Results for ' Courage in literature'

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  1.  86
    Moral courage in nursing: A concept analysis.Olivia Numminen, Hanna Repo & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (8):878-891.
    Background: Nursing as an ethical practice requires courage to be moral, taking tough stands for what is right, and living by one’s moral values. Nurses need moral courage in all areas and at all levels of nursing. Along with new interest in virtue ethics in healthcare, interest in moral courage as a virtue and a valued element of human morality has increased. Nevertheless, what the concept of moral courage means in nursing contexts remains ambiguous. Objective: This (...)
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    Re-presenting racial reality:Chicago’s new (media) Negro artists of the depression era.Richard A. Courage - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):309-318.
    Since literary historian Robert Bone published his seminal essay ‘Richard Wright and the Chicago Renaissance’ in 1986, scholars have created new cartographies of previously unexplored terrain in American cultural history. The earliest studies focused on literature, but more recently attention has turned to other disciplines, including visual arts. Recent publication of The Muse in Bronzeville: African American Creative Expression in Chicago, 1932–1950 (2011) by Robert Bone and Richard A. Courage promises to decisively broaden scholarly understandings of the scope (...)
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  3. The Virtue of Courage in Entrepreneurship.Michael J. Naughton & Jeffrey R. Cornwall - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):69-93.
    The paper examines the problematic understanding of “risk” in entrepreneurial literature that locates courage in either the loss orgain of having or in the difficulty and hardship of the doing. We argue in this paper that what is lost in this vernacular view of courage is a deeper notion of the subjective dimension of work and the social need of society. Grounded within the Catholic social and moral tradition, we find a richer notion of courage, which (...)
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    Concept analysis of moral courage in nursing: A hybrid model.Afsaneh Sadooghiasl, Soroor Parvizy & Abbas Ebadi - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):6-19.
    Background: Moral courage is one of the most fundamental virtues in the nursing profession, however, little attention has been paid to it. As a result, no exact and clear definition of moral courage has ever been accessible. Objective: This study is carried out for the purposes of defining and clarifying its concept in the nursing profession. Methods: This study used a hybrid model of concept analysis comprising three phases, namely, a theoretical phase, field work phase, and a final (...)
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    Highlighting Moral Courage in the Business Ethics Course.Debra R. Comer & Michael Schwartz - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):703-723.
    At the end of their article in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Business Ethics, Douglas R. May, Matthew T. Luth, and Catherine E. Schwoerer state that they are “hopeful in outlook” about the “evidence that business ethics instructors are….able to encourage students…to develop the courage to come forward even when pressures in organizations dictate otherwise”. We agree with May et al. that it is essential to augment students’ moral courage. However, it seems overly optimistic to (...)
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    Akrasia and Courage in the Protagoras.Howard J. Curzer - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 71 (2).
    Akratic agents know what is best, can do it, do not do it, and rationalize. According to Socrates, seemingly akratic agents are confused, ignorant of what is best. According to the Many, they are overcome, unable to do what is best. Unlike Socrates and the Many, Plato rejects hedonism and psychological egoism, but not the existence of akratic acts in the Socratic reductio. Counterexamples to both Socrates’ mismeasure account and the Many’s overpowering account pervade Greek literature and even the (...)
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    In the Eye of the Beholder: An Exploration of Managerial Courage.Michelle Harbour & Veronika Kisfalvi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):493-515.
    There is growing interest in the positive organizational literature in the complex interplay between the positive and negative facets of organizations, individuals, and situations. The concept of courage provides fertile ground to study this interplay, since it is generally understood to be a positive quality that is manifested in challenging situations. The empirical study presented here looks at courage in a strategic decision-making context and takes an interpretive perspective; it focuses on the cognitive structures and subjective understandings (...)
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    Courageous vulnerability: ethics and knowledge in Proust, Bergson, Marcel, and James.Rosa Slegers - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This work develops the ethical attitude of courageous vulnerability through the integration of the phenomenon of involuntary memory in Marcel Proust's work and ...
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    Moral courage and manager‐regret.Craig Duckworth - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):467-477.
    It has been suggested that moral courage in the workplace supports more robust application of regulatory principles. A workforce with the courage to act on moral imperative, it is argued, can bolster corporate governance and promote both more stable business organisations and greater economic stability at large. Research in the area investigates the bases of moral courage, a central implication being that businesses should invest in ethical training as a matter of public policy. It is standard to (...)
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    Phronesis in Medical Ethics: Courage and Motivation to Keep on the Track of Rightness in Decision-Making.Aisha Malik, Mervyn Conroy & Chris Turner - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):158-175.
    Ethical decision making in medicine has recently seen calls to move towards less prescriptive- based approaches that consider the particularities of each case. The main alternative call from the literature is for better understanding of phronesis concepts applied to decision making. A well-cited phronesis-based approach is Kaldjian’s five-stage theoretical framework: goals, concrete circumstances, virtues, deliberation and motivation to act. We build on Kaldjian’s theory after using his framework to analyse data collected from a three-year empirical study of phronesis and (...)
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  11.  40
    Courage and nursing practice: A theoretical analysis.Inga-Britt Lindh, António Barbosa da Silva, Agneta Berg & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (5):551-565.
    This article aims to deepen the understanding of courage through a theoretical analysis of classical philosophers’ work and a review of published and unpublished empirical research on courage in nursing. The authors sought answers to questions regarding how courage is understood from a philosophical viewpoint and how it is expressed in nursing actions. Four aspects were identified as relevant to a deeper understanding of courage in nursing practice: courage as an ontological concept, a moral virtue, (...)
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  12.  14
    Moral courage of nursing: Bibliometric analysis.Mingtao Huang, Sihua Wei & Jiansen Xia - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Moral courage is a recognized virtue. Researchers have focused on various aspects of nursing moral courage, such as its conceptualization and influencing factors. Within these studies, various literature reviews have been conducted, but to our knowledge, bibliometric mapping has not been utilized. Aim This article aims to analyze the production of literature within nursing moral courage research. Research Design To investigate publication patterns, we employed VOSviewer and CiteSpace software, focusing on publication dynamics, prolific research (...)
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  13. Psychological Courage.Daniel Putman - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Psychological CourageDaniel Putman (bio)AbstractBeginning with Aristotle philosophers have analyzed physical courage and moral courage in great detail. However, philosophy has never addressed the type of courage involved in facing the fears generated by our habits and emotions. This essay introduces the concept of psychological courage and argues that it deserves to be recognized in ethics as a form of courage. I examine three broad (...)
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  14. The Influence of Business Ethics Education on Moral Efficacy, Moral Meaningfulness, and Moral Courage: A Quasi-experimental Study.Douglas R. May, Matthew T. Luth & Catherine E. Schwoerer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):67-80.
    The research described here contributes to the extant empirical research on business ethics education by examining outcomes drawn from the literature on positive organizational scholarship (POS). The general research question explored is whether a course on ethical decision-making in business could positively influence students’ confidence in their abilities to handle ethical problems at work (i.e., moral efficacy), boost the relative importance of ethics in their work lives (i.e., moral meaningfulness), and encourage them to be more courageous in raising ethical (...)
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    Enhancing the moral courage of nurses: A modified Delphi study.Mingtao Huang, Yitao Wei, Qianqian Zhao, Wenhong Dong & Nan Mo - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1441-1456.
    Background The urgency of ensuring adequate moral courage in clinical nursing practice is evident. However, currently, there are few formal intervention plans targeted at enhancing the moral courage of nurses. Aim To develop a training program for improving the moral courage of nurses using the modified Delphi method. Research design A modified Delphi study. Participants and research context From November to December 2022, a literature review and expert group discussion were conducted to develop a preliminary training (...)
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  16.  29
    Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature.Stanley Corngold - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    Complex Pleasure deals with questions of literary feeling in eight major German writers—Lessing, Kant, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Musil, Kafka, Trakl, and Benjamin. On the basis of close readings of these authors Stanley Corngold makes vivid the following ideas: that where there is literature there is complex pleasure; that this pleasure is complex because it involves the impression of a disclosure; that this thought is foremost in the minds of a number of canonical writers; that important literary works in the German (...)
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    Beckett and Tillich: Courage and Existence in Waiting for Godot.David McCandless - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (1):48-57.
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  18. Putting together courage and moderation in Plato and Shakespeare.Kenneth DeLuca - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols, Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  19.  41
    Plato and the Hero: Courage, Manliness, and the Impersonal Good (review).Ann N. Michelini - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (2):293-297.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.2 (2002) 293-297 [Access article in PDF] Angela Hobbs. Plato and the Hero: Courage, Manliness, and the Impersonal Good. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xviii + 280 pp. Cloth, $59.95. Hobbs directs this stimulating but rather unfocused study to a question of considerable interest and centrality in Platonic studies: the engagement of Platonic texts with the traditional Greek ethic of heroic endeavor. As she (...)
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    Constructions of agency in American literature on the War of Independence: war as action, 1775-1860.Martin Holtz - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that the negotiation of agency is central not only to the experience of war but also to its representation in cultural expressions, ranging from a notion of disablement, expressed in victimization, immobilization, traumatization, and death, to enablement, expressed in the perpetration of heroic, courageous, skillful, and powerful actions of assertion and dominance. In order to illustrate this thesis, it provides a comprehensive analysis of literary representations of the American War of Independence from 1775, the beginning of the (...)
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  21.  97
    Courageous Love: K. C. Bhattacharyya on the Puzzle of Painful Beauty.Emily Lawson & Dominic Mciver Lopes - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):728-743.
    In the 1930s, the Bengali philosopher K. C. Bhattacharyya proposed a new theory of rasa, or aesthetic emotion, according to which aesthetic emotions are feelings that have other feelings as their intentional objects. This paper articulates how Bhattacharyya’s theory offers a novel solution to the puzzle of how it is both possible and rational to enjoy the kind of negative emotions that are inspired by tragic and sorrowful tales. The new solution is distinct from the conversion and compensation views that (...)
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  22.  5
    In Looking Back One Learns to See: Marcel Proust and Photography.Mary Bergstein - 2014 - Rodopi/ Brill, Amsterdam & NY.
    Marcel Proust offered the twentieth century a new psychology of memory and seeing. His novel In Search of Lost Time was written in the modern age of photography and art history. In Looking Back One Learns to See: Marcel Proust and Photography is an intellectual adventure that brings to light Proust’s visual imagination, his visual metaphors, and his photographic resources and imaginings. The book features over 90 illustrations. Mary Bergstein highlights various kinds of photography: daguerreotypes, stereoscopic cards, cartes-de-visite, postcards, book (...)
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    Sociology of Literature in Retrospect.Leo Lowenthal & Ted R. Weeks - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 14 (1):1-15.
    I soon discovered that I was quite isolated in my attempts to pursue the sociology of literature. In any case, one searched almost in vain for allies if one wanted to approach a literary text from the perspective of a critical theory of society. To be sure, there were Franz Mehring’s articles which I read with interest and profit; but despite the admirable decency and the uncompromising political radicalism of the author, his writings hardly went beyond the limits of (...)
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    Developing Resolve to Have Moral Courage.David Christensen, Jeff Barnes & David Rees - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:79-96.
    Ethics research literature often uses Rest’s Four Component Model of ethical behavior as a framework to teach business and accounting ethics. Moral motivation, including resolve to have moral courage, is the third component of the model and is the least-tested component in ethics research. Using a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest measurements, we compare the effectiveness of several methods (traditional, exhortation, reflection, moral exemplar) for developing resolve to have moral courage in 211 accounting students during one (...)
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    Skeletons in the closet: How and when internal and external corporate social responsibility affect employees' internal whistleblowing behaviors.Xu Wang, Dandan Li & Liang Meng - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The micro-level corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature has underscored the economic benefits of an organization's CSR investments, such as bolstering employees' organizational commitment and improving work performance. Yet, research on the potential influence of CSR in fostering socially oriented outcomes among employees has been rather scarce. This study aims to investigate the influence of CSR on employees' internal whistleblowing behaviors and the underlying mechanisms. A three-time-point survey was distributed across the service, manufacturing, construction, and financial insurance industries in Chinese (...)
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    “To go mad”. The Generation of Feminist Criticism of Psychiatry: The Example of the Magazine Courage, 1978–1980.Susanne Doetz - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (4):415-444.
    Using the example of the feminist magazine Courage, the article shows how its participatory production process enabled a psy-feminist knowledge generation that also included women with psychiatric experience. The magazine makers combined the women’s observations, perceptions and interpretations with visual representations and a canon of literature that extended far beyond the field of psychiatry (criticism). Instead of medical psychopathologies, the women of Courage implemented writing styles and visual languages, which emphasised the experience of mental suffering and alterity (...)
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  27.  46
    See something, say something? exploring the gap between real and imagined moral courage.Nathan S. Kemper, Dylan S. Campbell & Anna-Kaisa Reiman - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (6):529-550.
    Research shows that people often do not intervene to stop immoral action from happening. However, limited information is available on why people fail to intervene. Two preregistered studies (Ns = 248, 131) explored this gap in the literature by staging a theft in front of participants and immediately interviewing them to inquire about their reasons for intervening or not intervening. Across both studies, most participants did not try to stop the theft or even report it to the experimenter afterward. (...)
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    Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting Fiction.Christine Richards - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):81-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting FictionChristine Richards (bio)1Context Determinacy and the Interpretation of FictionThe Pragmatics of ReadingThe basic pragmatic structure of the reading of fiction has been described as a communicative context which has a speaker who performs the speech acts represented by the text and a hearer (addressee) to whom the speech acts are directed [Adams 12]. This model is based on the assumption that the reader (...)
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    On Manly Courage[REVIEW]James H. Wilkinson - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):163-165.
    This book is an admirable addition to the genre of books which concentrate on a single Platonic dialogue so as to exhibit the mutual dependence of the overt logos and the interlocutors' historically situated characters. The overt logos of the second half of the Laches is an aporetic discussion of courage, and Schmid shows how Plato portrays the different character flaws of the famous generals, Laches and Nicias, as hindrances to further investigation. Through a fine treatment of the relevant (...)
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    Bugging Out: Apocalyptic Masculinity and Disaster Consumerism in Offgrid Magazine.Cynthia Belmont & Angela Stroud - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 431 Cynthia Belmont and Angela Stroud Bugging Out: Apocalyptic Masculinity and Disaster Consumerism in Offgrid Magazine Popular conceptions of survivalism in the United States typically feature the eccentric, backwoods, working-class figures found in television shows such as Doomsday Preppers and Prepper Hillbillies. Offgrid magazine, which first hit the stands in the summer of 2013, however, sells a compellingly (...)
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    Beyond the Spectacle of Suffering: Agnès Varda's L'Une chante, l'autre pas and Rewriting the Subject of Abortion in France.Melissa Oliver-Powell - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:14 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Melissa Oliver-Powell Beyond the Spectacle of Suffering: Agnès Varda’s L’Unechante,l’autrepas and Rewriting the Subject of Abortion in France In the spring of 1971, three years after the revolutionary fervor of May 1968 in France, 343 women put their names to a courageous manifesto announcing that they were criminals of a particularly gendered nature. The authors of Manifeste (...)
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    Excellent Traits in Public Health: Virtuous Structures and the Structure of Virtue.Karen M. Meagher - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):16-22.
    MacKay’s Public Health Virtue Ethics offers a distinctive approach to public health ethics, with social structures at the forefront. MacKay’s helpful overview of the recent literature considers three distinct referents for ascribing virtues in public health ethics: (i) individuals, such as public health practitioners, (ii) social structures, such as public health institutions and policies and (iii) the communities affected by public health policy. While MacKay is interested in virtuous structures, I am interested in the structure of virtue as a (...)
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  33. Promoting Stewardship Behavior in Organizations: A Leadership Model.Morela Hernandez - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):121-128.
    This article explores the relational and motivational leadership behaviors that may promote stewardship in organizations. I conceptualize stewardship as an outcome of leadership behaviors that promote a sense of personal responsibility in followers for the long-term wellbeing of the organization and society. Building upon the themes presented in the stewardship literature, such as identification and intrinsic motivation, and drawing from other research streams to include factors such as interpersonal and institutional trust and moral courage, I posit that leaders (...)
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    A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life (review).Donald Beggs - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):475-477.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 475-477 [Access article in PDF] A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life, by André Comte-Sponville, trans. Catherine Temerson; x & 352 pp. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2001. Of two minds, I mirror the two sorts of audience this book's twenty-four translations have sought: "students" and "readers" (p. 5), those for whom the scholarly content and apparatus (...)
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    In defense of trimming.Eugene Goodheart - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):46-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 46-58 [Access article in PDF] In Defense of Trimming Eugene Goodheart I In The Education of Henry Adams, Adams disparages a class of English politicians as "trimmers." They are "the political economist, the anti-slavery and doctrinaire class, the followers of Tocqueville, and of John Stuart Mill. As a class, they were timid--and with good reason--and timidity, which is high wisdom in philosophy, sicklies (...)
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    (1 other version)From Love to Evolution: historical turning point in the psychology of religion.Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi - 2006 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 28 (1):49-61.
    Kirkpatrick's contribution is evaluated in the context of historical developments and persistent crisis in the psychology of religion. The field has been characterized by the lack of a unifying theory, as well as by some literature being driven by religious apologetics. Kirkpatrick's approach has been truly theory-driven, always seeking a general psychological framework for analyzing religion and religiosity. His personal odyssey led him to embrace Bowlby's attachment theory, which has had a unique impact of research in academic psychology. But (...)
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    Home Is Somewhere Else: Autobiography in Two Voices (review).Patrick Henry - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):156-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Home Is Somewhere Else: Autobiography in Two VoicesPatrick HenryHome Is Somewhere Else: Autobiography in Two Voices, by Desider Furst and Lilian R. Furst; xv & 235 pp. Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, $14.95 paper.Published in the “Margins of Literature” series, Home Is Somewhere Else follows a family of three who, on the margins of the Holocaust, live for nine months in Nazi occupied Vienna before escaping illegally in (...)
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    Role of Education in Cultivation of Values.Dhanpat Raj Bhandari - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 49:31-38.
    The prime concern of education is to evolve the good, the true and the divine in man so as to establish a moral life in the world. It should essentially make a man pious, perfect and truthful. The welfare of humanity lies neither in scientific or technological advancements nor in acquisition of material comforts. The main function of education is to enrich the character. What we need today more than anything else is moral leadership founded on courage, intellectual integrity (...)
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    Finding meaning in life, at midlife and beyond: wisdom and spirit from logotherapy.David Guttmann - 2008 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    On old age that steals on us fast -- Spiritual development -- The search for happiness -- Meaningful living according to logotherapy -- Guiding principles of logotherapy -- The courage to be authentic : philosophical sources of logotherapy -- The concept of meaning in religion and literature -- Life as a task -- On fate and meaningful living -- Despair as mortal illness in aging -- The gifts of the Gods : sources for discovering meaning in life -- (...)
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    The caring encounter in nursing.Gunilla Holopainen, Lisbet Nyström & Anne Kasén - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):7-16.
    Background: The concept ‘encounter’ occurs in caring literature as a synonym for dialogue and relation describing deeper levels of interaction between patient and nurse. In nursing and caring research, the concept ‘caring encounter’ is often used without further reflection on the meaning of the concept. Encounters are, however, continuously taking place in the world of caring, which calls for a clarification of the concept. Objectives: This study is an analysis of the concept of caring encounter in nursing from the (...)
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    The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues (review).Joanne Waugh - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):553-554.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 553-554 [Access article in PDF] Ruby Blondell. The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xi + 452. Cloth, $75.00. Plato's dialogues were written before audiences distinguished philosophy from literature. Recently scholars have argued that the dialogues should be read as philosophy that is literature, and no one makes the case better than (...)
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  42. The Priority of Prudence: Virtue and Natural Law in Thomas Aquinas and the Implications for Modern Ethics.Daniel Mark Nelson - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In _The Priority of Prudence_, Daniel Mark Nelson proposes a reappropriation of a moral perspective that focuses on the cardinal virtues of courage, temperance, justice, and prudence. The study aims to recover and rehabilitate the virtue of prudence as a way of resuming a moral conversation that has been stalemated for too long. Nelson's main source for reviving the virtue of prudence is St. Thomas Aquinas's account of the cardinal virtues in the _Summa Theologica_. A primary problem with using (...)
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    Miss Miles, Or, A Tale of Yorkshire Life 60 Years Ago.Mary Taylor & Janet Horowitz Murray - 1990 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Mary Taylor, Charlotte Bront"e's closest and lifelong friend, did indeed fulfill Bront"'s prediction in both her life and her writings. Recently, however, the authenticity of Taylor's feminist classic, Miss Miles, has been put into question. A controversy is now raging among experts and scholars of Victorian fiction over the true authorship of Miss Miles. Did Mary Taylor labor over this novel from her early womanhood until the end of her life, and offer it as her last great act of friendship (...)
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    Lauren Kapalka Richerme, Complicating, Considering, and Connecting Music Education (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2020).Nasim Niknafs - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (2):202-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Complicating, Considering, and Connecting Music Education by Lauren Kapalka RichermeNasim NiknafsLauren Kapalka Richerme, Complicating, Considering, and Connecting Music Education (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2020)Laurern Kapalka Richerme courageously engages with some of the significant concepts of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in a timely bounded volume, Complicating, Considering, and Connecting Music Education. Through this colossal endeavor, though not the first time a music education scholar deeply explores Deleuzian (...)
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  45. Epistemic Virtues in Business.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):583-595.
    This paper applies emerging research on epistemic virtues to business ethics. Inspired by recent work on epistemic virtues in philosophy, I develop a view in which epistemic virtues contribute to the acquisition of knowledge that is instrumentally valuable in the realisation of particular ends, business ends in particular. I propose a conception of inquiry according to which epistemic actions involve investigation, belief adoption and justification, and relate this to the traditional ‘justified true belief’ analysis of knowledge. I defend the view (...)
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    Character Strengths Profiles in Medical Professionals and Their Impact on Well-Being.Alexandra Huber, Cornelia Strecker, Timo Kachel, Thomas Höge & Stefan Höfer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566728.
    Character strengths profiles in the specific setting of medical professionals are widely unchartered territory. This paper focused on an overview of character strengths profiles of medical professionals (medical students and physicians) based on literature research and available empirical data illustrating their impact on well-being and work engagement. A literature research was conducted and the majority of peer-reviewed considered articles dealt with theoretical or conceptually driven ‘virtues’ associated with medical specialties or questions of ethics in patient care (e.g., professionalism, (...)
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    Love in Women in Love: A Phenomenological Analysis.M. C. Dillon - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):190-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:M. C. Dillon LOVE IN WOMEN IN LOVE: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Despite his sexism, his turgid prose, and his antiquated social conscience, Lawrence is on every bookshelf. This is not merely because of the vicarious erotic entertainment to be found in the saga of John Thomas and Lady Jane, but because Lawrence remains a major guru of romance. We take him seriously, look to him for guidance, measure ourselves (...)
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  48.  24
    Leadership for an Emerging Democracy in Burma.Judith A. White & Don McCormick - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:14-25.
    This qualitative study examines the moral courage of leaders working for democracy and human rights in Burma. As Burma transitions to democracy moralcourage will be essential for leaders of civil society organizations as they face corruption, cronyism, and resistance to change. From interview data with nineteen leaders in Burma and Thailand, and a review of the literature we developed a conceptual model of moral courage that suggests that the relationship between moral motivation and the demonstration of moral (...)
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    The Triumph and Tragedy of Janusz Korczak: A Lesson in Humanity and Inhumanity.Scott Hartblay - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (6):111-118.
    The magnificence and gift of Janusz Korczak has not been totally forgotten. Small groups throughout the world are still his devotees. But the word must be spread. The legacy that he left behind must be cultivated so that more people can be reached. Poland, the land that he loved, should try to become the model for the world of the progressive society that Korczak envisioned. Korczak, and all that he represents, is one of the country’s most valuable resources. Teachers need (...)
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    Deep Listening as Bridge‐Building in School–Community Partnerships.Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer - 2023 - Educational Theory 72 (6):793-811.
    In this article, Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer argues that deep listening is the foundational component of bridge-building; that it is deep listening that foments the trust and desire for action that undergirds our building of bridges. While “listening” is not a new topic, Greenhalgh-Spencer adds to the literature by expanding on what are the essential components of the kind of listening — which she calls “deep listening” — that can lead to ethical action, change, and connection. She identifies desire, care, acknowledgment (...)
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