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  1.  25
    James Mussell. Science, Time, and Space in the Late Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: Movable Types. xiii + 252 pp., figs., bibl., index. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. $99.95. [REVIEW]Paul Fayter - 2008 - Isis 99 (4):856-858.
  2. Descartes on Time and Duration.Geoffrey Gorham - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (1):28-54.
    Descartes' account of the material world relies heavily on time. Most importantly, time is a component of speed, which figures in his fundamental conservation principle and laws. However, in his most systematic discussion of the concept, time is treated as some-how reducible both to thought and to motion. Such reductionistic views, while common among Descartes' late scholastic contemporaries, are very ill-suited to Cartesian physics. I show that, in spite of the apparent identifications with thought and motion, Cartesian (...)
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    Space-Time and Utopia.Brittany Myburgh - 2022 - Spontaneous Generations 10 (1):54-62.
    Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, artists and scholars have pursued connections between modern art movements and scientific exploration and expertise. Particularly in discussions of Cubism and Futurism, artists and historians have employed the terms ‘fourth dimension’, ‘simultaneity’, and ‘space-time’ in their artistic theories. Select scholars have connected the use of these terms with Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity. This paper presents brief notes on this perceived intersection between Western science and art during the early to mid-twentieth (...)
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  4.  14
    The Reception of the Copernican Universe by Representatives of 17th-Century Jewish Philosophy and Their Search for Harmony Between the Scientific and Religious Images of the World (David Gans and Joseph Solomon Delmedigo).Adam Świeżyński - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):5-23.
    The reception of the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in Jewish thought of the 17th-century period is a good exemplification of the issue concerning the formation of the relationship between natural science and theology, or more broadly: between science and religion. The fundamental question concerning this relationship, which we can ask from today’s perspective of this problem, is: How does it happen that claims of a scientific nature, which are initially considered from a religious point of (...)
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  5.  10
    Space, Time and Einstein: An Introduction.J. B. Kennedy - 2003 - Routledge.
    This introduction to one of the liveliest and most popular fields in philosophy is written specifically for a beginning readership with no background in philosophy or science. Step-by-step analyses of the key arguments are provided and the philosophical heart of the issues is revealed without recourse to jargon, maths, or logical formulas. The book introduces Einstein's revolutionary ideas in a clear and simple way, along with the concepts and arguments of philosophers, both ancient and modern that have proved of (...)
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  6.  7
    Leibniz: prophet of new era science.Jürgen Lawrenz - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this book, modern scientists and philosophers of science confront the prophetic legacy of the 17th century philosopher Leibnizâ "a metaphysical agenda full of ideas presaging todayâ (TM)s state of the art research into relativity and quantum cosmology; the physics of force, mass, momentum, time and space; complexity and chaos theories; fundamental particles and multiple worlds; and of the electronic cosmos of our computer era. Their immense relevance to us is demonstrated by the engagement with (...)
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  7. A History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries.Abraham Wolf - 1935 - Thoemmes Press. Edited by Friedrich Dannemann & A. Armitage.
    Wolf's study represents an incredible work of scholarship. A full and detailed account of three centuries of innovation, these two volumes provide a complete portrait of the foundations of modern science and philosophy. Tracing the origins and development of the achievements of the modern age, it is the story of the birth and growth of the modern mind. A thoroughly comprehensive sourcebook, it deals with all the important developments in science and many of the innovations in the social (...)
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  8.  99
    The Isomorphism of Space, Time and Matter in Seventeenth-century Natural Philosophy.Carla Rita Palmerino - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (4):296-330.
    This article documents the general tendency of seventeenth-century natural philosophers, irrespective of whether they were atomists or anti-atomists, to regard space, time and matter as magnitudes having the same internal composition. It examines the way in which authors such as Fromondus, Basson, Sennert, Arriaga, Galileo, Magnen, Descartes, Gassendi, Charleton as well as the young Newton motivated their belief in the isomorphism of space, time and matter, and how this belief reflected on their views concerning the (...)
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    Stensen as a man of science and culture: Troels Kardel and Paul Maquet : Nicolaus Steno: Biography and original papers of a 17th century scientist. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, 740 pp., €106.95 HB.Pina Totaro - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):77-80.
    The book presented here is dedicated to the scientist, anatomist, geologist, theologian and bishop, Niels Stensen. He was born in 1638 in Copenhagen into a family of Lutheran parsons and preachers. He studied first in his native town and then at the Faculty of medicine in Leiden, in the Netherlands, before embarking on several trips throughout Europe, in France and Italy in particular. On November 2, 1667, he converted to Catholicism in Florence, and from then his interests turned more and (...)
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  10.  11
    The Work of Tschirnhaus, La Hire and Leibniz on Catacaustics and the Birth of the Envelopes of Lines in the 17th Century.Aldo Scimone & Giovanni Mingari Scarpello - 2005 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (3):223-250.
    Abstract.The aim of this paper is to examine the work of Tschirnhaus, La Hire and Leibniz on the theory of caustics, a subject whose history is closely linked to geometrical optics. The curves in question were examined by the most eminent mathematicians of the 17th century such as Huygens, Barrow and Newton and were subsequently studied analytically from the time of Tschirnhaus until the 19th century.Leibniz was interested in caustics and the subject probably inspired him in (...)
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  11.  37
    Leibniz and the Stocking Frame: Computation, Weaving and Knitting in the 17th Century.Michael Friedman - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):11-28.
    The comparison made by Ada Lovelace in 1843 between the Analytical Engine and the Jacquard loom is one of the well-known analogies between looms and computation machines. Given the fact that weaving – and textile production in general – is one of the oldest cultural techniques in human history, the question arises whether this was the first time that such a parallel was drawn. As this paper will show, centuries before Lovelace’s analogy, such a comparison was made by Gottfried (...)
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  12.  85
    Locke on Space, Time, and God.Geoffrey Gorham - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    Locke is famed for his caution in speculative matters: “Men, extending their enquiries beyond their capacities and letting their thoughts wander into those depths where they can find no sure footing; ‘tis no wonder that they raise questions and multiply disputes”. And he is skeptical about the pretensions of natural philosophy, which he says is “not capable of being made a science”. And yet Locke is confident that “Our reason leads us to the knowledge of this certain and evident (...)
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  13.  34
    The Spirit of Einstein and Teilhard in 21st Century Science: The Emergence of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory.Ervin Laszlo - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (1):129 - 136.
    Paradigm-shifts, termed scientific revolutions, occur periodically in the course of science's development The twentieth century witnessed a number of revolutions, first by Albert Einstein and then by Niels Bohr in physics, and subsequently in biology, cosmology and, through the pioneering work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, in the transdisciplinary area that includes human mind and consciousness. But scientific development did not come to a standstill: while the spirit of Einstein and Teilhard is as present as ever, their specific (...)
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    Communicating Science: The Scientific Article From the 17th Century to the Present.Alan G. Gross, Joseph E. Harmon & Michael S. Reidy - 2002 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book describes the development of the scientific article from its modest beginnings to the global phenomenon that it has become today. The authors focus on changes in the style, organization, and argumentative structure of scientific communication over time. This outstanding resource is the definitive study on the rhetoric of science.
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  15.  11
    Science and Technology in Russian Cosmic Utopias from the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Alexander Bogdanov.Marcin Pomarański - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):36-53.
    ABSTRACT The beginning of the twentieth century was a period of an intense development of technological utopia. The advancement of the natural sciences at that time provided scholars and thinkers with a new perspective and a better tool for getting to know the universe. Thanks to this, utopian visions created at that time were more daring and ambitious than their predecessors. It is no coincidence that the first cosmic utopias were created at this time, positioning ideal (...)
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  16.  6
    Five Legal Revolutions Since the 17th Century: An Analysis of a Global Legal History.Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents an analysis of global legal history in Modern times, questioning the effect of political revolutions since the 17th century on the legal field. Readers will discover a non-linear approach to legal history as this work investigates the ways in which law is created. These chapters look at factors in legal revolution such as the role of agents, the policy of applying and publicising legal norms, codification and the orientations of legal writing, and there is a (...)
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  17.  21
    Space and Time as A Priori Forms in the Works of Hermann Cohen and Ivan Lapshin.Vyacheslav I. Savintsev & Varvara S. Popova - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (4):94-121.
    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the need to rethink the status of space and time which Kant considered to be a priori forms of sensibility was prompted by the emergence of new approaches to the methodology of scientific cognition. In neo-Kantian interpretation these cognitive forms acquire a special epistemological status, manifesting themselves in theoretical research as “pre-given” foundations of knowledge. It seems necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of two interconnected neo-Kantian concepts, of Hermann Cohen (...)
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    Economical Unification in Philosophy of Science Before and After Ernst Mach.Avril Styrman - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag. pp. 199-121.
    This article portrays unification of physics as a central tenet of ErnstMach’s thought, and organizes some of the focal issues in philosophy of science around the process of unification of science. Mach finds a natural place in the history. Newton’s Principia marked the beginning of the era of mathematical physics, which developed triumphantly in the eighteenth century, until new phenomena were discovered in the nineteenth century whose explanations went over and above Newtonian physics. Also Positivism emerged (...)
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  19. Frameworks, models, and case studies: a new methodology for studying conceptual change in science and philosophy.Matteo De Benedetto - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    This thesis focuses on models of conceptual change in science and philosophy. In particular, I developed a new bootstrapping methodology for studying conceptual change, centered around the formalization of several popular models of conceptual change and the collective assessment of their improved formal versions via nine evaluative dimensions. Among the models of conceptual change treated in the thesis are Carnap’s explication, Lakatos’ concept-stretching, Toulmin’s conceptual populations, Waismann’s open texture, Mark Wilson’s patches and facades, Sneed’s structuralism, and Paul Thagard’s conceptual (...)
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  20.  14
    Hidden unity in nature's laws.John C. Taylor - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    One of the paradoxes of the physical sciences is that as our knowledge has progressed, more and more diverse physical phenomena can be explained in terms of fewer underlying laws, or principles. In Hidden Unity, eminent physicist John Taylor puts many of these findings into historical perspective and documents how progress is made when unexpected, hidden unities are uncovered between apparently unrelated physical phenomena. Taylor cites examples from the ancient Greeks to the present day, such as the unity of celestial (...)
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  21.  17
    Science as not a Set of Results but the Way of Obtaining Them.Lyudmila A. Markova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (11):96-110.
    The article discusses the differences between the classical logic of science (17th-20th centuries) and non-classical logic (20th century). While classical logic is based on the general properties of the objects studied, non-classical logic is based on the special, individual. The classical logic singled out in the studied objects their common properties that united them and ensured their independence of human. The scientist and his social connections are volatile and cannot serve as a stable basis for obtaining the (...)
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  22.  13
    Time and Space, Science and Philosophy in the Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence.Elhanan Yakira - 2012 - Studia Leibnitiana 44 (1):14-32.
  23.  93
    Leibniz and Newton on Space, Time and the Trinity.Paul Redding - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (16):26-41.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who was born in 1646 just before the end of the Thirty Years War and who died 1716, is surely one of the most bizarre and interesting of the early modern philosophers. He was an astonishing polymath, and responsible for some of the most advanced work in the sciences of his day—he was, for instance, the co-inventor along with Newton, of differential calculus, and is generally recognized as the greatest logician of the early modern period, responsible for (...)
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  24. Spacetime philosophy reconstructed via massive Nordström scalar gravities? Laws vs. geometry, conventionality, and underdetermination.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 53:73-92.
    What if gravity satisfied the Klein-Gordon equation? Both particle physics from the 1920s-30s and the 1890s Neumann-Seeliger modification of Newtonian gravity with exponential decay suggest considering a "graviton mass term" for gravity, which is _algebraic_ in the potential. Unlike Nordström's "massless" theory, massive scalar gravity is strictly special relativistic in the sense of being invariant under the Poincaré group but not the 15-parameter Bateman-Cunningham conformal group. It therefore exhibits the whole of Minkowski space-time structure, albeit only indirectly concerning (...)
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  25. Locke and Newton on Space and Time and Their Sensible Measures.Edward Slowik & Geoffrey Gorham - 2014 - In Zvi Biener Eric Schliesser (ed.), Newton and Empiricism. New York: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 119-137.
    It is well-known that Isaac Newton’s conception of space and time as absolute -- “without reference to anything external” (Principia, 408) -- was anticipated, and probably influenced, by a number of figures among the earlier generation of seventeenth century natural philosophers, including Pierre Gassendi, Henry More, and Newton’s own teacher Isaac Barrow. The absolutism of Newton’s contemporary and friend, John Locke, has received much less attention, which is unfortunate for several reasons. First, Locke’s views of space (...)
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  26.  35
    Probability, Time, and Space in Eighteenth-Century LiteraturePaula R. Backscheider.G. Rousseau - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):348-349.
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    Showing and hiding: The flickering visibility of earth workers in the archives of earth science.Lydia Barnett - 2020 - History of Science 58 (3):245-274.
    This essay interrogates the motives of eighteenth-century European naturalists to alternately show and hide their laboring-class fossil suppliers. Focusing on rare moments of heightened visibility, I ask why gentlemen naturalists occasionally, deliberately, and even performatively made visible the marginalized science workers on whom they crucially depended but more typically ignored or effaced. Comparing archival fragments from elite works of natural history across a considerable stretch of time and space, including Italy, France, Switzerland, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Spain, (...)
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  28. Physics and Metaphysics: Theories of Space and Time.Jennifer Trusted - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Jennifer Trusted's new book argues that metaphysical beliefs are essential for scientific inquiry. The theories, presuppositions and beliefs that neither science nor everyday experience can justify are the realm of metaphysics, literally `beyond physics'. These basic beliefs form a framework for our activities and can be discovered in science, common sense and religion. By examining the history of science from the eleventh century to the present, this book shows how religious and mystical beliefs, as well as (...)
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  29.  8
    Time in Music and Culture.Ludwik Bielawski - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften. Edited by John Comber.
    For centuries, the dispute over time has concerned mainly its objective and relative character. For the author, besides philosophy and science, the principal point of reference is man, the way he exists in time and space, and the way he observes, senses and organises those domains, as documented in the products of musical activity.
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  30.  36
    The Intuition of Time Between Science and Art History in the Early Twentieth Century.Gabriel Motzkin - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (1):207-220.
    The ArgumentThis article compares the corresponding effects in science and art of a change in the intuition of time at the beginning of this century. McTaggart's distinction between linear time and tense time is applied to the question of whether linear perspective requires a notion of time as succession. It is argued that the problem of self-representation is a basic problem for this kind of uniform space-time because of the contradiction between this (...)
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  31.  11
    Time and space in the internet age.Stephen Kern - 2024 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book analyzes changes in ideas about and experiences of time and space from 1880 to 2020, relying on new technologies for causal explanations of changes in nine key elements of time and space. Time and Space in the Internet Age is a thought-provoking study for academics and general readers interested in the history of technology and science.
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    Some Mathematical, Epistemological, and Historical Reflections on the Relationship Between Geometry and Reality, SpaceTime Theory and the Geometrization of Theoretical Physics, from Riemann to Weyl and Beyond.Luciano Boi - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (1):1-38.
    The history and philosophy of science are destined to play a fundamental role in an epoch marked by a major scientific revolution. This ongoing revolution, principally affecting mathematics and physics, entails a profound upheaval of our conception of space, spacetime, and, consequently, of natural laws themselves. Briefly, this revolution can be summarized by the following two trends: by the search for a unified theory of the four fundamental forces of nature, which are known, as of now, (...)
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  33.  27
    An Evolving Scientific Public Sphere: State Science Enlightenment, Communicative Discourse, and Public Culture from Imperial Russia to Khrushchev's Soviet Times.James T. Andrews - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):509-526.
    ArgumentBy the late nineteenth century, science pedagogues and academicians became involved in a vast movement to popularize science throughout the Russian empire. With the aftermath of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, many now found the new Marxist state a willing supporter of their goals of spreading science to an under-educated public. In the Stalin era, Soviet state officials believed that the spread of science and technology had to coalesce with the Communist Party's utilitarian goals and needs (...)
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  34.  33
    Interdisciplinary atomism? Exploring twentieth-century culture through Einstein Marcia Bartusiak,Einstein's Unfinished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of SpaceTime. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2000. Pp. xii+249. ISBN 0-309-06987-4. £17.95 . Alice Calaprice , The Expanded Quotable Einstein. With a foreword by Freeman Dyson. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000. Pp. xliii+407. ISBN 0-691-07021-0. £11.95, $18.95 . Klaus Hentschel , Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Ann M. Hentschel, Editorial Assistant and Translator. Erwin Hiebert and Hans Wussing , Science Networks: Historical Studies, 18. Basel, Boston and Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1996. Pp. ci+406+civ. ISBN 3-7643-5312-0. DM 178.00, SFR 148.00, €98.00 . Gerald Holton,Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2000. Pp. xii+240. ISBN 0-674-00433-7. £12.50 . Don Howard and J. [REVIEW]Richard Staley - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (2):221-230.
  35. Time and Space.Hermann Minkowski - 1918 - The Monist 28 (2):288-302.
  36. Space, Time and Falsifiability Critical Exposition and Reply to "A Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science".Adolf Grünbaum - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (4):469 - 588.
    Prompted by the "Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science" (Philosophy of Science 36, December, 1969) and other recent literature, this essay ranges over major issues in the philosophy of space, time and space-time as well as over problems in the logic of ascertaining the falsity of a scientific hypothesis. The author's philosophy of geometry has recently been challenged along three main distinct lines as follows: (i) The Panel article by G. J. Massey calls (...)
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  37.  25
    The History of SPACE Between Science and Ordinary Language: What Can Words Tell Us About Conceptual Change?Lin Chalozin-Dovrat - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (2):244-277.
    Lexical evidence reveals that ordinary notions of space underwent a dramatic change from the late seventeenth century into the first decades of the nineteenth century: the word’s core meaning metamorphosed from INTERVAL to DIMENSION, revolutionizing relations between ordinary conceptions of time and space. Analyzing instances of the word in French over the years 1330–1835 indicates this conceptual change of SPACE was concurrent with growing interest in metaphysics and natural philosophy and echoed debates—provoked by Newton’s (...)
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  38.  34
    Antalya Madrasahs Between the 17th and 20th Centuries As Reflected in Archive Documents.Gülşen İstek - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):103-125.
    Antalya, which is today’s attraction center with its historical and natural beauties, was described as “a city like heaven” since ancient times. This city hosted many civilisations and states until the 13th century and became an important seaport after The Seljuks took over the region. The Seljuks applied civilization and urbanization policy also in Antalya, like other regions they ruled. The mosques, madrasahs (Islamıc theology institutions), schools, baths, caravansearis (hostels), hospices, and water cisterns in this period changed the structure (...)
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  39.  19
    Are Statistics Only Made of Data?: Know-how and Presupposition from the 17th and 19th Centuries.Éric Brian - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book examines several epistemological regimes in studies of numerical data over the last four centuries. It distinguishes these regimes and mobilises questions present in the philosophy of science, sociology and historical works throughout the 20th century. Attention is given to the skills of scholars and their methods, their assumptions, and the socio-historical conditions that made calculations and their interpretations possible. In doing so, questions posed as early as Émile Durkheim’s and Ernst Cassirer’s ones are revisited and the (...)
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  40.  52
    Kant’s Concept of Space and Time in the Light of Modern Science.Ilya Dvorkin - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (2).
    Although the name of Immanuel Kant has survived in the history of culture as the name of one of the greatest philosophers of modern times, Kant's role as a scientist is also very important. His work in the field of cosmology and physics is directly related to philosophy. Kant's development of the transcendental method was a direct result of thinking about the relationship between mathematics and experiment. Transcendentalism and Kant's theory of subjectivity continue the development of physics from Galileo to (...)
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  41.  23
    Time and Space in Time and Space.Janne Holmén - 2020 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 15 (2):105-129.
    Mental maps and historical consciousness, which describe the spatial and temporal dimensions of worldviews, are not, as commonly stated, twentieth century concepts. Historical consciousness was coined simultaneously by several German scholars in the mid-1800s. Mental maps, used in English since the 1820s, had a prominent role in US geography education from the 1880s. Since then, the concepts have traveled between practical-technical, educational, and academic vocabularies, cross fertilizing fields and contributing to the formation of new research questions. However, when these (...)
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    Integrating History and Philosophy of Science.Ernan McMullin - unknown
    Part One of the paper begins by recalling a historic conference in 1969 that argued the importance of work that would draw on both history and philosophy of science, two academic fields that had in the previous decades distanced themselves from one another. It goes on to review the rather mixed success of that appeal in the years since then and to suggest the need for a forum that would encourage work of that kind, of the sort that &HPS (...)
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    Science and Mathematics: From Primitive to Modern Times.Jayant V. Narlikar - 2021 - Routledge India.
    This book offers an engaging and comprehensive introduction to scientific theories, and the evolution of science and mathematics through the centuries. It discusses the history of scientific thought and ideas and the intricate dynamic between new scientific discoveries, scientists, culture, and societies. Through stories and historical accounts, the volume illustrates the human engagement and preoccupation with science and the interpretation of natural phenomena. It highlights key scientific breakthroughs from the ancient to later ages, giving us accounts of the (...)
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  44.  39
    Epistemic Virtues in the Sciences and the Humanities.Herman Paul & Jeroen van Dongen (eds.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores how physicists, astronomers, chemists, and historians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries employed ‘epistemic virtues’ such as accuracy, objectivity, and intellectual courage. In doing so, it takes the first step in providing an integrated history of the sciences and humanities. It assists in addressing such questions as: What kind of perspective would enable us to compare organic chemists in their labs with paleographers in the Vatican Archives, or anthropologists on a field trip with mathematicians poring (...)
  45.  45
    Conceptual and Mathematical Structures of Mechanical Science in the Western Civilization around 18th Century.Raffaele Pisano & Danilo Capecchi - 2013 - Almagest 4 (2):86-21.
    One may discuss the role played by mechanical science in the history of scientific ideas, particularly in physics, focusing on the significance of the relationship between physics and mathematics in describing mathematical laws in the context of a scientific theory. In the second Newtonian law of motion, space and time are crucial physical magnitudes in mechanics, but they are also mathematical magnitudes as involved in derivative operations. Above all, if we fail to acknowledge their mathematical meaning, we (...)
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    Congruity Effects in Time and Space: Behavioral and ERP Measures.Ursina Teuscher, Marguerite McQuire, Jennifer Collins & Seana Coulson - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (3):563-578.
    Two experiments investigated whether motion metaphors for time affected the perception of spatial motion. Participants read sentences either about literal motion through space or metaphorical motion through time written from either the ego‐moving or object‐moving perspective. Each sentence was followed by a cartoon clip. Smiley‐moving clips showed an iconic happy face moving toward a polygon, and shape‐moving clips showed a polygon moving toward a happy face. In Experiment 1, using an explicit judgment task, participants judged smiley‐moving cartoons (...)
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  47.  92
    A Non-Aristotelian Model: Time as Space and Landscape in Postmodern Theatre. [REVIEW]Dasha Krijanskaia - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):337-345.
    In his Poetics, Aristotle articulated certain ideas on the structure of drama that dominated both dramatic literature and theatre practices for the centuries to come. In this article I show how the thorough analysis of his statements leads us to believe that he endorses causality, narrativity, and temporal linearity as primary factors in the organization of dramatic and stage texts. Tracing various modifications of causality throughout theatre history, I use the work of the two prominent contemporary directors, Eimuntas Nekrosius and (...)
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  48. Introduction to Special Issue on Seventeenth Century Absolute Space and Time.Geoffrey Gorham & Edward Slowik - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):1-3.
    The articles that comprise this special issue of Intellectual History Review are briefly described.
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  49. Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language.Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    In the dissertation we study the complexity of generalized quantifiers in natural language. Our perspective is interdisciplinary: we combine philosophical insights with theoretical computer science, experimental cognitive science and linguistic theories. -/- In Chapter 1 we argue for identifying a part of meaning, the so-called referential meaning (model-checking), with algorithms. Moreover, we discuss the influence of computational complexity theory on cognitive tasks. We give some arguments to treat as cognitively tractable only those problems which can be computed in (...)
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    Eternity, time, and space.Wolfhart Pannenberg - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):97-106.
    . The concepts of space and time are important in physics and geometry, but their definition is not the exclusive prerogative of those sciences. Space and time are important for ordinary human experience, as well as for philosophy and theology. Samuel Clarke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Isaac Newton, Immanuel Kant, and Albert Einstein are important figures in shaping our understandings of space, time, and eternity. The author subjects their arguments to critical examination. Space is (...)
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