Pearson (
This timely and innovative book relies on its author's experience in teaching interactive reasoning to explore the origins, the theory, reasoning, and clinical practice of interaction in occupational therapy. It is organized and based upon the belief that practice is a composite of philosophy, theory, and empirical data. Chapter topics cover essential requirements in the field—based on standards for certification and an accredited educational program for the Occupational Therapist or OT Assistant—to give readers first-hand exposure to practice as it is thought about and applied in 2001 and beyond. The book's four-section organization begins with philosophy, theory, and research base; portrays application to practice settings; covers population; and concludes with research, evidence, and education. For practicing occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and psychiatrists—as well as clinicians from variety of related fields such as physical therapy, speech/language pathology, and nursing.