Results for ' E. Bayrak'

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  1.  17
    A layered network model of associative learning: Learning to learn and configuration.E. James Kehoe - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (4):411-433.
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    Organismic achievement and environmental probability.E. Brunswik - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (3):255-272.
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    (1 other version)Hermann Cohen und die Erneuerung der Kantischen Philosophie.E. Cassirer - 1912 - Kant Studien 17 (1-3):252-273.
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    The relevance of health state after treatment in prioritising between different patients.E. Nord - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):37-42.
    In QALY-thinking, an activity that takes N people from a bad state (including 'dying') to the state of healthy for X years should have priority over an activity that takes N other people from the same bad state to a state of moderate illness for the same number of years (given equal costs). An empirical study indicates that this view may not be shared by the general public in Norway. Subjects tended to emphasise equality in value of life and in (...)
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  5. Non-individuals.E. J. Lowe - 2015 - In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay (eds.), Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press.
    An individual, as this term will be understood here, is an entity to which the concepts of unity and identity fully and determinately apply. That is to say, an entity x is an individual just in case x determinately counts as one entity and x has a determinate identity. Many philosophers tacitly assume that all entities are individuals in the foregoing sense, and indeed that it is a necessary truth that they are. But this can certainly be disputed. It is, (...)
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    Pedagogy and the Practice of Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Wiebe E. Bijker, Michael Gordin, Trevor Pinch, Graeme Gooday, Hugh Gusterson & Kenji Ito - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Studies examining the ways in which the training of engineers and scientists shapes their research strategies and scientific identities.
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    Second-person Perspective in Interdisciplinary Research: A Cognitive Approach for Understanding and Improving the Dynamics of Collaborative Research Teams.Claudia E. Vanney & J. Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):155-178.
    In this paper, we argue that to reverse the excess of specialization and to create room for interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, it seems necessary to move the existing epistemic plurality towards a collaborative process of social cognition. In order to achieve this, we propose to extend the psychological notion of joint attention towards what we call joint intellectual attention. This special kind of joint attention involves a shared awareness of sharing the cognitive process of knowledge. We claim that if an interdisciplinary research (...)
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    The physical connection: engineering function ascriptions to technical artefacts and their components.Pieter E. Vermaas - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (1):62-75.
    In this paper I evaluate the ICE-theory of function ascriptions to technical artefacts as proposed by Houkes and Vermaas, 2004a and Houkes and Vermaas, 2004b. This account adds non-structural concepts to functional description of artefacts, which are typically not employed by engineers when they ascribe functions to artefacts. The aim of this paper is to analyse to what extent the ICE-theory can reproduce the engineering view that artefacts have their functions in virtue of their physicochemical structure. It is shown that (...)
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    Estudos de metafísica e ontologia: perspectivas de um horizonte filosófico.José Bacelar E. Oliveira - 2003 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Lúcio Craveiro da Silva.
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    The (in)Significance of the Addiction Debate.Anna E. Goldberg - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (3):311-324.
    Substance addiction affects millions of individuals worldwide and yet there is no consensus regarding its conceptualisation. Recent neuroscientific developments fuel the view that addiction can be classified as a brain disease, whereas a different body of scholars disagrees by claiming that addictive behaviour is a choice. These two models, the Brain Disease Model and the Choice Model, seem to oppose each other directly. This article contends the belief that the two models in the addiction debate are polar opposites. It shows (...)
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    Being a Friend to Nature: Environmental Virtues and Ethical Ideals.Bryan E. Bannon - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (1):44-58.
    This paper argues that environmental virtue ethics requires the adoption of an ethical ideal in order to guide the identification and practice of virtues. I recommend friendship as one such ideal due to emphasis such an ideal places upon the quality of the relationship with nature rather than the evaluation of individual actions. After describing the value of friendship as an ethical ideal, I respond to some of the objections that have been raised against it in the context of environmental (...)
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  12. The Authority of Reason.E. Hampton Jean - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):270-272.
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  13. Smysl i granit︠s︡y chelovecheskoĭ dukhovnosti: (filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskoe ėsse).V. E. Gromov - 2005 - Dnepropetrovsk: Nat︠s︡īonalʹniĭ gīrnichiĭ unīversitet.
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    Unpacking the Chalcedonian Formula: From Studied Ambiguity to Saving Mystery.Brian E. Daley - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):165-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Unpacking the Chalcedonian Formula:From Studied Ambiguity to Saving MysteryBrian E. Daley, S.J.One of the central questions Christian theologians continue to ask themselves, as they confront the mystery of the person of Christ, is, what is the significance for us today of the Council of Chalcedon? For generations of modern scholars, especially those in the West, the dense and rather technical phrases forged at that fifth-century gathering of Christian bishops (...)
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  15. Lectures on Philosophy.G. E. Moore - 1967 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 29 (1):180-181.
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    The scandal of unfair behaviour of senior faculty.E. J. Wagena - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (5):308-308.
    Academia bases reputation and standing on the number of published articles. As a result, the abilities and potential of researchers are also being judged by the number of articles they write, as well as on the impact factor of the journals in which their articles are being published. In itself this is not a problem, although one could of course question the assumption that the quantity of the output reflects the competence of individual researchers. As Altman has stated: “The length (...)
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  17.  43
    The Philosophy in the Philosophy of Education.E. P. Brandon - 1984 - Teaching Philosophy 7 (1):1-15.
  18. Intersecções nos estudos sobre trajetórias e identidades.Cidriana Parenza E. Gisele Giuriolo - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  19. Maraṇattint̲e mukhaṃ.E. Pi Udayabhānu - 1987 - Kōṭṭayaṃ: Distributors, Current Books.
    Reflections on death, chiefly reminiscences on the death of some Malayalis, author's associates, including Malayalam authors.
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    Methods of science.E. L. Dellow - 1970 - New York,: Universe Books.
    Whether we like it or not, whether we realize it or not, the methods of science impinge upon and affect our daily lives. In the four centuries during which they have been properly understood and used, these scientific methods not only have enlarged man's stock of knowledge many thousandfold but also have helped bring about changes in outlook and, indeed, in man's physical environment, far outstripping the changes that took place throughout all the rest of recorded human history. Yet, one (...)
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    The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.E. G., Alex Preminger & T. V. F. Brogan - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):524.
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  22. W. Benjamín: experiencia, tiempo e historia.G. E. Fernández - 1995 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 12:107-130.
    Se trata de unareflexión interdisciplinar, a partir de W. Benjamin, sobre las relaciones entre experiencia, tiempo y memoriahistórica. La 1. parte analiza el empobrecimiento moderno de la Erfahrung que genera una“nueva barbarie”, a la vez que expenmentación innovadora, y que reclama un concepto más rico de experiencia, ligada ala totalidad concrete de la existencia. La 2. señala algunas paradojas de la memoria, muestra la inconsistencia del tiempo, cristalizado en el mito de Cronos, comoprincipio ordenador, y toma en consideración experiencias relevantes (...)
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  23. The Mysteries of Scripture: Allegorical Exegesis and the Heritage of Stoicism, Philo, and Pantaenus.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2016 - In Kovacs J. (ed.), Clement’s Biblical Exegesis. Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria, Prague-Olomouc 29-31 May 2014. Brill. pp. 80-110.
    This essay investigates Clement’s terminology related to allegorical exegesis of Scripture (μυστήριον first of all, but also αἴνιγμα, τύπος, ἀλληγορία, παραβολή etc.), as well as theoretical and methodological issues related to Biblical allegoresis (i.e. the figural, spiritual exegesis of the Bible, which is taken to contain allegories or metaphorical, figural expressions), the influence of Stoic allegoresis of theological myths on Clement’s allegoresis of Scripture, and the impact of Philo’s Biblical allegoresis, and of Pantaenus’s scriptural exegesis, on Clement’s own spiritual exegesis (...)
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    Inhabitants of the Unconscious: The Grotesque and the Vulgar in Everyday Life.E. Mark Stern & Robert B. Marchesani - 2003 - Routledge.
    This book explores numerous ways in which vulgar language, grotesque appearances, and horrific experiences affect us in our relationships with others and with ourselves. Its compelling case studies and revealing interviews bring together ideas and issues that are a lingering, but unexplored, focus in psychotherapy literature. The grotesque and the vulgar are major inhabitants of the vast unconscious. Their variations and haunting presence are anticipated and reflected in the transactions of everyday life. So too do they manifest themselves in our (...)
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    Manifestos.Édouard Glissant - 2022 - London: Goldsmiths Press. Edited by Patrick Chamoiseau, Betsy Wing & Matt Reeck.
    Manifestos brings together for the first time in English the manifestos written by Édouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau between 2000 and 2009. Composed in part in the aftermath of Barack Obama's election in 2008, the texts resonate with the current context of divided identities and criticisms of multiculturalism. The individual texts grapple with concrete historical and political moments in France, the Caribbean, and North America. Across the manifestos, as well as two collectively signed op-eds, the authors engage with socio-political aspects (...)
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    Definable structures in the lattice of recursively enumerable sets.E. Herrmann - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1190-1197.
    It will be shown that in the lattice of recursively enumerable sets one can define elementarily with parameters a structure isomorphic to (∑ 0 4 , ∑ 0 3 ), i.e. isomorphic to the lattice of ∑ 0 4 sets together with a unary predicate selecting out exactly the ∑ 0 3 sets.
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    (1 other version)The Meaning of life.E. D. Klemke (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many writers in various fields--philosophy, religion, literature, and psychology--believe that the question of the meaning of life is one of the most significant problems that an individual faces. In The Meaning of Life, Second Edition, E.D. Klemke collects some of the best writings on this topic, primarily works by philosophers but also selections from literary figures and religious thinkers. The twenty-seven cogent, readable essays are organized around three different perspectives on the meaning of life. In Part I, the readings assert (...)
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    Rights of patients in developing countries: the case of Turkey.E. Aydin - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):555-557.
    Patient rights are universal values which we have to adopt. It is not so easy, however, to put such values and principles into effect. As approaches and attitudes differ from individual to individual, from society to society, and from country to country, a uniform application of these values is difficult. If we want to reach a general conclusion about the status of patient rights in the world as whole, we should examine the situation in individual countries. As far as Turkey (...)
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  29. The Golden Sequence.E. M. Almedingen - 1949
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    Variations on Consent.Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (2):2-2.
    Two articles in the March‐April 2021 issue of the Hastings Center Report consider alterations to traditional informed consent. In “The Consent Continuum: A New Model of Consent, Assent, and Nondissent for Primary Care,” Marc Tunzi and colleagues argue that, in primary care settings, patient consent should be understood as taking a range of forms depending on the procedure, the patient, and the patient‐care context. Traditional informed consent is at the ceremonious end; for many things done in these settings, the authors (...)
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    Why Have Uniform Informed Consent Documents When the Research Volunteers Are So Diverse?Ross E. McKinney Jr - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):59-60.
    Making consent work for its primary purposes has been, and will be, a challenge. Millum and Bromwich have done an excellent job of considering the manifold obligations of informed consent, with the...
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  32. "Stoic Homeric Allegoresis," in Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Homer from the Hellenistic Age to Late Antiquity, ed. Christina-Panagiota Manolea, Leiden: Brill, 2021.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2021 - In Christina-Panagiota Manolea (ed.), Brill' s Companion to the Reception of Homer From the Hellenistic Age to Late Antiquity. Brill's Companions to Classica.
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  33. "Origen on the Unity of Soul and Body in the Earthly life and Afterwards and His Impact", in The Unity of Soul and Body in Patristic and Byzantine Thought, eds. Jörg Ulrich, Anna Usacheva, and Siam Bhayro, Leiden: Brill, 2020, pp. 38-77.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2020 - In Jorg Ulrich & Anna Usacheva (eds.), The Unity of Soul and Body in the Earthly Life and After. pp. 38-77.
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  34. Teaching the Philosophy of Art in Elementary School.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 1981 - In Jonas F. Soltis & Kenneth J. Rehage (eds.), Philosophy and education. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. pp. 151-58.
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    Buddha as Tathagata.E. Washburn Hopkins - 1911 - American Journal of Philology 32 (2):205.
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    Countering the "Phenomenology of Whiteness": The Nation of Islam's Phenomenology of Blackness.E. Anthony Muhammad - 2021 - Puncta 4 (1):19-37.
    The Nation of Islam (NOI) has intrigued American society since its inception in 1930. Historically, the religio-nationalist organization has been the object of admiration for its uncanny ability to reform the lives of downtrodden blacks. At the same time, the NOI has garnered condemnation for the controversial, racialized and divisive doctrine that it espouses. This condemnation has led to a dismissal of the NOI’s doctrine as reactionary, bigoted, and fanciful myth-making. In recent decades however, scholars have begun interrogating the doctrine (...)
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    Participatory Landslide Inventory (PLI): An Online Tool for the Development of a Landslide Inventory.E. N. C. Perera, A. M. C. T. Gunaratne & S. B. D. Samarasinghe - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    A landslide inventory is a detailed register of the spatial distribution, geometry, and attributes of landslides and is essential for landslide hazard analysis, risk management, regional planning, and land use management and development, especially in landslide-prone regions. However, the development of a national landslide inventory is time-consuming and costly. Accordingly, most developing countries, including Sri Lanka, have basic landslide databases, which identify the location, date, and time of occurrence on a point map. This study, therefore, aimed to introduce a new (...)
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  38.  9
    De Consolatione Philosophiae.E. K. Rand & Fridericus Klingner - 1923 - American Journal of Philology 44 (1):86.
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    The Archaic Community of the Romans.E. T. Salmon & Robert E. A. Palmer - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (4):388.
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  40. The Imitation of God in Christ.E. J. Tinsley - 1960
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    Cannon's theory of emotion: a critique.E. B. Newman, F. T. Perkins & R. H. Wheeler - 1930 - Psychological Review 37 (4):305-326.
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    A behaviorist's definition of consciousness.E. C. Tolman - 1927 - Psychological Review 34 (6):433-439.
  43.  67
    Logik der Forschung. [REVIEW]N. E. - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):107-108.
  44. Azione, intenzione e doppio effetto: Metafisica e azione: Nuovi approcci al tomismo.G. E. M. Anscombe, Mario Ricciardi & Claudio Antonio Testi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 104 (2):43-61.
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    Readings in moral theology /Edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A McCormick.Charles E. Curran & Richard A. Mccormick - 1979
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  46. Afectos, tiempos e intensidades en la Ética en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48 (123):97-105.
    Presenta a grandes rasgos su tesis doctoral. Dentro del marco de la teoría de los afectos, Spinoza sostiene una tesis sobre la alienación a partir de la imaginación y del tiempo, para ello produce una teoría del tiempo y, fundamentalmente, una teoría de las intensidades que sirve para explicar la ilusión.
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    Professionalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika: moralʹnai︠a︡ propedevtika delovogo povedenii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.E. S. Protanskai︠a︡ - 2003 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  48. L'arte e la musica in Giuseppe Mazzini.Note E. Rassegne - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 11:267.
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    Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Culture: Abandoning Sartre for Aquinas.R. E. Houser - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):135-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Culture:Abandoning Sartre for AquinasR. E. HouserI expect to die in my bed, my successor will die in prison, and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. Then his successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.—Francis Cardinal George (2010)Here I propose to (...)
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  50. T︠S︡ennostnye aspekty nauki i problemy ėkologii.A. A. Gorelov & E. T. Faddeev (eds.) - 1981 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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