Results for ' Authors, American'

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  1.  9
    Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation: Selected Essays on American Literature.J. Leland Miller Professor of American History Literature and Eloquence Michael Davitt Bell & Michael Davitt Bell - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation, Michael Davitt Bell charts the important and often overlooked connection between literary culture and authors' careers. Bell's influential essays on nineteenth-century American writers—originally written for such landmark projects as The Columbia Literary History of the United States and The Cambridge History of American Literature—are gathered here with a major new essay on Richard Wright. Throughout, Bell revisits issues of genre with an eye toward the unexpected details of authors' lives, and invites us (...)
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    Risk and trust in public health: A cautionary tale.Matthew K. Wynia & American Medical Association - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):3 – 6.
    *The views expressed are the author's own. This article should not be construed as representing policies of the American Medical Association.
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  3. Semantic Cell Transplantation.Various Authors - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5).
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  4.  14
    Noam Chomsky.Iep Author - 2023 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Noam Chomsky (1928 – ) Noam Chomsky is an American linguist who has had a profound impact on philosophy. Chomsky’s linguistic work has been motivated by the observation that nearly all adult human beings have the ability to effortlessly produce and understand a potentially infinite number of sentences. For instance, it is very likely that … Continue reading Noam Chomsky →.
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    The rational american and the inscrutable oriental as seen from the perspective of a puzzled european: A review (and response) in three stereotypes: A reply to Carine Defoort.Review author[S.]: R. P. Peerenboom - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):368-379.
  6.  22
    The Grassroots and the Gift: Moral Authority, American Philanthropy, and Activism in Education.Katharyne Mitchell & Chris Lizotte - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:66-89.
    Parental activism in education reform, while often portrayed as an exemplary manifestation of participatory democracy and grassroots action in response to entrenched corporate and bureaucratic interests, is in fact carefully cultivated and channeled through strategic networks of philanthropic funding and knowledge. This paper argues that these networks are characteristic of a contemporary form of neoliberal governance in which the philanthropic “gift” both obligates its recipients to participate in the ideological projects of the givers and obscures the incursion of market principles (...)
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    Consequentialism and Outrageous Options: Response to Commentary on “Consequentialism and Harsh Interrogations”.Matthew K. Wynia & American Medical Association* - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):W37-W37.
    *Disclaimer: The views expressed are the author's and should not be ascribed to the American Medical Association.
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  8. The author of on certainty and Franco-american conventionalism.On Certainty - 1978 - In Elisabeth Leinfellner, Wittgenstein and his impact on contemporary thought: proceedings of the Second International Wittgenstein Symposium, 29th August to 4th September 1977, Kirchberg/Wechsel (Austria) ; editors, Elisabeth Leinfellner... [et al.]. Hingham, Mass.: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 2--226.
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    Author Responds to "Review of Carl Elliott, Better than Well: American Medicine Meets the American Dream" by Paul Root Wolpe.Carl Elliott - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):38-38.
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    The Art of Authority: Exhibits, Exhibit-Makers, and the Contest for Scientific Status in the American Museum of Natural History, 1920–1940.Victoria Cain - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (2):215-238.
    ArgumentIn the 1920s and 1930s, the growing importance of habitat dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History forced staff members to reconsider what counted as scientific practice and knowledge. Exhibit-makers pressed for more scientific authority, citing their extensive and direct observations of nature in the field. The museum's curators, concerned about their own eroding status, dismissed this bid for authority, declaring that older traditions of lay observation were no longer legitimate. By the 1940s, changes inside and outside the (...)
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  11. American Theological Library Association: Index to Religious Periodical Literature, an Author and Subject Index to Periodical Literature, 1949–1952, Including an Author Index to Book Reviews.J. Stillson Judah - 1953
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  12. One Faith, Two Authorities: Tensions between Female Religious and Male Clergy in the American Catholic Church.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Avery Dulles, teaching authority in the church, and the ?Dialectically tense? Middle: An american strategic theology.Mark S. Massa S. J. - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):932-951.
    Father Dulles is now largely thought by friend and foe alike to be one of the most forceful voices for a renewed orthodoxy in the Church. Liberals see him as having turned his back on his younger radicalism; like many an older man, they suggest, he has grown more conservative with age. His experiences with certain forms of liberal Catholicism, while not changing his ideas about the Church, seemed to have alerted him to their potential for disaster.1.
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    Where is the author in American TV news? On the construction and presentation of proximity, authorship, and journalistic authority.Barbie Zelizer - 1990 - Semiotica 80 (1-2):37-48.
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    Authored animals: Creature tropes in Native American fiction.Gerald Vizenor - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  16.  23
    Uprooted Americans; The Japanese Americans and the War Relocation Authority during World War II.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Dillon S. Myer - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):518.
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  17. Thomas Paine: author-soldier of the American revolution.George Lippard - 1894 - Philadelphia:
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  18.  33
    Taming the Troublesome Child: American Families, Child Guidance, and the Limits of Psychiatric Authority. Kathleen W. Jones.John Mills - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):638-639.
  19. By What Authority: The Rise of Personality Cults in American Christianity.Richard Quebedeaux - 1982
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  20.  11
    Papers Relative to Codification and Public Instruction: Including Correspondence with the Russian Emperor, and Divers Constituted Authorities in the American United States.Jeremy Bentham - 2018 - Franklin Classics Trade Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  21.  4
    (1 other version)From Nature to Experience: The American Search for Cultural Authority.Roger Lundin - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Roger Lundin traces how pragmatism and its reliance on experience eclipsed nature and religion as the ultimate moral authority. He explores why Americans prize experience as highly as they do, what they build out of it in works of culture and their daily lives, how they manage to make sense of it, and where people might turn when they reach the limits of experience.
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  22. The changing gender of authority in American home appliance technology: dishwasher and washing machine patents, 1860–1950. [REVIEW]Orville Butler - 1997 - In Santimay Chatterjee, M. K. Dasgupta & A. Ghosh, Studies in history of sciences. Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
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  23. Avery Dulles, teaching authority in the church, and the 'dialectically tense'middle: An american strategic theology.Massa Sj - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):932-951.
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  24. Lisa Green/Aspectual be–type Constructions and Coercion in African American English Yoad Winter/Distributivity and Dependency Instructions for Authors.Pauline Jacobson, Paycheck Pronouns, Bach-Peters Sentences, Inflectional Head, Thomas Ede Zimmermann, Free Choice Disjunction, Epistemic Possibility, Sigrid Beck & Uli Sauerland - 2000 - Natural Language Semantics 8 (373).
  25.  10
    Trusting Doctors: The Decline of Moral Authority in American Medicine.Jonathan B. Imber - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Daniel Callahan, cofounder of the Hastings Center "Doctors and people who have no choice but to trust doctors--which means all of us--need to read this book.
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  26.  13
    The American Girl.Victoria Davion - 2018-04-18 - In Claudia Card, Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 331–344.
    The author discusses Claudia Card's life work in that it concerns character development under heteronormative patriarchy as pertaining to the American Girl Just Like You doll. American Girl advertises this doll as a doll that can help little girls feel strong, powerful, unique, and ready to take on the world. The word "feminist" is not used in any of the company's marketing, but the company is clearly trying to market the idea that the Just Like You line is (...)
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  27.  5
    American Culture, American Tastes: Social Change and the 20th Century.Michael Kammen - 2012 - Knopf.
    Americans have a long history of public arguments about taste, the uses of leisure, and what is culturally appropriate in a democracy that has a strong work ethic. Michael Kammen surveys these debates as well as our changing taste preferences, especially in the past century, and the shifting perceptions that have accompanied them. Professor Kammen shows how the post-traditional popular culture that flourished after the 1880s became full-blown mass culture after World War II, in an era of unprecedented affluence and (...)
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  28. Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism.[author unknown] - 2014
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  29. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism.Cornel West - 1989 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Taking Emerson as his starting point, Cornel West’s basic task in this ambitious enterprise is to chart the emergence, development, decline, and recent resurgence of American pragmatism. John Dewey is the central figure in West’s pantheon of pragmatists, but he treats as well such varied mid-century representatives of the tradition as Sidney Hook, C. Wright Mills, W. E. B. Du Bois, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Lionel Trilling. West’s "genealogy" is, ultimately, a very personal work, for it is imbued throughout with (...)
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  30.  16
    Latin American Thought: Philosophical Problems And Arguments.Susana Nuccetelli - 2002 - Westview Press.
    Many of the philosophical questions raised by Latin American thinkers are problems that have concerned philosophers at different times and in different places throughout the Western tradition. But in fact the issues are not altogether the same-- for they have been adapted to capture problems presented by new circumstances, and Latin Americans have sought resolutions in ways that are indeed novel. This book explains how well-established philosophical traditions gave rise in the "New World" to a distinctive manner of thinking. (...)
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  31.  10
    American avant-garde cinema's philosophy of the in-between.Rebecca Sheehan - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can films philosophize rather than simply represent philosophical ideas developed outside of the cinematic medium? Taking up this question crucial to the emergent field of film philosophy, this book argues that the films of the American avant-garde do "do" philosophy and illuminates the ethical and political stakes of their aesthetic interventions. The book traces the avant-garde's philosophy by developing a history and theory of its investment in dimensional, conceptual, and material in-betweens, clarifying how this cinema's reflections on the creation (...)
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  32.  10
    The American Foundation Myth in Vietnam: Reigning Paradigms and Raining Bombs.William W. Cobb - 1998 - University Press of Amer.
    The American Foundation Myth in Vietnam deals with how the results of the Vietnam War challenged the long-standing belief in America's role in the world as a unique nation favored by God that carries a global responsibility with it. The author disputes the commonly held belief that America discarded this foundation myth, developed out of John Winthrop's idea of a "city on a hill," following Vietnam. He reexamines the myth in the context of American history to show that (...)
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  33.  7
    American Philosophers at Work: The Philosophic Scene in the United States.Sidney Hook - 2011 - Greenwood Press.
    Contributing Authors Include Alice Ambrose, Max Black, Rudolf Carnap, And Many Others.
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  34.  58
    Landscape and ideology in American renaissance literature: topographies of skepticism.Robert E. Abrams - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Robert Abrams argues that new concepts of space and landscape emerged in mid-nineteenth-century American writing, marking a linguistic and interpretative limit to American expansion. Abrams supports the radical elements of antebellum writing, where writers from Hawthorne to Rebecca Harding Davis disputed the naturalizing discourses of mid-nineteenth century society. Whereas previous critics find in antebellum writing a desire to convert chaos into an affirmative, liberal agenda, Abrams contends that authors of the 1840s and 50s deconstructed more than they constructed.
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    Avery Dulles, teaching authority in the church, and the 'dialectically tense' middle: An american strategic theology.J. S. - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):932–951.
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    Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the Wra's Photographic Section, 1943-1945.Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, Kenichiro Shimada & Hikaru Iwasaki - 2009 - University Press of Colorado.
    SUPERANNO A unique collection of photographs by WRA photographer Hikaru Iwasaki focuses on resettlement using photos of Japanese Americans following their release from WRA camps from 1943 to 1945. Author Lane Hirabayashi explores the use of photography in the WRA mission to encourage “loyal” Japanese Americans to return to society at large, and convince Euro-Americans this was safe. Hirabayashi also assesses the success of the WRA project, and the multiple uses of the photographs over time.
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  37.  21
    The editor as author handholder: A hopefully not lost American tradition.James McCall - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15 (2):98-100.
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  38.  8
    The Socialization of Authority and the Dilemmas of American Liberalism.John Diggins - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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  39.  12
    Latin-American philosophy of law in the twentieth century.Josef Laurenz Kunz - 1950 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The author's purpose was to present to the American lawyer, vital clues to the points of view which have influenced Latin-American attorneys. Kunz, who was a teacher in private & international law, was among the first scholars in the United States to become interested in Latin-American philosophy of law.
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    The American medical ethics revolution: how the AMA's code of ethics has transformed physicians' relationships to patients, professionals, and society.Robert Baker (ed.) - 1999 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The American Medical Association enacted its Code of Ethics in 1847, the first such national codification. In this volume, a distinguished group of experts from the fields of medicine, bioethics, and history of medicine reflect on the development of medical ethics in the United States, using historical analyses as a springboard for discussions of the problems of the present, including what the editors call "a sense of moral crisis precipitated by the shift from a system of fee-for-service medicine to (...)
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    American missionaries transmitting science in early twentieth‐century eastern tibet.Zhao Aidong - 2016 - Zygon 51 (1):113-127.
    This article is based on the author's extensive research on the missionaries to Tibet from the Disciples of Christ USA, and discusses various missionary efforts to transmit scientific and practical knowledge such as medicine, building, and agriculture in Eastern Tibet from 1904–1919. It shows that American missionaries played a prominent and distinctive role in the dissemination of scientific and practical knowledge as a result of their hard work and wisdom. In this sense, they made an important contribution to the (...)
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  42.  26
    The Emergence of Professional Social Science: The American Social Science Association and the Nineteenth-Century Crisis of Authority. Thomas L. Haskell.Patricia Woolf - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):324-324.
  43.  7
    Asian-American Education: Historical Background and Current Realities.Meyer Weinberg - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Asian-American Education: Historical Background and Current Realities_ fills a gap in the study of the social and historical experiences of Asians in U.S. schools. It is the first historical work to provide American readers with information about highly individual ethnic groups rather than viewing distinctly different groups as one vague, global entity such as "Asians." The people who populate each chapter are portrayed as active participants in their history rather than as passive victims of their culture. Each of (...)
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  44.  11
    American philosophy: a love story.John Kaag - 2016 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    The epic wisdom contained in a lost library helps the author turn his life aroundIn American Philosophy, John Kaag--a disillusioned philosopher at sea in his marriage and career--stumbles upon a treasure trove of rare books on an old estate in the hinterlands of New Hampshire that once belonged to the Harvard philosopher William Ernest Hocking. The library includes notes from Whitman, inscriptions from Frost, and first editions of Hobbes, Descartes, and Kant. As he begins to catalog and preserve these (...)
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  45.  38
    American political thought: the philosophic dimension of American statesmanship.Morton J. Frisch & Richard G. Stevens (eds.) - 2010 - New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
    This book focuses on the political thought of American statesmen. These statesmen have had consistent and comprehensive views of the good of the country and their actions have been informed by those views. The editors argue that political life in America has been punctuated by three great crises in its history-the crisis of the Founding, the crisis of the House Divided, and the crisis of the Great Depression. The Second World War was a crisis not just for America but (...)
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  46. Kariamu Welsh-as Ante is an associate professor in the department of african american studies at Temple university. She is the co-editor of african culture: The rhythms of unity (greenwood, 1985), author of two volumes of poetry, and many articles on the african aesthetic and dance in journal of Black studies, journal of western Black studies, the griot, critical.Molefi Kete - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 153--261.
  47.  29
    American Literature and the Dream. [REVIEW]L. H. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):701-701.
    An attempt to reinterpret American literature "as a kind of imaginative and experimental projection" of the "American Dream"--the ideal of perfect freedom and democracy. The author's critical and methodological principles, unfortunately, are never quite made clear.--L. H.
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  48. William James as American Plato?Scott Sinclair - 2009 - William James Studies 4:111-129.
    Alfred North Whitehead wrote a letter to Charles Hartshorne in 1936 in which he referred to William James as the American Plato. Especially given Whitehead’s admiration of Plato, this was a high compliment to James. What was the basis for this compliment and analogy? In responding to that question beyond the partial and scattered references provided by Whitehead, this article briefly explores the following aspects of the thought of James in relation to Whitehead: the one and the many, the (...)
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  49.  45
    African-American Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics.Anita L. Allen - 1992 - Georgetown University Press.
    By analyzing the amalgam of Greek philosophy, Jewish and Christian teachings, and secular humanism that composes our dominant ethical system, the authors of this volume explore the question of whether or not Western and non-Western moral values can be commingled without bilateral loss of cultural integrity. They take as their philosophical point of departure the observation that both ethical relativism and ethical absolutism have become morally indefensible in the context of the multicultural American life, and they variously consider the (...)
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  50.  24
    American philosophy and Rudolf Steiner: Emerson, Thoreau, Peirce, James, Royce, Dewey, Whitehead, feminism.Robert A. McDermott (ed.) - 2012 - Great Barrington, MA: Lindisfarne Books.
    American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner aspires to raise Steiners profile by digging into just one field of inquiry: philosophy. Before he became known to the world as a transmitter of clairvoyant wisdom, Steiner was an academic philosopher, editor of the scientific writings of Goethe and author of a foundational work in philosophy, The Philosophy of Freedom: The Basis for a Modern Worldview, published in 1894. That book expressed in philosophical terms many of the ideas that would later emerge as (...)
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