Ideja identiteta izobličila se pretpostavkama monolitne afilijacije, uvjerenja da osoba pripada samo jednom kolektivu. Teško je i danas zanijekati kruženje takvih pristupa, međutim teza o »pluralnom monokulturalizmu« nobelovca Amartye Sena razotkriva njihovu redukcionističku pogrešku. U ovom članku cilj nam je pokazati razmjere te pogreške i njezine implikacije na pitanje globalne pravde. »Pristupom sposobnostima« nudimo mogući smjer u rješavanju nagomilanih multikulturalnih problema te zaključujemo kako jedino ispravnom idejom i realizacijom kreposti pravednosti možemo utemeljiti put u ispravno formiranje svijesti o osobnom i društvenom identitetu.The idea of identity has been distorted by the assumptions of monolith affiliation, the beliefs that each person belongs to one collective only. It is hard to deny the circulation of these monolith approaches nowadays, but the thesis of Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen about “plural monoculturalism” exposes their reductionist error. In this article our aim is to show the proportions of this error and implications on the question concerning global justice. With the “capability approach” we are offering possible direction in solving some major multicultural problems, and we conclude that only with the right idea and realization of virtue of justice it is possible to establish a way in proper forming of our consciousness about personal and social identity