Results for ' Badiou, linking education to truths, disrupting forms of knowledge'

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  1.  11
    Grace, Truth and Economies of Education.Anna Strhan - 2012 - In Levinas, Subjectivity, Education: Towards an Ethics of Radical Responsibility. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 95–117.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Weaving New Fabric Out of a Ripped Yarn The Economy of Exchange and the Marketization and Customerization of Education The Rule of the Market Under Attack Is Education Possible in Schools? Notes.
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    (1 other version)The Obliteration of Truth by Management: Badiou, St. Paul and the question of economic managerialism in education.Anna Strhan - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):230-250.
    This paper considers the questions that Badiou's theory poses to the culture of economic managerialism within education. His argument that radical change is possible, for people and the situations they inhabit, provides a stark challenge to the stifling nature of much current educational debate. In Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism, Badiou describes the current universalism of capitalism, monetary homogeneity and the rule of the count. Badiou argues that the politics of identity are all too easily subsumed by the (...)
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    Knowledge, Truth, and Education in Post-Normal Times.Kai Horsthemke - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (4):373-387.
    ABSTRACT The advent of Covid-19, a new and highly contagious form of Corona virus, in late 2019 cast a harsh light on human vulnerabilities and on the provocations (and opportunities) facing humanity. Although many of the more drastic measures applied within educational settings have since ceased to apply, at least for the time being, we are not yet ‘past Covid’: many of the challenges that are discussed here still exist. As we faced unprecedented disruption to economies, societies and education (...)
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    Forms of knowledge.James Gribble - 1970 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 2 (1):3–14.
    In his classic discussion of liberal education and the nature of knowledge, Professor Hirst argues for a liberal education which is “directly concerned with the development of mind and rational knowledge.”1He sets out clear conditions which any activity must satisfy if it is to be a form of knowledge and suggests that there are seven distinct forms which satisfy these conditions:“mathematics, physical sciences, human sciences, history, religion, literature and the fine arts, philosophy”2The first argument (...)
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  5. Plato’s Metaphysical Development before Middle Period Dialogues.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi - manuscript
    Regarding the relation of Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, scholars have been divided to two opposing groups: unitarists and developmentalists. While developmentalists try to prove that there are some noticeable and even fundamental differences between Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, the unitarists assert that there is no essential difference in there. The main goal of this article is to suggest that some of Plato’s ontological as well as epistemological principles change, both radically and fundamentally, between the early and (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Militants of Truth, Communities of Equality: Badiou and the ignorant schoolmaster.Charles Andrew Barbour - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):251-263.
    Badiou's philosophy of the ‘event’ has itself become an event of sorts for contemporary social and political theory. It has broken radically with a set of propositions concerning the operation of power, the status of knowledge, and the possibility of action that were for some time considered nearly unquestionable, in many ways defining what Badiou might call ‘the state of the situation’. After briefly outlining the manner in which Badiou's reinvigoration of the concept of ‘truth’ constitutes a serious challenge (...)
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    Introduction: Alain Badiou: ‘Becoming Subject’ to Education.Kent den Heyer - 2010 - In Thinking Education Through Alain Badiou. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–7.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes References.
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    Post-truth, education and dissent.David Nally - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):609-621.
    In recent scholarship, a widely agreed upon definition of post-truth has proved elusive, particularly because the term is used in tandem with so-named alternative facts, fake news, misinformation, and references to an anti-expert, anti-intellectual climate. This paper will consider recent educators’ efforts in the Australasian region to address the political and cultural disruption that post-truth has evoked, by inquiring into how their pedagogy mirrors or differs from that used in public spaces by protest movements. In the first section, scholarship on (...)
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    On the curation of negentropic forms of knowledge.Joff P. N. Bradley - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):465-476.
    My intention is to consider Bernard Stiegler’s concept of ‘journeys of knowledge’. Open Humanities Press, 2020) and to explore how one might rethink the knowledge-creating potentialities of information itself. This has become all the more apparent in the time of lockdowns, physical distancing during the pandemic but the primary purpose of the paper is to look at the distinction between knowledge/information and the role of the teacher in using technology pharmacologically to safeguard the savoirs and to stem (...)
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    The Vocational PortfoIio of an Adult Educator-in-Process.Dorothy Lander - 2000 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 19 (3):20-33.
    In this research article I reconstitute portfolio assessment of my work as a new faculty member in the form of critical reflexive dialogue. I reassemble artifacts of my works-in-process in a vocational portfolioin order to signal that quality in my work is nuanced as a calling to serve. This metaphor entails portfolio assessment that does not isolate the adult learner and worker from self-assessment and others’assessment. I structure my portfolio dialogically so that my evaluators and I can respond critically to (...)
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    Badiou by Badiou.Alain Badiou - 2022 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Bruno Bosteels.
    An accessible introduction to Badiou's key ideas In this brief conversational book, the French philosopher Alain Badiou provides readers with a unique introduction to his system of thought, summed up in the trilogy of Being and Event, Logics of Worlds, and The Immanence of Truths. Taking the form of an interview and two talks and keeping in mind a broad audience without any prior knowledge of his work, the book touches upon all the major concepts of Badiou's philosophy and (...)
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    Logic of the Site.Alain Badiou, Steve Corcoran & Bruno Bosteels - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (3/4):141-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Logic of the SiteAlain Badiou (bio)Translated by Steve Corcoran (bio) and Bruno Bosteels (bio)The Commune Is a Site 1. Ontology of the CommuneTake any world whatsoever. A multiple that is an object of this world—whose elements are indexed by the transcendental of this world—is a site, if it happens to count itself within the referential field of its own indexation. Or again: a site is a multiple that happens (...)
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  13.  19
    Shifts in the treatment of knowledge in academic reading and writing: Adding complexity to students’ transitions between A-levels and university in the UK.Sally Baker - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (4):388-409.
    Although “transition” is an established area of educational research, there has been little empirically exploration of how shifts in the ways that knowledge is packaged and valued impact on students’ reading and writing as they transition into higher education. This article draws on a longitudinal ethnographic study that traced the experiences, practices and understandings of 11 students from their last year of A-levels through to their second year of undergraduate study. Analysis shows that the forms of (...) privileged and the ways that knowledge is packaged vary significantly between the two educational contexts, impacting on students’ engagement with texts as they transition into university. This article further illustrates that as a result of shifts in what counts as knowledge between these levels, students face challenges adapting to undergraduate literacies, which disrupts the simplistic notion of transition evoked in the dominant positioning of “the transition to uni... (shrink)
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    Knowledge and truth in religious education.David Carr - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (2):221–238.
    It is reasonable to expect, with regard to any traditional academic subject, that it should be capable of being made good sense of as a rational form of knowledge or enquiry focused upon the discernment of truths of one sort or another concerning the world or human affairs. One curriculum area which has generally been held to be problematic in this respect, for a mixture of epistemological, social, ethical and pedagogical reasons, is that of religious education. In the (...)
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  15.  22
    Patterns of Domain-Specific Learning Among Medical Undergraduate Students in Relation to Confidence in Their Physiology Knowledge: Insights From a Pre–post Study.Jochen Roeper, Jasmin Reichert-Schlax, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Verena Klose, Maruschka Weber & Marie-Theres Nagel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research FocusThe promotion of domain-specific knowledge is a central goal of higher education and, in the field of medicine, it is particularly essential to promote global health. Domain-specific knowledge on its own is not exhaustive; confidence regarding the factual truth of this knowledge content is also required. An increase in both knowledge and confidence is considered a necessary prerequisite for making professional decisions in the clinical context. Especially the knowledge of human physiology is fundamental (...)
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    Expression and Truth: On the Music of Knowledge.Lawrence Kramer - 2012 - University of California Press.
    Expression and truth are traditional opposites in Western thought: expression supposedly refers to states of mind, truth to states of affairs. _Expression and Truth_ rejects this opposition and proposes fluid new models of expression, truth, and knowledge with broad application to the humanities. These models derive from five theses that connect expression to description, cognition, the presence and absence of speech, and the conjunction of address and reply. The theses are linked by a concentration on musical expression, regarded as (...)
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    Philosophy—aesthetics—education: Reflections on dance.Tyson Lewis - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (4):53-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy—Aesthetics—Education:Reflections on DanceTyson Lewis (bio)To create is to lighten, to unburden life, to invent new possibilities of life. The creator is legislator—dancer.—Gilles Deleuze, Pure ImmanenceThe Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben is perhaps best known for his ongoing interest in the problem of "biopower." Taking up where Michel Foucault ended, Agamben argues that the principle political and philosophical questions of the moment concern the connections between life and power. In (...)
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  18.  42
    A Wittgensteinian approach to discerning the meaning of works of art in the practice of critical and contextual studies in secondary art education.Leslie Cunliffe - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):65-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Wittgensteinian Approach to Discerning the Meaning of Works of Art in the Practice of Critical and Contextual Studies in Secondary Art EducationLeslie Cunliffe (bio)In order to get clear about aesthetic words you have to describe ways of living.Wittgenstein, Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief1Language is a labyrinth of paths. You approach from one side and know your way about; you approach the same place from (...)
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    Klugheit. Grundbegriff des Praktischen bei Aristoteles [Prudence.The Basic Concept of the Practical in Aristotle].Berthold Wald - 2016 - Studia Gilsoniana 5 (4):689–707.
    The article begins by recalling the most important understandings associated with the term prudence in the history of philosophy.Then it introduces the Aristotelian concept of prudence linked to practical truth—prudence seen in contrast to wisdom and knowledge of manufacturing. The article discusses various forms of rational knowledge associated with the right will, and proves the need of linking prudence to all the other ethical virtues based on moral principles. It emphasizes the problem of how to relate (...)
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    Child health care nurses’ use of teaching practices and forms of knowledge episteme, techne and phronesis when leading parent education groups.Karin Forslund Frykedal, Michael Rosander, Mia Barimani & Anita Berlin - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12366.
    This study explores child health care nurses’ pedagogical knowledge when supporting parents in their parenthood using various teaching practices, that is how to organise and process the content during parent education groups in primary health care. The aim is to identify teaching practices used by child health care nurses and to analyse such practices with regard to Aristotle's three forms of knowledge to comprehensively examine child health care nurses’ use of knowledge in practice. A qualitative (...)
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    Thinking through the body, educating for the humanities: A plea for somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking Through the Body, Educating for the Humanities:A Plea for SomaestheticsRichard Shusterman (bio)IWhat are the humanities, and how should they be cultivated? With respect to this crucial question, opinions differ as to how widely the humanities should be construed and pursued. Initially connoting the study of Greek and Roman classics, the concept now more generally covers arts and letters, history, and philosophy.1 But does it also include the social (...)
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  22. Forms of knowledge—a reply to Elizabeth Hindess.Paul H. Hirst - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 7 (2):260–271.
    Paul H Hirst; Forms of Knowledge—A reply to Elizabeth Hindess, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 7, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 260–271, https://doi.or.
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    Forms of Truth and the Unity of Knowledge.Vittorio Hösle (ed.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Forms of Truth and the Unity of Knowledge _addresses a philosophical subject—the nature of truth and knowledge—but treats it in a way that draws on insights beyond the usual confines of modern philosophy. This ambitious collection includes contributions from established scholars in philosophy, theology, mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, literary criticism, history, and architecture. It represents an attempt to integrate the insights of these disciplines and to help them probe their own basic presuppositions and methods. The essays in _Forms (...)
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    On to the ‘rough ground’: introducing doctoral students to philosophical perspectives on knowledge.Ellen Rehg & Lee SmithBattle - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (2):98-109.
    Doctoral programmes in nursing are charged with developing the next generation of nurse scholars, scientists, and healthcare leaders. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) endorses the inclusion of philosophy of science content in research‐focused doctoral programmes. Because a philosophy course circumscribed to the natural or social sciences does not address the broad forms of knowledge that are relevant to nursing practice, we have developed and co‐taught a course on the philosophy of knowledge that introduces students (...)
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    Who Am I? The Influence of Knowledge Networks on PhD Students’ Formation of a Researcher Role Identity.Marie Gruber, Thomas Crispeels & Pablo D’Este - 2023 - Minerva 61 (4):521-552.
    Higher education institutes both foster the advancement of knowledge and address society's socioeconomic and environmental challenges. To fulfil these multiple missions requires significant changes to how the role of a researcher is perceived e.g. a researcher identity that is congruent with the objective of contributing to fundamental knowledge while also engaging with non-academic actors, broadly, and entrepreneurship, in particular. We argue that the early stages of an academic career—namely the PhD training trajectory—and the knowledge networks formed (...)
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  26. Two Non-Counterexamples to Truth-Tracking Theories of Knowledge.Fred Adams & Murray Clarke - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):67-73.
    In a recent paper, Tristan Haze offers two examples that, he claims, are counterexamples to Nozick's Theory of Knowledge. Haze claims his examples work against Nozick's theory understood as relativized to belief forming methods M. We believe that they fail to be counterexamples to Nozick's theory. Since he aims the examples at tracking theories generally, we will also explain why they are not counterexamples to Dretske's Conclusive Reasons Theory of Knowledge.
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  27. Badiou versus Derrida: Truth, sets, and sophistry.David Fiorovanti - 2012 - Philosophical Forum 43 (1):51-64.
    This article explores the question of truth in the work of Jacques Derrida and Alain Badiou. Specifically, it investigates Badiou’s claim that deconstruction is a form of sophistry. Badiou positions himself against Derrida in preference for a philosophy committed to Truth, Being and the event. The sophist, in contrast to the philosopher, denies the existence of truths and the category of truth. Despite this hostility, Badiou argues that the two must coexist. Badiou also explores the relationship between existence and inexistence (...)
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  28.  47
    Practices of self-knowledge in Buddhism and modern philosophical education.Natalia Dyadyk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:71-81.
    Introduction. The article is focused on studying the self-knowledge techniques used in Buddhism and their application in teaching philosophy. The relevance of the study is due to the search for new approaches to studying philosophy, including approaches related to philosophical practice, as well as the interest of modern scientists in the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is interdisciplinary and its study is of practical importance for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, specialists in artificial intelligence. Buddhism as a philosophical doctrine (...)
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    Professional Ethics: An Upaniṣadic Perspective.Surya Kant Maharana - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (2):97-109.
    Professional ethics, in general, deals with justified moral values that govern the work of professionals. Profession is an expertise who is committed to promote a distinctive public good, such as learning or education. Professionals are committed to special duties to make services available, maintain confidentiality, secure informed consent for services, and be loyal to clients, employers, and others with whom one has fiduciary relationship. Professional ethics deals with theoretical issues which seek to understand how the justified moral values governing (...)
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    Epistemology and Transformation of Knowledge in Global Age.Zlatan Delić - 2017 - [No place]: IntechOpen.
    This book consists of seven chapters containing multiple questions of the global socially epistemological situation in science and higher education. Despite the progress of techno-sciences, we are facing blind flaws in leading systems of knowledge and perception. The global era, in a paradox way, connects the new knowledge of economics, postpolitics, postdemocracy, and biopolitical regulation of live and unpresentable forms of the global geo-located violence. Techno-optimism and techno-dictatorship in the twenty-first century coincide with the ideology of (...)
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    Collingwood and the Early Paul Hirst on the Forms of Experience-Knowledge and Education.Marnie Hughes-Warrington - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (2):156 - 173.
    Paul Hirst's 'forms of knowledge' thesis has been the subject of much discussion and debate in educational circles. Hirst's claim that such forms exist is not original but, as R. S. Peters claimed, his account is distinctive in its application to the school curriculum. This paper calls for a revision of Peters's claim on the grounds that R. G. Collingwood's writings on the forms of experience not only refer to the school curriculum, but also point up (...)
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    Nursing intuition: a valid form of knowledge.Catherine Green - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):98-111.
    An understanding of the nature and development of nursing intuition can help nurse educators foster it in young nurses and give clinicians more confidence in this aspect of their knowledge, allowing them to respond with greater assurance to their intuitions. In this paper, accounts from philosophy and neurophysiology are used to argue that intuition, specifically nursing intuition, is a valid form of knowledge. The paper argues that nursing intuition, a kind of practical intuition, is composed of four distinct (...)
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  33.  16
    Informed Ignorance as a Form of Epistemic Injustice.Noa Cohen & Mirko Daniel Garasic - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):59.
    Ignorance, or the lack of knowledge, appears to be steadily spreading, despite the increasing availability of information. The notion of informed ignorance herein proposed to describe the widespread position of being exposed to an abundance of information yet lacking relevant knowledge, which is tied to the exponential growth in misinformation driven by technological developments and social media. Linked to many of societies’ most looming catastrophes, from political polarization to the climate crisis, practices related to knowledge and information (...)
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    Liberal education in America: Civic training and philosophic knowledge in the thought of Edward Everett Hale and James Mccosh.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    In an address entitled "Democracy and Liberal Education" delivered in 1887, Edward Everett Hale attacked the then President of Princeton University, the distinguished Scottish philosopher James McCosh for his remarks in a lecture to the Exeter Academy. Hale argued, in effect, that McCosh was ultimately "un-American" in his pedagogical purposes. The issues which Hale goes on to address, and the arguments to which he gives vent, show clearly the battle lines as far as liberal education in America was (...)
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    (1 other version)Art as symbolic form: Cassirer on the educational value of art.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):51-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 51-64 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Art as Symbolic Form: Cassirer on the Educational Value of ArtThora Ilin BayerIntroductionAmong the papers that Ernst Cassirer left at his death in 1945 is a fully written out lecture labeled "Seminar of Education, March 10th, 1943," which also bears the title "The Educational Value of Art." It may have been prepared for a session (...)
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  36. Knowing (How It Is) That P: Degrees and Qualities of Knowledge.Stephen Hetherington - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4):129-152.
    Pode o conhecimento de uma dada verdade admitir gradações? Sim, de fato, segundo o gradualismo deste artigo. O artigo introduz o conceito do saber-como que p – isto é, o conceito de saber como é que p. Saber-como que p é claramente gradual – admitindo gradações, dado que se pode saber mais ou menos como é que p. E a vinculação que este artigo faz entre sabercomo que p e saber que p revela que este último tipo de conhecimento também (...)
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    Educational potentials of embodied art reflection.Agnes Bube - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (3):423-441.
    With reference to a standard work on embodied cognition – The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson und Eleanor Rosch – in this article I theorize art reception that connects reflexive processes with concrete perceptual experiences as embodied art reflection. Analogously to Varela et al’s citation of meditation practice as a transformation of immediate experience into an open, embodied reflection, one can also understand focussed awareness of experience in reflected, perceptually-oriented reception of art as (...)
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    (1 other version)Convergence: the deepest idea in the universe: how the different disciplines are coming together, to tell one coherent interlocking story, and making science the basis for other forms of knowledge.Peter Watson - 2016 - London: Simon & Schuster, A CBS Company.
    'A breath-taking panorama.' The Sunday Times 'Those seeking a grand overview of science's greatest hits over the past century will find it here.' The Washington Post 'Convincing... A provocative history probes the connections that are helping to unify scientific disciplines.... Watson examines an impressive array of connections... Whether you identify as a biologist, an astrophysicist, or a mathematician, one thing's for certain: We're all ultimately working with the same fabric.' Science 'Anyone interested in science will enjoy this fascinating, fast-paced, intellectual (...)
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    Managing Education, Training and Knowledge.Otter Christian - 2016 - Creative and Knowledge Society 6 (1):1-17.
    Purpose of the article: Knowledge is increasingly importance for the economic well-being of businesses. Core competencies of management are the generation and processing of information, used to develop a competitive advantage. Information has become established as a commodity in its own right which can be bought and sold. Four out of five goods traded on the market now consist of services or relate to information in the broadest sense. Knowledge is created when different pieces of information are linked (...)
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    Hirst's Unruly Theory: forms of knowledge, truth and meaning.R. D. Smith - 1981 - Educational Studies 7 (1):17-25.
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    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of University Teachers Regarding Plagiarism in Bangladesh.S. M. Zabed Ahmed, Md Roknuzzaman & Mohammad Sharif Ul Islam - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):231-250.
    The main aim of this paper is to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of university teachers regarding plagiarism in Bangladesh. An online questionnaire consisted of 20 knowledge questions, 23 attitude items, and 18 practice questions was created using Google Forms. The link to the questionnaire was sent via email to university teachers. The total correct answers for knowledge and practice questions, and the total attitude score were converted to percentile scores and categorized accordingly (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Badiou, pedagogy and the arts.Thomas E. Peterson - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):159-176.
    The essay distils from Badiou's writing a pedagogy based on his theories of knowledge and truth, as brought to bear on poetry and the arts. By following Badiou's implicit ontology of learning, which presupposes a dynamic and passionate engagement with a concrete situation, the essay argues that Badiou's view of modernity, in particular, contributes greatly to the educational topic, and offers an alternative teaching paradigm to the outmoded schools of criticism of the 20 th century. It also argues that (...)
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    Through the Crucible of Pain and Suffering: African-American philosophy as a gift and the countering of the western philosophical metanarrative.George Yancy - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (11):1143-1159.
    In this article, I argue that African-American philosophy emerges from a socio-existential context where persons of African descent have been faced with the absurd in the form of white racism (This paper is a substantially revised version on an earlier article. See Yancy, G. (2011). African-American Philosophy through the Lens of Socio-Existential Struggle. Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 37: 551–574). The concept of struggle, given the above, functions as both descriptive and heuristic vis-à-vis the meaning of African American philosophy. Expanding (...)
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    Facing Disruptive Changes With Informal Workplace Learning Strategies: The Experience of European Companies.Francesca Amenduni, Essi Ryymin, Katja Maetoloa & Alberto Cattaneo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Industries are currently experiencing several kinds of disruptive changes, including digital transformation and environmental and health emergencies. Despite intense discussion about disruptive changes in companies, the impact of such changes on workplace learning is still underexplored. In this study, we investigated the impact of disruptive changes on informal learning practices according to the perspectives of employers, employees and adult educators. Informal learning was operationalised along a continuum between organised informal learning and everyday informal learning. Fifty-five companies’ representatives from three European (...)
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    Dispersion of meaning: the fading out of the doctrinaire world?Matko Meštrović - 2008 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book present interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities by connecting seemingly disparate sources through a sensitivity to endangered human values. It links reflections on the contemporary relationship between art and technology in a post-modern context, seeing art in terms of crossing boundaries and exploring virtuality. It deals with the consequences of economics colonising other disciplines, in terms of the processes by which the social becomes the economic. Using Jantsch''s evolutionary paradigm, the concept of self-transcendence is seen as (...)
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  46. Marginalized knowledge: an agenda for indigenous knowledge development and integration with other forms of knowledge.Dennis Ocholla - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7 (9-2007):236-245.
    The purpose of this paper is to re-examine Indigenous Knowledge in order to suggest an agenda for its development and integration with other forms of knowledge. The paper discusses what marginalization of IK mean, examines the challenges of integrating IK in the mainstream of other forms of knowledges and sug-gests agenda for IK development. The suggested agenda focuses on mapping and auditing IK capacity in Africa, legal and ethical issues, IK management, IK education and training, (...)
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    The contribution of Aboriginal epistemologies to mathematics education in Australia: Exploring the silences.Amber Hughes & Ron Laura - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (4):338-348.
    Epistemology is a conceptual template for how we think about the world, and the study of how we come to know the world around us. The world does not dictate unequivocally how to interpret it. This article will explore this position on the fluidity of epistemic constructs through two prominent philosophical perspectives, those being derived from the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michael Foucault, respectively. These insights will be used to more deeply unfold the current situation for Aboriginal students within (...)
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  48. Epistemic Oppression, Resistance, and Resurgence.Nora Berenstain, Kristie Dotson, Julieta Paredes, Elena Ruíz & Noenoe K. Silva - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (2):283-314.
    Epistemologies have power. They have the power not only to transform worlds, but to create them. And the worlds that they create can be better or worse. For many people, the worlds they create are predictably and reliably deadly. Epistemologies can turn sacred land into ‘resources’ to be bought, sold, exploited, and exhausted. They can turn people into ‘labor’ in much the same way. They can not only disappear acts of violence but render them unnamable and unrecognizable within their conceptual (...)
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    Encuentros y desencuentros filosóficos y políticos entre Badiou y Rancière.Leonardo Colella - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo es contrastar las posturas filosóficas y políticas de Alain Badiou y Jacques Rancière, y aplicar los resultados de ese análisis al ámbito educativo. Para ello abordamos inicialmente las diferencias entre ambos autores respecto de sus teorías del sujeto, sus relaciones con Platón y sus propuestas ontológicas. A continuación consideramos, en primer lugar, una coincidencia acerca del carácter prescriptivo del concepto de «igualdad», y en segundo lugar, una divergencia respecto del «sujeto» y de las consecuencias disruptivas (...)
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    Educational research as a form of democratic rationality.John Elliott - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (2):169–185.
    Educational Research is commonly regarded as a rational pursuit aimed at the production of objective knowledge. Researchers are expected to avoid value bias by detaching themselves from the normative conceptions of education that shape practice in schools and classrooms, and by casting themselves in the role of the impartial spectator. It is assumed that, as a rational pursuit, educational research is not directly concerned with changing practice but simply with discovering facts about it.This paper claims that it is (...)
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