Results for ' Critchleys'

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  1.  43
    The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas.Simon Critchley - 2014 - Edinburgh: Blackwell.
    Simon Critchley's first book, The Ethics of Deconstruction, was originally published to great acclaim in 1992. This edition contains three new appendices and a new preface where Critchley reflects upon the origins, motivation and reception of The Ethics of Deconstruction.
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  2. Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness.Hugo D. Critchley, Stefan Wiens, Pia Rotshtein, Arne Öhman & Raymond J. Dolan - 2004 - Nature Neuroscience 7 (2):189-195.
  3. Infinitely Demanding Anarchism: An Interview with Simon Critchley.Simon Critchley & Seferin James - 2009 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):3-21.
  4.  48
    The faith of the faithless: experiments in political theology.Simon Critchley - 2012 - London ; New York: Verso Books.
    The return to religion has perhaps become the dominant cliche of contemporary theory, which rarely offers anything more than an exaggerated echo of a political reality dominated by religious war. Somehow, the secular age seems to have been replaced by a new era, where political action flows directly from metaphysical conflict. The Faith of the Faithless asks how we might respond. Following Critchley's Infinitely Demanding, this new book builds on its philosophical and political framework, also venturing into the questions of (...)
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    Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida, Levinas & Contemporary French Thought.Simon Critchley - 2009 - Verso Books.
    In Ethics–Politics–Subjectivity, Simon Critchley takes up three questions at the centre of contemporary theoretical debate: What is ethical experience? What can be said of the subject who has this experience? What, if any, is the relation of ethical experience to politics? Through spirited confrontations with major thinkers, such as Lacan, Nancy, Rorty, and, in particular, Levinas and Derrida, Critchley finds answers in a nuanced “ethics of finitude” and defends the political possibilities of deconstruction. Democracy, economics, friendship, and technology are all (...)
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    Why we’re all bastards.Simon Critchley - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 14:17-18.
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    Professional guidelines on Decisions Relating to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: introduction.Gillian Romano-Critchley & Ann Sommerville - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (5):308-309.
    The context in which the British Medical Association first considered publishing specific guidelines on decisions about attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation , in the early 1990s, needs to be remembered. At that time the subject was often seen as far too sensitive to be mentioned to patients. Many hospitals had no formal policy about how CPR decisions should be made, apart from an expectation that these were purely medical matters. Advance decision making about CPR, where it existed, appears to have been generally (...)
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    On Humour.Simon Critchley - 2002 - Routledge.
    Does humour make us human, or do the cats and dogs laugh along with us? On Humour is a fascinating, beautifully written and funny book on what humour can tell us about being human. Simon Critchley skilfully probes some of the most perennial but least understood aspects of humour, such as our tendency to laugh at animals and our bodies, why we mock death with comedy and why we think it's funny when people act like machines. He also looks at (...)
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  9. What is continental philosophy?Simon Critchley - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5 (3):347 – 363.
    This paper attempts to provide an account of what is philosophically distinctive about what has come to be known as 'Continental philosophy'. In the early parts of the paper I give a historical and cultural analysis of the emergence of Continental philosophy and consider objections to the latter and some stereotypical representations of the analytic-Continental divide. In the philosophically more substantial part of the paper, I seek to redraw the distinction between analytic and Continental philosophy by focusing on a number (...)
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    A Dialectic of Dissatisfaction.Simon Critchley & Alexander Kardjian Elnabli - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):291-303.
    Simon Critchley discusses his views on education and philosophy, reflecting on his experiences as a student from childhood to the present, his anxieties about teaching, and what philosophical writing he wants from his students. By discussing his relationships with influential teachers in his life, Dr. Critchley explores the problem of teachers as masters; the need to develop philosophy’s approach to tradition while engaging problems posed to it by work on race and gender; his experience conducting online, public philosophy through The (...)
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  11.  68
    Deconstruction and Pragmatism ‐ is Derrida a Private Ironist or a Public Liberal?Simon Critchley - 1994 - European Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-21.
  12.  28
    On Heidegger's Being and time.Simon Critchley - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Reiner Schürmann & Steven Levine.
    On Heidegger's Being and Time is an outstanding exploration of Heidegger's most important work by two major philosophers. Simon Critchley argues that we must see Being and Time as a radicalization of Husserl's phenomenology, particularly his theories of intentionality, categorial intuition, and the phenomenological concept of the a priori. This leads to a reappraisal and defense of Heidegger's conception of phenomenology. In contrast, Reiner Schürmann urges us to read Heidegger 'backward', arguing that his later work is the key to unravelling (...)
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    On the Ethics of Alain Badiou.Simon Critchley - 2005 - In Gabriel Riera, Alain Badiou: philosophy and its conditions. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 215-235.
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  14.  55
    Rausch.Simon Critchley - 2004 - The Philosophers' Magazine 28:23-28.
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  15.  54
    Universal Shylockery: Money and Morality in The Merchant of Venice.Simon Critchley & Tom McCarthy - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):3-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 34.1 (2004) 3-17 [Access article in PDF] Universal Shylockery Money and Morality in The Merchant of Venice Simon Critchley Tom McCarthy What if Nietzsche were a Jew, and a mean-minded Venetian Jew at that? We'd like to begin with the thought experiment of imagining The Merchant of Venice as a genealogy of morality and imagining Shylock as Nietzsche. What is The Merchant of Venice about? What is at (...)
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  16. Comments on Simon Critchley’s Infinitely Demanding.Simon Critchley - 2008 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 12 (2):9-17.
  17.  75
    (1 other version)Enigma variations: An interpretation of Heidegger's sein und zeit.Simon Critchley - 2002 - Ratio 15 (2):154–175.
    There are two phrases in Heidegger's Sein und Zeit that provide a clue to what is going on in that book: Dasein ist geworfener Entwurf and Dasein existiert faktisch . I begin by trying to show how an interpretation of these phrases can help clarify Heidegger's philosophical claim about what it means to be human. I then try and explain why it is that, in a couple of important passages in Sein und Zeit, Heidegger describes thrown projection as an enigma (...)
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  18.  44
    The Philosophical Significance of a Poem (On Wallace Stevens).Simon Critchley - 1996 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 96 (1):269-291.
    Simon Critchley; XI*—The Philosophical Significance of a Poem (On Wallace Stevens), Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 96, Issue 1, 1 June 1996, Pa.
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  19. On Humour.Simon Critchley - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (4):414-416.
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  20. Violent Thoughts about Slavoj Zizek.Simon Critchley - 2011 - In Nathan Eckstrand & Christopher Yates, Philosophy and the return of violence: studies from this widening gyre. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. pp. 183-204.
  21. Five Problems in Levinas’s View of Politics and the Sketch of a Solution to them.Simon Critchley - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (2):172-185.
    This essay attempts to sharpen significantly the critical debate around Levinas’s work by focussing on the question of politics, which is, it is argued, Levinas’s Achilles’heel. Five problems in Levinas’s treatment of politics are identified and discussed: fraternity, monotheism, and rocentrism, the family, and Israel. It is argued that Levinas’s ethics is terribly compromised by his conception of politics. In order to save Levinasian ethics from this compromise, two possibilities are explored: first, to follow Derrida’s separation of ethical form from (...)
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  22.  18
    Very Little... Almost Nothing: Death, Philosophy and Literature.Simon Critchley - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Very Little... Almost Nothing puts the question of the meaning of life back at the centre of intellectual debate. Its central concern is how we can find a meaning to human finitude without recourse to anything that transcends that finitude. A profound but secular meditation on the theme of death, Critchley traces the idea of nihilism through Blanchot, Levinas, Jena Romanticism and Cavell, culminating in a reading of Beckett, in many ways the hero of the book. In this second edition, (...)
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  23.  7
    ABC of impossibility.Simon Critchley - 2015 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Univocal. Edited by Jason Wagner & Drew S. Burk.
    An experimental text of para-philosophical fragments working toward a poetic ontology. How does one write an experimental ABC: an impossible theory that would deal with a series of phenomena, concepts, places, sensations, persons, and moods? A para-philosophy? Returning to a once abandoned project of fragmented thoughts where the author's voice moves from the serious, to the pathetic, to the absurd, to the cynical, Simon Critchley's ABC of Impossibility finds new life in the form of this small encyclopedic and aphoristic text (...)
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  24.  9
    Bald: 35 Philosophical Short Cuts.Simon Critchley - 2021 - Yale University Press.
    _"A genial exercise in public philosophy" (_Kirkus_, starred review) from one of the world's best-known popular philosophers__ "Simon Critchley is an international treasure—that rare and real philosopher who embraces Rousseau’s ‘feeling of existence,’ David Bowie’s vision of love, and Philip K. Dick’s genius with genuine wrestling and a soulful smile!’’—Cornel West, Harvard University_ The moderator of the _New York Times_’ Stone column and the author of numerous books on everything from Greek tragedy to David Bowie, Simon Critchley has been a (...)
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  25. Metaphysics in the Dark.Simon Critchley - 1998 - Political Theory 26 (6):803-817.
    In this essay I respond to criticisms of my position on the question of the relation between deconstruction, ethics, and politics levelled at me by Richard Rorty and Ernesto Laclau. With regard to the latter, I argue that there is a normative deficit in Laclau's discourse theory' and with regard to the former, I argue that Rorty's reading of Derrida is at the least questionable and I attempt to criticize Rorty on the issues of the status of metaphysics and politics.
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  26.  29
    Our confrontation with tragedy.Simon Critchley - 2019 - Philosophical Investigations 13 (28):59-74.
    This article attempts to illustrate our confrontation with tragedy in contemporary situation, That is why we are discussing this here in seven issues (Feeding the Ancients with Our Own Blood/ Philosophy’s Tragedy and the Dangerous Perhaps/Knowing and Not Knowing: How Oedipus Brings Down Fate/ Rage, Grief, and War/ Gorgias: Tragedy Is a Deception That Leaves the Deceived Wiser/Than the Nondeceived/Justice as Conflict (for Polytheism)/Tragedy as a Dialectical Mode of Experience). Finally, this article seeks to show that tragedy is a way (...)
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  27. Obituary: Emmanuel Levinas, 1906-1995.Simon Critchley - 1996 - Radical Philosophy 78.
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    Politics and Religion in the Social Contract.Simon Critchley - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney, Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 111-118.
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    Prefatory Note.Simon Critchley - 1988 - Hegel Bulletin 9 (2):4-5.
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    The Original Traumatism.Simon Critchley - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout, Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--69.
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  31.  19
    Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into critical confrontation with (...)
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  32.  17
    Bodily arousal differentially impacts stimulus processing and memory: Norepinephrine in interoception.Hugo D. Critchley & Sarah N. Garfinkel - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  33. Czy teoria hegemonii obarczona jest deficytem moralnym? (przełożył Wiktor Marzec).Simon Critchley - 2012 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 16.
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  34. Heidegger for beginners.Simon Critchley - 2008 - In On Heidegger's Being and time. New York: Routledge.
  35. On Alain Badiou.Simon Critchley - 2000 - Theory and Event 3 (4).
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  36. Obituary: Dominique Janicaud, 1937–2002.Simon Critchley - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 117.
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    Mysticism.Simon Critchley - 2024 - New York: New York Review Books.
    Simon Critchley (born 27 February 1960) is an English philosopher and the Hans Jonas Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York, USA.[2] Challenging the ancient tradition that philosophy begins in wonder, Critchley argues that philosophy begins in disappointment.[3] Two particular forms of disappointment inform Critchley's work: religious and political disappointment. While religious disappointment arises from a lack of faith and generates the problem of what is the meaning of life in the face of nihilism, (...)
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  38. Mystical Anarchism.Simon Critchley - 2009 - Critical Horizons 10 (2):272-306.
    This essay explores the philosophical significance of the history of mystical anarchism for contemporary ethics and politics. It examines the complex relationship between religion and politics, and elaborates the thesis that many of our contemporary political concepts are secularized theological concepts. After a critical discussion of Carl Schmitt's theory of sovereignty and John Gray's critique of liberal humanism, it examines the anarchist practices of medieval mystics such as Marguerite Porete and the heresy of the Movement of the Free Spirit, and (...)
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  39. Continental philosophy: a very short introduction.Simon Critchley - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this enlightening new Very Short Introduction, Simon Critchley shows us that Continental philosophy encompasses a distinct set of philosophical traditions and practices, with a compelling range of problems all too often ignored by the analytic tradition. He discusses the ideas and approaches of philosophers such as Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Habermas, Foucault, and Derrida. He also introduces key concepts such as existentialism, nihilism, and phenomology, by explaining their place in the Continental tradition. The perfect guide for anyone (...)
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    A Companion to Continental Philosophy.Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.) - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Covering the complete development of post-Kantian Continental philosophy, this volume serves as an essential reference work for philosophers and those engaged in the many disciplines that are integrally related to Continental and European Philosophy.
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  41. How Emotions Are Shaped by Bodily States.Hugo D. Critchley & Yoko Nagai - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):163-168.
    The state of the body is central to guiding motivational behaviours. Here we discuss how afferent information from face and viscera influence the processing and communication of emotional states. We highlight (a) the fine-grained impact that facial muscular and patterned visceral responses exert on emotional appraisal and communicative signals; (b) short-term changes in visceral state that bias brain responses to emotive stimuli; (c) the commonality of brain pathways and substrates mediating short- and long-term bodily effects on emotional processes; (d) how (...)
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  42. With Being-With? Notes on Jean-Luc Nancy’s Rewriting of Being and Time.Simon Critchley - 1999 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 1 (1):53-67.
  43. Comedy and Finitude: Displacing the Tragic‐Heroic Paradigm in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis.Simon Critchley - 1999 - Constellations 6 (1):108-122.
  44.  28
    The Problem with Levinas.Simon Critchley (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Levinas's idea of ethics as a relation of responsibility to the other person has become a highly influential and recognizable position across a wide range of academic and non-academic fields. Simon Critchley's aim in this book is to provide a less familiar, more troubling, and truer account of Levinas's work. He proposes a new dramatic method for reading Levinas, where the fundamental problem of his work is seen as the attempt to escape from the tragedy of Heidegger's philosophy and the (...)
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  45. Black Socrates?: Questioning the philosophical tradition.Simon Critchley - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 69.
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  46. Déconstruction et communication. Quelques remarques sur Derrida et Habermas.Simon Critchley - 2005 - In Charles Ramond, Derrida: la déconstruction. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  47.  82
    (1 other version)Derrida.Simon Critchley - 2006 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):315-326.
    In this paper, I address the issue of Derrida’s influence on philosophy by focusing on the nature of deconstructive reading as double reading, and tracing thisto the specific reception of Heidegger’s thesis on the history of being. After reviewing some of the dubious and mistaken polemics against Derrida, I go on to describe what I see as the ethical and political richness of Derrida’s work, focusing in particular on the theme of democracy to come.
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  48. Disorders of higher nervous activity: introductory remarks.M. Critchley - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn, Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 3--1.
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    Education and Learning in the Early Islamic World. Edited by Claude Gilliot.David J. Critchley - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (2):266-268.
  50.  47
    Dead funny.Simon Critchley - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 43:125-126.
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