Results for ' Creator'

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  1.  16
    Learning exact enumeration and approximate estimation in deep neural network models.Celestino Creatore, Silvester Sabathiel & Trygve Solstad - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104815.
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  2. UniSA Research Archive.Creator Dunbar - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):179-185.
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  3. Islam and politics.Liberation Of Man, From Subjection To, Than Whom There & Creator Of All - 2001 - In John D. Caputo, The Religious. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  4. Rival creator arguments and the best of all possible worlds.Stephen Grover - 2004 - Sophia 43 (1):101-114.
    ‘Rival creator’ arguments suggest that God must have created the best of all possible worlds. These arguments are analyzed and evaluated, and Leibniz’s position defended.
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    Bādarāyana: Creator of Systematic Theology.JosÉ Pereira - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (2):193 - 204.
    It is sometimes asserted that Philo of Alexandria is the creator of systematic theology – not because he created systematics , that is, a body of doctrine classified and integrated by a set of principles defined in philosophical terms, but because he created theology , that is, a mode of philosophizing which derives its main categories from a supernatural revelation. Such a mode was pursued by Philo's Christian disciples, among whom was Origen , one of the first of his (...)
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    Technostress Creators and Job Performance Among Frontliners: Theorizing the Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy.Jeannette Saidy, Zanete Garanti & Richard Sadaka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Technostress is evolving as an imperative area of academic research amid the “new normal” settings of working remotely. Research has investigated the relationships between technostress and job outcomes and proposed individual- and organizational-level approaches to manage it. However, insights into the influence of dynamic personality differences on this relationship are limited. This study ties the concept of self-efficacy to the transactional model of stress and coping, and investigates to what extent computer and social self-efficacy moderate the relationships between technostress creators (...)
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    The Creator-Determining Problem and Conjunctive Creationism about Fictional Characters.Min Xu - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):455-468.
    According to standard Creationism about fictional characters, each fictional character is created by its single author independently, or created by its co-authors cooperatively, or created by its independent authors independently. I argue that standard Creationism faces the Creator-Determining Problem. I propose a non-standard form of Creationism, i.e., Conjunctive Creationism, according to which each fictional character is conjunctively created. I argue that Conjunctive Creationism does not face the Creator-Determining Problem. By responding to four potential worries, I provide a further (...)
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    Created creator, images of God created by human thought: a primer for those who wonder about the existence of God.Carl M. Schmitthausler - 1994 - Lincoln, Neb.: Alpha Omega Publishers of Lincoln.
    DOES GOD HAVE A FUTURE? A learning tool for those who wonder about the existence of God, this book offers images of God as androgynous parent, authoritative teacher, liberator, & partner. The author, Carl M. Schmitthausler, has provided compelling images of the still-evolving God. CREATED CREATOR is a "must-read" for those concerned with personal spiritual growth, religious diversity, civility & personal virtues. The author, Carl M. Schmitthausler, traces various God-images of mainline religious systems using extensive quotes from prominent philosophers (...)
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    Homo Creator: Technik als philosophische Herausforderung.Hans Poser - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Technik bestimmt auf die mannigfaltigste Weise unser Leben und Zusammenleben. Obgleich sie von Platon und Aristoteles bis in das zwanzigste Jahrhundert in Einzelaspekten betrachtet worden ist, wurde sie erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem eigenständigen Gegenstand der Philosophie. Dennoch werden ihre philosophischen Probleme immer noch eher beiläufig behandelt. So geht es um die Klärung ganz zentraler und herausfordernder Aufgaben – von der menschlichen Schöpferkraft über eine Klärung, was ein technisches Artefakt ist, zum technischen Wissen, in all diesen Elementen verknüpft (...)
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    Creator and Causality: A Critique of Pre-Critical Objections.Andrew Beards - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):573-586.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CREATOR AND CAUSALITY: A CRITIQUE OF PRE-CRITICAL OBJECTIONS ANDREW BEARDS University of Oalgary Calgary, Alberta IN SOME QUARTERS arguments ias to the existence or non-existence of God are still regarded as intellectually respectaible. Indeed, interest in such arguments is not restricted to those with a strictly philosophical or theological training. Every so often one may observe some specialist from the physical sciences taking an interest in the philosophical (...)
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  11. Trinitas creator mundi.Adelheid Heimann - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (1):42-52.
  12.  50
    The Creator and the Integrity of Creation in the Fathers of the Church especially in Saint Augustine.Tarsicius van Bavel - 1990 - Augustinian Studies 21:1-33.
  13.  29
    Infinite Creator.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2015 - Quaestio 15:139-168.
    The concept of “infinite being” is a key concept in John Duns Scotus’s metaphysics. Scotus believes that we are able indeed of having a sound concept of infinite being that can be properly used in metaphysics to conceive God, insofar as we assume that we have no proper or perfect concept of the divine essence. At the same time, the logic of the concept and the formal way how it should be construed in order to be a sufficient concept for (...)
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    Created Co-creator, a Theory of Human Becoming in an Era of Science and Technology.Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):285-305.
    Scientific discoveries and the emergence of cosmological theories such as the Big Bang Theory and evolution have challenged the Christian doctrine of creation and its reliability on many fronts, because the discoveries appear to contradict the Christian account as to how creation unfolded. Hefner sees the situation as an additional interpretative task to theologians. He, however, posits that scientific discoveries are an opportunity to communicate the Christian message through social and scientific experience to bring meaning to broader society. He expresses (...)
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  15. Creation, Creator, and Faith.Norman Young - 1976
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    The Creator.G. K. Chesterton - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (4):432-433.
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    Engineering Students as Co-creators in an Ethics of Technology Course.Gunter Bombaerts, Karolina Doulougeri, Shelly Tsui, Erik Laes, Andreas Spahn & Diana Adela Martin - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-26.
    Research on the effectiveness of case studies in teaching engineering ethics in higher education is underdeveloped. To add to our knowledge, we have systematically compared the outcomes of two case approaches to an undergraduate course on the ethics of technology: a detached approach using real-life cases and a challenge-based learning approach with students and stakeholders acting as co-creators. We first developed a practical typology of case-study approaches and subsequently tested an evaluation method to assess the students’ learning experiences and outcomes (...)
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  18.  39
    Homo creator vs. homo contemplator. The Dialectical and Phenomenological Conceptions of Man, Introductory Remarks.Janusz Kuczyński & Aleksandra Rodzińska - 1975 - Dialectics and Humanism 2 (3):99-121.
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    Il creatore del mondo: breve trattato di teologia filosofica.Mario Pangallo - 2004 - S. Marinella (Roma): Leonardo da Vinci.
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  20. Il creatore distratto.T. Pievani - 1999 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 2:31-48.
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  21. Spiritus Creator.Regin Prenter - 1953
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    Il Dio Creatore nelle testimonianze esamerali di Teofilo di Antiochia e Clemente di Alessandria.Matteo Monfrinotti - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):7-44.
    Early Christian authors were challenged by the impenetrable question of the origin of the world, but persevered in tracing the creation of the universe back to the one and only God. Part of their response was to defend the truth of God, the Father and Creator by meditating and commenting on the biblical account of the six days of creation. The commentaries on the Hexameron which we have are by Theophilus of Antioch and Clement of Alexandria. Theophilus, author of (...)
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    Homo creator enim et magister Dei.Wolfram Adolph - 2016 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 58 (3):325-336.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 58 Heft: 3 Seiten: 325-336.
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    And Now, Rod Serling, Creator of The Twilight Zone.Lester H. Hunt - 2009 - In Noël Carroll & Lester H. Hunt, Philosophy in the Twilight Zone. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–25.
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  25. Creating creators: A Christian theodicy.John Wright Buckman - 1943 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2):190.
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    Creatore e creazione. Il pensiero di Clemente Alessandrino.Patrick Descourtieux - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):669-672.
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    The one creator God in Thomas Aquinas & contemporary theology.Michael J. Dodds - 2020 - Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press.
    An introduction to Thomas Aquinas's theology of the One Creator God, this book provides a basic explanation of Aquinas's theology, while showing its compatibility with contemporary science and relevance to current theological issues.
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  28. Co‐creating co‐creators? The “human factor” in education.Tom Uytterhoeven - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):157-170.
    This article presents an example of the contributions the field of science and religion could offer to educational theory. Building on a narrative analysis of Philip Hefner's proposal to use “created co-creator” as central metaphor for theological anthropology, the importance of culture is brought to the fore. Education should support a needed revitalization of our cultural heritage, and thus enable humanity to (re-)connect with the global ecological network and with the divine as grounding source of this network. In the (...)
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  29.  10
    Space creator.Peter Wagner - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 179 (1):142-144.
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    Petrarch, Creator of the Christian Humanist.Ronald Witt - 2018 - In Igor Candido, Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 65-77.
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  31. Creator and Creation: Nature in the Worldview of Ancient Israel.Ronald A. Simkins - 1994
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    Theophilos Kairis: the creator and initiator of Theosebism in Greece1.E. Theodossiou, Th Grammenos & V. N. Manimanis - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (6):783-797.
    The views of the Enlightenment in European countries are in general well known, while the attempts to introduce the Enlightenment to countries in the periphery of Europe, like Greece, are not known in the same degree. How did the scientific revolution migrate to the Greek‐speaking regions occupied by the Ottoman Empire? How did the Greeks accept the truly revolutionary ideas of the French Revolution and liberalism? What were the reactions of the conservative Greek Orthodox Church and who sacrificed their lives (...)
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  33. Omul, creator de cultură și civilizație.Alexandru Tănase - 1979 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică. Edited by Georgeta Todea.
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    The Poet-Creator of Philosophy: To the Methodology of Research in Philosophical Thought by Rabindranath Tagore.Скороходова Т.Г - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 10:30-42.
    The Indian poet and educator Rabindranath Tagore was the creator of an original philosophy that gives additional meaning to the picture of the history of Indian philosophy in the 20th century. He usually emphasized his identity as a poet and an artist, not considering himself a philosopher. However, Tagore embodies the phenomenon of a poet-thinker who comprehends universal philosophical problems and, in the process of philosophizing, offers his own vision of them. Moreover, he owns a number of texts of (...)
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  35. Deleuze: creator transmission.Gustavo Romero - 2018 - Encyclopedia of Teacher Education:523-526.
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    The created co‐creator: What it is and is not.Gregory R. Peterson - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):827-840.
    In this article I briefly assesses Philip Hefner's concept of the created co-creator by considering both what it does and does not claim. Looking at issues of reductionism, biological selfishness, biology and freedom, and environmental ethics, I point out strengths and weaknesses in Hefner's conception of the created co-creator.
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  37.  24
    A Cosmos Without a Creator: Cesare Cremonini’s Interpretation of Aristotle’s Heaven.Pietro Daniel Omodeo - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):9-42.
    In the years after the first circulation of Sidereus Nuncius, Galileo’s Padua anti-Copernican colleague, the staunch Aristotelian philosopher, Cesare Cremonini, published a book on ‘traditional’ cosmology, Disputatio de coelo in tres partes divisa which puzzled the Roman authorities of the Inquisition and the Index much more than any works on celestial novelties and ‘neo-Pythagorean’ astronomy. Cremonini’s disputation on the heavens has the form of an over-intricate comment of Aristotle’s conceptions, in the typi­cally argumentative style of Scholasticism. Nonetheless, it immediately raised (...)
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    Creators’ intentions bias judgments of function independently from causal inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau, Ramón D. Castillo & Luis Martínez - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):123-132.
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  39.  21
    God as Creator of Natural Laws: On the Relation of the Absolute and the Contingent World.Tobias Müller - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (4):468-481.
    SummaryIn his essay on rational theology Holm Tetens broaches the issue of God’s role as creator and additionally addresses the relationship of the absolute to the contingent world in a philosophical perspective. By making this a topic, the question arises as to whether or not God’s creative activities are limited by the laws of nature. According to Tetens, God as the infinite self-conscious subject must not just considered as free from all restrictions concerning his creative activities, but rather, characterized (...)
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  40. God, Creator of Kinds and Possibilities.James F. Ross - 1986 - In Robert Audi & William J. Wainwright, Rationality, religious belief, and moral commitment: new essays in the philosophy of religion. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 315--334.
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    Created co‐creator in the perspective of church and ethics.Roger A. Willer - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):841-858.
    Philip Hefner's work on created co‐creator is presented for consideration as a contemporary theological anthropology. Its reception within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America falls into three main lines, which are reviewed here because they are suggestive of its potential impact on Christian thinking. This review raises two major questions and leads to a critique. The first question is whethercreated co‐creatorshould be replaced by another term for the sake of more clearly encapsulating the ideas represented in Hefner's work. The (...)
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    The case for a creator study guide revised edition: investigating the scientific evidence that points toward god.Lee Strobel - 2018 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. Edited by Garry Poole.
    "My road to atheism was paved by science...ironically, so was my later journey to God." Journalist and award-winning author of The Case for Christ Lee Strobel examines the idea that science isn't the enemy of faith, but that it provides a solid foundation for belief in God. New scientific discoveries point to the incredible complexity of our universe, a complexity best explained by the existence of a Creator. This six-session video study (DVD/digital video sold separately) invites participants to encounter (...)
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    The Creators Aspiring for the Future of Mankind: N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin.V. E. Lepskiy - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):63-75.
    The article discusses the affinity of the ideas of two prominent Russian scholars N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin. This affinity of their ideas is above all expressed in the global scale of their thinking, in their orientation toward the search for the ways of mankind development. Both thinkers sought a way out of the limitations and crisis of technological civilization through the promotion of basic values of harmony in the evolution of society and the biosphere. They made an enormous contribution (...)
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  44.  51
    Creators and creatures: The creation account in genesis and the idea of the artificial humanoid.Gábor Ambrus - 2019 - Zygon 54 (3):557-574.
  45.  25
    Creator or Creature? Shestov and Levinas on Athens and Jerusalem.Deborah Achtenberg - 2023 - Symposium 27 (1):143-164.
    Shestov and Levinas share a preference for Jerusalem over Athens—specifically, for a movement of spirit other than knowledge that is not oriented toward the past, as knowledge is, but toward the new. They characterize that movement differently: Shestov opts for faith and the exercise of creative powers based on his interpretation of Adam and Eve eating of the tree of knowledge, while Levinas prefers a suspension in which we marvel at the created other, an idea, influenced by Husserl on suspension, (...)
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    The evil creator: origins of an early Christian idea.M. David Litwa - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the origins of the evil creator idea chiefly in light of early Christian biblical interpretation. It is divided into two parts. In Part I, the focus is on Gnostic Christian interpretation. First, ancient Egyptian assimilation of the Jewish god to the evil deity Seth-Typhon is studied to understand its reapplication by alternative (Sethian, "Ophite" and "gnostic") Christians to the Judeo-catholic creator. Second, an alternative Christian reception of John 8:44 (understood to refer to the devil's father) (...)
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  47.  60
    Unamuno: Creator and creation.Antón Donoso - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (3):345-348.
  48. Creators Creating Creatures: How Is It Done?Fred Wilson - 2011 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 34 (1-2):153-165.
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    Creator/Creatures Relation.David B. Burrell - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (2):177-189.
    Can philosophical inquiry into divinity be authentic to its subject, God, without adapting its categories to the challenges of its scriptural inspiration, be that biblical or Quranic? This essay argues that it cannot, and that the adaptation, while it can be articulated in semantic terms, must rather amount to a transformation of standard philosophical strategies. Indeed, without such a radical transformation, “philosophy of religion” will inevitably mislead us into speaking of a “god” rather than our intended object.
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    The Creator's Boundless Palace: William Bartram's Philosophy of Nature.Kerry S. Walters - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (3):309 - 332.
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