Results for ' Early Childhood Representation'

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  1. Acoustic-based syllabic representation and articulatory gesture detection: prerequisites for early childhood phonetic and articulatory development.K. L. Markey - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 595--600.
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    Early childhood: a feminine or feminist terrain? Women in the World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP). [REVIEW]Michel Christian - 2019 - Clio 49:261-281.
    L’Organisation mondiale pour l’éducation préscolaire (OMEP) est une organisation internationale non gouvernementale créée en 1948 pour promouvoir l’éducation préscolaire. Organisation où les femmes sont dominantes, l’OMEP permet d’observer comment celles-ci entrent dans l’espace transnational en position de relative infériorité. L’organisation s’est légitimée en défendant une cause elle-même jugée féminine et ses membres, actifs au niveau international, accumulent un important capital social avant de s’y engager, soit en attendant la fin de leur carrière professionnelle, soit en associant le capital social de (...)
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    Conceptions of the self in early childhood: Territorializing identities.Liselott Borgnon - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (3):264–274.
    This article draws upon the Deleuzian/Guattarian idea of territorializing movements to trouble the notion of the identity of the learning pre‐school child, produced by developmental psychology, as an individual, natural and developing child as well as the more recent image of the child characterised by autonomy and flexible behaviour. Accordingly, a child's apprenticeship of walking is associated here with the movements of a surfer. This association disturbs the orthodox thought of recognition and representation that makes us define, include and (...)
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    Normative Social Role Concepts in Early Childhood.Emily Foster-Hanson & Marjorie Rhodes - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12782.
    The current studies (N = 255, children ages 4–5 and adults) explore patterns of age‐related continuity and change in conceptual representations of social role categories (e.g., “scientist”). In Study 1, young children's judgments of category membership were shaped by both category labels and category‐normative traits, and the two were dissociable, indicating that even young children's conceptual representations for some social categories have a “dual character.” In Study 2, when labels and traits were contrasted, adults and children based their category‐based induction (...)
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    Early Development of Body Representations.Virginia Slaughter & Celia A. Brownell (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Because we engage with the world and each other through our bodies and bodily movements, being able to represent one's own and others' bodies is fundamental to human perception, cognition and behaviour. This edited book brings together, for the first time, developmental perspectives on the growth of body knowledge in infancy and early childhood and how it intersects with other aspects of perception and cognition. The book is organised into three sections addressing the bodily self, the bodies of (...)
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  6. Children and questions of meaning through adults' representation. On the image of philosopher child.Anastasia De Vita - 2014 - Childhood and Philosophy 10 (19):109-127.
    This article regards a particular way through which adults take children into consideration and listen their voices. Reflections have sprung from a research context, focused on existential questions that children pose during their preschool years in early education settings. The research explored the meanings of these questions for children and adults involved in their education. The questions of meaning emerged by children’s discourses are considered through the representations of childhood that subtend parents and teachers’ educational practices. The article (...)
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    Reconsidering the scribbling stage of drawing: a new perspective on toddlers' representational processes.Claudio Longobardi, Rocco Quaglia & Nathalie O. Iotti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:145087.
    Although the scribbling stage of drawing has been historically regarded as meaningless and transitional, a sort of prelude to the "actual" drawing phase of childhood, recent studies have begun to re-evaluate this important moment of a child's development and find meaning in what was once considered mere motor activity and nothing more. The present study analyzes scribbling in all its subphases and discovers a clear intention behind young children's gestures. From expressing the dynamic qualities of an object and the (...)
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    A developmental theory of implicit and explicit knowledge?Diane Poulin-Dubois & David H. Rakison - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):782-782.
    Early childhood is characterized by many cognitive developmentalists as a period of considerable change with respect to representational format. Dienes & Perner present a potentially viable theory for the stages involved in the increasingly explicit representation of knowledge. However, in our view they fail to map their multi-level system of explicitness onto cognitive developmental changes that occur in the first years of life. Specifically, we question the theory's heuristic value when applied to the development of early (...)
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    ‘To Whom Does Ameena Belong?’: Towards a Feminist Analysis of Childhood and Nationhood in Contemporary India.Purnima Mankekar - 1997 - Feminist Review 56 (1):26-60.
    This article examines the discourses of the Indian state and of community élites during battles for the custody of a young Muslim girl, Ameena, who was ‘rescued’ from a marriage with an elderly Arab. The battles for Ameena's custody were fought as much in news reports, opinion columns, and letters to the editor of metropolitan and vernacular newspapers, as in courts. Questions were raised about Ameena's age, the viability of her marriage, the applicability of secular laws to Muslim communities, and (...)
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  10. Précis of Beyond modularity: A developmental perspective on cognitive science.Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):693-707.
    Beyond modularityattempts a synthesis of Fodor's anticonstructivist nativism and Piaget's antinativist constructivism. Contra Fodor, I argue that: (1) the study of cognitive development is essential to cognitive science, (2) the module/central processing dichotomy is too rigid, and (3) the mind does not begin with prespecified modules; rather, development involves a gradual process of “modularization.” Contra Piaget, I argue that: (1) development rarely involves stagelike domain-general change and (2) domainspecific predispositions give development a small but significant kickstart by focusing the infant's (...)
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  11.  6
    Early childhood theories and contemporary issues: an introduction.Mine Conkbayir - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Christine Pascal.
    Having a good grasp of theories of child development and what these look like in practice, can make a positive difference to how you understand babies and children and the ways in which they learn. This guide offers easy access to a wide range of concepts, as well as traditional and current theories, of how babies and children learn. Each chapter offers clear guidance on how to recognise the theory in action within the setting and suggests ways to test these (...)
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    Putting unicepts to work: a teleosemantic perspective on the infant mindreading puzzle.John Michael - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4365-4388.
    In this paper, I show how theoretical discussion of recent research on the abilities of infants and young children to represent other agents’ beliefs has been shaped by a descriptivist conception of mental content, i.e., to the notion that the distal content of a mental representation is fixed by the core body of knowledge that is associated with that mental representation. I also show how alternative conceptions of mental content—and in particular Ruth Millikan’s teleosemantic approach—make it possible to (...)
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    (2 other versions)Early childhood and neuroscience: theory, research and implications for practice.Mine Conkbayir - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Early Childhood and Neuroscience is a practical guide to understanding the complex and challenging subject of neuroscience and its use (and misapplication) in early childhood policy and practice. The author begins by introducing the definition and history of neuroscience. The reader is then led through structured chapters discussing questions such as: Why should practitioners know about neuroscience? How can neuroscience help practitioners better provide for babies and children? and Is it relevant? Topics covered include the nature (...)
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    Nordic early childhood education policies and virulent nationalist trends.Zsuzsa Millei, Anne Harju, Signe Hvid Thingstrup & Annika Åkerblom - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    This article was initiated by our discomfort regarding recent policy developments in Nordic early childhood education (ECE) where previous decades’ policies on creating solidarity, equality and universal access to social welfare and promoting democratic participation are seemingly waning. While from a global perspective, these policies might seem inclusive and democratic, if understood within the context of Nordic policy frames and broader policy changes in Sweden and Denmark, their undemocratic coercive moves and racist undertones become visible. By focusing on (...)
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    Early childhood educational research: issues in methodology and ethics.Carol Aubrey (ed.) - 2000 - New York: RoutledgeFalmer Press.
    Provision of education for children under five has recently become a political concern. At the same time, this relatively small field has been attracting increased research attention, with many early years practitioners seeking routes to initial and higher degrees. This book offers essential guidance for researchers and newcomers to the field, outlining opportunities in research as well as useful, sensitive and appropriate methods for researching childhood education.
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    Modern early childhood teacher education: theories and practice.Mihaela Badea & Mihaela Suditu (eds.) - 2024 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    The book aims to provide both theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for teachers interested in transforming the future. Through the approaches of theoretical background but also through the studies of practical application nature, the book can serve as bibliographic support for early education programs.
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    Early childhood theories today.Aaron Bradbury & Ruth Swailes (eds.) - 2022 - Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters.
    If you work in the early years, you have probably heard of Montessori and Bronfenbrenner - but have you heard of Bavolek or Fisher? Contemporary theorists and theories of early childhood learning have much to teach us. It is often forgotten that this learning is still evolving and that new voices are joining the discussion every year. This book introduces early years practitioners to some contemporary theorists and explores their work alongside more well-known thinkers. It demonstrates (...)
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  18. How Language Programs the Mind.Gary Lupyan & Benjamin Bergen - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):408-424.
    Many animals can be trained to perform novel tasks. People, too, can be trained, but sometime in early childhood people transition from being trainable to something qualitatively more powerful—being programmable. We argue that such programmability constitutes a leap in the way that organisms learn, interact, and transmit knowledge, and that what facilitates or enables this programmability is the learning and use of language. We then examine how language programs the mind and argue that it does so through the (...)
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    Derived embodiment and imaginative capacities in interactional expertise.Theresa Schilhab - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):309-325.
    Interactional expertise is said to be a form of knowledge achieved in a linguistic community and, therefore, obtained entirely outside practice. Supposedly, it is not or only minimally sustained by the so-called embodied knowledge. Here, drawing upon studies in contemporary neuroscience and cognitive psychology, I propose that ‘derived’ embodiment is deeply involved in competent language use and, therefore, also in interactional expertise. My argument consists of two parts. First, I argue for a strong relationship among language acquisition, language use and (...)
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  20. Constructing a New Theory From Old Ideas and New Evidence.Marjorie Rhodes & Henry Wellman - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (3):592-604.
    A central tenet of constructivist models of conceptual development is that children's initial conceptual level constrains how they make sense of new evidence and thus whether exposure to evidence will prompt conceptual change. Yet little experimental evidence directly examines this claim for the case of sustained, fundamental conceptual achievements. The present study combined scaling and experimental microgenetic methods to examine the processes underlying conceptual change in the context of an important conceptual achievement of early childhood—the development of a (...)
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    Early Childhood Memories Are not Repressed: Either They Were Never Formed or Were Quickly Forgotten.Mark L. Howe - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (4):707-717.
    Early childhood events are rarely remembered in adulthood. In fact, memory for these early experiences declines during childhood itself. This holds regardless of whether these memories of autobiographical experiences are traumatic or mundane, everyday experiences. Indeed, what people tend to remember from their childhoods involves relatively innocuous experiences, ones often devoid of emotion. In this article, I provide an overview of the types of memories adults recall from their childhoods and the ages at which these memories (...)
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    Action Understanding Promoted by Interoception in Children: A Developmental Model.Hui Zhou, Qiyang Gao, Wei Chen & Qiaobo Wei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:724677.
    Action understanding of children develops from simple associative learning to mentalizing. With the rise of embodied cognition, the role of interoception in action observation and action understanding has received more attention. From a developmental perspective, this study proposes a novel developmental model that explores how interoception promotes action understanding of children across ages. In early infancy, most actions observed in infants come from interactions with their caregivers. Babies learn about action effects through automatic interoceptive processing and interoceptive feedback. Interoception (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Languages of Evaluation.Gunilla Dahlberg - 1999 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Edited by Peter Moss & Alan R. Pence.
    What this book is about -- Theoretical perspectives : modernity and postmodernity, power and ethics -- Constructing early childhood institution : what do we think it is? -- Constructing the early childhood institution : what do we think they are for? -- Beyond the discourse of quality to the discourse of meaning making -- The stockholm project : constructing a pedagogy that speaks in the voice of the child, the pedagogue and the parent -- Pedagogical documentation (...)
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    Early Childhood, Aging, and the Life Cycle: Mapping Common Ground.Jonathan G. Silin - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In this book, Silin maps the common ground between early childhood and the period sociologists call "young-old age." Emphasizing the continuities that bind children and adults rather than the differences that traditional developmental psychology claims separate us, he focuses on the themes we all manage across a lifetime. Building on memoir and narrative, Silin argues that when we recognize how the concerns of childhood continue to thread their way through our experience, we look anew at the shape (...)
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    Early childhood practice: Froebel today.Tina Bruce (ed.) - 2012 - London: SAGE.
    There can be little doubt that the education of the very young provides an essential foundation for all that follows, and the nature of that education is critical. This book locates Froebelian practice in current practice, through a wealth of examples from contemporary settings. The book brings together contributions from distinguished primary and early childhood practitioners, who show how they have used educational methods advocated by Froebel. Stressing the importance of outdoor play, they explore the Froebelian principles of: (...)
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    Vygotsky's theory in early childhood education and research: Russian and Western views.Nikolay Veraksa (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Drawing upon in-depth analyses of Lev Vygotsky’s theories of early childhood and investigating the ways in which his ideas are reflected in contemporary educational settings, this book brings into sharp relief the numerous opportunities for preschool learning and development afforded by Vygotskian approaches. Discussion of recent developments in the understanding and implementation of Vygotsky’s ideas in Western and Russian contexts facilitates comparison, and provides readers with fresh impetus to integrate elements into their own practice. Chapters are clearly structured (...)
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    The Child's Creation of a Pictorial World (review).Ellen Handler Spitz - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):120-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Child's Creation of a Pictorial WorldEllen Handler SpitzThe Child'S Creation of a Pictorial World, by Claire Golomb. Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 2004, 388 pp.Children's drawings fill us with wonder and delight. They may tend, however, to puzzle us, especially if we seek to comprehend them in terms appropriate to the drawings of mature artists or in terms relevant for other pictorial forms and expressions. Likewise, they may (...)
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  28. Testimonial knowledge in early childhood, revisited.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (1):1–36.
    Many epistemologists agree that even very young children sometimes acquire knowledge through testimony. In this paper I address two challenges facing this view. The first (building on a point made in Lackey (2005)) is the defeater challenge, which is to square the hypothesis that very young children acquire testimonial knowledge with the fact that children (whose cognitive immaturity prevents them from having or appreciating reasons) cannot be said to satisfy the No-Defeaters condition on knowledge. The second is the extension challenge, (...)
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    (1 other version)Early childhood education: history, philosophy, experience.Cathy Nutbrown - 2008 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Peter Clough & Philip Selbie.
    With increasing development in the field of early childhood education and care, and new interest in alternative approaches to early years provision internationally, there is an urgent need for a book which explores and explains historical roots of practices and philosophical ideas which have underpinned the development of those practices in the field. This book traces historical ideas and their pioneers. It provides brief biographies and critical insights into their work as individuals and compares their principles and (...)
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  30. Early childhood education and care : where so much begins.Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban - 2019 - In Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban (eds.), In search of social justice: John Bennett's lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Professionalizing early childhood education as a field of practice: a guide to the next era.Stacie G. Goffin - 2015 - St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
    Where do you begin the important conversation about professionalizing early childhood education (ECE) as a field of practice? This book is the tool you need to advance the conversation and shape the future of ECE. Professionalizing Early Childhood Education As a Field of Practice provides an overview of the topic, a participant guide, a conversation workbook, and a facilitator guide to move the conversation forward. Each section supports deep thought and creative discussions to make the overall (...)
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  32. Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry and Relationships.Wendy Boyd, Nicole Green & Jessie Jovanovic - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry and Relationships is an introduction for early childhood educators beginning their studies. Reflecting the fact that there is no single correct approach to the challenges of teaching, this book explores teaching through two lenses: teaching as inquiry and teaching as relating. The first part of the book focuses on inquiry, covering early childhood learning environments, learning theories, play pedagogies, approaches to teaching and learning, documentation and (...)
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  33. Immediate transfer of synesthesia to a novel inducer.Aleksandra Mroczko, Thomas Metzinger, Wolf Singer & Danko Nikolić - 2009 - Journal of Vision 9 (12):1-8.
    In synesthesia, a certain stimulus (eg grapheme) is associated automatically and consistently with a stable perceptual-like experience (eg color). These associations are acquired in early childhood and remain robust throughout the lifetime. Synesthetic associations can transfer to novel inducers in adulthood as one learns a second language that uses another writing system. However, it is not known how long this transfer takes. We found that grapheme-color associations can transfer to novel graphemes after only a 10-minute writing exercise. Most (...)
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    Intentional teaching in early childhood: ignite your passion for learning and improve outcomes for young children.Sandra Heidemann - 2019 - Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing. Edited by Beth Menninga & Claire Chang.
    Professional development resource providing advice for early childhood teachers navigating demands and changes in their careers, helping them see challenges as growth opportunities. Through self-assessment and reflection, educators reexamine their teaching philosophy, integrate new knowledge and strategies into their practice, and strengthen the impact of their teaching. Includes digital content.
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    Early Childhood Curriculum: Planning, Assessment and Implementation.Claire McLachlan, Marilyn Fleer & Susan Edwards - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Early Childhood Curriculum addresses current approaches to curriculum for infants, toddlers and young children, ages birth to eight. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the curriculum issues that student teachers and emerging practitioners will face and equips them with the decision-making tools that will ultimately enhance and promote young children's learning. The text proposes a cultural historical framework to explore diverse approaches to early years education, drawing on research and examples of practice across a range of international (...)
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  36. Why early childhood education?Robert Owen & Cathy Nutbrown - 2008 - In Cathy Nutbrown (ed.), Early childhood education: history, philosophy, experience. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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    (1 other version)Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical.Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Theories of Early Childhood Education provides a comprehensive introduction to the various theoretical perspectives influential in early childhood education, from developmental psychology to critical studies, Piaget to Freire. Expert chapter authors examine assumptions underpinning the use of theory in the early years and concisely explore the implications of these questions for policy and practice. Every chapter includes applications to practice that will assist students and professionals in seeing the relevance of the theoretical perspective for their (...)
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    Belief versus acceptance: Why do people not believe in evolution?James D. Williams - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (11):1255-1262.
    Despite being an established and accepted scientific theory for 150 years, repeated public polls show that evolution is not believed by large numbers of people. This essay examines why people do not accept evolution and argues that its poor representation in some science textbooks allows misconceptions, established and reinforced in early childhood, to take hold. There is also a lack of up‐to‐date examples of evidence for evolution in school textbooks. Poor understanding by science graduates and teachers of (...)
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    The imagination of early childhood education.Harry Morgan - 1999 - Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
    Explores the impact that imagination in preschool and early childhood education has had on the lives of various populations.
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    Capacity Building in Early Childhood Education Research in a Regional Australian University.Jennifer Sumsion - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (3):265-284.
    This article presents a case study of successful research capacity building in the field of early childhood education in a non-research intensive, regional Australian university. In a context characterised by substantial political, economic and structural constraints, it illustrates a creative, strategic, and to some extent, transgressive approach to research capacity building inspired, in part, by concepts proffered by social theorist Gilles Deleuze.
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    Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: postmodern perspectives.Gunilla Dahlberg - 1999 - Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press. Edited by Peter Moss & Alan R. Pence.
    With places at nursery school promised for every child above the age of four, this book raises the stakes by looking at the quality of what is provided, and how that compares to what should be provided. Beyond Quality In Early Childhood Education and Care challenges received wisdom and the tendency to reduce philosophical issues of value to purely technical issues of measurement and management. In its place, it offers alternative ways of understanding early childhood, (...) childhood institutions and pedagogical work. The book places issues of early childhood into a global context and relates them to writers from many fields. Drawing on work with aboriginal peoples in Canada, on the experience of Reggio-Emilia in Italy and on a project in Stockholm inspired by Reggio, the book considers the implications of these alternative ways of understanding, for practice and a reconceptualization of early childhood education and care. (shrink)
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  42. Cultural variation in cognitive flexibility reveals diversity in the development of executive functions.Cristine Legare, Michael Dale, Sarah Kim & Gedeon Deak - 2018 - Nature Scientific Reports 8 (16326):1-14.
    Cognitive flexibility, the adaptation of representations and responses to new task demands, improves dramatically in early childhood. It is unclear, however, whether flexibility is a coherent, unitary cognitive trait, or is an emergent dimension of task-specific performance that varies across populations with divergent experiences. Three-to 5-year-old English-speaking U.S. children and Tswana-speaking South African children completed two distinct language-processing cognitive flexibility tests: the FIM-Animates, a word-learning test, and the 3DCCS, a rule-switching test. U.S. and South African children did not (...)
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    Bernard Spodek, early childhood education scholar, researcher, and teacher.Olivia N. Saracho - 2013 - Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age.
    Bernard Spodek, one of the most important figures in contemporary early childhood education, has been a seminal figure in early childhood education for approximately six decades. He has also been a creative contributor to contemporary thinking on the integration of theory, research, and practice on the development and education of young children. He is the author of numerous theoretical, research, and practical articles that continue to be published in scholarly journals and the author of textbooks that (...)
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    Theories of practice: raising the standards of early childhood education.Carol Garhart Mooney - 2014 - St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
    With stories, anecdotes, and a discussion about the strong connection between theory and best practices, this guide will help you understand the value of applying your knowledge of educational theory to your work as you refine your practices, create thoughtful curriculum, and do your best to raise the standards of early childhood education.
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    A Systematic Observation of Early Childhood Educators Accompanying Young Children’s Free Play at Emmi Pikler Nursery School: Instrumental Behaviors and Their Relational Value.Jone Sagastui, Elena Herrán & M. Teresa Anguera - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A great amount of literature documents young children’s innate interest in discovering their surroundings and gradually developing more complex activities and thoughts. It has been demonstrated that when environments support young children’s innate interest and progressive autonomy, they help children acquire a self-determined behavior. However, little is known about the application of this evidence in the daily practice of early childhood educational settings. This study examines Emmi Pikler Nursery School, a center that implements an autonomy-supportive educational approach. We (...)
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  46. Narrative Identity and Early Childhood Education.Sandy Farquhar - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (3):289-301.
    An intensification of interest in early childhood by government, parents, and employers, focuses primarily on the provision of private early childhood education services outside of the home. With a focus on New Zealand, the paper argues that the form of early education now promoted is a particular form of care and education that moves children away from family and community narratives embedded in the historical, cultural and humanist intentions of the national curriculum Te Whāriki (Ministry (...)
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    Enacting Civic‐Minded Early Childhood Pedagogy in the Context of Chauvinistic Education Legislation.Joy Dangora Erickson & Winston C. Thompson - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (5):662-681.
    Amid efforts to limit “divisive concepts” in educational settings, this article investigates the obstruction of a civic-focused early childhood curriculum. Joy Dangora Erickson and Winston Thompson analyze the challenges faced by a resourceful kindergarten teacher striving to uphold curriculum goals despite constraints imposed by the state legislature. Through an empirically informed exploration of political and pedagogical factors, this conceptual analysis elucidates the moral complexities of risks, costs, and outcomes as educators navigate non-ideal political conditions. By doing so, the (...)
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    Reclaim early childhood: the philosophy, psychology and practice of Steiner-Waldorf early years education.Sebastian Suggate - 2019 - Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Hawthorn Press. Edited by Tamara Suggate.
    This book presents a clear, deep and accessible overview of the philosophical, developmental and educational foundations of Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf education--as a dynamic, adaptable, creative process for which a profound sense of the uniqueness of each child is foundational. It demystifies Steiner as a philosopher of "freehood" and discusses the threefold human being in psychology. Child development: topics covered include the 12 senses and sensory motor development, language, and inner life. Education principles covered include imitation, purposeful activity and free play; nature; (...)
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    Tools of the mind: the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education.Elena Bodrova & Deborah Leong - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Deborah Leong.
    Now in its third edition, this classic text remains the seminal resource for in-depth information about major concepts and principles of the cultural-historical theory developed by Lev Vygotsky, his students, and colleagues, as well as three generations of neo-Vygotskian scholars in Russia and the West. Featuring two new chapters on brain development and scaffolding in the zone of proximal development, as well as additional content on technology, dual language learners, and students with disabilities, this new edition provides the latest research (...)
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    Liked for their looks: evaluative conditioning and the generalisation of conditioned attitudes in early childhood.Georg Halbeisen, Michael Schneider & Eva Walther - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (4):607-618.
    Early childhood is an important period for the development of attitudes, such as prejudice or food preferences (e.g. Nicklaus, 2016; Rudman, 2004). Because they are considered core drivers of behav...
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