The term ‘pedagogical tact’ is very difficult to theoretically define and operationalize in practice. The aim of this paper is to analyse this construct which is not only often used in both theory and practice, but also differently defined and understood in literature. Despite the general consensus on the fact that pedagogical tact represents one of education’s crucial parts, this phenomenon is still shrouded in a veil of mystery due to which it has been placed on the margins of educational discourse because it is not susceptible to behaviouristic, measurable and conceptually technical language. Pedagogical tact is known as “the jewel of the pedagogical skill” which means it is being developed by theoretical understanding of educational process and mastered in practice. Teacher with highly developed pedagogical tact puts students’ wellbeing and interests on top, respects them and their individuality, has the ability to interpret their thoughts, understanding, feelings and desires as well as carefully and adequately act in complex and unpredictable educational situations. Pedagogical tact offers teachers a basis for continuous development of practice, personal pedagogical attitudes and values as well as critical approach to curricula.