Noretta Koertge (ed.), Scientific Values and Civic Virtues. New York, US: OUP Usa.
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    Galileo's Attempt at a Cosmogony.S. Sambursky - 1962 - Isis 53 (4):460-464.
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    Galileo's intellectual revolution: Middle period, 1610-1632.Michael S. Mahoney - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (1):101-103.
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    Abandoning Galileo's Ship: The quest for non-relational empirical significance.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez & Nicholas Teh - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The recent debate about whether gauge symmetries can be empirically significant has focused on the possibility of 'Galileo's ship' types of scenarios, where the symmetries effect relational differences between a subsystem and the environment. However, it has gone largely unremarked that apart from such Galileo's ship scenarios, Greaves and Wallace (2014) proposed that gauge transformations can also be empirically significant in a 'non-relational' manner that is analogous to a Faraday-cage scenario, where the subsystem symmetry is related to a change in (...)
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    Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide.Galileo Galilei - 1997 - Univ of California Press.
    "This is a very creative piece of work which merits the highest praise. It should be of great value for students and for the general reader."—I. Bernard Cohen, author of Guide to Newton's "Principia" "Finocchiaro has done a superb job of presenting Galileo to the modern reader. The Dialogue is a work of extreme difficulty, requiring a compendious introduction, careful selection, translation and analysis of texts, and thoughtful evaluation of its impact on Western culture. With his well-known logical ability and (...)
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    Galileo’s paradox and numerosities.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 70:73-107.
    Galileo's paradox of infinity involves comparing the set of natural numbers, N, and the set of squares, {n2 : n ∈ N}. Galileo sets up a one-to-one correspondence between these sets; on this basis, the number of the elements of N is considered to be equal to the number of the elements of {n2 : n ∈ N}. It also characterizes the set of squares as smaller than the set of natural numbers, since ``there are many more numbers than squares". (...)
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    Galileo Galilei in »prvi kopernikanski proces«: narava in Sveto pismo.Galileo Galilei - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    V pričujočem sklopu so prevedena izbrana pisma Galilea Galileija ter njegovih korespondentov o problematiki razmerja med naravoslovnim oz. filozofskim raziskovanjem in Svetim pismom in s to problematiko povezani dokumenti iz Vatikanskega tajnega arhiva iz obdobja t. i. Galileijevega prvega procesa. Sklop zaključuje Galileijeva Razprava o morskem plimovanju, ki vsebinsko sicer ne zadeva omenjene problematike, je pa nastala kot posledica takratnega dogajanja. Vsa pisma so prevedena po kritični izdaji Galileijevih del, Le Opere di Galileo Galilei, ur. Antonio Favaro, Barbèra, Firence 1890–1909. (...)
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    Galileo’s Logic of Discovery and Proof: The Background, Content, and Use of His Appropriated Treatises on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics.William A. Wallace - 1992 - Boston, MA, USA: Springer.
    The problem of Galileo's logical methodology has long interested scholars. In this volume William A. Wallace offers a solution that is completely unexpected, yet backed by convincing documentary evidence. His analysis starts with an early notebook Galileo wrote at Pisa, appropriating a Jesuit professor's exposition of the Posterior Analystics of Aristotle, and ends with one of the last letters Galileo wrote, stating that in logic he has been a Peripatetic all his life. Wallace's detective work unearths the complete logic course (...)
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  12. Galileo's theological venture.Ernan McMullin - 2013 - Zygon 48 (1):192-220.
    In this essay, I will lay out first in some detail the exegetical principles implicit in Augustine's treatment of an early apparent conflict between Scripture and the findings of “sense or reason.” Then I will analyze Galileo's two major discussions of the issue, first in his Letter to Castelli, and then in his Letter to the Grand Duchess, touching on Foscarini's ill-fated Letter in between. I will turn then to an internal tension that many commentators have perceived within the exegetic (...)
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  13. Galileo’s Gauge: Understanding the Empirical Significance of Gauge Symmetry.Nicholas J. Teh - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (1):93-118.
    This article investigates and resolves the question whether gauge symmetry can display analogs of the famous Galileo’s ship scenario. In doing so, it builds on and clarifies the work of Greaves and Wallace on this subject.
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  14. Galileo’s Ship and the Relativity Principle.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - forthcoming - Noûs.
    It is widely acknowledged that the Galilean Relativity Principle, according to which the laws of classical systems are the same in all inertial frames in relative motion, has played an important role in the development of modern physics. It is also commonly believed that this principle holds the key to answering why, for example, we do not notice the orbital velocity of the Earth as we go about our day. And yet, I argue in this paper that the precise content (...)
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    Galileo’s impractical science: Matteo Valleriani: Galileo engineer. Boston studies in the philosophy of science, Vol. 269. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010, xxii+320pp, €99.95 HB.David Marshall Miller - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):223-225.
    Galileo’s impractical science Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9534-4 Authors David Marshall Miller, Department of Philosophy, Duke University, 201 West Duke, Durham, NC 27708, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Galileo’s Tidal Theory.Ron Naylor - 2007 - Isis 98 (1):1-22.
    The aim of Galileo’s tidal theory was to show that the tides were produced entirely by the earth’s motion and thereby to demonstrate the physical truth of Copernicanism. However, in the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Galileo did not explain some of the most significant aspects of the theory completely. As a consequence, the way the theory works has long been disputed. Though there exist a number of interpretations in the literature, the most widely accepted are based (...)
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    Galileo's theory of motion: Processes of conceptual change in the period 1604–1610.R. H. Naylor - 1977 - Annals of Science 34 (4):365-392.
    Summary One aim of this paper is to provide an assessment of the recent attempts to interpret the development of Galileo's theory of motion in the late Paduan period 1604?1610. In addition to this a new interpretation of this process of development is advanced. This interpretation is the first that proves able to provide a full account of all the features on folio 152r of volume 72 of the Galilean manuscripts which has been claimed to be of crucial significance. The (...)
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  18. Galileo's first new science: The science of matter.Zvi Biener - 2004 - Perspectives on Science 12 (3):262-287.
    : Although Galileo's struggle to mathematize the study of nature is well known and oft discussed, less discussed is the form this struggle takes in relation to Galileo's first new science, the science of the second day of the Discorsi. This essay argues that Galileo's first science ought to be understood as the science of matter—not, as it is usually understood, the science of the strength of materials. This understanding sheds light on the convoluted structure of the Discorsi's first day. (...)
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  19. Galileo's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina: Genre, Coherence, and the Structure of Dispute.Joseph Zepeda - 2019 - Galilaeana 1 (XVI):41-75.
    This paper proposes a reading of Galileo’s Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina as analogous to a legal brief submitted to a court en banc. The Letter develops a theory of the general issues underlying the case at hand, but it is organized around advocacy for a particular judgment. I have drawn two architectonic implications from this framework, each of which helps to resolve an issue still standing in the literature. First, the Letter anticipates varying degrees of acquiescence to (...)
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    Galileo’s Two New Sciences as a Model of Reading Practice.Renée Raphael - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (4):539-565.
    Galileo’s 1638 Two New Sciences, a canonical text of early modern science, is analyzed as a window into period practices of mixed-mathematical reading. Galileo’s depiction of reading reflects common scholarly practices, including those of summarizing, commenting, repeated study, and an interest in mathematical diagrams. With this text, Galileo also attempted to shape his readers’ practices, inciting them to approach topical-based reading strategies with care and to use experiment and experience to validate the written word. It is suggested that (...)
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    Galileo's Ariosto: The Value of a Mixed Methods Approach to Literary Analysis.Crystal Hall - 2017 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 5 (1):96-107.
    Using Galileo Galilei's Saggiatore and Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando furioso as a focal point, this article evaluates a mixed methods approach for identifying matches of words and phrases that are rich material for close reading and contextualization. The method focuses on ngram matches and networks of phrases that are used together. The similarity of Galileo's treatise to Ariosto's poem is compared to 45 other early modern Italian texts to evaluate the relative exceptionalism or normality of the findings. Ngram matches reveal a (...)
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  22. Galileo's mathematization of nature at the crossroad between the empiricist and the Kantian tradition.Michela Massimi - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (2):pp. 152-188.
    The aim of this paper is to take Galileo's mathematization of nature as a springboard for contrasting the time-honoured empiricist conception of phenomena, exemplified by Pierre Duhem's analysis in To Save the Phenomena , with Immanuel Kant's. Hence the purpose of this paper is twofold. I) On the philosophical side, I want to draw attention to Kant's more robust conception of phenomena compared to the one we have inherited from Duhem and contemporary empiricism. II) On the historical side, I want (...)
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    Galileo's unpublished treatises: A case study on the role of shared knowledge in the emergence and dissemination of an early modern new science.Jochen Büttner, Peter Damerow & Jürgen Renn - 2004 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 239:99-117.
    Galileo’s last publication, his Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali (1638), is widely considered to be one of the most influential contributions of early modern science to the emergence of classical physics. As the title of Galileo’s book indicates, he himself claimed to have established “two new sciences,” including a new science of motion which, from the perspective of classical physics, indeed turned the Aristotelean theory of motion, which (...)
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    Galileo's Road to Truth and the Demonstrative Regress.N. Jardine - 1976 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 7 (4):277.
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    Galileo's Claim to Fame: The Proof that the Earth Moves From the Evidence of the Tides.W. R. J. Shea - 1970 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (2):111-127.
    Until fairly recently a common way of doing history of science was to pick up an important strand of contemporary scientific thought and to trace its origin back to the philosophical tangle of the scientific revolution. This approach conveniently by-passed the breakdowns of once useful and pervasive theories, and neglected the long intellectual journeys along devious routes. History of science read like a success story; the pioneers who failed were neither dismissed nor excused; they were simply ignored. The historian knew (...)
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  26. Galileo's ship and spacetime symmetry.Tim Budden - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):483-516.
    The empirical content of the modern definition of relativity given in the Andersonian approach to spacetime theory has been overestimated. It does not imply the empirical relativity Galileo illustrated in his famous ship thought experiment. I offer a number of arguments—some of which are in essential agreement with a recent analysis of Brown and Sypel [1995]—which make this plausible. Then I go on to present example spacetime theories which are modern relativistic but violate Galileo's relativity. I end by briefly discussing (...)
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  27. Galileo’s Legacy.Dominic J. Balestra - 2011 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 85:1-14.
    The paper explores the question of the relationship between science and religion today in light of its modern origin in the Galileo affair. After first presenting Ian Barbour’s four standard models for the possible relationships between science and religion, it then draws on the work of Richard Blackwell and Ernan McMullin to consider the Augustinian principles at work in Galileo’s understanding of science and religion. In light of this the paper proposes a fifth, hybrid model, “dialogical convergence,” as a (...)
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    Galileo's 1604 Fragment on Falling Bodies.Stillman Drake - 1969 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (4):340-358.
    The first attempted derivation by Galileo of the law relating space and time in free fall that has survived is preserved on an otherwise unidentified sheet bound among his manuscripts preserved at Florence. It is undoubtedly closely associated with a letter from Galileo to Paolo Sarpi, dated 16 October 1604, which somehow found its way into the Seminary of Pisa, where it is still preserved. Those two documents, together with the letter from Sarpi to Galileo which seems to have inspired (...)
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    Galileo's Discorsi as a Tool for the Analytical Art.Renee Jennifer Raphael - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (1):99-123.
    SummaryA heretofore overlooked response to Galileo's 1638 Discorsi is described by examining two extant copies of the text which are heavily annotated. It is first demonstrated that these copies contain annotations made by Seth Ward and Sir Christopher Wren. This article then examines one feature of Ward's and Wren's responses to the Discorsi, namely their decision to re-write several of Galileo's geometrical demonstrations into the language of symbolic algebra. It is argued that this type of active reading of period mathematical (...)
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    Printing Galileo's Discorsi: A Collaborative Affair.Renée J. Raphael - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (4):483-513.
    Summary This contribution examines the history of the production of Galileo's 1638 Discorsi. It provides a detailed narrative of Galileo's and his collaborators' attempts to secure a printer for the work. Through analysis of surviving correspondence, manuscripts, and proof copies, I examine in greater detail the working methods of Galileo and his correspondents, particularly in regards to the text's images. This examination serves as a boon to historians of the early modern book, as Galileo's surviving correspondence provides an unusually rich (...)
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    Galileo’s Truth.Steve Fuller - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):73-96.
    This article considers the research ethics appropriate to Paul Feyerabend’s notorious ‘methodological anarchist’ approach to the history and philosophy of science, concluding that it might be especially appropriate for our ‘post-truth’ times. The article begins by noting that Feyerabend favorite historical figure, Galileo, appears Janus-faced in his corpus. The article focuses on the positive image of someone who broke institutionalized rules of inquiry in pursuit of a ‘higher truth’ that was fully realized by Newton and his successors. The logic of (...)
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    Galileo's Method of Analysis and Synthesis.Ronald Naylor - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):695-707.
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    Galileo’s lessons on critical reasoning: Maurice A. Finocchiaro: Defending Copernicus and Galileo: Critical reasoning in the two affairs. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010, xliii+350pp, €99.95 HB.Luciano Boschiero - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):219-221.
    Galileo’s lessons on critical reasoning Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9541-5 Authors Luciano Boschiero, Campion College, PO Box 3052, Toongabbie East, NSW 2146, Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Galileo's error: foundations for a new science of consciousness.Philip Goff - 2019 - New York: Pantheon Books.
    How Galileo created the problem of consciousness -- Is there a ghost in the machine? -- Can physical science explain consciousness? -- How to solve the problem of consciousness -- Consciousness and the meaning of life.
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    Models of Intelligibility in Galileo’s Mechanical Science.David Marshall Miller - 2017 - In Marcus P. Adams, Zvi Biener, Uljana Feest & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan (eds.), Eppur Si Muove: Doing History and Philosophy of Science with Peter Machamer: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Peter Machamer. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 39-54.
    Based on an examination of Galileo’s mechanics, Peter Machamer and Andrea Woody proposed the scientific use of what they call models of intelligibility. As they define it, a model of intelligibility is a concrete phenomenon that guides scientific understanding of problematic cases. This paper extends Machamer and Woody’s analysis by elaborating the semantic function of MOIs. MOIs are physical embodiments of theoretical representations. Therefore, they eliminate the interpretive distance between theory and phenomena, creating classes of concrete referents for theoretical (...)
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    Heidegger and Galileo’s Slippery Slope.Shannon Dea - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (1):59-76.
    ABSTRACT: In Die Frage nach dem Ding, Martin Heidegger characterizes Galileo as an important transitional figure in the struggle to replace the Aristotelian conception of nature with that of Newton. However, Heidegger only attends to Galileo’s modernity and not to those Aristotelian elements still discernible in Galileo’s work. This article fleshes out both aspects in Galileo in light of Heidegger’s discussion. It concludes by arguing that the lacuna in Heidegger’s account of Galileo is the consequence of Heidegger’s own (...)
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  37. Galileo's Intellectual Revolution.W. R. Shea - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (1):81-82.
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    Galileo's legacy: a critical edition and translation of the manuscript of Vincenzo Viviani's Grati Animi Monumenta.Stefano Gattei - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (2):181-228.
    Having been found ‘vehemently suspected of heresy’ by the Holy Office in 1633, at the time of his death Galileo's remains were laid to rest in the tiny vestry of a lateral chapel of the Santa Croce Basilica, Florence. Throughout his life, Vincenzo Viviani, Galileo's last disciple, struggled to have his master's name rehabilitated and his banned works reprinted, as well as a proper funeral monument erected. He did not live to see all this come true, but his efforts triggered (...)
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    Galileo's lunar observations: do they imply the rejection of traditional lunar theory?Fred Wilson - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (3):557-570.
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    Galileo’s law of free fall and modern science.Isabel Serra - 2023 - Perspectivas 8 (1):246-262.
    The clearly recognized innovation in Galileo’s work on free fall has been a stimulus and a challenge for the history and philosophy of science. This article will analyze the experimental and theoretical aspects of Galileo’s work on free fall. It draws on several authors’ results to justify the claim that the research model established by Galileo remains valid today (Sections 2 and 3). The article draws this parallel with current science by focusing on Galileo’s method, way of (...)
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    Galileo's Misstatements about Copernicus.Edward Rosen - 1958 - Isis 49 (3):319-330.
    A recent English translation (Discoveries and opinions of Galileo, transl. by Stillman Drake. New York: Doubleday, 1957) of selections from the writings of Galileo will doubtless bring to the attention of many readers the statements about Copernicus in the great Italian scientist’s "Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina". These statements by Galileo contain five serious errors. To impede their further spread is the aim of the present article.
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    Galileo's Pre-Paduan Writings: Years, Sources, Motivations.Stillman Drake - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 17 (4):429.
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    Two Ways of Imagining Galileo's Experiment.Margot Strohminger - 2021 - In Amy Kind & Christopher Badura (eds.), Epistemic Uses of Imagination. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 202-217.
    Thought experiments provide a conspicuous case study for epistemologists of the imagination. Galileo’s famous thought experiment about falling stones is a central example in the debate about how thought experiments in science work. According to a standard interpretation, the thought experiment poses a challenge to an Aristotelian principle about falling bodies that conceives of bodies in an extremely liberal way. This chapter argues that this interpretation is implausible and then shows how the thought experiment might present a challenge to (...)
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  44. Galileo’s Early Notebooks: The Physical Questions.W. A. Wallace - 1977
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    Galileo's Rejection of the Possibility of Velocity Changing Uniformly with Respect to Distance.I. Cohen - 1956 - Isis 47 (3):231-235.
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    Galileo's: Vol. I: Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius ; Vol. Ii: Paul Needham, Galileo Makes a Book.Horst Bredekamp (ed.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    V. 1 is a detailed analysis of a previously unknown proof copy of the first edition of Galileo's Sidereus nuncius, in which watercolor drawings appear in place of the etchings of the published edition, consigned in 2005 to the antiquarian bookselling firm of Martayan Lan. V. 2 is an account of the composition and production of the edition, based on analysis of extant copies as well as the New York proof copy. V. 3 was written in response to the discovery, (...)
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    The Geometrization of Motion: Galileo’s Triangle of Speed and its Various Transformations.Carla Rita Palmerino - 2010 - Early Science and Medicine 15 (4-5):410-447.
    This article analyzes Galileo's mathematization of motion, focusing in particular on his use of geometrical diagrams. It argues that Galileo regarded his diagrams of acceleration not just as a complement to his mathematical demonstrations, but as a powerful heuristic tool. Galileo probably abandoned the wrong assumption of the proportionality between the degree of velocity and the space traversed in accelerated motion when he realized that it was impossible, on the basis of that hypothesis, to build a diagram of the law (...)
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    Galileo's theory of the tides.E. J. Aiton - 1954 - Annals of Science 10 (1):44-57.
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    Galileo's Falling Bodies.Liz Stillwaggon Swan - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 346–347.
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    Galileo’s quanti: understanding infinitesimal magnitudes.Tiziana Bascelli - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (2):121-136.
    In On Local Motion in the Two New Sciences, Galileo distinguishes between ‘time’ and ‘quanto time’ to justify why a variation in speed has the same properties as an interval of time. In this essay, I trace the occurrences of the word quanto to define its role and specific meaning. The analysis shows that quanto is essential to Galileo’s mathematical study of infinitesimal quantities and that it is technically defined. In the light of this interpretation of the word quanto, (...)
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