Results for ' Displacement'

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  1.  37
    Displacement and solidarity: An ethic of place‐making.Lisa Eckenwiler - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (9):562-568.
    Drawing on a conception of people as ‘ecological subjects’, creatures situated in specific social relations, locations, and material environments, I want to emphasize the importance of place and place‐making for basing, demonstrating, and forging future solidarity. Solidarity, as I will define it here, involves reaching out through moral imagination and responsive action across social and/or geographic distance and asymmetry to assist other people who are vulnerable, and to advance justice. Contained in the practice of solidarity are two core ‘enacted commitments’, (...)
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  2.  46
    Climate Displacement.Jamie Draper - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Climate change is reshaping patterns of displacement around the world. Extreme weather events destroy homes, environmental degradation threatens the viability of livelihoods, sea level rise and coastal erosion force communities to relocate, and risks to food and resource security magnify the sources of political instability. Climate displacement—the displacement of people driven at least in part by the impacts of climate change—is a pressing moral challenge that is incumbent upon us to address. -/- This book develops a political (...)
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    Displacement by Development: Ethics, Rights and Responsibilities.Peter Penz, Jay Drydyk & Pablo S. Bose - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    For decades, policy-makers in government, development banks and foundations, NGOs, researchers and students have struggled with the problem of how to protect people who are displaced from their homes and livelihoods by development projects. This book addresses these concerns and explores how debates often become deadlocked between 'managerial' and 'movementist' perspectives. Using development ethics to determine the rights and responsibilities of various stakeholders, the authors find that displaced people must be empowered so as to share equitably in benefits rather than (...)
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  4.  49
    Displacement as Significant Collateral Harm in War.Jovana Davidovic - 2018 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 11 (1).
    Traditionally, in deciding whether some strategy or action in war is proportionate and necessary and thus permissible both international law and just war theory focus exclusively on civilian deaths and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. I argue in this paper that any argument that can explain why we should care about collateral killing and damage to infrastructure can also explain why collateral displacement matters. I argue that displacement is a foreseeable near-proximate cause of lethal harm to civilians and (...)
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    Displacements—Beyond the Coloniality of Images.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (2):206-227.
    Dynamic mental images are co-constitutive of the determinations of reality and possibility under which our senses of life open and unfold. Ultimately, this dynamic sense of images introduces the difficulty of thinking in light of their role in the configuration of human knowledge and their power over interpretations and determinations of the many senses of beings. This relationship between images and philosophical knowledge is further complicated when one looks at it from the perspective of a colonized consciousness. In such cases (...)
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    Pygmalion Displacement: When Humanising AI Dehumanises Women.Lelia Erscoi, Annelies Kleinherenbrink & Olivia Guest - manuscript
    We use the myth of Pygmalion as a lens to investigate and frame the relationship between women and artificial intelligence (AI). Pygmalion was a legendary ancient king of Cyprus and sculptor. Having been repulsed by women, he used his skills to create a statue, which was imbued with life by the goddess Aphrodite. This can be seen as one of the primordial AI-like myths, wherein humanity creates intelligent life-like self-images to reproduce or replace ourselves. In addition, the myth prefigures historical (...)
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    The Displacement Calculus.Glyn Morrill, Oriol Valentín & Mario Fadda - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (1):1-48.
    If all dependent expressions were adjacent some variety of immediate constituent analysis would suffice for grammar, but syntactic and semantic mismatches are characteristic of natural language; indeed this is a, or the, central problem in grammar. Logical categorial grammar reduces grammar to logic: an expression is well-formed if and only if an associated sequent is a theorem of a categorial logic. The paradigmatic categorial logic is the Lambek calculus, but being a logic of concatenation the Lambek calculus can only capture (...)
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  8.  43
    Global displacement and the topography of theory.Phillip Cole - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):260-268.
    In this essay, I examine the concept of the refugee within the context of liberal political theory. The argument is that the refugee is displaced both in political practice and political theory – theory has a topology, and inside and an outside, such that even if the refugee as a concept does enter within its boundaries it does so as a marginal figure, constructed as problematic. However, liberal political also has a topography when it comes to the refugee question – (...)
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    Violent Displacements: on grace jantzen’s death and the displacement of beauty.Maxwell Kennel - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (6):67-82.
    This study reconceptualizes violence as the violation of value-laden boundaries through a close reading of the Death and the Displacement of Beauty trilogy by feminist philosopher of religion Grace M. Jantzen. Given the inherent normativity of the concept, it is difficult to imagine how violence could avoid simply becoming a tool in the hands of the powerful who would define it in polemical or coercive ways. But Jantzen’s work runs counter to a fatalistic treatment of the term by seeking (...)
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  10. Climate change and displacement: Towards a pluralist approach.Jamie Draper - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (1):44-64.
    This paper sets out a research agenda for a political theory of climate displacement, by critically examining one prominent proposal—the idea of a normative status for ‘climate refugees’—and by proposing an alternative. Drawing on empirical work on climate displacement, I show that the concept of the climate refugee obscures the complexity and heterogeneity of climate displacement. I argue that, because of this complexity and heterogeneity, approaches to climate displacement that put the concept of the climate refugee (...)
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  11.  44
    Displacement: Derrida and After.Mark Krupnick (ed.) - 1983 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    A collection of essays that deepens our understanding of Jacques Derrida, and removes the suspicion of mystification from his treatment of philosophic and literary issues. It focuses on displacement. It exemplifies the sophistication toward deconstruction in Britain and the United States.
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  12.  28
    Displacement and conflict; learnable drive as a basis for the steeper gradient of avoidance than of approach.Neal E. Miller & Edward J. Murray - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):227.
  13.  37
    Displacement: greater generalization of approach than avoidance in a generalized approach-avoidance conflict.Neal E. Miller & Doris Kraeling - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):217.
  14. Justice and Internal Displacement.Jamie Draper - 2023 - Political Studies 71 (2):314-331.
    This article develops a normative theory of the status of ‘internally displaced persons’. Political theorists working on forced migration have paid little attention to internally displaced persons, but internally displaced persons bear a distinctive normative status that implies a set of rights that its bearer can claim and correlate duties that others owe. This article develops a practice-based account of justice in internal displacement, which aims to answer the questions of who counts as an internally displaced person and what (...)
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  15.  72
    Displaced Feeling: A (Partial) Phenomenological Study.Erol Copelj - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (1):1-20.
    This is a partial phenomenological study of a phenomenon that I call “displaced feeling”, which is best illustrated through a concrete example. I am overcome by a strong desire to stop writing. For one reason or another, I reject the possibility of pursuing this desire. Instead of giving up the desire altogether, however, I may “speak to myself” as follows: “I feel like having a coffee” and, the chatter goes on in the background “of course to make coffee means to (...)
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  16.  26
    Displacements and appropriations: the construction of the self in Volverse Palestina, by Lina Meruane.Alejandra Ochoa Provoste - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:109-125.
    Resumen: En el presente trabajo nos interesa indagar cómo se construye el yo del texto referencial Volverse Palestina, de la escritora chilena Lina Meruane, problematizando la relación entre migración y los temas de memoria e identidad. Nuestra propuesta de lectura se pregunta por el sentido que adquieren los géneros elegidos por la autora para llevar a cabo el ejercicio de memoria y el ejercicio testimonial. Se evidencia en el análisis el desplazamiento de los propósitos discursivos del formato árbol genealógico y (...)
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  17.  41
    Displacement behaviour solving a silent contradiction.Koenraad Kortmulder - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (1):53-63.
    Displacement acts, once a hot topic in ethology, but wrapped in silence for two decades since, have recently been suggested to indicate and relax social tension (Maestripieri et al., 1992; Wiepkema, 1987). The first of these contentions seems to be in contradiction with some of the classical ethological studies of displacement behaviour, in particular those supporting the disinhibition hypothesis, since the latter would not predict any positive correlation between amount of tension (i.c. intensity of the conflict) and the (...)
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  18.  40
    Global displacement in the 21st century: towards an ethical framework.Phillip Cole - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (2):203-219.
    A body of work has emerged in political philosophy which can be termed ‘the ethics of migration’. Within that literature, there has been an increased focus on issues of displacement and protection...
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  19.  96
    Displacement of concepts.Donald Alan Schon - 1963 - [London]: Tavistock Publications.
    Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1963 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.
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  20. Exploring Displaced and Factitious Emotions: A Case Study of Moral Guilt.Robert Albin - forthcoming - Theoria:e70006.
    The objective of this article is to conduct an in‐depth examination of two interrelated emotional concepts: displaced or irrational emotions and factitious (artificial) emotions, using moral guilt as a case study. The analysis incorporates three facets of emotions: their relationship with objects, their role as motivators for actions and the extent to which individuals can control and shape their emotions. Two overarching conclusions emerged: First, the concept of artificial emotions expands to encompass a multitude of emotional states, leading to an (...)
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  21.  88
    Is displacement possible without language? Evidence from preverbal infants and chimpanzees.Valentina Cuccio & Marco Carapezza - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (3):369-386.
    Is displacement possible without language? This question was addressed in a recent work by Liszkowski and colleagues . The authors carried out an experiment to demonstrate that 12-month-old prelinguistic infants can communicate about absent entities by using pointing gestures, while chimpanzees cannot. The main hypothesis of their study is that displacement does not depend on language but is, however, exclusively human and instead depends on species-specific social-cognitive human skills. Against this hypothesis, we will argue that a symbolic representation (...)
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  22.  72
    Perceptual displacement of a test mark toward the larger of two visual objects.Coleman T. Merryman & Frank Restle - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):311.
  23.  59
    Semen displacement as a sperm competition strategy.Gordon G. Gallup, Rebecca L. Burch & Tracy J. Berene Mitchell - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (3):253-264.
    Using a sample of 652 college students, we examined several implications of the hypothesis that the shape of the human penis evolved to enable males to substitute their semen for those of their rivals. The incidence of double mating by females appears sufficient to make semen displacement adaptive (e.g., one in four females acknowledge infidelity, one in eight admit having sex with two or more males in a 24-hour period, and one in 12 report involvement in one or more (...)
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  24.  28
    Displacing dissent: The role of 'place' in first amendment jurisprudence.Thomas P. Crocker - manuscript
    From the perspective of free speech theory, both of the central First Amendment values - human autonomy and deliberative democracy - require robust protection for the places and spaces in which speech and public discourse occur. This Article argues that current Supreme Court doctrine does not effectively protect speech from content neutral regulation of place. The problem is that remaining neutral is consistent with policies that would dislocate the very place for the “marketplace of ideas.” Moreover, free speech theory focused (...)
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  25.  30
    The ethics of risk displacement in research and public policy.Gerard Vong & Meira Levinson - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):918-922.
    We identify three distinct ethical problems that can arise with risk displacement. Risk displacement is the shifting of extant risk from one or more individuals to other individual(s) such that the reduction of risk to the first group is causally implicated in increasing risk to the second group. These problems are: concentration of risk in inequitable ways; transfer of risk to already vulnerable or disadvantaged populations; and exercise of undue influence over potential research participants. The first two arise (...)
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  26.  77
    Continuity, displaced reference, and deception.Lee Cronk - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):510-511.
    Falk's contribution to a continuity theory of the origins of language would be complemented by an account of the origins of displaced reference, a key characteristic distinguishing human language from animal signaling systems. Because deception is one situation in which nonhumans may use signals in the absence of their referents, deception may have been the starting point for displaced reference.
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  27.  7
    Displacement of politics.Sakari Hèanninen & Jussi Vèahèamèaki (eds.) - 2000 - Portland, OR: International Specialized Book Services.
    Should we mke an effort to revitalize politics? This book with its its collection of essays challenges such an oxymoronic phrase. DISPLACEMENT OF POLITICS implies that politics only takes place by displacing itself, by way of constant self-transformation. The dynamics of politics can only be captured by moving concepts, addressed by poltiical theory in contrast.
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    Bioethics of displacement and its implications.Manuel Lozano Rodriguez - 2022 - Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference.
    This book deals with the topic that has been understudied of what Bioethics of Displacement is and what are their implications, subverting the anthropocentric moral view for the resulting loving, knowing and experiencing from the displaced ones, those who have lost their center and offering a case study from the Salvadorian humanitarian crises that will shed a new light on how political decision-making works.
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  29.  13
    Displacement of politics.Sakari Hänninen & Jussi Vähämäki (eds.) - 2000 - Portland, OR: International Specialized Book Services.
    Should we mke an effort to revitalize politics? This book with its its collection of essays challenges such an oxymoronic phrase. DISPLACEMENT OF POLITICS implies that politics only takes place by displacing itself, by way of constant self-transformation. The dynamics of politics can only be captured by moving concepts, addressed by poltiical theory in contrast.
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  30.  27
    ‘Displaced in the name of Religion’: Girl child abuse and community healthcare workers' response to women crying for help in IDP camps in North Central, Nigeria.Favour Chukwuemeka Uroko & Mary Jerome Obiorah - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):41-48.
    This study examines girl child abuse in an internally displaced people's camp in north‐central Nigeria and the response of community health workers. The conflict in Benue State is caused by religious differences between the natives (Tiv people) and the invading Fulani herdsmen. During these conflicts, women and girls were displaced, and they were kept in internally displaced persons (IDPs) located in different parts of the state. Literature has been extensively written on internal displacement in Nigeria, but none has been (...)
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  31. Displaced Workers: America's Unpaid Debt.Edmund F. Byrne - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):31 - 41.
    The U.S. doctrine of employment-at-will, modified legislatively for protected groups, is being less harshly applied to managerial personnel. Comparable compensation is not otherwise available in the U.S. to workers displaced by technology. Nine pairs of arguments are presented to show how fundamentally management and labor disagree about a company's responsibility for its former employees. These arguments, born of years of labor-management debate, are kaleidoscopic claims about which side has what power. Ultimately, however, not even both together can solve without creative (...)
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  32.  19
    Electron displacement damage in copper and aluminium in a high voltage electron microscope.M. J. Makin - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (153):637-653.
  33.  89
    Climate Change Driven Displacement and Justice.Kyle Fruh - 2021 - Essays in Philosophy 22 (1):102-121.
    An increasingly wide array of moral arguments has coalesced in recent work on the question of how to confront the phenomenon of climate change driven displacement. Despite invoking a range of disparate moral principles, arguments addressing displacement across international borders seem to converge on a similar range of policy remedies: expansion of the 1951 Refugee Convention to include ecological refugees, expedited immigration, or, for entire political communities that have suffered displacement, even the ceding of sovereign territory. Curiously, (...)
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  34.  19
    Displacement and Emplacement of Health Technology: Making Satellite and Mobile Dialysis Units Closer to Patients?Gavin Andrews, Dave Holmes, Geneviève Daudelin, Blake Poland & Pascale Lehoux - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (3):364-392.
    The provision of “closer-to-patient” services has increased in most industrialized countries. However, the migration of services in non-traditional health care settings implies redefining the role of technical and human entities and transforming the nature and use of technologies and places. Drawing on various scholarly efforts to conceptualize space, place, and technology, this paper compares and contrasts satellite and mobile dialysis units implemented in two regions in the province of Quebec, Canada. The satellite units were hosted in two small, local hospitals (...)
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  35.  16
    Displacement of Agency: The Enactment of Patients’ Agency in and beyond Haemodialysis Practices.Wen-Yuan Lin - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):421-443.
    How might the agency of the subaltern be conceptualized within the intersection of multiple worlds? Actor-network theory’s translation framework for understanding agency portraying this as entrepreneur and talking of a world in the making is arguably “imperialist,” “managerial,” and “monolithic.” Draws from the enactment turn of ANT and insights into the politics of representation, this article elaborates an alternative framework which focuses on displacement. By examining the case of dialysis patients, the article explores the displacing practices that follow the (...)
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  36.  84
    A Displacement in the Text of the Cratylus.Malcolm Schofield - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (02):246-253.
    In this paper I argue that the stretch of dialogue from 385 b 2–d 1 in the Cratylus does not belong where it is found in the MSS. , but fits rather between 387 c 5 and 387 c 6. I suggest further that at any rate my negative thesis receives some measure of support from the fragments of Proclus' commentary on the dialogue.
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  37.  77
    Displaced looks: The lived experience of beauty and racism.Mónica G. Moreno Figueroa - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):137-151.
    With a focus on appearance and racialised perceptions of skin colour, this paper discusses the differences between being and feeling acceptable, pretty or ugly and the possibility of such displacement (from being to feeling or vice versa), as a way to understand what beauty does in people’s lives. The paper explores the fragility of beauty in relation to the visibility of the body in specific racialised contexts. It investigates the claim that beauty can be considered a feeling that emphasises (...)
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  38. Technological Displacement and the Duty to Increase Living Standards: from Left to Right.Howard Nye - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28:1-16.
    Many economists have argued convincingly that automated systems employing present-day artificial intelligence have already caused massive technological displacement, which has led to stagnant real wages, fewer middle- income jobs, and increased economic inequality in developed countries like Canada and the United States. To address this problem various individuals have proposed measures to increase workers’ living standards, including the adoption of a universal basic income, increased public investment in education, increased minimum wages, increased worker control of firms, and investment in (...)
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  39.  14
    Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity, and the New Testament.Ward Blanton - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    Blanton Ward traces the current critical engagement of Agamben, Derrida and Zizek, among others, back to the 19th and early 20th century philosophers of early Christianity.
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  40.  17
    Displacement of Concepts.G. Buchdahl - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (62):86-87.
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  41.  31
    Displacement of Concepts.A. K. Bierman - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):601-603.
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  42.  14
    Internal Displacement and International Protection.Eilidh Beaton - 2024 - In Jamie Draper & David Owen, The Political Philosophy of Internal Displacement. Oxford University Press. pp. 114-139.
  43.  43
    Displacement, Asylum, Migration: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2004.Kate E. Tunstall (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume is based on the 2004 series of the Oxford Amnesty Lectures, one of the world's leading name lecture series. In it major figures in philosophy, political science, law, psychoanalysis, sociology, and literature address the challenges that displacement, asylum, and migration pose to our notions of human rights.
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  44. Imagination, Fiction, and Perspectival Displacement.Justin D'Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2023 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 3.
    The verb 'imagine' admits of perspectival modification: we can imagine things from above, from a distant point of view, or from the point of view of a Russian. But in such cases, there need be no person, either real or imagined, who is above or distant from what is imagined, or who has the point of view of a Russian. We call this the puzzle of perspectival displacement. This paper sets out the puzzle, shows how it does not just (...)
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  45. Knowing qualia: reloading the displaced perception model.Roberto de Sá Pereira - 2020 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7:1-7.
    How does one know the phenomenal character of one’s own experience? I aim to present and defend a new view of the epistemology of qualia that addresses this issue. My view results from a reworking of Dretske’s displaced perception model. The guiding line is the key Wittgensteinian insight of his Private Language Argument, namely the claim that no inner perception of qualia can justify our corresponding qualia-beliefs. My reworking of the original model starts with the rejection of Dretske’s representationalism, as (...)
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  46.  32
    Displacing Marginalized Bodies: How Human Rights Discourses Function in the Law and in Communities.Katrina M. Powell, Jenny Dick-Mosher, Anisa Zvonkovic & Pamela B. Teaster - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):67-85.
    In this article, we examine disability and eugenics discourses and the ways they function in spaces where vulnerable persons have been historically excluded by the state and blamed for their own “immiseration.” We ask how queer theories of repudiation, abjection, and vulnerability lend insight into the ways that people with intellectual disabilities are discursively located outside normative discourses of home, care, and quality of life, and whether these discourses shifted to serve this vulnerable population when historically the very places in (...)
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  47. Displaced persons: A human tragedy of world war II.Joseph A. Berger - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  48. Displacement, space and dwelling: Placing gentrification debate.Mark Davidson - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (2):219 – 234.
    This paper is concerned with the conceptualisations of space which underlie debate of gentrification-related displacement. Using Derrida's concept of the spatial metaphor, the paper illuminates the Cartesian understandings of space that act as architecture for displacement debate. The paper corrects this through arguing that the philosophy of Heidegger and Lefebvre better serves to understand displacement. Emphasising the topology of Heidegger's Dasein and, following Elden, relating this to Lefebvre's understanding of space, the paper 'constructs' displacement in a (...)
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    Thinking with Heidegger: Displacements.Miguel de Beistegui - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    "... a real philosophical page-turner, a book that is difficult to put down, even given the complexity of its issues." —Jeffrey Powell "This is a fine addition to existing books on Heidegger’s thought.... The author has both a command of Heidegger and of how best to elucidate him to a contemporary audience." —David Wood In Thinking with Heidegger, Miguel de Beistegui looks into the essence of Heidegger’s thought and engages the philosopher’s transformative thinking with contemporary Western culture. Rather than isolate (...)
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  50. Displaced Workers: Whose Responsibility?Edmund F. Byrne - 1984 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 6:74-87.
    As a way of identifying factors that come into play in determining responsibility for displaced workers, author reviews a number of well known arguments for or against responsibility on the part of diverse actors in society. Key figures in this search for responsibility are corporations, unions, and government. No definitive responsibility is asserted.
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