Results for ' Atina'

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  1.  26
    Taxonomy of Morals and Ethical Theories. Why We Do the Things We Do and How We Ought to Do Them.Atina Knowles - 2024 - Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
    The book offers brief examination and analysis of fundamental moral terms constituting ethical theories while proposing clarifications of them. It consequently considers whether the three major ethical theories - Teleology, Deontology, and Utilitarianism - adequately explain human conduct and humans' propensity to seek happiness given these theories' notions of the latter. After brief exposition of recognized and less known problems with each of the theories' projects, the book offers new and improved definition of happiness which accommodates these theories' important claims (...)
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    German Women Doctors from Berlin to New York: Maternity and Modernity in Weimar and in Exile.Atina Grossmann - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (1):65.
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    Rupture and Continuity: Abortion, the Medical Profession, and the Transitional State—A Polish Case Study.Atina Krajewska - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):323-350.
    Taking Poland as a case study, this article examines the sociological and historical-institutional factors that determine the relationship between the process of medical professionalisation and reproductive rights in transitional societies. Focusing on three periods in Polish history, (a) Partition era (1772–1918), (b) the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939), and (c) the post-war period (1945–1989), it identifies ruptures and continuities that have shaped the development of the Polish medical profession and its attitude towards abortion care today. Using insights from feminist historical institutionalism, (...)
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    S. Jasanoff : Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age.Atina Krajewska - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-8.
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  5. Heidegger’s Unlikely Alliance with Locke in Identifying Truth and Knowledge.Atina Knowles - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (2):779-792.
    The paper examines Heidegger's notions of truth and knowledge in the context of Locke's theory of same. It argues that when Heidegger's expositions of "primordial truth" and knowledge as a "retainment of assertion" are analyzed in their Beings, new and improved definitions emerge which support Locke's ideas of truth and knowledge. It shows that Heidegger's primordial truth is the process which uncovers Locke's propositional truth and on which any knowledge must be based. Wherefrom, to solve the problem of what knowledge (...)
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  6. In Defense of Aristotle's Notion of Eudaimonia as an Activity of Contemplation.Atina Knowles - 2023 - Archeology and Anthropology Open Access 4 (5):664-70.
    The paper addresses claims that Aristotle's notion of happiness is inconsistent given his expositions of happiness in Book I and Book X of NE. It argues that such claims are rooted in the erroneous conclusion that Aristotle defines happiness in Book I as living a "good life", and an unwarranted assumption that when Aristotle identifies happiness with contemplation, he has a professional philosopher in mind and contemplation as an activity one engages in leisurely and as a means of intellectual conditioning. (...)
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  7. Are the Gettier Cases Examples of Knowledge as Justified True Belief?Atina Knowles - 2016-17 - Arche 1 (8).
    I argue in this paper that the cases Gettier considers are not examples of justified true beliefs and that the question whether justified true belief sufficiently defines knowledge is not in fact, addressed. Indeed, the question is wholly untouched by Gettier or glossed over at best.
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    Demokronos: Atina Demokrasisi’nin Siyasal Zamanı.Utku Özmakas - forthcoming - Arete Political Philosophy Journal.
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  9. Review of: Atina Knowles'. ‘Geach’s “Good” and “Bad”, Attributive After All’.Anton Zimmerling - 2022 - Qeios.
    I follow the distinction of predicative versus attributive adjectives introduced by P.T. Geach in 1956 and discuss Atina Knowles' arguments contra the revisions of Geach's original conception.
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    City Perception in Plato's Dialogues.Yakup Akyüz - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):459-484.
    Platon düşünce tarihinde idealist felsefenin kuramlaştırıcısıdır. Sistematik bağlamda düşüncelerini diyaloglarla anlatmıştır. Diyaloglarda Yunan kültürünün yansımalarına, kültürün yaşam alanı bulduğu polislere de yer yer dikkat çekmiştir. Diyaloglarda bazen şehrin bir bölgesine, bazen bir halk kültürüne, bazen de herhangi bir yaşam olgusuna dikkat çekmektedir. Bu nedenle de onun eserlerinde polislerdeki yaşamın anlatısı tıpkı mitolojik ögeler ve analojiler gibi değerlendirilir ve diyalogdaki felsefi konunun anlaşılmasında kullanılır. Şehir yaşamından ögeler yer yer diyalog girişinde okuyucuyu konuya hazırlar, yer yer konunun ilerleyişinin gelişimini kavratmak için kullanılır. (...)
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    Antik Yunan Tarihinin “Sınırlarında”: Karatani ve İzonomi.Kesler Şilan - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:61-88.
    Kojin Karatani dünya tarihi üzerine yaptığı çalışmalarda, İyonya’da, M.Ö. 6. ve 5. yüzyıllarda, bugün izi silinmiş bir yönetim biçimi olduğunu öne sürdüğü, hareket serbestliğine dayalı göçebe bir toplum modelini ortaya koyan izonominin (hükmetmenin olmaması) söz konusu olduğunu, aynı tarihlerde, Atina’nın ise demokrasiyle yönetildiğini iddia eder. Karatani yaptığı bu radikal karşılaştırmayı, kendi mübadele tarzları teorisinde de belli bir çerçeveye yerleştirerek, Sokrates’in izonominin son temsilcisi olduğunu; öğrencisi Platon’un ise Pythagorasçılardan filozof-kral fikrini edinmiş, Devlet diyaloğunda Sokrates üzerinden bu fikri savunmuş olduğunu ileri (...)
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  12. A Filosofia da Natureza de Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2004 - Ciência and Ambiente 28.
    A filosofia da natureza de Aristóteles muitas vezes é apresentada como um capítulo inteiramente ultrapassado na história do pensamento: um “finalismo antiquado”, antropocêntrico, avesso à mensuração exata das condições materiais subjacentes aos fenômenos. Essa perspectiva, no entanto, é inadequada: não atenta para o papel relevante que Aristóteles atribui à matéria na explicação dos fenômenos naturais, assim como não atina com o real significado da teleologia aristotélica. Na contra-mão dessa perspectiva apressada, procuramos mostrar que, no cerne da filosofia aristotélica da (...)
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  13.  37
    (1 other version)Victimized Memory and Gendered Reality among the Ruins.Joseph W. Bendersky - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (156):179-181.
    ExcerptIn its conceptualization, research, and nuanced analyses, this book goes far beyond being merely yet another monographic contribution to the extensive literature on postwar Germany and Jewish Holocaust survivors. Focusing on the “interactions, encounters, and confrontations” (5) among Jewish survivors and refugees, defeated Germans, and occupying forces, Atina Grossmann provides a gender-oriented social history replete with contradictions, struggling memories and narratives, and “overlapping and fluid identities.” In doing so, she explicitly challenges what she perceives as an “undifferentiated” history distorted (...)
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  14.  23
    Epístolas: Espinosa E boxel.Samuel Thimounier Ferreira - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:523-571.
    A troca epistolar de Espinosa com Hugo Boxel ocorreu de setembro de 1674 a meados de outubro ou novembro do mesmo ano. Foram escritas, até onde se sabe, seis cartas, três de cada um, todas elas em holandês. Há disponível, todavia, apenas a cópia do original de uma única delas, a _epístola LIII_, restando como fontes únicas as _versiones_ latinas apresentadas nas _Opera Posthuma_. Toda a sequência argumentativa rende um interessantíssimo documento, frutífero no que atina a questões como fé (...)
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  15.  23
    Dialética dos conceitos em Gilberto Freyre – Casa-Grande & Senzala: o devir da democracia racial.Antônio Charles Santiago Almeida - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    Gilberto Freyre, autor de Casa-Grande & Senzala, pensador polêmico, mas singular no que se propõe - tradução da realidade brasileira à luz da miscigenação. Pode se dizer que nos textos desse recifense existem mais do que contradições, são, no sentido de determinados conceitos, debates dialéticos. Desse modo, o artigo aqui proposto intenta pensar o termo democracia racial por meio de um procedimento filosófico, a saber, dialética conceitual. Assim, não se pretende fazer uma defesa do autor em questão, mas para além (...)
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